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Preview Treatise on Geomorphology: Geomorphology of Human Disturbances, Climate Change, and Natural Hazards

13.1 Geomorphology of Human Disturbances, Climate Change, and Hazards LA James, University of SouthCarolina, Columbia,SC,USA CPHarden, University ofTennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA JJ Clague,SimonFraser University, Burnaby,BC,Canada r2013ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved. 13.1.1 Introduction 2 13.1.2 Background 2 Early Concepts ofPopulation,Technology, and EnvironmentalImpacts 3 Structure oftheVolume 4 13.1.3 Human Impacts onGeomorphic Systems 4 Anthropogenic Geomorphology 4 Scales ofSpace andTime 5 13.1.4 Impacts ofClimateandClimateChange onGeomorphicSystems 5 ClimaticGeomorphology 5 Impacts ofClimate Change onGeomorphicSystems 6 The HumanRolein Early ClimateWarming 6 13.1.5 Geomorphic Hazards 7 13.1.6 NuclearDetonations asa Geomorphic Agent 8 13.1.7 Restoration, Stabilization, Rehabilitation, andManagement 9 13.1.8 Conclusion 10 References 10 Glossary vegetation,orantecedentconditions(Brunsdenand Anthropogenicgeomorphology Asystematicsubfieldof Thornes,1979).Sensitivitytoerosionvariesspatiallyand geomorphologyconcernedwiththestudyoflandforms mayexplaincomplexpatternsofdegradationtoregionally createdormodifiedbyhumanactivity.Human-induced uniformclimatechangeorhumanalterations. changesingeomorphicprocesses,processrates,and Naturalhazards Thethreatofanaturallyoccurringevent landscapesensitivitytochangearealsoofconcern(Szabo´, withadverseeffectsonsocietyortheenvironment.They 2010). maybemeteorologically,geologically,orgeomorphically Climatechange Astatisticallysignificantdeviationfrom inducedandincludestorms,floods,tsunamis,earthquakes, meanclimateconditionspersistingforaperiodofdecades volcaniceruptions,sinkholecollapse,anddebrisflows. orlonger.Climateparametersthatmaychangeinclude Sustainability Theabilityofprocessesoractivitiestobe precipitation,airtemperature,watertemperature,humidity, maintainedoverextendedperiodsoftime‘‘ywithout andwindspeed,direction,anddurationofevents.Changes compromisingtheabilityoffuturegenerationstomeettheir intheseparametersmaybeintheformofmean,maximum, needs’’(WorldCommissiononEnvironmentand orminimumvalues,ormeasuresofvariabilitysuchas Development(WECD),1987).Theconceptmaybeapplied standarddeviationorseasonality,andmayoccuratspatial todevelopment,resourceuse,orenvironmental scalesrangingfrommicrotoglobalclimates. managementandimpliesacommitmenttothestewardship Landscapesensitivity Thevulnerabilityoflandscapesto ofnaturalsystems.Itbeganasasocialandphilosophical changeinresponsetoenvironmentalforces.Sensitivitymay construct,butwaslateradoptedbythescientific varywiththecharacteristicsofgeologicstructures,soils, communityassustainabilityscience(Katesetal.,2001). Abstract Anthropogenic geomorphology is an emerging systematic field that overlaps with climate change and natural hazards research.Collectively,thesethreetopicsformahumandimensionofgeomorphologythatshouldgainincreasingprom- inence in the twenty-first century with mounting concerns over the ability to reconcile population growth, dwindling James, L.A., Harden, C.P., Clague, J.J., 2013. Geomorphology of human disturbances,climatechange,andhazards.In:Shroder,J.(EditorinChief), James,L.A.,Harden,C.P.,Clague,J.J.(Eds.),TreatiseonGeomorphology. AcademicPress,SanDiego,CA,vol.13,GeomorphologyofHuman Disturbances,ClimateChange,andNaturalHazards,pp.1–13. TreatiseonGeomorphology,Volume13 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-374739-6.00339-0 1 2 Geomorphology ofHumanDisturbances, ClimateChange,andHazards resources,globalenvironmentalchange,climatewarming,publicsafety,andsustainabilitywiththestabilityofgeomorphic systems.Humanscreatelandformsdirectlyandindirectlybyalteringgeomorphicprocessratesandlandscapesensitivities. Climatechangemayalsoalterprocessratesandsensitivities,orshiftstodifferentclimateregimesmayresultincomplete changesinlandformprocesses. 13.1.1 Introduction several syntheses and reviews from writings on these topics and show how geomorphology can benefit from an anthro- In this day of increasing concern over global change and pogeomorphicviewpoint,andhowglobalchangeandhazards humanimpactsontheenvironment,itisfittingthatavolume research can benefit from a geomorphic perspective. Chapters of the Treatise on Geomorphology is dedicated to disturb- in this volume are grouped into three primary sections: (1) ances, change, and vulnerability. Chapters or sections on the humanimpactsongeomorphicsystems;(2)impactsofclimate subjectsofhumanagency,climatechange,andhazardsappear changeongeomorphicsystems;and(3)naturalhazards. elsewhere in the Treatise within the context of a particular geomorphicsystemorsetofmethodologies,butthisvolume is focused on the human dimensions of geomorphology. 13.1.2 Background Forgeomorphologytomakeasubstantialcontributiontothe scienceofglobalenvironmentalandclimatechange,andtobe Interrelationships among human activities, climate, and nat- relevant to debates about the validity of those changes and uralhazardsmaytakemanyforms,ofwhichdirectresponses policies to mitigate them, geomorphic research will need to of landforms to human activities are but one aspect reach beyond compartmentalized treatments of these critical (Figure 1). Human activities have indirect influences on topicsandapproachtheminanintegratedmanner.Thesyn- landforms through cascades, biological systems, and natural theses in this volume hopefully will help lead to recognition hazards. Cascades in the movement and storage of mass of general characteristics and theories that are common to or energy commonly link human activities to landform multiplegeomorphicsystems. responses, so that geomorphic responses may be propagated This volume examines general concepts of anthropogenic indirectlyandmaybedelayed,mitigated,orextendedintime geomorphology, climatic geomorphology, impacts of climate and space. Similarly, alterations to geomorphically relevant change, and geomorphic hazards. Human impacts on geo- biological systems, such as vegetative cover that inhibits ero- morphology and geomorphic effects on humans through sion,mayresultinindirectlinkagesbetweenhumanactivities natural hazards clearly involve interactions between humans and landform responses. For example, grazing animals may and geomorphic systems. The human dimension of geo- increase sensitivityof a landscape to erosion byreducing the morphology is a vital area of research that has been largely protective cover of vegetation. Thus, the extirpation of wild neglected beyond the localandsubregional scale.Global en- herbivores may reduce erosion, or the introduction of do- vironmental change and climate change have become topics mesticatedgrazinganimalsmayincreaseerosion.Conversely, of great concern owing to recent realizations about the per- landformresponsesmayhaveapositiveornegativefeedback vasiveimpactsofsocietyatthisscale.Muchofthescholarship on human activities. For instance, agriculturally induced on environmental and climatic change, however, has been centered on interactions with ecosystems, agrosystems, and hydrologic systems (Slaymaker et al., 2009). Much less has bageeenntsworirtttehneaibmopuatctthseoefffcelcimtivaetneecshsaonfgheuomnangesoassygsteeommso.rphic a t e a n d c l i m a t e c h moSrptuhdicy siysstaelmsosnteoedbeudildofucpliomnateea-crlhyancgoenciempptsacotsf oclnimgaetoic- C l i m Human activities a n g e geomorphology and improve knowledge of local-scale land- scapesensitivitytoglobal-scalechanges.Forexample,itshould bepossibletoanticipateresponsesofsoilerosionandsediment yieldsatthehillslopescaletochangesinprecipitationregimes andvegetationcoveratthescaleofgeneralcirculationmodels. Cascades Biological Natural systems hazards The effects of natural hazards on society also have not been adequately addressed from a geomorphic perspective. Geo- morphic hazards are a human dimension of geomorphology Social in which physical systems drive change, and humans are the systems responsevariable.Humansinfluencenaturalhazards,however, and social vulnerability to hazards is clearly dependant on Landform humanbehavior,sotherelationshipbetweenindependentand responses dependentvariablescanbereversed.Together,humanimpacts on geomorphic forms and processes, climate change, and geomorphichazardsformatrilogyofconcernsthatwillneeda Figure1 Systemsdiagramforinterrelationshipsbetweenhuman great deal of study and a better understanding in the twenty- activitiesandlandformresponses.Seetextforexplanationand firstcentury.Thecentralgoalofthisvolumeistopulltogether discussion. Geomorphologyof HumanDisturbances,Climate Change,andHazards 3 erosion that causes valley bottom aggradation and increased flooding may reduce human activity rates or may push agri- culture up onto highly erosive hillslopes, causing accelerated erosion. Natural hazards may have a direct geomorphic im- pact on landforms through erosion and sedimentation. Nat- uralhazardsmayalsohaveanindirecteffectonlandformsby altering social systems, such as local economic or political stability and infrastructure that govern human rates of geo- morphic activities. For example, the destruction of infra- structure such as irrigation works may result in decreased agricultural activity and reduced erosion and sedimentation, or the destruction may result in neglect of erosion-control measures and increased erosion and sedimentation. In add- Figure2 DuststormemanatingfromtheBodeleDepressiontoward ition,geomorphiceventssuchasdeflation,floods,andbeach LakeChadinSaharanAfrica.Source:NASAEarthObservatory erosion may be influenced by human activities. Rates and Aquasatelliteimage,2January2007.NASAVisibleEarth:http:// intensities of human activities are influenced by cultural fac- visibleearth.nasa.gov/ tors of the social system, especially the level of technology employed, and population dynamics, such as population are closely interconnected through transfers of energy, water, growth and migrations. Social systems mayrespond to land- sediment,anddiversechemicalcompounds.Tightcouplingof form changes or natural hazards, resulting in complex inter- systemsimpliesthatchangeinonesystemmaybepropagated actions between physical and human systems. Agricultural to other systems and result in collective local-scale changes destabilization of soils that leads to catastrophic deflation, that have cumulative effects at the global scale. Growing regional economic decline, and out-migration is an example awareness of this interconnectivity has been accompanied by of this dynamic. Climate and climate changes may have a increasing recognition that soils and biota influence climate pervasive influence on human activities, landform responses systems, not simply the converse (Claussen, 2004; Steffen to those activities, the sensitivity of cascading and biological et al., 2004). For example, Avissar and Liu (1996) simulated systems to change, natural hazards, and social systems. In spatialpatternsofprecipitationthatstronglyreflectedpatterns addition, climate change, itself, is a response to human of vegetation and bare soil. Hydrologic systems also play a activities,sotheoverarchingeffectsofclimatecanbeviewedas dualroleasindependentanddependentvariableswithclimate partofthesystemofanthropogenicgeomorphology. intheEarthsystem.Thisrealizationisexpandingtheemphasis Geomorphic responses to climate change during the of hydrology from flood control, drought, erosion, sedimen- Holocene have commonly been difficult to distinguish from tation, and eutrophication to integrated water resources human impacts. Anthropogenic and climatic disturbances managementandaglobalsynthesisbasedongeospatialana- generallyinvolvecomplexinteractionsandfeedbacksbetween lyses (Meybeck and Vo¨ro¨smarty, 2004). Aeolian processes culturallyand physically induced processes.Attemptsto isol- also demonstrate high spatial connectivity across continents ateanthropogenicfromnatural changeis notalwaysfeasible (Figure 2). For example, satellite remote sensing has docu- ordesirable.Forexample,naturalclimatechangemayincrease mentedsedimenttransportfromtheSaharaDesertinAfricato landscape sensitivity and lower thresholds of response to South America, where it provides a flux of nutrients to the disturbance(Knox,2001).Thus,itisoftenpreferabletostudy Amazonrainforest(Korenetal.,2006),fromJapantoNorth integratedsystemsasawhole. America (Uno et al., 2001), and between China and Japan Given the allied topics of hazards and anthropogenic (Iino et al., 2004). A map of global source areas for dust is changeaddressedinthisvolume,thefocusisonlateHolocene presented by Lancaster (see Chapter 13.9, Figure 3). These andhistoricaltimescales.ReconstructingpastchangesinTer- aeolian events may also have feedbacks to large-scale atmos- tiaryorPleistoceneclimatesisnotanobjectiveexceptinsofar pheric processes such as suppression of cyclogenesis (Evan asearlyclimatesreflectprocessesthatmayberelevanttorecent et al., 2006). Glaciation propagates the effects of climate orfuturechanges.Considerationofpaleo-climatespriortothe changethrough time and space. Downvalleychangesare im- HoloceneisprovidedinothervolumesoftheTreatise.Changes posed bymeltwater, outwash, and cold-air drainage, whereas in climate and landscapes were much more rapid during large-scale changes to atmospheric circulation may be gener- the Quaternary than previously supposed, as evidenced by ated by ice sheets that induce cold-cored high-pressure con- GreenlandandAntarcticicecoredata(Dansgaardetal.,1993; ditions over large areas. Rapid changes in global ice volumes Petit et al., 1999). Modern effects of climate warming and andthegeomorphiceffectsofdeglaciationaredocumentedby anthropogenicchangehave increased these rates. Biodiversity Haeberlietal.(seeChapter13.10). hasshownmajorvariabilitythroughgeologictimeandisnow decreasingataratethatrivalsmajorextinctioneventsinEarth history (Wilson, 1992). Present rates of climate and anthro- Early ConceptsofPopulation, Technology, and pogenicchangecouldchallengecommonassumptionsofdy- Environmental Impacts namicequilibriaingeomorphicsystems. Global anthropogenic changesare not confinedto the at- Exponentialgrowthintheglobalhumanpopulationisoften mospheric and biologic spheres, but extend to geomorphic citedasafactorinfluencingrapidrates oflateHoloceneen- systemsthroughstrongsysteminterconnectivity.Earthsystems vironmental change.Inadditiontoacceleratinggeomorphic 4 Geomorphology ofHumanDisturbances, ClimateChange,andHazards change, the growing population also increases the vulner- geomorphology(seeChapter13.8).Itisfollowedbychapters ability of society to natural hazards. Urbanization of lands on responses of aeolian, glacial, and periglacial systems to that are susceptible to floods, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, climate change, respectively (see Chapters 13.9, 13.10, and and the likeput large numbersof people at risk andreduce 13.11).Thefinalsectionofthisvolumeconsistsofsixchapters the resiliencyof society to catastrophic events. The relation- thatexaminemajorcatastrophes,tsunamis,volcanism,flood- ship between population and environmental impacts has ing, wild fires/debris flows, and effects of climate change on engaged philosophers from the time of Herodotus and slopestability, respectively (seeChapters13.12, 13.13, 13.14, Seneca, toMalthusandDarwin, to Commonerand Erhlich, 13.16, and 13.17). In addition, a few brief discussions are and to the present. During theenvironmental movement of providedin thischapterto broadenthe scopeof humanim- the 1970s, a scientific debate emerged over the theoretical pactscoveredelsewhereinthevolume. causality of global environmental impacts. Although these ideaswereconcernedwithbroadenvironmentalimpacts,for example,toxicity,waterquality,andecologicalsystems,they 13.1.3 Human Impacts on Geomorphic Systems applyinaverygeneral, qualitative senseto impactson geo- morphic systems. During these debates, the relative import- Interest and focus on how humans change geomorphic sys- ance of technology and population emerged as a central tems accelerated in the late twentieth century as concerns focus. In contrast with Commoner, Ehrlich held that popu- mounted about global environmental change and growing lation was the primary driver of environmental impacts. populationpressures.Anewsubdisciplineofgeomorphology A series of theorems presented by Ehrlich and Holdren isemergingthatoperatesonavarietyoftemporalandspatial (1971) ultimately led to a simple, iconic conceptual rela- scales. The nature, extent, and timing of human impacts on tionship, IPAT, that is commonly used to express environ- geomorphic systems are not merely academic questions, but mental impacts in terms of population, affluence, and may have serious physical and social implications. For ex- technology(HoldrenandEhrlich,1974): ample, soil loss is a geomorphic consequence of human ac- I¼PAT ½1(cid:2) tivities that is highly relevant to feeding global populations. Most (99%) of the global food supply is derived from the land; less than 1% comes from oceans and aquatic habitats where I is environmental impact, P is population, A is con- (Pimenteletal.,1994).Sustainabilityofterrestrialagriculture sumption or affluence, and T is technology. The loadings for is of essential importance, therefore, as global populations Tcan begreater thanorlessthanone sothattechnologycan increasefromthepresent6.9billiontoaprojected9.3billion increaseordecreaseimpacts.AlthoughcritiquesofMalthusian by the year 2050 (United Nations, 2011). Yet, soil erosion is pessimismevokedthepositiveaspectsoftechnologicalinnov- reducing arable lands at an alarming rate when considered ations, Commoner (1972) concluded thatmost technological againsttherateofpedogenesis.Pimenteletal.(1995)estimate developmentsassociatedwithgrowthoftheUSeconomysince that almost one-third of the global soil cropland was lost to 1946createdsubstantiallygreaterenvironmentalimpactsthan erosionbetween1950and1995. thetechnologiesthattheyreplaced.Thisviewpointissupported by human-induced geomorphic changes in the form of earth movementbyminingandroadbuildingthathaveproliferated AnthropogenicGeomorphology inthepastcentury(seeChapter13.6).Itisalsocorroboratedby thepotentialuseofthermonucleartechnologyforgeomorphic Study of the effects of human activities on geomorphic sys- changeasdescribedinthesectiononProjectPlowshareatthe temsisanemergingbranchofgeomorphologythatfocuseson end of this chapter. The IPAT approach to assessing environ- humans as agents of change. Most systematic branches of mental impacts has primarily been applied to global-scale geomorphology are named by the agents of change; that is problemsandisdifficulttoapplytosmallerscalesofspaceand studiesoftheactionofrivers,glaciers,andwindaretherealms time(Steffenetal.,2004). of fluvial, glacial, and aeolian geomorphology, respectively. Anthropogenic geomorphology includes the study of surface landforms created by humans (Szabo´, 2010), for example, Structureof theVolume open-pit mines, artificial levees, jetties, and groins. Anthro- Thefirstsectionofthisvolumeisconcernedwiththeimpacts pogenic geomorphology is a systematicbranch of the discip- of human activities on geomorphic systems, examined from line in which humans are the agents of change. Just as the both a physicalandhistorical(stratigraphic) perspective. The processesandlandformsofothersystematicareascommonly firstthreechaptersexamineimpactsoflanduseandvegetation overlap (e.g., coastal and aeolian), so human-induced influ- clearance on watersheds and river channels at a variety of encesoverlapwithothersystematicprocessesandlandforms. scales of space and time ranging from small watersheds to Several studies have been devoted to anthropogenic geo- continents and from the Neolithic to present (see Chapters morphology for particular subdisciplines – fluvial geo- 13.2,13.3,and13.4).Thenextthreechapterscovertheeffects morphology (Brierley and Stankoviansky, 2003; Batalla and of grazing, mining, and dams and reservoirs on geomorphic Garcia,2005; Syvitski etal., 2005;James andMarcus,2006), systems,respectively(seeChapters13.5,13.6,and13.7).Four coastal geomorphology (Walker, 1988; Nordstrom, 2000; chapters in the second section of this volume examine the Stutz and Pilkey, 2005), hillslope geomorphology (Walling effectsofclimateandclimatechangeongeomorphicsystems. and Probst, 1997), aeolian geomorphology (Gill, 1996), The first examines the long tradition of climatic and climatic geomorphology (Wolman and Gerson, 1978; Geomorphologyof HumanDisturbances,Climate Change,andHazards 5 Montgomeryetal.,2001;Vandenberghe,2003).Otherstudies Scalesof SpaceandTime have covered the broader topic of human impacts on geo- Human activities have long had an effect on environmental morphicsystems(Slaymakeretal.,2009;Szabo´,2010). systems at a local scale, and many studies have documented Anthropogenic geomorphology is also concerned with humanimpactsonisolatedlandformsorspatiallyconstrained landforms and processes that result indirectly from human systems such as individual hillslopes or river channels. Until processes and alterations to natural rates of change (Szabo´, the modern era, however, human impacts were considered 2010). Thus, where deforestation has accelerated erosion, relatively ineffective at the regional or global scale, and few rapidsedimentationdownstreammayresultintheformation geomorphic studies considered human impacts at a broad ofalluvialfansanddeltasthatare,inpartorwholly,anthro- scale.Understandingglobalandclimatechangeinthemodern pogenic landforms. As demonstrated in this volume, human context, however, calls for consideration of anthropogenic activities have direct or indirect impacts on hillslope, fluvial, changestoEarthsystemsatalargergeographicscalethanhas glacial, periglacial, aeolian, and coastal systems (Table 1). commonlybeenaddressedbypastgeomorphicstudies.Given Human activities may result in global-scale changes that in- scale-linkage problems in which larger systems require a fluence such a wide variety of landforms that the breadth of longer time perspective, a shift toward global spatial scales theirimpactswouldbeunderestimatediftheirrepresentation may also require a longer temporal perspective (Schumm, wasconfinedtoasinglesystem(Szabo´,2010). 2005;Slaymakeretal.,2009;seeChapter9.37). Human-induced geomorphic changes accelerated during A similar conclusion about the need for an historical per- thelateHolocene.Thecurrentgeologictimeintervalhasbeen spective may be reached from a different logic based on referred toas theAnthropocene,adistinct butinformaltime questions of regional- or continental-scale impacts of human interval distinguished by major human impacts on geologic activities. The common need to identify undisturbed geo- processes (Crutzen and Stoermer, 2000). Formal inclusion morphic conditions calls for recognition of early human of the Anthropocene as an epoch of the geologic time scale changesandthegeomorphic effectivenessof early humanac- has been considered by the Stratigraphy Commission of tivities. These inquiries raise questions of what is a ‘natural’ the Geological Society of London (Zalasiewicz et al., 2008). geomorphicsystem.Thisquestionhasbeenexploredinsome Potential criteria for defining the onset of the Anthropocene detail for fluvial systemsbecause many regulatory and design include the onset of increased CO in ice cores, climate 2 proceduresarepredicatedontheneedtoidentifyundisturbed change, decreased biodiversity, the industrial revolution, and reaches of rivers. Subsequent studies have concluded that an- thepresenceofradionuclidesfromatomicbombtestinginthe thropogenic changes to rivers have been so extensive that it 1960s. Most of the early criteria were gradual and time- may be difficult to locate an undisturbed river (Graf, 1996; transgressive, which precludes a precise designation of the Wohl, 2001; James and Marcus, 2006; Newson and Large, onset of the epoch. Some criteria, such as testing nuclear 2006; Wohl and Merritts, 2007; Fryirs and Brierley, 2009). In weapons,arebasedoneventsthatoccurredwellafterextensive fact, many fundamental fluvial theories were based on river anthropogenicchangeshadbegun.Difficultiesinidentifyinga systemsthathavebeensubstantiallyalteredbydeephistorical specific time to characterize multiple changes that are time sedimentation(Montgomery,2008;WalterandMerritts,2008). transgressive are not unique to the Anthropocene and are Thequestionofwhatisnaturalshouldberaisedinstudiesof problematic to most existing geologic time divisions. It may other landform systems where sediment budgets governing sufficesimplytoidentifyaspecificdate,suchas1800,forthe landform processes may have been substantially altered by onsetoftheepoch(Zalasiewiczetal.,2008). humanactivitiesandlandformsareproductsoftheseactivities. 13.1.4 Impacts of Climate and Climate Change on Geomorphic Systems Table1 Examplesofanthropogeomorphicchanges Thesecondsectionofthisvolumehastwomainfoci:areview System Anthropogenic Geomorphicresponse changes ofclimaticgeomorphologyandsynthesesofgeomorphicim- pacts of climate change in three systematic areas of geo- Rivers Damming;bankand Sedimentation;de- morphology that are defined largely by climate: aeolian, bedarmoring; position;flow glacial,andperiglacialsystems. river-bedmining frequencies;roughness changes Coasts Dredging;armoring; Beacherosion;sediment ClimaticGeomorphology sea-levelrise redistribution Hillslopes Deforestation,plow- Rills,gullies The first chapter in this section reviews the long history and ing,roadcuts diverse concepts of climatic geomorphology, which has deep Groundwater Mining Subsidence roots in thediscipline of geomorphology (see Chapter13.8). Glacial Globalwarming Icemarginretreat Thebirthoftheconceptthatspecificmorphogeneticfeatures Periglacial Roadembankments; Permafrostdegradation areassociatedwithclimaticallydrivenprocessescanbetraced globalwarming to the glacial theory advanced by Louis Aggasiz (Derbyshire, Arid&Aeolian Vegetationchange; Deflationanddeposition 1973). During the mid-twentieth century, this approach vehiculartraffic largelyfocusedontheidentificationofmorphogeneticzones, 6 Geomorphology ofHumanDisturbances, ClimateChange,andHazards morpho-climatic regions, and the reconstruction of paleocli- climateregions.Thechapteronaeolianprocessesreviewsthe mates from morphologic forms (Beckinsale and Chorley, impactsofclimatechangeindrylands,whichcoverB50%of 1991). Critiques of these methods arose from the lack of the land surface of Earth (see Chapter 13.9). Dune re- unique linkages between climatic processes and form (equi- activation, generation of dust, influxes of nutrients to oceans finality),poor-qualityclimatedata,interveningfactorssuchas anddistantlands,andhumanhealthimplicationsarecovered geologic structure, and climate change. Climate change was with an emphasis on decadal time scales. Haeberli et al. (see generally not a primary concern of early climatic geomorph- Chapter13.10)describethehistoryandrecentdevelopments ology,becausethefrequencyanddegreeofQuaternaryclimate inglobalglacialmonitoringthatdocumentglacialretreatand changes were not fully understood and because climate an acceleration of ice-mass loss over past decades. Impli- changeintroducespolygeneticlandformsthatposesubstantial cations include effects on sea-level rise, seasonality of runoff difficultiestotheidentificationofmorpho-climaticregions. andwaterresources,creation ofnew lakes,destabilizationof Duringthelatetwentiethcentury,climaticgeomorphology deglaciatedslopes,andincreasedsedimentdeliverytostreams. tendedtoevolveintospecializedsubfields,inwhichclimateis The increasing capabilities of Light Detection and Ranging a defining element. The emergence of systematic subfields of (LiDAR)altimetrycombinedwiththedifferencingofgridded tropical,glacial,periglacial,andaeoliangeomorphologyledto digital elevation models (DEMs) (James et al., 2012) are less emphasis on the recognition of global-scale regions or producinganewgenerationofmonitoringandmorphometric zones. Certain climates and processes werepresumed as pre- analyses that will lead to detailed glacial monitoring at the conditions for membership to a given system (e.g., glacial scale of entire mountain ranges. The chapter on periglacial geomorphology), which led to fewer comparisons between landscapesreviewsthenatureofclimate-changeimpactsinan diverse climatic regions or process regimes. Nevertheless, environment that is highly susceptible to regional warming identification and mapping of morphological evidence from andwilllikelyexperiencethegreatestdegreeofwarming(see paleo-landforms, combined with radiometric dating, con- Chapter 13.11). These landscapes will likely experience ther- tinuestobeaviablemeansofdocumentingtheformerextent mokarst and ice-wedge degradation, hillslope instability, and andintensityofpastclimates.Theemphasishasshiftedfrom substantialerosion.Anestimated25%oftheEarth’ssurfaceis identifying morpho-climatic zones to recognizing climate underlain by permafrost, so the release of CO gases by 2 change and reconstructing climate histories from landforms thawing is a serious concern. In addition to these three and stratigraphic evidence. Knowledge of climate change chapters, chapters in other volumes of the Treatise are con- withintheindividualclimaticsubfieldshasprogressedgreatly cerned with the effects of climate change; for example, the as Quaternarygeomorphologistsdevelopeddetailed histories effectsofclimatechangeonrivers(seeChapter9.40). and concepts of evolving process regimes within certain re- An impact of climate warming that has widespread geo- gions.ExamplesofQuaternarychangestudiesareprovidedin morphicimplicationsistheon-goingriseinlevelsoftheglobal chaptersinothervolumesofthisTreatise. oceans.Linkingglobalsea-levelbudgetstoenergybudgetsisan on-going area of research that is essential to calibrating simu- lationsofclimatechangeasscenariosofchangestoatmospheric Impacts ofClimateChange onGeomorphic chemistry (Church et al., 2011). From 1961 to 2003, global Systems mean sea levels rose B1.8mmyr(cid:3)1, whereas after 1993 they Towardtheendofthetwentiethcentury,influencesofclimate roseatahigherrateofB3.1mmyr(cid:3)1(IPCC,2007).Mostofthe change became a topic of great importance. Global warming rise since 1993 (1mmyr(cid:3)1 or 57%) has been attributed to due to increased atmospheric greenhouse gases is causing thermal expansion of sea water, whereas glacial and ice cap majorgeomorphicchangesassealevelsrise,glaciersmelt,and meltingwascreditedforonly0.5mmyr(cid:3)1(28%),andmelting regional patterns in temperature and precipitation shift. Al- ofpolarice0.27mmyr(cid:3)1(15%)(IPCC,2007).Recentestimates thoughdebatecontinuesabouttherelativeimportanceofthe ofsealevelrisefrom1972to2008indicateatotal1.8mmyr(cid:3)1 role of humans in climate warming, there is no doubt that rate with contributions of thermal expansion only 0.870.1 anthropogenicreleasesofCO haveincreased,sothequestion mmyr(cid:3)1, and melting of glaciers and ice caps contributing 2 is not whether humans have contributed to climate change, 0.7mmyr(cid:3)1 (Church et al., 2011). Mining of groundwater but how much that they have done so. Climatic warming, produced a surplus of water that offset all but 0.1mmyr(cid:3)1 of therefore, represents anindirect response to human activities waterstoredinreservoirsandlosttooceanicrecharge.Iftheice that has extensive geomorphic implications. Within the field massesofGreenlandandAntarcticaweretomeltcompletely,sea of geomorphology, interest in climate change took place levelswouldriseB64m(Bamberetal.,2001;Lytheetal.,2001; largelywithintheframeworkofspecificgeomorphicsystems, IPCC,2007).Glacierandicecapmeltingratesincreasedinthe such as glacial, fluvial, or soils geomorphology. A systematic late 1990s (Church et al., 2001, 2011) and this could increase coverageofallgeomorphicsystemsgoesbeyondthescopeof ratesofgeomorphicchangeincoastalenvironments. this volume, but by considering climate change in a variety ofregimes,thisvolumeseekstoelucidatetheimplicationsof atmosphericprocessesthatshiftfromoneregimetoanother. TheHuman RoleinEarly ClimateWarming From this broad perspective, climate can be seen as a geo- morphicdisturbancefactor,notsimplyastaticdeterminantof Itwaslongheldthathumanshadlittleeffectonglobalclimate regionalgeographicpatterns. (Thornthwaite, 1956), but this changed rapidly with the Threechapters inthisvolumeexamine theimpactsofcli- realizationthatconcentrationsofgreenhousegasesinEarth’s mate change on geomorphic systems associated with specific atmospherewererising(Plass,1956).Theeffectsofprehistoric Geomorphologyof HumanDisturbances,Climate Change,andHazards 7 and preindustrial anthropogenic land use and land cover on later adapted and combined with annual precipitation vari- globalclimatearecurrentlythesubjectofalivelydebate.Ithas ability for use with the Universal Soil Loss Equation (Arnol- beenarguedthatmodernglobalwarmingcanbetracedback dus, 1978). A modeling approach based on geographic toprehistoricdeforestationbyburningandlandclearancein informationsystem(GIS)analysiswasusedbyAsselmanetal. the early Holocene that released enough CO to initiate a (2003)tosimulatethecombinedeffectsofclimatechangeand 2 global climate response (Ruddiman, 2003, 2007). Through land use on fine sediment production, transport, and de- numerous Quaternary glacial advances and retreats, inter- position on floodplains in the Rhine Basin. They concluded glacial warm periods tended to begin with high levels of that sediment production will increase in the Alps and de- atmospheric carbon dioxide and methane that declined after creasedownstreaminGermany,producinganoverallincrease interglacialwarmingbegan,followedbycoolingandareturn in erosion of B12% basin-wide with negligible changes to to glacial climatic conditions. The Holocene, however, has sediment loads downstream in middle reaches, and an in- beenquitedifferent.Greenhousegaseswereinitiallyhighand creaseinerosionofB13%intheRhineDelta.Although the then declined in the early Holocene in keeping with most magnitude and frequency of floods is expected to increase, interglacial periods, but CO concentrations began to rise floodplain deposition is expected to decrease owing to re- 2 approximately 8000 years ago and methane concentrations duced sediment loads during moderate floods with high began to rise around 5000 years ago (Ruddiman, 2007). A floodplaintrapefficiencies. numberofstudieshavedemonstratedthesensitivityofglobal Carbon-balance studies should consider not only the climate to Holocene trends in atmospheric CO and CH contemporary cycling of carbon within the biomass but also 2 4 (methane) concentrations (Ruddiman, 2004; Vavrus et al., the long-term cycling of soil organic carbon (SOC). Re- 2008). Deforestation may have led to CO increases in the ductionsinSOCarealsorelevanttogeomorphologythrough 2 atmosphere, and the introduction of large populations of relationships between organic matter and soil erodibility. grazinganimalsandriceagriculturemayhaveincreasedCH Studies of relatively recent changes in SOC have concluded 4 emissionstotheatmosphere(RuddimanandEllis,2009).This that substantial releases of SOC have accompanied deforest- sensitivity has been demonstrated by recent paleoecological ationandthatmuchofthischangeisirreversibleoverdecadal data suggesting that reforestation after the collapse of in- or centennial time scales. For example, Don et al. (2010) digenouspopulationsinNeotropicalLatinAmericafollowing examined 385 studies of SOC in tropical forests and found European contact wassufficient to perturb the global carbon thatconversionofprimaryforesttocroplandresultedinSOC cycle and climate system and to contribute to Little Ice Age lossesontheorderof (cid:3)25%andconversionstograsslandon cooling(NevleandBird,2008;Dulletal.,2010). the order of (cid:3)12%. They also found that secondary (re- Some modeling studies that have attempted to estimate growth) forests contain typically 9% less SOC than primary prehistoric and preindustrial anthropogenic CO and CH forests,andthatSOClossesareonly partially reversiblewith 2 4 emissions have concluded that the emissions were too small reforestation. Even larger SOC decreases have been docu- to have had a substantial effect on global climate (DeFries mentedfollowingdeforestationinborealforests.Forexample, et al., 1999; Olofsson and Hickler, 2007; Pongratz et al., Gru¨nzweigetal.(2004)measuredareductionof44%inSOC 2009), and attributed the observed trends in CO and CH followingdeforestationincentralAlaska. 2 4 concentrationstonaturalsources.Recentmodelrunsbasedon Changes in land use also have substantial impacts on updated greenhouse gas concentrations for a low (natural) global climate through mechanisms other than greenhouse scenario and a modern scenario simulate substantially lower gases. By including land-cover changes in global climate temperaturesforthelowscenariothantheanomalouslyhigh models, the outcome of those models can be significantly CO and CH concentrations since the industrial period changed(Kabatetal.,2002;Feddemaetal.,2005).Although 2 4 (Kutzbach et al., 2010). The regional temperature differences global climate changes are driven by carbon sequestration, rangefrom21Ccoolerinthetropicsto4–81Ccoolerinpolar microclimate changes are commonly driven byalterations in regions. Kutzbach et al. (2010) concluded that a state of in- localwaterbudgets. cipientglaciationwouldbepresentifitwasnotforthecurrent elevatedgreenhousegasconcentrations. Several studies have documented changes to the global 13.1.5 Geomorphic Hazards carbonbalance.Althoughinformationaboutratesofland-use change and biomass densities has improved greatly over the Geomorphic hazards warrant focus from a modern geo- pastdecades,thevariabilityin estimatesof carbonemissions morphic perspective. Hazards arising from geomorphic pro- from these changes has increased (Houghton, 2010). Several cessescanhavelargeimpactsonsociety.Humansarenotonly estimates of the relations between carbon sources and agentsofchange,buttheyarealsovulnerabletogeomorphic sinks from land use and land-use change have been made processes operating outside what might be considered the (Houseetal.,2003;Ramankuttyetal.,2007;Itoetal.,2008; normal magnitude range. The human dimension of geo- Houghton,2010). morphology is concerned, therefore, not only with human Climate change influences the sensitivity of landscapes to impactsonclimateandlandsystems,butalsowiththereverse erosionandsedimentation.Therelationbetweenclimateand role,inwhichgeomorphicsystemsimpacthumans.Theeffects soil erosion has long been shown by empirically derived that climate and environmental systems have on human erosion models. For example, a climatic aggressiveness index societies is a central concern of natural hazards research. introduced by Fournier (1960) linked annual sediment pro- Abroadviewshouldconsidernotonlytheimpactsofhazards ductiontoclimaticandtopographicfactors.Thisconceptwas on society, but also how human activities influence hazards. 8 Geomorphology ofHumanDisturbances, ClimateChange,andHazards For example, anthropogenic channel aggradation increases discussvolcanismbothasahazardandasamajorshaperof flood risks. Human activities also clearly influence vulner- landscapesnearplateboundaries.Benito(seeChapter13.15) ability and resilience to disasters stemming from hazardous focusesonriversasageomorphicagent.Streamsandriversare naturalprocesses. importantagentsofdenudationanddeposition;theyproduce Notallnaturalhazardsaresusceptibletochangebyhuman newlandintheformofdeltas,andovergeologictimescales, activities. To make distinctions, it may be useful to separate modulate isostasy in orogens. The chapter by Santi (see endogenic and exogenic processes in the classification of Chapter 13.16) deals with the geomorphic implications of geomorphic hazards. The forces applied by endogenic pro- wildfire,especiallytheimpactoffireonsedimentsupplyand cesses,suchasearthquakes,tsunamis,andvolcanism,arenot delivery to fluvial systems. Finally, Huggel et al. (see Chap- appreciably altered by human action, although vulnerability ter 13.17) consider the impacts of recent climate change on and resilience clearlyare affected by behavior. The forces ap- the stability of slopes in mountains. They show that the fre- plied by exogenic geomorphic processes, however, such as quencyoflandslidesandiceavalanchesmaybeincreasingin storms, floods, deflation, and fire, are commonly affected manymountainareasduetoglacierthinningandretreatand stronglybylanduseandengineeringworks.Alterationsinthe tothawofalpinepermafrost. magnitude and frequencyof these events mayresult in com- Linkages between hazards, climate, and vulnerability in- plex interactions between society, hazards, and geomorphic dicatetheneedtoconsiderhazardsinlightofclimatechange processes(Figure3). and human activities. Some hazards are directly related to This volume includes several papers concerned with con- meteorological events such as relations between hurricane cepts, implications, and processes of natural hazards, in- frequencyand seasurface temperatures. Vulnerability to haz- cluding many of the individual geomorphic processes that ards, in turn, is affected by human activities, such as the lo- underlieextremeevents,suchaslargeearthquakes,tsunamis, cation of human settlements in disaster-prone areas. Natural volcaniceruptions,landslides,andfloods.Humans havesuf- catastrophes also influence the nature of human activities. feredfromhazardousnaturalprocessesaslongasourspecies Clearlythetrilogyoftopicsinthisvolume–humanimpacts hasexisted(seeChapter13.12).Thesituationtoday,however, ongeomorphicsystems,climatechange,andnaturalhazards– differs at least in degree. Global population now exceeds 7 shouldnotbestudiedinisolation. billionand peopleare increasinglychoosingto livein urban areaslocatedinhighhazardareas,forexample,inearthquake zones and areas where cyclones make landfall. Many of the 13.1.6 Nuclear Detonations as a Geomorphic Agent worlds ‘megacities’ and much global wealth are located in areassubjecttolargeearthquakes,tsunamis,floods,andsevere Although natural hazards, such as hurricanes, volcanic erup- storms.Thepotentialforcatastrophiclossoflifeoreconomic tions, and earthquakes, can release more energy, the greatest damageexceedinganythinghumanshaveexperiencedtodate potentialforrapid,purelyanthropogenicgeomorphicchange represents a real threat. Further, we live in an economically comes from thermonuclear explosions. This potential was integrated world, such that a catastrophic earthquake or tsu- demonstratedvividlyduringthepost-WorldWarIIperiodby namiin,forexample,Japancanimpactallpeople. experiments conducted by the US government aimed at In this light, an improved understanding of hazardous understanding the behavior of nuclear explosive devices processes and of the relationship between hazard and risk both for warfare and peaceful uses. Project Plowshare was is essential. Several papers in this volume explore these designedtoexplorethefeasibilityofpeacefulusesofnuclear issues, as well as the frequency-magnitude concept that devices,specificallytheuseofundergroundnuclearexplosions underpins many hazard studies. Goff and Dominey-Howes as geomorphic andresource-extraction agents.Although Pro- (see Chapter 13.13) provide a review of tsunamis, both as a ject Plowshare never progressed beyond the experimental geophysical process and as a profound threat to low-lying stage, the projects that were envisioned demonstrate the coastal communities. Hickson et al. (see Chapter 13.14) tremendous capability of humans for geomorphic change if the use of modern technology is unrestricted. The US government envisioned earth-moving operations on a large Natural hazards scale, including creation of canals and harbors, blasting road cuts, and mining by removing or fracturing earth. In Endogenic Exogenic geomorphic geomorphic particular, widening the Panama Canal, excavating a roadcut hazards hazards through the Bristol Mountains for a railroad line and Inter- state 40 across the Mojave Desert, and cutting a 5km divide to excavate a 400km canal connecting the Tennessee and Tombigbee rivers were considered as applications of con- trolled nuclear detonations. A similar program for peaceful Human uses of nuclear detonations in the former Soviet Union was Society activities known as Nuclear Explosions for the National Economy (Nordyke,2000). Figure3 Systemsdiagramforinterrelationshipsbetweennatural hazardsandhumanactivities.Bothendogenicandexogenichazards Thirty-five Plowshare experimental nuclear detonations haveaneffectonsocietyandthereforeonhumanactivities.Human wereconductedfromDecember1961toMay1973,beforethe activitiescanonlyalterexogenichazardssuchasstorms,floods, project was halted due to the dangers of radiation (US andfire. DepartmentofEnergy,2000).Fifteenofthedetonationseach Geomorphologyof HumanDisturbances,Climate Change,andHazards 9 14 000 Nuclear detonations, 1954 to 1973 12 000 10 000 s 8000 n o ot Kil 6000 4000 2000 0 Jan-54 Jan-58 Jan-62 Jan-66 Jan-70 Jan-74 Figure5 Energyreleasedbyexperimentalthermonuclear detonationsconductedfrom1954to1973.Thesedetonationsdwarf the104kilotonsdetonationthatcreatedtheSedancratershownin Figure4.ReproducedfromUSDepartmentofEnergy,2000.United Figure4 ProjectPlowshareexperimentalblastswereconducted StatesNuclearTests,July1945throughSeptember1992.Nevada from1961to1973forpeace-timetestsofthefeasibilityofeffecting OperationsOffice,DOE/NV-209-REV15. geomorphicchangesforconstruction.TheSedancraterwas producedbyatestnucleardetonationof104kilotonsattheNevada TestSitein1962.Theblastis98mdeepand390mindiameter. is roughly equivalent to the total combined movement of Source:USDepartmentofEnergy,2000.UnitedStatesNuclearTests, material by mining, agricultural, road building, and other July1945throughSeptember1992.NevadaOperationsOffice,DOE/ NV-209-REV15. human activities each year. An estimated 3.8(cid:4)109 tons of material are moved by mining each year in the US alone (Hooke, 1994; see Chapter 13.6). However, many nuclear releasedmoreenergythananequivalent massof 10kilotons devicescoulddisruptgeomorphicsystemsinwaysthatcould (kt) of trinitrotoluene. One of the largest Plowshare experi- initiate on-going geomorphic changes. For example, removal mentswasconductedtotestthefeasibilityofbuildinganar- orclosureofdams,lakesills,harbors,andrivermouths,and tificial harbor at Cape Thompson, Alaska, which was never destabilizationofvegetationandgroundcover,couldinitiate constructed.A104ktblastwasdetonatedatadepthof194m catastrophic geomorphic responses beyond the work of the on the Nevada Test Site on 6 July 1962 as an experiment initial explosions. Clearly, the capacity for instantaneous for the harbor project. The blast moved more than 11(cid:4)106 geomorphic change concentrated in specific places is a tonsofrock,alluvium,andsoilandcreatedtheSedanCrater frightening aspect of human geomorphic potential and the (Figure 4). Other large detonations conducted to test the proliferation of nuclear weapons should be avoided at feasibilityofusingnuclearexplosionsforexcavationswerethe allcosts. Flask(105kt),Kikitat(70kt),Stoddard(31kt),andSchooner (30kt)tests. Most nuclear detonations by the US Government were for weapons testing. More than a thousand nuclear devices 13.1.7 Restoration, Stabilization, Rehabilitation, weredetonatedbetween1954and1973.Theenergyreleased and Management by the largest blasts was two orders of magnitude larger thanthelargestdetonationsforProjectPlowshare(Figure5). The disruption of geomorphic systems by human activities More than 30 detonations greater than one megaton or climate change may call for remediation to stabilize were conducted between 1952 and 1971 (US Department the system or to return part or all of it to a previous of Energy, 2000). Most large explosions were over islands in state.Remediationislikelytobeanimportantareaofgrowth the tropical Pacific Ocean during the early period of testing, inthefutureofanthropogenicgeomorphologyastheimpacts and the potential impact on geomorphic systems was not of humans become better understood. Before remediation measured. programs are undertaken, however, careful attention should The potential for nuclear weapons to do instantaneous be given to identifying alternatives, clearly defining the ob- geomorphic work is tremendous and may exceed all other jectives, and reaching an agreement on the limitations to a rates of human geomorphic change when considered over project.Variousapproachestotreatingdisturbedgeomorphic short time periods and restricted areas. A simple linear ex- systems are available for consideration, and the costs and trapolation of the energy released by the 104kt Sedan det- implications vary widely. Definitions of such terms as ‘res- onation to larger 10Mt events that could be used in toration’ alsovarywidely, so afirst step towarddevelopinga thermonuclear warfare suggests that each device could move program to treat a disturbed system should be to establish a B108tonsofmaterial.Theproductof100suchnuclearwar- commonsetofdefinitions,suchasthosepresentedinTable2. headsandthegeomorphicworkdonebyeachbombyieldsa Each of these approaches has different goals, yet the termi- potentialmassof1010tonnesofearthmaterialthatcouldbe nology is commonly used interchangeably, which can cause moved.Thetotalmovementofearthmaterialbythisprocess greatconfusion. 10 Geomorphology ofHumanDisturbances, ClimateChange,andHazards Table2 Strategiesforremediationofgeomorphicchange Restoration Reestablishstructureandfunctionofenvironmentalsystemstoapredisturbancecondition Rehabilitation Improvesomestructuresandfunctionsbutnottopredisturbanceorstableconditions Substitutionormitigation Createoralterfeaturestocompensateforhumanchanges,ofteninadifferentlocation Reclamation Alteranaturalsystemtoadifferentstate;forexample,wetlanddrainageorflood-protectionprojects Stabilization Reducinggeomorphicchangebyprotectiveengineeringmeasures Adaptedfromdefinitionsusedinaquaticrestoration. Source:FISRWG(1998),NRC(1992,1999). ‘Restoration’mayimplymanydifferentstrategieswithen- 13.1.8 Conclusion tirelydifferentgoals,includingstabilization,enhancement,or substitutionprojects.Acommondefinitionappliedtoaquatic This volume examines the human dimension of geomorph- restorationrequiresthereturnofasystemtoapredisturbance ology, including anthropogenic geomorphology, climatic state: geomorphology,climatechangeimpacts,andnaturalhazards. These diverse processes can be indirect and may involve lag times caused by storage and transfer of energy and mass, [R]estoration isdefined as the returnof an ecosystem to a close approximationofitsconditionpriortodisturbanceyMerelyre- shifting thresholds of stability caused bychanging landscape creating the form without the functions, or the functions in an sensitivities, and feedbacks caused by changes in human ac- artificial configuration bearing little resemblance to a natural re- tivitiespromptedbygeomorphicimpacts.Ratesofanthropo- source, does not constitute restoration. The goal is to emulate a genic geomorphic change are accelerating in response to the natural, functioning self-regulating system that isintegrated with increasing technological potential to do work and to the theecologicallandscapeinwhichitoccurs.Often,naturalresource restoration requires one or more of the following processes: re- growingglobalpopulation.Theeffectsofclimatewarmingare construction of antecedent physical hydrologic and morphologic superimposed on the geomorphic potential of humans and conditions; chemicalcleanuporadjustmentoftheenvironment; also involve lag times, shifting thresholds, and feedbacks. and biological manipulation, including revegetation and the re- Climate change is an anthropogenic phenomenon by itself, introductionofabsentorcurrentlynonviablenativespecies.(NRC, 1992). butitalsohasgreatrelevancetohuman-inducedgeomorphic change because it has widespread impacts on landscape sen- sitivityandmayalterthenatureofimpactsandresponserates. Restoration, therefore, may require identification of a refer- The effects of anthropogenic change can be traced back ence system that is regarded as undisturbed or ‘natural’. This intotheNeolithic,buttheyacceleratedgreatlyintheindustrial callsforanunderstandingofgeomorphicchangeandhistor- era.Itisnowcommonlyacknowledgedthathumanactivities icalreconstructions. can change the Earth surface system at a global scale. These Rehabilitation seeks to recover functionality of part a sys- changes are not confined to the atmospheric and biologic temwithoutreturningittoapreviousconditionis(FISRWG, spheres, but extend to global geomorphic systems through a 1998;NRC,1999).Forexample,abeachmayberehabilitated strong interconnectivity among systems. Natural hazards are by replenishing sand and protecting against erosion with an example of geomorphic processes affecting society, rather groins, without restoring the natural sediment budget. Sub- than the converse. Exogenic hazards may be intensified by stitutionormitigationcreatesanewsystem,characteristically humanactivities,andvulnerabilitytoallnaturalhazardstends in a different location. For instance, a coastal dunefield may to increase greatly with population growth and dense settle- be created to replace one that has been developed. In ment in hazardous areas. Nuclear detonations are both an contrast, reclamation projects that alter natural systems effective geomorphic agent and a technological hazard that from their natural condition for practical purposes, such as have the greatest instantaneous potential for anthropogenic wetland drainage, are commonly antithetical to restoration. geomorphic change. Environmental management will in- Similarly, stabilization projects seek to reduce geomorphic creasingly require and seek methods to stabilize and restore change by protecting against erosion or sedimentation. geomorphicsystemsandthiswillbeanimportantgrowtharea These approaches tend to resist natural processes to enhance ingeomorphology. the human utility of systems, so they may be related to reclamation. An important beginning in remediation of a disturbed References system is to halt the disturbance processes to allow recovery. Once the disturbances are arrested, passive or natural restor- Arnoldus,H.M.,1978.AnapproximationoftherainfallfactorintheUniversalSoil ation may be sufficient to repair the system (FISRWG, 1998; LossEquation.In:DeBoodst,M.,Gabriels,D.(Eds.),AssessmentofErosion. NRC, 1999). Passive restoration methods, such as the cessa- Wiley,Chichester,UK,pp.127–132. tion of grazing animals, tend to be slow but can be an in- Asselman,N.E.M.,Middelkoop,H.,vanDijk,P.M.,2003.Theimpactofchangesin climateandlanduseonsoilerosion,transportanddepositionofsuspended expensive method of restoration or rehabilitation. Active sedimentintheRiverRhine.HydrologicProcesses17,3225–3244. restorationinvolvesdirectmethodsthatassistintherecovery Avissar,R.,Liu,Y.,1996.Athree-dimensionalnumericalstudyofshallow process. In river restoration, for example, spawning gravels convectivecloudsandprecipitationinducedbyland-surfaceforcing.Journalof andlargewoodydebrismaybereintroduced. GeophysicalResearch101,7499–7518.

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