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Transport and the activity of the conference : general report on activity (23rd annual report, 1976) PDF

180 Pages·1977·8.01 MB·English
by  OECD
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EUROPEAN CONFERENCE OF MINISTERS OF TRANSPORT VOLUME I (23rd Annual Report -1976) TRANSPORT AND THE ACTIVITY OF THE CONFERENCE GENERAL REPORT ON ACTIVITY (YEAR 1976) Publie en frangais sous le titre : LES TRANSPORTS ET L'ACTIVITE DE LA CONFERENCE RAPPORT GENERAL EUROPEAN CONFERENCE OF MINISTERS OF TRANSPORT VOLUME I (23rd Annual Report - 1976) TRANSPORT AND THE ACTIVITY OF THE CONFERENCE GENERAL REPORT ON ACTIVITY (YEAR 1976) The European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT) was instituted by a Protocol signed at Brussels on lyth October, ig^J. It com¬ prises the Ministers of Transport ofthefollowing ig countries : Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal,Spain, Sweden,Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom and Yugoslavia (associated countries: Australia, Canada, Japan; observer: United States). The purposes ofthe ECMT are: to take whatever measures may be necessary to achieve, at general or regional level, the maximum use and most rational development ofEuropean inland transport of international importance; to co-ordinate and promote the activities of International Organi¬ sations concerned with European inland transport (rail, road, navigable ways), taking into account the work of supranational authorities in thisfield. * * * © ECMT, 1977 ECMT publications are marketed by the Sale ofPublications De¬ partment ofthe OECD, 2, rue Andre-Pascal, 75775 PARIS CEDEX 16. IMPORTANT NOTE This part (volume I) of theAnnualReport ofthe European Conference ofMinisters ofTransport (ECMT) is the Conference's activity reportfor 1976. Apart from facts and figures about the activities of the ECMT it provides information about directions followed and measures taken in transport policy both at ECMT level and by the individualMember countries themselves. So that these activities can be situated and assessed against the background ofthegeneral transportsituation and in terms of the problems inherent in that situation, volume 1 also provides data on developments in traffic and in investment in the trans¬ portsector. Resolutions and reports adopted by the ECMT Council of Ministers, as readers will remember, have already been published in another volume (volumeII). As already pointed out in volume I, it was decided to split the Annual Report into two volumes for convenience printing and speed of distribution and to meet or so we hope the information requirements ofthe various organisationsandsectors interested in the Conference's work. CONTENTS Parti GENERAL ACTIVITIES Page Chapter I StructuresandproceedingsoftheConference(cid:9) 7 Chapter II ECMT activities(cid:9) 7 Chapter III Externalrelations (cid:9) 9 ChapterIV Transportpolicy intheMember countries (cid:9) 11 Part 2 SECTORAL ACTIVITIES ChapterI Economicresearch(cid:9) 18 ChapterII Railways (cid:9) 24 A Generalproblems (cid:9) 24 B Normalisation ofaccounts(cid:9) 26 C Developments as regard public service obligations and measures takentoplacerailways on amorecommercialfooting (cid:9) 34 D Activitiesofthe EurofimaCompany (cid:9) 38 Chapter III Roads and road transport (cid:9) 40 A Generalproblems (cid:9) 40 B Europeanroad system (cid:9) 46 C Road traffic signs and signals(cid:9) 46 D Road safety (cid:9) 50 Chapter IV Inlandwaterways (cid:9) 57 ChapterV Combinedtransport(cid:9) 60 ChapterVI Urbantransport (cid:9) 64 Part 3 Page TRAFFIC AND INVESTMENTS TRENDS Chapter I General (cid:9) 71 Chapter II Railways (cid:9) 77 Chapter III Roads (cid:9) 105 Chapter IV Inland waterways (cid:9) 135 Annex : Intra European Civil Transport Traffic statitics (cid:9) 165 ANNEXES Annex I Organisation Chart(cid:9) 169 AnnexII 1- List ofOfficers ofthe ECMT (cid:9) 170 2- ListofDelegates at theToulouse and Parissessions (cid:9) 170 Part 1 GENERAL ACTIVITIES 23rd ANNUAL REPORT OF THEECMT Year 1976 [CM (77)3} Chapter I STRUCTURE AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE CONFERENCE Finland,which had been admitted to membership oftheConferencebyunanimousdecision ofthe Council ofMinisters at their43rd session, became an effectivemember ofthe ECMTwhenon 1st December 1976 its instrument ofaccessionwasdeposited with theMinistry ofForeign Affairs ofthe Kingdom ofBelgium. As in previousyears, theCouncilofMinistersoftheConference held two sessionsin 1976 : the 43rd Session,inToulouse on 16th and 17thJune, and the 44th Session, inParis on 2nd December. TheOfficersoftheConferencewere the French Secretary ofStateforTransport (Chairman), theGreek MinisterofTransport (FirstVice-Chairman) and the BelgianMinisterofCommunications(SecondVice-Chairman). TheOfficersforthe comingyerewere appointed atthe 44th Session. ThenewOfficersare:theGreekMinisterofTransport (Chairman), the Belgian Minister ofCommunications (FirstVice-Charman) and theYugoslavMinisterofTransport (SecondVice-Chairman). TheCommitteeofDeputiesheld six sessions in 1976 : on 9thJanuary, 22nd-23rd April, 16thJune, 8th July, 27th-28th October and 1st December. Thefollowing StandingCommitteeshelped it in itswork : the InvestmentCommittee ; the RailwaysCommittee ; the InlandWaterwaysTransportCommittee ; theCommitteeforRoad Traffic, Signsand Signals ; the Road SafetyCommittee ; the UrbanTransport Committee ; the Economic Research Committee. TheCommitteeofDeputieswas also assisted by severalWorking Groups : theGeneralPolicy Group, which isresponsibleforformulatingproposalsforthework programmesforthe Conferenceand co-ordinating theaction neededto serve its objectives ;theCombinedTransportGroup ;theHigh-Speed TransportGroup andthe ad hoe Group on theproblemsoftransport to and from theMiddle East. Asageneralrule, these ECMT bodiesagain had recoursetogroupsofrapporteurs, consistingoftherepre¬ sentativesoffour orfive countries, to drawup working documentson specific topics. The ECMT organisation chart isshown in Annex I. Chapter II ACTIVITIES OF THE ECMT TheECMT continued itsactivitiesduring 1976 along the lines set out in thetwo-yearprogrammeofwork coveringthe period June 1975 to June 1977 adopted by theCouncil ofMinisters at its41st Session on 18th and 19thJune, 1975. Themainfeaturesofthisprogramme, detailsofwhich weregiven in the 22nd Annual Report, arerepeated below.

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