TTrruuee FFaammiillyy VVaalluueess T E HIRD DITION J H P OONG YUN AK AND A W NDREW ILSON F F AMILY EDERATION FOR W P U ORLD EACE AND NIFICATION Family Federation for World Peace and Unification USA 4 West 43rd Street New York, NY 10036 Europe Ch. de la Pierreire 1 D CH-1092 Belmont-sur-Lausanne Switzerland Third Edition 2006 Joong Hyun Pak & Andrew Wilson Printed in the E.U., September 2006 ISBN 1-931166-25-0 Cover illustration: Natascha Nahum To Reverend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon, our True Parents and true teachers of true family values Contents The Family Pledge iv .............................................................................................. Preface by Rabbi Yitzhak Bar Dea ix .......................................................... Preface by Rev. Dr. John S. Mbiti xi ............................................................ Introduction to the Third Edition xiii ........................................................... Introduction xv ............................................................................................................ The Premise: Our Family of True Love 1 ................................................................................. Pledge 1: Partners with Christ in Establishing God’s Kingdom 41 .................. Pledge 2: The Vertical Axis of Love 57 ............................................................................ Pledge 3: The Textbook of Love 97 ..................................................................................... Pledge 4: The Universal Family 151 .................................................................................... Pledge 5: Reaching to the Spirit World 185 ................................................................... Pledge 6: Spreading God’s Blessing 219 .......................................................................... Pledge 7: The Culture of Heart in the New Millennium 259 ............................... Pledge 8: Complete Oneness in Love 293 ......................................................................... Conclusion: Blueprint for the Kingdom of Heaven 375 ............................................... Postscript 391 ............................................................................................................... About the Authors 395 ........................................................................................... Preface This book deals with the most important question for any human being. Judaism bases its values on the Torah, the Bible. Already in the beginning of the Bible we read that God created man in his two parts – man and woman, Adam and Eve – that together became the first family in the world. God’s first commandment to man was “be fruitful and multiply.” In other words: build families and bring new generations to the world. Thus we can also understand that the family is the most natural and healthy place, mentally and physically, for raising a person from childhood. Children without parents, or with only one parent, are destined to carry their whole lives a great deficiency. Therefore, if we wish to improve the quality of human life, we must strengthen the family unit and encourage young people to come under the covenant of marriage. Our contemporary era is supposed to be most progressive and enlightened, and is indeed such in the fields of technology and science. Sadly, however, in the areas of values and morals we see regression, more and more divorces and fewer marriages. I thank Dr. Pak and Dr. Wilson for dealing with this issue and publishing a book that offers a special contribution for promoting and molding the family in a better world. Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Bar-Dea Ramat-Gan, Israel