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TRANSNATIONAL LIVES This page intentionally left blank Transnational Lives Expatriates in Indonesia ANNE-MEIKE FECHTER University of Sussex, UK © Anne-Meike Fechter 2007 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher. Anne-Meike Fechter has asserted her moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as the author of this work. Published by Ashgate Publishing Limited Ashgate Publishing Company Gower House Suite 420 Croft Road 101 Cherry Street Aldershot Burlington, VT 05401-4405 Hampshire GU11 3HR USA England Ashgate website: http://www.ashgate.com British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Fechter, Anne-Meike Transnational lives : expatriates in Indonesia. – (Applied legal philosophy) 1. Aliens – Indonesia – Social conditions 2. Europeans – Indonesia – Social conditions 3. Americans – Indonesia – Social conditions 4. Transnationalism I. Title 305.9'0691'09598 ISBN-13: 9780754647430 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Fechter, Anne-Meike. Transnational lives : expatriates in Indonesia / by Anne-Meike Fechter. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-7546-4743-0 1. Transnationalism--Social aspects. 2. Transnationalism--Social aspects--Indonesia. 3. Aliens--Social conditions. 4. Aliens--Indonesia--Social conditions. 5. Indonesia--Social conditions. 6. Indonesia--Emigration and immigration. 7. Globalization--Social aspects. 8. Globalization--Social aspects--Indonesia. I. Title. JV6225.F43 2007 304.8'598--dc22 2006101546 Printed and bound in Great Britain by MPG Books Ltd, Bodmin, Cornwall. Contents Preface vi Chapter 1 Expatriates: Who Are They? 1 Chapter 2 Transnational Lives and Their Boundaries 17 Chapter 3 Expatriate Wives 37 Chapter 4 Space, Embodiment and the Gaze 59 Chapter 5 Boundaries of the Body 83 Chapter 6 Performing Expatriate Identities 103 Chapter 7 Young Expatriates, Alternative Lifestyles? 127 Chapter 8 A Peculiar Tribe 147 References 169 Index 181 This page intentionally left blank Preface My interest in expatriates was first aroused during a semester spent teaching German language at a Teachers’ Training College in the city of Yogyakarta in Java, as I became an expatriate myself. One afternoon I was sitting on the veranda of an elegant house inhabited by a British family, looking onto a garden with a swimming pool and large mango trees, which was sheltered by concrete walls. A maid was serving tea, while a nanny was looking after the family’s little daughter. The husband told me about the aggressive political party rallies he had witnessed earlier that year, which he had found frightening. He said that beneath the calm exterior of the Javanese was a potential for violence that could come to the fore when they were pushed over a limit – it was called ‘running amok’. I was struck as much by his explanation of Indonesians’ behaviour as by the quasi-colonial scenario: the spacious villa, the presence of household staff, the air of luxury compared with the rather modest dwellings outside. This situation is quite typical of how many visitors to Indonesia encounter the expatriate world, and their first reactions, like mine, are often a mixture of intrigue, disbelief and a ready acceptance of its advantages. During my teaching stint, after having visited other expatriates’ homes in Jakarta, I had the distinct feeling that their way of living was strange and peculiar, and worth examining more closely. At first, I was unable to pinpoint what exactly made for this peculiarity. During my subsequent fieldwork in Jakarta, I thought that a key aspect of it was living in an ‘expatriate bubble’, and while writing up my ethnographic material I realised that what had struck me was the pervasive importance of boundaries. Wherever expatriates were, whatever they did, boundaries seemed the key to understanding their lives. These were boundaries between the orderly insides of their houses and the chaotic streets, between Western food served at home and street vendors’ fare outside, and between the cocooned Western expatriate communities and a sprawling third-world city which surrounded them. The main theme of this book is therefore how expatriates’ lives are marked by boundaries, and specifically how their construction and transgression characterises expatriates’ relations with Indonesia. This becomes apparent in the domains of race and gender, the body, the use of space, and their social lives. The centrality of these categories is not necessarily reflected in existing research on transnationalism; on the contrary, my discovery of the prevalence of boundaries contrasts with prominent discourses of ‘global flows’ which dominate transnationalist literature. I argue that expatriates’ transnational lives are marked by boundaries as much as by flows. These notions are not conceptualised as opposites, but as interdependent. I suggest that in the context of privileged migration, the role of boundaries has not been sufficiently explored. This study thus hopes to make a contribution in several ways, namely to support the emerging focus on privileged migration, and the perspective viii Transnational Lives of ‘transnationalism from above’; to supplant, and challenge existing theories of globalisation through detailed ethnographic material; to bring both a historical and gendered perspective to the study of skilled migration, as well as an emphasis on the embodied and everyday experiences of mobile professionals. Given that the term ‘expatriates’ is vague and rather value-laden, I discuss it in more detail in Chapter 1, and describe how some of informants use the term themselves. This chapter includes a brief overview of the methods used in my research and introduces its location, the city of Jakarta. Chapter 2 situates expatriates within the conceptual framework of transnationalism and migration studies, it suggests that studying privileged migration produces new theoretical as well as ethnographic perspectives, and points to its historical and gendered dimensions. Bearing these dimensions in mind, Chapter 3 explores the situation of expatriate wives, arguing that the limiting aspects of transnational lives become especially apparent with respect to women. This is partly due to their ambiguous position as the dominated members of the dominating expatriate class in relation to Indonesian society. The chapter shows how women’s lives are in many ways more restricted than they were in their home countries, and are marked by a change of identity and lack of agency. Nevertheless, their situation also affords them certain opportunities for personal development that were not available to them at home. Chapters 4 and 5 foreground the role of the space, the body, and embodied experiences of expatriates’ lives. These chapters demonstrate the various ways in which expatriates negotiate their relations with their Indonesian environments, and how they construct a spatial and social ‘Western bubble’. Spatial boundaries appear in expatriates’ housing practices and their movements through Jakarta. Central to their experiences is their ‘Whiteness’, as they are unsettled by being the object of the gaze of the Indonesian ‘Other’. Chapter 5 looks at how expatriates through bodily practices, such as food consumption, reject or appropriate elements of Indonesia, for example through employing technologies of transforming Indonesian food into Western dishes. Chapter 6 examines boundaries of ethnicity and nationality, which not only separate expatriates from Indonesian society, but divide the expatriate community itself. National identities become a significant resource for representations of self and Other. A large part of expatriates’ activities, as apparent in women’s associations, are organised along national lines. At the same time, some expatriates attempt to transgress these boundaries, and engage with Indonesian culture, for instance through the ‘Indonesian Heritage Society’. Despite tendencies towards internationally-oriented ways of socialising, national identifications still remain strong. Chapter 7 addresses the question whether expatriates are bound to exist within a ‘bubble’, or whether there are alternative forms of living in Indonesia as a foreigner. The chapter focuses on young global professionals, who distance themselves from the older generation of ‘family expatriates’. I suggest, however, that these young professionals similarly perform Western lifestyles which exclude much of Indonesia. The concluding chapter draws together these issues through tracing different boundary-related metaphors and their use by expatriates. Complementing the prevailing focus on the migration of non-privileged people, and critiquing the discourse of flows, the book thus offers a more comprehensive analysis of transnational processes. Chapter 1 Expatriates: Who Are They? Had people with such exotic customs, such irrational beliefs, such complex social organizations, and such tremendous power, been of any other skin colour they would have been studied in great depth and detail by anthropologists from all over the world. Unfortunately, however, most of the world’s anthropologists are white, and it is a rare anthropologist indeed who studies somebody of his own colour (Crocombe 1968:76, quoted in Erik Cohen 1977:5). Although anthropologists have in the meantime begun to study people of their own colour, expatriates have remained curiously absent from academic accounts. An early overview article by Cohen (1977), entitled ‘Expatriate communities’, seems to have been largely forgotten. This relative academic invisibility contrasts with their prominence in the popular imagination, even though this often takes the form of caricatures and clichés. Undoubtedly, the existence of such clichés, which are entertained by those at home as well as expatriates themselves, is linked to the assumed ‘exotic customs’ and ‘irrational beliefs’ alluded to above. They typically portray expatriates as egotistical, domineering, ignorant and greedy; as neurotic about hygiene while living a life of luxury, whiling away their days by the pool or at Coffee Mornings, and knowing local people only as their servants. The aim of this study is to move beyond such stereotypes, and establish ‘expatriates’ as a valid and relevant ethnographic object. The term ‘expatriate’ is a loose one and has multiple meanings; I do not attempt to systematically review them here, but discuss only those that are relevant in the present context. The word ‘expatriate’ consists of the Latin ex (‘out’) and patria (‘native country’), describing ‘a person who lives outside their native country’. The origin of the current use seems to be the mid-18th century, in the form of the medieval Latin term expatriat-, ‘gone out from one’s country’ (The New Oxford Dictionary of English, 1999). In spite of this rather broad meaning, the majority of contemporary migrants who leave their countries to live elsewhere are typically not referred to as expatriates. Instead, the term is conventionally reserved for Westerners who have lived abroad for varying lengths of time, especially artists, colonials, and generally those with a mission of one kind or another (Cohen 1977:6). The term ‘expatriate’ has gained prominence for example in relation to the ‘Lost Generation’ of American writers living in Paris after World War I, which included Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Gertrude Stein (Earnest 1968). A quote from Hemingway’s novel, The Sun Also Rises, suggests the tropes of moral decline which were associated with these expatriates’ existences: ‘You’re an expatriate. You’ve lost touch with the soil. You get precious. Fake European standards have

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