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Preview Treelogy: A Novel Tree Classifier Utilizing Deep and Hand-crafted Representations

Treelogy: A Novel Tree Classifier Utilizing Deep and Hand-crafted Representations ˙IlkeC¸ug˘u,ErenS¸ener,C¸ag˘rıErciyes,BurakBalcı,EmreAkın,ItırO¨nal,AhmetOg˘uzAkyu¨z DepartmentofComputerEngineering,MiddleEastTechnicalUniversity {cugu.ilke, sener.eren}@metu.edu.tr; {e1881176, e1881044, e1880897, itir, akyuz}@ceng.metu.edu.tr Abstract 7 1 We propose a novel tree classification system called 0 Treelogy,thatfusesdeeprepresentationswithhand-crafted 2 features obtained from leaf images to perform leaf-based n plant classification. Key to this system are segmentation a J of the leaf from an untextured background, using convolu- 8 tionalneuralnetworks(CNNs)forlearningdeeprepresen- 2 tations, extracting hand-crafted features with a number of image processing techniques, training a linear SVM with ] feature vectors, merging SVM and CNN results, and iden- V tifyingthespeciesfromadatasetof57trees. Ourclassifi- C cationresultsshowthatfusionofdeeprepresentationswith . s hand-crafted features leads to the highest accuracy. The Figure 1: Sample of the 57 tree species employed in this c [ proposedalgorithmisembeddedinasmart-phoneapplica- paper. tion, which is publicly available. Furthermore, our novel 1 datasetcomprisedof5408leafimagesisalsomadepublic v foruseofotherresearchers. 1 Inthiswork,wedescribeavisualrecognitionsystemfor 9 leafbasedtreeidentification. Thesystem, calledTreelogy, 2 helpsusersidentifytreesfromanimageofagivenleaf. In 8 1.Introduction Treelogy,imagesfirstpassthroughapre-processingstepin 0 . Theclassificationworkonplantsisasoldashumankind. whichbackgroundeliminationandstemremovaloperations 1 Ancient civilizations such as Assyrians, Egyptians, Chi- areapplied. Then,hand-craftedfeaturesareextractedfrom 0 7 nese and Indians were interested in identification of plant pre-processed images using image processing techniques. 1 species,especiallyformedicalpurposes. WhenTheophras- Moreover, deep representations of images are learned us- v: tus of Eresus completed his work Historia Plantarum, ingaCNN.Finally,deeprepresentationsarecombinedwith i he opened the doors leading to modern plant taxonomy. hand-craftedleaffeaturestoclassify57treespeciesshown X Throughages,scientificdiscoverieshaveshapedthemeans inFigure1. Theoverallworkflowofourapproachisillus- r ofplantclassification,andtheworksoncreationofmachine tratedinFigure2. a intelligence revealed a new question: is it possible to de- This paper presents three contributions. First, we pro- velopaneffectivecomputer-basedplantclassifier? pose an effective tree classification system which is capa- Earlier studies focused on finding the most appropri- ble of accurately discriminating between 57 tree species, ate features of leaf images using image processing. They a number which is beyond the number of classes used in trainedclassifierswithhand-craftedfeaturevectorsfortree most of the earlier studies. Second, we share a leaf im- classification. However, the emerging success of convolu- agedatasetcomprisedofthousandsofimageswhichisput tionalneuralnetworks(CNNs)inclassificationtaskscaused into public domain for facilitating research in this direc- a shift of interest towards methods of tree identification. tion. The dataset consists of both new images taken by Pure CNN approaches are proved to be powerful against theauthorsandexistingimagesgatheredfromvariousother classifierstrainedonlywithhand-craftedfeatures. Further- public databases. This dataset is already preprocessed so more,recentexperimentshaveshownthatcombiningCNNs that future algorithms may directly focus on classification, withhand-craftedfeaturesgenerallyimprovesperformance rather than starting with preprocessing tasks such as back- withrespecttobothusedinisolation[14]. ground elimination and stem removal. Finally, we imple- Figure2: LifecycleofTreelogyusingapopulusnigraleaf: (a)Backgroundelimination(b)Stemremoval(c)Extractionof hand-craftedandConvNetfeatures(d)Predictionsfromfusedfeaturevectors ment our algorithm within an Android based smart-phone Both studies preferred fine-tuning a pre-trained architec- application,whichcanbereadilydownloadedandusedby ture to produce effective classifiers for their specific task. ecologists, amateur botanists, educators, children, and na- Among these, Reyes et al. [29] uses images of the entire tureenthusiastsingeneral. plant, branches, fruits, stems, flowers and the leaves for classification. Lee et al.[24] classifies 44 species using 2.RelatedWork CNNsandfindsthatfeatureslearnedthroughCNNoutper- form hand-crafted features. The authors furthermore find Automatictreeidentificationfromleafimageshasbeen that cropping a region within the leaf image such that the investigatedforseveraldecades. Atthehighestlevel,these outeredgesoftheleafareinvisibleimprovesthequalityof studies can be categorized as those based on hand-crafted the CNN classifier. The authors also compare their work featuresandthosethatuseneuralnetworks(NNs). withthestate-of-the-art,butthedetailsofhowexactlythis Among the first category, features may be computed comparison was performed are not elaborated. The third from 2D regions within the leaf image (region-based) [33] group of studies follow a hybrid approach where authors orfromthecontouroftheleaf(contour-based)[5]. Abbasi fuse both hand-crafted and CNN features to identify 32 et al. [1] used Curvature Scale Space (CSS) technique to species[14].Ourworkcanbeconsideredinthethirdgroup. form their feature vectors and k-NN classifiers to classify ThemaindifferencebetweenourworkandthatofHalletal. chrysanthemumleaves. KalyoncuandToygar[20]usedge- [14]isthat,theycombinetheseparateprobabilitiesofCNN ometricfeatures,Multi-ScaleDistanceMatrix,momentin- and a classifier they called HCF-ScaleRobust via the sum variants and shape descriptors, then employed Linear Dis- rule,wherewecombinefeaturevectorsofCNNandhand- criminantClassifiersinceitcanworkwithdifferentclasses crafted features obtained using image processing methods having different importance factor for features. Mouine et toproduceanewfeaturevectortobeusedinLSVMtrain- al.[25]gatheredmultiscaletrianglerepresentationsofleaf ing. images,andclassifiedplantswithk-NNclassifiers.Another Anotheraspectofplantrecognitionisbackgroundelimi- studyforin-situleafrecognition[26]extractshand-crafted nation. Since all studies above uses leaf images for iden- features, obtained by image processing methods, then use tification, eliminating the background becomes an essen- themtoidentifyLantanacamarawithbinaryclassification. tial part of the process, and there are different approaches Cao et al. [7] uses the curvature of the contour computed for this task based on whether the image has a textured by overlaying circles of varying radii at various sampling or non-textured background. While [9, 11, 19, 4] segment pointstocomputeafeatureknownasR-angle. Whilesome leaves from simple, non-textured backgrounds using RGB of these studies also yield promising results, they may fail and HSV thresholding, another study [26] focuses on tex- to recognize distinctive properties of species with similar tured backgrounds. Due to the nature of our dataset, we shapesduetothelimitednatureofhand-craftedfeatures. focus on segmentation of leaf from a non-textured back- There is an increasing tendency to use NNs in classifi- ground. cation tasks for plant classification. Research methods are Itisworthnotingthatsomestudiesdevelopedmobileap- divided into three main groups. The first group of studies plicationstoservetheirapproachesthroughwhichuserscan trainNNclassifiersusinghand-craftedfeatures. Chakiand benefit from the automated leaf classification algorithms. Parekh[8]useimageprocessingforfeatureextraction,then For example, LeafSnap [23] which is developed for iOS, classifyspecieswithNN.Kadiretal.[19]usedProbabilis- is one of the first released applications of this kind. Sub- tic Neural Network (PNN) to classify 32 tree species us- sequently, Pl@ntNet [13] mobile application, a more so- ingshape,color,andtexturefeatures. Thesecondgroupof phisticated one, has been released. A similar application studies employ pure CNNs for tree classification [29, 24]. MobileFlora[3],whichisforflowerrecognition,isalsorel- evant. We also built a mobile application to showcase our tree identification system. This application can be freely downloadedfromGooglePlayStore1. 3.Methodology 3.1.BackgroundElimination Thisprocessaimstogeteliminatenon-leafpixelsofthe image. To this end, we applied the k-means algorithm to clusterourimageswherethenumberofclusterswassetas Figure3: Backgroundeliminationresultofaprunusarme- k =2(leafandnon-leaf). Asthedistancefunctionisbased niacaleaf. on color differences, we chose to work on the LAB color spaceratherthanthehighlycorrelatedRGBspace[28]. Inthisspace,colorinformationresidesintheAB plane withthelightnessinformationstoredalongtheLaxis. We empirically determined a threshold value in A (red-green) channeltodecidewhichbandstouseintheEuclideandis- tancemetric.WhentheaverageofAbandishigherthanthe thresholdvalue,weemployedtheAB planeforclustering, otherwisetheLAplaneisused.Theintentionwastoreduce thediverseilluminationeffectontheimage. Figure 4: Sample erroneous outputs of background elimi- Forefficiency,theinputimageisscaledproportionallyin nation. suchawaythatthelongeredgeoftheimagebecomes256 pixels. Then, k-means clustering is applied, where k = 2, Table1: Errorratesofbackgroundeliminationfordifferent with three iterations using Euclidean distance. After that, species theclustercorrespondingtotheleafisidentified. Next,theoriginalimageissegmentedoutfromnon-leaf clusters. Since k-means returns noisy leaf clusters which Species ErrorRate havenegativeeffectsonfeatureextraction,theresultingim- ageisconvertedintograyscaleandasmallamountofGaus- Cercissiliquastrum 0/3 siansmoothingisapplied. Wedecidedtoproduceabinary Hederahelix 0/4 image to use as a mask for segmentation. Therefore, in- Populusnigra 0/4 verse binary thresholding is applied with Otsu’s binariza- Magnoliagrandiflora 0/4 tion [27] in order to get a binary image from the original Prunusavium 1/4 onetobeusedasaalpha-mask. Finally,holefillingopera- Aesculushippocastanum 2/4 tionisappliedontheobtainedbinaryimagecontainingthe Neriumoleander 0/5 leaf cluster to bring back the wrongly clustered inner leaf Corylusavellana 1/7 pixels. Theresultsofbackgroundeliminationonasample Quercusilex 0/9 leafimageisshowninFigure3. Tiliacordata 3/42 Prunusarmeniaca 0/45 This method is tested with 310 leaf images. Although Salixbabylonica 4/61 thetestimagesaretakenusingwhitepapersasbackground, Malusdomestica 18/90 theycontainshadowsandheavylightningeffects,suchthat Unknown 16/28 in some cases background appears to be gray, light blue, or yellowish. Table 1 shows the error rates of background Total 45/310 elimination on different species. Outputs are considered erroneouswhenthebackgroundeliminationmethodwipes outtheentireimageorleaveslargepiecesofthebackground untouched(Figure4). Theoverallaccuracyiscalculatedas 3.2.StemRemoval 85.5%. In order to remove the stem from the leaf, we used the opening operation which is an erosion followed by dila- 1https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.payinekereg.treelogy tion [31]. An ellipse shaped kernel with size parameter 5. Equi-diameter: (Scalar) The diameter of the circle, whoseareaisthesameasthecontourarea. 6. Extent: (Scalar) The ratio of the contour area to the boundingrectangle’sarea. 7. Correlation: (Scalar) The measure of gray-level de- pendencebetweenthepixels[2]. 8. Contrast:(Scalar)Themeasureoflocalintensityvari- ationonGLCMoftheimage[12]. Figure5: Stemremovalresultofaprunusarmeniacaleaf. 9. Entropy: (Scalar)Themeasureofspatialdisorderon GLCMoftheimage[12]. (9,9) is used as the instrument of the chosen morpholog- 10. Energy:(Scalar)Themeasureofuniformityoftexture icaloperation. Wedecidedonthekernelsizesuchthatwe onGLCMoftheimage[12]. can remove relatively thickstem pieces, while the deterio- rationoftheleafisstillnegligible. Noticethat,weapplied 11. StandardDeviation: (Scalar)Thestandarddeviation stem removal operation on the binary mask obtained after ofthenormalizedgray-levelimage. theoperationsdescribedatbackgroundeliminationstep. A 12. Mean: (Scalar) The mean of normalized gray-level sampleresultofthisprocessisillustratedinFigure5. image. 3.3.FeatureExtraction 13. Corner Number: (Scalar) The number of points that 3.3.1 ExtractionofHand-craftedFeatures(HCFs) have a higher sharpness than a threshold value. It is computedusingHarriscornerdetectionmethod[15]. We used several image processing techniques to acquire a total of 56 features from a leaf image. These were shape, 14. HUMoments: (4x1vector)ThefirstfourHu[17]in- contour,color,andtexturefeatures. variantmoments,whichareinvarianttorotation,trans- Note that, for texture features (HCF 7,8,9 and 10), the lation and scaling. Normalized gray-level image is texture characterization is based on Gebejes and Huer- usedforcomputation. tas’s proposal [12], where it is computed through second 15. Center Contour Distance: (36x1 vector) Features order statistical measurements based on Grey-Level Co- that are gathered from Chaki and Parekh’s [8] occurrenceMatrix(GLCM).TheGLCMcontainsinforma- Centroid-Radii model. They define the shape of the tionaboutthefrequencyofoccurrencesoftwoneighboring leaf as normalized Euclidian distances from the con- pixelcombinations. Thus, twoparameters, orientationand tour pixels of the leaf to the contour center in coun- displacement, should be decided to set the correct neigh- terclockwiseorder. Inordertomakethevectorlength boringbetweenpixelsinanimage. Weusehorizontalori- constant,36contourpointsareselectedbydividingthe entation (0 degree) and a displacement value of 1 in that contourto36equalintervalsstartingfromthecontour direction. pixelthathasthe0degreeanglewiththecontourcen- Ourhandcraftedfeaturesarethefollowing: ter. 1. Ovality: (Scalar)Ellipticity,resultofsemi-majoraxis We split these handcrafted features into four groups to dividedbysemi-minoraxis. measure their participation to classification. We trained 2. Area per Length: (Scalar) Total inside area of the LSVM for 11 combination of the groups on our dataset. contourdividedbytotalcontourdistance. Basedontheresults,wedecidedtouseallhand-craftedfea- turesdefinedabove. Figure6showsaccuracyresultsofthe 3. Convexity: (4x1vector)Thetendencyofleafcontour trials,andthegroupsareexplainedbelow: to have convex structure. It gives defects on the con- • GroupA(36x1): HCF15 tourbetweenenvelopedconvexpolygon. • GroupB(8x1): HCFs3and14 4. Solidity: (Scalar) Total inside area of the contour di- • GroupC(6x1): HCFs1,2,4,5,6and13 vided by total area of the bounding convex hull area. Itgivesinformationaboutzigzagstructureofthecon- • GroupD(6x1): HCFs7,8,9,10,11and12 tour. Figure 6: Classification Performances of Employing Dif- ferent Combinations of Handcrafted Features on Treelogy Dataset. Figure7: Learningcurvethrough50000iterations. 3.3.2 FeatureExtractionUsingCNNs 4.ExperimentsandResults We used the Caffe Framework [18] pre-trained with Ima- Naturally, the fundamental instrument of classification genet [30] as our CNN architecture. It is fine-tuned with experiments is the dataset. The majority of leaf images in our dataset to identify 57 tree species. BVLC-distributed our dataset are taken from PlantNet [13], Flavia [32] and (Berkeley Vision and Learning Center) CaffeNet model2 LeafSnap[23]datasets,therestaretheproductofourown which is a slightly modified version of AlexNet [21] is photoshooting. Intotal,wegathered4748trainingand660 used toassign the initialweights. Stochastic Gradient De- testing images for 57 tree species (Figure 1). To further scent [6] is adopted as the optimization algorithm where expand our dataset, we rotated the images with three dif- the solver addresses the optimization of loss minimization ferent angles (90◦, 180◦, 270◦) and enhanced our original computedforamini-batchofNinstances. Specifically,the datasetwiththerotatedimages.Therefore,thetotalnumber average loss L(W ) is computed on the mini-batch where t oftrainingandtestingimageswere18992and2640respec- f (X(i)) is the loss on data instance X(i) (Eq.1). Then, w tively. All images were seperated from their backgrounds thenegativegradient∇L(W ),theweightdecayλ[22],the t and stem-removed using the techniques described in Sec- learning rate α and the momentum µ are used to calculate tions 3.1 and 3.2 with the exception of juglans regia class V (Eq.2)toupdatethecurrentweightW (Eq.3). Inour t+1 t whichisusedtointroducenoisetothedataset. Allleafim- case, the base learning rate (α ) is set as 10−4, and it is 0 ageswerecenteredwithintheimageregiontominimizethe dropped by a factor of 10 (Eq.4) after every 20000 itera- impactoftheleafpositionwithintheoriginalimage. tions. Thedropout[16]issetas0.5,µ=0.9,λ=5∗10−4 In this study, we employed six different feature sets andthemini-batchsizeis50.ThefinalCaffemodelweused to classify trees from their leaf images. We trained an is constructed after 50000 iterations (the learning curve of LSVM[10]withhand-craftedfeaturesandthefeaturevec- ourfine-tunedmodelisshowninFigure7). torsobtainedfromthefc6andfc7layersasthefirstthree After the model is constructed, we used feature vectors approaches. Subsequently, wecombinedhand-craftedfea- of size 1×4096 obtained from the fc6 and fc7 layers of tures with features of fc6 and fc7 layers separately and thearchitectureinourexperiments(seeFigure8). used them for LSVM trainings. In our final experiment, weuseonlythefine-tunedCaffemodel’spredictions. N L(W )← 1 (cid:88)f (X(i)) (1) Separationoftrainingandtestingimagesisacriticalfac- t N w tor. Thetrainingsetshouldbelargeinnumbersandinvolve i distinctimagesfromvariousenvironments,sizes,ages,etc. Vt+1 ←µVt−α(∇L(Wt)+λWt) (2) while the test set should also have variations among leaf samples, so that it would be able to provide realistic accu- W ←W +V (3) t+1 t t+1 racyestimations. Wetriedtofindabalancebetweenthese two sets. Therefore, while we determined the test images, α←γ(cid:100)iter/step(cid:101)α (4) 0 weused5imagesforspecieswithlowvariationofleafim- ages (40 - 60 leaf images per species, photos taken in the 2https://github.com/BVLC/caffe/tree/master/models/bvlcreferencecaffenet sameortwodifferentenvironments),10imagesforspecies Figure8: ArchitectureoftheCNNmodelfortreeidentification. Table2: ClassificationPerformancesofEmployingDiffer- Table3: ClassificationPerformancesofEmployingDiffer- entMethodsonTreelogyDataset. entMethodsonFlaviaDataset. (*Authorsdidnotgivethe exactnumbersintherelatedpaper.) Method Accuracy Method Accuracy Hand-crafted→LSVM 59.12% fc6→LSVM 90.37% GLC[20] *90+% fc7→LSVM 89.62% Flavia[32] 90% fc6+Hand-crafted→LSVM 90.5% HCF-ScaleRobust[14] 91.4% fc7+Hand-crafted→LSVM 89.58% HCF-ScaleRobust+ConvNet[14] 97.9% CNN 84.62% CNN 98.44% Hand-crafted→LSVM 92.18% fc6+Hand-crafted→LSVM 99.68% withrelativelymorevariationthantheformer(70-100leaf imagesperspecies,morephotosourcesthantheformer,but stillnotmorethanfivedifferentenvironments),and15im- curacy(90.5%)among57classeswhenwecombinehand- agesforspecieswithhighvariation(>100leafimagesper crafted features with features obtained from fc6. At this species, easy to find species with photos from wide range point, it is important to note that CNN has 97.58% top-5 of environments). Then, we rotated the images with three accuracy,whichcanbeconsideredassuperioroverLSVM. differentangles(90◦,180◦,270◦),andfinalizedourtestset. Nonetheless, in the light of these results, we propose that Finally, while combining CNN based feature vectors combiningCNNfeaturevectorswithhand-craftedonespro- with hand-crafted features, we did not assign any weights videsthemostaccuratetreeclassificationmodel. on the features in order not to give an emphasis on a par- We also compare our results with recent works using ticular feature set. Therefore, the resulted vectors formed Flavia dataset in Table 3 to provide more insight on our 4152×1dimensionalhomogeneousfeaturevectors. model. TheCNNmodelweusedforFlaviadatasetisbuilt Theclassificationperformancesofutilizingsixdifferent via fine-tuning our base CNN model. For fine-tuning, we feature sets can be found in Table 2. Note that, this table initializedtheweightsusingourfine-tunedbasemodel,and represents top-1 accuracy values. 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