jiqt) IT COMMITTEE FOR CULTURE - BULGARIA NATIONAL MUSEUM OF HISTORY MINISTRY OF CULTURE - USSR STATE HERMITAGE - LENINGRAD TREASURE O F KH A N KUBRAT CULTURE O F BULGARS, KHAZARS, SLAVS К. V. Kasparova, Z. A. Lvova, В. I. Marshak, I. V. Sokolova, M. B. Shchukin, V. N. Zaleskaya.I. P. Zasetskaya SOFIA • 1989 Authors of the introductory articles to the chapters Introduction: M. B. Shchukin Culture of the Nomads between the 5th and the 7th Centuries: I. P. Zasetskaya, M. B. Shchukin Slav Monuments of the 6th-7th Centuries along the Rivers Bug and Dnieper: К. V. Kasparova, M. B. Shchukin Necropoli of the Crimean Goths: M. B. Shchukin Culture of the Turki in Siberia from the 7th to the 9th Centuries: M. B. Shchukin Monuments of Nomads in Eastern Europe: 7th - Early 8th Cen turies: V. N. Zaleskaya, Z. A. Lvova, В. I. Marshak, I. V. Sokolova The Slavs on the Left Bank in the Ukraine, 8th-10th Centuries: К. V. Kasparova Nomadic Cultures of Late 8th - Earl 9th Centuries. Saltovian- Mayaki Culture: Z. A. Lvova The Khazar-Slav Fortress Sarkel-Belaya Vezha. К. V. Kasparova; sections (b) and (c)-Z. A. Lvova. Authors of the catalogue part: V. N. Zaleskaya Nos 70-78 I. P. Zasetskaya Nos 1-36, 44-50 К. V. Kasparova Nos 37-41, 109-152, 228-294 Z. A. Lvova Nos 79-93, 107, 153-227, 295-315 В. I. Marshak Nos 94-106 M. B. Shchukin Nos 42, 43, 51-69, 108 TREASURE OF KHAN KUBRAT Culture of Bulgars, Khazars , Slavs Authors: V. H. Zaleskaya, I. P. Zasetskaya, К. V. Kasparova, Z. A. Lvova, В. I. Marshak, I. V. Sokolova, M. B. Shchukin. Scholarly Editor: Ph. D. Dimitur Ovcharov Centre for Publicity and Print at the Committee for Culture 1504 Sofia, 2 Marin Drinov Str. Editor: Hristina Shakadanova Lay-out: Djanko Djankov Technical Editor: Nikolina Dishleva Proof-reader: Emilia Vuchkova Formatl2/70/100 13,3 guires, 2000 copies 6 C O N T E N T S Introduction................................................................................11 Monuments of Nomads of Eastern Europe: 7th - early 8th Centuries.......................................................................................39 Culture of the Nomads between the 5th and 7th Centuries . 13 Malaya Pereshchepina, Poltava Region.........................42 Kizil-Adir, Orenburg Region.............................................16 Village of Romanovskaya, Rostov Region ......................51 Verkhne-Yablochniy Khutor, Volgograd Region . . . 17 Lake Borovoe, Kazakhstan................................................17 The Slavs on the Left Bank in the Ukraine, 8th — 10th Morskoy Chulek, Rostov Region......................................20 Centuries.......................................................................................53 Michaelsfeld near Anapa, former Kuban Region . . . 21 Novotroitskoye Fortress near Lebedin, Sumy Region . 55 Slav Monuments of the 6th-7th Centuries along the Rivers Nomadic Culture of late 8th-9th Centuries Saltovian-Mayaki Bug and Dnieper..........................................................................23 Culture..........................................................................................61 Skibintsi near Trostyanets, Vinitsa Region ...................24 The Necropolis at the Village of Verkhnee Saltovo . . 62 Village of Semenki near Nemirov, Vinitsa Region . . . 25 The Necropolis at the Village of Dmitrievskoe................64 The Mayaki Fortress.............................................................65 Village of Sukhini near Kanev, Kiev Region ................26 The Volokonovski Necropolis.............................................65 Village of Martinovka near Kanev, Kiev Region . . . . 26 Tsimlyansk Fortress on the Right Bank, Rostov Region . 66 Necropoli of the Crimean G oths.............................................27 The Khazar-Slav Fortress Sarkel - Belaya Vezha . . . . 69 Artek, the Crim ea................................................................28 The Sarkel-Belaya Vezha Fortress...................................74 Suuk-Su, near Gurzuf, in the Crimea................................28 Small Nomadic Mounds near Sarkel-Belaya Vezha . 83 Culture of the Turki in Siberia from the 7th to the 9th Belaya Vezha Necropolis at Sarkel-Belaya Vezha . . 84 Centuries. Turki in Asia and Europe......................................31 Literature....................................................................................87 Kudirge Necropolis, Eastern A ltai...................................34 Abreviations..........................................................................92 Mongun-Taiga Necropolis, Tuva ASSR .........................36 Srostki Necropolis, Upper Altai ......................................37 Catalogue ....................................................................................93 7 Location of the monuments presented at the exhibition Index to sites 8 19. Dmitrievskiy 1. Kizil-Adir 7. Semenki 13. Mongun-Taiga 20. Mayatskoe 2. Verkhne Yablochniy 8. Sukhini 14. Srostki 21. Volokonovskiy 9. Martinovka 15. Malaya Pereshchepma 3. Borovoe 22. Tsimlyanskoe Pravoberezhnoe 10. Artek 16. Romanovskaya 4. Morskoy Chulek 23. Sarkel-Belaya Vezhna 11. Suuk-Su 17. Novotroitskoe 5. Michaelsfeld 12. Kudirge 18. Verkhnee Saltovo 6. Skibintsi 9