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Trump International Golf Club Scotland Ltd Accounts 2013 PDF

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Preview Trump International Golf Club Scotland Ltd Accounts 2013

‘conan nFoRtaaTION 2 STRATEGIC REFOR ey RECTORS REPORT 5 PROT AND LOSE ACCOUNT « Mel Trump sechevaR are sors! eaisTseD OFFICE salir court tae Tera Elna REGISTERED KUNE seze2100 Stra cure aiterah auorro%s -ehnston Cuma UP Bi’: Core aan Pee forthe yer ened Deemer 2083 ‘The decors resent ther strata reom fer thecompany fr the yer eed 3 Orenmber 7033 Thecarpanyspsptecy un the yar werthconion of ny er ly chamonhin Inks etfcous autquoes et! nd golf hoa shop bar and restart Gen the Ince nature of he lnter westhr nthe ran, th parton the yl coms estan penrgin arch lasing Newnrberesh yer The a hee sy br enema aman openal ea dees Mackecd House wd Legre setnew oF 28 BUSES 2013 wr tne fre fuer of apecatonfollouing the apcnng oF he champs cose a the tempers pf toure Hl M37, whic In atin tha Ffrbihien and unc of Meco ous and gern Octobe 043, ha ested 454 aceasta flac steal ed Ieternton eyes sire the resort. 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This wy named "Trump Ufc, cle’ by the sre, ota and Eh welt ‘eget, abo poder nrarout eommerel opportu for sipars and anes parers ‘suppertnathe dendepment of theeset ar aol. Interne ef cap nccient th rune Organisation hs tte tha whl thelr ene the reco ramets unfang, the hte second gulf come aed fate paca of te pret have Deh otponed unl sih tne tate Seah Goran ad regi Coun hee svete thet “Rance om uppong the wn am delopman eigen ar Abr dee By. Tht al he Cerise gina) objectie te i ertued ta axpctatons of whos tthe OR, and # new permanant those pannoaSeraneruton 38 The prot ond lee ezopt and tnange shot ar st ut pgs B Ad §. The as On onary ces before tation forthe yee ended 31 Dace 2018 amounted 19 ELA.77 (042 117880) Aers te charge forthe yar ended 3 Deere 2013 fal (207d Infor te yar ane 3 Deere 2012 ten 122,579 O4R-EL7a3¢03), Sheeler funds 31Dasaer 013 amounted tele £7 60539 (2032 saree” nde ea oF 5758000, sranreaictPont Fore yourended 11 Decombe 38 conte EY ARAMA PERPORWANCE IEATORS Manapemant athe camanty pre he decors wih ata ef Fa at the end ofeach nth ‘Thavelnudean arts one en ont en year en yea! anmelnrevenun cnc hoping, froftfe orh Cepuimen. Where elena aoe of PO MHS Ce wut eel rpoted forthe food ond baerge and rotanepeatone PROC IAS io UNCERTAINTIES ‘he eecors easier thatthe fllowng athe princi ses tht coud teri af the sumpany future operating pect or Manca pesto: + vss frees coer faunlns ecm iterator vers ably to vel San “Conte nfrglonarvestment in deat aspartate ks + Conpettion ticity tom apertors areal respon the orn + Aveteblty ich aval, value tr mancy porsonne “he commun asta ole and arpnenonl sues oink these ik andthe bod oF iris and manager eglrly rene ran sareand proach iice aseete le, on btu tha dtr Mba NeaWewsebers 28 Septomter 204 RECON! REPORT forthe yee seded 31 December 202 cn December 2013, “he rests eth year ar shown on page 3. The company didnt alr oF rayon tens cn she yeas ended 3 Decerter 20501 202 Thm sme ad obfcther ef thecompey aa inhi nthe Strate Ropert hon pa RECTORS AND SECRETARY AND THEIR TEREST The drectasaod sevetaryselsa‘on page 7 and nla otheee sta, be saved trouRhoUt (me yun erides 38 December 2018. StATEUGNTOR DIARCTORS RESRONSIUTES The restr ae response fr preparing the steals repor etn! rept and Ai otorersinsezartance wth appleable wand ogustlont comp acest accra ah aetementsor each ron ea, Unger tat Tame dresorshave repre te Manel statements naecesance wah Una irgdnon Gael emote fcsoitlng Practice (Unked Iga Aeeounng Standards and apie lw). 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