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Traveller: The Third Imperium: Alien Module 1: Aslan (MGP3818) PDF

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Preview Traveller: The Third Imperium: Alien Module 1: Aslan (MGP3818)

Alien Module 1: Aslan C C REDITS ONTENTS Original Aslan Alien Module I 2 J. Andrew Keith, John Harshman and Marc W. Miller NTRODUCTION A C G 3 Trojan Reach Sector SLAN HARACTER ENERATION Bob McWilliams (Leviathan), Mike Jackson (Third Imperium fanzine) A R 35 SLAN ACE Mongoose Traveller A A G 54 AUTHOR N SLAN LOSSARY Gareth Hanrahan H 56 ISTORY EDITOR E 65 Richard Ford QUIPMENT LAYOUT STARSHIPS AND SPACE TRAVEL 76 Will Chapman E 139 NCOUNTERS PROOFREADER Charlotte Law WORLDS 151 INTERIOR ILLUSTRATIONS T T R 154 HE ROJAN EACH Nate Abell, Alex Drummond, Ed Frayna, Mariusz Gandzel, Mark Harrison, Travis Leichssenring, Esther Munoz, Tony Parker, Federico Piatti, German A T G 225 SLAN AND RAVELLER AMES Ponce, Phil Renne, Carlos Nunez de Castro Torres, Rian Aris Wibowo I 229 NDEX SPECIAL THANKS Marc Miller, Tom O’Neill, Brian Caball, Aidan Rafferty, Robert Eaglestone, Loren Wiseman, James Maliszewski, Donald McKinney, William Hostman, Martin Costa, Mike West PLAYTESTERS Jim Kundert, Stuart Machin, Andrew James Alan Welty, Gregory Wolfe Alien Module 1: Aslan ©2009 Mongoose Publishing. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this work by any means without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden. All significant characters, names, places, items, art and text herein are copyrighted by Mongoose Publishing. This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without written permission. To learn more about the Open Game License, please go to www.mongoosepublishing.com. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United Kingdom and of the United States. This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organisations, places or events is purely coincidental. Traveller is a trademark of Far Future Enterprises and is used under licence. Printed in the USA. 11 II NNTTRROODDUUCCTTIIOONN The Aslan are the youngest of the great powers, an expansionist border. Independent Aslan worlds are found throughout the race of feuding clans and predatory warriors, eager to seize all the region spinward and rimward of the Imperium. Adventurers in universe has to offer. the Spinward Marches can venture rimward through the Trojan Reach to the Aslan colonies in that sector and then further across In the Original Traveller Universe, the Aslan are one of only six races the Aslan-controlled Great Rift into the Hierate itself. Adventurers to have independently discovered the principles of the jump drive. in the Solomani Rim can venture through Solomani territory to These six so-called Major Races claim for themselves a higher status I’aheako (Dark Nebula) sector, which holds the Aslan homeworld than the so-called minor races and since most of the major races are of Kusyu. The Aslan hunger for territory has carried them out from dominant within known space, the claim has some de facto merit. Kusyu to the stars but still they desire more. Although there is no absolute agreement as to exactly which six are the major races, common usage accepts the Vargr, the K’kree, the They are predators in a galaxy of prey, warriors without equal. Take Hivers, the Droyne, Humaniti (lumping the Vilani, Solomani and your place among the Aslan as a ruler or kneel before your new Zhodani branches of the human race into one) and the latest on the masters! scene – the Aslan. The Aslan, the youngest of the major races, are the subject of this Traveller supplement. With it, the race can be incorporated into any and all aspects of Traveller. Whether the Aslan are to be used as Player Characters, Non-Player Characters, patrons, opponents or just as a backdrop against which adventures may take place, this supplement provides the referee and the players with sufficient information to deal with the Aslan, both as individuals and as a fully visible society. The Traveller Core Rulebook deals with characters as humans within an Imperial society, which is fairly comprehensible to most players. Outside that society, aliens are different in culture as well as physiology and a careful presentation of what shapes an alien’s character is necessary if players are to deal with or roleplay those aliens. Traveller players can find any number of activities which include or deal with Aslan, whether inside the Imperium or beyond its borders. The Aslan Hierate (their empire) is located spinward and rimward of the Imperium. The Aslan sector map shows the sectors of the Hierate in relation to the Imperium. Where the Imperium and the Hierate touch, humans and Aslan frequently encounter each other. Aslan worlds under Imperial rule are found scattered up to 40 parsecs inside the Imperial 22 AA CC GG SSLLAANN HHAARRAACCTTEERR EENNEERRAATTIIOONN Character generation for the Aslan follows the same procedures Aslan are capable of bursts of speed. An Aslan may move double the and concepts as human character generation in Traveller. However, normal amount a number of times equal to his 3+Endurance DM in numerous changes in the details of the system take into account any combat. physiological, cultural and other differences between Aslan characters and humans. An Aslan’s gender and clan have far more Some Aslan have a vestigial tail; other Aslan have a full tail. A tail bearing on the character’s career choices than a human’s gender or gives no benefit in most circumstances but affects the armour that family background. the character can wear. The more detailed rules for Aslan character generation in this book Gender supersede the rules in the Traveller Core Rulebook. Aslan may be either male or female. Aslan biology dictates that there are approximately three females born for every male. As a result, Initial Character Generation males are in the distinct minority. Players may select the gender of Aslan characters, like humans, are basically defined by six personal their Aslan character if they so desire. Alternatively, gender may be characteristics: Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Intelligence, determined randomly by a die roll. Throw 2d6 on the Gender table. Education and Social Standing. Males have an additional special characteristic, Territory, which starts at 0. GENDER RRoollll GGeennddeerr Aslan are, on average, slightly stronger than and have marginally 2-5 Male greater Endurance than humans. Their Dexterity is slightly lower than humans. Intelligence and Education are about equivalent. 6-12 Female Social level refers to Aslan status in Aslan society and cannot be considered to refer to human Social Standing. In Aslan society, males are permitted to be warriors, rulers and diplomats; females are the scientists, technicians, merchants and managers. To generate the first five characteristics, throw 2d6 five times and allocate them as normal. Endurance, Intelligence and Education Clan, Family & Pride undergo no adjustments. Strength gains a +2 bonus, while Dexterity To determine if a character comes from one of the Twenty-Nine Great suffers a –2 penalty. The lower limit on characteristics is 1 (below 1 Clans of the Tlaukhu or from a minor clan, roll 1d6 on the Clan table. can happen only from wounding and only temporarily); the upper The Referee may choose to dictate which clan the character comes from. limit is 15 except for Strength and Endurance, which is 16. Note that if any of the Player Characters are kinfolk, they will share a clan and possibly a family. Social Standing is determined in the Clan, Family & Pride section Territory starts at 0. CLAN RRoollll CCllaann Traits 1-3 Minor Clan All Aslan have a dewclaw, which deals 1d6+2 damage in combat. 4-6 Major Clan. +1 DM to Ancestral Deeds roll. Attacks with the dewclaw use the Melee (claw) skill. There are hundreds or thousands of families in a clan. To determine Aslan have better night vision, hearing and smell than humans, the Social Standing of the character, roll on the Ancestral Deeds giving them a +1 DM to any Recon or Survival checks involving table and twice on the Past Deeds table to work out what Territory these senses. his forebears acquired. Ancestral Territory starts at 0. The first Past Deeds roll is for the deeds of the character’s grandfather and the second is for the deeds of his father. 3 ANCESTRAL DEEDS 11dd66 AAnncceessttrraall DDeeeedd 1 Your ancestor shamed the clan and you come from a branch long dishonoured. +0 Ancestral Territory. 2 Your family’s glory days are long gone, all that is left are the tales of great landholdings now lost to upstarts. +0 Ancestral Territory. 3 Your family made its fortune in the great expansion after the discovery of jump drive; most family holdings are on distant worlds. +1 Ancestral Territory. 4 Your family are the descendants of an ancient hero forgotten by most Aslan. +1 Ancestral Territory. 5 Your family’s ancestor was a trickster who deceived his enemies. +2 Ancestral Territory. 6 Your ancestors were conquerors and great warriors. +2 Ancestral Territory. 7 Your family is one of the most influential and wealthy in the Hierate. +3 Ancestral Territory. PAST DEEDS 22dd66 PPaasstt DDeeeedd 2 Dishonoured! Your forebear committed some dishonourable act that caused the clan to strip your family of all territory. Gain Independence 0 (if male) or Trade 0 (if female). Lose all Ancestral Territory. 3 Your forebear was beset by many foes, one of whom conquered much of your land. Gain an Enemy and Gun Combat 0. –4 Ancestral Territory. 4 Your forebear was a fool who gambled away much of your land. Gain Gamble 0 or Carouse 0. –3 Ancestral Territory. 5 Your forebear suffered from a degenerative genetic disease that you may have inherited. Gain Medic 0. –2 Ancestral Territory. 6 Your forebear barely managed to hold onto your landhold. –1 Ancestral Territory. 7 Your forebear was conservative and cautious. +1 Ancestral Territory. 8 Your forebear’s brother did well as an ihatei. +2 Ancestral Territory. 9 Your forebear married well. +3 Ancestral Territory. 10 Your forebear conquered his foes. +4 Ancestral Territory. 11 Your forebear died gloriously in battle. +5 Ancestral Territory. 12 Your forebear was among the greatest heroes of the clan. +6 Ancestral Territory. Characters have a Social Standing equal to their Ancestral Territory Starting Age (to a minimum of 2). If your Social Standing is 10 or more and you Aslan characters begin their careers at 16 Aslan years of age (about 14 are male, gain Leadership 1. standard years). At this point, as untrained and inexperienced Aslan, they embark upon a career in order to gain skills and experience. Only the first son in the family inherits the family Territory. Next, Careers are resolved on the basis of Aslan terms of service which determine your character’s place in the family. In the case of are four Imperial years (six Aslan years) each. multiple characters from the same family, only the eldest character need roll on this table – all other Player Characters in that family are Naming automatically younger. The material on language gives some basic guidelines on names and words used by the Aslan. Players may wish to use Aslan names 22dd66 MMaallee FFeemmaallee (if so, they are encouraged to pick relatively pronounceable ones!). There is no necessity for doing so, though it adds to the flavour and 2-3 First Son Eldest Daughter atmosphere of the game. 4-10 Second Son Middle Daughter 11-12 Third Son Youngest Daughter Even when names from the Aslan language are chosen, these are unlikely to be the individual’s full names, since an Aslan name is Finally, at the start of character generation, the character has left a long, sonorous and intricate structure which changes to note the his or her parent’s pride. The character may become part of another background, accomplishments and life of its owner. Names for pride through Life Events or form one during play. game purposes are greatly shortened out of necessity. 4 Because the particle ko on the end of an Aslan name means ‘himself’ RITE OF PASSAGE EVENT and is used exclusively by the head of a clan, care should be taken NNuummbbeerrss RRoolllleedd EEvveenntt that an Aslan name ending in ko not be chosen unless the individual 1+1 The character is believed to have a is the head of a clan (usually Social Standing 16). great destiny and the clan looks for great things from him. The character Titles must excel or disappoint his ancestors. Aslan do not have titles, as such, though a high Social Standing may He gains 1d6 Clan Shares. be denoted by certain portions of the individual’s name. In Aslan 2+2 Impressive Performance. The character society, the social level characteristic denotes the relative status of is given Cr. 5,000 as a reward for his both the individual and his or her family but no special titles are exemplary performance in the Rite. applied for specific social levels. 3+3 You befriend one of the other young Aslan undergoing the rite that day. Akhuaeuhrekhyeh ( Rite of Passage) Gain a Contact. At the age of fifteen (Aslan years), all Aslan characters undergo a rite of passage: the Akhuaeuhrekhyeh. This rite tests the individual’s 4+4 One of the other Aslan undergoing the fitness to enter society and has an impact on the service which may rite tries to outdo you. Gain a Rival. be selected by the character. 5+5 You are wounded in one of the tests, leaving a distinctive scar across your The actual rite is a test which examines the individual’s abilities fur. and qualities; it is only simulated by die rolls. Males and females 6+6 I Will Not Fail! Your rite tests you to undergo different rites. the limit but you are determined not to give in. Gain +1 Endurance. A male Aslan makes a single die throw (2d6) which is compared to each of his characteristics apart from Territory. A rite of passage C AREERS number is created by adding 1 point for each characteristic which is greater than the throw. Upon completing the rite of passage, characters examine the available careers and select one to enlist in. Some careers are Example: Two male Aslan siblings, Hwelryr and Karinvyr both have the restricted to a single gender. same characteristics: STR 10, DEX 7, END 8, INT 6, EDU 5, SOC 7. Hwelyr rolls a 6 for his Rite of Passage; Karinvyr rolls a 10. SSppaacceerr aanndd SSppaaccee OOffffiicceerr:: These two careers embrace all forms of interplanetary and interstellar service which may be carried out by a Hwelyr’s Rite of Passage number is +4 (Strength + Dexterity + Endurance clan, including operation of all forms of spacecraft. Thus, the career + Social Standing). Karinvyr’s Rite of Passage number is +0. is similar to both the Navy and the Merchants (and to some extent the Scouts) of Imperial society. However, members of this career are A female Aslan makes a single die throw (2d6) which is compared strictly concerned with the operation of ships; a clan vessel involved to Intelligence, Education and Social Standing. A rite of passage in trade would also carry characters of a management background number is created by adding two points for each characteristic for the conduct of business. which is greater than the throw. Males in the Space service are primarily gunners; females are If doubles are rolled on the rite of passage throw, consult the Rite of technicians or support personnel. Male officers are pilots, gunners and Passage Event table. leaders; female officers are navigators, engineers and staff advisors. Careers From Other Traveller Books Aslan living in the Imperium or in other human-dominated societies may use the basic Traveller careers instead. Use the Aslan Life Events table for such characters. 5 MMiilliittaarryy aanndd MMiilliittaarryy OOffffiicceerr:: These careers are equivalent to both It should be emphasised that most careers (except Outcasts and Army and Marines. They represent clan military forces which may Pirates) are managed on a clan level. The Hierate has no integrated be employed in interclan warfare, on Hierate service, as mercenaries Army or Navy; individual clans maintain forces which may be or as adjuncts to a corporation’s activities where the military force is contributed to the service of the Hierate or not, as the situation and needed for security or other purposes. attitudes of the clan dictate. Males in the Military service are fighters or combatants; females With a career selected, the character enlists and once in a service, are support personnel. Male officers are commanders and leaders; the process of acquiring skills begins. female officers serve as staff and advisors. Qualification WWaannddeerreerrss ((MMaalleess OOnnllyy)):: Many ihatei are given vessels by their clans Once a career is selected, the character attempts to qualify for and they then use them for explorations in the hopes of discovering that career. The initial qualification attempt works differently to new landholds. Wanderers are much like the Scouts of Imperial the normal qualification. The rite of passage number is used as an space, exploring in a lonely, risky business which provides a wide enlistment DM for all careers, except for Rogue and Scholar, instead range of skills but also a large chance of disaster. of the standard characteristic test. If the character fails to qualify, the character is immediately reduced to Social Standing 2 and becomes MMaannaaggeemmeenntt ((FFeemmaalleess OOnnllyy)):: Many female Aslan opt to enter an Outcast. He or she may attempt to become a Rogue using the a business-oriented career, rather than pursuing marriage and normal Qualification rules or become a Drifter – as found in the family. Such females may rise to positions of importance within the Traveller Core Rulebook. structure of various corporations. The career gives a variety of skills concerned with commerce, finance and relations with others. Only one basic attempt at qualification is allowed and it must be made at Aslan age 16. OOuuttccaassttss:: Outcast characters for one reason or another do not fit in with normal Aslan society. Generally scorned as misfits, they tend to After serving at least three terms in a career other than Outcast or pick up an unusual assortment of skills; frequently such characters Pirate an Aslan character may attempt to qualify for another career will be more independent but will also nurse a fierce desire to prove using the standard rules – the Aslan are a more hidebound culture themselves and thus rejoin the society which has scorned them. than the Imperium and expect characters to remain in a single career for some time. Aslan who have spent time as Outcasts or Pirates OOuuttllaawwss:: Some Outcasts become outlaws, travelling between the may only attempt to qualify for other Outcast or Pirate careers in stars raiding other clans or other races. Such activities represent a Aslan space, as their past is too dishonourable to allow them to deviant subculture within Aslan society; normal standards for male enter a more respectable career. Such characters are best served by and female pursuits have broken down to some extent, with each either leaving Aslan space or mustering out and entering play. learning and performing tasks that the other normally does. Pirates, like Outcasts, privately nurse a desire to return to normal Aslan Skills society but see little chance for success in that aim. Skills are determined as normal, with one exception. If an Aslan male rolls Independence on any of the skills tables, he must roll 2d6 SScciieennttiissttss ((FFeemmaalleess OOnnllyy,, wwiitthh tthhee eexxcceeppttiioonn ooff HHeeaalleerr)):: Individuals and score over his Social Standing to obtain the skill. involved in the pursuit of the sciences (whether biological, physical or social) can become Scientists. In Aslan practice, most scientists Mustering Out are actually technicians, adept at the creation of mechanisms to Benefits are granted at the end of career service, as per the normal accomplish specific tasks. rules. EEnnvvooyyss ((MMaalleess OOnnllyy)):: Interclan relations are often entrusted to CCaasshh TTaabbllee:: Females, being more skilled in handling financial specific Envoys empowered to arrive at agreements and commit clan matters, may consult the cash table to the limits of their eligibility. resources. The term Envoy (rather than Diplomat) is used because Males are restricted to consulting the cash table no more times than the individual represents a clan rather than a government. they have levels in the Independence skill; in addition, males receive only half the amount shown on the table. CCeerreemmoonniiaall:: The Aslan have a rich cultural heritage. Those involved in ceremonial tasks occupy a position of great importance within BBeenneeffiittss TTaabbllee:: Characters may consult the benefits table to the their clans. limits of their eligibility. Mustering-out benefits are explained later in this chapter. 6 CAREERS CCaarreeeerr SSppeecciiaalliissaattiioonn GGeennddeerr QQuuaalliiffiiccaattiioonn SSuurrvviivvaall AAddvvaanncceemmeenntt Spacer Rite 8+ Pilot Male Dex 7+ Int 5+ Gunner Male End 6+ Int 6+ Engineer Female End 6+ Int 6+ Crew Either Edu 5+ Int 7+ Space Officer Rite 10+ Commander Male Soc 8+ Int 6+ Shipmaster Female Edu 7+ Soc 6+ Navigator Female Int 6+ Soc 8+ Military Rite 7+ Warrior Male End 8+ Str 6+ Cavalry Male Dex 7+ Dex 7+ Support Female Dex 8+ Int 6+ Flyer Male End 6+ Soc 8+ Military Officer Rite 10+ Leader Male End 7+ Int 7+ Executive Officer Female End 6+ Edu 8+ Assassin Male End 8+ Dex 6+ Outcast None Labourer Either Str 8+ Str 7+ Trader Either End 8+ Int 7+ Scavenger Either End 8+ Edu 7+ Outlaw Str 6+ Pirate Either End 7+ Int 7+ Raider Either End 8+ Str 6+ Thief Either Dex 7+ Int 7+ Scientist Int 7+ (10+ for males) Healer Either End 6+ Soc 8+ Researcher Female Edu 7+ Int 7+ Explorer Female End 8+ Int 6+ Envoy Rite 10+ Diplomat Either Soc 7+ Int 7+ Spy Either Soc 8+ Int 6+ Duellist Either End 8+ Dex 6+ Management Rite 8+ Corporate Female Int 7+ Int 7+ Clan Aide Female Edu 8+ Soc 6+ Governess Female Soc 6+ Edu 8+ Ceremonial Rite 10+ Poet Male Edu 7+ Int 7+ Clan Agent Either End 8+ Int 6+ Priest Either Soc 6+ Edu 8+ Wanderer Rite 8+ Nomad Male Dex 7+ Int 7+ Belter Male End 8+ Int 6+ Scout Male End 6+ Int 8+ 7 Aging Aslan aging is slower in its onset but more severe in effects than in ASLAN AND PSIONICS human characters. The first roll on the aging table is not made until Psionic ability is virtually unheard-of among the Aslan and there age 40 (after six terms of service have been completed); thereafter, is some doubt as to whether or not the race is naturally psionic. it is checked every four Aslan years and twice the total number of The few known cases of Aslan possessing such abilities are all terms served is applied as a negative DM to the 2d6 roll. shrouded in either mysticism or can be attributed to genetic manipulation or alien technology. Aslan Player Characters may Aging is computed in ftahea (Aslan years). Since each Aslan year not possess any psionic ability at the start of the game. equals 320 standard days, Aslan aging points occur every 1,280 days. Characters must maintain careful records and note when aging must be performed. 8 SPACER MUSTERING-OUT BENEFITS This career embraces all forms of interplanetary and interstellar RRoollll CCaasshh OOtthheerr BBeenneeffiittss service which may be carried out by a clan, including operation 1 500 1 Clan Share of all forms of spacecraft. Males in the Space service are primarily 2 1,000 +1 Intelligence gunners and pilots; females are technicians or support personnel. 3 1,000 +1 Education QQuuaalliiffiiccaattiioonn:: Rite of Passage 8+. 4 5,000 Weapon 5 5,000 +2 Clan Shares AAssssiiggnnmmeennttss:: Choose one of the following: 6 10,000 Brotherhood of Stars • PPiilloott:: You flew one of the large Aslan vessels or the smaller 7 20,000 +1 Social Standing shuttles and fighters that accompany them. 8 30,000 +3 Clan Shares • GGuunnnneerr:: You manned a turret or other weapon, slaughtering your foes with claws of laser-light. Males may only roll on the cash benefit rolls a maximum number • EEnnggiinneeeerr:: You maintained the systems of a starship, despite of times equal to their Independence skill and receive only half the the best efforts of the male crew to wreck it. listed amount of cash. +1 DM if Soc 9+, +1 DM when rolling on • CCrreeww:: You served as a general labourer and deckhand on board Other Benefits if Male. ship. SKILLS AND TRAINING RRoollll PPeerrssoonnaall DDeevveellooppmmeenntt SSeerrvviiccee SSkkiillllss AAddvvaanncceedd EEdduuccaattiioonn ((MMiinniimmuumm EEdduu 88)) 1 +1 Dex Steward Astrogation 2 Tolerance Pilot Broker 3 Independence (male) or Mechanic Tactics (naval) Broker (female) 4 +1 Int Zero-G Sensors 5 Jack of all Trades Comms Computers 6 Vacc Suit Computers Admin RRoollll SSppeecciiaalliisstt:: PPiilloott SSppeecciiaalliisstt:: GGuunnnneerr SSppeecciiaalliisstt:: EEnnggiinneeeerr SSppeecciiaalliisstt:: CCrreeww 1 Pilot (small craft) Gunnery (turret) Computers Mechanic 2 Pilot (space craft) Gunnery (any) Engineering (jump drive) Zero-G 3 Tactics (naval) Tactics (naval) Engineering (power) Vacc Suit 4 Zero-G Zero-G Engineering (m-drive) Mechanic 5 Gunnery (turret) Sensors Engineering (any) Engineering (any) 6 +1 Dex +1 Int +1 Edu +1 End PPiilloott GGuunnnneerr EEnnggiinneeeerr CCrreeww SSuurrvviivvaall Dex 7+ End 6+ End 6+ Edu 5+ AAddvvaanncceemmeenntt Int 5+ Int 6+ Int 6+ Int 7+ MISHAPS 11dd66 MMiisshhaapp 1 Severely Injured. Roll twice on the Injury table and take the lower result. 2 A superior officer has you drummed out of the service. Gain a Rival. 3 You are infected by an alien parasite. Roll Endurance 8+; if you succeed, you do not lose any Endurance; otherwise lose 1 Endurance. Either way, you leave this career. 4 You are accused of smuggling illegal goods into clan space. Lose 2 Social Standing. 5 You get into trouble on an alien world. Roll Tolerance 8+; if you succeed, you lose any Benefit rolls from this term but are not ejected. Otherwise, you attack the alien and are punished by losing your place in the space service. 6 Injured. Roll on the Injury table. 9

The Aslan are revealed as never before in this mighty 200 page tome. Including new careers, equipment and vehicles, Alien Module 1 also delves into their ship construction and features an entirely new sector to expand your playing area beyond the Spinward Marches - the Trojan Reaches. With this book
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