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Transport Equations and Spin-Charge Propagating Mode in the Two Dimensional Hole Gas Taylor L. Hughes,1,2 B. Andrei Bernevig,1,2 and Yaroslaw B. Bazaliy2,3 1Department of Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 6 2IBM-Stanford Spintronic Science and Applications Center, 650 Harry Rd. San Jose, CA 95120 0 3IBM Almaden Research Center, 650 Harry Rd. San Jose, CA 95120 0 We find that the spin-charge motion in a strongly confined two-dimensional hole gas (2DHG) 2 supports a propagating mode of cubic dispersion apart from the diffusive mode due to momentum n scattering. Propagating modes seem to be a generic property of systems with spin-orbit coupling. a ThrougharigorousKeldyshapproach,weobtainthetransportequationsforthe2DHG,weanalyze J thebehavioroftheholespinrelaxation time, thediffusion coefficients, andthespin-chargecoupled 6 motion. 1 ] The correct description of the motion of charge and the recentexperimentalobservations[7]attributedto the l l spinpacketsinmaterialssuchassemiconductorsrequires spin-coulombdrag. The Dyakonov-Perelrelaxationtime a h appropriate transport equations. While transport equa- for the heavy holes’ spin is calculated as well. We dis- - tionsforthe Fermiliquidusuallydescribeseparatediffu- cuss the relation of the previously calculated spin Hall s e sionprocessesforspinandchargedensities[1],spin-orbit conductivity in the ballistic regime [8, 9] and this for- m (SO) coupling alters their form dramatically. For exam- malism. In addition, the transport equations support . ple, the presence of coupling between spin and charge, a a spin-charge propagating mode, analogous to the one t a direct result of SO coupling, leads to the possibility of predicted in Ref. [3]. However, its dispersion relation is m controlling the spin-orientationby electric fields [2]. An- changed because of the different form of the SO inter- - otherexampleisthe recentlyproposedspin-chargemode action, and is cubic rather than linear in momentum. d [3] propagating with a velocity equal to the Rashba SO The effects of Coulombrepulsion onthe spectrum of the n coupling. This mode has no counterpart in usual trans- propagating mode are also accounted for in the present o c port and is intimately related to a non-equilibrium ver- treatment. [ sionofthespin-currentintheground-stateofthesystem The most general single electron Hamiltonian with [4]. spin-orbit coupling for spin 1/2 systems is: 1 v k2 3 Inthecaseofthetwo-dimensionalelectrongas(2DEG) H = +λ (k)σ , i=1,2,3 (1) i i 5 with Rashba spin-orbit interaction, diffusive transport 2m 3 equations are known [5, 6]. A similar analysis for the with λ (~k) = λ ( ~k) due to time reversal invariance. 01 two-dimensional hole gas (2DHG), where the spin-orbit The eniergy ei−geniv−alues are E±(k) = k2/2m λ(k) 6 couplingismuchstronger,hassofarbeenlacking. Inthis where λ = √λiλi. The retarded and advanced±Gr|een’s| 0 letter we obtain the transport equations for very thin p- functio|ns|of the clean 2DHG have the form : / doped quantum wells in which only the heavy-holeband t 1 1 sλ σ /λ a is populated. We start with a general Keldysh equation GR,A(k,ǫ)= − i i | | (2) m 2 ǫ˜+sλ i/(2τ) for spin-1/2 systems with generic SO coupling, and then s=±1 ± X - particularize to the case of the heavy hole 2DHG. The d where ǫ˜ = ǫ + k2/(2m) k2/(2m) and ǫ is measured n same approach can be applied other types of SO cou- fromthe Fermi enFergyǫ −=k2/2m. The density matrix o plings,suchasthe3DDresselhausswithlittleornomod- F F g =g(k,r,t)is a2 2matrixinspinindices,whoseinte- c ification. The equationsobtained here formthe basis for × v: studies of transport and spin-orbit effects in 2DHG sys- graloverthemomentumspaceyieldsthereduceddensity matrix ρ=ρ(r,t) : i tems. We find that, unlike inthe caseof 2DEG,the spin X orbiteffectsdonotproducefirstorderderivativetermsin ddk ar the transport equations, but appear only in second and ρ(r,t)= (2π)d+1νg(k,r,t)≡n(r)+Si(r)σi (3) even third order derivative terms, which now have to be Z where n(r,t),S (r,t) are the charge and spin densities, d taken into consideration. As such, the 2DHG does not i isthespace-dimension,andνisthed-dimensionaldensity exhibit the uniform spin polarization under an applied of states. The charge-spin density g satisfies a Keldysh- electric field, or the spin-galvanic effect that its 2DEG type equation which takes electron scattering into ac- counterpart does. The diffusion coefficient becomes a count through an isotropic momentum relaxation time tensor with components for spin and charge which de- τ: pend on the spin-orbit coupling. Its spin component turns out to usually be smaller than the charge compo- ∂g g i 1 ∂H ∂g + +i[H,g]= (GRρ ρGA) , (4) nent, which might provide an alternate explanation for ∂t τ τ − −2 ∂k ∂r (cid:26) i i(cid:27) 2 This quantum Boltzmann equation can be solved iter- continuity equation expanded up to the third order in atively in the case of small spatial gradients g of the spatial derivatives has the form: ∇ charge-spin density [6]. Fourier transforming with re- ∂Nµ Nµ spect to time and defining a linear functional K(g) = + (1 δ )=Cµν∂ Nν +Dµν∂ ∂ Nν ∂t τ − µ,0 i i ij i j i(GRρ ρGA) 1 ∂H, ∂g , one obtains an equation s τ − − 2 ∂ki ∂ri +Hµν∂ ∂ ∂ Nν (9) for g(k,r,ω): n o ijk i j k (2λ2 Ω2)K(g)+2λ λ σ K(g)σ Ωλ [σ ,K(g)] where i,j,k = x,y .We first concentrate on the coeffi- g =i − i j i j − i i cients Cµν and{Dµν.}In the 2DHG case we find Cµν 0 Ω(4λ2 Ω2) i ij i ≡ − duetothesymmetriesoftheHamiltonian. Thisisincon- (5) with Ω ω + i/τ. Expanding in gradients g = g0 + trast with the linear Rashba model of the 2DEG, where δg(1) +δ≡g(2) +..., a perturbative chain of equations is nonzerolineartermswerecalculatedinRef. [3]. The dif- fusion coefficient tensor Dµν has only three distinct ele- obtained up to the desired accuracy. Integrating over ij ments due to the x⇆ y symmetry of the 2DHG Hamil- the momentum and taking the DC limit ωτ << 1 one tonian. As we havealready mentioned the generalforms obtains the transport equations for ρ. In the case of the for the transportcoefficients are very cumbersome so we Rashba coupling λ =αǫ k this was done in Ref. [6]. i ij j assume small SO coupling (ǫ ǫ ) and expand up to For2Dsystemswith anisotropicFermisurface,which α F linearorderin ǫα inallcoefficie≪nts (D’sandH’s)except includes the Rashba model, the 2DHG model, and the ǫF for the charge diffusion coefficient whose first correction 2D Dresselhauss model, in the limit of ǫ τ 1, ǫ F ≪ α ≡ due to SO coupling is at order (ǫα)2. We find λ(kF) ǫF the continuity equation takes the form: ǫF | |≪ ∂∂ρt = −(4λ2d2−2λk2Ω2)τ(ρ− 21σmρσm) (6) Dx00x = D0 1+ 98(cid:18)ǫǫFα(cid:19)2(cid:18)1+ 1+24ζ2(cid:19)! i Ω(δg(1)+...) 1+24ζ4+32ζ6 − (2π)2m D11 = D Z xx 0 (1+4ζ2)3 where δg(1) contains first order spatial derivatives, and (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 12ζ2 subsequent terms contain higher order derivatives. Here D33 = D − xx 0 (1+4ζ2)3 m = 1,2; m = 3. The first term on the right hand side (cid:18) (cid:19) has zero comp6 onents in the charge-sectorand represents D03 = D0 3ζ2(4ζ2−1) (10) spin-relaxation with characteristic time: xy ǫFτ (cid:18) (4ζ2+1)2 (cid:19) 1 = 1 2ζ2 (7) where D = vF2τ, and with symmetries Dµν τ τ 4ζ2+1 0 2 xx → s (cid:20) (cid:21) Dµν,D11 D22. Another notable symmetry is Dµν = whereζ ǫ τ.Equation(6)andthe relaxationtime for- Dyyµν sxoxt→he offyy-diagonal terms in the sum Dµν∂ ∂xyNν ≡ α − yx ij i j mula (7) are valid for any spin-orbit coupling in a 2D cancel. Theexpressionsabovearevalidinthelimitwhen system with an isotropic Fermi surface. The general ex- the spin-orbit band splitting and momentum relaxation pressions for higher order derivative terms tend to be energy are assumed to be smaller than the Fermi energy exceedingly long. i.e. ǫ , 1 <<ǫ . However, the value of ζ is unrestricted α τ F Wenowturntoaparticularcase: thetwo-dimensional and we find for some common physical parameters that hole gas. The valence band of type III V bulk semi- 0<x<1. The transport equation above with these dif- − conductors is a spin 3/2 band, separatedinto heavy and fusion coefficients represents one of the main results of light-hole bands which touch at the Γ point. In a quan- this paper. tum well a gap opens at the Γ point so that the light Here we briefly show how an interesting new phe- hole band is moved below the heavy hole band. A suf- nomenon, the spin Hall effect, emerges from the above ficiently thin well ensures a gap large enough to place equations. Under an applied electric field along the xˆ- the light-holebandbelowthe Fermilevel. Thenonlythe axis we expect out-of-plane spins to be transported in heavy-hole Hamiltonian should be considered. Asymme- the yˆ direction[11, 12]. We take into account the effects try of the quantum well introduces a spin-orbit term of of an electric field per the substitution ~n ~n eνE~ ∇ →∇ − the form λiσi with: [5]. From the transport equations above we see that Ex λ =αk (3k2 k2), λ =αk (3k2 k2) (8) generates: x y x− y y x y− x and λ = 0[10]. This model has an isotropic Fermi sur- Jz =(D03eν)Ex (11) z y yx face with λ =αk3. The limit of validity of our calcula- tions is ~/|τ,| αk3 k2/2m where m is the heavy- whichisinthepreferredform[11,12]andwherethesym- holemass. ForaFco≪mpaFctnothahtion,wedehfihnethecharge- metry Dxµyν = −Dyµxν gives us the antisymmetric tensor spin four-vector Nµ = (n,S~), µ = 0,1,2,3. The generic structureJj =σ ǫ Ex. Inthe lowimpurity limit i.e. i SH ijx 3 FIG. 1: (color online) (a)Charge diffusion coefficient(b)Spin FIG.2: (coloronline) Thirdordercoefficients plottedvs. SO relaxation time plotted vs SO coupling α(c) Sz diffusion co- coupling strength αand hole-doping δ. efficient(c)Sy diffusioncoefficient. All3dfiguresareplotted vs. SO coupling strength α and hole-doping δ. For the third-order coefficients we find: as τ we find a value of 3ζ(3+16ζ2+72ζ4+24ζ6) →∞ Hx0x2x = H0 2(1+4ζ2)3 3 (cid:18) (cid:19) Dx03y = 4m. (12) H13 = H (4ǫFτζ)(4ζ2−1) (15) xxx 0 (1+4ζ2)4 (cid:18) (cid:19) This gives us: Jz = 3eEx. When we take into account, like [8] that we ayre us8iπng spin-1/2 matrices to represent where H0 = v2Fmτ and up to this order we have the addi- a spin-3/2system, we accountfor anadditionalfactorof tional symmetries: Hx0x2x =Hx2x0x and Hx1x3x =−Hx3x1x. 3 which yields: It was found in Ref.[3] that in 2DEG systems the SO interaction can produce a mode of coupled spin and 9e charge oscillations (fractionalized spin packets mode, or σ = (13) SH 8π spin-galvanic mode) which can be weakly damped even in the diffusive regime. It was later found that the in agreement with [8, 9]. This value for the conductiv- Coulomb interactions of the charge component do not ity matches the clean-limit and supports the previously suppress this mode [13]. Here we study the analogue knownfactthatvertexcorrectionsvanishforthis model. of such mode in the 2DHG system using the ansatz [9] δn(x,t)=δnexp[iqx iωt], S (x,t)=S exp[iqx iωt], y y Nontrivial dynamics, in the absence of applied fields, − − S ,S =0 tofind asolutionofEqs.(9)inthe absenceof appears in the third order derivative terms of the trans- x z externalfields. FollowingtheprocedureofRef.[13]toac- port equations. The sum Hµν∂ ∂ ∂ Nν only depends ijk i j k count for Coulomb interactions, we obtain the spectrum on coefficients Hµν , Hµν , and symmetrized combina- xxx yyy of the mode tions: H˜µν = Hµν +Hµν +Hµν , and H˜µν = Hµν + x xxy xyx yxx y yxy Hµν +Hµν . The number of distinct coefficients is fur- i(φ +φ ) 4γ2φ (φ φ )2 thyeyrxreducxeydyto just four by the exact symmetries of the ω±(q)= − 1 2 ± 2τ 3− 1− 2 (16) p s Hamiltonian: with 1 1 Hx0x2x = Hy0y1y =−3H˜y02 =−3H˜x01 φ = Dx00xκ2R, φ = Dx22xκ2+1 , φ =κ6R , 1 1 1 D 2 D 3 H20 = H10 = H˜20 = H˜10 0 0 xxx yyy −3 y −3 x Hx1x3x = −Hy2y3y =−13H˜y13 = 31H˜x23 wRh=er1e+κ2=πκqBl/s,κlasn=dκ√BD=0τνse2islstchheasrpacinte-driizffeutshioenstlreennggtthh, Hx3x1x = −Hy3y2y =−13H˜y31 = 31H˜x32. (14) othfeth2DeECGouclaosme,bthinetsehraacpteioonf,thaendspγect=ruHmx0ix2sxcτosn/tls3r.ollAedsbiny 4 w calculation shows that the components of the diffusion coefficienttensordependonthemagnitudeoftheSOcou- w t >1 plingandthatthespindiffusionisgenerallysmallerthan p the charge diffusion, thus offering an alternate explana- tion to spin-coulomb drag for this already experimen- tallyobserved[7]phenomenon. We findthat,incontrast to the 2DEG case, the spin-charge coupling enters into the transport equations starting with the second order ql >1 derivative terms. Our diffusive equations reproduce the valueofthespinHallcoefficient,previouslycalculatedfor 1/t s this systemin the ballistic regime [8, 9], thus supporting k(cid:13) k(cid:13) k(cid:13) k the conclusionaboutthe absenceofvertexcorrectionsin - + * this2DHGsystem. Thefractionalized-spinpacketsprop- agating mode in the 2DHG is also studied. It is found FIG. 3: Real (solid line) and imaginary (dashed lines) parts thatthe Coulombinteractionsuppressesthis mode more of themode frequenciesω±(k) in an infinite2DHGstructure with Coulomb repulsion. Two windows of Re(ω) 6= 0 exist. than in the case of electron gas. The spectrum of the The grey areas are outside thelimits of the diffusiveapprox- mode suggests that its counterpart may exist for 2DHG imation. systems in the ballistic regime. TheauthorsagratefultoA.MacDonald,S.Parkin,D. twodimensionlessparametersγandκ . Theestimatefor Arovas and H. Manoharan for useful discussions. B.A.B B γ ǫ τ /k l canbecomparedwiththe2DEGestimate acknowledges support from the SGF. T.L.H. acknowl- α p F s γ ∼ ǫ2DEGτ /k l . One observes that the larger edges support from NSF. This work is supported by the S2ODEspGlit∼tingα ǫ asssocFiasted with 2DHG systems can be NSFundergrantnumbersDMR-0342832andtheUSde- α compensated by the small factor τ /τ . The Coulomb partment of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences un- p s interactionparameteris large,κ 103 for l =100nm. der contract DE-AC03-76SF00515. B s ∼ A sketch of the spectrum is shown in Fig. 3. As in the case of 2DEG, the modes are purely dissipative at κ = 0, representing the charge diffusion and spin relax- ation. Spinandchargemotionsgetcoupledatκ>0and [1] D. Pines and P. Nozieres, The Theory of Quantum Liq- two intervals with Re(ω) = 0 emerge. 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