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Trogositidae, Languriidae, Tenebrionidae and Alleculidae from Korea (incl. Chejudo Is.) (Coleoptera) PDF

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九州大学学術情報リポジトリ Kyushu University Institutional Repository Trogositidae, Languriidae, Tenebrionidae and Alleculidae from Korea (incl. Chejudo Is.) (Coleoptera) Chujo, Michitaka Lee, Chang Eon http://hdl.handle.net/2324/2574 出版情報:ESAKIA. 34, pp.187-193, 1994-03-24. 九州大学農学部昆虫学教室 バージョン: 権利関係: ,AIKASE :)43( .391-781 hcraM ,134991 187 Trogositidae, Languriidae, Tenebrionidae and Alleculidae from Korea (incl. Chejudo Is.)(Coleopterajl)~~ ,. akatihciM 8Jm nasokiH lacigo l,oyirBotaroba LytlucaF fo,erutlucirgA ~r uhsuy K,ytisrev i,nnUasokiH akoukuF 70-428 and n ogEnahC L EE tnemtrapeD fo ,ygoloiB egelloC fo larutaN ,ecneicSkoopgnuyK lanoitaN ,ytisrevinU eadilucehA era ylw ednedda ot s ueoh. rtanenatueparofoeKloc ., ” 1. Leperina squamulosa Gebler ,relbe G,0 3s8r1uob e,deesLieR :2 79 .E( Siberia). Leperina squamulosa Spec. exam.: 1 .xe thgil( ,)part ,iR-gnoeyleaN eanmaS ,noeyM kub-alnoehC ,od ,aeroK-S.31 .iiv ,1991 .M .T BjjuhC ;.gel 1 ,.xe gnawK ,gnu N,nug -,noodh-ciogPgno y,KaeroK .91-41 .v,2991 M. T. ChfijjB . gel Gen. distr.: ;*aeroK napa JodiakkoH( & E. Siberia. , __, 1) stluseR morf eht nap aeJv-iatearroeKp oe-conCeicS margorP no ehT“ noitulovE dna -goegoiB yhpar fo e hsttcesn Ini eht tsa E,aisA .oN.02 2) noitubirtnoC morf eht n a ls,aoyckriiog HtoyaltroloiubBcaaLF ,feorut luuhcsi-uriygsKArevinU . ) .1..o1r4N eySt( * dna aeroK fo dnalniam morf dedrocernu neeb otrehtih sah hcihw seiceps eht swohs ksiretsA . soIdujehC M. 188 T. CX&J8 & C. E. LEE eanimotsO 2. ~yfna&sp~wi~eps Lewis s.pecivraps.uIamyr77 ?siweL .tnE,,4981 .IhtnoM ,.gsM (2) 5,30: 33-34 :naqaJ( .)uhsnoH .> ; Spec. exam.: 2 exs., ,lisnuoY Mt. ,nasalIaH ,oduJehC ,aeroK .42 .iiv ,0991 lM .T BjjifhC ;.gel31 , 0 . .9,M..i9a7Ti 1e2v,roodKu j,enhaCsa l,.lktaoMH m,i.rsOxe 8jjuhC ,.sxe 5 ;.gel gnoyLgnoeJ ,yhC eaNnaS ,noeM noeWmaN ,n uG aR’gnoeJ guB ,od ,aeroK .82 .xi ,1991 .M .T ajjiihC ;.gel3 ,.sxe gnawK ,gnuN ,nug- n,oohdc-oiPggnoy K,aeroK .91-41 .v ,2991 .M .T 6jjuhC ;.gel 1,.xe ,ir-gnoJmaG ,n u,go-dn-onhoCWn gu,nhaaCeKroK .12 .v ,2991 .M .T ojiihC ; . ,g1.exle -guoB ,,inru-gg-nnooyhMCnuhC ,od-noWgnaK ,aeroK .32-22 .v ,2991 .M .T BjjuhC ; . ,g1.exle -guoB ,o d,,-nanueog rW-,ogn iKno.rah1-KC2gnn uo.hyiCMi v,2991 .M .T BjjuhC ;. gel 5 g n, a.wsKxe ,gnuN ,nug-nohcoP ,od-iggnoyK ,aeroK .91-61 .iiv ,2991 .M .T ojithC ;.gel 8 ,.sxe -lihsgnoY ,ko m.itrMO Halla, ,od u,jaeehrCoK .32 .iiv ,3991 .M .T 8jljifhC ;.g ,e 8elm,2lu.pnsmaxeweTK , 3 .. 9.Mi,.95iaT1. ve2,roodKujehC 8jjuhC . gel Gen. distr.: .lcni (o*dauejreohK C;)*.sI na p,aoJdia k,kuohHs(n ouHkokihS & )uhs uyK & .neilahkaS EADIIRUGNAL 1. Tetmlanguria collaris (Crotch) Puchylanguriu collaris ,hctorC ,6781 .tsiC ,.tnE :1 773.)aidnI( Spec. exam.: 9 exs., gnawK ,g n,unNug-nohcoP ,od-iggnoyK ,aeroK .71 .v ,2991 .K -omiroM .g eolt Gen. distr.: a ,n ,ai,,a sh)an;ocsi iamoudnherdynaCronkIpoFIuaKyJR( & Tibet. TENEBRIONIDAE ininideP 1. Pedinus (Blindus) strigosus Faldermann Pedinus strigosus ,nnamredIaF ,5381 .meM .dacA St. .bsreteP . ), a ..n :rvi02tah1esC4( Spec. exam.: 1 ex., ,il-gnoeJmaS ,noem-gnoehCaM masgnoey G,od-maN ,aeroK .11 .v,1991 .S arumoN ;.gel 1 ,.xe ,il-gnoeJmaS ,noem-gnoehCaM maSgnoeyG ,od-maN ,aeroK .5.1 .v ,1991.S arumoN .gel Gen. distr.: ae r;orKep onrappaJ amihsusT( a,,ia)li.orsgeInboiMS & .a n.iNhC Opatrini EMOS ARETPOELOC MORFAEROK 981 2. Gonocephalum coriaceum Motschulsky ,yksluh c,s7t5o8M1 .dutS ,.mE :6 43.)napaJ( Gonocephalum coriaceum Spec. exam.: ,a e,g8rnnouoKGe y, rg , one.2BoashDxCe & .9 .,i 3vo8t 9.o.1gmKeilroM Gen. distr.: aeroK ;reporp napaJ ,reporp ,airebiS ,anihC ,asomroF ,lapeN .E-S ,aisA-enorciM , aaio sm,a.SsI nairI ,ayaJ ,raaccisrafgAadaM & .ailartsuA Diaperini 3. Platydema recticome Lewis ,siweL ,4981 .nnA .gaM .taN ,.tsiH ,]6[ 13(77): 394-395 (Japan: PZafydema recticome .)uhsnoH Spec. exam.:.T .M ,3991 .iiv .52 ,aeroK ,odujehC ,y tiC odujehC ,elpmeT munawK ,.sxe 01 bjithC . gel Gen. distr.: , .asmIihsage n,auT hs u,yuKkok i,huShsn onHa( p;a)J* .osdIuje haCe(roK Ya- am iahm si,uh.kss oI.nsaIkaN & a mijet.o)m.osiIrI 4. Platydema subfascia subfascia (Walker) ,reklaW ,8581 .nnA .gaM .taN ,.tsiH ,]3[ 2(10): 482.)nolyeC( AZphitophagus subfascia Spec. exam.: 2 ,,i.rs- xg,enpouy-nlgo nwoaedwAuKjehC ,.sI ,aeroK .22 .iiv ,3991 .M.T 6jiihC . gel Gen. distr.: aeroK .lcni( odujehC ;)*.sI napaJ reporp .lcxe( amayeaY ,).SISI ,asomroF-ihcodnI , a,n a,mariud B n,i I ir ,,,aS,a aawocakraecvnttnaaaanrlJLmeoauMBMS & .)racsagadaM Helopini 5. Tarpela cordicollis (Marseul) ,luesraM ,6781 .nnA .toS .tnE ,ecnarF )5( :6 241-1 4:1napa.J)(uhsuyK Helops cordicollis Spec. exam.: 1 ex., ,noehCgnoH noeWnaG ,,aoe dr8o1K & .91 .v ,4891 . Kotomir.ogMel Gen. distr.: *aero Knap a,Ju&hs nuokHo(kihS & .)uh suyK inisratoreteH 6. Anaedus mroczkowskii Kaszab ,bazsaK ,8691 .nnA ,a w.alzosorZaW 26(2): lo-11 .N( .)aeroK Anaedus mroczkowskii Spec. exam.: 1 ,.xe gnawK ,gnuN ,nug-nohcoP ,od-iggnoyK ,aeroK .91-41 .v ,2991.S ar u;m.ogNel 1 ,.xe ,ir-gnoyMguoB ,nug-nohCnuhC ,od-noeWgn a,waKeroK .32-22 .v ,2991.S Nomura leg. Gen. distr.: .lcni(*aeroK o)d .usjIehC & ..NaeroK 7. Luprops cribrifrons Marseul .nnA ,6781 ,luesraM .toS uhsuyK :napaJ( 621-521 :6 )5( ,ecnarF .tnE & Luprops cribrifrons 091 M. T. oJlfHC & .C .EEEL .)uhsnoH Spec. exam.: ,.sxe 8 ,ir-gnoyNgnawK ,3991 .iiv .22 ,aeroK ,odujehC ,ytiC ujehC ,pu-loweA M. T. ChtijjB . gel .neG distr.: ae roodKuje h;C)(*sI na p,auJ h,sunko oH,k(ui hhasSmuiyhKsus T.sI & otoG ,).sl saIsomroF & .anihcodnI EADILUCELLA eanilucehA 1. Allecuka meharia niIklM ,nhkaM ,5781 atcA .toS ,acinne F:01 669(519) (Japan). Allecula melanaria Spec. exam.: 8 exs., noyLeaN ,iR eaNmaS ,noeM gnoeWmaN ,nuG aRgnoeJ guB ,od,aeroK 26. ix. 1991, M. T. 6jjuhC ;.gel 3 ,.sxe gnoeJmaS Ri, gnoehCaM ,noeM gnaYmaH ,nuG gnaSgnoeyG maN ,od ,aeroK .92 .xi ,1991 .M .T 8jjuhC . gel Gen. distr.: ;*aeroK napaJ ,odiakkoH( , uu,hkusohuksyinKhoSH & am ijikagihsI .).sI 2. Allecula noctivaga Lewis ,siweL ,5981 .nnA .gaM .taN ,.tsiH ,]6[ :)78(5.1 152 :napaJ(.)uhsnoH AZZecuZu noctivaga Spec. exam.: 1 ex., ,ir-gnoyMguoB ,nug-nohCn u,hoCd-noeWgnaK ,aeroK .32 .iiv ,2991.M T. bjchC .gel Gen. distr.: *aeroK & uhsno Hn(ap aJ & .) .asmIihs usT 3. Borboresthes acicularis (Marseul) ,luesraM ,6781 .nnA .toS .tnE ,ecnarF )5( :6 623-523 :napaJ(.)uhsnoH AZZecuZa acicularis Spec. exam.: 2 esialam(.sxe ,)part .tM ,na s,allilhas HgondouYjehC ,.sI ,aeroK .72-42.iiv ,0991 .K otomiroM ;.gel 1 ,.xe gnoyleaN ,iR kub-alnoehC ,od ,aeroK-S .31 .iiv ,1991 .M T. ojithC ;.gel 1 ,.xe uyRooD ,gnoD nuhCooJ ,noeM gnuhC-maS ,nuG gnoeyG gnaS maN ,od ,aeroK .52.xi 19T9M.1. , ejjuhC ,2991 .iiv .91-61 ,aeroK ,od-iggnoyK ,nug-nohcoP ,gnuN gnawK ,.sxe 2 ;.gel M. T. ejjiihC ;.gel 2 ,.sxe ,ir-gno y,Mn-uggu-onBoh C,noudh-CnoeWgnaK ,aeroK .12 .iv ,2991.M .T ojifhC . gel Gen. distr.: odujeh C)(**.aseIroK & u h,suuk yo,Kkuih hsnSnaopHa(J & amih.s)u.ssTI 4. Hymenalia rujipennis (Marseul) ,luesraM ,6781 .nnA .toS .tnE ,ecnarF )5( :6 923-823 :napaJ(uhsnoH Cistela (Gonodera) rufipennis & .)uhsuyK Spec. exam.: 1 ,.x egnoyleaN ,iR eanmaS ,noeyM kub-alnoehC ,od ,aeroK-S .31 .iiv ,1991.M .T GjjithC ;.gel 2 , .gsnxoeej-m a,SiR noehCaM ,noeyM ,od-kub-alnoehC ,aeroK-S .41 .iiv,1991 M. T. BjjuhC . gel Gen. distr.: ;*a e nr,ao upKuhaksJonkoiHh(S & aire b,i)Suhs uyK & .asomroF SOMECOLEOPTERAFROMKOREA 191 5. Hymenalia unicolor Nakane Hymenaliu unicolor ,enakaN ,3691 .mgarF ,.l o,Coyko T:)7( 03 :n.a)puahJs(noH Spec. exam.: ean m ,agiSnRoyl e,a.N s2xe ,noeyM ,ka u e. b,r4.,-oo1i1adKi9 l-v9nS1oehC .T .M BjjithC ,iR gnoejmaS ,.sxe 5 ;.gel noehCaM ,noeyM ,1991 .iiv .41 ,aeroK-S ,od kub-alnoehC M. T. 6jifhC . gel Gen. dish.: * aeroK & ,,,o uudnukhiahosapsknkauiokJyhHoKSH( & amihsusT.).sI STNEMEGDELWONKCA eW era yr elvufetaerg ot rotc elrairDeneG eaJ gnoeyM fo’oJ ts e ,rhnocoFriateustaeieRtrsonKI dna rotceriD gnueS 1uK kraP fo ub-gnuhC tseroF tnemirepxE ,noitatS aeroK rof rieht suoirevpleh ot ruo gnitcelloc pirt rednu eht napaJ -eaveirtoaKrepo- oeCcneicS margorP no ehT“ noitulovEdna yhpargoegoiB fo eht stcesnI no eht tsaE .aisA dnA ,osla ew sserpxe ruo laidroc sknaht ot .forP.rD gnah CgnuoY eeL dna .rD gnoJ kuK ,n,m oyiletKawin gsoanrieaetrwvaoKiNKnU rof rie-hltecsim s ug honp.geilpu nteiorachrruletholtloc fo yrotarobaL lacigolomotnE ,otomiroM .K .rD .forP ot noitaicerppa ruo sserpxe ot hsiw eW uh syutyiKsrevin Urof sih launitno cdnik dna elb a.uelcanvadiug dnA ew era lufknaht ot .cossA Prof. .rD .i0hcua dda nT.ats i.sfsoArP .S ayr rulomatocaNi rg foof obloya otLumihosstruneyrEvKoifnU rieht snuooiitraarvepo -roocf siht.krow REFERENCES ,ohC .P ,.S .7591 A citam eetusgyoSlataC fo nae r.oaKretpoeloC Humanities and Sciences, Korea University 2: 173-326 (In .)naeroK - 1963,4. stcesnI fo traepl edu nQ.a)losdI-ujehC( Humanities and Sciences, Korea V)ziversity, 6: 242-951 nI(.)naeroK ,BjjithC .dnalsI odujehC morf eadiluditiN .2991 ,.la te .T .M Esukiu, Kyushu Utziv. Publ. EM., (32): ,42-91 9.sgif d ead i.n 2om9io 9rro1bfd eu,njdeenTha ClaseIroK atcesnI( .)aretpoeloC ibid., 31-46, 11.sgif .)aretp o,ealtocC eesandIi(noir bne an.ee3rT9o9K1 Esakia, kyushu Uziv. Publ. Ejzt., (33): 21,221-901 .sgif ,hcto r.CG ,. R.6781 Anoi s.i evfsar oudyoilrl ieyemtthapotforeEloc Cistila Ent., 1: 377-572. ,bazsaK ,.Z .2591 eiD nehcsialamodni dnu nehcsitaisatso netrA red gnuttaG Gonocephalum reiloS ,aretpoeloC( .)eadinoirbeneT Dzt. Arb. Mus. G. Frey, 3 :)2( 115,886-l.sgif - .8691 eadinoirbeneT dnu eadioleM )aretpoeloC( sua ,aeroK-d rtolNemmaseg nov.M ikswokzc odrnMu .A ledeiR mi erhaJ 1965.Ann. Zool., Warsiawa, 26 (2): 7-14. Lee, Y. I. te ,.la .5891 tcesnI anuaf fo .tM .allaH Rep. Acad. Surv., Hallasarz (Mt.) Nat. Pres., Cheju- 192 M. T. 6JifHC & .C .EEEL : do, Korea 351-455. ,siweL ,.G .4981 nO eehatdinoirben efTo .napaJ ,]6[ 31 :)77( ,484-773 1 ,.lp Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 61.sgif - .4981 nO wen seiceps efaoditisogorT morf .napaJ .tnE ,.gaM ]2[ :03,5 .43-23 Monthi. - .5981 nO e aedhi tl s edustnoesa riirecCemehop trsfoeo t.enHapaJ Ann. Msg. Nat. Hist., [6], 15 , 9:7)27-8 0(152 .lp 21.sgif ,luesra M.M ,. As- e..rS6e7t8p1o euldo C sniolplaiJe urcaepr .H egr o.esGiweL Ann. Sot. Ent. 219-486. France, (5) 6: ,vedevdeM .G ,.S .2991 yeK ot e hntoitacifitned ifo stcesni fo eht teivoS raF .tsaE .III.aretpoeloC 407 ,.pp 413.sgif ,ena k,a. NT.369 1weN r oaerl et nttmwpioo olrnnefkalpoaC Jdna . tssnnteoiciagjedra Fragm. Col., :)7(.03 Tokyo, ,o t ,o..m4H a 2 tke9acOh1neTus anffio traplcuQ .)o td-nuahlssiIaS( 11~11. :/sI/ :txq~I ,.latS .VOG - .rezaG Chosen, 1 :)2( 233pp., 10 pls. , ..i KKan Sio So.Btraple u. Qse Ihfatonu atFces ne Ih.T07 9, 1..,MDkoeS ,luoeS 681.pp Explanation of Plate I 1. r el b.e G:h t.gneL .mm7.31 Leperina squamulosa 2. : .s..Liw eL .mml.6 l7aymalusparvicep.s 3. ) :h..cLto rC( .mm6.41 Tetralanguria collaris 4. : .s..LiweL .mm4.4 Platydema recticorne 5. : )..rLeklaW( .mm4.4 Platydema subfascia subfascia 6. nilklM :.L . .mm2.01 Allecula melanaria 7. : .s..LiweL .mm8.9 Allecula noctivaga 8. )luesraM( . :.L .mm6.6 Borboresthes acicularis 9. )l u.es r.:a.ML( .mml.6 Hymenalia rufipennis .01 :.L .mm8.6 Hymenalia unicolor Nakane . . 11. :.L luesraM .mm0.8 Luprops cribrifrons AEROKMORFARETPOELOCEMOS 391 PLATE 1

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