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Transversal designs and induced 5 1 decompositions of graphs ∗ 0 2 n a Csilla Bujt´as 1 Zsolt Tuza 1,2 J 4 1 1 Department of Computer Science and Systems Technology ] University of Pannonia O Veszpr´em, Hungary C . h 2 Alfr´ed R´enyi Institute of Mathematics t a Hungarian Academy of Sciences m Budapest, Hungary [ 1 v Latest update on 2015–01–14 8 1 5 3 0 . Abstract 1 0 We prove that for every complete multipartite graph F there exist 5 1 very dense graphs Gn on n vertices, namely with as many as n2 −cn : edgesforalln,forsomeconstantc = c(F),suchthatG canbe(cid:0)d(cid:1)ecom- v n i posed into edge-disjoint induced subgraphs isomorphic to F. This re- X sultidentifiesandstructurallyexplainsagapbetweenthegrowthrates r a O(n)and Ω(n3/2) on the minimumnumber of non-edges in graphs ad- mitting an induced F-decomposition. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 05C35, 05C70. Keywords and Phrases: induced subgraph, edge decomposition, complete multipartite graph, extremal graph theory. ∗ Research supported in part by the Hungarian State and the European Union under the grant TAMOP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV-2012-0072 1 1 Introduction In this paper we study an extremal problem raised by Bondy and Szwarcfiter [3]in2013,andextendtheresultsprovedin[3,6,9]. Throughout, weconsider simple undirected graphs, withthecentral concept ofinduced decomposition, under which we mean edge-decomposition into induced subgraphs. 1.1 The problem to be studied Definition 1 For two graphs F and G, an induced F-decomposition of G is a collection {F ,...,F } of induced subgraphs of G such that 1 ℓ • each F is isomorphic to F (1 ≤ i ≤ ℓ), i • the subgraphs are pairwise edge-disjoint, and • ℓ E(F ) = E(G). i=1 i S Clearly, for any fixed F different from K , not all graphs G admit an 2 induced F-decomposition. Especially, if F is not a complete graph and the induced decomposition exists, then G cannot be complete. Therefore, the following problem was proposed by Bondy and Szwarcfiter. Problem 2 ([3]) Given a graph F and a positive integer n ≥ |V(F)|, de- termine the maximum number ex∗(n,F) of edges in a graph G of order n which admits an induced F-decomposition. For the asymptotic version of this problem, the following basic result was proved by Cohen and Tuza. Theorem 3 ([6]) For every graph F we have ex∗(n,F) = n −o(n2). 2 (cid:0) (cid:1) Note that this theorem is analogous to a result of Frankl and Fu¨redi from [8]; the latter one is discussed in a more general framework. Theorem 3 suggests that in fact the ‘complementary’ function n ex∗(n,F) = −ex∗(n,F) (cid:18)2(cid:19) istheappropriatesubject of study, asit ismoreinformativewhen asymptotic results are desired. 2 1.2 A short summary of earlier asymptotic results • If F is a complete graph then, by Wilson’s theorem [10], we infer that for each k the equality ex∗(n,K ) = 0 holds with infinitely many values k of n. In general, ex∗(n,K ) = O(n) holds for every k ≥ 2. k • As observed in [3], if F′ is obtained from F by extending it with an isolated vertex, ex∗(n,F) ≤ ex∗(n,F′) ≤ ex∗(n−1,F)+n−1 holds. • If F is isolate-free and non-complete then ex∗(n,F) = Ω(n). This was proved recently by Hal´asz and Tuza [9]. Particularly, this linear lower bound is asymptotically sharp; that is, ex∗(n,F) = Θ(n) holds if F is a complete bipartite or tripartite graph which is non-complete [9]. • IfF isisolate-free, non-completeandnotacompletemultipartitegraph, then ex∗(n,F) = Ω(n3/2) [9]. This bound was proved to be asymp- totically sharp for P , C , 2K and K − P in [3, 6, 9]. Moreover, 4 6 2 4 3 as a consequence of results in [1], with Noga Alon we proved that ex∗(n,F) = Θ(n3/2) is valid for every disconnected graph F whose each component is complete bipartite [2]. A more detailed summary of results (not only of the asymptotic ones) and of open problems is given in [4]. Concerning the lower bound Ω(n) in the third point above, one can ob- serve that the exclusion of isolated vertices is in fact irrelevant. Proposition 4 If each vertex of F has a non-neighbor (and, in particular, if F has an isolated vertex), then ex∗(n,F) ≥ n/2. Proof. Underthegivenassumption, ifGadmitsaninducedF-decomposition then every vertex of G, too, must have a non-neighbor. (cid:3) 3 1.3 Our main contributions The most important contribution of this paper is as follows. Theorem 5 If F is a complete multipartite graph, then ex∗(n,F) = O(n). Together with the earlier results cited above and with Proposition 4, Theorem 5 immediately implies the following consequences. The first one is the characterization of linear growth, while the second one identifies a gap in the exponents of possible growth functions for ex∗(n,F). Corollary 6 We have ex∗(n,F) = Θ(n) if and only if either F is a complete graph plus at least one isolated vertex, or F is a complete multipartite graph having at least one non-edge, possibly together with some isolated vertices. Corollary 7 If 1 < c < 3/2, there exists no F satisfying ex∗(n,F) = Θ(nc). In some steps of the constructions we apply design-theoretic methods, in particular ‘transversal designs’, whose formal definition is given in Section 2. Using those structures the following result will be proved. Theorem 8 Let F = K , and supposethatthere exists a transversalde- a1,...,ak sign TD(k,a ) for each i = 1,2,...,k. Then the complete multipartite graph i F∗ = K with m = k a admits an F-decomposition. Moreover, ma1,...,mak i=1 i such a decomposition can beQencoded with m2 integer sequences of length 2k whose ith and (k +i)th terms vary between 1 and a . i After some preliminary observations in Section 2, we prove our main result, Theorem 5 in Section 3. The proof of Theorem 8 is given in Section 4. We close the paper with several open problems and conjectures. 2 Edge decompositions of complete k-partite graphs In this section we make some preparations towards the proofs of Theorems 5 and 8. In the first subsection we recall some important known facts from the theory of transversal designs. In the second subsection we construct de- compositions of some restricted classes of graphs — having the same number of partite classes that the fixed given graph F has — which will be applied later for the general results. 4 2.1 Transversal designs In general, a transversal design has three parameters: the “order” or “group- size” n, the “blocksize” k, and the “index” λ. For our purpose, however, only the case λ = 1 will be relevant, therefore we disregard the general definition. Hence, the combinatorial structure denoted TD(k,n) is a triple (X,G,B), where 1. X is a set of kn elements; 2. G = (X ,X ,...,X ) is a partition of X into k classes X (the groups), 1 2 k i each of size n; 3. B is a collection of k-element subsets of X (the blocks); 4. every unordered pair of elements from X is contained either in exactly one group or in exactly one block, but not both. The more widely known structures of Latin squares are arrangements of the numbers 1,2,...,n in an n×n square in such a way that each number occursprecisely once ineachrow andalso ineach column. Two Latinsquares (a ) and (b ) are said to be orthogonal if their position-wise ij 1≤i,j≤n ij 1≤i,j≤n concatenation {a b | 1 ≤ i ≤ n, 1 ≤ j ≤ n} lists all the n2 ordered pairs of ij ij {1,2,...,n}×{1,2,...,n}. We shall apply the following two facts, the first of which is not very hard to prove. Lemma 9 (see Theorem 3.18 in [7]) The existence of a TD(k,n) is equiva- lent to the existence of k −2 mutually orthogonal Latin squares of order n. Lemma 10 (Chowla, Erd˝os and Straus, [5]) The maximum number of mu- tually orthogonal Latin squares of order n tends to infinity as n → ∞. 2.2 Decompositions of complete k-partite graphs Next, we describe some steps which make it possible to apply transversal designs to the general decomposition problem. We begin with a definition. 5 Definition 11 Let G = (V,E) and F = (X,H) be k-partite graphs with vertex partitions V = V ∪···∪V and X = X ∪···∪X . Assume further 1 k 1 k that |V|/|X| = p is an integer and that |V | = p|X | for all 1 ≤ i ≤ k. i i An embedded F-decomposition of G is an F-decomposition with the further property that each V is partitioned into p sets, i V = V ∪···∪V i i,1 i,p and, for each copy of F in the decomposition, each partite set X coincides i with some V inside V . i,j i Lemma 12 Let k and a ,...,a be fixed natural numbers. Then, for every 1 k sufficiently large integer p, the complete multipartite graph K has an pa1,...,pak embedded K -decomposition. a1,...,ak Proof. BasedonLemma 10 we canchoose a threshold valuep = p (k) such 0 0 that there exist at least k −2 mutually orthogonal Latin squares of order p whenever p > p holds. Then, by Lemma 9, there exists a transversal design 0 TD(k,p) of order p and blocksize k. Observe that TD(k,p) is precisely an edge decomposition of the complete k-partite graph K into copies of the p,...,p complete graph K . Substituting mutually disjoint sets of cardinality a for k i all vertices in the ith group of TD(k,p) for i = 1,2,...,k, each copy of K k becomes a copy of K . Thus, an embedded K -decomposition of a1,...,ak a1,...,ak K is obtained. (cid:3) pa1,...,pak Choosing p as in the proof above, and letting a∗ = pa for i = 1,2,...,k 0 i i with an arbitrarily fixed p > p , we obtain: 0 Corollary 13 For every k-tuple (a ,...,a ) of positive integers there exists 1 k a k-tuple (a∗,...,a∗) such that 1 k • Ka∗1,...,a∗k has an embedded Ka1,...,ak-decomposition; • a transversal design TDi =TD(k,a∗) exists for each i = 1,2,...,k. i The applicability of this approach is demonstrated by Theorem 8, which was stated in the Introduction and will be proved in Section 4. 6 3 Proof of the linear upper bound In this section we prove Theorem 5. Let F = K be a fixed given graph. With reference to Lemma 12 we a1,...,ak choose an integer p > 1 such that • p is a multiple of k a , i=1 i Q • F := K has an embedded F-decomposition. p pa1,...,pak The general form of Wilson’s theorem yields that there exists a modulus q and a residue r such that the complete graph K has an F-decomposition sq+r whenever s ≥ s = s (F) is sufficiently large. Note that, regarding the linear 0 0 upper bound to be proved, we may assume that n is large. We write n in the form n = (sq+r)·p+t (s ≥ s , 0 ≤ t ≤ pq −1) 0 and define n′ = sq +r. Step 1. Decompose Kn′ into edge-disjoint copies of F. Of course, those copies are non-induced subgraphs of Kn′ (unless F itself is a complete graph, which case we disregard). Step 2. Replace each vertex of Kn′ with an independent set of cardinality p. That is, two vertices are adjacent if and only if they belong to different independent sets; in this way the graph G′ := K −(sq +r)·K = K − n−t ·K (sq+r)·p p n−t p p is obtained. Moreover, each copy of F in Kn′ becomes a copy of Fp in G′. Observe that, although the copies of F are still non-induced, the ith vertex p class of cardinality pa is the union of a independent sets of size p each. i i Step 3. In any copy of F , if an independent set S of size p belongs to the p ith vertex class of F , then partition S into p/a disjoint sets. In this way p i the a independent p-element sets inside the ith vertex class together yield a i partition of that class into p independent sets of size a each. i 7 Step 4. Denoting by V ,...,V the vertex classes in the copy of F , and by 1 k p V the sets in the partition obtained (1 ≤ i ≤ k, 1 ≤ j ≤ p, |V | = a for all i,j i,j i i and j), the embedded F-decomposition of F — guaranteed by Lemma 12 p and by the choice of p — yields p2 copies of F which are induced subgraphs of G′. Step 5. Complete the construction with t isolated vertices, to obtain a graph G. It is clear that this G admits an induced F-decomposition. It remains to observe that the complement of G has no more than a linear number of edges. There are t +tn−t2 < tn < pqn vertex pairs containing 2 at least one of the t isolated(cid:0)v(cid:1)ertices; and the number of non-edges in G′ is exactly n−t · p < pn/2. Thus, p 2 (cid:0) (cid:1) n ex∗(n,F) ≤ −|E(G)| < (pq +p/2)·n = O(n). (cid:18)2(cid:19) This completes the proof of Theorem 5. 4 Complete k-partite graphs and transversal designs Here we prove Theorem 8. Recall that F = K , F∗ = K , a1,...,ak ma1,...,mak and m = k a . It is now assumed that there exists a transversal design i=1 i TD(k,ai) Q= (Xi,Gi,Bi) for every i = 1,2,...,k, which we shall refer to as TDi or TDi(k,a ). Those TDi will become important in the last step of the i construction. In order to simplify notation throughout, we write the usual shorthand [a ] = {1,2,...,a }. i i Notation. For 1 ≤ i ≤ k, 1 ≤ p ≤ a , and 1 ≤ q ≤ k, the pth element in i the qth group Xi of TDi(k,a ) will be denoted by πi(p,q). (Inside each group q i the elements are numbered as 1,2,...,a .) Note that for all 1 ≤ p,p′ ≤ a i i and all 1 ≤ q,q′ ≤ k (q 6= q′), a block in Bi containing the pth element of the qth group and the (p′)th element of the (q′)th group in TDi(k,a ) exists and i is unique. 8 Construction. Let the vertex set of F∗ be V = V1 ∪···∪Vk, |Vi| = ma for i = 1,...,k. i Perhaps the best way of thinking about Vi is to view it as a k-dimensional box composed of unit-cube cells containing a items each; in the jth direction i the box has size a . In this view we see a layers orthogonal to the ith j i direction, each of those layers consists of m/a cells, and hence each layer i contains precisely m items. Stating this in a more formal description, we partition each Vi into m disjoint sets of cardinality a (corresponding to the contents of the cells), and i represent each of those subsets inside Vi with a vector j = (j ,...,j ) ∈ [a ]×···×[a ] 1 k 1 k of length k, so that Vi = Vi. j [ j∈[a1]×···×[ak] In this way a copy of F inside F∗ is characterized by a k-tuple of vectors, (j1,...,jk) ∈ ([a ]×···×[a ])k, 1 k where ji = (ji,...,ji) ∈ [a ]×···×[a ] 1 k 1 k for i = 1,2,...,k. Let us refer to this (j1,...,jk) as the detailed representa- tion of the copy in question. There are (mai)(mai′) = m2aiai′ edges of F∗ between Vi and Vi′, and each copy of F contains aiai′ edges between those two partite sets. Thus, we have to define m2 edge-disjoint copies of F inside F∗. The key point is how to shuffle the vertex sets of the m2 copies to ensure that those subgraphs compose a partition of the edge set of F∗. The copies of F will be encoded with vectors of length 2k (i.e., a suitable collection of k2-dimensional vectors will be encoded with (2k)-dimensional ones), which we shall view as concatenations of two vectors (b,c) ∈ ([a ]×···×[a ])2 1 k where b = (b ,...,b ) ∈ [a ]×···×[a ], 1 k 1 k 9 c = (c ,...,c ) ∈ [a ]×···×[a ] 1 k 1 k are vectors of length k. We identify a copy of F for any given (b,c) in the way detailed next. • Generally speaking, the first k coordinates (i.e., those of b) specify a k-tuple of layers (one layer in each of the boxes Vi) that means a copy of K ; and the role of c is similar, but “rotating” by 1 among m,...,m the boxes, e.g. while the first coordinate of b will provide a data for V1, the first coordinate of c will be relevant for V2, hence specifying a second copy of K . After that, the transversal designs will be m,...,m used for defining further k − 2 layers inside each Vi. Having all this at hand, exactly k layers are determined inside each box, and all the intersections of those layers in the different boxes together uniquely identify a copy of F associated with (b,c). • Theith coordinateb ofbdetermines thattheith partiteset ofF (inside i Vi)mustbeoneofthoseVi whichhavej = b . Thisequivalentlymeans j i i that ji = b holds in the detailed representation. (Recall that ji has i i the form ji = (ji,...,ji).) 1 k • The ith coordinate c of c determines the ith coordinate ji+1 of the next i i ji+1 in the detailed representation. (For i = k we mean jk+1 = j1.) • By the definition of the transversal designs TDi(k,a ), there is a unique i blockBi = Bi(b,c) ∈ Bi suchthatbothπi(b ,i) ∈ Bi andπi(c ,i+1) ∈ i i Bi. (Also here, the successor i+1 of i = k is meant to be 1.) Then the ith coordinate of the copy of F associated with (b,c) in Vi′, that is ji′ i in the representation (j1,...,jk), is defined as ji′ = Bi ∩Xi for all i′. i i′ This is our defining rule for i′ ∈/ {i,i+1}, but the formula is valid also for i′ ∈ {i,i+1} because this was the way we selected Bi. Verification of requirements. It is clear that precisely m2 copies are defined in this way. Since the total number of edges in those copies is equal to that in F∗, the proof will be done if we show that each edge of F∗ is contained in some copy of F. This is equivalent to saying that each edge vivi′ (vi ∈ Vi, vi′ ∈ Vi′) determines all the k2 coordinates of some k-tuple of vectors (j1,...,jk). The property is valid indeed, as can be seen from the following considerations. 10

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