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VOLUME 31—1997 Author Index A HELANDER, ‘MARY E. AND EMANUEL MELACHRINOUDIS, Facility Location and Reliable Route Planning in Hazardous Material AKAMATSU, TAKASHI, Decomposition of Path Choice Entropy in Transportation, 216-226 General Transport Networks, 349-362 HICKMAN, MARK D. AND DAVID H. BERNSTEIN, Transit Service ARDEKANI, SIAMAK A., Tribute to Robert Herman, 101-102 and Path Choice Models in Stochastic and Time-Dependent ARNOTT, RICHARD AND ANDRE DE PALMA, In Memoriam: William Networks, 129-146 S. Vickrey, 1914-1996, 1-2 J JAILLET, PATRICK, Abstracts for the 1996 Transportation Science BADEAU, PHILIPPE, see TAILLARD, BADEAU, GENDREAU, GUERTIN, Section Dissertation Prize Competition, 83-94 AND POTVIN, 170-186 JAIN, RAJAT AND J. MACGREGOR SMITH, Modeling Vehicular Traf- BATTA, RAJAN, see JIN AND BATTA, 252-261 fic Flow using M/G/C/C State Dependent Queueing Models, BERNSTEIN, DAVID, see GABRIEL AND BERNSTEIN, 337-348 324-336 BERNSTEIN, DAVID H., see HICKMAN AND BERNSTEIN, 129-146 JIN, HONGHUA AND RAJAN BATTA, Objectives Derived from View- BHAT, CHANDRA R., An Endogenous Segmentation Mode Choice ing Hazmat Shipments as a Sequence of Independent Bernoulli Model with an Application to Intercity Travel, 34—48 Trials, 252-261 BIERLAIRE, MICHEL, TOPSI LOTAN, AND PHILIPPE TOINT, On the JONES, PHILIP C. AND TIANBING QIAN, Fully Loaded Direct Ship- Overspecification of Multinomial and Nested Logit Models Due ping Strategy in One Warehouse/N Retailer Systems without to Alternative Specific Constants, 363-371 Central Inventories, 193-195 BRIZENDINE, LAORA D., see SHERALI, BRIZENDINE, GLICKMAN, AND SUBRAMANIAN, 237-251 K KONTOGIORGIS, SPYRIDON A., see RUSHMEIER AND KONTOGIOR- Cc GIS, 159-169 CANTARELLA, GIULIO ERBERTO, A General Fixed-Point Approach to Multimode Multi-User Equilibrium Assignment with Elastic L Demand, 107-128 LANGEVIN, ANDRE see DROR AND LANGEVIN, 187-192 CHATTERJEE, INDRAJIT, see TSAO, HALL, AND CHATTERJEE, 18-33 LARSON, RICHARD C., see RICHETTA AND LARSON, 272-293 LIN, CHUNG-GEE, see YAN AND LIN, 72-82 D LisT, GEORGE F., see NOZICK, LIST, AND TURNQUIST, 200-215 LOTAN, TOPSI, see BIERLAIRE, LOTAN, AND TOINT, 363-371 DEPALMA, ANDRE, see ARNOTT AND DE PALMA, 1-2 LUO, SONGJUN AND GANG YU, On the Airline Schedule Perturba- DREZNER, ZVI AND GEORGE O. WESOLOWSKY, Selecting an Opti- tion Problem Caused by the Ground Delay Program, 298-311 mum Configuration of One-Way and Two-Way Routes, 386-394 DROR, MOSHE AND ANDRE LANGEVIN, A Generalized Traveling M Salesman Problem Approach to the Directed Clustered Rural Postman Problem, 187-192 MAHMASSANI, HANI S., Tribute to Robert Herman, 102-103 DUHAMEL, CHRISTOPHE, JEAN-YVES POTVIN, AND JEAN-MARC MELACHRINOUDIS, EMANUEL, see HELANDER AND MELACHRINOU- ROUSSEAU, A Tabu Search Heuristic for the Vehicle Routing DIS, 216-226 Problem with Backhauls and Time Windows, 49-59 N E NAGURNEY, ANNA AND DING ZHANG, Projected Dynamical Sys- tems in the Formulation, Stability Analysis, and Computation ERKUT, ERHAN, see VERTER AND ERKUT, 227-236 of Fixed-Demand Traffic Network Equilibria, 147-158 G NEMBHARD, DAVID A. AND CHELSEA C. WHITE, III, Applications of Non-Order-Preserving Path Selection to Hazmat Routing, 262- GABRIEL, STEVEN A. AND DAVID BERNSTEIN, The Traffic Equilib- 271 rium Problem with Nonadditive Path Costs, 337-348 NozicK, LINDA K., GEORGE F. List, AND MARK A. TURNQUIST, GENDREAU, MICHEL, see TAILLARD, BADEAU, GENDREAU, GUER- Integrated Routing and Scheduling in Hazardous Materials TIN, AND POTVIN, 170-186 Transportation, 200-215 GIRARD, PIERRE, see SANSO AND GIRARD, 312-323 P GLICKMAN, THEODORE S., see SHERALI, BRIZENDINE, GLICKMAN, AND SUBRAMANIAN, 237-251 POTVIN, JEAN-YVES, see DUHAMEL, POTVIN, AND ROUSSEAU, GUERTIN, FRANCOIS, see TAILLARD, BADEAU, GENDREAU, GUER- 49-59 TIN, AND POTVIN, 170-186 POTVIN, JEAN-YVES, see TAILLARD, BADEAU, GENDREAU, GUER- TIN, AND POTVIN, 170-186 Q HALL, RANDOLPH W., see TSAO, HALL, AND CHATTERJEE, 18-33 HEAD, K. LARRY, see SEN AND HEAD, 5-17 QIAN, TIANBING, see JONES AND QIAN, 193-195 3896 / AUTHOR INDEX VOLUME 31 R TOTH, PAOLO AND DANIELE VIGO, An Exact Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauls, 372-385 RICHETTA, OCTAVIO AND RICHARD C. LARSON, Modeling the In- TOTH, PAOLO AND DANIELE VIGO, Heuristic Algorithms for the creased Complexity of New York City’s Refuse Marine Transport System, 272-293 Handicapped Persons Transportation Problem, 60-71 ROUSSEAU, JEAN-MARC, see DUHAMEL, POTVIN, AND ROUSSEAU, TSAO, H.-S. JACOB, RANDOLPH W. HALL, AND INDRAJIT CHATTER- 49-59 JEE, Analytical Models for Vehicle/Gap Distribution on Auto- RUSHMEIER, RUSSELL A. AND SPYRIDON A. KONTOGIORGIS, Ad- mated Highway Systems, 18-33 vances in the Optimization of Airline Fleet Assignment, 159- TURNQUIST, MARK A., see NOZICK, LIST, AND TURNQUIST, 200- 169 215 s Vv SANSO, BRUNILDE AND PIERRE GIRARD, Instantaneous Power VERTER, VEDAT AND ERHAN ERKUT, Incorporating Insurance Peak Reduction and Train Scheduling Desynchronization in Costs in Hazardous Materials Routing Models, 227-236 Subway Systems, 312-323 VIGO, DANIELE, see TOTH AND VIGO, 60-71 SEN, SUVRAJEET AND K. LARRY HEAD, Controlled Optimization of VIGO, DANIELE, see TOTH AND VIGO, 372-385 Phases at an Intersection, 5-17 SHERALI, HANIF D., LAORA D. BRIZENDINE, THEODORE S. GLICK- WwW MAN, AND SHIVARAM SUBRAMANIAN, Low Probability-High Consequence Considerations in Routing Hazardous Material WESOLOWSKY, GEORGE O., see DREZNER AND WESOLOWSKY, 386-— Shipments, 237-251 394 SMITH, J. MACGREGOR, see JAIN AND SMITH, 324-336 WHITE, CHELSEA C., III, see NEMBHARD AND WHITE, 262-271 SUBRAMANIAN, SHIVARAM, see SHERALI, BRIZENDINE, GLICKMAN, AND SUBRAMANIAM, 237-251 Y YAN, SHANGYAO AND CHUNG-GEE LIN, Airline Scheduling for the T Temporary Closure of Airports, 72-82 TAILLARD, ERIC, PHILIPPE BADEAU, MICHEL GENDREAU, FRAN- Yu, GANG, see LUO AND YU, 298-311 COIS GUERTIN, AND JEAN-YVES POTVIN,A Tabu Search Heuris- tic for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Soft Time Windows, Z 170-186 TOINT, PHILIPPE, see BIERLAIRE, LOTAN, AND TOINT, 363-371 ZHANG, DING, see NAGURNEY AND ZHANG, 147-158 Subject Index A Federal Aviation Administration, ground delay program, airline Airlines schedule perturbation and, 298-311 fleet assignment, advances in optimization of, 159-169 Fixed-point formulation, multi-mode multi-user traffic equilib- schedule perturbation, ground delay program and, 298-311 rium assignment, elastic demand in, 107-128 scheduling, temporary closure of airports and, 72-82 Fleet assignment, airlines, advances in optimization of, 159-169 Algorithms Fleet sizing, New York City refuse marine transport system, heuristic, handicapped persons transportation problem and, modeling increased system complexity, 272-293 60-71 multi-mode multi-user traffic equilibrium assignment, elastic G demand in, fixed-point approach to, 107-128 Ground delay program, airline schedule perturbation and, 298- real-time traffic control at intersection, controlled optimization 311 of phases, 5-17 stochastic transportation user equilibrium assignment and, H general transport networks, 349-362 Handicapped persons, transport requests, heuristic algorithms vehicle routing problem with backhauls, 372-385 for, 60-71 Alternative specific constants, multinomial and nested logit mod- Hazardous materials els and, overspecification of, 363-371 routing Automated highway systems, vehicle/gap distribution, analytical independent Bernoulli trials sequence, objectives derived models, 18-33 from, 252-261 low probability-high consequence considerations in, 237-251 New York City Department of Sanitation, refuse marine Backhauls transport system, modeling increase complexity, 272-293 time windows and, vehicle routing problem with, tabu search non-order-preserving path selection applications to, 262-271 heuristic for, 49-59 routing models, insurance costs in, 227-236 vehicle routing problem with, an exact algorithm for, 372-385 transportation Bernoulli trials, independent, hazardous materials shipments as facility location and reliable route planning, 216-226 sequence of, objectives derived from, 252-261 integrated routing and scheduling in, 200-215 Heuristics, tabu search Cc vehicle routing problem with backhauls and time windows, Clustered rural postman problem, traveling salesman problem 49-59 and, 187-192 vehicle routing problem with soft time windows and, 170-186 Costs, nonadditive path, traffic equilibrium problem and, 337- Highways 348 automated systems, vehicle/gap distribution, analytical mod- els, 18-33 D hazardous materials routing, low probability-high consequence Demand forecasting, discrete choice models and, overspecifica- considerations and, 237-251 tion of multinomial and nested logit models due to alter- native specific constants and, 363-371 Desynchronization, train scheduling in subway systems, instan- In Memoriam taneous power peak reduction, 312-323 Robert Herman, 101-103 Discrete choice models, demand forecasting and, overspecifica- William S. Vickrey 1914-1996, 1-2 tion of multinomial and nested logit models due to alter- Insurance, costs, hazardous materials routing models and, 227— native specific constants and, 363-371 236 Distribution systems, fully loaded direct shipping strategy, ware- Intercity travel, endogenous segmentation mode choice and, house/retailer systems without central inventories, 193- 34-48 195 Inventory, central, fully loaded direct shipping strategy in ware- house/retailer systems without, 193-195 Endogenous segmentation, mode choice model, application to in- L tercity travel, 34-48 Logit models Equilibrium assignment, multi-mode multi-user traffic, elastic multinomial, endogenous segmentation mode choice model demand in, fixed-point approach to, 107-128 and, application to intercity travel, 34-48 multinomial and nested, overspecification due to alternative F specific constants, 363-371 Facility location, reliable route planning and, hazardous material Low probability-high consequence considerations, hazardous ma- transportation and, 216-226 terials routing and, 237-251 398 / SUBJECT INDEX VOLUME 31 hazardous materials independent Bernoulli trials sequence, objectives derived Marine transport system, New York City refuse, modeling in- from, 252-261 creased system complexity, 272-293 insurance costs in, 227-236 N low probability-high consequence considerations and, 237- 251 Networks New York City Department of Sanitation, refuse marine established transportation flows, one-way and two-way routes, transport system, modeling increased system complexity, optimum configuration selection, 386-394 272-293 fixed demand traffic problem, equilibria computation, route non-order-preserving path selection applications to, 262-271 travel choice adjustment process as projected dynamical integrated scheduling and, hazardous materials transportation system, 147-158 and, 200-215 general transport, decomposition of path choice entropy in, one-way and two-way routes transportation flows, optimum 349-362 configuration selection, 386-394 stochastic and time-dependent, transit service and passenger reliable planning, facility location and, hazardous material path choice, 129-146 transportation and, 216-226 time-space, temporary airport closures and airline scheduling, shuttle model for route segments, transit service and passenger 72-82 path choice in stochastic and time-dependent networks, transportation, multi-mode multi-user equilibrium traffic as- 129-146 signment, elastic demand in, fixed-point approach to, 107- 128 s Non-order-preserving value function, path selection, applications to hazardous materials routing, 262-271 Scheduling airline, temporary closure of airports and, 72-82 oO airline fleet assignment, advances in optimization of, 159-169 handicapped persons transport requests, heuristic algorithms Operations planning, New York City refuse marine transport for, 60-71 system, modeling increased system complexity, 272-293 integrated routing and, hazardous materials transportation Optimization, hazardous materials shipments, as sequence of and, 200-215 independent Bernoulli trials, objectives derived from, 252- perturbation, airlines, ground delay program and, 298-311 261 trains, desynchronization in subway systems, instantaneous power peak reduction, 312-323 P Shipping strategy, fully loaded direct, warehouse/retailer sys- Paths tems without central inventories, 193-195 choice entropy, decomposition of, general transport networks Stochastic transportation user equilibrium assignment, general and, 349-362 transport networks, decomposition of path choice entropy nonadditive costs, traffic equilibrium problem and, 337-348 in, 349-362 non-order-preserving, selection, applications to hazardous ma- terials routing, 262-271 Streets, one-way and two-way routes transportation flows, opti- passenger choice, transit service and, models in stochastic and mum configuration selection, 386-394 time-dependent networks, 129-146 Subway systems, train scheduling desynchronization in, instan- Phases, at intersection, controlled optimization, real-time traffic taneous power peak reduction, 312-323 control, 5-17 Pickup and delivery problem, time windows in, handicapped per- T sons transport requests and, heuristic algorithms for, Tabu search, heuristic 60-71 vehicle routing problem with backhauls and time windows, Power peaks, instantaneous reduction, train scheduling desyn- 49-59 chronization in subway systems and, 312-323 vehicle routing problem with soft time windows and, 170-186 Programming, mixed-integer, advances in optimization of airline Time windows fleet assignment, 159-169 backhauls and, vehicle routing problem with, tabu search heu- ristic for, 49-59 Q pickup and delivery problem, handicapped persons transport Queueing models, M/G/C/C state dependent, vehicular traffic flow requests and, heuristic algorithms for, 60-71 models and, 324-336 soft, vehicle routing problem with, tabu search heuristic for, 170-186 R Traffic Refuse, New York City marine transport system, modeling in- fixed demand problem, equilibria computation, route travel creased system complexity, 272-293 choice adjustment process as projected dynamical system, Roadway systems, vehicular traffic flow models, M/G/C/C state 147-158 dependent queueing models in, 324-336 multi-mode multi-user equilibrium assignment, elastic demand Routing in, fixed-point approach to, 107-128 arc and node problems, clustered rural postman problem, gen- real-time control, controlled optimization of phases at intersec- eralized traveling salesman problem approach to, 187-192 tion, 5-17 choice adjustment process, as projected dynamical system, vehicular flow models, M/G/C/C state dependent queueing mod- equilibria computation for fixed demand traffic problem, els in, 324-336 147-158 Traffic equilibrium problem, nonadditive path costs, 337-348 SUBJECT INDEX VOLUME 31 / 399 Trains, scheduling desynchronization in subway systems, instan- Vehicle routing problem taneous power peak reduction, 312-323 backhauls and time windows in, tabu search heuristic for, Transit service, passenger path choice and, models in stochastic 49-59 and time-dependent networks, 129-146 backhauls in, an exact algorithm for, 372-385 Transportation flow, one-way and two-way routes, optimum con- soft time windows in, tabu search heuristic for, 170-186 figuration selection, 386-394 Travel choice, route adjustment process, as projected dynamical Vehicular traffic flow models, M/G/C/C state dependent queueing system, equilibria computation for fixed demand traffic models in, 324-336 problem, 147-158 Traveling salesman problem, clustered rural postman problem WwW and, 187-192 Travel mode, intercity travel, endogenous segmentation model, 34-48 Warehouse/retailer systems, without central inventories, fully TSS dissertation abstracts, 83-94 loaded direct shipping strategy in, 193-195 Vv Vehicle/gap distribution, automated highway systems, analytical models, 18-33

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