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Treasures of early Irish art, 1500 B.C. to 1500 A.D: From the collections of the National Museum of Ireland, Royal Irish Academy, Trinity College, Dublin PDF

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Preview Treasures of early Irish art, 1500 B.C. to 1500 A.D: From the collections of the National Museum of Ireland, Royal Irish Academy, Trinity College, Dublin

1500B.C.t01500A.D. TREASURES of EARLY IRISH ART 1500BC.101500A.D [rom the collections of the Natimal Museum of lreland Royal Irish Acaclemy Trinity College, Dublin exhibited at The Metropolitan Museum of Art The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco M, 11. de Young Memorial Museum Museum of Art, Carnegie Institue, Pittsburgh Musexm of Fine Arts, Boston Philacel} nia Museum of Art photography by Lee Boltin vecept as ohervete cveclited The nublest share of earth isthe lar westera wortd W hose sane is sritéen Sentiain the ancient bouks Rickn goods, in sitver jewels, elath, end geld, Bensigirto the body ina ned melon sil Win bores and wath mith lore Ireland sta Wirhsilkand arms, chundant frit, with 3p plains, tend taen. Worthy are the Irish tu dwell in this their Land, A sace oj mon renowned in wet, in peace, in jaith, Donatus, Bishop of Fitole, widainth oonusy. Translated by Lin ce Pao Credits On thecomer: 59) 69, Powcsesionsl nossa Lillie corsgetis geo Te salle! shall#Tafleaves: opie; Lek sovier af Cloomecmeise und, Adan‘onal pheropraps cris: 3,28, 40, 30, Figs. 3,2: 9 suai edu # 36 Tas, 18,17, 11: Royal Tis Avaleoy pe agra Geen Studin Led 27,35, 37/38, 43, gp, 23, 29: Loe Boro fealty Co eye, Dalim photogrphy rGieen Stadio Lod. { 31: Museum of Une Arcs, Posten, eb G14, 22, 25,2735 35,8: Comstissinnrsal Pic Werks in Tesla f Fig. 2: Cambridge University Caliecton: copyrishtraverved {By 5: Baia Lyuch, Lesh Taatist Roatd { Pigh 13.13, 18,31: snl ord eco. ctesp ol Hercecs cofshe Brive Musee / Bg, 20: Micurisk Bvecra. Bergen, Norway Figs. 24, £20: rsproduced by peoaion of Fe BeiishTbrary Baars Pig, 42. Tri ‘Toor! Boor Tochekod x she wuloezepruchatiow wis geucrausy give by George Brule, az, pmblisher of Cite end Ag Saxn Paleting, 1977 diced sad pric by Polls Con Desired 9y Abin Grosetun eB, herd preset ‘ag Fork Tepe wit Ca, ie New We, rings in Toy ly Atel Mn iter, Verona Published by The Moueolian seu vf At, 197 lights reserve Seon preg, 1978: 2,000 eps {Library of Conpress Caraoning (Gain ecery under te Treaantes fal Tisha, 1500 a. ¢.¥0 15002, Publication Data iblingcaphe: p, 1:1, Fes Eshisitims. 2. Art, Peaistade-= lreland—Extibidiens. 3st, Auceat—relond— Exkibitions, 4, An. Medieeal—Treland Tahibidoss. T.fielein, Le. 11 Dublin. Natiousl Meseum of Trelard THT. Roya! Tigh Acaderay, Deblin, TV. Dnlin, Lrver siry, Wi New For’ (Citg]_ Mer elias Mustun of Art NOTS2 TA 709'-415'974013 77-8692 SBN O79 161-7 Timeline HaROvE ANDTHE MTT RANT 1ReLAND mint aRngin ink | Ts genera a Pear HawavbisT ee 5: Suoula 12 ease | wo 23 vine Teilanes O EIE catend ae Filet Be : Eee ee > beet igi rn 2 ee reer 1B Sie, LsTiweukusioSyrcabid | ‘ ment nine | 2M ciara aint emnsurepitie | oy A ethos Seamer) sitar | AD AS ARM ce wage 2 Tae Pan Lasik, eure A nee S01) cowie wuarae | OE Cota ote | eae © eee Ponce ay peers » I tus a een ee: Recon ae 3 shuren $ ED teas im jee RE achlnecrastivior (29), Hou sionadecTaus } e) & Becenreatn eee ccomueCocmice | mo SAMMY ED i eee: ee Cs in at 2 eens ey Skt ne EAB Suincd Sout: 57) smn engl Be > ets Le © fore ois Cott. Bien Reise Santen sw yrtar ete Bab ad ted sabia | Ga Pana i cise eoee | a 3 TER. hwo Saute ie od Contents Poreword titi Jit Wilson, Thomas Having Preface ix G, Prank Mitchell Introduction — 10 G. Frank Mitchell 1 The Bronze Age B Peter Heshivon Ubutratime LIB _ oo . DE oraga Influences and the Beginnings of Christian Art 54 G. Frank Mitchell Uustrations 14300 3 The Christian Trinmph: The Galden Age 93 Liam de Paor Ubwstrations 31-45 4 The Viking Impact — 144 Mire de Paor Ulustrationt 46-59 5 Irish Art in the Romanesque and Gothic Periods 187 Roger A. Stalley Illustrations 61-69 Selected bibliography 221 Catalogue entries by G. Frank Mitchell Foreword ‘The ovesiun ofthis eshivition, whic flows che Hicen tennil celebrations 3 Atrasiva, remind us of he nasa fnfluenve tha couuly lias Jad on He convae af Te towy, For nya ended yoats the Bish pevple nave nain Isited Cove ies with heponply of Jac Uniend Stars. and in iswith a view to the deepening of eustel endesetand ‘ng aut they now send thelr mes prcclos sreasmes 10 2 seties of musouns aosess the Amserican continent. The feshibivion demonstrates tke intersstional standing. oF carly Ich at andthe universality of ll gveut anise ex pression. La deeply protef-{ to all he ducetienn Lends of Tielan! who kaye wade Treaseres of Bavly fish Att, 1500. ¢.14.1509 3.0, possible Jeu WZ ‘Minister fr Ecucacon,Treland ‘The paimocy vf the exauondteaty ish eiyaron ln bhsea made wvluble sos in ts eatinety for this ei Hon, The pratowad [edings that she propls of Teclané Jaws fr Ueie ensures is something hat we all vue stand, and thsi fanny thebe prelous nosiessina 15 36 Te arrexcveding’y genezuss act. I righe never ave arin apired, bie “Treand . is Wke na orher race node eave” George Berna Slaw sae Tal rhe impassible ind was um uvervday cccumrense, The iupurible, therefore, has happened and is vay walears, ‘This significant eibiinn yea erento by an cxtrane Alivary group of peunfe, Edivédoals un hoch siden uf the <Atlonic have labored with casq-aled éadicaton to make ic happen. ‘Thanks must go to <2 many, vise and ine ible Fureranet: Professor @. Frank Bite, Weexideat of the Raga Trish Aeotomy, all his esueieres Peter Br, “ibrar of Tvinity College, Dublin, axe Brotessor Tid Gacces, Tnatcure af Adestced Stedise, Dubin, Jes Woice, Dicetor of the Nesioral Geller of Ireland, jou saved supgonter. At the Menepatitan, Kael Kars, Chai ‘map for Special Precis Ckutlee Lie Asssutnt Cursor oF Modoes’ Avr; ard Ponelapa K. Baréel, Associate Counsel, werk: with colleagues wih Uae Mus a the four participaring, musenrs eo ineste chaz che exhilioa becenneu ceiy “Thanks alin go ro Watzer J. Celey, trmer Arnbassador ft the Usived Stes to Leclind; Prime Binister 0 Le land, John Leach: ths torner Msiser for Edncation, Rishase Baz. kis successor, Peter Davy, aa le pugeent ‘Minister, Tohn P. Wilson: John G. Molloy, Arahassads Irom Tiel t9zle¢ United Sites; Passos: Kennedy, dn ‘ysidor to the Lite Nations Goma Trees Gencuid ‘Claigh. Coxsal Gensral of elands Pacrick Collins, Dep Carol Geastt Fae Supt, Hist Scere acy of he Limhersyof Traland; Dr. FS, lees, Progat ot Frietsy Gules, Debling Dr, D. LD. Eiswie, Vice Prowos: uf the College! D-. A. T. Teas, Horm Director of he Natinnal hes wall a vuad Ni! We ‘Tarr Kenedy in New Yurk, and 20 Patrile Lace’ for his counsel, Speci asiance cama from the Cults Rela nag Caremies, Depas moet af hewrign Afi, Tecan, (Our grecitude suait ako go ov the SOM Corporation and its Caan’ of che Board, Mf, Pal Tce pews ing this extibicin in New Verk, Flnndy, to al the contsibutors te she cataoyne go cur pruivced appreciation. Asin the Book of Kets, dese ate inienes nd subile Fovcutes that wre unseen, They are there, a2 af Phe vin prrster mimes of countless iadividcals wince ellotts Inroughe cis shows eo Amevica ‘Teamae ing, Dinector, Ths Meerapalitn Nanect’ An

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