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Tree Magic: Nature's Antennas - SunShine Press PDF

451 Pages·2005·12.66 MB·English
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Preview Tree Magic: Nature's Antennas - SunShine Press

(cid:1)(cid:1) (cid:2)(cid:2) TT MM RR EE EE AA GG II CC NN ’’ AA AA TT UU RR EE SS NN TT EE NN NN AA SS Edited by Jackie Hofer S u n S h i n e P r e s s P u b l i c a t i o n s 11 FF (cid:1)(cid:1) (cid:2)(cid:2) Copyright © 2005 by Jackie Hofer All Rights Reserved Published by SunShine Press Publications, Inc. Design & Presentation by Jackie Hofer ISBN: 1-888604-23-9 SunShine Press Publications, Inc. 6 Gardner Court Longmont, CO 80501 www.sunshinepress.com 22 FF (cid:1)(cid:1) (cid:2)(cid:2) DD EEDDIICCAATTIIOONN Tree Magic: Nature’s Antennas is dedicated to global friends, advocates and protectors of trees everywhere. 33 FF (cid:1)(cid:1) (cid:2)(cid:2) PP TT MM RRAAIISSEE FFOORR RREEEE AAGGIICC Tree Magic opens a door into a fascinating world. For those of us who love trees and can hear their individual songs released by the passing of the winds, this is magic. You should certainly add Tree Magic to your collection. ——DDrr.. JJaannee GGooooddaallll- Founder, The Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace The powerful images and moving words of Tree Magic provide inspiration to members of the conservation community who work daily to protect the health and diversity of our hardwood forests. This gift is a wonderful way to say thank you to champions of conservation or anyone who appreciates the beauty of nature. Jackie Hofer has put together a wonderful collection that every conservationist can return to for rejuvenation and motivation over and over again. ——GGwweenn GGrriiffffiitthh- Tennessee Forests Council The best way to get grounded is to go camping in an Ancient Forest. The next best way is to curl up in front of Tree Magic and share the experiences of a won- derful collection of authors, photographers and artists who really love trees. ——DDeenniiss HHaayyeess- Chairman, Earth Day Network An artistic labor of love by editor and publisher Jackie Hofer, this anthology ushers poetry and prose into a new place in the electronic world. Hofer has creat- ed an easy-to-use online anthology. Directions are easy to follow. Navigation is pure fun! Arranged alphabetically by the title and author of the work, Hofer's anthology presents the work of many award-winning, hard-working poets and writers. The 115 photos and paintings provide an online gallery that enhances the reading experience—and, in some cases, provide a visual poem or meditation in and of themselves. It's a unique and new approach to poetry and short sto- ries that combines the visual and the written word. Some really beautiful photos are included, and even one poem is set to music. ——KKaatthhlleeeenn CCaaiinn- author of Luna: Myth and Mystery, and The Cottonwood Tree: An American Champion, Johnson Books. What a towering gift to the world you have created in Tree Magic. I have been slowly reading through it, savoring it's beauty and wisdom in meditation size bites! Everything from the words themselves, the poignant quotes and stunning illustrations, to the reader friendly ability to skip intelligently from author to work and so on, adds to the glory of the manuscript; a true joy for the eye, heart and mind. ——AArrlleennee GG.. LLeevviinnee- Author of 39 Ways to Open Your Heart. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, an Off Broadway show, journals & anthologies. Last weekend was special. I had the opportunity to review Tree Magic and loved every moment. Jackie Hofer has created a powerful testimony to trees. Through extraordinary poetry and prose, matched by the beauty of the photographs, Tree Magic pays special tribute to the majesty of trees and the power of imagination. ——BBiillll MMeeaaddoowwss- President, The Wilderness Society Tree Magic: Nature's Antennas takes readers and listeners on a voyage of discovery and appreciation of trees and the natural world. Through its innovative for- mat, Tree Magic opens up the world of trees to new audiences, as well as to old friends of SunShine Press Publications. Through evocative poems, stories, pho- tos, artwork, and even music, Tree Magic brings to life the wonder and power of trees to move us, and to make life more meaningful for us all. ——JJoohhnn RRoosseennooww- President, National Arbor Day Foundation Jackie Hofer's Tree Magic: Nature's Antennas is a deep and inspiring work of stories, poems, photographs, paintings and more on the beauty of trees which are so necessary for our survival and which create such beauty on our beloved Earth. ——GGeeoorrggee WWiinnssttoonn - composer, musician, solo pianist and Winner of 38th Annual Grammy Award. FF 44 (cid:1)(cid:1) (cid:2)(cid:2) PP RREEFFAACCEE Trees are truly Nature’s antennas. They clean the air and scrub the soil. They inhale noxious car- bon dioxide, exhale life-sustaining oxygen and soak up damaging chemicals. The world owes a great debt to trees. When cut down, they release the carbon dioxide they have absorbed and it goes back into the atmosphere. Tree Magic: Nature’s Antennasis a 450 page collection of 169 poems and stories by authors about the impact of trees in their lives. The authors represent a diverse group, from one author with over 3200 pieces published to a high school senior planning a double-major in writing and music in college. There are 115 photographs and paintings interspersed among the poems and stories Research and experience has shown the healing and therapeutic value of trees in people’s lives. Dr. Roger Ulrich of Texas A&M University noted that drivers who passed green space and urban forests on their commute to work were able to perform complex tasks faster and more accurately than those pass- ing strip malls and concrete barriers. There is evidence that patients in hospitals do better when they have trees and greenery viewable from their rooms. Inner city neighborhoods have less violent crime and drug problems where there are trees and community gardens available to the tenants. One tree enthusiast notes that trees are vital to our spirit. Trees have a calming and energizing effect on us. Developers and new home buyers are realizing the importance of leaving older trees in place or planting larger new trees between homes. Neighbors get along better where there are ample trees nearby. Children still like to climb, play, and fantasize in trees. John Rosenow, President of the National Arbor Day Foundation says, ”All of our lives are enriched by trees. The shelterbelt at the edge of a field helps protect topsoil, retain soil moisture, and improve crop yields. Windbreaks shelter rural homes. And in cities and towns, trees help maintain the quality of watersheds, the areas of land from which water drains to a shared destination such as a river, pond, or stream. Trees slow rain and help it percolate into the soil. Wherever we live, and whatever natural challenges we face, trees aid our comfort and survival. They’re also living proof that each of us can help create a better world by planting and caring for the conservation of trees that have long transformed America.” TTrreeeess aarree oouurr aanntteennnnaass aanndd lliiffee--lliinneess ttoo aa bbeetttteerr,, mmoorree bbeeaauuttiiffuull wwoorrlldd.. ——JJaacckkiiee HHooffeerr 55 FF (cid:1)(cid:1) (cid:2)(cid:2) OOff aallll tthhee wwoonnddeerrss ooff nnaattuurree aa ttrreeee iinn ssuummmmeerr iiss ppeerrhhaappss tthhee mmoosstt rreemmaarrkkaabbllee;; wwiitthh tthhee ppoossssiibbllee eexxcceeppttiioonn ooff aa mmoooossee ssiinnggiinngg ““EEmmbbrraacceeaabbllee YYoouu”” iinn ssppaattss.. ——WWooooddyy AAlllleenn 66 FF (cid:1)(cid:1) (cid:2)(cid:2) VV TT IIEEWWIINNGG IIPPSS Please take a few minutes to read these tips as they will make your viewing of Tree Magicmore enjoyable. Tree Magic opens in Abode Reader with the FFiitt iinn WWiinnddooww view on your computer monitors. ® FFoouurr NNaavviiggaattiioonn ssyymmbboollssappear at the corners of each page are especially helpful in Full Screen view. (cid:1)(cid:1) Click on Top Left symbol to go to TTaabbllee ooff TTiittlleess. (Click on any title to go to the poem or story.) (cid:2)(cid:2) Click on Top Right symbol to go the TTaabbllee ooff AAuutthhoorrss. (Click on any author to go to their work.) Click on Bottom Left page number to bring up GGoo TToo PPaaggee box. (Enter page desired to go to that page.) Click on Bottom Right FF in box to go to FFuullll SSccrreeeenn view. (Press the Escape key to return to the Adobe Reader screen showing menus, bookmarks, thumbnails, tools, and other features.) ® PPaaggee NNaavviiggaattiioonn Use the Page Up, Page Down or arrow keys to go to the previous or next page. Also, Abode Reader has its own navigation and viewing icons on the tool and menu bars. ® CCoonntteennttss Click on any Title, Author or Picture and read a brief biography about the contributor. NNaavviiggaattiioonn PPaannee(located on left side of Adobe Reader window). ® Click on BBooookkmmaarrkkss Tab and go to the topics listed. Click on TThhuummbbnnaaiillss//PPaaggeess Tab to see reduced images of pages. (Click on the page desired.) RReettuurrnn ttoo tthhee ppaaggeewhere you stopped during your previous reading session. Click on the page number (lower left) and type in the number of the last page viewed. Some versions of Adobe Reader allow you to set a startup preference to Return to Last Page Viewed. ® NNoottee:: Photographs and paintings appear before and after every other writing. In most cases, they do not bear any direct relationship to the writings before or after the pictures. They do add color, interest and variety to the presentation. 77 FF (cid:1)(cid:1) (cid:2)(cid:2) TT TT AA BB LL EE OO FF II TT LL EE SS A Blessing for the Woods Michael S. Glaser 14 A Cutting Event Cherise Wyneken 15 A Pink Cherry Blossom Toby MacLennan 17 A Sunday Walk with Father Todd Davis 18 A Thank You Note to a Friend Michael Kaump 20 A Tree for All Seasons Frank Finale 23 A Tree That Left Its Mother Irene Ferraro 27 A Year of Yellow Susan Landon 28 An Elder Remembers Trees Lynda Skeen 30 Another Thing I Love About Trees Susan Steger Welsh 32 Apple Tree Jessica Tina Chang 34 Árbol Mío Judith Lyn Sutton 35 As a Live Oak Jim Fisher 38 Asleep in the Undercut Tony D’Arpino 39 Bandon-by-the-Sea Henri Bensussen 41 Bearded Tree Christopher Woods 43 Beech Tree in Winter Joan I. Siegel 45 Between the Branches Janice DeRuiter 46 Birch Louis Gallo 48 Birthday Girl’s Tree House Karen Benke 50 Breathing Sharon Scholl 52 Bristlecone Gordon Yaswen 54 Brother John Fitzpatrick 56 Burning Tree Rachel Baumgardner 57 Call of the Oaks Paul Sohar 60 Child Autumn David Radavich 61 Clippers William Stimson 63 Coherence Dane Cervine 71 Cottonwood Simone Poirier-Bures 74 Dead Palm Trees Tina Murray 76 Death of a Douglas Fir Arlene G. Levine 81 Deciduous Pine Barbara Brooks 82 88 FF (cid:1)(cid:1) (cid:2)(cid:2) Dream Forest Carol Carpenter 91 Dreamcatcher Chip Livingston 94 Elm Steven R. Luebke 101 Evergreen Richard Heifetz Bernstein 104 Family Trees Lyn Bleiler 105 February J. E. Robinson 107 For a Neighbor with Cancer David Starkey 108 Foxfire Gordon Yaswen 111 Freeman Creek Grove Paul Willis 113 Free-range Christmas Trees Candace Calsoyas 115 Freezing Moon Mark Thalman 119 From Father to Son Peter Rennebohm 121 Fruit Trees Cynthia Gallaher 125 Full Measure of Black Walnut Imogene Bolls 128 Ghazal-Sonnet on Tree J. R. Solonche 129 Gnome Frank Finale 131 Grandiflora Scott McMorrow 132 Grandmother Maple Jeannette Cabanis-Brewin 134 Grounding Pit Menousek Pinegar 136 Haiku Mitchell B. Rider 139 Harvest Gail Kadison Golden 140 Have a Good Day...and Goodbye William G. Ward 142 Heading North on I-85 Jeremy Frey 144 Hearing Jean Linville 146 Heir Apparent Ted Olson 147 Her Way to Soil Nancy Gustafson 149 Homesickness Cathryn Essinger 150 How Soon is the Fig Tree Withered Away! Jan Epton Seale 152 I Witness the Trees Dancing Mary Kate Azcuy 157 If You Would Be a Poet Timothy Walsh 159 In Its Lean Prime Natalie Safir 160 In This Moment Holly Zeeb 162 It Takes So Long to Notice Cynthia West 163 Jack Pine, Norway Pine, White Pine Brent Christianson 166 Journey to the Dawn Redwood Bernice Rendrick 167 99 FF (cid:1)(cid:1) (cid:2)(cid:2) July Ann Quid 170 Killing Christmas Trees with Dad David Feela 171 Kinship John E.Smelcer 174 Learning My Name Gloria Vando 175 Learning Trees Adrian S. Potter 178 Lessons from the Urban Woods Sharon Griffiths 179 Liquid Ambar Ellen Hart 182 Lost Shadows J. Glenn Evans 184 Love, Like a Tree Ellen Kitzes Delfiner 186 Lucy In The Sky Gabriel Constans 187 Ma Cook’s Willow Laura Hartman 193 Maple Seed: A Love Poem Marjorie Maddox 198 Maples Micheal Scott 200 McMahon’s Tree Vincent J. Tomeo 205 Moment Myrna Goodman 207 My Big Tree Liz Logan 208 My Tree Burt Rashbaum 210 Names of Trees Anne Coray 215 NATURE-AL Kent Clair Chamberlain 217 Nature’s Way Al Pace 218 New England Trees Brianne Killoran 221 No, It Wasn’t a Typo! Mark Robbins 222 November Tom Absher 224 Nursery Daniel Williams 226 Oak Shadow Pearse Murray 228 October Karen Lewis 229 Old Tree Dorothy Stone 232 On a Leaf Kirby Congdon 234 On the Disappearance of a Neighbor William G. Ward 236 Opposite Sides of the Same World Cynthia Drew 237 Out on a Limb Stephen Kopel 244 Out the Window G. S. Bauman 245 Parting Pearl Karrer 247 Pilgrimage Redwood Mary 248 1100 FF

Return to the page where you stopped during your previous reading session. Click on the Todd Davis. 18 He's a short squat unattractive balding man—.
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