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Transverse Momentum Distributions in proton - proton Collisions at LHC Energies and Tsallis Thermodynamics 4 1 M.D.Azmi1 andJ. Cleymans2 0 2 1HEPLab,DepartmentofPhysics,AligarhMuslimUniversity,Aligarh-202002,India r 2UCT-CERNResearchCentreandDepartmentofPhysics,UniversityofCapeTown, a Rondebosch7701,SouthAfrica M 1 Abstract. A detailed study of the transverse momentum distributions of charged particles 3 produced in proton - proton collisions at LHC energies is presented. This is done ] using a thermodynamically consistent form of the Tsallis distribution. All variables used h are thermodynamical and in particular, the temperature, T, follows from the standard p thermodynamicdefinition as being the derivative of the energy with respect to the (Tsallis) - p entropy. Themomentumdistributionofthefinalstateparticlescanbedescribedverywellby e theTsallisdistribution.Thevaluesoftheparametersaredeterminedfrommeasurementsbythe h [ ALICE,ATLASandCMScollaborationsandarediscussedindetail. Inparticular,theTsallis parameter, q, is found with consistent values for all the transverse momentum distributions 4 v despitelargedifferencesinkinematicregionsandshowsa slightincreasewithbeamenergy, 5 reaching a value of 1.15 at 7 TeV. It is concluded that the hadronic system created in high- 3 energyp-pcollisionsatmid-rapiditycanbeseenasobeyingTsallisthermodynamics. 8 4 . 1 0 PACSnumbers:12.40.Ee,13.75.Cs,13.85.-t,05.70.-a,05.70.-a 4 1 : v i X r a TransverseMomentumandTsallisDistribution 2 1. Introduction The dynamics of colliding hadrons can be determined from the distribution of the momenta ofproduced particles. Theavailablerangeoftransversemomentahas expandedconsiderably with the advent of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. Collider energies up to 7 TeV are now available in proton - proton collisions and transverse momenta of hundreds of GeV are of a common occurrence. This helps in testing and applying the relativistic thermodynamics and hydrodynamics in a new energy region. Thermal models are part of the standard set of tools to analyze high-energy collisions and in this paper we investigate a thermodynamically consistent model based on the Tsallis distribution [1, 2]. This leads to a power law distribution which is well suited to describe the transverse momenta measured in p - p collisions. The Tsallis distribution was first proposed about twenty-five years ago as a generalizationoftheusualexponentialBoltzmann-Gibbsdistribution,andischaracterizedby threeparametersq,T andV. VariousversionsoftheTsallisdistributionhavebeenconsidered intheliterature[3,4,5,6,7,8,9]. Aformwhichissuitedfordescribingresultsinhighenergy particlephysicsisused inthispaper. ThevariableT used hereobeysthestandardthermodynamicrelation [10, 11], ¶ E T = , (1) ¶ S(cid:12) (cid:12)N,V (cid:12) and can, therefore, be re(cid:12)ferred as temperature. However, since the entropy used in Eq. (1) is theTsallisentropy[1]andnotthestandardentropy,wewillcallthevariabledefinedinEq.(1) as q-temperature. For a similar reason the volume V can be obtained from thermodynamic relationsas, ¶ H V = , (2) ¶ P(cid:12) (cid:12)N,S (cid:12) with H =E+PV is the(cid:12)standard definition of the enthalpy and could be called q-volume as it is obtained at fixed Tsallis entropy but we refrain from doing so and refer to it as volume but note that it is not necessarily related to a volume deduced from other models, say HBT calculations. Alotofinteresthasdevelopedrecently[12,13,14,15,16]intheTsallisdistributionand ithasbeenusedpreviouslytodescribethetransversemomentumdataofthechargedparticles produced in proton - protoncollisionsat RHIC and LHC energies [17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24]. A comparativestudy,whichhasnotbeen donebefore, oftheTsallisfitstothetransverse momentum distributions of the charged particles produced in proton - proton collisions measuredbyALICE,ATLASandCMScollaborationsispresentedhere. Theparametersused intheTsallisfitarestudiedatdifferentenergiesandunderdifferentkinematicalconditionsof the data collection. The parameters are measured at various multiplicities. The fit results the values of Tsallis parameter, q, in the range 1.1 to 1.15 for all the measured distributions and found to beconsistent in all the conditionsand at all energies. The T and R parameters show dependence on themultiplicityand on particleyields too. Theresults presented here confirm thatthehadronicsystemcreatedinhigh-energyp-pcollisionsobeysTsallisthermodynamics. TransverseMomentumandTsallisDistribution 3 2. TsallisDistribution The transverse momentum distribution in heavy-ion collisions is often described by a combination of transverse flow and a thermodynamical statistical distribution. In p - p collisions with the Tsallis distribution such a superposition is not needed and very good fits can beobtained. In theframeworkofTsallisstatistics[1, 8, 12, 10, 11]integralsover E m −q11 f = 1+(q 1) − − (3) (cid:20) − T (cid:21) givetheentropy,S,theparticlenumber,N, theenergy density,e , and thepressure, P. Usingthefunction x1 q 1 − ln (x) − , q ≡ 1 q − often referred to as q-logarithm, it can be shown[11] that the relevant thermodynamic quantitiesare givenby: d3p S = gV fqln f f , (4) − Z (2p )3 q − (cid:2) (cid:3) d3p N =gV fq, (5) Z (2p )3 d3p e =g E fq, (6) Z (2p )3 d3p p2 P =g fq. (7) Z (2p )33E whereV isthevolumeandg isthedegeneracy factor. Inordertousetheaboveequationsithastobeshownthattheysatisfythethermodynamic consistency conditions. The first and second laws of thermodynamics lead to the following twodifferentialrelations[25]: de =T ds+m dn, (8) dP=s dT +n dm . (9) where, s=S/V andn=N/V are theentropyand particlenumberdensities,respectively. Thermodynamicconsistencyrequires thatthefollowingrelationsbesatisfied: ¶e T = , (10) ¶ s(cid:12) (cid:12)n ¶e (cid:12) m = (cid:12) , (11) ¶ n(cid:12) (cid:12)s ¶ P(cid:12) (cid:12) n= , (12) ¶m (cid:12) (cid:12)T ¶ P (cid:12) (cid:12) s= . (13) ¶ T(cid:12) m (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) TransverseMomentumandTsallisDistribution 4 Eq. (10) in particular shows that the variable T appearing in Eq. (3) indeed can be identified as a thermodynamic temperature. As explained in the introduction we prefer to call it q-temperatureas it is based on theTsallis form of theentropy [1]. It is straightforward toshowthattheserelationsare indeedsatisfied [11]. It can easily be shown that the following thermodynamic consistency relation is also satisfied: e +P=Ts+m n. (14) Themomentumdistributionobtainedfrom Eq.(5)is givenby: d3N gV E m q/(q 1) − − = 1+(q 1) − , (15) d3p (2p )3(cid:20) − T (cid:21) or expressed in terms of variables used in high-energy physics, transverse momentum, p , T transversemass,m = p 2+m2 and rapidity,y: T T p d2N p m coshy m coshy m q/(q 1) T T T − − =gV 1+(q 1) − (16) dp dy (2p )2 (cid:20) − T (cid:21) T At mid-rapidity, y = 0, and for zero chemical potential, as is relevant at the LHC, Eq. (16) reduces to thefollowingexpression: d2N p m m q/(q 1) =gV T T 1+(q 1) T − − (17) dp dy(cid:12) (2p )2 − T T (cid:12)y=0 h i (cid:12) It is worth to me(cid:12)ntion that the parameterization given in Eq. (17) is close to the parameterization used for fitting the data taken at RHIC and LHC experiments [17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24]. The parameterization used by the RHIC and LHC experiments is given below: d2N dN (n 1)(n 2) mT m0 −n = p − − 1+ − , (18) T dp dy dy nC(nC+m (n 2))(cid:20) nC (cid:21) T 0 − wheren,C and m are thefit parameters usedin theparameterization. 0 At mid-rapidity, y = 0, and for zero chemical potential Eq. (18) shows the same dependenceonthetransversemomentumasEq.(17)exceptforanadditionalfactorm which T ispresent inEq. (17)butnotin Eq.(18). 3. Fitdetails The transverse momentum distributions of charged particles produced in p p collisions at − LHC energies were fitted using a sum of three Tsallis distributions. These consist of fits for p +’s,K+’sand protons, p. Thefollowingexpression,at mid-rapidityand m =0, was used to fit thedistributionsobtainedinvariousexperiments: ddp2Ncdhy(cid:12) =2pT(2Vp )2 (cid:229) 3 gimT,i 1+(q−1)mTT,i (q−−q1) (19) T (cid:12)y=0 i=1 h i (cid:12) where i = p +,K+,p. (cid:12) The relative weights between particles were determined by the corresponding degeneracy factors and given by gp + = gK+ = 1 and gp = 2. The factor 2 TransverseMomentumandTsallisDistribution 5 on therighthand sidetakes intoaccount thecontributionsfrom antiparticles,p ,K and p¯. − − Insomecasesthefollowingformofthedistributionwasusedtofittheexperimentaldata sets: 2p1p ddp2Ncdhy(cid:12) = (22pV)3 (cid:229) 3 gimT,i 1+(q−1)mTT,i (q−−q1) (20) T T (cid:12)y=0 i=1 h i (cid:12) The transverse momentum s(cid:12)pectra of primary charged particles measured by the ALICE collaboration [20] in INEL p p collisions at √s = 900 GeV ( h <0.8), normalized to the − | | total number of INEL events, N , for three different multiplicity selections (n ) together evt acc withtheTsallisfits, Eq.(17), is shownin Fig. 1. 1 102 -c) V/ ALICE, pp, INEL e G 10 s = 900 GeV, |h | < 0.8 ) ( hd pT 1 d /(h 2Ndc10-1 (1/Nevt10-2 10-3 10-4 nacc = 17 (x 200) 10-5 nacc = 7 (x 5) nacc = 3 10-6 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 p (GeV/c) T Figure1. TransversemomentumdistributionsofchargedparticlesasmeasuredbytheALICE collaborationin p pcollisionsat√s=0.9TeVfittedwithTsallisdistribution. − The charged hadron yields as measured by the CMS collaboration [21, 22] in the range h <2.4innon-single-diffractive(NSD)eventsasafunctionof p atallthreecenter-of-mass T | | energies, fitted withTsallisdistributionareshowninFig. 2. Fig. 3 shows the charged particle multiplicities as a function of transverse momentum measured by the ATLAS collaboration [23] for events with n 1, p > 500 MeV and ch T ≥ h <2.5 at√s =0.9,2.36 and7 TeV fitted withTsallisdistribution. | | The Tsallis fits for the charged particle multiplicities as a function of transverse momentum measured by the ATLAS collaboration [23] for events with n 2, p > 100 ch T ≥ MeV and h <2.5at √s= 0.9and 7TeV are showninFig. 4. | | Fig. 5 shows the Tsallis fits on the charged particle multiplicities as a function of transverse momentum measured by the ATLAS collaboration [23] for events with n 6, ch ≥ p >500 MeVand h <2.5at √s =0.9and 7 TeV. T | | Fig. 6showstheTsallisfitsforthechargedparticlecrosssectionforthreedifferentbeam TransverseMomentumandTsallisDistribution 6 2 -V/c)103 CMS, pp collisions, |h | < 2.4 e G (T102 p d hd 10 /h Nc 2d 1 ) T p 10-1 p2 1/( 10-2 10-3 10-4 s = 7 TeV (x 100) s = 2.36 TeV (x 10) 10-5 s = 0.9 TeV 10-6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 p (GeV/c) T Figure2. TransversemomentumdistributionsofchargedparticlesasmeasuredbytheCMS collaborationin p pcollisionsat√s=0.9,2.36and7TeVfittedwithTsallisdistribution. − energies, 0.9,2.76 and7 TeV measured recentlyby theALICE collaboration[24]. In all cases thefits are verygood. 4. Results ThetransversemomentumspectrumoftheprimarychargedparticlesmeasuredbytheALICE, CMSandATLAScollaborationsandcrosssectionmeasuredbytheALICEcollaboration[20, 21, 22, 23, 24] in p p collisions at LHC energies were fitted using the Tsallis distribution − givenin Eq.(17). Though,thekinematicalconditionsofthedatatakingofallthethreecollaborationswere different. The Tsallis distribution fits well to the measured p spectrum as well as the cross T section. The values of the Tsallis parameter, q, the q-temperature, T, and the radius, R, defined as R (3V/4p )1/3 obtained from the fits of the p spectrum are shown in Figs. 7, 8 and 9, T ≡ respectively. The values of the q parameter shows a clear increase with beam energy. The collaborations show consistent compatible results. It is to be noted that the parameter q can bedeterminedwithafairly highprecision. The results for the q-temperature, T, shown in Fig. 8 are compatible and show no clear dependenceonthebeamenergy. Theonlypointsthatareclearlyhigherarethoseobtainedby theATLAScollaborationfordatawithahighnumberofcharged particles(n 6). ch ≥ TheresultsfortheparameterRagainshowaclearincreasewithbeamenergy,whichwas notseen in apreviousanalysis[16]. Againtheresultsare compatible. TransverseMomentumandTsallisDistribution 7 2 104 -V/c)103 nch ‡ 1, pT > 500 MeV, |h | < 2.5 e G102 (pT10 d 1 hd /Nch10-1 2) d10-2 T p10-3 p2 1/(10-4 Nev10-5 1/10-6 10-7 10-8 s = 7 TeV (x 100) 10-9 s = 2.36 TeV (x 10) 10-10 s = 0.9 TeV 10-11 1 10 102 p (GeV/c) T Figure3.TransversemomentumdistributionsofchargedparticlesasmeasuredbytheATLAS collaborationatallthreecenter-of-massenergiestogetherwithTsallisfit. 2 103 -V/c)102 nch ‡ 2, pT > 100 MeV, |h | < 2.5 e G 10 (pT 1 d hd10-1 /h Nc10-2 2d ) T10-3 p 10-4 p2 1/(10-5 Nev10-6 1/ 10-7 10-8 10-9 s = 7 TeV (x 10) 10-10 10-11 s = 0.9 TeV 10-12 10-1 1 10 102 p (GeV/c) T Figure4.TransversemomentumdistributionsofchargedparticlesasmeasuredbytheATLAS collaborationinthemostinclusivephase-spacespaceregionat√s=0.9and7TeVtogether withTsallisfit. TransverseMomentumandTsallisDistribution 8 2 103 -V/c)102 nch ‡ 6, pT > 500 MeV, |h | < 2.5 e G 10 (T p 1 d hd10-1 /h Nc10-2 2d ) 1T0-3 p 10-4 p2 1/(10-5 Nev10-6 1/ 10-7 10-8 10-9 s = 7 TeV (x 10) 10-10 10-11 s = 0.9 TeV 10-12 1 10 102 p (GeV/c) T Figure 5. Transverse momentum distributions of charged particles with the smallest contribution from diffractive events as measured by the ATLAS collaboration at √s = 0.9 and7TeVtogetherwithTsallisfit. 2)c104 ALICE, pp, INEL, |h | < 0.8 -2V103 e G102 b m 10 ) (pT 1 d h d10-1 )/(ch10-2 2sd10-3 ) (pT10-4 p1/(210-5 10-6 10-7 s = 7 TeV 10-8 s = 2.76 TeV 10-9 s = 0.9 TeV 10-10 10-1 1 10 102 p (GeV/c) T Figure6. CrosssectionofchargedparticlesasmeasuredbytheALICEcollaboration[24]at differentenergies. TransverseMomentumandTsallisDistribution 9 1.3 1.25 11..22 q 1.15 1.11 1.05 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 2.36 7 0.9 2.36 7 0.9 2.76 7 0.81 ALICE CMS ATLAS AALLIICCEE Figure 7. The Tsallis parameter q obtained from fits to the p spectrum. Results from the T ALICE collaboration are indicated with square points, CMS by triangles and ATLAS by circles.Thebeamenergyisgivenonthex-axis.ThefirstthreepointsfromALICEcorrespond todifferentvaluesofacceptedchargedparticles,nacc=3,7and17respectively. 120 110 100 90 ) V e M ( T 80 70 60 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 2.36 7 0.9 2.36 7 0.9 2.76 7 50 ALICE CMS ATLAS ALICE Figure 8. The q-temperature, T, obtained from fits to the p spectrum. Results from the T ALICE collaboration are indicated with square points, from CMS by triangles, those from ATLAS by circles. The first three points were obtained at a beam energy of 900 GeV and correspondtodifferentvaluesofacceptedchargedparticles,nacc=3,7and17respectively. TransverseMomentumandTsallisDistribution 10 6 5 4 ) m R (f nch _> 1 nch _> 2 nch _> 6 3 2 0.9 2.36 7 0.9 7 0.9 7 0.9 2.36 7 0.9 2.76 7 1 ATLAS CMS ALICE Figure 9. The radius, R, obtained from fits to the p spectrum. The results from ATLAS T areindicatedbycircles, CMSbytrianglesandALICEbysquarepoints. TheATLASpoints correspondtodifferentacceptancesofchargedparticles. Thebeamenergiesaregivenonthe x-axis. 5. Conclusions A thermodynamically consistent form of the Tsallis distribution, Eq. (17), gives an excellent descriptionofthetransversemomentumspectraandcrosssectionoftheprimarychargedpar- ticlesmeasured in p p collisionsat √s=0.9, 2.36,7 TeVand 2.76 TeV, respectively. − The values of the Tsallis parameter, q, are found between 1.11 to 1.15 and show a clear increasewithbeam energy. As observed from the fit of p spectra measured by the ALICE, ATLAS and CMS col- T laborations [20, 23, 21, 22, 24], the q-temperature, T, is consistent with being constant as a functionofbeam energy. Thevaluesofradius,R, showsasmallincreasewithbeam energy. Overall, the values obtained for the Tsallis parameter, q, are remarkably consistent, a featurewhich doesnot becomeapparent when usingtheparameterization ofEq.(18). It is concluded that the hadronic system created in high-energy p - p collisions at central ra- piditycan beseen asobeyingTsallisthermodynamics.

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