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Treatment Planning for Person-Centered Care: The Road to Mental Health and Addiction Recovery PDF

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Treatment Planning for Person-Centered Care: The Road to Mental Health and Addiction Recovery This Page Intentionally Left Blank Treatment Planning for Person-Centered Care: The Road to Mental Health and Addiction Recovery Mapping the Journey for Individuals, Families, and Providers Neal Adams, MD, MPH Diane Grieder, MEd AMSTERDAM • BOSTON • HEIDELBERG • LONDON NEW YORK • OXFORD • PARIS • SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO • SINGAPORE • SYDNEY • TOKYO ElsevierAcademicPress 30CorporateDrive,Suite400,Burlington,MA01803,USA 525BStreet,Suite1900,SanDiego,California92101-4495,USA 84Theobald’sRoad,LondonWC1X8RR,UK Thisbookisprintedonacid-freepaper. (cid:2) Copyright(cid:2)2005,ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved. Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproducedortransmittedinanyformorbyany means,electronicormechanical,includingphotocopy,recording,oranyinformation storageandretrievalsystem,withoutpermissioninwritingfromthepublisher. PermissionsmaybesoughtdirectlyfromElsevier’sScience&TechnologyRightsDepartmentin Oxford,UK:phone:(þ44)1865843830,fax:(þ44)1865853333,e-mail:permissions@elsevier. co.uk. You may also complete your request on-line via the Elsevier homepage (http:// elsevier.com),byselecting‘‘CustomerSupport’’andthen‘‘ObtainingPermissions.’’ LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Applicationsubmitted. BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary. ISBN:0-12-044155-1 ForinformationonallElsevierAcademicPresspublications visitourWebsiteatwww.books.elsevier.com PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica 04 05 06 07 08 09 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Acknowledgments As all authors note, this book could not have been written without the assistance and support of many people. Similar to the team assisting the individual to achieve his or her goals in the person-centered approach, we have also had a team accompanying us on our first book-writing journey. Sincerethankstooureditor,NikkiLevy,whowarnedus,‘‘writingabook will be the hardest thing you ever do,’’ and she was right! Many thanks to our colleagues who were willing to read, offer com- ments and support, and even edit portions of the book as it evolved: Ed Diksa, Wilma Townsend, Nirbay Singh, John Morris, Lesa Yawn, Nikki Migas, WendyGraddison,YanaJacobs, PennyKnapp,SherryKimbrough, and James W. Baxter. Thanks are also due to the many individuals receiving services we have metinourprofessionalcareers,whohavebeenasourceofinspirationtous. They have taught us how to listen, to have hope, and to believe in them. Most importantly, thanks to our respective families, who joined us on this road trip—sometimes willingly, sometimes not—and were the foun- tainsofsupport,encouragement,understanding,andforgivenessthatmade writing this book possible. To our spouses, Lucy and Marion, and to our children, Alyssa, Caleb, Parris, and Zachary, we will be forever grateful. TreatmentPlanningforPersonCenteredCare Copyright(cid:2)2004byAcademicPress.Allrightsreserved. v This Page Intentionally Left Blank Contents Acknowledgments v Prologue xi Foreword xv Preface xix S E C T I O N I Planning the Trip 1 Introduction: Planning the Trip 3 2 Person-Centered Care 17 3 The Value of Individual Planning 39 TreatmentPlanningforPersonCenteredCare Copyright(cid:2)2004byAcademicPress.Allrightsreserved. vii viii Contents S E C T I O N II Getting Started 4 Assessment 57 5 Understanding Needs: The Narrative Summary 91 S E C T I O N III On the Road 6 Setting Goals 119 7 Focusing on Change: Specifying the Objectives 139 8 Interventions 155 S E C T I O N IV Journey’s End: The Destination 9 Evaluating the Process 179 Epilogue 211 Contents ix A P P E N D I C E S Learning by Example 1 Aaron Howard 215 2 Sally Hamilton 237 3 Sam Hewlett 253 4 Carmen Suarez 265

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