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Trapped ion quantum computation with transverse phonon modes Shi-Liang Zhu, C. Monroe, and L.-M. Duan FOCUS Center and MCTP, Department of Physics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 We propose a scheme to implement quantum gates on any pair of trapped ions immersed in a large linear crystal, using interaction mediated by the transverse phonon modes. Compared with the conventional approaches based on the longitudinal phonon modes, this scheme is much less sensitivetoionheatingandthermalmotion outsideoftheLamb-Dickelimit thankstothestronger confinementinthetransversedirection. Thecost forsucha gain isonly amoderateincrease of the laser power to achieve the same gate speed. We also show how to realize arbitrary-speed quantum gates with transverse phonon modes based on simple shaping of thelaser pulses. PACSnumbers: 03.67.Lx,32.80.Qk,03.67.Pp 6 0 0 Trapped ions have been demonstrated as one of the are still possible through control of a simple sequence of 2 most promising systems for implementation of quantum laser pulses, which typically involves excitation of many n computation. Different theoretical schemes have been TP modes. a proposedforquantumgateoperations[1,2,3,4,5,6,7], Transverse phonon (TP) modes. To design TP J and many building blocks of quantum computing have quantum gates, we first describe the structure of the TP 3 been experimentally demonstrated [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, modes. We consider a system of N ions confined in a 2 13, 14, 15]. In an ion trap quantum computer, entan- linear trap. The phonon modes are obtained through 1 gling gates between different ions are mediated through diagonalization of the Hamiltonian for the ion exter- v phononsinthecollectiveionmotion. Inallpreviousgate nal motion [17]. The ion motional Hamiltonian has 9 schemes [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], the longitudinal phonon (LP) the form H = N p2ξ,j + V, where M is the 5 modes are exploited by kicking the ions along the axial 0 ξ j=1 2M 1 ion mass, and pξ,j is the momentum operator of jth direction of a linear trap. P P 1 ion along the direction ξ (ξ = x,y,z). The potential 0 In this work,we propose to use the transversephonon V = M N ω2x2+ω2y2+ω2z2 + e2 ac- 6 (TP) modes for gate operations. Compared with the 2 j=1 x j y j z j n,j 4πǫ0rnj 0 counts for the Coulomb interaction between the ions as conventionalschemes(hereafterreferredtoasLPgates), P (cid:0) (cid:1) P h/ gates involving TP modes (TP gates) have the following well as the external trapping potential, where rnj de- notes the distance between ions n and j, and ω is the p distinctivefeatures: First,due tothestrongconfinement ξ - CM trap frequency along the direction ξ. Typically, t inthetransversedirection,theTPgateismuchlesssensi- n ωx ωy ωz, and one has a linear geometry with an tivetoionheatingandthermalmotion. Eveniftheaxial ∼ ≫ a ionchainalongthezaxiswhenω /ω islargerthanthe x,y z u ionoscillationamplitude is significantlygreaterthanthe critical ratio about 0.73N0.86[18]. The equilibrium posi- q optical wavelength (outside of the Lamb-Dicke regime), tions z0 (x0 =y0 =0)of the ions are determinedby the : high-fidelity gates through the TP modes are still pos- n n n Xiv tsribalpe.frIefqβuednecnieostefsorthteherattriaonsovfetrhsee caenndtetrh-eof-lomnagsistu(dCinMa)l dcoimndeintsioionnl[e∂sVs/p∂azrna]mzne=tzen0rs=un0,≡(1zn0≤/ℓn(≤n N=).1,2W,.i.t.h,Nth)e, where ℓ 3 e2/4πǫ Mω2 sets the scale of ion spacings r directions (β 1 in typical experiments), we show that ≡ 0 z a ≫ in the linear crystal, this condition yields a set of equa- gate infidelity due to thermal ion motion is reduced by tionsu pj−1 1/(u u )2+ N 1/(u u )2 =0, a factor ranging from β4 to β6, depending on details of j− n=1 j− n n=j+1 j− n which canbe solvednumerically to determine z0 for any the initial ion temperature and the heating mechanism. P P n larger ion array [17]. To find all the phonon modes, This improvement may be particularly significant for a one then just needs to expand the potential V around system of many ions or for ions confined in a microtrap the ions’ equilibrium positions ξ(0) x0, y0, z0 with [16], where ion heating and thermal motion may domi- n ≡ n n n nate gate erors. Second, the cost of using the TP modes ξn = ξn(0) + qnξ. Under the harmon(cid:0)ic approxim(cid:1)ation, ismoderate,eventhoughitismoredifficulttoexcitethe we have V = (1/2) ξ,n,jqnξqjξ[∂2V/∂ξn∂ξj]ξn=ξn0 = TPmodesduetotheirstrongconfinement. ForTPgates Mω2/2 Aξ qξqξ, where the matrix elements z ξ,n,j nj iPj to have the same speed as LP gates, the intensity of the driving laser needs only to be increased by a factor of (cid:0) (cid:1)P N β2+ a /u u 3 (n=j) β/2, a small factor when compared with the improve- Aξ = ξ ξ | j− p| (1) nj  p=1,p6=j mpentin gatefidelity. Finally,we showthat TPquantum  aξ/ujP un 3 (n=j), gates can be operated with arbitrary speeds. Although − | − | 6 the frequency splitting of the TP modes is significantly with βξ = ωξ/ωz, ax = ay = 1, and az = 2 − smaller thanthat of the LP modes, this does not impose [19]. The eigenfrequencies ωξ,k λξ,kωξ and eigen- ≡ any limit to the gate speed. High-fidelity fast TP gates vectors bξ,k of the normal phonon modes are obtained j p 2 from diagonalization of the matrix Aξ = [Aξ ] with Inthiscase,theHamiltonianforthelaser-ioninteraction nj Aξ bξ,k = λ bξ,k. Then, with the substitution has the form n nj n ξ,k j Pqjξ(t) = kbξj,k ¯h/2Mωξ,k(aξ,k + a†ξ,k), the motional N HaξmiltNko=n1Pia¯hnωξH,k(0ap†ξr,ekdauξ,cke+s 1to/2t)h,eexsptraensdseadrdbyfotrhme aHnn0ih=i- H =Xj=1¯hΩjcos(∆k·qj +µt)σjz, (2) lationandcreationoperatorsa ,a† ofthe kthnormal P P ξ,k ξ,k where ∆k q = ∆k qξ(t), and Ω denotes the two- mode in the ξ direction. · j ξ ξ j j photon Rabi frequency of the jth ion, which is propor- In order to visualize the TP and LP modes, we plot P tional to the intensity of the driving laser. For conve- the complete mode spectrum for a 10-ionarrayin Fig. 1 nience, Ω is assumed to be real, but it can be time- (the modesalongxandy directionsaredegenerate,soit j dependent. isenoughtoshowonlythex-modes). Wechoosethetrap Now we assume that the relative wave vector ∆k is frequencyratioβ =10,whichistypicalforexperiments x chosen along a certain direction ξ (ξ = x or z), and and larger than the critical value of 5.3 to stabilize a motion in all modes in this direction is in the Lamb- linear configuration for N = 10 ions. As opposed to the Dicke regime η n¯ +1 1 for all k, where η = LP modes,the highestfrequency TP mode is the center- ξ,k ξ,k ≪ ξ,k ∆k ¯h/2Mω is the Lamb-Dicke parameter and n¯ of-massmodeatωx. Thefrequencysplittingbetweenthe | | ξ,kp ξ,k the mean phonon occupation number of mode (ξ,k). CM mode and the second-to-highest mode (the bending p Note that for TP quantum gates (ξ = x), the lower fre- mode) is about 0.05ω for N =10, which is significantly z smallerthanthesplitting(√3 1)ω ofthecorresponding quency LP modes ξ = z (as well as the other transverse z − mode ξ = y) are decoupled and hence need not be con- LP modes (the spectral structure of the TP modes is fined within the Lamb-Dicke regime. To lowest order inverted compared to the LP modes, as seen in Fig. 1). in η and under the rotation-wave approximation, the For entangling localions (such as neighboringions), it is ξ,k interaction-picture Hamiltonian of the system is best to use the low-frequency TP “zigzag” mode [20] as it is more resolved from the other TP modes and most N insensitive to the ion heating. But the CM mode has H = ¯hχξ(t)gk (a† eiωξ,kt+a e−iωξ,kt)σz, (3) the advantage that it is equally coupled to all the ions, I − j ξ,j ξ,k ξ,k j j,k=1 X and thus more appropriate for gates between nonlocal ions (such as ions at different edges of the chain). When where the coupling constant gk =η bξ,k, and χ (t)= ξ,j ξ,k j j comparing features of gates using TP or LP modes, we Ω sin(µt)isproportionaltothestate-dependentforceon j parameterize the comparisionof the CM modes for both the j-th ion. cases. The evolution operator corresponding to the Hamilto- nian H is given by [7, 21] I 1 2 3 L.P . . 10 10T..P.1 U(τ)=exp[i φξj(τ)σjz +i φξjn(τ)σjzσnz], (4) j j<n X X where the displacement operator φξ(τ) = j 00 1 22 3 44 5 66 7 88 9 1100 [αk (τ)a† + αk∗(τ)a ] with αk (τ) = Energies ( unit: w z ) P0τkχj(ξt,j)gξk,jeξi,ωkξ,ktdt, anξ,dj theξc,oknditional phaξs,ej φξjn(τ)= 2 τ dt t2dt χ (t )gk gk χ (t )sinω (t t ). FIG.1: Thespectrumofthelongitudinal(LP)andtransverse R 0 2 0 1 k j 2 ξ,j ξ,n n 1 ξ,k 2 − 1 phonon(TP)modesfora10-ionarray. Thedashedlines(No. Inthe caseofatime-independent Ω , αk (τ) andφξ (τ) R R P j ξ,j jn 1) denotethe centerof mass (CM) mode. have the following explicit expressions: gaGteesn.eFrairlst,fowremgaivliesma geonfertarlafporpmeadlismionforqmuaunltti-uiomn αk = Ωjgξk,j µ+eiωξ,kτ[−µcos(µτ)+iωξ,ksin(µτ)] , ξ,j (µ2 ω2) entangling quantum gates,which is valid with either TP (cid:8) − k (cid:9) (5) or LP modes. The qubit for each ion is represented by tTwhoehgyapteerifisnaechstieavteesd,bdyenaoptpedlyiansg|0aisatantde-|d1eipienndgeennteraacl-. φξ =2Ω Ω gξk,jgξk,n ωξ,k[−2µτ +sin(2µτ)]+ jn j n µ2 ω2 4µ Stark shift on the ions [11, 15], using two laser beams of k − ξ,k (cid:26) X equal intensity, wavevector difference ∆k and frequency differenceµ. As itiscommoninexperiments,weassume µ[ω cos(ω τ)sin(µτ) µcos(µτ)sin(ω τ)] that the average ac-Stark shifts are the same for the 0 ξ,k ξ,k ξ,k − . (6) and |1i states for the ions in their equilibrium position|si. µ2−ωξ2,k ) 3 To drive a conditional phase flip (CPF) gate between TPandtheLPmodeshavethesamemeanphononnum- arbitraryionsj andn,wetakeΩ tobenonzeroonlyfor ber n¯ =n¯ , the infidelity for the TP gate is smaller by j x z these twoions,andsetthe laserdetuning µandthe gate a factor of Fx/Fz = η4 /η4 = (ω /ω )2. In prac- in in x,p z,p z,p x,p time τ so that φξ(τ) = φξ(τ) = 0 and φξ (τ) = π/4. tice, if the TP and LP modes are subject to the same j n jn In this case, the evolution operator U(τ) reduces to the heatingmechanism,andinitiallypreparedwiththesame CPF operator U =exp(iπσzσz/4). laser cooling technique, we further expect n¯ n¯ due jn j n x ≪ z TP versus LP quantum gates. To compare quan- to differences in the initial temperature and the heat- tum gates based on TP vs. LP modes, let us start with ing rate of TP vs. LP modes. The temperature limit theassumptionthatthedrivinglasercanaddressindivid- T can be considered as independent of the phonon fre- L ualphononmodesthroughfrequencyselection(resolved- quency ω for Doppler cooling, and is roughly propor- ξ,p sideband addressing). This requires the gate time τ to tional to 1/ω for the Raman sideband cooling. So the ξ,p be much larger than τ 2π/∆, where ∆ is the charac- contribution of T to the mean phonon number n¯ , es- ∆ L ξ ≡ teristic frequency splitting of the phononmodes (we will timated as k T /¯hω , is taken to be (1/ω )γ, where B L ξ,p ξ,p see later that only one phonon mode dominates when γ is between 1 and 2. The ion heating rate n¯˙ for the ξ τ 2τ ). The sideband addressing assumption, al- phonon mode (ξ,p) is proportional to the noise power ∆ ≥ though not essential, allows us to derive simple analytic spectrum S(ω ) at the frequency ω [24], taken to be ξ,p ξ,p relations that permit a direct comparison between TP independent of frequency (white noise) or proportional and LP gates. to 1/ω (1/f noise). For these practical noise sources ξ,p Withsidebandaddressing,wedominantlyexciteapar- [24], the average phonon occupation number therefore ticular phonon mode (ξ,p) with frequency ω by ad- scales as (1/ω )γ′, with γ′ again between 1 and 2. If ξ,p ξ,p justing the laser detuning µ close to ω with µ = we assume the term n¯2 dominates in the infidelity ex- ξ,p ξ ω + 2πl /τ, where l is an integer, typically chosen pression (8), which is likely for many ions in a crys- ξ,p ξ ξ as 1 or 1 [3, 7]. The qubit state and the motion state tal, the infidelity ratio of TP vs. LP gates is then should b−e disentangled at the end of the gate, which re- Fx/Fz n¯2η4 / n¯2η4 (ω /ω )2+γ+γ′, where quires φξj(τ) = φξn(τ) = 0 and thus τ = lξ′π/ωξ,p (see wienhavine∼assuxmxe,dp thazt tzh,pe g∼ate tzi,mpe τx,pis the same for Eq. (4)), where lξ′ is another integer (typically, lξ′ ≫lξ). both cases. Forthe(cid:0)CMmo(cid:1)des, ωz,p/ωx,p is givenby the From Eq.(6), the conditional phase shift is found to be trapfrequency ratio β =ω /ω . So, comparedwith LP x z x bp bp η2 Ω2τ2 gate, the inherent infidelity of the TP gate could be re- φξ (τ)= ξ,j ξ,n ξ,p . (7) duced by a factor of β4 to β6, which is significant even jn − 4π 1+l /l′ x x ξ ξ for a moderate trap frequency ratio of β 5. x ∼ The condition φξ (τ) = π/4 can be satisfied with an jn Now we look at the cost of the TP quantum gate. As appropriate choice of the Rabi frequency Ω. the TP modes have a higher vibrational frequency, it is To consider inherent infidelity of the gate operation, we note that all the above results are derived based on harder to excite them, and we need more laser intensity forthe samegatespeed. FromEq. (7), tohavethe same the Lamb-Dicke condition. In practice, the Lamb-Dicke gatetimeτ,theratiooftherequiredlaserintensityI /I parameter is finite, and the thermal motion of the ions x z will induce some fluctuation of the Rabi frequency Ω2 in (note that Iξ is proportionalto the two-photonRabi fre- Eq. (6) and lead to gate errors. To estimate this noise, quencyΩξ)isgivenbyIx/Iz ηz,p/ηx,p = ωx,p/ωz,p = ∼ weneedto expandthe HamiltonianofEq. (2)tohigher- √βx (we neglect lξ/lξ′ in Eq. (7) as it is typpically much ordersintheLamb-Dickeparameters. Theeffectofthese lessthan1).So,althoughweneedadditionallaserpower higher-order terms is to replace Ω in Eq. (6) with an fortheTPquantumgate,thiscostismoderatecompared effective Rabi frequency Ωξ that depends on the phonon with the improvement we achieve in the gate fidelity. If n numbern oftheionvibrationalmode(ξ,p). Tothenext we take into account of different laser excitation config- ξ orderoftheLamb-Dickeparameterη ,wefind(Ωξ)2 urations for the TP and the LP gates, this cost is even Ω2[1 η2 (2n +1)][3]. Thegatefidξe,lpity Fξ [22]isnthe≈n less. For the LP gate, the relative wave vector ∆k of ξ − ξ,p ξ g the Raman laser beams needs to be along the trap axis, foundtobeFξ = 1+1 ∞ Pξcos πη2 (2n+1) [23]. g 2 2 n=0 n 2 ξ,p but one cannot directly apply lasers in that direction, so When the initial phonoPn number dhistribution Pnξitakes in practice both of the laser beams have a 45o to the the form of a thermal state, Pnξ = n¯nξ/(1+n¯ξ)n+1, we trap axis [11, 15]. However, for the TP quantum gate, find to lowestorder in η a gate infidelity Fξ 1 Fξ onecanapplycounter-propagatinglaserbeamsalongthe ξ,p in ≡ − g of x-axis so that ∆k is perpendicular to the ion string. Be- cause of this difference, the laser intensity ratio I /I is Fξ π2η4 (n¯2+n¯ +1/8). (8) x z in ≈ ξ,p ξ ξ actually βx/2 instead of √βx. The above laser con- AstheTPmodehasalargervibrationalfrequency,the figurationdifferencealsogivessomepracticaladvantages p TP quantum gates have a significantly smaller gate infi- for the TP quantum gates: first, as the laser beams are delity from thermal ion motion. Even if we assume the perpendicular to the ion string, it is easy to have the 4 same relative laser phase for different ions, as assumed 1.00 inthe gatesabove. ForLPgates,itisdifficultto achieve 0.95 suchaconditionfordifferentionsastheyarenotequally 0.90 Fg spaced. It usually requires subtle control of the ion dis- 0.85 m tance through adjustment of the trap frequency [10, 11], 0.80 13 5 and such a technique is not scalable to many ions. Sec- 0.75 8 ond, with the transverse focused laser beams, it is also 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 m /w z easiertoachieveseparateaddressingofdifferentions. For the TP gate, one does not need to have a large longitu- FIG. 2: For the two edge ions in a 10-ion array, the TP gate dinalω to achievethe Lamb-Dickecondition,so the ion fidelity as a function of the detuning µ with the gate time z distance is not limited, and one can combine separate τ = 5τ0, n¯1 = 3, βx = 10, and the number of segments m=1,3,5,8, respectively. addressing with a many-ion setup, which is desired for scalable quantum computation. Arbitrary-speed TP gates through minimal control of the laser beams. As we have mentioned only control parameter is the detuning µ. We find that before, the TP modes have small frequency splittings, for the gate on two edge ions (1st and 2nd ions) in a 10- so resolving a particular TP mode could be difficult for ion array, as long as the gate time τ 37τ0, where τ0 ≥ ≡ a large ion array. If we want to achieve a high-speed 2π/ωz, the gate infidelity Fin 0.99%. For this and the ≤ gate, it is necessary to go beyond the sideband address- followingcalculations,wetaken¯1 3whichcorresponds ≈ ing (single-mode) limit. Fortunately, for any practical toaprettyhightemperature. Theoptimalµisveryclose qubit number (up to a few hundreds, for instance), it is to the value ωx+2π/τ. Note that a gate with τ 37τ0 ≈ always possible to take into account of all the phonon has been faster than any ion gate implemented so far in modes and design high-fidelity gates with no limitation thelab[11,15]. Forthisgate,thetimeτ isclosetoτ∆ ≡ tothegatespeed[5,6,7]. Thesefastgatesareingeneral 2π/∆ (τ 1.8τ∆), where ∆ is the frequency splitting ≈ based on control of the laser pulses. between the CM TP mode and the bending mode. So, Here, similar to Ref. [7], we use a simple sequence besides the dominant CM mode, various TP modes are of laser pulses which take minimum experimental con- indeed slightly excitedduring the gate andcontribute to trol. We chop a continuous-wave laser beam into m the conditional phase φjn(τ). But with the optimal µ, equal-time segments (through acoustic/electric modula- allthesemodesevolvealonganalmost-closedloopinthe tor, for instance), with a constant but controllable Rabi phase space (αki ≈ 0, although not exactly), so we still frequency Ω for the pth (p=1,2, ,m) segment. The have a high fidelity gate. The required Rabi frequency p state-dependent force χ(t) in the H··a·miltonian (3) then from the exact numerical calculation is very close to the takes the form χ(t) = Ω sin(µt) for the time interval one given by the analytic formula (7) from the single- p (p 1)τ/m t < pτ/m (For simplicity of the notation, mode approximation (within a 6% error). − ≤ we omit the direction index ξ in the following and take If we further increase the gate speed with τ < 37τ , 0 ξ = x by default). With a large number of ions but the gate fidelity quickly decreases, so we need to chop a small number of control parameters Ω , the displace- thecontinuous-wavelaserbeamintomoresegmentswith p ments αk(τ) (and thus φ (τ)) in the evolution operator m > 1 to increase the fidelity. With a sufficiently large j j (4) may not exactly reduce to zero. But as long as they m, a high-fidelity gate with an arbitrary gate speed are small, we still can get a high-fidelity gate. In this can be achieved. In Fig.2, we show the calculation re- case, for a gate on the ion-pair (j,n) in an N-ion array, sult for the gate time τ = 5τ . With the number of 0 thegateinfidelityduetothe residuesmalldisplacements segments m = 1,3,5,8, the gate infidelity is given by αk is given by 10%, 4.9%, 1.0%, 0.1%,respectively,withtheoptimized j parameters µ and Ω ,Ω , , Ω . We also calculate 1 2 m ··· the gate infidelity for other ion-pairs, and the results F β¯ [αk 2+ αk 2]/4, (9) in ≈ k | j| | n| are qualitatively similar. For instance, with τ = 5τ0 Xk and the number of segments m = 1,3,5,8, respectively, where β¯k = coth[ µk/4ln(1 + 1/n¯1)] with n¯1 repre- the gate infidelity Fin is given by 5.5%, 1.8%, 0.22%, senting the mean phonon number of the CM TP mode. 0.07%for the two center ions (5th and 6th ions), and by p For the above expression, we have assumed that the TP 40%, 25%, 8.5%, 0.99%for the 1stand 10th ions at the modes are in their thermal equilibrium state. The task far ends of the string (the worst case). of control is to get a small infidelity F by choosing an In summary, we have proposed to use the transverse in optimal laser detuning µ and a minimum number of the phononmode to achievequantumgates,andshownthat control parameters Ω . theseTPgatesaremuchlesssensitivetoionheatingand p First,letusconsiderthegatewithasinglecontinuous- thermalmotion comparedwith conventionalgates based wave laser beam (the number of segments m = 1). The onthe longitudinalmodes. We alsoshow how to achieve 5 arbitrary-speed TP quantum gates based on control of [10] C. A.Sackett et al., Nature(London) 404, 256 (2000). the laser pulses. [11] D. Liebfried et al., Nature(London) 422, 412 (2003). ThisworkissupportedbytheNSAandtheDTOunder [12] H. Haffner et al., ibid. 438, 643 (2005); S. Gulde et al., Nature (London) 421, 48 (2003). ARO contractW911NF-04-1-0234,the NSF under grant [13] B. B. Blinov et al., Nature (London) 428, 153 (2004); 0431476, and the A. P. 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