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Transporting People, Transforming Lives - TMACC PDF

40 Pages·2010·6.55 MB·English
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Transporting People, Transforming Lives About This Publication The Transportation Management Association of Chester County (TMACC) was commissioned by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) to highlight the importance of transportation programs funded by the Job Access and Reverse Commute (JARC) program. JARC, which is administered by the Federal Transit Administration, was established to address the unique transportation challenges faced by welfare recipients and low- income persons seeking to obtain and maintain employment. TMACC interviewed commuters and businesses throughout Pennsylvania and compiled their testimonials in this publication. Their testimonials illustrate the value of JARC and its effect on the lives of people and businesses that rely on JARC-funded programs. Transporting People, Transforming Lives Job Access ReveRse commute Improving access to jobs is essential to the economic viability of Despite the overwhelming success of America. Millions of employers throughout the country rely on transit JARC, funding for the program may agencies to provide transportation services for their employees to be eliminated or signifcantly cut commute to work on a daily basis. if Congress fails to reauthorize the federal surface transportation bill, Many transit agencies have developed specialized service that links SAFETEA-LU. lower-income communities to employment opportunities. In many cases, these transit routes provide service from urban areas to jobs in SAFETEA-LU – the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, retail and commercial sectors in the suburbs. The Job Access Reverse Effcient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users – is the bill that Commute (JARC) program provides funding for these transportation governs United States federal surface transportation spending. It expired services. on September 30, 2009. Congress is expected to begin working on a replacement bill for the next six-year period in 2011. The two major goals of the JARC program are to provide transportation services in urban, suburban and rural areas to assist welfare recipients and low-income individuals in gaining access to employment opportunities, and to increase collaboration among transportation providers, human service agencies, employers, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), states and communities in providing access to employment. This publication provides a platform for the individuals, companies and social service industries that rely on JARC-funded programs. The testimonials of employees and employers highlight the importance of the JARC program. Coatesville Link provides From a business perspective, JARC is an economic development tool. It daily access to and from improves transit accessibility to employment centers, helping businesses places of employment expand its pool of prospective employees and improve recruitment and retention efforts. From a societal perspective, JARC provides individuals an opportunity to successfully transition into the workforce. Testimonials from single parents to ex-offenders illustrate the life-altering impact of JARC. Being able to move from welfare dependency to fnancial independence encourages people to succeed and provide a better future for themselves and their families. 3 “Improving access to jobs is essential to the economic viability of America.” Transporting People, Transforming Lives A HistoRY An economic LifeLine The Job Access Reverse Commute (JARC) The Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) created JARC. Under program created by TEA-21 has been TEA-21, funding awards were based on regional interest and demonstrated commitment a powerful tool in creating new job to serving low income population centers through earmarks. In Pennsylvania, the opportunities for low income individuals. majority of funding—approximately $7 million annually—was awarded in southeastern JARC projects have provided transportation and southwestern Pennsylvania. The result was a variety of services designed and from center city to suburban job sites, have coordinated to meet the diverse transportation needs of employers, employees and job extended service hours to meet second and seekers in each region. third shift transportation needs for entry level positions and have created access to critical SAFETEA-LU resulted in a major change to JARC funding distribution. Instead of employment support sites, particularly child earmarks directed to well established and utilized services, it distributes formula funding care and job training facilities. To meet the throughout the Commonwealth. The results are: growing transportation needs of low-income 1. A signifcant reduction in funding levels in Pennsylvania’s two major urbanized areas individuals seeking reliable transportation by almost 60%, from $7 million to approximately $3 million annually. to employment and related support services, JARC must have adequate funding and the 2. A small JARC program of funding—approximately $2 million annually—for small program must be focused on results rather urban and rural areas of the Commonwealth. than process. 3. The creation of incredible administrative requirements in relation to the level of JARC provides access to jobs; creates funding to access JARC funds. employment opportunities; encourages business development; spurs economic 4. The diversion of funds from urban development; and offers a sense of areas which actually have reverse independence to those who were once reliant commute opportunities to rural on public assistance. JARC is responsible for areas where the need is minimal thousands of success stories, several of which — resulting in rural projects are outlined in this packet. which are unlikely to produce the level of benefts currently occurring in the urbanized areas. 4 REAUTHORIZATION RECOMMENDATION JARC should be reauthorized in a manner consistent with an overall concept which emphasizes streamlining the number of federal programs and the administrative requirements while focusing on results. Transporting People, Transforming Lives Pittsburgh — Restoring Lives and Communities Andrew Sims sat stunned next to his mother and aunt in the pews 3,250 Pittsburgh-area residents to of Central Baptist Church on Nov. 16, 2008. He was the one being attend programs to help them gain praised. employment. Since it’s inception in 2006, the ETAP has help more than His pastor, Rev. Victor J. Grigsby, and his fellow worshippers applauded 75 percent of Travelers Aid clients him. Sims was named the church’s 2008 Man of the Year for his work retain employment. at the church and in his community. It is a signifcant honor. Central Baptist Church, located in the city’s Hill District for 114 years, is one “I try to tell any and everybody about the of the oldest and most active churches in Pittsburgh. The church program,” Sims said. “That’s how you get the word out.” has a charter school, a credit union and a community development With the support of CWDC-East and transportation assistance from corporation with plans to build senior housing, a community center and ETAP, Sims found a job at a local restaurant. His experience has retail businesses. inspired him to dream and begin planning to operate his own restaurant Sims’ journey to that November day of his life had been a little in the near future. When he’s not at work, Sims cooks meals for the bumpy. A run-in with the law landed Sims, a Patterson, N.J. native, homeless at his church’s soup kitchen. on probation a few years ago. He moved to Pittsburgh two years ago to be closer to family. Being an ex-offender, his efforts to fnd stable employment were not successful. Sims did not have the resources to rebuild his life. He wanted and believed in his own rehabilitation. He found others who believed in him. His determination led him to Carena Phillips, director of the Career and Workforce Development Center East (CWDC-East) in Pittsburgh. Her organization has a program specifcally to help ex-offenders, like Sims, fnd employment as well as attend other meetings and activities in relation to their rehabilitation. The recidivism rate among ex-offenders drops signifcantly when they are able to obtain employment. However, Sims, like the majority of people in the ex-offenders’ program, did not have a car and needed transportation to job interviews and job training. “It’s important to help them reduce the barriers frst by looking at what issues they have,” Phillips said. “We look at the entire picture before we place a person in a job.” The CWDC-East participates in the Travelers Aid’s Employment Transportation Assistance Program (ETAP), which enables more than Andrew Sims waits for his bus home from work. 5 “The transportation assistance enabled Sims to save money and build a foundation for a better, more productive life.” Transporting People, Transforming Lives “Without the JARC funds, we would not be able to provide these clients the bus passes to attend employment related activities, because JARC funding enables us to manage the program,” said Melissa Katich, ETAP Program Director. The goal of the ETAP is to see an improvement of employment and training program completion, as well as retention and advancement success rates through the provision of dedicated transportation assistance. Participants receive up to 18 months transportation assistance; however, the majority of participants complete the program in six months. By utilizing social service and non-proft agencies throughout the Pittsburgh area, the ETAP has successfully grown into an essential program. Linda Rohrbaugh, Assistant Director of the Northern Area Multi- Service Center of Allegheny County, uses the ETAP to break down transportation barriers for her clients. “The program has permitted us to work with our participants focusing on learning to budget transportation as a necessity to job success,” Andrew Sims preparing meals at the Central Baptist Church Soup Kitchen. Rohrbaugh said. “Our statistics indicate that the participants in the ETAP increased income at all levels. Participants reported that they were His personal journey of redemption and his work with his church earned able to keep appointments on a more regular basis. There were fewer him the church’s Man of the Year Award. program dropouts than compared to those participants not receiving the benefts of the ETAP.” JARC made it possible for Sims’ success. The transportation assistance enabled Sims to save money and build a foundation for a better, more productive life. Travelers Aid, a non-proft, United Way agency providing social service programs to people in need of public transportation, uses a JARC grant to administer its Employment Transportation Assistance Program (ETAP). 6 Transporting People, Transforming Lives lancaster — Job Retention Pam Winder has a sparkling personality and a hot pink cane. She needs Despite all of her challenges, Winder is both to do her job. Without public transit, she wouldn’t even have a doing well. Since she’s been working at job. Wal-Mart, Winder has earned enough money to move out of subsidized For the past seven years, Winder has worked at a Wal-Mart Superstore housing into a nicer, safer apartment in Lancaster, where she specializes in customer service. Her pleasant complex. She wonders how long she’ll disposition is an asset when she is assisting shoppers and answering calls be eligible to use the late-night shuttle. to the store. She works the second shift – 2 to 11 p.m. Marchel E. Simmons, customer service manager for Red Rose Transit, Because there isn’t any public transit service in Lancaster after 10:30 explained that the goal of JARC-funded programs is to help people like p.m., Red Rose Transit Authority (RRTA) developed the Metro Area Winder become fnancially independent. Like subsidized housing, the Demand Responsive Services program which provides special shuttle Metro Area Demand Responsive Services program has income eligibility service for second and third shift workers in the Lancaster metropolitan requirements. Customers must have income levels within 150 percent of region. The “door-to-door” shuttle service is limited to a six-mile radius the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines (FPIG’s) to use the service. Those of Lancaster City. The program is funded by the Job Access Reverse who earn more are expected to solve their own transportation problems; Commute (JARC) program. for example, buying a car. Winder has used the late night shuttle service for the past four years. As of Spring 2009, nearly 200 people use the late-night shuttle each She would not be able to work without it. She estimates that it would month. Simmons expects more to use the service when she begins cost about $25 to take a taxi home from work. She pays $2.50 a night promoting the service to restaurants and retail businesses that need for the shuttle. employees to work later shifts. “That’s my only means of transportation,” she said. “I would have to beg people to take me home. People don’t take care of each other anymore. It’s bad. You can’t depend on people anymore.” Walking is not an option either for the 55-year-old grandmother. Winder has endured sciatic nerve problems ever since she was involved in a near-fatal car accident a few years ago. She has pain in her back, hips and knees. She also has carpel tunnel syndrome in both wrists. “I can’t stand too long. I can’t sit too long,” she said, grabbing her hot pink cane. Wal-Mart employee Trinnissa Lindsey utilizes Red Rose Transit Authority for “door-to-door” shuttle service. 7 “With the economy being bad, our associates defnitely need transportation alternatives.” Transporting People, Transforming Lives Russell Lancaster, co-manager of the Wal-Mart, said the shuttle service helps Wal-Mart retain many of its 330 employees. “With the economy being bad, our associates defnitely need transportation alternatives,” he said. “We just lost an associate due to transportation issues.” Bill Edgington works in the dairy department of the Wal- Mart Superstore. Like Winder, he works the second shift and takes the shuttle home. “It’s an extremely necessary program for many people,” Edgington said. “[If service was discontinued] I probably would have to change my hours, if that would be possible.” The Wal-Mart Superstore is open 24 hours and 364 days a year. The store is only closed on Christmas Day. Wal- Mart employees relish working on holidays because of the overtime pay. Unfortunately, the late-night shuttle does not operate on holidays. Employees looking to earn extra money by working on holidays face familiar transportation issues. “On holidays, I would have to bum a ride from someone,” Edgington said. Additional JARC funding would allow Red Rose Transit to expand its services to meet the needs of employees like Edgington. Wal-Mart Co-Manager Russell Lancaster at bus stop near the store. 8 Transporting People, Transforming Lives Pittsburgh — Breaking the Cycle of Poverty Denise Blackwell spends her day helping at-risk kids. Some are abused. “I like the service because it’s Some are runaways. Some are homeless. convenient and free,” said Tracey Coleman, an employee of the As an employee of Three Rivers Youth, a private non-proft agency that Housing Authority of the City of provides services to at-risk Pittsburgh youth between the ages of 12 and Pittsburgh. “I ride the van to and 21, Denise is a witness to some heart-wrenching situations. Helping from my job everyday. If I didn’t these children break the cycle of poverty and become successful is have WorkLink, I would have to challenging and incredibly rewarding work. catch a jitney and that would be very costly.” To be able to help these children, Blackwell needed someone to help her frst. She does not have a car and commuting to work was diffcult. Like Blackwell and Coleman, 80 percent of WorkLink riders use the Blackwell relies on public transportation. service to get to work, while the other 20 percent use the van service to get to health care appointments, school, job training, and child care The Heritage Health Foundation, Inc. (HHFI), a non-proft organization facilities. With an easy application process and no income restrictions, that helps rebuild the social infrastructure of Western Pennsylvania both adults and children can use the WorkLink program to get around Monongahela and Turtle Creek valleys, provides free shuttle service the City of Pittsburgh. for workers like Blackwell. For the past seven years, she has used the HHFI’s WorkLink shuttle to get to work. HHFI’s Loewy is confdent about the WorkLink program’s sustained success; however, he said funding is crucial to the continuation of the “I love it,” she said. program. The free shuttle service allows her to reduce her commute and her “WorkLink could not continue to operate without JARC funding or transportation costs. She uses the savings “to buy other necessities, like indeed Pennsylvania state match [grant],” he said. groceries.” Providing trips to nearly 6,000 regular riders, the WorkLink shuttle service has became an essential and dependable service for many residents. “WorkLink was created to assist isolated communities; our goal is to help people get and keep good jobs by reducing geographic limitations,” said Miles Loewy, HHFI Director of Community Service. “Some of the areas we serve have such narrow streets, steep hills and tight turns that they aren’t accessible to buses and many of our riders don’t own cars. Our safe, reliable transportation is vital to our riders.” Within the shuttle’s service area of East Pittsburgh, Braddock, North Braddock, Swissvale, Rankin and Clairton, more than 43 percent of residents are low-income and nearly 29 percent are living at the poverty level. 9 WorkLink commuter on his way home. “WorkLink was created to assist isolated communities; our goal is to help people get and keep good jobs by reducing geographic limitations.” Transporting People, Transforming Lives West sadsbury — Independence The left side of Emanuel Owens’ body was still weak from a stroke he “JARC is a critical component of our overall workforce development suffered a few weeks after New Year’s Day 2008. While he has regained and transportation strategies.” some movement and strength, he still needs his cane to walk. Back in Coatesville, the city struggles with the shift from an industrial to “Manny,” a 66-year-old father of fve, grandfather of sixteen and great- a service-oriented economy. The unemployment rate in this city of about grandfather of fve is determined to regain his life and continue working. 12,000 is over nine percent. The stroke has not stopped him. Not having public transit to get to “The bus service has been the lifeline for Coatesville and the work would. surrounding areas,” says Assistant City Manager Kirby Hudson. And Owens takes a JARC-funded bus ten miles from his home in Coatesville, Manny Owens has used that lifeline to survive. Pennsylvania to his job at the West Sadsbury Wal-Mart dairy He once relied on the kindness of coworkers to drive him home. At department. He cannot imagine what his life would be without it or his other times, strangers would pick him up as he walked several miles to job. his home, still sporting his blue Wal-Mart smock with “How may I help Neither can Wal-Mart Supercenter manager Brent Poteet, who says that you?” on the front. “out of 500 associates [employees], about 120 of them take the bus.” “It’s not like I’m independent, but I’m used to doing things for myself,” JARC is also valued just over the line in Lancaster County. Owens said. “Transportation issues can be devastating for people transitioning from welfare to work, but the JARC program has truly come through for us and helped people stay on the job,” said Robert Patrick, former Executive Director of the Lancaster County Offce of Assistance. Wal-Mart “greeter” Manny Owens depends on public transit. 10 “Transportation issues can be devastating for people transitioning from welfare to work, but the JARC program has truly come through for us and helped people stay on the job.”

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