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Trees of Western North America PDF

561 Pages·2014·175.3 MB·English
by  Earle
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Trees of Western North America 01 TWNA pp001-025.indd 1 24/03/2014 16:42 Princeton Field Guides Rooted in field experience and scientific study, Princeton’s guides to animals and plants are the authority for professional scientists and amateur naturalists alike. Princeton Field Guides present this information in a compact format carefully designed for easy use in the field. The guides illustrate every species in color and provide detailed information on identification, distribution, and biology. Birds of the Dominican Republic and Haiti, by Steven Latta, Christopher Rimmer, Allan Keith, James Wiley, Herbert Raffaele, Kent McFarland, and Eladio Fernandez Birds of the West Indies, by Herbert Raffaele, James Wiley, Orlando Garrido, Allan Keith, and Janis Raffaele Caterpillars of Eastern North America: A Guide to Identification and Natural History, by David L. Wagner Common Mosses of the Northeast and Appalachians, by Karl B. McKnight, Joseph Rohrer, Kirsten McKnight Ward, and Warren Perdrizet Dragonflies and Damselflies of the East, by Dennis Paulson Dragonflies and Damselflies of the West, by Dennis Paulson Mammals of North America, Second Edition, by Roland W. Kays and Don E. Wilson Nests, Eggs, and Nestlings of North American Birds, Second Edition, by Paul J. Baicich and Colin J. O. Harrison Trees of Eastern North America, by Gil Nelson, Christopher J. Earle, and Richard Spellenberg, Illustrations by David More, Edited by Amy K. Hughes Trees of Western North America, by Richard Spellenberg, Christopher J. Earle, and Gil Nelson, Illustrations by David More, Edited by Amy K. Hughes Trees of Panama and Costa Rica, by Richard Condit, Rolando Pérez, and Nefertaris Daguerre 01 TWNA pp001-025.indd 2 24/03/2014 16:42 Richard Spellenberg, Christopher J. Earle, and Gil Nelson Illustrations by David More Edited by Amy K. Hughes Trees of Western North America Princeton University Press Princeton and Oxford 01 TWNA pp001-025.indd 3 24/03/2014 16:42 Copyright © 2014 by Richard Spellenberg, Christopher J. Earle, Gil Nelson, and Amy K. Hughes Illustrations © 2014 David More Illustrations of Coast Redwood tree (p. 53) and Giant Sequoia tree (p. 54) © Robert Van Pelt Requests for permission to reproduce material from this work should be sent to Permissions, Princeton University Press Published by Princeton University Press, 41 William Street, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 In the United Kingdom: Princeton University Press, 6 Oxford Street, Woodstock, Oxfordshire OX20 1TW press.princeton.edu Cover art © 2014 David More All Rights Reserved ISBN 978-0-691-14579-2 ISBN (pbk.) 978-0-691-14580-8 Library of Congress Control Number: 2013950318 British Library Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available This book has been composed in Minion Pro Printed on acid-free paper. ∞ Edited and designed by D & N Publishing, Baydon, Wiltshire, UK Printed in China 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 01 TWNA pp001-025.indd 4 24/03/2014 16:42 contents introduction 6 Ebenaceae: Ebony Family 210 About Th is Book 6 Elaeagnaceae: Oleaster Family 212 Taxonomy and Names 7 Ericaceae: Heath Family 216 Gymnosperms and Angiosperms 7 Euphorbiaceae: Spurge Family 226 Tree Biology 9 Fabaceae: Bean or Pea Family 230 Forest Structure 18 Fagaceae: Beech or Oak Family 276 Leaf Keys 19 Garryaceae: Silktassel Family 320 Key to the Gymnosperms by Leaf Type 20 Hamamelidaceae: Witch-hazel Family 324 Key to Selected Angiosperm Trees Juglandaceae: Walnut Family 325 by Leaf Shape 21 Koeberliniaceae: Allthorn Family 334 Lauraceae: Laurel Family 335 Malvaceae: Mallow Family 340 the trees Meliaceae: Mahogany Family 346 Moraceae: Mulberry Family 346 Gymnosperms 26 Myoporaceae: Myoporum Family 352 Conifers 26 Myricaceae: Wax Myrtle Family 353 Ginkgoaceae: Ginkgo Family 27 Myrtaceae: Myrtle Family 354 Araucariaceae: Araucaria Family 28 Oleaceae: Olive Family 362 Cupressaceae: Cypress Family 30 Papaveraceae: Poppy Family 378 Pinaceae: Pine Family 55 Pittosporaceae: Cheesewood Family 379 Taxaceae: Yew Family 110 Platanaceae: Planetree Family 381 Proteaceae: Protea Family 385 Angiosperms 112 Punicaceae: Pomegranate Family 386 Monocots 112 Rhamnaceae: Buckthorn Family 386 Arecaceae: Palm Family 112 Rosaceae: Rose Family 402 Asparagaceae: Asparagus Family 118 Rubiaceae: Madder Family 454 Rutaceae: Citrus or Rue Family 456 Dicots 130 Salicaceae: Willow Family 464 Adoxaceae: Moschatel Family 130 Sapindaceae: Soapberry Family 500 Anacardiaceae: Cashew Family 134 Sapotaceae: Sapodilla Family 514 Apocynaceae: Oleander Family 148 Simaroubaceae: Quassia Family 516 Aquifoliaceae: Holly Family 149 Solanaceae: Nightshade Family 518 Araliaceae: Ginseng Family 152 Staphyleaceae: Bladdernut Family 520 Asteraceae: Aster Family 152 Styracaceae: Storax Family 521 Betulaceae: Birch Family 156 Tamaricaceae: Tamarisk Family 522 Bignoniaceae: Bignonia Family 172 Ulmaceae: Elm Family 528 Boraginaceae: Borage Family 176 Verbenaceae: Vervain Family 534 Buddlejaceae: Buddleja Family 178 Zygophyllaceae: Caltrop Family 538 Burseraceae: Torchwood Family 178 Cactaceae: Cactus Family 180 Acknowledgments 540 Cannabaceae: Hemp Family 199 Abbreviations 541 Celastraceae: Bittersweet Family 204 Glossary 542 Cornaceae: Dogwood Family 206 index of species 547 01 TWNA pp001-025.indd 5 24/03/2014 16:42 IntroductIon 6 ■ About this book tAxoNomic orGANizAtioN ANd sequeNce oF sPecies This guide presents the trees that grow without the Species are arranged in the book in a manner that aid of human cultivation in the western portion reflects the general relationships among species of North America north of Mexico. This region is and, at the same time, provides a sequence con- more or less naturally defined by the area between venient for the user. The first part of the book cov- the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains and the ers gymnosperms (conifers and their relatives); the Pacific Ocean. More precisely, we have chosen the larger group of trees called angiosperms (flowering 100th meridian as the division between East and plants) follows, first with the monocotyledons, or West. In the United States this meridian defines monocots (among them palms and yuccas), then the eastern border of the Texas panhandle, extends the dicotyledons, or dicots. See “Gymnosperms northward across the central portion of the Great and Angiosperms,” p. 7, for more on these groups. Plains, and in Canada lies slightly east of the bor- Within the gymnosperms, monocots, and dicots, ders between Saskatchewan and Manitoba, and the trees are organized into families, within each Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Southward, in family into its genera (singular, genus), and within Texas, there is a notable difference in the species each genus the species that occur in the West. composition of the woody vegetation that lies east Anyone studying our flora will find it useful to or west of a dividing line that continues south from learn to recognize families, or genera, as a route the panhandle’s eastern border to Abilene, then to identifying species. Families, genera, and spe- curves eastward near the eastern edge of the Ed- cies are presented in alphabetic order, except in wards Plateau, passing through Austin and ending a few instances in which a different arrangement at Corpus Christi on the Gulf of Mexico. simplifies identification (as in some of the gymno- sperms, and the flowering plant families Fabaceae, NAtive ANd iNtroduced Fagaceae, Rosaceae, Salicaceae, and Tamaricaceae). We indicate in the tree descriptions whether a spe- cies is native or introduced to the region covered NAmes by this book. Most are “native,” meaning they were We use up-to-date scientific names, drawn from already in North America before Europeans came the Flora of North America North of Mexico (www. to the New World. Since then, many trees have been efloras.org), the USDA PLANTS Database (www. introduced as ornamentals, to provide food, browse, plants.usda.gov), and recently published technical or wood products, or for erosion control or wind- literature. We use a unique scientific name for each breaks. Some of these trees are naturalized: They are species. We also provide at least one, and often sev- reproducing and persisting as populations without eral, common names, some of them regional. (See the aid of horticultural practice. A few prominent “Taxonomy and Names,” below.) cultivated street and garden trees are also included. descriPtioNs Each family, genus, and species has its own descrip- tion, except when a genus has only one species in the West; in such a case there is only one inclusive genus and species description. Family and genus descriptions describe the group and provide some information on how the plants are used, their ecol- ogy, and, sometimes, on problems of classification. Species descriptions begin with common and scientific names, including alternative names (“a.k.a.”), if any. For all native species (and many introduced) we provide a “Quick ID,” a short state- ment describing how to recognize that particular species. A more detailed description follows, pro- viding information on habit (the plant’s growth form), bark, twigs, foliage, flowers, and fruit. WEST EAST WEST EAST Descriptions vary in length depending on our as- This guide covers the western United States and Canada sessment of the cultural or ecological importance as indicated on the map. of the tree as well as the extent of its geographic 01 TWNA pp001-025.indd 6 24/03/2014 16:42 GYMnoSPErMS And AnGIoSPErMS 7 distribution. We indicate whether the species is languages, as well as regionally, and oft en do not native or introduced, and provide the usual fl ower- indicate species relationships. Furthermore, one ing period, elevation and general habitat, and geo- species may have several common names, or graphic distribution. When applicable, we explain several diff erent species may have the same com- how to distinguish the species from similar, usually mon name. Conversely, all species are assigned a closely related species. For nearly all native and two-part scientifi c name that applies to only that some introduced species we provide a thumbnail species. It distinguishes by name one species from map showing the geographic range of the species another, indicates some degree of relationship, al- in North America north of Mexico. lows international communication about organ- isms, and aff ords ready information retrieval from references. Scientifi c names inform us, for exam- ■ tAxoNomY ANd NAmes ple, that Emory Oak (Quercus emoryi) and Valley Oak (Quercus lobata) are related, both in the genus Taxonomy defi nes groups of organisms, gives Quercus; but Poison-oak (Toxicodendron diversi- names to the groups, and arranges them in a hi- lobum) and the she-oaks (species of Casuarina) erarchy, thereby producing a classifi cation. It is are not related to each other or to Quercus, despite the oldest of biological sciences, originating in being called “oaks.” language that spoke of organisms in nature. Mod- Th e scientifi c name is a Latinized name, Latin ern classifi cations use many lines of evidence, in- having been the primary language of science in the cluding morphology, chemistry, and DNA-based 18th century, when the system was devised. It is a data, to classify organisms according to their evo- two-part name, or binomial, composed of a genus lutionary relationships. At the higher levels of the name followed by a specifi c epithet. Th e fi rst part is hierarchy, those relationships are still unclear; in a noun, referring to a kind of plant (sumac, oak). this book we use traditional names such as angio- Th e specifi c epithet is usually an adjective that sperms, gymnosperms, monocots, and dicots. At describes the species or its habitat or commemo- the lower levels of the hierarchy, we use the formal rates a person. Rhus glabra, the scientifi c name for ranks of family, genus, and species, which form a Smooth Sumac, provides an example: Rhus derives useful framework for identifi cation. from an ancient Greek name for sumac; glabra, It is useful to learn to recognize plant families; from the Latin for “bald,” refers to the absence of knowing their characteristics makes identifi cation hairs on plant parts. Th e names or abbreviations easier and can give one some familiarity with local that follow the binomial indicate the author or plants in any part of the world. Families are collec- authors who named and described the plant. Rhus tions of genera that share a common ancestor. Th e glabra is followed by “L.,” for Carolus Linnaeus, the use of DNA analysis in taxonomy, however, is pro- Swedish botanist who is credited with having de- ducing ongoing changes in our understanding of veloped the binomial system 260 years ago. When some traditional plant families. Th e former maple a named species is later understood to belong to a family (Aceraceae), for example, does not appear diff erent genus, the specifi c epithet may be moved in this book; maples (genus Acer) are now placed from one genus to another. Th e name of the author within a varied soapberry family (Sapindaceae). who fi rst named the plant is placed in parentheses, Th e iconic Yucca genus of the Southwest, once in followed by the author who moved the name to a the Agavaceae, is now allied with asparagus in the diff erent genus. How names are applied and moved Asparagaceae. For the most part, we have adopted about is regulated by a set of rules, the International new family alignments, but in a few cases where it Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants helps identifi cation, we have maintained tradition- (www.iapt-taxon.org). Th e binomial, together with al families. We explain the newer, oft en tentative, the author’s name, is the complete scientifi c name classifi cation whether we adopt it or not. for a plant. sPecies NAmes As strange as it may seem, the precise defi nition of ■ GYmNosPerms ANd a “plant species” has been argued for decades. For ANGiosPerms our use it is a group of populations that persists in nature, suffi ciently distinct to bear a name. Most Two great groups of land plants bear ovules, which species have one or more common names, but when fertilized produce seeds. Th e seed may be common names diff er among the world’s many viewed as a little survival packet: It has an outer 01 TWNA pp001-025.indd 7 24/03/2014 16:42 88 IInnttrroodduuccttIIoonn margins fuse, protective layer that surrounds a nutritive tissue, forming a the endosperm, to be used by the germinating em- leaf folds single carpel bryo that developed from the fertilization of an egg within the ovule. The seed plants are traditionally divided into angiosperms and gymnosperms. We retain those groups in this book. The conifers and their allies, the Ginkgo, cycads, and gnetophytes, comprise the gymnosperms, a term derived from the Greek words for “naked seeds.” The ovules of these plants are not protected within a closed ovary, as they are in the angiosperms, but are leaf with borne directly on structures that expose them to the exposed ovules environment at the time of pollination, although the ovules are often protected to some degree by several carpels overlapping scales. Technically, the endosperm in fuse, forming gymnosperms has a different origin than that of a compound the angiosperms, that difference further helping to pistil distinguish the two groups. Most gymnosperms are pollinated by wind, but many cycads are pollinated by insects. In conifers and gnetophytes, as in angio- sperms, the pollen grain grows a pollen tube that conveys sperm to, or even within, the ovule, where Evolution of the Carpel the egg is fertilized. In Ginkgo and the cycads, how- ever, fertilization occurs when motile sperm swim the number of carpels in a pistil by counting the from the pollen grain into the ovule. number of chambers (or locules), but because There is considerable ongoing scientific debate chamber walls are sometimes incomplete or absent about whether or not the groups within the gym- in a compound pistil, the number of branches on nosperms are more closely related to each other the stigma (the pollen receptor at the tip of the pis- than they are to the angiosperms. All of the gym- til) is also usually a reliable indicator; two or more nosperm groups have an evolutionary history that branches suggest a compound pistil. The diagram goes back at least 200 million years, but the fossil above illustrates the evolution of the carpel from an record is too incomplete to determine evolutionary ovule-bearing leaf, and the development of a com- relationships, except in very indirect ways using pound pistil from a fusion of several carpels. Two modern plant material. It is clear, though, that other features that distinguish angiosperms from the gymnosperms were formerly a highly diverse gymnosperms are the seed-bearing closed fruits group, of which only a comparatively few families and the way the endosperm develops. have survived to the present. Angiosperms are divided into the Monocotyle- The other group of seed plants is the angio- doneae, or monocots, and Dicotyledoneae, the di- sperms, a term derived from Greek words meaning cots. The names refer to the number of embryonic, “vessel” and “seed,” referring to a plant with seeds often nutrient-storing leaves in the embryo within borne within an enclosure. Angiosperms evolved the seed; monocots typically have one, dicots typi- from gymnosperms around 200 million years cally have two. In addition, monocots usually have ago, when a leaflike, ovule-bearing structure in a seed fern closed around its ovules (which when fertilized develop into seeds), producing a carpel. 6 petals The flower, characteristic of angiosperms, became parallel main 5 petals an organized reproductive structure consisting of veins carpels, stamens, petals, and sepals. The carpel is the fundamental unit of the pistil, the pollen-receiving, seed-producing part of the netlike flower. There are two types of pistils: those com- veins posed of a single carpel (a simple pistil); and those composed of two or more carpels joined together (a compound pistil). One can usually determine Monocot Flower and Leaf Dicot Flower and Leaf 01 TWNA pp001-025.indd 8 24/03/2014 16:42 TREE BIOLOGY 99 fl owers with parts in multiples of three and leaves produced outward mature into cells that conduct with a number of conspicuous parallel veins. Di- sugar produced in the leaves and into cells of the cots usually have fl owers with parts in multiples of bark. As new wood cells are added by the cambium, four or fi ve, and net-veined leaves with main veins the wood increases in volume, and the cambium branching in a pinnate or palmate pattern, inter- and bark are stretched. Th e bark becomes fi ssured connected by a conspicuous net of minor veins. and cracked as it stretches and dies, producing pat- terns helpful in tree identifi cation. Th e dead outer layer protects the inner living tissue from insects, ■ TREE BIOLOGY fungi, fi re, abrasions, and other hazards. Th ere is no scientifi c diff erence between a tree and TRUNK AND CROWN a shrub, although a tree is generally understood Above ground, a tree has a trunk from which grows to have a single woody stem (a trunk) and a well- an array of branches and leaves that form the defi ned crown of branches. In this book we include crown. We describe, in general terms, crown shapes such plants, large and small, along with a number of trees growing in the open under moderate con- of plants generally taller than a human that may be ditions. Local conditions, however, can infl uence thought of as shrubs, oft en growing with multiple the shape of the crown. In a crowded forest the woody trunks. crowns of trees may be narrow, the shaded lower branches small or lost, and the upper branches TREE GROWTH growing toward the light. Wind, salt spray, abra- A tree’s growth is oft en seasonal, beginning in the sion by wind-blown ice or sand, lightning, fi re, spring and ceasing in the autumn, or beginning and other environmental infl uences can injure or during the wet season and ceasing during the deform a tree’s crown. On high windswept ridges, dry period. Trees may grow from seeds or from windblown ice crystals may kill exposed foliage, the roots or branches of existing trees. When a producing a forest of low, gnarled trees called tree grows from a branch that is in touch with the krummholz (German for “crooked wood”). ground, it is called layering; when it grows from Th e trunk is the branch-free portion between the roots of another tree, it is called suckering. Trees roots and the crown. In our descriptions we usu- grow larger through the years as roots and twigs ally give its diameter, measured at a height of about become longer, and the trunk, branches, and roots 1.3 m. In some cases, as in arid regions, tree trunks increase in girth. may be very short; for those the diameter is estimat- At the tip of every twig and every root is a tiny ed at about the midpoint between the ground and patch of cells (the apical meristem) that divide, rap- the fi rst branches. When we describe a tree as hav- idly at the onset of the growing season and usually ing more than one trunk, it means the trunk divides not at all during dormant periods. Th ese divisions at a height lower than 1.3 m, oft en at ground level. produce new cells behind the tip that enlarge, ma- ture, and perform specifi c functions, at the same BARK time adding length to the twig or root. Th e rate Bark is the outer protective covering of the branch- and direction of growth determines the shape of es, trunk, and roots. It varies among species from the crown of the tree. If the apical meristem on the paper-thin to very thick. As a tree increases in main stem divides more rapidly than those at the girth, the bark is stretched, producing patterns of tips of branches, the tree will be conical, as in fi rs cracks, ridges, and fl at areas that are oft en charac- and spruces. If all the meristems divide at the same teristic of a species. Large vertical cracks are oft en rate and branches spread equally, the crown will be called fi ssures, smaller ones cracks, and short cracks round. Th e shape of the crown, particularly of open- or crosshatching may be called checks. Closely ad- grown trees, is oft en useful in tree identifi cation. jacent fi ssures have ridges between them; when As a twig or young root matures, a new set of they are farther apart the intervening space may dividing cells forms beneath its outer layer. Th is is form plates. Bark may be papery, fi brous, corky, or a continuation of a cylindric layer of dividing cells hard and woody. Th e elements may wear bark away (the vascular cambium) that extends throughout the very slowly, and it may become thick and deeply tree beneath the bark of the branches, trunk, and fi ssured. Th inner bark may continually shed its roots. Cells of this layer divide inward and outward. outer layers in long shaggy strips, fl aking scales, or New cells produced inward mature into water- in paperlike sheets. We describe the bark of most conducting cells and other cells of the wood; those species, and illustrate its features. 01 TWNA pp001-025.indd 9 24/03/2014 16:45

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