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Tropical Flowering Plants - A Guide to Identification and Cultiv PDF

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T R O P I C A L FLOWERING PLANTS T R O P I C A : FLOWERIN PLANTS A Guide to Identification and Cultivation Text and photography by KIRSTEN ALBRECHT LLAMAS TIMBER PRESS Portland • Cambridge Copyright © 2003 by Kirsten Albrecht Llamas. All rights reserved. Half title: Plumeria hybrids. Title page: Neoregelia carolinae 'Meyendorfii'. Page 27: Etlingem elatior, red form. Published in 2003 by Timber Press, Inc. Timber Press The Haseltine Building 2 Station Road 133 S.W. Second Avenue, Suite 450 Swavesey Portland, Oregon 97204, U.S.A. Cambridge CB4 5QJ, U.K. Designed by Susan Applegate Printed in Hong Kong Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Llamas, Kirsten Albrecht. Tropical flowering plants: a guide to identification and cultivation/text and photography by Kirsten Albrecht Llamas. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-88192-585-3 1. Tropical plants. 2. Tropical plants—Identification. 3. Tropical plants—Pictorial works. I. Title. SB407.L592003 635'.9523'0222—dc21 2002075651 To my husband, Roberto our daughters, Marcela Teresa Llamas Losh Tania Cecilia Llamas Cornelison Sasha Lenora Llamas our grandson, Liam Joseph Losh and to my mother and father, Josephine Eleanor Farmer Albrecht Herbert Otto Albrecht (1899-1977) CONTENTS 11 Foreword by 41 ADOXACEAE 56 Hippeastrum 70 Tabernaemontana Richard A. Howard 41 Sambucus 57 Hymenocallis 72 Thevetia 12 Preface 42 AGAPANTHACEAE 57 Proiphys 72 Trachelospermum 15 Acknowledgments 42 Agapanthus 58 Rhodophiala 72 Wrightia 19 Introduction 42 AGAVACEAE 58 Scadoxus 72 APOCYNACEAE 25 US DA Hardiness 42 Agave 58 ANACARDIACEAE formerly AS CLE PI AD AC EAE Zone Map 47 Furcraea 58 Mangifera 73 Asclepias 47 Yucca 59 Schinus 73 Calotropis 27 Plant Descriptions 48 AIZOACEAE 60 Spondias 73 Cryptostegia 28 ACANTHACEAE 49 Aptenia 60 ANNONACEAE 74 Hoya 28 Acanthus 49 Carpobrotus 60 Annona 74 Orbea 28 Aphelandra 49 Glottiphyllum 61 Artabotrys 75 Stapelia 29 Asystasia 49 Lampranthus 61 Cananga 75 Stephanotis 29 Barleria 50 Trichodiadema 61 Polyalthia 75 AQUIFOLIACEAE 30 Crossandra 50 ALISMATACEAE 62 Rollinia 75 Ilex 31 Dyschoriste 50 Hydrockys 62 APOCYNACEAE 76 ARACEAE 31 Eranthemum 50 Sagittaria 62 Adenium 76 Aglaonema 32 Fittonia 51 ALLIACEAE 63 Allamanda 77 Alocasia 32 Graptophyllum 51 Tulbaghia 64 Alstonia 78 Amorphophallus 32 Hypoestes 51 ALSTROEMERIACEAE 64 Beaumontia 80 Anthurium 32 Justicia 51 Alstroemeria 65 Carissa 81 Caladium 34 Mackaya 52 AMARANTH AC EAE 65 Catharanthus 81 Colocasia 34 Megaskepasma 52 Alternanthera 65 Chonemorpha 82 Cyrtosperma 34 Odontonema 52 Celosia 65 Kopsia 82 Dieffenbachia 35 Pachystachys 52 Iresine 65 Mandevilla 82 Dracontium 35 Pseuderanthemum 53 AMARYLLIDACEAE 66 Nerium 82 Epipremnum 36 Ruellia 53 xAmarcrinum 66 Ochrosia 83 Gonatopus 38 Ruspolia 53 Amaryllis 67 Odontadenia 83 Homalomena 38 Ruttya 53 Clivia 67 Pachypodium 84 Monstera 38 xRuttyruspolia 54 Crinum 68 Pentalinon 84 Philodendron 38 Sanchezia 55 Eucharis 68 Plumeria 85 Pistia 39 Schaueria 56 Eucrosia 69 Prestonia 86 Pothoidium 39 Strobilanthes 56 Habranthus 70 Stemmadenia 86 Spathicarpa 39 Thunbergia 56 Haemanthus 70 Strophanthus 86 Spathiphyllum 87 Syngonium 119 Syagrus 142 Saritaea 169 Casuarina 87 Xanthosoma 120 Thrinax 142 Spathodea 170 CECROPIACEAE 87 Zantedeschia 120 Veitchia 142 Tabebuia 170 Cecropia 88 ARALIACEAE 121 Washingtonia 145 Tecoma 170 CISTACEAE 88 Osmoxylon 122 Wodyetia 146 Tecomanthe 171 Cistus 88 Schefflera 123 Zombia 146 BIXACEAE 171 CLUSIACEAE 89 ARECACEAE 123 ARISTOLOCHIACEAE 146 Bixa 172 Clusia 90 Acoelorrhaphe 123 Aristolochia 147 BORAGINACEAE 172 Mammea 90 Adonidia 124 ASPHODELACEAE 147 Cordia 173 Mesua 90 Aiphanes 124 Aloe 148 Echium 173 COCHLOSPERMACEAE 91 Allagoptera 128 Bulbine 150 Wigandia 173 Cochlospermum 91 Archontophoenix 128 ASTERACEAE 150 BRASSICACEAE 173 COLCHICACEAE 92 Areca 128 Cheirolophus 150 Capparis 174 Gloriosa 92 Astrocaryum 128 Coreopsis 150 Cleome 174 COMBRETACEAE 92 Attaka 129 Dahlia 151 Crateva 174 Bucida 93 Beccariophoenix 129 Montanoa 151 BROMELIACEAE 175 Calopyxis 94 Bentinckia 129 Pericallis 152 Aechmea 175 Combretum 94 Bismarckia 129 Phymaspermum 155 Alantarea 175 Quisqualis 94 Borassus 130 Podachaenium 155 Ananas 176 COMMELINACEAE 95 Srahea 130 Pseudogynoxys 156 Androlepis 176 Cochliostema 96 Butia 130 Senecio 156 Billbergia 176 Dichorisandra 96 Carpentaria 131 Sphagneticola 157 Bromelia 176 Tradescantia 97 Caryota 131 Tagetes 157 Cryptanthus 177 CONVOLVULACEAE 98 Chamaedorea 131 Tithonia 158 Guzmania 177 Argyreia 98 Chambeyronia 132 BALSAMINACEAE 158 Hohenbergia 177 Evolvulus 99 Coccothrinax 132 Impatiens 159 Navia 177 Ipomoea 100 Cocos 133 BEGONIACEAE 159 Neoregelia 179 Jacquemontia 101 Copernicia 133 Begonia 160 Orthophytum 179 Merremia 102 Corypha 134 BERBERIDACEAE 160 Pepinia 179 Poranopsis 102 Cyrtostachys 134 Nandina 161 Pitcairnia 179 CRASSULACEAE 103 Dictyosperma 134 BIGNONIACEAE 161 Portea 180 Aeonium 104 Dypsis 134 Adenocalymna 161 Quesnelia 180 Crassula 105 Elaeis 134 Campsis 161 Tillandsia 180 Kalanchoe 106 Hyophorbe 135 Catalpa 162 Vriesea 182 Sedum 106 Hyphaene 135 xChitalpa 163 CACTACEAE 182 CUCURBITACEAE 107 Latania 135 Clytostoma 163 Cactus Intergeneric 183 Gurania 107 Licuala 135 Crescentia Hybrids 183 Luffa 108 Livistona 136 Cydista 164 Cereus 183 Momordica 108 Lodoicea 136 Delostoma 164 Consolea 183 CYCLANTHACEAE 109 Phoenix 136 Distictis 165 Epiphyllum 183 Carludovica 112 Pritchardia 137 Dolichandrone 165 Hylocereus 184 Dicranopygium 113 Pseudophoenix 137 Jacaranda 165 Opuntia 184 DILLENIACEAE 114 Ptychosperma 139 Kigelia 166 Pereskia 184 Dillenia 114 Raphia 139 Macfadyena 167 Schlumbergera 184 Hibbertia 115 Ravenea 139 Mansoa 167 CANELLACEAE 185 DIOSCOREACEAE 115 Reinhardtia 140 Markhamia 167 Canella 185 Dioscorea 115 Rhapis 140 Newbouldia 167 CANNACEAE 185 EBENACEAE 116 Roystonea 140 Pandorea 168 Canna 185 Diospyros 117 Sabal 140 Parmentiera 168 CAPRIFOLIACEAE 186 ERICACEAE 118 Schippia 141 Podranea 169 Lonicera 186 Rhododendron, 118 Serenoa 141 Pyrostegia 169 CASUARINACEAE Vireya Group 8 CONTENTS 186 EUPHORBIACEAE 217 Erythrina 236 Neomarica 254 Abutilon 186 Acalypha 220 Gliricidia 236 Trimezia 254 Alyogyne 187 Aleurites 220 Hebestigma 236 Watsonia 254 Anisodontea 187 Antidesma 221 Kennedia 236 LAMIACEAE 255 Gossypium 188 Breynia 221 Lonchocarpus 237 Leonotis 255 Hibiscus 188 Cnidoscolus 221 Millettia 237 Orthosiphon 258 Kosteletzkya 188 Codiaeum 221 Mucuna 237 Plectranthus 258 Malva 189 Dalechampia 221 Periandra 238 Salvia 258 Malvaviscus 189 Elaeophorbia 222 Poitea 238 Scutellaria 259 Pavonia 189 Euphorbia 222 Sesbania 238 LAMIACEAE, 259 Sida 193 Jatropha 222 Sophora formerly VERBENACEAE 259 Thespesia 194 Macaranga 222 Spartium 238 Clerodendrum 260 Wercklea 194 Manihot 223 Strongylodon 241 Congea 260 MALVACEAE, formerly 194 Phyllanthus 223 Tipuana 241 Cornutia BOMBACACEAE 195 Ricinus 223 Uraria 242 Gmelina 260 Adansonia 195 FABACEAE 223 Vigna 242 Holmskioldia 260 Bombax 195 FABACEAE, Subfamily 224 FLACOURTIACEAE 242 261 Ceiba CAESALPINIOIDEAE 224 Banara 243 263 Ochroma 195 Amherstia 224 Casearia 243 LAURACEAE 264 Pachira 196 Bauhinia 224 Oncoba 243 Persea 265 Pseudobombax 199 Brownea 225 Samyda 243 LECYTHIDACEAE 265 Quararibea 200 Caesalpinia 225 GELSEMIACEAE 244 Barringtonia 266 MALVACEAE, formerly 201 Cassia 225 Gelsemium 244 Couroupita STERCULIACEAE 203 Colvillea 225 GENTIANACEAE 244 Gustavia 266 Abroma 203 Delonix 225 Fagraea 245 LEEACEAE 266 Brachychiton 205 Moullava 226 GERANIACEAE 245 Leea 267 Dombeya 205 Parkinsonia 226 Geranium 245 LINACEAE 268 Helicteres 205 Peltophorum 226 Pelargonium 245 Reinwardtia 268 Kleinhovia 206 Saraca 227 GESNERIACEAE 246 LOMANDRACEAE 268 Pterospermum 207 Schotia 227 Episcia 246 Cordyline 269 Sterculia 207 Senna 227 Gloxinia 246 LYTHRACEAE 269 Theobroma 209 Tamarindus 227 Streptocarpus 246 Cuphea 269 MALVACEAE, 210 FABACEAE, Subfamily 227 GOODENIACEAE 247 Duabanga formerly TILIACEAE MIMOSOIDEAE 228 Scaevola 247 Ginoria 270 Berrya 210 Acacia 228 HAEMODORACEAE 247 Lagerstroemia 270 Grewia 211 Adenanthera 228 Anigozanthos 249 Lawsonia 270 Luehea 211 Albizia 228 HAMAMELIDACEAE 249 Punica 270 MARANTACEAE 212 Archidendron 228 Loropetalum 249 MAGNOLIACEAE 271 Calathea 213 Calliandra 229 HELICONIACEAE 249 Magnolia 271 Maranta 213 Ebenopsis 229 Heliconia 250 Michelia 272 MELASTOMATACEAE 214 Inga 234 HEMEROCALLIDACEAE 250 MALPIGHIACEAE 272 Dissotis 214 Lysiloma 234 Hemerocallis 250 Bunchosia 272 Heterocentron 214 Mimosa 234 HYACINTHACEAE 251 Byrsonima 272 Medinilla 214 FABACEAE, Subfamily 234 Eucomis 251 Callaeum 273 Melastoma PAPILIONOIDEAE 234 HYPOXIDACEAE 252 Galphimia 274 Sonerila 215 Brya 234 Molineria 252 Hiptage 274 Tetrazygia 216 Butea 235 IRIDACEAE 252 Malpighia 274 Tibouchina 216 Cajanus 235 Aristea 253 Stigmaphyllon 276 MELIACEAE 216 Chadsia 235 Chasmanthe 253 Tristellateia 276 Melia 217 Clitoria 235 Crocosmia 253 MALVACEAE 276 MENYANTHACEAE 217 Crotalaria 235 253 Abelmoschus 276 Nymphoides

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