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Trends in Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics Jod F, Rodrigues Gregory Seregin Jos6 Miguel Urbano Editors Birkhauser Base1 . Boston . Berlin Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications Volume 61 Editor Haim Brezis Universitk Pierre et Marie Curie Paris and Rutgers University New Brunswick, N.1 Editorial Board Antonio Ambrosetti, Scuola Intemazionale Supcriore di Studi Avanzati, Trieste A. Bahri, Rutgers University, New Brunswick Felix Browder, Rutgers University, New Brunswick Luis Cafarelli, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton Lawrence C. Evans, University of California, Berkeley Mariano Giaquinta, University of Pisa David Kinderlehrcr, Camegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh Sergiu Klainerman, Princeton University Robert Kohn, New York University pL. Lions, University of Paris IX Jean Mahwin, Universitk Catholique dc Louvain Louis Nirenberg, New York University Lambertus Peletier, University of Leidcn Paul Rabinowitz, University of Wisconsin, Madison John Toland, University of Bath Editors: Josh Francisco Kodrigues Gregory Sercgin IJniversidade de Lisboa I CMAF Steklov Institute of Mathematics Av. Prof. Gama Pinto, 2 Russian Academy of Science 1649-003 Lisboa 27, Fontanka Portugal St. Petcrsburg 191023 [email protected] Russia [email protected] Jose Miguel Urbano Departamento de Matematica Universidade de Coimbra I FCT Apartado 3008 3001-454 Coimbra Portugal [email protected] 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification 35-06; 35430, 76D05 A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. Washington D.C., USA Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Bibliothek Die Deutsche Bibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is availahle in the Internet at <http:Ndnb.ddh.de>. ISBN 3-7643-7165-X Birkhauser Verlag, Base1 - Boston - Berlin This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, and storage in data banks. For any kind of use whatsoever, permission from the copyright owner must be obtained. O 2005 Birkhauser Verlag, PO. Box 133, CH-4010 Basel, Switzerland Part of Springer Science+Business Media Printed on acid-free .mu.e r .or oduced of ehlorine-free .~ u.ln T. CF- Printed in Germany ISBN-10: 3-7643-7165-X Table of Contents Preface ................................................................... vii List of Participants ....................................................... xiii S.N. Antontsev, J.I. D´ıaz and H.B. de Oliveira Stopping a Viscous Fluid by a Feedback Dissipative Field: Thermal Effects without Phase Changing ............................ 1 M. Bonforte and G. Grillo Ultracontractive Bounds for Nonlinear Evolution Equations Governed by the Subcritical p-Laplacian ............................. 15 L. Brandolese Weighted L2-spaces and Strong Solutions of the Navier-Stokes Equations in R3 ....................................... 27 L. Consiglieri, J.F. Rodrigues and T. Shilkin A Limit Model for Unidirectional Non-Newtonian Flows with Nonlocal Viscosity .............................................. 37 I.V. Denisova Problem of Thermocapillary Convection for Two Incompressible Fluids Separated by a Closed Interface .......... 45 D. Andreucci, P. Bisegna and E. DiBenedetto Some Mathematical Problems in Visual Transduction ................ 65 C. Ebmeyer Global Regularity in Sobolev Spaces for Elliptic Problems with p-structure on Bounded Domains ............................... 81 A. Fasano and M. Primicerio Temperature Driven Mass Transport in Concentrated Saturated Solutions .................................................. 91 E. Frolova Solvability of a Free Boundary Problem for the Navier-Stokes Equations Describing the Motion of Viscous Incompressible Nonhomogeneous Fluid ...................... 109 vi Table of Contents D.A. Gomes Duality Principles for Fully Nonlinear Elliptic Equations ............. 125 G. Guidoboni and M. Padula On the B´enard Problem ............................................. 137 Li Tatsien Exact Boundary Controllability for Quasilinear Wave Equations ..................................................... 149 A. Mahalov, B. Nicolaenko, C. Bardos and F. Golse Regularity of Euler Equations for a Class of Three-Dimensional Initial Data ...................................... 161 P.B. Mucha A Model of a Two-dimensional Pump ................................ 187 J. Neustupa and P. Penel Regularity of a Weak Solution to the Navier-Stokes Equation in Dependence on Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of the Rate of Deformation Tensor ................................... 197 M. Padula Free Work and Control of Equilibrium Configurations ................ 213 D.L. Rapoport Stochastic Geometry Approach to the Kinematic Dynamo Equation of Magnetohydrodynamics ........................ 225 R. Rautmann Quasi-Lipschitz Conditions in Euler Flows ........................... 243 S. Shmarev Interfaces in Solutions of Diffusion-absorption Equations in Arbitrary Space Dimension ....................................... 257 Hung-Ju Kuo and N.S. Trudinger Estimates for Solutions of Fully Nonlinear Discrete Schemes ......... 275 Preface Vsevolod Alekseevich Solonnikov is known as one of the outstanding mathemati- ciansfromtheSt.PetersburgMathematicalSchool.Hisremarkableresultsonexact estimates of solutions to boundary and initial-boundary value problems for linear elliptic, parabolic, and Stokes systems, his methods and contributions to the in- vestigation of free boundary problems, in particular in fluid mechanics, are well known to specialists all over the world. The InternationalConferenceon“TrendsinPartialDifferentialEquationsof Mathematical Physics” was held on the occasion of his 70th birthday in O´bidos (Portugal), from June 7 to 10, 2003. It was an organization of the “Centro de Matem´aticaeAplica¸c˜oesFundamentaisdaUniversidadeLisboa”,incollaboration with the “Centro de Matema´tica da Universidade de Coimbra”, the “Centro de Matem´atica Aplicada do IST/Universidade T´ecnica de Lisboa”, the “Centro de Matem´aticadaUniversidadedaBeiraInterior”,fromPortugal,andwiththe Lab- oratory of Mathematical Physics of the St.Petersburg Department of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics from Russia. The conference consistedofthirty eightinvitedandcontributedlectures and gathered,inthecharminganduniquemedievaltownofO´bidos,aboutsixtypartic- ipants from fifteen countries, namely USA, Switzerland, Spain, Russia, Portugal, Poland, Lithuania, Korea, Japan, Italy, Germany, France, Canada, Australia and Argentina.Severalcolleaguesgaveusahelpinghandintheorganizationofthecon- ference. We are thankful to all of them, and in particular to Stanislav Antontsev, Anvarbek Meirmanov and Ad´elia Sequeira, that integrated also the Organizing Committee. A special acknowledgementis due to Elena Frolova that helped us in compiling the short and necessarily incomplete bio-bibliographicalnotes below. This book contains twenty original contributions, selected from the invited talksoftheO´bidosconferenceandcomplementsthespecialissue“Boundary-Value Problems of Mathematical Physics and Related Problems of Function Theory. Part 34” published as Vol. 306 of “Zapiski Nauchnyh Seminarov POMI” (2003), which is also dedicated to Professor Solonnikov. Support from various institutions, in addition to the participating research centers already mentioned, has been essential for the realization of the confer- ence and this book. We acknowledge the financial support from the Portuguese Fundac¸˜ao para a Ciˆencia e Tecnologia and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the Town of O´bidos for the generous support and hospitality that provided a nice atmosphere for a very friendly meeting. Jos´e Francisco Rodrigues, Gregory Seregin and Jos´e Miguel Urbano Lisbon, St.Petersburg and Coimbra, September 2004 viii Preface On Vsevolod Alekseevich Solonnikov and his 70th birthday Vsevolod Alekseevich Solonnikov (V.A.) was born on the 8th of June, 1933 in Leningrad, and was brought up by his mother and nurse. His mother died in Leningrad during the Second World War, and V.A. spent several years in a children’s house after the war. In his childhood, V.A. was keen on music and, in 1947, he entered the Music School at Leningrad Conservatoire where he studied violoncello. Later on, in 1951 he entered the Leningrad Conservatoire.Due to his talent, V.A. finished the first yearatthe Conservatoirewith excellent marks,but, nevertheless, he decided to change his future profession. His interest in physics and mathematics prevailed, and in 1952 V.A. entered the physics department of Leningrad State University, starting a new period of his life that would lead him to mathematics. At the physics department, V.A. attended lectures and seminars organized by Olga A. Ladyzhenskaya and defended a diploma thesis under her supervision. In1957,V.A.graduatedfromtheUniversitywithanexcellentdiplomaandstarted to work at the Leningrad Branch of the Steklov Mathematical Institute, in the scientific group headed by O.A. Ladyzhenskaya. In his candidate thesis (1961) V.A. proved the a priory estimates for so- lutions of boundary value problems for elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations, and also for the stationary Stokes system in Sobolev spaces. In 1965, V.A.defendedhisdoctoralthesis.In[1,2],heconstructedthesolvabilitytheoryfor parabolic systems of generaltype in Sobolev and Ho¨lder spaces.Many interesting results for parabolic problems are presented in chapters 4 and 7 of the classical monograph[3].In[4], he provedhis famous coerciveestimates forsolutions to the three-dimensional non-stationary Stokes system under Dirichlet boundary condi- tions. With the help of these estimates, in [5] V.A. investigated the differentiabil- itypropertiesofgeneralizedsolutionstothenon-stationaryNavier–Stokessystem. Later on, in 1973, V.A. gave another proof of those estimates which is nowadays classical,see[5].Inthemid-1990s,inconnectionwiththelinearizationofmodified Navier–Stokes equations suggested by O.A. Ladyzhenskaya, he obtained coercive estimates for their solutions in anisotropic Sobolev spaces. Since the 1970s, V.A. concentrated his scientific interests on various mathe- maticalproblemsoffluiddynamics.Inthemid-70s,hebeganhisstudiesofbound- ary value problems for Stokes and Navier–Stokes equations in domains with non- compactboundaries.Here, the important step forwardwas the right choice ofthe mainfunctionalspacesmadebyhim,togetherwithO.A.Ladyzhenskaya.Themost significant results were the content of their fundamental papers [6,7]. In [8], they also analyzed problems for domains with arbitrary “outlets” to infinity without assumptionsonboundedness ofthe Dirichletintegral.Thereviewonproblemsfor noncompact boundaries can be found in [9,10]. One of the favorite topics of V.A. is free boundary problems for viscous incompressible fluids. He started to think about them in the 1970s. One of the remarkable results in this direction was about the properties of solutions in the Preface ix vicinity of the contact between a free surface and a rigid wall, see [11,12]. At the beginning of the 1980s, V.A. considered the problem of describing the motion of a drop. The series of works on this theme started in 1984 with the small paper [13],where he formulateda problemonthe evolutionof anisolatedvolume ofvis- cous incompressible capillary fluid and gave the plan of the proof of the local unique solvability to this problem in anisotropic Sobolev–Slobodetskii spaces. Toprovethesolvabilityofthecorrespondedlinearproblem,V.A.usedthemethod of construction of regularizers introduced by him earlier in the monograph [3]. The complete proof of the existence theorems to the problem of the motion of a viscous drop was finished by the beginning of the 1990s [14,15]. In the case of sufficiently small initial velocity and in the case the initial shape of the drop is close to a ball, V.A. proved the existence of a global solution for the problem of the motion of a finite volume of self-gravitating capillary incompressible [16] and compressible [17] fluids. He showed that in a coordinate system connected with the center ofmassofthe drop,for largemoments oftime,the solutionapproaches the rotation of the liquid as a rigid body around a certain axis, and the domain occupied by the fluid tends to an equilibrium figure. x Preface In the 1990’s, V.A. introduced also new ideas and obtained sharp results on some classical free boundary problems for parabolic equations. Based on new coercive estimates for solutions of linearized problems, obtained after the trans- formation of the free boundary problems in highly nonlinear and nonstandard evolution problems, he obtained, with some of his co-workers, interesting local solvability of the Stefan problem in Sobolev spaces [18], deep estimates for cer- tain systems, for instance in [19], and the classical solvability of the Stefan and Muskat–Veregin two-phase problems in [20], obtaining the sharpest regularity in H¨older spaces (at least equal regularity for t=0 and for t>0, at the lowest possible order). A detailed presentation of this results and methods of analyzing free boundary problems where given by V.A. in the lecture notes [21]. In the last years, V.A. analyzed the stability of axially symmetric and non- symmetric equilibrium figures of rotating viscous incompressible liquid. This is a famous classic problem that had attracted the attention of great mathematicians like, for instance, Newton, Jacobi, Liouville, Poincar´e and Lyapunov. Recently, he succeed to prove that the positiveness of the second variation of the energy functional on a certain subspace of functions is the sufficient (and correct) condi- tion of stability of non-symmetric equilibrium figures [22]. This deep and remark- able result can be considered as an extension of classical results on the stability of ellipsoidal equilibrium forms of rotating fluid without taking into account the surface tension, and the rigorous justification of the principle of minimum of the energy functional was obtained after the recent analysis and progresses he made on a certain evolution free boundary problem for the Navier–Stokes equations. After1969,V.A.hasworkedalsoatLeningradStateUniversity(Department of Mathematics and Mechanics). He gave basic and special courses of lectures, and wrote lecture notes together with N.N. Uraltseva. Many students obtained a diploma under his supervision, and he had also several post-graduate students. V.A. always took care of his students, attentively looking after their work and collaborating with them. Owing to the hospitality of his wife Tatiana Fedorovna, his home became native for many of his students and friends. V.A. Solonnikov continues to be a leading researcher at the St.Petersburg BranchoftheSteklovMathematicalInstituteandpursuesintensivelyandsuccess- fullyhiswork,correspondingtomultipleinvitations,participationsininternational conferences and visits in Europe and in Asia. Among many other distinctions, in 1997heobtainedaseniorresearchfellowshipattheUniversityofLisbon,Portugal, and in 2002 he was awardedthe prize of Humboldt ResearchAward,in Germany. InrecentyearsheisbeingalsolecturingasProfessorofRationalMechanicsatthe University of Ferrara, in Italy, where a second International Conference (“Direc- tions on Partial Differential Equations”, 6–9 November 2003) on the occasion of his 70th birthday took also place, following the one of O´bidos, in Portugal.

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