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Trends in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems: 11th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems PDF

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ADVANCES IN INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS AND COMPUTING 221 Javier Bajo Pérez et al. (Eds.) Trends in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems 11th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 123 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Volume 221 SeriesEditor J.Kacprzyk,Warsaw,Poland Forfurthervolumes: http://www.springer.com/series/11156 · Javier BajoPérez Juan Manuel Corchado Rodríguez · Johannes Fähndrich Philippe Mathieu Andrew Campbell María del Carmen Suárez-Figueroa · Emmanuel Adam Antonio Fernández-Caballero · Ramon Hermoso María N. Moreno Editors Trends in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems 11th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems ABC Editors JavierBajoPérez MaríadelCarmenSuárez-Figueroa DepartamentodeInteligenciaArtificial DepartamentodeInteligenciaArtificial FacultaddeInformática FacultaddeInformática UniversidadPolitécnicadeMadrid UniversidadPolitécnicadeMadrid Madrid,España Madrid,España JuanManuelCorchadoRodríguez EmmanuelAdam DepartamentodeInformáticayAutomática LAMIH(UMRCNRS8530) FacultaddeCiencias UniversitedeValenciennes UniversidaddeSalamanca Valenciennes-Cedex9,France Salamanca,Spain AntonioFernández-Caballero JohannesFähndrich DepartamentodeInformática TechnischeUniversitätBerlin UniversityofCastilla-LaMancha FacultyofElectricalEngineeringandComputer CampusUniversitarios/n Science Albacete,Spain Berlin,Germany PhilippeMathieu RamonHermoso UniversitédesSciencesetTechnologiesdeLille UniversidadReyJuanCarlos LIFL(Laboratoired’InformatiqueFondamentale Móstoles,Madrid deLille) Spain Villeneuved‘AscqCedex,France MaríaN.Moreno AndrewCampbell DepartamentodeInformáticayAutomática DepartmentofComputerScience FacultaddeCiencias DartmouthCollege UniversidaddeSalamanca Hanover Salamanca,Spain USA ISSN 2194-5357 ISSN2194-5365 (electronic) ISBN978-3-319-00562-1 ISBN978-3-319-00563-8 (eBook) DOI10.1007/978-3-319-00563-8 SpringerChamHeidelbergNewYorkDordrechtLondon LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2013937540 (cid:2)c SpringerInternationalPublishingSwitzerland2013 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpartof thematerialisconcerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation, broadcasting,reproductiononmicrofilmsorinanyotherphysicalway,andtransmissionorinformation storageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilarmethodology nowknownorhereafterdeveloped.Exemptedfromthislegalreservationarebriefexcerptsinconnection with reviews or scholarly analysis or material supplied specifically for the purpose of being entered and executed on a computer system, for exclusive use by the purchaser of the work. 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Printedonacid-freepaper SpringerispartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia(www.springer.com) Preface PAAMS’13SpecialSessionsareaveryusefultoolinordertocomplementthe regularprogramwithneworemergingtopicsofparticularinteresttothepar- ticipatingcommunity.SpecialSessionsthatemphasizedonmulti-disciplinary andtransversalaspects,aswellascutting-edgetopicswereespeciallyencour- aged and welcome. ResearchonAgentsandMulti-AgentSystemshasmaturedduringthelast decade and many effective applications of this technology are now deployed. An international forum to present and discuss the latest scientific develop- ments and their effective applications, to assess the impact of the approach, and to facilitate technology transfer, has become a necessity. PAAMS,theInternationalConferenceonPracticalApplicationsofAgents and Multi-Agent Systems is an evolution of the International Workshop on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. PAAMS is an international yearly tribune to present, to discuss, and to disseminate the latest developments and the most important outcomes related to real-world applications. It provides a unique opportunity to bring multi-disciplinary experts, academics and practitioners together to exchange their experience in the development of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. Thisvolumepresentsthepapersthathavebeenacceptedforthe 2013edi- tion in the special sessions: Assessing Agent Applications & Self-Explaining Agents, Agents Behaviours and Artificial Markets, Agents and Mobility, In- telligentcomponentsproducingandconsuming knowledgeanddata,CORE- MAS: COoperative and RE-configurable MultiAgent System for Industrial Environments,Multi-AgentSystemsforSafetyandSecurity,TINMAS:Trust, IncentivesandNormsinopenMulti-AgentSystems,WebMiRes:WebMining and Recommender systems. We would like to thank all the contributing authors, as well as the mem- bers of the ProgramCommittees of the Special Sessions and the Organizing Committee for their hard and highly valuable work. Their work has helped to contribute to the success of the PAAMS’13 event. Thanks for your help, PAAMS’13 wouldn’t exist without your contribution. VI Preface We thank the sponsors (IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics Society Spain, AEPIA Asociacio´n Espan˜ola para la Inteligencia Artificial, AFIA French Association for Artificial Intelligence, CNRS Centre national de la recherche scientifique), the Local Organization members and the Program Committee members for their hard work,which was essential for the success of PAAMS’13. Juan Manuel Corchado Rodr´ıguez Javier Bajo P´erez PAAMS’13 Organizing Co-chairs Organization Special Sessions Assessing Agent Applications & Self-Explaining Agents Agents Behaviours and Artificial Markets Agents and Mobility Intelligent components producing and consuming knowledge and data COREMAS: COoperative and RE-configurable MultiAgent System for Industrial Environments. Multi-Agent Systems for Safety and Security TINMAS: Trust, Incentives and Norms in open Multi-Agent Systems. WebMiRes: Web Mining and Recommender systems. Special Session on Assessing Agent Applications & Self-Explaining Agents Sebastian Ahrndt (Chair) DAI-Labor, Technische Universit¨at Berlin, Germany Johannes F¨ahndrich (Chair) DAI-Labor, Technische Universit¨at Berlin, Germany Benjamin Hirsch (Chair) EBTIC / Khalifa University, United Arab Emirates Tina Balke (Chair) University of Bayreuth, Germany Marco Lu¨tzenberger (Chair) DAI-Labor, Technical University of Berlin, Germany Dawud Gordon TECO, Karlsruhe Institut of Technology, Germany Christian Mu¨ller-Schloer Leibniz University Hannover,Germany VIII Organization Special Session on Agents Behaviours and Artificial Markets Philippe Mathieu (chair) University Lille, France Dr. Bruno Beaufils University of Lille, France Pr. Olivier Brandouy University of Paris,France Pr. Andrea Consiglio University of Palermo,Italy Dr. Florian Hauser University of Innsbruck, Austria Pr. Philippe Mathieu University of Lille, France Pr. Juan Pavo´n University Complutense Madrid, Spain Dr. Marco Raberto University of Genoa, Italy Dr. Roger Waldeck Telecom Bretagne, UK Dr. Hector Zenil University of Sheffield, UK Special Session on Agents and Mobility Andrew Campbell Darthmouth College, USA Javier Bajo Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain Gabriel Villarrubia University of Salamanca, Spain Juan F. De Paz University of Salamanca, Spain Fernando de la Prieta University of Salamanca, Spain Special Session on Intelligent Components Producing and Consuming Knowledge and Data Mari Carmen Ontology Engineering Group (OEG), Sua´rez-Figueroa (chair) Universidad Polit´ecnica de Madrid, Spain Valentina Tamma (chair) University of Liverpool, United Kingdom Stefan Decker Digital Enterprise Research Institute, Ireland Mariano Ferna´ndez-L´opez Universidad San Pablo CEU, Spain Chiara Ghidini Fondazione Bruno Kessler, FBK, Italy Massimo Paolucci DOCOMO Euro-Labs,Germany Terry Payne University of Liverpool, United Kingdom Carlos Pedrinaci Open University, United Kingdom Murat Sensoy University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom Luciano Serafini Fondazione Bruno Kessler, FBK, Italy Serena Villata INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France Sonia Bergamaschi Universita’ di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy Boris Villazo´n Terrazas,iSOCO, Spain Organization IX Special Session COREMAS: COoperative and RE-configurable MultiAgent System for Industial Environments Emmanuel Adam University of Valenciennes, France Paulo Leitao Polytechnic Institute of Braganc¸a,Portugal Special Session on Multi-Agent Systems for Safety and Security Antonio Ferna´ndez-Caballero University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain Elena Mar´ıa Navarro Mart´ınez University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain Special Session on Trust, Incentives and Norms in Open Multi-Agent Systems Ana Paula Rocha (Chair) University of Porto,Portugal Henrique Lopes Cardoso (Chair) University of Porto,Portugal Olivier Boissier (Chair) ENSM Saint-Etienne, France Ram´on Hermoso (Chair) Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain Cristiano Castelfranchi ISTC-CNR, Italy Daniel Villatoro IIIA-CSIC, Spain Eugenio Oliveira University of Porto,Portugal Joana Urbano University of Porto,Portugal Jordi Sabater-Mir IIIA-CSIC, Spain Laurent Vercouter University of Rouen, France Nicoletta Fornara University of Lugano, Switzerland Patrice Caire University of Luxemburg, Luxemburg Roberto Centeno UNED, Spain Sascha Ossowski Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain Wamberto Vasconcelos University of Aberdeen, Scotland Waqar ul Qounain University of The Punjab, Pakistan X Organization Special Session WebMiRes: Web Mining and Recommender systems Mar´ıa Moreno (chair) University of Salamanca, Spain Longbing Cao (chair) University of Technology,Australia Ana Mar´ıa Almeida Institute of Engineering of Porto (Portugal) James Bailey University of Melbourne, Australia Yolanda Blanco Ferna´ndez University of Vigo, Spain Sanjay Chawla University of Sydney, Australia Peter Christen Australian National University Rafael Corchuelo University of Sevilla, Spain Chris Cornelis Ghent University, Belgium Mar´ıa Jos´e del Jesu´s D´ıaz University of Ja´en, Spain Anne Laurent University of Montpellier 2, France Vivian Lo´pez Batista University of Salamanca, Spain Joel Pinho Lucas Mobjoy, Brazil Constantino Martins Institute of Engineering of Porto, Portugal Simeon Simoff University of Western Sydney, Australia Haixun Wang Microsoft Resarch Asia Guandong Xu Victoria University, Australia Yanchun Zhang Victoria University, Australia Organizing Committee Juan M. Corchado (Chairman) University of Salamanca, Spain Javier Bajo (Co-Chairman) Pontifical University of Salamanca,Spain Gabriel Villarrubia University of Salamanca, Spain Alejandro Sa´nchez University of Salamanca, Spain Juan F. De Paz University of Salamanca, Spain Sara Rodr´ıguez University of Salamanca, Spain Dante I. Tapia University of Salamanca, Spain Fernando de la Prieta Pintado University of Salamanca, Spain Davinia Carolina Zato Dom´ınguez University of Salamanca, Spain Elena Garc´ıa University of Salamanca, Spain Roberto Gonza´lez University of Salamanca, Spain

Research on Agents and Multi-agent Systems has matured during the last decade and many effective applications of this technology are now deployed. PAAMS provides an international forum to presents and discuss the latest scientific developments and their effective applications, to assess the impact o
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