Treaty Series Treaties and internationala greements registered orf iled and recorded with the Secretariato f the UnitedN ations Recueil des Traitis Traites et accords internationaux enregistris ou classes et inscrits au repertoire au Secritariatd e l'Organisationd es Nations Unies Copyright © United Nations 2000 All rights reserved Manufactured in the United States of America Copyright © Nations Unies 2000 Tous droits r6serv6s Imprimd aux Etats-Unis d'Am~rique Treaty Series Treaties and internationala greements registered orf iled and recorded with the Secretariato f the United Nations VOLUME 1733 Recueil des Traitis Traites et accords internationaux enregistris ou classjs et inscrits au rjpertoire au Secritariatd e l'Organisationd es Nations Unies United Nations * Nations Unies New York, 2000 Treaties and internationala greements registeredo rf iled and recorded with the Secretariato f the United Nations VOLUME 1733 1993 I. Nos. 30248-30278 TABLE OF CONTENTS I Treaties and internationala greements registeredf rom 9 September 1993 to 22 September 1993 Page No. 30248. Saudi Arabia and Bahrain: Frontier Agreement (with map). Signed at Riyadh on 22 February 1958 ................. 3 No. 30249. Saudi Arabia and Qatar: Agreement on the delimitation of the offshore and land boundaries (with map). Signed at Riyadh on 4 December 1965 ................................................................... 15 No. 30250. Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates: Agreement on the delimitation of boundaries (with exchange of letters and map). Signed at Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, on 21 August 1974 ............................................. 23 No. 30251. United Nations (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean) and Uruguay: Agreement concerning a project by the National Institute of Statistics of Uruguay concerning youth (with annexes). Signed at Montevideo on 9 September 1993 ..................................................4.3 ........................................................................... No. 30252. Singapore and Viet Nam: Trade Agreement. Signed at Singapore on 24 September 1992 ................. 45 No. 30253. Israel and Turkey: Cooperation Agreement on the field of tourism. Signed at Jerusalem on 1 June 19 92 ........................................................5.7 ..................................................................... No. 30254. Israel and France: Agreement on cooperation in the fields of health, medicine and hospitals. Signed at Jerusalem on 26 No vem ber 1992 ........................................................................ 69 Vol. 1733 Traitis et accords internationaux enregistris ou classes et inscrits au ripertoire au Secrdtariatd e l'Organisationd es Nations Unies VOLUME 1733 1993 I. NOs 30248-30278 TABLE DES MATIERES I Traitds et accords internationaux enregistrsd u 9 septembre 1993 au 22 septembre 1993 Pages NO 30248. Arabie saoudite et Bahrein: Accord de fronti~re (avec carte). Signd Riyad le 22 f6vrier 1958 ............................. 3 NO 30249. Arabie saoudite et Qatar : Accord relatif A la d6limitation des fronti~res terrestre et maritime (avec carte). Sign6 A Riyad le 4 d6cem bre 1965 ........................................................................... 15 NO 30250. Arabie saoudite et Emirats arabes unis : Accord relatif A la d6limitation des frontires (avec 6change de lettres et carte). Sign6 AJ eddah (Arabie saoudite) le 21 aodt 1974 ................................................. 23 NO 30251. Organisation des Nations Unies (Commission 6conomique pour 'Amkrique latine et les Caralbes) et Uruguay : Accord relatif h un projet de l'Institut national de statistiques de l'Uruguay concernant la jeunesse (avec annexes). Sign6 A Montevideo le 9 septembre 199 3. .......................................................4.3 ..................................................................... NO 30252. Singapour et Viet Nam : Accord commercial. Sign6 A Singapour le 24 septembre 1992 .................................... 45 NO 30253. Israel et Turquie : Accord de coop6ration dans le domaine du tourisme. Sign6 AJ 6rusalem le le juin 199 2. .......................................................5.7..................................................................... NO 30254. Israel et France : Accord relatif A la coop6ration dans le domaine de la sant6, de la m6decine et des h6pitaux. Sign6 A J6rusalem le 26 novembre 1992 ................................................ 69 Vol 1733 VI United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks 1993 Page No. 30255. United Nations (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) and Pakistan: Cooperation Agreement. Signed at Islamabad on 18 September 1993 ...................... 79 No. 30256. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Morocco: Guarantee Agreement-Second Housing Finance Project (with General Condi- tions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements dated 1 January 1985). Signed at W ashington on 27 October 1989 ............................................................. 95 No. 30257. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Morocco: Loan Agreement-Second Housing FinanceP roject( with schedules and General Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements dated 1 January 1985). Signed at W ashington on 27 October 1989 ................................................ 97 No. 30258. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Morocco: Loan Agreement-Port Sector Project-Kingdom (with schedules and General Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements dated 1 January 1985). Signed at W ashington on 9 M ay 1991 .......................................................... 99 No. 30259. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Morocco: Guarantee Agreement-Port Sector Project-ODEP (with General Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements dated 1 January 1985). Signed at Wa shington on 9 M ay 1991 .................................................................................. 101 No. 30260. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Morocco: Loan Agreement-Second Rural ElectrificationP roject( with schedules and Gen- eral Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements dated 1 Jan- uary 1985). Signed at Washington on 11 November 1992 ................. 103 No. 30261. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Indonesia: Japanese Grant Agreement-Sulawesi-Irian Jaya Urban Development Project (with schedules and General Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements dated 1 January 1985). Signed at Washington on 26 February 199 1. .................................................10. 5........................................................................... No. 30262. International Development Association and Eritrea: Project Agreement-Recovery and RehabilitationP rojectf or Eritrea( with sched- ules and General Conditions Applicable to Development Credit Agreements dated 1 January 1985). Signed at Washington on 7 April 1993 ............................ 107 Vol. 1733 1993 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recuei des Traitks VII Pages NO 30255. Organisation des Nations Unies (Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les rkfugiks) et Pakistan : Accord de coop6ration. Signd AI slamabad le 18 septembre 1993 .............................. 79 NO 30256. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le dkveloppement et Maroc : Accord de garantie - Deuxi,me projet de financement du logement (avec Con- ditions g6n6rales applicables aux accords de prt et de garantie en date du Ier janvier 1985). Sign6 AW ashington le 27 octobre 1989 .................. 95 NO 30257. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le d6veloppement et Maroc : Accord de pr~t - Deuxibme projet definancement du logement (avec annexes et Conditions g6ndrales applicables aux accords de pret et de garantie en date du lerjanvier 1985). Sign6 AW ashington le 27 octobre 1989 .................. 97 NO 30258. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le d6veloppement et Maroc : Accord de pr~t - Projet d'aide au secteurportuaire- Royaume (avec annexes et Conditions g6n6rales applicables aux accords de prt et de garantie en date du lerjanvier 1985). Sign6 AW ashington le 9 mai 1991 .............................................. 99 NO 30259. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le d6veloppement et Maroc : Accord de garantie - Projet d'aide au secteur portuaire- ODEP (avec Condi- tions g6n6rales applicables aux accords de prt et de garantie en date du lerjanvier 1985). Sign6 AW ashington le 9 mai 1991 .............................................. 101 NO 30260. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le d6veloppement et Maroc : Accord de prPt - Deuxiame projet d'electrificationr urale (avec annexes et Con- ditions g6n6rales applicables aux accords de pr~t et de garantie en date du ler janvier 1985). Sign6 AW ashington le 11 novembre 1992 ................................ 103 NO 30261. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le d6veloppement et Indonisie : Accord de don par le Japon - Projet de diveloppement urbain Sulawesi-Irian Jaya (avec annexes et Conditions g6n6rales applicables aux accords de pret et de garantie en date du ler janvier 1985). Sign6 A Washington le 26 fdvrier 199 1. ......................................................1.0. 5..................................................................... NO 30262. Association internationale de d6veloppement et ]trythrke : Accord de projet - Projet de relance et de rdhabilitationd e I'trythrde (avec annexes et Conditions g6n6rales applicables aux accords de cr6dit de d6velop- pement en date du let Janvier 1985). Sign6 A Washington le 7 avril 1993 ........... 107 Vol. 1733 VIII United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait6s 1993 Page No. 30263. United Nations and Netherlands: Exchange of letters constituting an agreement concerning arrangements in connec- tion with the Study Group of the Committee on Human Settlements, Principal Subsidiary Body of the Economic Commission for Europe, to be held in the Netherlands, from 24 to 30 September 1993. Geneva, 8 and 11 June, 6 and 30 August, 1 and 17 Septem ber 1993 ...................................................................... 109 No. 30264. Spain and Egypt: Air Transport Agreement (with annex). Signed at Cairo on 12 March 1991 ............. 111 No. 30265. Spain and Tunisia: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement on the abolition of visa fees. Madrid, 13 and 15 July 1992 .................................................................................................... 171 No. 30266. Spain and Belgium: Exchange of letters constituting an agreement amending article 11 of the Conven- tion of 17 June 1870 to ensure the punishment of crimes and offences. Madrid, 30 A pril 1992 and 13 A pril 1993 ............................................................................... 177 No. 30267. Spain and France: Exchange of letters constituting an agreement concerning the extension of the European Convention on extradition to the French Overseas Territories and to the French territorial collectivities. Madrid, 23 March 1992 and 3 May 1993 ..................................................18.5........................................................................... No. 30268. Spain and France: Exchange of letters constituting an agreement concerning the extension of the European Convention on judicial assistance in criminal matters to the French Overseas Territories and to the French territorial collectivities. Madrid, 23 M arch 1992 and 3 M ay 1993 .................................19.3.............................................. No. 30269. Argentina and Chile: Treaty on the environment. Signed at Buenos Aires on 2 August 1991 ..........2.0.1......... No. 30270. Mexico and United States of America: Agreement regarding an earth station coordination procedure (with annex and map). Signed at Chestertown, Maryland, United States of America, on 2 July 199 1. .................................................2. 1.5.......................................................................... No. 30271. Mexico and United States of America: Agreement concerning the allocation and use of the channels in the 220-222 MHz band along the common border (with annex). Signed at Queretaro, Mexico on I IA ugu st 1992 ........................................................................................................... 245 Vol. 1733 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks Pages NO 30263. Organisation des Nations Unies et Pays-Bas: tchange de lettres constituant un accord relatif aux arrangements en vue de la sdance d'dtudes du Comit6 des 6tablissements humains, organe subsidiaire principal de la Commission 6conomique pour I'Europe, devant avoir lieu aux Pays-Bas, du 24 au 30 septembre 1993. Gen~ve, 8 et 11 juin, 6 et 30 aofit, Ier et 17 septem bre 1993 ..................................................................................................... 109 NO 30264. Espagne et lEgypte : Accord relatif aux transports adiens (avec annexe). Signd au Caire le 12 mars 199 1. .................................................... ..11.1................................................................. NO 30265. Espagne et Tunisie : tchange de notes constituant un accord relatif Al a suppression des frais de visas. M adrid, 13 et 15 juillet 1992 ...................................................................................... 171 NO 30266. Espagne et Belgique : tchange de lettres constituant un accord modifiant l'article 11 de la Convention du 17 juin 1870 pour assurer la repression des crimes et d~lits. Madrid, 30 avril 1992 et 13 avril 1993 .................................................................................................. 177 NO 30267. Espagne et France : tchange de lettres constituant un accord relatif A 1'extension aux Territoires frangais d'Outre-Mer et aux collectivit6s territoriales frangaises de la Conven- tion europdenne d'extradition. Madrid, 23 mars 1992 et 3 mai 1993 .................. 185 N0 30268. Espagne et France : lchange de lettres constituant un accord relatif A 1'extension aux Territoires franqais d'Outre-Mer et aux collectivit6s territoriales franqaises de la Conven- tion europ~enne d'entraide judiciaire en mati~re p6nale. Madrid, 23 mars 1992 et 3 m ai 1993 ............................................................................................................... 193 N0 30269. Argentine et Chili : Trait6 de base sur 'environnement. Sign6 AB uenos Aires le 2 aoflt 1991 ................ 201 N0 30270. Mexique et Ettats-Unis d'Amrique : Accord relatif Au n proc~dd de coordination de station terrestre (avec annexe et carte). Sign6 AC hestertown (Maryland, ttats-Unis d'Am6rique) le 2 juillet 199 1. .................................................2.1 .5.......................................................................... N0 30271. Mexique et lktats-Unis d'Am~rique : Accord relatif Al 'attribution et Al 'utilisation de canaux sur la bande 220-222 MHz le long de la fronti~re commune entre les deux pays (avec annexe). Sign6 A Quer6taro (M exique) le 11 aoft 1992 ...................................................................... 245 Vol. 1733 United Nations - Treaty Series a Nations Unies - Recueil des Trait~s 1993 Page No. 30272. Mexico and Japan: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement on economic cooperation for the execution of the project for the rehabilitation of the regional fisheries research centre of the city of Carmen (with memorandum of understanding). Mexico C ity, 28 January 1993 ......................................2.7.7........................................................ No. 30273. Mexico and Japan: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning the supply of audiovisual equipment for the Veracruz Cultural Institute. Mexico City, 11 March 1993... 295 No. 30274. Mexico and Japan: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning a grant of 48 million yen by Japan for the supply of equipment for the teaching of foreign languages. M exico C ity, 3 M ay 1993 .......................................................................................... 305 No. 30275. Mexico and Nicaragua: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement on the abolition of visas for holders of diplomatic, official or service passports. Managua, 13 February 1993 ......... 315 No. 30276. Mexico and Romania: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement on the abolition of visas in diplo- matic, official and service passports. Mexico City and Bucharest, 19 April 199 3 ..................................................32. 5........................................................................... No. 30277. Mexico and Costa Rica: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement on the abolition of visas for holders of diplomatic and official passports. Mexico City, 17 May 1993 ........................ 335 No. 30278. Mexico and El Salvador: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement on the establishment of a permanent binational commission. Mexico City and San Salvador, 14 July 1993 ............... 345 ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, subsequent agreements, etc., con- cerning treaties and internationala greements registered with the Secretariato f the United Nations No. 2545. Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. Signed at Geneva, on 28 July 1951: A ccession by the Baham as ............................................................................................... 354 No. 2701. Convention for the establishment of a European Organization for Nuclear Research. Signed at Paris, on 1 July 1953: Accessions by the Czech Republic and by Slovakia .................................................... 355 Vol. 1733