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Tritium on Ice: The Dangerous New Alliance of Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Power PDF

247 Pages·2002·1.18 MB·English
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Tritium on Ice This page intentionally left blank Tritium on Ice The Dangerous New Alliance of Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Power Kenneth D. Bergeron The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts London, England © 2002 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means (including photocopying, recording, or informa- tion storage and retrieval) without permission in writing from the publisher. This book was set in Sabon by SNP Best-set Typesetter Ltd., Hong Kong. Printed and bound in the United States of America. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Bergeron, Kenneth D. Tritium on ice: the dangerous new alliance of nuclear weapons and nuclear power / Kenneth D. Bergeron. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-262-02527-2 (hard: alk. paper) 1. Nuclear engineering—Government policy—United States. 2. Tritium— Safety measures. 3. Ice condenser reacotrs—Environmental aspects—United States. 4. Nuclear nonproliferation. 5. Nuclear weapons—Materials. 6. Tennessee Valley Authority. Nuclear Power. 7. Tennessee Valley Authority. Nuclear Operations. I. Title. TK9023 .B47 2002 363.17¢99—dc21 2002066016 Contents Preface: Why This Book? vii Acknowledgments xi 1 A Covenant Breached 1 2 War’s Child: The Birth and Nurture of Civilian Nuclear Energy 15 3 Nuclear Reactor Safety: Confidence versus Vigilance 35 4 Nuclear Nonproliferation: The Devil Is in the Details 77 5 Tritium, the Lifeblood of the Nuclear Arsenal 95 6 Tennessee Waltz 141 7 What’s the Rush? 165 Appendix A. Analysis of Public Comments on the DOE’s Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement on Tritium Supply and Recycling 175 Appendix B. Interagency Review of the Nonproliferation Implications of Alternative Tritium Production Technologies under Consideration by the Department of Energy 181 Appendix C. Critique of Interagency Review 195 Appendix D. Glossary 205 Notes on Epigraphs 209 Notes 211 Bibliography 229 Index 231 This page intentionally left blank Preface: Why This Book? It’s not over. We’re going to see a nuclear exchange in the next 25 years, almost surely. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, 2000 This is a book about the changing face of nuclear war in the twenty-first century and how the U.S. government is managing, or mismanaging, the new dangers. With the Soviet Union gone and the United States engaged in a deadly struggle with murderous but low-tech terrorist adversaries, the subject may strike some readers as anachronistic or even anticli- mactic. Supposedly the potential for the all-out, civilization-ending nuclear paroxysm that we each came to terms with in the twentieth century has dramatically receded. Thankfully, that is true, but it is also true that these devastating weapons are still with us, still ready for war. And now the rules for their use are quietly being rewritten, year by year, country by country. The complexity of the global nuclear standoff has increased dramati- cally, and there are now many more ways nuclear conflicts might start. We must envision now not only the bilateral superpower conflict of old, but also regional conflicts, ethnic last stands, anonymous terrorist acts, and, as always, accidental nuclear war. Though the nuclear conflicts that might occur in the future will probably be smaller than what we had to envision in the past, even a small nuclear war would be incomparably horrible. All these are good reasons for a revived interest in the subject, but the reason we should be not just interested, but alarmed, is that the U.S. gov- ernment, clearly the biggest nuclear player of all, is increasingly dele- gating the direction of nuclear weapons policy to jaded bureaucrats who viii Preface are more concerned with inside-the-beltway points than with protecting the people of the world from the devastation of nuclear war. This book provides an insider’s perspective on how matters pertain- ing to nuclear war and weapons are increasingly controlled by political game players and their captive technical specialists. It follows a particular chronicle about how the explosive ingredients of U.S. nuclear weapons are produced and how U.S. officials have recently abandoned a long- standing policy forbidding their production in commercial nuclear power plants. The particular material on which the book focuses is tritium, a form of hydrogen needed to turn an A-bomb into an H-bomb. The com- mercial power plants that will produce it are of a type known as “ice condensers”—hence the title, Tritium on Ice. I will argue in this book that the abandonment of the policy isolat- ing commercial nuclear power from nuclear weapons manufacture is an unwise retreat from this country’s commitment to curb the proliferation of nuclear weapons around the world. Perhaps even more important is the trend that the decision represents: a drift from vigilance about nuclear proliferation to complacency. This trend poses a distinct danger for the future, and everyone in the world is exposed to that danger. The bureaucrats themselves may try to obscure the issues with tech- nical fast talk and appeals to classified information, but at the core the issues are straightforward. Advanced degrees in science are not needed to understand them, nor is access to classified information. The principal agent for restoring responsibility to the U.S. decision-making process is an informed public. That is why you should read this book. The stakes are large, and they involve you and your world. The flip side of the question “why this book?” is why did I write it? I have spent twenty-five years as a physicist in the service of one of the U.S. government’s three nuclear weapons laboratories. The greater portion of my career at Sandia National Laboratories involved two subjects: the safety of commercial nuclear reactors and the production of tritium for nuclear weapons. Until recently, the two subjects were quite distinct. Now, the aforementioned reversal of policy means that they intersect directly over the safety of the two nuclear power plants that are to be modified to produce tritium. My professional experience with the safety profiles of these particular reactors and my understanding of the high-stakes politics of tritium production lead me to fear that scientific Preface ix objectivity about the potential for severe accidents at these sites will be lacking.1 And objectivity in the face of the powerful players in this complex game will be sorely needed. There are serious grounds for worry that ice condenser plants could undergo catastrophic accidents, exposing nearby populations to fatal doses of radioactivity. The fact that the operator of the plants is the Tennessee Valley Authority, a federal agency with a long history of compromising nuclear safety, exacerbates the potential danger. Careful study of these concerns is of critical importance before the gov- ernment proceeds down the path of modifying the plants, but instead the key safety issues have received little attention. The trade-offs between our modern society’s need for electricity and the need to protect the public from the methods of its production are not easy to balance, nor are the trade-offs between national security and nuclear arms reduction. But we cannot expect our government to pursue policies reflecting the interests of the public unless the public is aware of the issues and creates the incentive for officials to stay focused on their responsibilities. This book is a contribution toward that goal. Just thirteen years ago the oil tanker Exxon Valdez ran aground in Alaska’s Prince William Sound, causing the worst environmental disas- ter in U.S. history. The cause? Press accounts in the aftermath pointed to the ship’s captain, Joseph Hazelwood, supposedly inebriated to inca- pacity when he should have been piloting the ship. But the true cause of the grounding and the subsequent botched recovery operation was deeper and more troubling. John Keeble, in Out of the Channel,2shows that years of corporate pressure to increase profits had created a work- ing environment for Alaska tanker operations that made such a disaster inevitable. Keeble describes safety standards trimmed to bare bones with little thought of their adequacy, equipment and services critical for safe navigation downgraded to save costs, and safety procedures routinely violated or ignored. Then, one clear and cold March night in 1989, an undermanned, overtired, and underqualified crew slowly steered the massive oil tanker into a well-marked reef. The root cause of the Exxon Valdez disaster lies in the collective behav- ior of a whole community of people, including the officers and seamen of the fleet, the people who established and managed the oil company’s safety standards, the people who enforced those standards, and most of

In December 1998, Energy Secretary Bill Richardson announced that the U.S. planned to begin producing tritium for its nuclear weapons in commercial nuclear power plants. This decision overturned a fifty-year policy of keeping civilian and military nuclear production processes separate. Tritium, a ra
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