TRICKS AND GAMES TO TEACH YOUR DOG SOPHIE COLLINS with SUELLEN DAINTY Aim to put the fun back into your dog’s playtime by discovering a wealth of safe, imaginative games and easy-to-teach tricks to enjoy with your dog. Whatever the breed, age or temperament of your pet, you will find tricks and games here to suit all levels of skill – from the simple to the challenging, with plenty of options in between. Engage your dog in activities he will enjoy and amaze and impress your family and friends as well! • Fun options to suit every dog, whatever his breed or age. • Dozens of ideas to put the joy back into playtime. • Step-by-step photos that break down tricks and games into easy-to- follow stages. • Positive, friendly training methods that help you bond with your canine companion. Contents INTRODUCTION Keep it Safe Working With Your Dog Saying What You Mean Clicker Training/Refreshing the Basics SIMPLE TRICKS Return to Sender Play it Again High Five Shake a Paw Left Paw, Right Paw Say Please Stand Up Walk Along Standing Ten Rollover Spin Around Off to Bed Learning a ‘Stop’ Signal Answer the Door Buried Treasure RAINY DAY TRICKS Tin of Treats Shy Dog Are You Ashamed of Yourself? Take It Dinner Time Lion Tamer Hugs ’n’ Kisses Play Dead Take a Bow Chasing Bubbles Cross My Paws Under the Bridge Commando Crawl Back Up Squeak, Piggy, Squeak JUST THE TWO OF YOU Take My Arm Catch the Owner Walk Around Walk ’n’ Weave Come Find Follow the Target Look Left, Look Right and Cross the Road Walk Yourself Carry My Bag Peekaboo Fetch My Keys Treat Trail MIND GAMES 1, 2, 3, Treat! Learn the Name Fetch the … Wind Around Cone Ball Caught a Cold Pass the Parcel How Many Fingers? Mark It Show Me Night, Night THE HARD STUFF Touch the Spot Shut the Door Open the Door Fetch Your Snack Direct Delivery Catch the Treat ‘Over’ – Hurdling And ‘Under’ – Limbo Laundry Service Freeze Push the Ball Head the Ball AGILITY CHALLENGE Making a Garden Agility Course Hurdles Hoopla Tunnelling Out Race Against the Clock Group Agility Going Professional EXERCISING WITH YOUR DOG Walking Together Running and Cycling Hiking and Camping Frisbee Fun Tug of War Doggy Volleyball Doggy Rounders Acknowledgements Index Introduction H ow much does play matter to your dog? If he has good food, plenty of exercise and somewhere comfortable to rest during his downtime, do you really need to play with him, too? Or spend your own downtime teaching him tricks? Well, yes. Why? There’s a whole host of arguments for teaching your pet lots of games and tricks, but here are just a few of them: Dogs are one of the few species – humans are one of the others – to enjoy play as adults. There are social, practical reasons for this, as research suggests that dogs use play both to learn things and to get rid of stress. Dogs are clever – some very clever – and, just like people, they need to stretch their minds as well as their bodies to stay healthy and avoid boredom (and remember, a bored, bright dog may well be a dog that gets himself into mischief). As social mammals, dogs need plenty of interaction, too, whether that’s with you, their honorary pack leader, or other dogs, and play is one of the most enjoyable ways to interact.