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Trioedd Ynys Prydein: The Triads of the Island of Britain PDF

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TRIOEDD YNYS PRYDEIN Peniarth16,fo.50r ReproducedbykindpermissionofTheNationalLibraryofWales. TRIOEDD YNYS PRYDEIN THE TRIADS OF THE ISLAND OF BRITAIN Edited with Introduction, Translation and Commentary by RACHEL BROMWICH FirstEdition,1961 SecondEdition,1978 ThirdEdition,2006 FourthEdition,2014 ©Universityof WalesPress BritishLibraryCataloguing-in-PublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary. ISBN978-1-78316-145-4 eISBN978-1-78316-146-1 Allrightsreserved.Nopartof thisbookmaybereproduced,storedinaretrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without clearance from the University of WalesPress,10ColumbusWalk,BrigantinePlace,Cardiff,CF104UP. www.uwp.co.uk PrintedbyCPI,AntonyRowe,Chippenham,Wiltshire Cyflwynirygwaithhwn i’mhenathroannwyl SYRIFORWILLIAMS CONTENTS PREFACE ix INTRODUCTION: I. MANUSCRIPTSANDVERSIONS xi II.ORIGINANDDEVELOPMENTOFTRIOEDDYNYS PRYDEIN liii TrioeddYnysPrydeinandBardicInstruction lviii TrioeddYnysPrydeinandtheChwedlau lxix TrioeddyMeirch lxxx AntiquityandProvenance lxxxvii THEAPPENDICES c TRIOEDDYNYSPRYDEIN: TEXT,TRANSLATIONANDNOTES 1 APPENDIXI. EnweuYnysPrydein: TheNamesof theIslandof Britain 246 APPENDIXII. BoneddGwyˆryGogledd: TheDescentof theMenof theNorth 256 APPENDIXIII. TriThlwsarDdegYnysPrydein: TheThirteenTreasuresof theIslandof Britain 258 APPENDIXIV. PedwarMarchogarHugainLlysArthur: TheTwenty-fourKnightsof Arthur’sCourt 266 NOTESTOPERSONALNAMES 271 ABBREVIATIONS 517 SELECTBIBLIOGRAPHY 522 INDEX 534 INDEXTOPLACES 534 INDEXTOTRIOEDDYMEIRCH 536 GENERALINDEX 537 vii ILLUSTRATIONS Peniarth16,fo.50r facingtitlepage Firstpageof TrioeddYnysPrydein inYDiarebionCamberäec xxxiii viii PREFACE Theoriginaleditionof TrioeddYnysPrydein,whichappearedin1961,isthe essentialcoreof allthesubsequenteditions.Inthesecondeditionof 1978,a series of additions and revisions were added to the text at the end of the volume. In the third edition of 2006, these and subsequent additions and revisionstothevolumewereincorporatedintothetextratherthanleftatthe end.Anewtriad(97)wasaddedtothecorpusandtheorthographyof the textof thetriadsamendedtotheoriginalmanuscriptreadingsinthelightof the critique published by Kenneth Hurlstone Jackson in Welsh History Review,SpecialNumber(1963),82–7.TheIntroduction,TextualNotesand NotesonPersonalNameswererevisedandaugmented.ThefifthAppendix of theearlierversions,‘NorthWelshGenealogicalTriads’,wasomitted.An attempt was made to incorporate references to relevant works published before2000,especiallytothevolumesof thetwoseries,BeirddyTywysogion and Beirdd yr Uchelwyr, published by the Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies to date, and were incorporated in the Notes. This reprint of TrioeddYnysPrydeinremainslargelyunchangedfromtheeditionof 2006. SomeminorcorrectionshavebeenaddedbyProfessorDafyddJohnston. Dr Bromwich, who died in December 2010, had worked on the third editionformanyyearsbutwasunabletosupervisethepreparationof the volume in its final stages. Close friends who were in contact with Dr Bromwich, however, were at hand to undertake the tasks necessary. They included Dr Dafydd Evans who did stalwart work in editing a hundred pages of notes, Dr Brynley F. Roberts, Professor Marged Haycock, Mr GeraldMorganandDrIestynDaniel.MrsSusanJenkinsandDrDafydd Jonesof theUniversityof WalesPresswentfarbeyondthecallof dutyin seeingthesometimesdifficultmanuscriptthroughthepress.Carewastaken tocomplywithwhatwereconsideredtheintentionsofDrBromwich,sothat thisvolumeinitsentiretymustbeconsideredtobeessentiallyherwork.Dr Bromwich’ssonBrianandhisfamilyhavesupportedthewholeenterprise. Finally, it has been my privilege to be on hand when need arose and to writethePreface:Disgyblwyf,hia’mdysgawdd. MorfyddE.Owen Bryneithin,Llanfarian,2014 ix

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