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TREWS ABD IHPACTS OF COHPUTER IBTEGRATED UmACTURIBG J. Ranta Editor January 1989 VP-89-1 PROCEEDIBGS OF THE SECOW IIASA M m b L VOWHOP Om COKPUTER IBTEGRATED WACTURIBG: FUTURE TREBDS AED IHPACTS July 18-20, 1988 Stuttgart, F. R. G. and THE IIASA VORKSHOP OB TECHB0LM;ICAL FACTORS IB THE DIFFUSIOB OF CIH TECHBOLOGIES Xay 24-27, 1988 Prague, CSSR IBTEBBATIOIIAL IIISTITUTE FOR APPLIED SYSTENS AIALYSIS A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria FOREVORD The Annual Vorkshop of the IIASA-Project on Computer Integrated Itanufacturing (CIN) was held in Stuttgart, PBG, from 18-28 July, 1988. This was the second in the series of annual ~etingsa fter the Ivalo (Finland) workshop in 1987. The co-host of the workshop in Stuttgart was Professor B.-J. Varnecke of the Fraunhofer Institute of Production Technology and Autoaation. It was co-sponsored by Carnegie-Nellon University, USA, and the Japanese Committee for IIASA. The aim of the workshop was to analyze technological trends, diffusion patterns, and economic and social impacts of CIH as well as to review the work accomplished by IIASA and its collaborators. The workshop was attended by 52 participants from 18 countries and 3 international organizations (OECD, BCB, UBIW). A total of 24 presentations were delivered, including 3 keynote presentations by Prof. Varnecke (PBG), Dr. Kozar (CSSR), and Prof. J a i m r (USA). Prior to the Stuttgart Vorkshop, the CIH Project had a small expert meting in Prague, CSSR, co-hosted by the Research Institute for Hechanical Engineering and Production Economy (VUSTE) and the Central Research Institute for Technological and Economic Information (UVTEI) of the CSSR. This meeting was devoted to technological trends in CIH and to forecasting future applications of CIX technologies. It was supported by a Delphi-style questionnaire, which was answered by 14 experts from 9 countries. The results of the Prague workshop and the Delphi study are reflected in some papers presented in Stuttgart by I IASA. This volul~ec ombines the Proceedings of the two workshops, presenting the key papers of each of them. The papers are organized in the following way: Part 1 consists of the three keynote papers presented at the Stuttgart workshop. Part 2 consists of papers which describe technological and basic economic factors of CIN applications and diffusion. Part 3 deals with the diffusion trends, employment and other macroeconomic impacts of CIN technologies. Finally, the fourth part addresses mnagerial and organizational impacts of CIH technologies. Prof. F. Schmidt-Bleek Prof. J. Ranta Program Leader Project Leader Technology, Bconomy, Society Computer Integrated Hanufacturing TABLE OF COBTEBTS 1. KEYBOTE PAPERS OF THE SECOW ABEUAL VORKSBOP - 8.-J. Varnecke: "Integration of Informtion and Haterial Flow in a Pilot Plant - Developmnt and Experiences" - 2. Kozar: "Trends and Impacts of CIH in Planned Economies" - R. JaihrPar: "From Filing and Fitting to Flexible Hanufacturing: A Study in the Evolution of Process Control" 2. TBCBIIOLOGICAL AID ECOBOHIC FACTORS I1 CIN APPLICATIOBS - J. Ranta: "The Impact of Electronics and Information Technology on the Future Trends and Applications of CIH Technologies" - G.L. Kovacs, P. Bertok, G. Haidegger, G. Csurgai: "So= Aspects of Reconfigurable Hanufacturing Cells as Building Blocks of FW' - N. Veber, H. Berlitz: "Software Production for CIH - An Approach to Strategy Elaboration" - I. Tchijov. R. Sheinin: "Flexible Hanufacturing Systens (FXS): Current Diffusion and Nain Advantages" - I. Tchijov, A. Alabian: "Flexible Nanufacturing Systems (ENS): Nain Economic Features" - J. Ranta, I. Tchij ov: "Economics and Success Factors of Flexible Nanufacturing Systens: The Classical Theory Revisitedw - H. Ollus, J. Hieskonen: "Bases for Flexibility in a - Small Country So- Issues of the Finnish TBS- Program" - S. Hori: "Trends and Problem of CIN in Japanese - Hanufacturing Industries from Recent Surveys in Japan" 3. DIFEUSIOB TREWS, BXPLOYWBBT AID MCROECOBOHIC IXPACTS - R.U. Ayres, J. Ranta: "FactorsGoverning the Evolution and Diffusion of CIW1 - A. Tani: "International Comparisons of Industrial Robot Penetration" - A. Tani: "Saturation Level of BC Wachine-Tool Dif f usion" - H. Waly, P. Zaruba: "Prognostic hdel for Industrial Robot Penetration in Centrally Planned Economies" - G.C. Cainarca, H.G. Colombo, S. Wariotti, A. Raimndi: "Diffusion Dynamics of Flexible Automat ion" - V. Polt: "Som Considerations on Possible lbcrwconomic Effects of Conputer Integrated lhnufacturing Auto~tion" - S. Kinoshita, I. Yanada: "The Inpacts of Robotization on ltacro and Sectoral Economies within a Vorld Economtric llodel" 4. ORGAHIZATIOHAL, MIIAGERIAL AHD STBATEGIC IHPLICATIOHS - H. bly: "Strategic, Organizational and Social Issues of CIS: International Comparative Analysis" . - J. Bessant, J Buckingham: " Inple~ntingI ntegrated Techno 1o gy" - J. Ettlie: "Problems and Prospects for Effective Plant Hndernization in U. S. Wanuf acturing" - H. -D. Haustein: "Automtion and a Hew Organizational Hnde of Product ion" - J. Fleck: "The Development of Infornation- Integration: Beyond CIW" KEYNOTE PAPERS OF THE SECOND AHNUAL WORKSHOP - Integration of information and material flow in a pilot plant development and experiences Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Jllqcn Warncckc Fraunhofcr-Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA), Stuttgart Proiect aims The integration of information technology into industrial development and manufacturing is a worldwide phenomenon, the technical and economic effects of which are of great importance for the continued development and competitivity of production technology in Germany. Work is un- derway in this area in all corners of the globe. Functional hardware and software components with integrated production facilities are already available, improved hardware and software (databases, networks) allow existing separate solutions to be linked together. The result is, - a shorter reaction time to changes in the product, equipment and customer requirements - a higher degree of complexity in production without the partly artificial and time consuming division into production stages caused by the limited scheduling capabilities prevailing at present - a more efficient use of the machines through better planning and supervision, manufacture with reduced numbers of personnel and ingenious maintenance concepts, and, consequently, reduced production costs. CIM is, however, not an organizational and technological advance which can be achieved over- night. Once initial developments have been completed they must be integrated and partly updated. For a successful CIM installation, therefore, a modular concept, specific to the firm in question must be developed. This individuality must apply to the functional modules themselves as much as to the problem solving within the modules. Slogans such as "You can't buy CIM off the peg", "CIM is a concept - not a program" contribute to a large degree to the existing confusion. Only one thing is certain: as the expense of introducing CIM is not related to the number of employees in a firm, generally speaking only large firms can afford such an organizational project. The continued exi- stence of small and medium-sized firms is, therefore, very much in danger: - Thanks to CIM, large firms are now in a position to become more flexible than smaller firms, in so far as concerns both the fulfillment of deadlines and product specifications of the client, and the use of the capital invested. Thus the essential competitive advantage of medium-sized firms is lost. - As quantitive growth is possible only within certain Limits, large firms - in order to even out the - effects of rationalisation on the workforce are expanding production not to each production centre/factory but throughout the whole firm. Suppliers are therefore finding fewer and fewer product niches. The future assurance of medium-sized firms can therefore likewise only succeed with the help of CIM : their motto must be - better. cheaper, faster and still more flexible than large firms. There is no alternative. To "carry on as we always have" is out of the question. In other words: only when medium-sized firms have been made receptive to the CIM philosophy and when meaningful soluti- ons have been developed and adapted to their specific applications, will this new technology pro- vide a wider circle of firms with equal opportunities for the future with positive socio-political consequences. Otherwise CIM may be the instrument of the creation of a disastrous monopolization of the whole potential of manufacturing technology. Small and medium-sized firms obtain their advice/information almost exclusively from computer manufacturers and software houses. Thus, the user is unable to obtain any independent advice: computer manufacturers have no company-specific solutions to offer, only computer-specific con- cepts, which must be "company-neutral". If CIM has to be integrated into different work places with operation-specific equipment, then the firms, wishing to introduce CIM gradually, must have available to them extensive expertise in the field. Moreover, a lot of demonstration and training is required. At the moment, however, the people affected in the various operational areas are still not properly prepared for this technology. They are often neither able to develop solutions for compu- ter integrated manufacture in their product area, nor capable of operating the necessary CIM com- - - ponents. For potential CIM users above all the small and medium-sized firms it is therefore extremely important to witness practical and concrete demonstrations of the problems, advantages and possible solutions, and to obtain objective problem, technology and branch specific assessments of solutions, in order to be able to help in the corporate decision-making process. The aim of the "Fabrik-2000" CIM demonstration (Factory 2000) by the Fraunhofer-Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA) is, therefore, to demonstrate practical and con- crete solutions of computer integrated manufacture and its advantages especially for the potential users in medium-sized firms, in order to enable the introduction and application of computer inte- grated manufacturing. On the basis of a demonstration manufacturing plant with a continuous pro- duction process, CIM demonstrations, seminars and training programmes and conversion support are to be carried out. With the help of the installed and deliberately heterogeneous manufacturing and computer systems, various solutions for closed CIM chains, from the design through manufac- ture and assembly up to quality assurance must be implemented, in order to enable a general re- presentation of the individual subareas of 'computer integrated manufacture'. The target groups are all categories of persons involved in the area of computer integrated ma- nufacture: - Managers must be offered a gradual conceptual knowledge of the installation: What is the form of the firm-specific and problem-adapted CIM solution and how can this be most economically transcribed? - CIM users must be trained in problem solving systematics and in the use of new hardware and software components, programming languages, data base languages etc. - Technology consultants must be provided with an objective updating of their knowledge. - CIM trainers must deal in greater depth with special problems in training and qualification, and if need be discuss them together. - Building on what they know, students must provided with a comprehensive understanding of the problem: in what overall context is the selective existing detailed knowledge to be placed? Based on this concept, this initiative represents no threat to commercial consultancy firms: Here for the first time a complete field of technology is to be put into operation. The operation-specific ad- vice, which is connected with the training/instruction, is only made possible or experienced by the initial kindling of enthusiasm. "Fabrik 2000" is also supported by the BMFT in its national initia- tive "CIM-Technology-Transfer-Centres". If one considers the main emphasis of the tasks to be the transfer of CIM expertise. the organiza- tion of seminars for training and further education, the organization of CIM demonstrations and information events, the CIM advice and testing of general CIM solutions or subsystems. then the following positive results are to be expected from "Fabrik 2000": - transfer of knowledge research - industry and vice versa - the support above all of medium-sized firms with advice on organization, structure adaptation, effects on the workplace. qualification requirements etc ... - synergy effects via well-balanced procedures - synergy effects via purposeful information exchange between user - research - producer - company consultant - positive feedback from industrial practice to student training. Product and svstem lavout The "Fabrik 2000" CIM demonstration will show combined extracts from the areas of mechanical production and electronic production. Fig. 1 (F2000) shows the manufacturing procedure. Over the longer term the most important aim is the integration of new modules and the flexibilization of existing components. In this process, the knowledge and the possibilities of the individual areas of the institute will be increasingly made use of. The finished product from this procedure is a pyramid, consisting of an aluminium base, an elec- tronic module. divided into two printed-circuit boards and a transparent die-cast apex (see Fig. 2 F2000). Both the aluminium base and the mounting of the printed-circuit boards are to be chosen individually the base can be chosen from several basic models , for the electronic module the co- lours and lighting sequence of the LED modules have to be redefined for each case. Fig. 3 illustrates the present layout of the "Fabrik 2000" CIM demonstration. "Machining centre" cell consisting of - a BZ 20 4 axis machining centre by Steinel - a WABCO-HITACHI robot for automatic loading of workpieces and for the changing of the fixtures - a central area for the presetting of the tool - a central commissioning area for workpiece pallets and fixtures - a SIEMENS SICOMP WS 20 cell computer with FMC cell control software. For reasons of cost, the fitting out of the machining centre with pallet changers, a circulating storage and a central clamping and setting-up place is at present not possible. In order. ne- vertheless, to fulfill the future requirements of low-labour manufacture, hydraulic fixtures for the clamping of workpieces and an industrial robot for the handling of workpieces are to be installed, appropriate to the range of workpieces to be machined. The transport tasks between the central workpiece presetting place. inventory and machining centre are carried out by the FTS (IPAMAR). "Commissioning station" cell, consisting of - a DOrr P 100 portal robot - a COMPAQ 386 cell computer - a transfer point for the FTS - a special control software. The commissioning station automatically assembles the components of the electronic module, arran- ged in the magazine, for manufacturing or transport lots. In the commissioning station the compo- nents of the electronic modules are stored by type in flat or upright magazines. "Assembly station", consisting of - a HAUSER portal robot - an ADEPT TECHNOLOGY adept one assembly robot - a gray-scale vision system - a transfer point for the FTS - a HEWLETT PACKARD Vectra cell computer - a special control software. The usually costly re-equipping of industrial robots for new assembly cycles means that the pro- duction of very small lots and batches of workpieces is uneconomical. For "Fabrik 2000", therefore, an assembly cell with two industrial robots was developed, so as to allow the complete automation of the re-equipping procedure: The portal robot lifts the transport pallets with the printed-circuit boards and component magazi- nes from the FIX and places them onto a free pallet. After the gripper has been changed, the por- tal robot takes the magazine from the transport pallet and positions it in the work space of the as- sembly robot (adept one) or on the buffer points in the cell. The work space of the adept one is divided into two areas of 180 degrees each. While the adept one is carrying out mounting or solde- ring operations on one side of its work space, the portal robot is re-equipping the other side of the work space for the module of the next printed-circuit board (cf. Fig. 5 F2000). The image recognition system installed is used consistently in order to arrange the grippers and the peripherals as simply and universally as possible. The image recognition system works exclusively parallel to the robot process and has thus no negative influence on the cycle time, on the contrary, it reduces the cycle time by correcting the jointing position of components with tolerance faults : In order to recognize the position and the orientation of the parts, the portal robot exchanges the gripper for a camera and is thus able to recognize the parts position and orientation on the flat magazines from any point in the work space using the vision system. The adept one takes the com- ponents from the flat magazines and measures the position of the terminal wires using the vision system.' As a camera is brought parallel to the gripper by the robot, this can be carried out during the movement from the pick-up point to the assembly point. The vision system calculates the cor- rection value for the jointing process parallel to the robot movement. If the arrangement of the terminal wires of the component is outside the tolerance for the contact spacing of the printed- circuit board. the component is tilted in the gripper, the terminal wires are sequentially assembled in the printed-circuit board and at the same time straightened. The robot controls contain no type-specific or variant-specific programs. The cell computer, which directly coordinates the axis control of the portal robot, processes the robot used for the handling of the pallets, magazines, and printed-circuit boards in accordance with an optimization program. The program guarantees the shortest possible path for the adept one between the pick-up points of the magazines and the assembly position. The assembly robot works with a specific program module. This module entails - taking the part from the pick-up point - optically measuring the part - assembling the part in the assembly position using the correction data. For each individual product to be mounted, the program is generated by reproduction of the pro- gram module. For the processing of a program module the control contains the following data: - the pick-up point for the magazines from the cell computer. in addition the relative coordinates of the parts on the magazine via the image recognition - the parts data from the master computer or from the CAD system - the assembly position from the CAD system via the master computer - the jointing correction data during the execution of the program through the parallel image processing. The program is generated parallel to the assembly of the previous product, so that it is available without any loss of time. The soldering program is generated from the jointing points and the component data (contact spacing, number of terminal wires). The assembly cell thus offers the following advantages, in comparison with conventional separate solutions: - economical assembly automation of the smallest number of pieces through automatic set-up without cycle time loss - non-exact positioning preparation and jointing of tolerance faulty components without any loss of time as a result of the installation of image recognition - complete assembly of even smaller numbers of pieces - immediate automatic assembly of completely new products without programming - avoidance of cell down-times - shortest cycle times through path optimization. "Transport" cell, consisting of - the autonomous vehicle IPAMAR - a cell computer - the planning and control system. The production process of the future requires a transport system, which reacts flexibly, even to unforeseen events such as the failure of a cell or blocked travel paths. The present transport sy- stems are not suitable for this task, as true flexibility via rigid connecting paths (fixed control wi- res) and limited planning possibilities. With the IPAMAR autonomous vehicle, a transport system

ligning parts in a fixture, tweaking cutting tools, etc. The programs lack the skilled machinist's capacity for accommodating large variations in Frensley, V. R. (1987) : Gallium arsenide transistors. Scientific. American, 257, 2, pp. 69-75. Giallorenzi, T.G., Bucaro, J.A., Dandridge, A. (1986): O
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