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Travel Adventures: Bermuda, 4th Edition (Hunter Travel Guides) PDF

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HH UU NN TT EE RR TTRRAAVVEELL GGUUIIDDEESS (cid:2)(cid:2)TTHHEEBBEESSTTPPLLAACCEESSTTOOSSTTAAYY&&EEAATT (cid:2)(cid:2)BBEEAACCHHEESS,, SSNNOORRKKEELLIINNGG&&DDIIVVIINNGG (cid:2)(cid:2)BBOOAATTIINNGG,,FFIISSHHIINNGG&&SSAAIILLIINNGG (cid:2)(cid:2)GGOOLLFF,,HHIIKKIINNGG&&BBIIKKIINNGG rrrraaaavvvveeeellllAAAAddddvvvveeeennnnttttuuuurrrreeeessss BBeerrmmuuddaa 4thEdition BlairHowardandRenateSiekmann ravel Adventures Bermuda 4th Edition Blair Howard and Renate Siekmann HunterPublishing,Inc. 30MayfieldAvenue Edison,NJ08817 (cid:2)732-225-1900/800-255-0343/Fax732-417-1744 Website:www.hunterpublishing.com E-mail:[email protected] INCANADA UlyssesTravelPublications 4176Saint-Denis Montreal,QuébecH2W2M5Canada (cid:2)514-843-9882,Ext.2232/Fax514-843-9448 INTHEUK&EUROPE WindsorBooksInternational 5,CastleEndPark,CastleEndRoad,Ruscombe Berkshire,RG109XQEngland (cid:2)01189-346-347/Fax01189-346-368 ISBN978-1-58843-663-4 ©2008BlairHowardandRenateSiekmann All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be repro- duced,storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmittedinanyform, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher. Thisguidefocusesonrecreationalactivities.Asallsuchactivi- ties contain elements of risk, the publisher, author, affiliated individualsand companies disclaim any responsibilityfor any injury, harm, or illness that may occur to anyone through, or by use of, the information in this book. Every effort was made toinsuretheaccuracyofinformationinthisbook,butthepub- lisherandauthordonotassume,andherebydisclaim,anylia- bility or any loss or damage caused by errors, omissions, misleadinginformationorpotentialtravelproblemscausedby this guide, even if such errors or omissions result from negli- gence,accidentoranyothercause. AllphotoscourtesyBermudaDepartmentofTourism, unlessotherwiseindicated. Frontcover:DanielsHead,KerrickJamesPhotography 4 3 2 1 Blair Howard was bitten by the travel bug more than 30 years ago when, during a stint in the Royal Air Force, he spentayearinparadiseonatinyislandinthemiddleofthe IndianOcean.Fromthere, histravelshavetakenhimtothe FarEast,NorthAfrica,acrossmostofEurope,totheislands of the West Indies, the Bahamas, Bermuda and to almost everystateintheUnion.Withcamerainhand,hewandered fromone locationtoanother, finallysettlinginasmallrural town in Tennessee. But there's no cure for wanderlust. Today,after many miles on the road – and some 260 maga- zine articles and nine books – he's still at it, visiting and revisiting his favorite spots. Renate Siekmann is an established photojournalist and a respected business leader. Her articles and photographs have been featured in newspapers throughout the United States and she has been teaching photographic workshops since 2005. Her article credits cover a wide array of topics including gourmet foods and cooking, travel, recreational activities and classical music. She has also written exten- sively about the business of photography. BeachoffofSouthRoad TraditionalBermudaroof Contents Introduction 1 TheLand 2 TheAttractions 4 ThePeople 5 About Bermuda 7 History&Government 7 Economy 10 People 11 Holidays 12 Travel Information 15 WhenToGo 15 PeakSeason 15 Off-Season 16 GettingThere 17 VacationPlanningOnline 17 ByAir 19 CommercialAirlines 19 PrivateAircraft 19 BySea 20 CruiseShips 20 PrivateYacht 23 Passports&Visas 25 Customs&Duties 26 TripInsurance 26 TravelingwithChildren 27 DisabledTravelers 27 Money 28 Checks 28 CreditCards 29 Costs 29 Hotel&RestaurantPrices 30 Tipping 31 Golf&Tennis 31 TheNiceties 31 Clothing&Dress 31 MedicalServices 32 Telephones 33 InternationalCalls 33 CellPhones 34 UsingtheInternet 35 PostalService 36 Photography 36 PhotoOpportunities 39 GettingAround 40 vi (cid:2) TableofContents Bicycles&Mopeds 42 Buses 43 Ferries 44 StoreHours 45 Sightseeing 47 TheBeaches 47 Sandy’sParish 49 SouthamptonParish 50 WarwickParish 52 PagetParish 54 PembrokeParish 54 Smith’sParish 55 HamiltonParish 56 St.George’sParish 56 TouringPembrokeParish 57 Hamilton 59 TouringSandy’sParish&theWestEnd 67 TheRoyalNavalDockyard 74 TouringSt.George’sParish 82 AWalkingTourofSt.George 84 TouringtheOtherParishes 96 TouringSouthamptonParish 98 TouringWarwickParish 102 TouringPagetParish 104 TouringDevonshireParish 106 TouringSmith’sParish 108 TouringHamiltonParish 113 Adventures 119 Boating 119 TheWildcat 119 KayakBermuda 121 BoatRentals 122 Fishing 123 TheCatches 124 Licenses&Regulations 126 Tournaments 127 QualificationsforAwards 127 Awards 127 WheretoFindtheFish 128 Reef&Deep-SeaFishing 128 RentalEquipmentforShoreFishing 129 CharterBoatsforDeep-Sea &ReefFishing 129 Rates&Hours 130 CharterCompanies 130 Outfitters 131 Diving 132 DangerousDenizensoftheDeep 132 TableofContents (cid:2) vii Where&When 135 HelmetDiving 136 Shipwrecks 137 DiveOperators 153 Swimming&Snorkeling 157 SnorkelingCruises 158 RentalEquipment 161 Golf 162 TheCourses 165 GolfWeeks 172 Spas 174 Sailing 177 YachtCharters 177 AllegroCharters 177 SailBermudaYachtCharters 178 SaltKettleYachtCharters 178 HorsebackRiding 179 Stables 179 Hiking 180 TheBermudaRailwayTrail 181 Shopping 183 Where to Eat 189 Where to Stay 200 AccommodationOptions 201 AccommodationPlans 202 Resorts 203 SmallHotels 208 CottageColonies 215 PrivateClubs 218 HousekeepingCottages&Apartments 219 GuestHouses 223 Floatels 226 Addenda 227 FerryInformation 227 BusInformation 231 Index 246 Maps BermudaParishes 46 Hamilton 58 Sandy'sParish 68 RoyalNavalDockyard 75 St.George 83 SightsandAttractions 97 Shipwrecks 138 GolfCourses 166 TheBermudaRailwayTrail 182 Introduction W e’venowbeen In This Chapter writingabout Bermuda for more than 10 (cid:2) TheLand 2 years. What a joy! Over the (cid:2) TheAttractions 4 years,thingshavechanged (cid:2) ThePeople 5 slowly and mostly for the better. But, even if they hadn’tchanged,Bermudaisstillthemagicalislandwefellin lovewithallthoseyearsago.It’sstillarealthrilltoflyinfrom the west and gaze down at the great, fishhook-shaped atoll surrounded by the deep blue waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The pastel-colored buildings with their snowy-white roofs stand out like coral beads; the turquoise shallows and pale pink beaches never change; and Hamilton, the islands’ tiny capitalcityontheshoreoftheGreatSound,isanoh-so-Eng- lish anomaly unique in the Western Hemisphere. Bermuda is one of the most beautiful places on Earth. Whether it’s the combination of the English culture and its quasi-tropicalsetting, orsomething else. There’sjustsome- thing very special about this little group of islands in the middleoftheAtlanticthat,onceexperienced,isneverforgot- ten. Perhaps it’s because I, Blair, am English and feel very much at home among the little English-style shops, streets and churches. The cathedral, the bright red British pillar boxes,thefoodandespeciallytheafternoonteathat’salmost a religious experience all help to make Bermuda even more English than England itself. Add pink sandy beaches, with some of the most beautiful island terrain to be found any- where, and you have something very special indeed. There was a time when only the very rich could afford to vacationinBermuda;notsotoday.Almosteverybudgetcan be accommodated here. From the small cottage colonies to theexpensive luxuryresorthotels,fromtheprivateyachtto the giant cruise ship, and from cook-for-yourself vacations to the all-inclusive package deals offered by any one of a 2 (cid:2) TheLand growing number of operators, you’ll find something to suit yourtasteandyourwallet.Youcandosixnights,sevendays on the islands for as little as $1,250 per person, or you can payasmuchasthatpernight.Whateveryourbudget,you’re sure of a grand time. The Land Bermuda, a tiny collection of rocks in the Atlantic Ocean some 580miles due east ofCape Hatteras, isisolated. Even so, this group of British islands is one of the most popular touristresortsintheWesternHemisphere.Onmostmaps,if it shows at all, it’s no more than a tiny dot. Close up, Ber- mudalookssomewhat like afishhook,withthe curveatthe southwest end and the stem extending to the northeast. SatelliteimageofBermuda The flight in over the island is incredible. The view is never quite what you expect. The sparkling blue waters seen aro- und any tropical island are mixed with eye-catching colors. Homesandshopspaintedpastelshadesofpink,blue,green, yellow and other colors of the rainbow sit anchored under snowy white roofs. The effect is a patchwork quilt, thrown down on a field of green in the middle of the blue ocean.

With more than 150 islands and islets surrounded by pristine sandy beaches and clear blue waters, Bermuda is a dream destination for travellers the world over."Adventure Guide Bermuda" provides readers with everything they need to know for planning a trip to this stunning destination, including the
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