Tropospheric ozone and photochemical processing of hydrocarbons; laboratory based kinetic and product studies. Thesis submitted to the University of Manchester for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences 2012 Kimberley Edith Leather School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences 2 Contents Abstract ................................................................................................... 4 Declaration ................................................................................................................. 5 Copyright statement .................................................................................................. 6 Alternative format ...................................................................................................... 7 1 Introduction ...................................................................................... 9 1.1 Tropospheric ozone ......................................................................................... 9 1.2 Hydrocarbons in the atmosphere ................................................................. 11 1.2.1 Sources ................................................................................................. 11 1.2.2 Sinks ..................................................................................................... 12 1.3 Alkene ozonolysis; the importance of kinetics .............................................. 13 1.3.1 Structure Activity Relationships ........................................................... 15 1.4 Alkene ozonolysis reaction mechanism ........................................................ 16 1.5 The reaction of halogen oxides with peroxy radicals leading to ozone depletion .................................................................................................. 20 1.5.1 Peroxy radical sources.......................................................................... 20 1.5.2 Halogen oxide sources ......................................................................... 20 1.5.3 Sinks via the XO + RO reaction leading to ozone depletion ............... 21 2 1.5.4 Existing XO + RO kinetics .................................................................... 23 2 1.6 Aims and objectives ....................................................................................... 24 2 Paper A ........................................................................................... 27 3 Paper B ........................................................................................... 29 4 Paper C ........................................................................................... 31 5 Paper D ........................................................................................... 33 6 Paper E ........................................................................................... 35 7 Conclusions and Future work .......................................................... 37 8 Acknowledgements ........................................................................ 42 9 References ...................................................................................... 43 Word count: 47,965 3 Abstract Laboratory based temperature-dependent kinetics and product yields for alkene ozonolysis and the reaction of CH O with ClO and BrO have been measured via 3 2 chamber studies and a turbulent flow tube coupled to CIMS (Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometry). In order to gain a better understanding of the fate of the products formed during hydrocarbon oxidation and their subsequent impact on the ozone budget (and so the oxidising capacity of the atmosphere) it is imperative to know the rate at which these reactions proceed and to identify their product yields. As tropospheric temperature varies, Arrhenius parameters were determined during the ozonolysis of selected alkenes. The temperature dependent kinetic database was extended and the activation energies for the ozonolysis of selected alkenes were correlated with an existing SAR (Structure Activity Relationship). Given the myriad organic species in the atmosphere, SARs are useful tools for the prediction of rate coefficients. Inclusion of Arrhenius parameters into the SAR allows for prediction over a range of temperatures, improving the conditions reflected in models. Achieving mass balance for alkene ozonolysis has proven to be a difficult challenge considering the numerous pathways of the Criegee Intermediate (CI). The product yield of formic acid – an organic acid with significant atmospheric implications which is under predicted by models – was determined as a function of relative humidity during ethene ozonolysis. This reaction exhibited a strong water dependence which lead to the prediction of the reaction rate of the CI with water which ranges between 1 × 10-12 – 1 × 10-15 cm3 molecule-1 s-1 and will therefore dominate its loss with respect to bimolecular processes in the atmosphere. Peroxy radicals, strongly influence the total oxidising capacity of the troposphere. The reaction of peroxy radicals with halogen oxides is recognised to be responsible for considerable ozone depletion in the atmosphere, exacerbated by reactive halogens (X, XO) taking part in catalytic cycles. Arrhenius parameters were determined for ClO + CH O and BrO + CH O . Temperature is an important parameter affecting rate, 3 2 3 2 exemplified here as the reaction involving ClO exhibited a positive temperature dependence whereas for BrO a negative temperature dependence was evident. As a consequence, the impact of ClO + CH O with respect to ozone loss is diminished. 3 2 Global modelling predicts a reduction in ozone loss by a factor of around 1.5 and implicates regions such as clean marine environments rather than the polar stratosphere. Conversely, a more pronounced temperature dependence for the reaction of BrO with CH O placed particular importance on lower stratospheric 3 2 chemistry where the modelled CH O oxidation is doubled. The main products for this 3 2 reaction were identified to be HOBr and CH O . The decomposition of CH O could 2 2 2 2 enhance HO in the lower and middle stratosphere and contribute to a significant x source of HO in the upper troposphere. Bimolecular reaction of CH O with water x 2 2 could also provide a none negligible source HC(O)OH in the upper troposphere. Alkenes and peroxy radicals undergo chemical processing in the atmosphere whilst acting as a source and sink of ozone and thus can impose detrimental effects on the biosphere, climate and air quality of the Earth. 4 Declaration No portion of the work referred to in the thesis has been submitted in support of an application for another degree or qualification of this or any other university or other institute of learning. 5 Copyright statement The author of this thesis (including any appendices and/or schedules to this thesis) owns certain copyright or related rights in it (the “Copyright”) and she has given The University of Manchester certain rights to use such Copyright, including for administrative purposes. Copies of this thesis, either in full or in extracts and whether in hard or electronic copy, may be made only in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (as amended) and regulations issued under it or, where appropriate, in accordance with licensing agreements which the University has from time to time. The ownership of certain Copyright, patents, designs, trade marks and other intellectual property (the “Intellectual Property”) and any reproductions of copyright works in the thesis, for example graphs and tables (“Reproductions”), which may be described in this thesis, may not be owned by the author and may be owned by third parties. Such Intellectual Property and Reproductions cannot and must not be made available for use without the prior written permission of the owner(s) of the relevant Intellectual Property and/or Reproductions. Further information on the conditions under which disclosure, publication and commercialisation of this thesis, the Copyright and any Intellectual Property and/or Reproductions described in it may take place is available in the University IP Policy (see property.pdf), in any relevant Thesis restriction declarations deposited in the University Library, The University Library’s regulations (see and in The University’s policy on presentation of Theses. 6 Alternative format Tropospheric ozone and photochemical processing of hydrocarbons; laboratory based kinetic and product studies. Chamber studies Flow tube studies Research paper A: Temperature- dependent ozonolysis kinetics of selected alkenes in the gas phase: an experimental and Research paper D: structure–activity relationship Temperature and pressure (SAR) study dependence of the rate coefficient for the reaction between ClO and CH O in 3 2 How do the gas-phase heteroatomic substituents affect the rate of alkene ozonolysis? Is BrO analogous to ClO? What are the product yields of alkene ozonolysis? Research paper B: Research paper E: A Temperature-dependent kinetic and product study kinetics for the ozonolysis of the reaction between of selected chlorinated BrO and CH O radicals as 3 2 alkenes in the gas phase a function of temperature using a Turbulent Flow system coupled with Chemical Ionisation Mass Research paper C: Acid-yield Spectrometry measurements and product studies of the gas-phase ozonolysis of ethene as a function of humidity using Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometry (CIMS) 7 8 Introduction 1.1 Tropospheric ozone The atmospheric implications of ozone relate human health, ecosystems and climate. It was the infamous Los Angeles photochemical smog episode of 1945 that highlighted the importance of tropospheric ozone (Haagen-Smit, 1951; Seinfeld 1998). Ozone is an established pollutant, contributor to secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation and a greenhouse gas (Finlayson-Pitts, 2000; Science Policy Report, 2008). Human health studies report acute and chronic effects owed to ozone exposure such as reduced lung function, airway inflammation and increased asthma incidences (Science Policy Report, 2008). An estimated 21400 deaths per year have been attributed to high ozone levels (EEA Report, 2007). Ozone is a greenhouse gas (IPCC, 2007) though it can also enhance global warming indirectly as reduced photosynthesis rates have been correlated to elevated [O ], which may decrease the terrestrial carbon sink (Wittig, 3 2007). In polluted regions, peaks of 200 ppb of ozone have been reported under warm and sunny meteorological conditions (Science Policy Report, 2008). Ozone levels are primarily dictated by chemical processes; however they are further affected by stratosphere-troposphere exchange and dry deposition. The production of tropospheric ozone includes both anthropogenic and biogenic sources formed through reactions involving NO , NMHCs, CO and CH . Figure 1 illustrates tropospheric ozone x 4 production pathways via hydrocarbon oxidation. 9 O 3 HNO 3 HO hv 2 NO NO 2 OH 2 Hydrocarbons O 2 NO HO HO ROOH 2 RO HO 2 H O 2 2 2 2 NO O NO RO 2 RHO 2 O hv 2 O 3 Figure 1: Hydrocarbon oxidation; tropospheric ozone production. Peroxy radicals are key intermediates in the oxidation of VOCs and are responsible for the conversion of NO to NO . NO can then be photolysed, after which the odd oxygen 2 2 proceeds to form ozone (Figure 1). At intermediate NO levels (~70−1000 ppt NO ) x x (Science Policy Report, 2008) associated with rural environments of industrialised countries, a net ozone formation is observed, although the reaction between RO and 2 NO does not constitute the main sink of peroxy radicals (refer to Figure 1) and the cycle can be termed ‘NO limited’. Here, peroxides (ROOH and H O ) are the main sink for x 2 2 RO and HO though if NO were to increase, NO could compete for peroxy radicals to 2 2 x x form NO and subsequently produce O . At high NO levels, indicative of urban areas, 2 3 x reaction of NO with RO and HO become prevalent though if NO continues to increase 2 2 x O formation will not rise indefinitely as the cycle now becomes ‘VOC limited’. OH 3 radicals are sequestered by NO in the presence of a third body, yielding HNO . If 2 3 however, elevated levels of VOCs compete for OH, high O episodes occur, though O is 3 3 also titrated by reaction of NO with O . 3 In ‘clean’ environments, such as the marine boundary layer, low NO levels exist (< 20 x ppt). Under these conditions, a net O loss is apparent as the sink products ROOHand 3 H O become prominent at the expense of the reaction of RO + NO. Here, the net loss 2 2 2 is relatively small as ozone photolysis initiates the cycle. However, ozone loss can be 10