pprroocceeeeddiinnggss Cardiovascinu Ilnatre Annseivset hCeasriea ORIGINAL ARTICLE Endorsed by 43 Transoesophageal echocardiography during coronary artery bypass procedures: impact on surgical planning F. Guarracino1, C. Cariello1, L. Tritapepe2, L. Doroni1, R. Baldassarri1, A. Danella1, M. Stefani1 1Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Unit, Cardiothoracic Department, University Hospital of Pisa, Italy; 2Cardiac Anaesthesia and Intensive care, Unversità La Sapienza, Rome, Italy HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010; 2: 43-49 ABSTRACT Introduction: Intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography (iTEE) is widely accepted and routinely used during heart valve surgery. However, the impact of iTEE among patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is less well documented. In this study, we aim to define the impact of iTEE in patients under- going myocardial revascularization for severe coronary artery disease. Methods: We analyzed clinical data and preoperative and intraoperative echocardiograms of all adults who underwent on pump coronary bypass and iTEE between January 2008 and December 2008. Results: 521 patients (mean age 69±14 years) were studied. New prebypass findings were obtained in 82 (15.7%) patients: in 62 (11.9%) of these patients, this information changed the surgical plan. New postbypass findings were obtained in 8 patients (1.5%) and the surgical plan was altered in 4 patients (0.7%). Conclusions: Overall new findings were obtained in 90 patients (17.2%) and the surgical plan was altered in 66 patients (12.6%). These data support the routine use of iTEE among patients undergoing surgical myocar- dial revascularization. Keywords: cardiac surgery, cardiac anesthesia, echocardiography, coronary artery by pass grafting. INTRODUCTION In the last 10 years the use of iTEE has ex- panded enormously and is now recognized Intraoperative TEE (iTEE) was introduced as an excellent intraoperative diagnostic in cardiac anesthesia in the late 1980s in the tool. In selected patient groups, iTEE has USA where it was primarily considered to been shown to be beneficial in cardiac sur- be a tool for monitoring the left ventricle. gery improving cardiac outcome ; it often It soon became clear that iTEE could give provides new and important information more information than just the state of the about pathophysiology and may guide both left ventricle. surgical and anesthetic therapy (1). ITEE is an integral part of the treatment of patients undergoing valve surgery (2-6). Corresponding author: Dr. Fabio Guarracino, MD Although iTEE is routinely used during Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Pisana mitral valve repair (MVR)(7-9), the impact Cardiothoracic Anaestesia and Intensive Care Unit Cardiothoracic Department, of iTEE among patients undergoing coro- Via Paradisa, 2 - 56124 Pisa, Italy nary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is less e.mail: [email protected] HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010, Vol. 2 F. Guarracino, et al. 44 well documented (10-15). All patients stud- were obtained in order to perform a com- ied with iTEE should have a full and com- plete preoperative evaluation. prehensive examination of the heart during According to our study protocol, iTEE was cardiac surgery. This systematic approach performed 30 minutes after induction of makes it more difficult to miss unsuspected general anesthesia in all patients included abnormalities. Several sets of guidelines for in this study. A complete exam was ob- a comprehensive examination have been tained in each patient according to ASE/ published (16). SCA guidelines (16). In order to confirm The purpose of the present study was to preoperative diagnosis, left ventricular wall evaluate the impact of iTEE on surgical motion abnormalities were evaluated, which decisions-making in a group of patients un- would also detect unexpected abnormalities dergoing on pump CABG, with reference of heart and valves structures. Images were to the mitral and aortic valve and the need obtained before and after bypass, after the for MV repair or MV replacement or AV re- hemodynamics had been stabilized. placement at the time of myocardial revas- All iTEE examinations were performed by cularization, and to other associated cardiac 2 of 7 cardiac anesthesiologists, each with defects requiring surgical intervention. at least 3 years of iTEE experience, with the use of IE33 echocardiography system (Phil- ips, Amsterdam, The Netherlands) with METHODS an omniplane probe. iTEE imaging was re- peated after weaning the patients from car- Between January 2008 and December 2008 diopulmonary bypass. All the CABG were we prospectively studied the perioperative performed by three cardiac surgeons. course of all adults who underwent elective Aortic valve defects were assessed with on-pump CABG of three cardiovascular 2D evaluation of aortic valve anatomy and surgeons in which iTEE examination was planimetry on short axis view (transverse performed. plane at 40°) and long axis view (longitudi- After the study approval from the Ethics nal plane at 120°), and with spectral Dop- Committee, written informed consent was pler interrogation of transvalvular flow in obtained from each patient. deep transgastric aortic valve view. Patients were excluded from the study if We quantified the severity of the stenotic le- they had complex congenital heart disease sion with Doppler echocardiographic mea- or prior cardiac surgery and if valve surgery surements of maximum jet velocity, mean was already planned. Clinical variables, he- transvalvular pressure gradient, and conti- modynamic and coronarographic studies, nuity equation valve area, as suggested by the surgical and pathologic reports, and intra- “ACC/AHA/ASE 2003 Guidelines for the operative echocardiographic reports were Clinical Application of Echocardiography” reviewed. (17) and we defined aortic stenosis as: mild (area >1.5 cm2, mean gradient <25 mm Echocardiography Hg, or jet velocity < than 3.0 m/sec-1), mod- Experienced cardiologists performed pre- erate (area between 1.0 and 1.5 cm2, mean operative TTE examinations in all patients gradient between 25 and 40 mmHg, or jet scheduled for CABG by using IE33 echo- velocity between 3.0 and 4.0 m/sec-1), or se- cardiography system (Philips, Amsterdam, vere (area < than 1.0 cm2, mean gradient The Netherlands) at last one month before >40 mmHg, or jet velocity greater than 4.0 surgery. Standard views and measurements m sec-1). HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010, Vol. 2 Intraoperative TEE for CABG In patients with aortic regurgitation (AR), RESULTS 45 we evaluated the severity of AR with co- lour Doppler to measure the vena contracta Between January and December 2008, and with CW Doppler to calculate pressure there were 537 patients who underwent half time (PHT) and deceleration rate (DR) CABG, all of whom had ITEE. Sixteen pa- in addition to evaluation of LV cavity dila- tients were excluded based on the exclusion tation. We defined AR as: mild (vena con- criteria. The remaining 521 patients con- tracta <5 mm, PHT >500 msec, DR <200 stituted our study group. 67% were men, cm/sec), moderate (vena contracta between 33% were women. Mean age was 69±14 5-7 mm , PHT between 350-500 msec, DR years (range 54-83). The New York Heart between 250-300 cm/sec), or severe (vena Association (NYHA) functional classifica- contracta >7, PHT <200 msec, DR >300 tion of the study patients showed that the cm/sec) (17). majority of patients (58%) were preopera- The severity of mitral regurgitation (MR) tive NYHA functional class I; 36% of pa- was determined by composite analysis of tients were in NYHA functional class II qualitative color flow Doppler imaging, and 6% of patients were NYHA functional pulmonary vein inflow by pulsed-wave class greater than class II. The mean ejec- Doppler, and vena contracta method quan- tion fraction (EF) was 38%±8.2 as seen in tification. Table 1. We defined MR as: mild (vena contracta Based on the iTEE findings, new informa- <3 mm; jet area <3 cm2, normal pulmo- tion was obtained in 82 (15.7%) patients nary vein flow pattern), moderate (vena before the cardiopulmonary bypass. In 62 contracta between 3-6.9 mm; jet area be- (11.9%) of these patients, this information tween 3-6 cm2, blunt pulmonary vein flow changed the surgical plan. pattern), or severe (vena contracta >7 mm; Of the 521 patients undergoing CABG, 28 jet area >6 cm2, reversed pulmonary vein (5.3%) patients with negative preoperative flow pattern) (17). TTE, MV surgery had not been planned The interatrial septum was visualized from preoperatively but was performed after de- the midesophageal level longitudinal view tecting at least moderate MR or a signifi- in order to identify a patent foramen ovale cant structural MV abnormality by iTEE. (PFO). A PFO was diagnosed if contrast In particular 21 patients had MV repair and material (air bubbles) was seen in the LA 7 patients had MV replacement after release of positive airway pressure or Table 2 outlines the MR severity, pathol- if a left-to-right shunt was clearly identified ogy, and surgical procedures in these 28 by color Doppler mapping in the region of patients. the fossa ovalis (18). Table 1 - Demographic of patients. Surgical treatment Patients 521 Based on echo findings, the surgical plan- SEX 67%male ning of patients scheduled for CABG, in AGE 69±14 years whom a valve dysfunction or other heart I (58%) abnormality was detected by iTEE as a new finding, was changed following the Rec- NYHA CLASS II (36%) ommendations by AHA/ACC published III (6%) in 1998 (19) and revised in August 2006 EF% 38±8,2 (20). EF: ejection fraction. HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010, Vol. 2 F. Guarracino, et al. 46 Table 2 - iTEE findings in 28 patients who underwent MV surgery in whom MV surgery was not planned before the operation. Patients iTEE MV severity Pathology Procedure performed Severely calcified MVA extending onto 3 Moderate (2+) Debridement of leaflet leaflet 7 Moderate-severe (3+) anuloectasia MV annuloplasty Thickening and retraction of MV, severe 4 Moderate (2+) MVR calcification of MV annulus 4 Mild (1+) Anterior leaflet of MV severely calcified Decalcification of leaflet Prolapse of mid portion of posterior Annuloplasty with 5 Moderate (3+) leaflet Carpentier ring 2 Moderate Posterior tethering MV annuloplasty No intrinsic abnormality of leaflets, MVA 3 Severe (4+) MVR calcified and dilated iTEE: intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography; MV: mitral valve; MVR: mitral valve replacement; MVA: mitral valve annulus. There were 6 patients who had MV surgery Table 3 - iTEE findings and their surgical impact. planned at the time of CABG, but MV sur- Basal TEE gery was cancelled on the basis of the iTEE Patients Surgical impact findings finding of less severe MR than was previ- ously detected prior to surgery and/or ad- 2 AV AV replacement insufficiency equate functional structures of the MV. In 8 (1.5%) patients a severe aortic valve 8 AV stenosis AV replacement stenosis was found that required AVR. In 2 (0.38%) cases aortic valve insuffi- ciency was found: one case showing severe 28 MV MV surgery abnormalities AR underwent AVR; the other case with moderate AR underwent AVR because of MV 6 Surgery cancelled reduced LV function (EF<50%). regurgitation In 21 (4%) patients a PFO was found and Mobile mass on 15 patients (2.8%) underwent closure of 3 Resection aortic cusps patent foramen ovale. In 3 cases (0.57%) a small (3-4 mm diam- Patent foramen 21 15 Foramen closure eter), mobile mass on the aortic side of the ovalis cusps of the aortic valve was detected, and Postbypass needed resection. In all cases histology re- Surgical impact TEE findings sults from the resected cusp confirmed fi- broelastoma. 7 RWMA 3 IABP In 14 patients TEE suggested that car- 1 MR MV repair dioplegia be performed selectively due to mild-moderate aortic valve regurgitation. AV: aortic valve; MV: mitral valve. HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010, Vol. 2 Intraoperative TEE for CABG New postbypass findings were obtained in dence for interventional behaviour in aor- 47 8 patients (1.5%) and the surgical plan was tic valve abnormalities during CABG pro- altered in 4 patients (0.7%). cedures. It is very important to consider In particular there were 7 patients who had the increased risk of reintervention after a new wall motion abnormality (RWMA); CABG in order to correct an aortic valve a graft flow evaluation was done without al- defect. This risk is probably higher than the ter the surgical plan. In 3 cases a intraaortic risk associated with prolonging the pump balloon was placed. In one case a MR was during the same procedure. detected after a MV posterior pericardial We found 82 (15.7%) new prebypass find- annuloplasty, and a posterior commissural ings in a study population of 521 patients. resuturing was again performed on-pump. The new findings resulted in a change in Table 3 summarizes iTEE findings and the the surgical decision-making plan of 62 pa- resulting surgical implications. tients (11.9%). New postbypass findings were obtained in 8 patients (1.5%) and the surgical plan was DISCUSSION altered in 4 patients (0.7%). New findings (pre and postbypass) were In our experience, a primary and common obtained in 90 patients (17.2%) and the indication for iTEE is patients undergoing surgical plan was altered in 66 patients CABG. iTEE was initially used in these cas- (12.6%). es to assess the wall motion abnormalities The most common new finding was PFO in before and after cardiopulmonary bypass. 21 patients that was closed in 15 patients. It has since become important in assessing The reason for closure of the PFO was other cardiac abnormalities in patients un- based on our policy to prevent potential dergoing CABG and has potential for use in postoperative hypoxia under mechanical concomitant MV or other cardiac surgery. ventilation, according which large PFO, or ITEE provides high-resolution analysis of situations such as pulmonary hypertension, heart structure, especially the valve appara- elevated CVP, right ventricular dysfunction tus. The analysis of functional morphology require closure of PFO in patients undergo- of the MV generally permits identification ing cardiac surgical procedures. of a primary defect in MV coaptation that In 28 (5.3%) patients, unplanned MV sur- may produce significant MR that will not gery was added to CABG based on the in- improve even after successful revascular- traoperative echo findings. ization of abnormally moving myocardium. In addition, there were 6 (1.1%) patients In such cases, a MV procedure should be whose MV surgery was cancelled based on strongly considered at the time of CABG. the TEE. Conversely, ischemic MR in the setting of Our study specifically reports the utility of severe coronary artery disease with other- iTEE in the evaluation of cardiac structures wise structurally normal MV anatomy re- during CABG procedures. quires careful evaluation of left ventricular The impact of iTEE has been established in geometry and its impact on MV apparatus a number of settings but primarily in MV deformation. repair (8, 9). With additional experience, Also, deep evaluation of the aortic valve is the utility and impact of TEE in the setting important in CAD patients. of other cardiac surgical procedures has be- Aortic valve pathology is often associated come apparent (21, 22). with coronary artery disease. There is evi- Studies have documented the impact of HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010, Vol. 2 F. Guarracino, et al. 48 iTEE on valve surgery, with changes in the variability in assessment of MR could not operative plan based on transesophageal be assessed in the current study. echocardiography findings in 11% to 14% Also we admit the lack of outcome data at of cases (23-25). Additionally, iTEE was this stage, although follow-up analysis was found in the detection of problems with not the goal of this study. surgical procedure and subsequent need to return to cardiopulmonary bypass reported in 2% to 6% (26). CONCLUSIONS Other studies have evaluated the role of iTEE in patients undergoing CABG sur- ITEE plays an important role in surgical gery. One of the most recent from Fatema decision-making during CABG procedures. et al. reported new findings (prebypass and In our series, additional information that postbypass) in 13% of patients undergoing altered the surgical plan was found in 66 elective CABG and the surgical plan was al- patients (12.6%) undergoing CABG. tered in 5.5% of patients. They support the While further studies should be performed use of iTEE in patients undergoing coronary to investigate on the impact of this issue artery bypass graft surgery. Comparing his on the patients’ outcome, these data sup- data with other studies, Fatema et al. con- port the routine use of iTEE in a unselect- cluded that the overall impact of iTEE was ed group of patients undergoing surgical lower than in studies that focused on high- myocardial revascularization: the impact of risk patients. Our results show almost the iTEE in surgical management was relevant same incidence of new findings by iTEE, so we do believe that iTEE must have a spe- but they show a higher incidence of sur- cial place in cardiac surgery, and it should gical intervention. We may speculate that be used by experienced hands to correctly some interventions were not necessary so diagnose the pathophysiology of heart dis- the patients were at increased risk; or we ease. may speculated that the TTE obtained be- fore surgery, was not as accurate. There is no conflict of interest. Limitations. There are several causes of possible hemodynamic disturbance in the REFERENCES operating room, such as anesthetic drugs, 1. Rosenhek R, Binder T, Maurer G. Intraoperative mechanical ventilation, surgical manipula- transesophageal echocardiography in valve replace- tions of the heart, some of which can dra- ment surgery. Echocardiography 2002; 19: 701-707. matically affect left ventricular loading and 2. 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