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Preview Treatment of Atrial and Ventricular€Arrhythmias Through€Autonomic Modulation

JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 1, NO. 6, 2015 ª2015 BY THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY FOUNDATION ISSN 2405-500X/$36.00 PUBLISHED BY ELSEVIER INC. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jacep.2015.09.013 STATE-OF-THE-ART REVIEW Treatment of Atrial and Ventricular Arrhythmias Through Autonomic Modulation SébastienP.J.Krul,MD,*WouterR.Berger,MD,*MariekeW.Veldkamp,PHD,*AntoineH.G.Driessen,MD,* ArthurA.M.Wilde,MD,PHD,*yThomasDeneke,MD,PHD,zJacquesM.T.deBakker,PHD,*x RubenCoronel,MD,PHD,*kJorisR.deGroot,MD,PHD* JACC:CLINICALELECTROPHYSIOLOGYCME Thisarticlehasbeenselectedasthemonth’sJACC:ClinicalElectrophysiology CMEObjectiveforThisArticle:Atthecompletionofthisarticlethelearner CMEactivity,availableonlineatwww.jacc-electrophysiology.orgby shouldbeabletodiscuss:1)theroleofnuclearimagingintheidentifi- selectingtheCMEonthetopnavigationbar. cationofcardiacautonomicnervoussystem;2)thebenefitofintrinsic autonomicmodulationthroughganglionicpleximodulationorablation AccreditationandDesignationStatement inthetreatmentofatrialfibrillation;and3)thedevelopmentsinauto- nomicmodulationofcardiacarrhythmiasthroughtargetingtheextrinsic TheAmericanCollegeofCardiologyFoundation(ACCF)isaccreditedby nervoussystemsuchasrenaldenervationandvagalstimulation. theAccreditationCouncilforContinuingMedicalEducation(ACCME)to providecontinuingmedicaleducationforphysicians. CMEEditorDisclosure:CMEEditorSmitVasaiwala,MD,hasnothing todeclare. TheACCFdesignatesthisJournal-basedCMEactivityforamaximum of1AMAPRACategory1Credit(s).Physiciansshouldonlyclaimcredit AuthorDisclosures:Dr.DriessenhasservedasaconsultanttoAtricure commensuratewiththeextentoftheirparticipationintheactivity. Inc.Dr.deGroothasbeensupportedbypersonalgrantsfromthe NetherlandsHeartFoundation2009T021andNWO/ZonMw016.146.310; MethodofParticipationandReceiptofCMECertificate hasreceivedunrestrictedfundingfromandhasservedasaconsultantfor Atricure;hasreceivedresearchfundingfromSt.JudeMedicalandMed- ToobtaincreditforJACC:ClinicalElectrophysiologyCME,youmust: tronic;andhasservedasaconsultantforDaiichiSankyo.Allotherau- 1. BeanACCmemberorJACC:ClinicalElectrophysiologysubscriber. thorshavereportedthattheyhavenorelationshipsrelevanttothe 2. CarefullyreadtheCME-designatedarticleavailableonlineandinthis contentsofthispapertodisclose. issueofthejournal. 3. Answerthepost-testquestions.Atleast2outofthe3questions MediumofParticipation:Print(articleonly);online(articleandquiz). providedmustbeansweredcorrectlytoobtainCMEcredit. CMETermofApproval 4. Completeabriefevaluation. 5. ClaimyourCMEcreditandreceiveyourcertificateelectronicallyby IssueDate:December2015 followingtheinstructionsgivenattheconclusionoftheactivity. ExpirationDate:November30,2016 Listentothismanuscript’s From the *Heart Center, Department of Clinical and Experimental Cardiology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, the audiosummarybyJACC: Netherlands;yPrincessAl-JawharaAl-BrahimCentreofExcellenceinResearchofHereditaryDisorders,Jeddah,KingdomofSaudi ClinicalElectrophysiology Arabia;zHeartCenterBadNeustadt,BadNeustadta.d.Saale,Germany;xInteruniversityCardiologyInstituteoftheNetherlands, Editor-in-Chief Utrecht,theNetherlands;andthekL’InstitutdeRYthmologieetdemodélisationCardiaque(LIRYC),UniversitéBordeauxSegalen, Dr.DavidJ.Wilber. Bordeaux,France.Dr.DriessenhasservedasaconsultanttoAtricureInc.Dr.deGroothasbeensupportedbypersonalgrantsfrom theNetherlandsHeartFoundation2009T021andNWO/ZonMw016.146.310;hasreceivedunrestrictedfundingfromandhas servedasaconsultantforAtricure;hasreceivedresearchfundingfromSt.JudeMedicalandMedtronic;andhasservedasa consultantforDaiichiSankyo.Allotherauthorshavereportedthattheyhavenorelationshipsrelevanttothecontentsofthis papertodisclose. ManuscriptreceivedJanuary5,2015;revisedmanuscriptreceivedAugust19,2015,acceptedSeptember24,2015. JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 1, NO. 6, 2015 Kruletal. 497 DECEMBER 2015:496–508 AutonomicModulationforTreatmentofArrhythmias Treatment of Atrial and Ventricular Arrhythmias Through Autonomic Modulation ABSTRACT Thispaperreviewsthecontributionofautonomicnervoussystem(ANS)modulationinthetreatmentofarrhythmias. Boththeatriaandventriclesareinnervatedbyanextensivenetworkofnervefibersofparasympatheticandsympathetic origin.Boththeparasympatheticandsympatheticnervoussystemexertarrhythmogenicelectrophysiologicaleffectson atrialandpulmonaryveinmyocardium,whileintheventriclethesympatheticnervoussystemplaysamoredominantrole inarrhythmogenesis.IdentificationofANSactivityispossiblewithnuclearimaging.Thistechniquemayprovidefurther insightinmechanismsandtreatmenttargets.Additionally,themyocardialeffectsoftheintrinsicANScanbeidentified throughstimulationoftheganglionicplexuses.Thesecanbeablatedforthetreatmentofatrialfibrillation.New(non-) invasivetreatmentoptionstargetingtheextrinsiccardiacANS,suchaslow-leveltragusstimulationandrenaldenerva- tion,provideinterestingfuturetreatmentpossibilitiesbothforatrialfibrillationandventriculararrhythmias.However, thefirstrandomizedtrialshaveyettobeperformed.FutureclinicalstudiesonmodifyingtheANSmaynotonlyimprove theoutcomeofablationtherapybutmayalsoadvanceourunderstandingofthemannerinwhichtheANSinteracts withthemyocardiumtomodifyarrhythmogenictriggersandsubstrate. (JAmCollCardiolEP2015;1:496–508) ©2015bytheAmericanCollegeofCardiologyFoundation. T he atria and ventricles are innervated by an neural pathways of the ANS (1). Small nerve fibers intricate network of autonomic nerves (1,2). form an extensive neural network of small inter- Theroleofthesympatheticandparasympa- connecting efferent and afferent sympathetic, para- theticnervoussysteminthepathophysiologyofcar- sympathetic,andmixednervefibers,thatcontainthe diac arrhythmias is complex. Parasympathetic and neurotransmitters noradrenaline and acetylcholine, sympathetic activationinfluence atrialandventricu- respectively, but some also contain neuropeptide Y, lar electrophysiology and these changes can initiate, somatostatin, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, and facilitate,orcounteractcardiacarrhythmiasdepend- substance P (2,9–12). The density of small fibers and ing on the presence of a suitable substrate (3,4). By ganglia is highest in the posterior part of the left selectivelyablatingorstimulatingthedifferentcom- atriumandaroundtheantrumofthe(left)pulmonary ponents of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), veins (PVs) (11,13). The atria are predominantly par- suchasganglionicplexuses(GPs)orthevagalnerve, asympathetically innervated, while in the ventricles thenetactivityoftheANScanbemodulatedandar- (where only 16% of total cardiac ganglia reside) pre- rhythmiastreated(5,6). dominantly sympathetic nerve fibers are found Here, we briefly review the role of the ANS as (1,14,15). GPs are conglomerates of ganglia from trigger and modulator of cardiac arrhythmias. different subplexuses and function as an integration Notably, we focus on novel methods to clinically center of the parasympathetic and sympathetic identify the cardiac ANS and we discuss autonomic nerves and interconnect the intrinsic ANS (9,16,17). modulationastreatmentforcardiacarrhythmias. TheatrialGPsarelocatednearthesinusnodeandPVs andresideinepicardialfatpadsasshowninFigure1. ANATOMY OF THE CARDIAC ANS Ventricular GPs are located near the interventricular groove (9). The ligament of Marshall, the embryonic Inthehumanheart,theextrinsicsympatheticinner- remnant of the left superior caval vein, near the left vation is mediated via the cervical, stellate (cervico- superior PV is densely innervated with para- thoracic), and thoracic ganglia. Parasympathetic sympatheticandsympatheticnerves(18,19). extrinsic innervation is routed via the vagus nerve, althoughsympatheticfibersarefoundinvagalnerves AUTONOMIC MODULATION IN and parasympathetic fibers in sympathetic nerves as ATRIAL FIBRILLATION well (7,8). The extrinsic nerves pass through the hi- lum of the heart along the great cardiac vessels and The atrial susceptibility to autonomic nervous mod- branch into 7 epicardial subplexuses, the intrinsic ulation relates to the high density of autonomic 498 Kruletal. JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 1, NO. 6, 2015 AutonomicModulationforTreatmentofArrhythmias DECEMBER 2015:496–508 ABBREVIATIONS nerves and the presence of acetylcholine isoprenaline and acetylcholine. Isoprenaline facili- AND ACRONYMS sensitive potassium channels. The influence tated initiation and maintenance of acetylcholine of the intrinsic ANS on the atrium was induced AF through a decreased AF threshold AF=atrialfibrillation reviewedbyStavrakisetal.(20)recently. (lowering the acetylcholine dose required to induce ANS=autonomicnervous AF)(32).TheANSnotonlyaffectsrepolarization,but system TRIGGERMODULATION. InthestudyofChoi also conduction properties. In patients, GP stimula- CBS=carotidbodystimulation et al. (21), atrial fibrillation (AF) and atrial tionhasbeenshowntoaffectactivationtime(33,34). GP=ganglionicplexus arrhythmias (induced by rapid atrial pacing) GP stimulation activates all nerves present in the I-123mIBG=iodine-123 were always preceded by activation of the GPandisthereforenotspecificfor1armoftheANS, metaiodobenzylguanidine intrinsic ANS in dogs, but no intracardiac but conduction slowing was particularly evident in LLVS=low-levelvagal recordingsweremadetolocalizetheoriginof patients using beta-blockers (33). Conduction slow- stimulation AF. In patients, PV ectopy, most frequently ing by acetylcholine could be attributed to a PV=pulmonaryvein arising in the superior PVs, commonly trig- reduced excitability, but a role of noncholinergic PVI=pulmonaryveinisolation gersparoxysmalAF(22).Animalandhuman neurotransmitters released upon vagal stimulation RDN=renaldenervation studies have shown that stimulation of the cannot be excluded (35). In dogs, vasoactive intes- SCS=spinalcordstimulation GPsnearthePVtriggersPVectopy(23,24).In tinal polypeptide induced conduction slowing in a VT=ventriculartachycardia caninePVs,Pattersonetal.(3)demonstrated dose-dependent manner (36). ANS-mediated con- VF=ventricularfibrillation thatdecreasedactionpotentialdurationwas duction changes might cause or increase fraction- mediated by the parasympathetic system, ation in atrial electrograms with or without the and that the sympathetic system increased myo- presence of a suitable structural substrate such as cardial cytoplasmatic [Ca2þ]. The combination of fibrosis (37,38). both components was required for early after- depolarizations in the PVs, which in turn triggered AUTONOMIC REMODELING. Most of the data on AF. In right atrial tissue a similar protocol did not autonomic modulation come from healthy tissue, yield arrhythmias (3). A high degree of autonomic frequently from animal studies, with only short- innervationnearthePVsandashorteractionpoten- term remodeling (3,32). In most cardiac patients, tial duration in PV myocytes than in atrial myocytes the myocardium is electrically, structurally, and might underlie these findings. Ectopic activity in autonomically remodeled for a long period. Auto- other highly innervated structures, such as the liga- nomic remodeling may change the response to ANS ment of Marshall, may also trigger AF (11,13,25). stimulation and (the balance of) the para- and StimulationoftheligamentofMarshallcausedectopy sympathetic innervation (3,39–41). Increased sym- and triggered AF in 8 AF patients during catheter pathetic nerve and beta-adrenergic receptor density ablation (26). However, triggers of AF are not was observed in dogs with heart failure together confined to highly innervated tissue. In 27% of 987 with increased acetylcholinesterase activity and less patientswithrepeatablationafterafirstPVisolation shortening of effective refractory period on vagal had been unsuccessful, with predominantly non- stimulation (41). In rapid pacing AF models in dogs, paroxysmal AF, ectopic firing from the left atrial parasympathetic and sympathetic nerve density was appendagewasobserved(27).Itisunknownwhether increased (42). An increase of sympathetic nerve thistriggermechanismisdifferentfrompatientswith density has been described in human chronic AF AFnotpreviouslytreatedorwhethernon-PVtriggers patients, but whether this is compensatory to remainoncePVtriggersareexcludedafterablation. increased vagal stimulation or causal for AF in unknown (12,43). SUBSTRATE MODULATION. The perpetuation of AF requires an arrhythmogenic substrate suitable for reentry or the presence of a continuous trigger. A AUTONOMIC MODULATION IN short effective refractory period, heterogeneity in VENTRICULAR ARRHYTHMIAS repolarization, or slow conduction constitute the main determinants for reentry. Vagal stimulation Inacutemyocardialinfarction,ahighheartrateisan shortens the effective refractory period in rapid important risk factor for arrhythmias (44). Not only pacing induced AF models in dogs and creates a is it a marker of a high sympathetic tone, but a high functional substrate for AF (28–30). In addition, heart rate increases ventricular oxygen demand repolarization becomes more heterogeneous, most and has important proarrhythmic effects such as a likely due to the heterogeneous nature of para- decreased action potential duration and increased sympathetic innervation (30,31). In canine atria, AF myocardial cytoplasmatic [Ca2þ] (45). Heart rate wasinducedaftersuperfusionwithacombinationof variability has been used as an indirect measure of JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 1, NO. 6, 2015 Kruletal. 499 DECEMBER 2015:496–508 AutonomicModulationforTreatmentofArrhythmias FIGURE1 AnatomyoftheIntrinsicAutonomicNervousSystem Pauzaetal.(1)haveshownanextensivenetworkofepicardialnervesontheatriaandventriclesdividedin7subplexus(A).Leftisaposteriorandrightisan anteriorviewoftheheart.Alongthesesubplexus,gangliaarelocalized,conglomeratedinganglionplexus(GP)markedinlightgray.Armouretal.(9)(B) identifiedthemajoratrialandventricularGPfromaposteriorviewoftheheart.AisreprintedwithpermissionfromPauzaetal.(1);Bisreprintedwithpermission fromArmouretal.(9).DRA¼dorsalrightatrialganglionatedsubplexus;IVC¼inferiorvenacava;LC¼leftcoronaryganglionatedsubplexus;LD¼left dorsalganglionatedsubplexus;LV¼leftventricle;MD¼middledorsalganglionatedsubplexus;PA¼pulmonaryartery;RC¼rightcoronaryganglionated subplexus;RV¼rightventricle;SVC¼superiorvenacava;VLA¼ventralleftatrialganglionatedsubplexus;VRA¼ventralrightatrialganglionatedsubplexus. 500 Kruletal. JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 1, NO. 6, 2015 AutonomicModulationforTreatmentofArrhythmias DECEMBER 2015:496–508 autonomic balance and is significantly associated branch in particular remodels following myocardial with the risk of life threatening arrhythmias (46). infarction(58).Thedensityofsynapsesandnervesand Additionally, a high sympathetic tone during nerveactivityoftheleftstellateganglionincreasedin myocardial infarction leads to vasoconstriction and dogs with myocardial infarction (59). These remote increasedinfarctsize(47).However,thesympathetic changes preceded increased ventricular myocardial nervoussystemalsoexertsanarrhythmogeniceffect sympatheticinnervation(60).Intransplantedhuman independent of heart rate. Evidently, ventricular ar- heartsanincreaseddensityofsympatheticnerveswas rhythmias in the setting of inherited arrhythmia found in patients with a history of ventricular ar- syndromes such as catecholaminergic polymorphic rhythmias (61). Heterogeneity in sympathetic inner- ventricular tachycardia (VT) are entirely dependent vationduetodenervationininfarctedareasinduced on sympathetic activity (48). Furthermore, QT inter- supersensitivity,resultinginincreasedshorteningof val and QT dispersion are markedly increased upon the effective refractory period during sympathetic infusion of epinephrine (but not phenlyephrine) in stimulation (62). This may increase vulnerability to patients with Long QT syndrome 1 compared to ventriculararrhythmiasduringischemia(63). healthy controls, underscoring the arrhythmogenic potentialofthesympatheticANS(49). IDENTIFICATION OF CARDIAC ANS ACTIVITY TRIGGERMODULATION. Experimentaldatasuggesta Noninvasive methods to identify autonomic activity roleoftriggeredactivityinANS-mediatedventricular are limited. The exception is heart rate variability, arrhythmias,althoughthereislimiteddatafromclin- which has been extensively studied as a marker for ical studies. For example, in 20 dogs treated with autonomic activity and balance but this parameter cesium-chloridetoprolongQTtime,leftstellategan- only supplies information on sinus node innerva- glion stimulation caused early afterdepolarizations tion and does not reflect the extrinsic and intrinsic (50).Left stellate ganglion stimulation decreasedac- nerve activity (39,64). The activity from the post- tion potential duration and elicited delayed after- ganglionic nerve fibers in skin and muscle appears depolarizations in 10 of 14 cats (51). Early to accurately reflect central sympathetic activity afterdepolarizations were also elicited in isolated more sensitively than heart rate variability in dogs, ventricularcardiomyocytesfromfailinghumanhearts but this option has to prove its clinical value aftersuperfusionwithnoradrenaline(52).Thecontri- (65,66). butionoftriggeredactivitytoventriculararrhythmias Computed tomography and magnetic resonance inpatientswithmyocardialinfarctionisunknown(53). imaginghavebeenofgreatvalueindemonstratingthe SUBSTRATEMODULATION. Sympatheticstimulation structuralsubstrateofcardiacarrhythmias,butareof either shortens or prolongs the ventricular effective limitedvalueintheidentificationoftheANS(67,68). refractory period, depending on species and comor- Currently, only iodine-123 metaiodobenzylguanidine bidities. For instance, in a study on dogs, the ven- (123I-mIBG) imaging provides information on the tricular effective refractory period was prolonged sympathetic ANS and has been extensively studied after vagal stimulation and shortened after sym- inpatientswithventriculararrhythmias. pathetic stellate ganglion stimulation (4). Indeed, 123I-mIBG IMAGING. 123I-mIBG imaging assesses sym- stellate ganglion stimulation reduced ventricular pathetic nerve distribution and quantifies local fibrillation(VF)intervalsindogsoncardiopulmonary noradrenaline reuptake and sympathetic activity. A bypass (54). Interestingly,these effectswere hetero- lower heart/mediastinum 123I-mIBG ratio, represents geneous, with differences upon right or the left increased sympathetic neurotransmitter reuptake stellate ganglion stimulation, and with marked indi- activity. vidual variation. Therefore, sympathetic stimulation A high sympathetic activity on 123I-mIBG imaging can facilitate reentry not only through shortening of predicted progression to permanent AF during a effectiverefractoryperiodbutalsothroughincreased mean follow-up of 4 years or correlated with in- repolarization heterogeneity (47,54–56). Although creased recurrences of AF after ablation (69,70). parasympathetic nerves are not abundantly present However, 123I-mIBG imaging lacks the resolution for on the ventricle, they may partially and regionally assessment of local atrial innervation and denerva- antagonize the effects of the sympathetic nervous tion. Therefore, its application might be limited system(4,57). in unselected populations with atrial arrhythmias. AUTONOMIC REMODELING. In addition to electrical There is an association between increased sympa- andstructuralremodelingoftheANS,thesympathetic theticactivityon123I-mIBGimagingandtheincreased JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 1, NO. 6, 2015 Kruletal. 501 DECEMBER 2015:496–508 AutonomicModulationforTreatmentofArrhythmias risk of recurrent ventricular arrhythmias in patients FIGURE2 DifferencesBetweenAnatomicalandSelectiveFunctional with structural heart disease, as in patients with GanglionPlexusAblation myocardialinfarction (71).Similar observations were made in patients with VT and apparent normal structural hearts (72,73). These patients present eitherasubgroupofpatientsathighriskoragroupof patients with a cardiac disease before it is clinically detectable. Defects in sympathetic innervation can be assessed and neural activity can be compared with perfusion images from single-photon emission computedtomographyscanning.Sympatheticdener- vation on 123I-mIBG scans has a high accuracy in predicting arrhythmic events in implantable car- dioverter-defibrillator patients and patients with previous ventricular arrhythmias (74–76). In the ADMIRE-HF (AdreView Myocardial Imaging for Risk Evaluation in Heart Failure) trial, a low 123I-mIBG heart/mediastinum ratio (<1.6) was associated with an increased risk for cardiac arrhythmias in patients with heart failure and a left ventricular ejection fraction of #35% (77). However, sympathetic dener- Freedomfromrecurrentatrialfibrillationoratrialflutterafterselectivefunctionalganglion plexusablation(solidline)andanatomicablation(dashedline).Reprintedwithpermission vation per se did not predict cardiac events, poten- fromPokushalovetal.(81).AGPA¼anatomicalganglionplexusablation;SGPA¼selective tiallybecausethesepatientshadnopriorventricular ganglionplexusablation. arrhythmias. Therefore,theheart/mediastinumratio isusefulonlyinselectedpatientpopulationstoiden- tifyriskforfuturearrhythmicevents.Kleinetal.(78) investigated the use of 123I-mIBG acquired denerva- Therefore, absence of increase in R-R interval upon tion maps in combination with voltage maps for the highfrequencystimulationisanunreliableendpoint ablation of ventricular arrhythmias. In this study ofsuccessfulablationoftheGPs.Arandomizedstudy thedenervationmapswerelargerthanthescarareas in 80 patients showed that an anatomical rather and VT ablation sites were located in the areas of than a functional (eliciting a vagal response) ap- abnormal innervation. However, the VT recurrence proach toward atrial GP localization and ablation rateof43%after6monthswassimilartoconventional led to more favorable results (77.5% vs. 42.5% treatment (not guided by 123I-mIBG- single-photon absence of AF, 13.1 (cid:2) 1.9 months follow-up) emissioncomputedtomography).Thisstudyisofin- (Figure 2) (81). Despite high success rates for GP terest because it looked beyond structural substrate ablationcomparedtootherstudies,thedatasuggest ablation toward autonomic modulators in ablation that anatomical localization and ablation of the GPs of ventricular arrhythmias. Thus, clinical validation might be superior (9). An anatomical epicardial of123I-mIBGsingle-photonemissioncomputedtomo- approach of ablation, as with thoracoscopic surgery graphy derived parameters in different patient pop- allows clear visualization of epicardial fat pad in ulationswithdifferentriskprofilesisneeded. which the atrial GPs reside (82). Areas of complex fractionated atrial electrograms, CARDIAC ANS LOCALIZATION. GPs may be a target defined as low-voltage multiple potential bipolar forablation,andthusitisimportanttoidentifytheir atrialelectrogramswithahighdegreeoffractionation location. Endocardial stimulation of atrial GPs with arefoundaroundtheanatomicallocationsoftheGPs highfrequency stimulation inducesavagal reaction, (38,83–85). They may represent a dynamic substrate reflected in a R-R interval prolongation of >50% driven by both parasympathetic and sympathetic (79). Right atrial GP ablation attenuates this vagal innervation,andareoftenidentifiedtoguideablation response, as it is predominantly mediated by the procedures in patients with AF (84). However, com- anteriorrightGPonthesinusnodeandbytheinferior plexfractionatedatrialelectrogramsarenotaspecific rightGPontheAVnode(17,80).Thus,absenceofan markeroftheANSbutanelectrophysiologicalrepre- increaseinR-Rintervalof50%,onlyprovesalossof sentation of structural, electrical and autonomic innervation of the sinus node or AV-node and not remodeling resulting from a variety of pathophysio- the dysfunction or destruction of the GPs per se. logicconditions(86). 502 Kruletal. JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 1, NO. 6, 2015 AutonomicModulationforTreatmentofArrhythmias DECEMBER 2015:496–508 THERAPEUTIC MODULATION ischemiainducedVFafteratrialGPablationindogs, OF THE INTRINSIC ANS potentially due to attenuated parasympathetic tone. Few data exist of GP modulation of ventricular PHARMACOLOGICAL GP MODULATION. Direct in- arrhythmias.StimulationoftheGPsindogshasbeen jection of botulinum toxin, a cholinergic blocker, in reported to decrease the incidence of ventricular epicardial fat pads containing the GPs, temporally arrhythmias, which may relate to parasympathetic suppressed AF inducibility in dogs (87) (Central effects indirectly modifying sympathetic activity Illustration).Inasmallpilotstudyinpatientsunder- (97). However, selective ablation of ventricular GPs goingcoronaryarterybypasssurgerybotulinumtoxin hasnotbeenstudied. injection resulted in less post-operative AF (7% vs. 30%) (88). Larger studies are needed to confirm this THERAPEUTIC MODULATION finding. OF THE EXTRINSIC ANS Yu et al. (89) delivered a neurotoxin N-isopropyl acrylamide monomer to the GPs using iron-core Modulation of the extrinsic ANS, mainly stellate nanoparticles, both after direct injection and intra- ganglion ablation, has been applied for VF (98). coronary infusion. Nanoparticles injected into the Recently, there have been a number of studies anterior right GP resulted in a reduced sinus node investigating the extrinsic ANS for the treatment of response upon GP stimulation and increased AF AF(CentralIllustration)(99,100).However,mostdata threshold. The nanoparticles were magnetically are derived from animal studies and await clinical directedtotheinferiorrightGPusingalargemagnet confirmationofefficacyandsafety. and resulted in a reduced ventricular rate response STELLATE GANGLION ABLATION. Modification of upon GP stimulation. This proof-of-concept study thesympathetictonethroughablationofthestellate demonstrates that it is possible to selectively target ganglion reduces ventricular arrhythmias (101). In the intricate neuralnetwork, althoughclinical appli- patients with recurrent multiple VF episodes after cationhastobeawaited. myocardial infarction sympathetic blockade, either withstellateganglionablationorwithbeta-blockers, GP ABLATION. GPablationadditionaltoPVisolation increased survival compared to standard antiar- (PVI)(butnotasastand-aloneprocedure)appearsto rhythmic drugs (102). Additionally, stellate ganglion improve procedural efficacy (Central Illustration) ablation has been applied in patients with inherited (5,90).CombinedPVIandGPablationresultedina74% arrhythmia disorders with drug resistant sympathet- successrateinpatientswithparoxysmalAFcompared ically induced arrhythmias, such as long QT to56%and48%inGPablationandPVIalone,respec- syndrome and catecholaminergic polymorphic VT tively,after2yearsoffollow-up(5).Theeffectsmaybe (103,104). Although highly successful, stellate gan- due to prevention of PV ectopy through GP ablation glion ablation surgery may lead to surgical compli- andPVI,althoughitcannotbeexcludedthatGPabla- cations and denervation is not always complete tion involves more extensive left atrial myocardial (103,104). There are no reports on stellate ganglion ablation.Thisalone,evenwithouttheinvolvementof ablation for the treatment of atrial arrhythmias in ANSmodulation,mighthavecontributedtotheadded humans. However, in a study with 6 dogs with effectofGPablationandmakesthepotentialbeneficial pacing-induced heart failure, left and right para- effect of GP ablation uncertain (91). Compared to vertebral T2 to T4 thoracic sympathetic ganglion endocardialablation,wherethedeliveredenergymay ablation reduced of the number of atrial tachycardia notalwaysreachtheepicardiallylocatedfatpads,the episodescomparedtoacontrolgroupwithoutstellate epicardial approach through thoracoscopic surgery gangliaablation(105). allowsvisualizationofGPsandmoreeffectiveablation ofalargerpartoftheepicardialneuralnetwork(82,92). SPINALCORDSTIMULATION. Spinalcordstimulation However, regardless of the approach to GP ablation, (SCS)ofT1toT5withanexternalstimulatorappearsto partial recovery of GPs function has been observed, modulateautonomicactivity,possiblyviainhibitionof which may limit the long-term procedural effect the stellate ganglion, but a role for increased vagal (93,94).Thismightbeduetoreinnervationbyefferent activity has been reported as well (106,107). This nerves or through neural remodeling, leading to discrepancy may be related to the level (T1 to T5) of increasedsensitivitytotheremainingneuralstimula- SCS.Antiarrhythmiceffectsinbothatrialandventric- tionorboth(60,95). ular arrhythmias have been described in canine AblationofGPmaynotbeharmless.Heetal.(96) studies.IncanineAFtachypacingmodelsSCSwasable reported an increased incidence of myocardial toreduceAFburdenandinducibility(108).Noeffect JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 1, NO. 6, 2015 Kruletal. 503 DECEMBER 2015:496–508 AutonomicModulationforTreatmentofArrhythmias CENTRALILLUSTRATION TargetsofAutonomicNervousSystemModulationforTreatmentofCardiacArrhythmias Aschematicrepresentationoftheextrinsicandintrinsicautonomicnervoussystem.Thedifferenttargetsforautonomicnervoussystemmodulationinthetreatmentof cardiacarrhythmiasareshown.AF¼atrialfibrillation;CP¼cardiacplexus;MI¼myocardialinfarction;PVI¼pulmonaryveinisolation;VF¼ventricularfibrillation; VT¼ventriculartachycardia 504 Kruletal. JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 1, NO. 6, 2015 AutonomicModulationforTreatmentofArrhythmias DECEMBER 2015:496–508 Although vagal stimulation has proarrhythmic FIGURE3 IncidenceofAFRecurrencesinPatientsWithandWithout effects in the atria because of the presence of RenalArteryDenervation acetylcholine sensitive ion channels, discrete modu- lation of vagal tone with low-level vagal stimulation (LLVS) prevents atrial arrhythmias (32). LLVS stimu- lates the vagal nerve below the threshold at which an effect on heart rate is elicited. One week of LLVS reduced sympathetic nerve density in the stellate ganglion, as observed in dogs with rapid pacing-induced AF, which is associated with fewer paroxysmsofAFanddecreasedAFinducibility(114). Additionally, LLVS prevented and reversed atrial remodeling induced by rapid atrial pacing(6).These data have been confirmed in a proof-of-concept study where patients with paroxysmal AF received transcutaneous LLVS to the tracheal nerve, a branch ofthevagusnerve.Thepatientshadshorterepisodes of pacing induced AF (115). This study only applied ThegroupthatunderwentbothPVIandrenalarteryablationhasasignificantlyreduced atrialfibrillation(AF)recurrencerateovertimecomparedwiththecontrolpulmonaryvein short lasting vagal stimulation, during an ablation isolation(PVI)–onlygroup.ReprintedwithpermissionfromPokushalovetal.(100). procedure. If, however, transcutaneous LLVS proves AT¼atrialtachyarrhythmia. effective and safe in ambulatory patients with AF, this may pave the way for noninvasive application ofthistherapy. was observed if SCS was initiated 8 weeks after CAROTID BODY STIMULATION. No large clinical tachypacingwasstarted.SCSdecreasedtheoccurrence studies have been performed on electrical carotid of ischemia-induced ventricular arrhythmias via an bodystimulation(CBS)inthetreatmentofatrialand antisympatheticactionindogswithhealedmyocardial ventricular arrhythmias (116). However, high-output infarctions (109,110). Interestingly, in animals using CBS induces a vagal response that can be proar- beta-blockerstherewasanadditionalantiarrhythmic rhythmicintheatrium.CBSresultedinashortening effectofSCS,whichsuggeststhatSCSisnotlimitedto of the effective refractory period and increased AF the reported antisympathetic effects (110). Similarly, inducibilityinpigs(117).Low-levelCBSmightprevent SCSledtofewerventriculararrhythmiasandreduced excessive vagal activation but still modulate auto- heartratevariabilityandleftstellateganglionactivity nomic activity: it prolonged the effective refractory inacutemyocardialinfarction(107).In2patientswith period and prevented rapid atrial pacing–induced a cardiomyopathy and high burden of ventricular remodeling in rabbits (118). Low-level CBS also pro- arrhythmias SCS reduced VT and VF episodes up to longed ventricular effective refractory period and 75% to 100% (111). The mechanism of SCS is not reduced ventricular arrhythmias after acute myocar- completelyunderstood,andlongtermclinicaleffects dial infarction (119). However, in light of the recent and safety have never been studied in patients with progress in LLVS, which appears to act in a similar arrhythmias. manner,itremainsunclearwhetherCBSwilldevelop asaviablealternative,asthecarotidbodyisadelicate VAGAL NERVE STIMULATION. Stimulation of the structure,locatedinacomplexanatomicalarea. cervical vagosympathetic trunks can antagonize the proarrhythmic sympathetic surge during acute RENAL DENERVATION. Renal denervation (RDN) myocardial infarction. Indeed, high-intensity vagal caused decreased central sympathetic activity and stimulation during myocardial infarction resulted in lowered blood pressure in patients with refractory 71% VF free survival versus 40% with low intensity hypertension in experimental and early clinical and 10% with no vagal stimulation. During ventri- studies (120). However, the SYMPLICITY HTN-III cular pacing to exclude heart rate effects, less VF (Renal Denervation in Patients With Uncontrolled occurred, suggesting a protective effect of the vagal Hypertension)trial,alargemulticentertrial,showed stimulation beyond heart rate reduction (112). no benefit of RDN on systolic blood pressure in 535 Vagal stimulation shortly after onset of myocardial patients with refractory hypertension compared to ischemia also decreased VF incidence (from 92% to control. This could be explained by procedural char- 10%)indogswithpriormyocardialinfarction(113). acteristics,operatorexperience,placeboeffectofthe JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 1, NO. 6, 2015 Kruletal. 505 DECEMBER 2015:496–508 AutonomicModulationforTreatmentofArrhythmias sham procedure, or insufficient selection of patients acuteregionalischemia)inasimilarmannerasbeta- (121).However,althoughnoeffectonbloodpressure blockade with atenolol (123). Additionally, in 4 wasobserved,andthereisevidencethattheeffecton patients with (non) ischemic cardiomyopathy and bloodpressureandsympatheticactivityareindepen- frequentVTdespitemaximaldrugtherapyandabla- dent(120).RDNaffectsatrialandventricularelectro- tion, RDN reduced the occurrence of VT episodes physiology,independentofthebloodpressureeffect from 11.0 episodes during the month before to 0.3 asoutlinedsubsequently(117,122–124).Similarly,RDN episodes the month after ablation (129). However, ledtodecreasedleftatrialvolumeindependentofthe in light of the SIMPLICITY HTN-III experience, blin- change in blood pressure in 66 patients with hyper- ded clinical studies with sham interventions should tension but without AF (125). Subjects with a high be performed to assess the antiarrhythmic effect of burden of premature atrial complexes experienced a RDN. reductionoftheseprematurecomplexes,butthiswas not related to left atrial volume change. The lack of CONCLUSIONS correlation between morphological and electric or autonomicchangesmightbeduetoalowsamplesize Modulation of the ANS may be used to treat cardiac and heterogeneity within the group. Nevertheless, arrhythmias.Animalandhumanstudieshaverevealed thesefindingssuggestthatRDNhasaneffectbeyond anintricatenetworkofinterconnectednervesofboth blood pressure reduction and appears to influence theparasympatheticandsympatheticnervoussystem autonomicactivity. on the atria and ventricle. New functional imaging In16dogswithahypersympatheticstate(induced techniquescanhelpusvisualizetheANSinindividual by rapid atrial pacing and left stellate ganglion patients(70).AblationofGPs,theintegrationcenters stimulation), RDN diminished AF inducibility and of the intrinsic ANS,showspromisingresults for the reversed the effective refractory period shortening treatmentofAF(100).However,withcurrentimaging followingstimulationoftheleftstellateganglionand techniques it is difficult to identify or localize the rapidatrialpacing(126).RDNappliedbeforetheonset intrinsicANS.Newinvasivetreatmentoptionsaimed ofAFreducedatrialremodelingafter5weeksofrapid at the extrinsic cardiac ANS, such as LLVS and RDN, atrial pacing in dogs and after 6 weeks in goats in- provideinterestingfuturetreatmentpossibilitiesboth dependentofthechangeinbloodpressure (122,127). forAFandventriculararrhythmias,butawaitthorough Therefore, RDN may affect extensive remodeling clinicaltesting(114,128).Furthermore,targetingthese duringlong-termfollow-up.Theseobservationssug- nerve structures is invasive and associated with the gest that RDN is effective in patients with sympa- riskofcomplications(104).Onceweareabletoreliably thetically driven AF. In a small clinical study, 69% identify the intrinsic ANS and define the optimal of the 27 paroxysmal or persistent AF patients with treatmenttargetofANSmodification,clinicalstudies refractoryhypertensionwhounderwentPVIandRDN onmodifyingtheANSmayopenanentirelynewstage were free of AF versus 29% in the PVI alone group for treatment of arrhythmias. Such studies may not (Figure 3) (100). A meta-analysis of 80 patients onlyimprovetheoutcomeofablationtherapybutmay showed similar results, with a more profound effect also advance our understanding of how the ANS in- in a subgroup analysis in patients with severe hy- teracts with the myocardium to cause cardiac pertension (128). Although follow-up was performed arrhythmias. without continuous monitoring, RDN appears bene- ficial in patients with AF and moderate or severe REPRINT REQUESTS AND CORRESPONDENCE: Dr. hypertension.However,therearenodataonRDNin Joris R. de Groot, Department of Cardiology, Aca- patientswithAFwithouthypertension. demic Medical Center, Meibergdreef 9, 1100 DD RDN also reduced the number of spontaneous Amsterdam, the Netherlands. E-mail: j.r.degroot@ ventricular extra systoles and VF in pigs (with amc.uva.nl. REFERENCES 1.Pauza DH, Skripka V, Pauziene N, Stropus R. 3.Patterson E, Po SS, Scherlag BJ, Lazzara R. 5.KatritsisDG,PokushalovE,RomanovA,etal. Morphology, distribution, and variability of the Triggered firing in pulmonary veins initiated by Autonomicdenervationaddedtopulmonaryvein epicardiac neural ganglionated subplexuses in in vitro autonomic nerve stimulation. Heart isolationforparoxysmalatrialfibrillation:aran- thehumanheart.AnatRec2000;259:353–82. 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The American College of Cardiology Foundation (ACCF) is accredited by From the *Heart Center, Department of Clinical and Experimental Utrecht, the Netherlands; and the kL'Institut de RYthmologie et de modélisation Cardiaque (LIRYC), .. fibrillation (VF) intervals in dogs on cardiopulmonary.
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