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Transmissionlossesinopticalqubitsforcontrolledteleportation I. Medina1 and F. L. Semia˜o1 1CentrodeCieˆnciasNaturaiseHumanas,UniversidadeFederaldoABC,09210-170,SantoAndre´,Sa˜oPaulo,Brazil In this work, we investigate the controlled teleportation protocol using optical qubits within the single rail logic. Theprotocolmakesuseofanentangledtripartitestatesharedbythecontrollerandtwofurtherparties (users)whowillperformstandardteleportation.Thegoaloftheprotocolistoguaranteethattheteleportationis successfulonlywiththepermissionofthecontroller. Opticalqubitsbasedoneithersuperpositionsofvacuum andsingle-photonstatesorsuperpositionofcoherentstatesareemployedheretoencodeatripartitemaximal slice state upon which the protocol is based. We compare the performances of these two encodings under losseswhicharepresentwhenthequbitsareguidedthroughaopticalfibertotheusers. Finally,investigatethe nonlocalityofthesharedtripartitestatetoseewhetherornotitimpactstheefficiencyoftheprotocol. 7 I. INTRODUCTION ing two of such encodings and studying their performance 1 0 in CT with realistic losses in the transmission of the qubits. 2 In the first case, qubit codification is considered to be based Entanglementisapropertyofmultipartitequantumsystems onsingle-modeorthogonalFockstates. Theparadigmaticex- n which possess no complete classical analogue. Its existence ample being the superposition of single photon and vacuum a has been linked to fundamental aspects such as nonlocality J states. This is known as single-rail quantum logic. Very im- [1,2]orsteering[3]aswellaspracticalprotocolsinquantum 4 information [4, 5]. Quantum teleportation [4] is a protocol portant developments have been made for such qubits. For 2 instance,auniversalsetofnondeterministicgatescanbebuilt where two parties, Alice (sender) and Bob (receiver), share using linear optics and photon counting [14]. Improved pro- a bipartite maximally entangled state (the quantum channel) ] cedures for performing gates with a significant reduction in h which allows Alice to perfectly send the unknown state of a p qubit to Bob by making only local measurements in her lab theresourceshavealsobeendiscussed[15]. Next,theuseof - real-time feedback control was shown to further reduce the and sending two bits of classical information to him. If the t n channel is not perfect, i.e., not a pure maximally entangled resourcesneededforscalablequantumcomputingwithsingle a rail optical qubits [16]. A critical assessment of single rail bipartitestate,thisprotocolallowsAlicetojustimperfectlyor u quantum linear optical quantum computing can be found in probabilisticsendthequbitstatetoBob[6,7]. q [17]. Teleportationandviolationoflocalrealismforabipar- [ With time, more sophisticated versions of the standard titeextensionofthissingle-raillogicwasconsideredin[18]. quantumteleportationprotocolhavebeenproposed. Oneex- 1 Fromtheexperimentalside,thesestateshavebeengenerated ampleisthesocalledcontrolledteleportation[8](CT)where v withhighcontrolinspontaneousparametricdown-conversion 3 athirdpartycomesintotheplay. Charlie(controller)canlo- [19] or mixing single photon and coherent states in a beam 3 cally control the quality of the quantum channel shared by splitter, followed by a conditioned measurement [20]. As a 8 AliceandBobthusaffectingthequalityofthestandardtele- matter of fact, even the teleportation protocol as proposed in 6 portation they intend to perform. To achieve this control, [18]hasalreadybeenexperimentallyrealized[21]. 0 CharliecansharewithAliceandBobamaximallyentangled . 1 three-qubitGreenberger-Horne-Zeilinger(GHZ)state[9],and Inthesecondcase,thecodificationrelyontheuseofnon- 0 by making or making not a local projective measurement on orthogonalsingle-modecoherentstatesofoppositephases. It 7 his qubit, Charlie can influence the fidelity of teleportation is a generalized type of single-rail qubit in the sense that it 1 [8]. When Charlie do not perform the measurement, Alice tendstothestandardcaseforlargecoherentstateamplitudes. : v and Bob can only achieve teleportation fidelities up to 2/3. In this case, the two opposite-phase coherent states used in Xi Inpracticalterms,thismeansnoquantumteleportationsince the encoding approach orthogonality. On the other hand, for suchfidelitiescanbeachievedwithouttheuseofanyquantum small amplitudes, the non-orthogonality usually brings very r a channel [10]. In other words, Alice and Bob need the per- interesting effects when energy relaxation acts on the qubits mission of Charlie (his performing a local measurement and [22]. Theuseofcoherentstatesinquantuminformationisin informing the outcome) in order for them to achieve fideli- factaveryactiveresearchtopicgivingthatthegeneration,ma- ties higher than the classical bound 2/3. In [11], this prob- nipulationandcharacterizationofcoherentstatesisverywell lem is studied for a general family of pure three-qubit states developedinquantumoptics[23]. Theuseofcoherentstates andin[12]aclassofstatescalledmaximalslicestates(MS) for quantum teleportation and quantum logic is carefully de- areshowntobeparticularlyusefulforCT.Whatissurprising tailed in [24–27]. Entangled coherent states, such the ones here is that such states are not, in general, maximally entan- usedinthiswork,haveinfactbeenexperimentallygenerated gled triparte states such as the GHZ state. Both the standard incircuitquantumelectromagneticsetupswherefullquantum andcontrolledteleportationprotocolsfindapplicationsinthe state tomography via quantum nondemolition measurements fieldofsecurequantumcommunication[13]. ofthejointphotonnumberparityoperatorhavebeensucess- Inthecontextofquantumoptics,differentphotonicqubits fulyimplemented[28]. Ingeneral,oneneedssomenonlinear- have been considered for practical implementation quantum ity in the Hamiltonian to dynamically superpose or entangle information protocols. In this work, we will be consider- coherentstates. Proposalsarefoundin[29,30]. 2 This work is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we quickly the permission? In this case, we want to evaluate the non reviewtheCTprotocolandpresentourinvestigationproblem conditionedteleportationfidelityF . Itisevaluatedwiththe nc which is the performance of different optical qubits in con- correspondingdensityoperatorfortheMSstateinEq.(2),af- trolledteleportationunderdissipation. Sec.IIIisdedicatedto ter the controller has been traced out. This corresponds to a our results. In particular, we compare and contrast the per- scenariowherenomeasurementswereperformedbythecon- formanceofsingle-railencodingusingorthogonalFockstates troller. Inthiscase,onefinds[12] withthatusingcoherentstates.Wealsolookintothetripartite 2+d nonlocality of the state shared by the parties to see whether F = . (4) or not nonlocality and efficiency are related. In Sec. IV, we nc 3 sumarizeourfindingsandpresentourfinalremarks. Finally, From this result, it is clear that for d = 0(θ = 0), when the intheAppendix,webrieflyreviewamethodtoevaluatetele- MS state in Eq.(1) reduces to the GHZ state, Alice and Bob portationfidelities. fails completely in the attempt of cheating [8]. In this case, alltheyobtainistheclassicalfidelity2/3. Asdincreases,the power of the controller starts to diminish. In the limit case II. BASICELEMENTS d = 1(θ = π/2), theteleportationissuccessfullyperformed without permission of the controller. Again, this is a simple A. Controlledteleportationprotocol consequence of form of the MS state in Eq.(1). When d = 1, Alice and Bob are left in a Bell state which is completely In the context of CT, we will assume that the controller uncorrelatedwiththequbitinCharliepossession. (Charlie) possesses qubit 1, while the sender (Alice) and the In [12], 1 − F is called control power. Here, we will nc receiver (Bob) possess qubits 2 and 3, respectively. In the renormalizeitinawaythatitexplicitlytakesintoaccountthe ideal case (no dissipation), these three qubits are in the pure unsuitabilityoffidelitiesbelow2/3forquantumteleportation. MSstatedefinedas[12,31] ThisnormalizedcontrolpowerC varyingbetweenzeroand p onereads 1 |MS(cid:105)123 = √2(|0,0,0(cid:105)+c|1,1,1(cid:105)+d|0,1,1(cid:105))123, (1) C =(cid:26)1−3(cid:0)Fnc− 32(cid:1), if Fnc >2/3, (5) p 1, if F ≤2/3 nc wherecanddarerealssubjectedtoc2 =1−d2. Actually,in thesimulations,wewillbeusingc=cosθandd=sinθwith Notice that Fnc = 1 implies Cp = 0. On the other hand, θ ∈ [0,π/2]. AliceandBobwillusetheirpartofthisstateto fidelities equal or below the classical bound implies Cp = performthestandardteleportation[4]oftheunknownstateof 1. These two limits correspond to complete success or fail a forth qubit in the possession of Alice. To see how Charlie of Alice and Bob when they proceed without permission of can affect the performance of the teleportation protocol, we Charlie. rewriteEq.(1)as The CT protocol is intrinsically a twofold problem. First, when no permission is given, C must be as close to one as p 1 possible. Second, when the permission is given, the condi- |MS(cid:105) = [(1+d)|0(cid:105)+c|1(cid:105)] ⊗|Φ+(cid:105) 123 2 1 23 tioned fidelity Fc must be higher than 2/3 and as close as 1 possibletoone. Thesetwofactsledustodefineaefficiencyη + [(1−d)|0(cid:105)−c|1(cid:105)] ⊗|Φ−(cid:105) , (2) 2 1 23 fortheCTprotocolas √ (cid:26) where|Φ±(cid:105)23 =1/ 2(|0,0(cid:105)±|1,1(cid:105))23aremaximallyentan- η = Cp[1+3(Fc−1)], if Fc >2/3, (6) gledBellstates. Now,itiseasytoseethatifCharlieperforms 0, if Fc ≤2/3 aprojectivemeasurementontheorthonomalbasis[12] NoticethatηvariesbetweenzeroandoneandwheneverF ≤ c 1 2/3orC =0theefficiencyisnull. Thismeansthat,inorder |ξ±(cid:105) = [(1±d)|0(cid:105)±c|1(cid:105)] , (3) p 1 (cid:112)(1±d)2+c2 1 for the control to be effective, it is of no use to have a high control power C when the conditioned teleportation fidelity p Alice and Bob end up with one of two Bell states. Upon re- Fcisundertheclassicalbound. Whenpermissionisgiven,no ceivingaclassicalmessagefromCharlieinforminghismea- quantumteleportationwillbeachievedinthisscenario. surementoutput,theycanperformtheteleportationwithunit WenowproceedtoapplythesequantifiersFc,Cp,andηin fidelity. Theteleportationfidelityundertheseconditionswill the analyze of the performance of different optical qubits in be called conditioned fidelity F . The local measurement by CTwithMSstatesanddamping. c CharlieandtheclassicalcommunicationoftheoutputtoAlice andBobiswhatismeantbycontrollerpermission. Itisinter- esting to see that the MS state allows unit F for any choice B. Theproblem c ofd(orθ). Inotherwords,thereisnoneedofagenuinemax- imallyentangledtripartitestatesuchasaGHZstate. The physical situation we want to address in this work is WhatifAliceandBobtrytocheatCharlie? Inotherwords, depictedinFig.1. ThekeyfigureintheCTprotocolisChar- how does the teleportation work when Charlie does not give lie,thecontroller. Itisthennaturaltothinkthatitishimwho 3 in the fibers [33]. After individually studying these figures of merit, we will then directly compare the encodings using the efficiency as defined in Eq.(6). Finally, we will investi- gatewhetherthereisanymeaningfulrelationbetweentripar- titenonlocalityandtheefficiencyoftheprotocol. A. Vacuumandsingle-photon The first step is to rewrite the MS state in Eq.(1) in FIG.1. (Coloronline)CharliepreparestheMSstateinEq.(1),send terms of the physical qubits of the VSP encoding in Eq.(8). oneopticalqubittoAliceandanothertoBob,boththroughoptical Then, Eq.(7) is solved with the initial condition ρ(0) = fiberswithdissipationrateΓ.Duringthispropagation,thequbitthat stayswithCharlieisassumedtoapproximatelynotdissipateenergy |MS(cid:105)123(cid:104)MS|. In the case of the non-conditioned density norsufferdecoherence(closedsystem). operatorforAliceandBob,qubit1(controllerqubit)istraced outresultingin 1 willpreparethetripartiteMSstateanddistributeonequbitto ρ (t)= [(1+r4)|¯0,¯0(cid:105) (cid:104)¯0,¯0|+τ4|¯1,¯1(cid:105) (cid:104)¯1,¯1| AliceandanothertoBob.Inhislab,Charliekeepalong-lived nc 2 23 23 stationary matter qubit based, for instance, on electronic de- +τ2sinθ(|¯0,¯0(cid:105) (cid:104)¯1,¯1|+|¯1,¯1(cid:105) (cid:104)¯0,¯0|) 23 23 gree of freedom of trapped ions or states of artificial atoms +r2τ2(|¯0,¯1(cid:105) (cid:104)¯0,¯1|+|¯1,¯0(cid:105) (cid:104)¯1,¯0|)], (10) 23 23 in circuit quantum electrodynamics. However, for Alice and √ Bob, Charlie must employ flying or optical qubits that will where τ = e−Γt/2 and r = 1−τ2 is a normalized time be sent to their laboratories. Typically, this is made with the varying from zero to one. Physically, r represents the pres- help of optical fibers which inevitably involve losses (ampli- enceofthelossyfiber. Thebiggerthenormalizedtimer,the tude damping). Time evolution under amplitude damping is strongertheeffectofthelosses. describedbythemasterequation[32] FortheconditionedfidelityF ,insteadoftracingoutqubit c 1, the evolved density operator is projected onto the basis in ∂ρ =Jρ+Lρ, (7) Eq.(3). Thetwopossibleoutcomesare ∂t whereJρ=Γ(cid:80)3 a ρa†andLρ=−(Γ/2)(cid:80)3 (a†a ρ+ ρ±(t)= 1[(1+r4)|¯0,¯0(cid:105) (cid:104)¯0,¯0|+τ4|¯1,¯1(cid:105) (cid:104)¯1,¯1| i=2 i i i=2 i i c 2 23 23 ρa†a )witha (a†)theannihilation(creation)operatoracting i i i i ±τ2(|¯0,¯0(cid:105) (cid:104)¯1,¯1|+|¯1,¯1(cid:105) (cid:104)¯0,¯0|) on mode i, and Γ is the dissipation rate of the optical fibers. 23 23 Noticethat,inourproblem,onlythemodesaddressedtoAlice +r2τ2(|¯0,¯1(cid:105)23(cid:104)¯0,¯1|+|¯1,¯0(cid:105)23(cid:104)¯1,¯0|)], (11) andBob(i=2,3)aresubjectedtodampinginthefibers. whichshowupwiththeprobabilities Asmentionedbefore,wewillbeworkingwithtwodistinct physicalqubitsinsingleraillogic. Theyare 1±sinθ P± = . (12) 1. Vacuum and Single-Photon States (VSP): in this case, 2 thephysicalqubitsaretheFockstatescorrespondingto Now,theteleportationfidelities zerooronephotoninthemode,i.e., F =P+F(ρ+)+P−F(ρ−), (13) {|0(cid:105),|1(cid:105)}−→{|¯0(cid:105),|¯1(cid:105)} (8) c c c F =F(ρ ) (14) cn nc The bars are used in the VSP to avoid confusion be- can be evaluated using the method discussed in Appendix. tweenphysicalandlogicalqubits. Theresultis 2. Coherent States: coherent states |α(cid:105) are special 1 superpositions of F√ock states defined as |α(cid:105) = Fnc = 6(3+2sinθ|r2−1|+|1−2r2+2r4|), (15) een−c|αo|n2d/2in(cid:80)g,∞nw=e0(αwnil/l bne!)e|mn(cid:105)plwoyitihngαccoohmerpelnetx.staItnesthoisf Fc = 61(3+2|r2−1|+|1−2r2+2r4|). (16) sameamplitudebutoppositephases[24–27],i.e., Please, notice that the conditioned fidelity F defined in c {|0(cid:105),|1(cid:105)}−→{|α(cid:105),|−α(cid:105)}. (9) Eq.(13)isactuallyanaveragefidelityweightedbytheproba- bilitiesofobtainingeachoftheconditioneddensityoperators uponCharliemeasurement.FortheparticularcaseoftheVSP III. RESULTS qubits,theseprobabilitiesaregivenbyEq.(12). Forthequbits basedoncoherentstatestobediscussednext,theseprobabil- For each of the photonic qubits considered in this work, itieswillnaturallychange. andtheinitialMSstateinEq.(1),wenowstudyhowthecon- In Fig. 2, we present the effect of losses in the fiber for ditionedfidelitiesandthecontrolpowerareaffectedbylosses the control power evaluated with Eqs. (5) and (15) and the 4 conditioned fidelity (16) for different values of θ, i.e., some thebasisinEq.(3),andthetwopossibleoutcomesarenow choices of c and d in the MS state Eq.(1). First, it is worth ρ±(t)=M (α)2[|γ,γ(cid:105) (cid:104)γ,γ|+|−γ,−γ(cid:105) (cid:104)−γ,−γ| noticingthatforθ =0thecontrolpowerremainsoneregard- c ± 23 23 less of the losses in the fiber. This happens because for for ±e−4r2|α|2|γ,γ(cid:105)23(cid:104)−γ,−γ| θ = 0 the initial MS state is actually a maximally entangled ±e−4r2|α|2|−γ,−γ(cid:105) (cid:104)γ,γ|], (18) 23 GHZstatewhosereducedstate(tracingoutthecontroller)is (cid:112) a statistical mixture with no entanglement. Since the local where M±(α) = 1/ 2±2exp[−4|α|2]. The probabilities dynamics of losses acting on this non-entangled state is un- forρ±c (t)arenow abletocreateentanglement,AliceandBobwillalwaysfailto 1±sinθ P ± = (1±e−4|α|2). (19) perform quantum teleportation. One the other hand, as θ is α 2(1+sinθe−4|α|2) progressively increased in the range [0,π/2], the initial state These probabilities will be used to evaluate the conditioned with Alice and Bob tends continually to a maximally entan- fidelityF = P +F(ρ+)+P −F(ρ−),asexplainedbefore. gled Bell state causing Cp to decrease. In this context, the c α c α c In order to once again use the methods discussed in the Ap- lossesinthefiberstendtofavorthecontroller(increasingC ) p pendix, weneedtoredefineapropermagicbasisintermsof as they destroy the entanglement in the reduced state of Al- coherentstates. Itnowreads iceandBob. Thisiswheretheintroductionoftheefficiency quantifierinEq.(6)willplayanimportantrole. Thepresence |mγ(cid:105)= √1 (|γ+,γ+(cid:105)+|γ−,γ−(cid:105)), oflosseswillalsoaffecttheconditionedfidelityobtainedwith 1 2 thepermissionofthecontroller. Consequently,theincrement i |mγ(cid:105)= √ (|γ+,γ+(cid:105)−|γ−,γ−(cid:105)), ofCp duetothelossesarenotnecessarilygoodforCT.This 2 2 twofoldaspectoftheprotocolrevealedbytheanalysisofthe i efficiencywillbediscussedlateronthispaper. |mγ(cid:105)= √ (|γ+,γ−(cid:105)+|γ−,γ+(cid:105)), 3 2 1 |mγ(cid:105)= √ (|γ+,γ−(cid:105)−|γ−,γ+(cid:105)), 1.0 1.0 4 2 0.8 0.9 where |γ±(cid:105) = (2 ± 2e−2|γ|2)−1/2(|γ(cid:105) ± |−γ(cid:105)) are even CP0.6 Fc0.8 and odd coherent states which are naturally orthonormal 0.4 0.7 (cid:104)γ+|γ−(cid:105) = 0. The expressions for F and C are now a bit c p 0.2 0.6 cumbersome, so we will only perform a graphic analysis of 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 thesequantities. r r InFig.3,wepresenttheplotsofthecontrolpowerandcon- FIG.2. (Coloronline)Controlpower(left)andconditionedfidelity ditionedfidelityfordifferentvaluesofθeα. Whentheinitial (right) as a function of normalized time and different values of θ statecorrespondstoatypeofGHZ(θ =0),thecontrolpower, fortheVSPencoding. Leftpanel:θ =0(solid),θ =π/6(dashed), besides being independent of r, becomes now also indepen- θ=π/4(dot-dashed),andθ=π/3(dotted).Rightpanel:F turned c dentofα. Onceagainthishappensbecausethereducedstate outtobeindependentonθ [seeEq.16]andthedashedstraightline of Alice and Bob possess no entanglement for θ = 0. This indicatesdeclassicalfidelity2/3. isnotobservedforF whichpresentsastrongdependenceon c αevenwhenθ = 0. Inparticular,wewanttodrawattention tothedifferentcrossingsthathappeninC andF whenr is p c varied. Thismeansthatdependingonthenormalizedtimeor B. Coherentstate howmuchthelossesactedonthestate,itismoreappropriate tochooselargeorsmallcoherentstateamplitudesαtoachieve Wenowproceedtothesecondkindofphotonicqubitcon- morecontrolorhigherconditionedfidelities.Thishappensfor sideredinthiswork. Now, thefirststepistorewritetheMS two reasons. First, superposition of coherent states are more stateinEq.(1)intermsoftheencodinginEq.(9).Itisalsonec- affectedbythelosseswhenthetheiramplitudesarelarge[34]. essary to renormalize the state since the coherent states used However, the same large amplitude coherent states produces intheencodingarenotorthogonal.Next,Eq.(7)issolvedwith better conditioned fidelities because the states in Eq.(9) tend theinitialconditionρ(0)=|MS(cid:105) (cid:104)MS|. Aftertracingout tobecomeorthogonalinthislimit. Itisthiscompromisebe- 123 qubit1(controllerqubit),wegetthenonconditioneddensity tweendissipationandorthogonalitywhichproducesthecross- operator ingsobservedinFig.3forintermediatevaluesofr. Thisbe- haviorofthecoherentstatesencodingmakesitaninteresting ρ (t)=N(α)2[|γ,γ(cid:105) (cid:104)γ,γ|+|−γ,−γ(cid:105) (cid:104)−γ,−γ| candidateforimplementationofvariedquantuminformation nc 23 23 tasks[22,41]. Asafinalremark,atr = 0,thecontrolpower +e−4r2|α|2sinθ|γ,γ(cid:105) (cid:104)−γ,−γ|+ 23 decreasedwithθ because,inthelimitθ → π/2,thereduced +e−4r2|α|2sinθ|−γ,−γ(cid:105) (cid:104)γ,γ|], (17) stateisaquasi-Bellstate 23 (cid:112) |Φ±(cid:105)=(2±2e−4|α|2)−1/2(|αα(cid:105)±|−α;−α(cid:105)) (20) where γ = ατ and N(α) = 1/ 2+2sinθexp[−4|α|2]. α For the conditioned case, we again consider projection upon whichallowsalmostperfectteleportationwithlargeα[22]. 5 Θ=0HGHZL Θ=0HGHZL Fig.4, it is the VSP encoding with θ = 0 (GHZ state) that 2.0 1.0 presentsthebestefficiency.Asθisvaried,however,crossings 1.5 0.9 mayhappeninvolvingtheVSPandthecoherentstatesencod- Cp1.0 FC0.8 ing. Forinstance, forθ = π/3itisquiteclearthatforweak 0.5 0.7 ormoderatelossesr ≤ 0.3thecoherentstatesdoabetterjob than the VSP states. Once again, the use of small amplitude 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 orlargeamplitudecoherentstateswilldependontheprecise r r valueofronehas,i.e.,thequality/lengthoftheopticalfibers. Θ=Π(cid:144)6 Θ=Π(cid:144)6 1.0 1.0 Finally, it worthwhile to notice that the efficiency is not, in 0.9 0.9 general, a monotonically decreasing function of the normal- 0.8 ized time what might be very useful for practical purposes. Cp FC0.8 0.7 Thishappensbecausetheefficiencytakesintoaccount,onan 0.6 0.7 equalfooting,thetwofoldaspectsoftheCTprotocol: control 0.5 0.6 powerandconditionedfidelity. 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 r r Θ=Π(cid:144)4 Θ=Π(cid:144)4 Θ=0HGHZL Θ=Π(cid:144)6 Cp00000001........34567890 FC00001.....67890 Η000001......024680æææææææææææææææææææææ Η000000......012345æææææææææææææææææææææ 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 r r r r Θ=Π(cid:144)3 Θ=Π(cid:144)3 Θ=Π(cid:144)4 Θ=Π(cid:144)3 Cp00001.....24680 FC00001.....67890 Η000000000.........001122334050505050æææææææææææææææææææææ Η0000000.......00112230505050æææææææææææææææææææææ 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 r r r r FIG.3. (Coloronline)Controlpower(left)andconditionedfidelity FIG. 4. (Color online) Efficiency of the CT protocol as a function (right)asafunctionofnormalizedtimeanddifferentvaluesofθand of normalized time for the VSP and coherent states encoding and αforthecoherentstatesencoding.Thedashedstraightlineindicates differentvaluesofθ. LinewithcirclesisusedtotheVSPcase. For theclassicalfidelity2/3.Theusedamplitudesofthecoherentstates thecoherentstates,wehaveα = 0.20(solid),α = 0.50(dashed), areα = 0.20(solid),α = 0.50(dashed),α = 1.25(dot-dashed), α=1.25(dot-dashed),α=2.50(dotted). α=2.50(dotted). C. Efficiency D. Tripartitenon-locality From the previous discussions, it is clear that the control Therelationbetweennonlocality, inthesenseofviolation powerCpandtheconditionedfidelitiesFc,usuallyemployed of Bell inequalities, and teleportation has a long history in intheanalysisofCT[12],arenotenoughtograspallaspects quantum information [10]. In the bipartite scenario of stan- oftheproblemwhendissipationispresentandnonorthogonal dard teleportation, it can be shown that violation of a Bell basis states are used in the encoding. In particular, the plots inequality by the state shared by Alice and Bob implies that in Fig.3 clearly show that, for small r (low dissipation), an the state is useful for quantum teleportation (provides fideli- increaseinαcanhelpFc, whatisdesirableinCT.However, tiesabovetheclassicallimit2/3)[6]. However,noviolation thisspoilsCp,whatisverymuchundesirable. Thissituation does not imply that the state is useless for quantum telepor- becomes even more evolved for moderate dissipation where tation [10]. When looking at more general scenarios, it can crossingsdohappen. Itisforthisreasonthatwenowproceed beshownthatanybipartitestatewhichisusefulforteleporta- toanalyzetheefficiencyηasdefinedinEq.(6). Thisquantity tion is also a nonlocal resource [35]. This means that a Bell will allow us to finally compare the performance of the two inequality is always violated deterministically when a suffi- differentopticalqubits. cientlylargenumberofcopiesofthestateisprovided.Forthe In Fig.4, we present the plots of efficiency for both phys- tripartite scenario of the CT protocol, there is yet no general ical encodings: VSP in Eq.(8) and coherent state in Eq.(9). results linking legitime tripartite nonlocality and the perfor- Ourintentnowistoreallycomparetheperformanceofthese mance of the protocol. In order to shed some light on this twokindofphotonicqubitsintheCTprotocolunderthesce- problem,wewillnowstudyviolationoftripartitenonlocality nariodepictedinFig.1. Accordingtoourresultsdisplayedin anditspossible(orlackof)relationtotheefficiencyoftheCT 6 protocol. 5.75 5.75 OnepossibilityistheuseoftheBell-Svetlichnyinequality 5.50 5.50 whichwasthefirsttoolproposedtotestgenuinemultipartite max55..0205 max55..0205 nonlocality[37]. SupposeasetodichotomicobservablesA2 Sv4.75 Sv4.75 (A(cid:48)),B (B(cid:48)),C (C(cid:48)),whereA isanobservableactingon È4.50 È4.50 the2state3spac3eofq1ubi1t2(Alice’sl2aboratory),C(cid:48) isanobserv- 4.25 4.25 1 4.00 4.00 ableactingonthestatespaceofqubit1(Charlielaboratory), 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 r Η etc. At each run of the experiment, each party chooses one ofthetwoobservablesatrandomtomeasure. Fordichotomic FIG. 5. (Color online) Left: Maximized Bell-Svetlichny function observableswithspectrum±1,theBell-Svetlichnyinequality |Sv|maxfortheVSPencodingEq.(8)asafunctionofthenormalized canbewrittenas[36] timeandfordifferentvaluesofθ.Right:MaximizedBell-Svetlichny |S | against efficiency η as the normalized time varies in the v max |S |=|E(A,B,C)+E(A,B,C(cid:48))+E(A,B(cid:48),C) interval[0,1]. OnlytheregionwheretheBell-Svetlichnyinequality v isviolatedthatisshown. Weusedθ =0(solid),θ =π/6(dashed), +E(A(cid:48),B,C)−E(A(cid:48),B(cid:48),C(cid:48))−E(A(cid:48),B(cid:48),C) θ = π/4(dot-dashed)eθ = π/3(dotted). Thedottedstraightline −E(A(cid:48),B,C(cid:48))−E(A,B(cid:48),C(cid:48))|≤4, (21) indicatemaximalviolationoftheBell-Svetlichnyinequalityallowed byquantummechanics. whereE(A,B,C) ≡ Tr{ρO}istheexpectationvalueofthe three-body operator O = ABC and ρ is the tripartite state whose nonlocal features one is interested in. We call S the In the right panel of Fig.5, we present parametric plots v Bell-Svetlichny function. The GHZ state is√known to maxi- where each point corresponds to (η(r),|Sv(r)|max). Again, mally violate this inequality with |S | = 4 2 [37, 38]. It is only the nonlocal region is displayed. From this plot, it is v importanttohaveinmindthat,ifonestatedoesnotviolatea possible to see |S | and η are not trivially related. For v max giveninequality,itdoesnotimmediatelyimplythatitwillnot the GHZ (θ = 0), the better the efficiency the stronger the violateotherinequalitybuiltwithadifferentsetofdichotomic nonlocality and vice versa. However, for finite θ, there can observables[39]. be situations where efficiency grow is accompanied |S | v max For the VSP encoded MS state evolving according to depletionoreventheotherwayround. Eq.(7), the three-body operator O we will be using to eval- For the coherent states, it is necessary to adapt the three- uate(21)is body operator O to an hybrid scenario [41]. We need now dichotomicoperatorsactingonthewholestatespaceofeach OVSP =Ω1(χ)Ω2(λ)Ω3(µ), (22) field mode and not just on a subspace of two states as in the VSP.Inthiswork,wewillemploy where each dichotomic operator (eigenvalues ±1) is defined asΩj(ζ) = Rj(ζ)σzjRj†(ζ),withσzj theusualPauli-z op- Ocoh =Ω1(χ)Π2(λ)Π3(µ), (24) erator acting on the state space of qubit j (j = 1,2,3), and Rj(ζ) a rotation operator acting on the same space. In the whereΠj(β)isthedisplacedparityoperator[42] Pauli-zbasisitreads ∞ (cid:88) (cid:32) cos|ζ| ζ sin|ζ|(cid:33) Πj(β)=Dj(β) (|2n(cid:105)j(cid:104)2n|−|2n+1(cid:105)j(cid:104)2n+1|)Dj†(β), Rj(ζ)= −ζ∗ sin|ζ| |ζc|os|ζ| , (23) n=0 |ζ| (25) whereζ =−ωe−iδ/2with0≤ω ≤πand0≤δ ≤2π. Itis withD (β)thedisplacementorGlauberoperator[43]acting j worthnoticingthatbychoosingζ complex,ourmaximization on modes j (j = 2,3), β a complex number, and |n(cid:105) Fock j is more apt to detect stronger violations [41]. Finally, in the statesofmodej. Forqubit1,possessedbyCharlie,wekeep notationusedinEq.(21),onehasA =Ω (λ),A(cid:48) =Ω (λ(cid:48)), using the same dichotomic operator as in the VSP case giv- 2 2 2 2 B =Ω (µ),andsoforth. ingthathestillperformstheprojectiononthediscretesetin 3 3 In Fig.5, we present |S | maximized over the twelve pa- Eq.(3). v rametersthatcomprisethetwomeasurementseachpartycan Again,theBell-Svetlichnyfunctionwilldependontwelve choose. In the left panel, we see how the maximal Bell- variablesbecausetheargumentofeachoperatorinEq.(24)is Svetlichny function evolves under dissipation. For the ideal a complex number. In Fig.6, we present its maximization as fiber r = 0, the maximally entangled GHZ (θ = 0) indeed afunctionofnormalizedtime(leftpanels)andtheparametric maximally violates the Bell-Svetlichny inequality. Also at plots(η(r),|S (r)| )(rightpanels).Wevarytheamplitude v max r = 0, as θ increases in the range [0,π/2], the violation be- α of the coherent states in Eq.(9) as well as the parameter θ comesprogressivelysmaller. Thiscanbeunderstoodbylook- whichdefinestheMSstateinEq.(1). Onecanseethat,except ingatthetripartiteentanglementofthepureMSstateinEq.(1) forθ = 0, onlythestateswithlargeamplitudeviolateofthe as quantified by the tangle Υ [40]. For this state, Υ = cosθ Bell-Svetlichnyinequality. Also,therearecaseswhereweak [31], i.e., it is a monotonically decreasing function of θ as violations provide better efficiencies than strong violations it varies from 0 to π/2. The observed decay with r is the [see, for instance, the case θ = π/4]. The Bell-Svetlichny expected effect of the losses which, in general, depletes the function,liketheefficiency,controlpowerandconditionedfi- quantumfeatures. delities, also presents crossings. Finally, from Figs.(4), (5), 7 Θ=0HGHZL Θ=0HGHZL fibers used by the controller to distribute the optical qubits 5.75 5.75 5.50 5.50 to the other parties. We introduced an efficiency quantifier max55..0205 max55..0205 which takes into account the main features of the protocol. Sv4.75 Sv4.75 WefoundthatthebestperformanceisachievedwiththeVSP È4.50 È4.50 encoding and the GHZ state, which is a proper limit of the 4.25 4.25 4.00 4.00 MS states considered in this work. For general MS states, 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 however,thelossesaffecttheefficienciesfortheVSPandthe r Η Θ=Π(cid:144)6 Θ=Π(cid:144)6 coherentstatesinanontrivialway. Dependingonstrengthof 5.2 5.2 thelosses,eithertheVSPorthecoherentstatesmightbethe 5.0 5.0 bestchoice. Wealsoinvestigatedapossiblerelationbetween max44..68 max44..68 tripartite nonlocality, under the scope of the Bell-Svetlichny ÈSv4.4 ÈSv4.4 inequality, and the efficiency of the protocol. We found that 4.2 4.2 thereisnosimpleormonotonicrelationbetweenthesephysi- 4.0 4.0 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.475 0.485 0.495 calquantities. r Η It is important to remark that the teleportation fidelities in Θ=Π(cid:144)4 Θ=Π(cid:144)4 4.8 4.8 thisworkareevaluatedassumingthatBobisabletoperforma 4.7 4.7 setofunitaryrotationsonhisqubit,asdemandedbythestar- 4.6 4.6 max44..45 max44..45 dardquantumteleportationprotocol[4]. Theopticalelements Sv4.3 Sv4.3 demandedtoperformsuchrotationsarewellknownsincethe È4.2 È4.2 veryfirstproposalsfortheuseofcoherentstatesinquantum 4.1 4.1 4.0 4.0 information tasks [24–26]. On Alice side, the Bell measure- 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.32 0.33 0.34 ment she performs is typically probabilistic when using co- r Η Θ=Π(cid:144)3 Θ=Π(cid:144)3 herentstates. Thisisaconsequenceofthenonorthogonality 4.4 4.4 ofthebasisstates.Bellmeasurementswithcoherentstatesare 4.3 4.3 carefullydiscussedin[44,45].Simpleschemesmaygivesuc- max4.2 max4.2 cessprobabilitiesapproaching50%asdiscussedin[44]. The ÈSv4.1 ÈSv4.1 probabilisticnatureoftheBellmeasurementsdoesnotaffect our calculations giving that only the successful events have 4.0 4.0 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20 beenconsidered. Detailsintheappendix. r Η Wehopeourworkmaybeusefultoabetterunderstanding FIG. 6. (Color online) Left: Maximized Bell-Svetlichny function ofthecontrolledteleportationprotocolandmotivateitsfuture |Sv|max for the coherent state encoding Eq.(9) as a function of experimentalimplementationwithopticalqubits. the normalized time and for different amplitudes α. Right: Maxi- mized Bell-Svetlichny |S | against efficiency η as the normal- v max izedtimevariesintheinterval[0,1].OnlytheregionwheretheBell- Svetlichnyinequalityisviolatedthatisshown. Weusedα = 0.50 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (dashed), α = 1.25 (dot-dashed), α = 2.50 (dotted). The dotted straightlineonthetoppanelsindicatemaximalviolationoftheBell- Svetlichnyinequalityallowedbyquantummechanics. IMacknowledgessupportbytheCoordenaodeAperfeioa- mentodePessoaldeNvelSuperior(CAPES).FLSacknowl- edgespartialsupportfromCNPq(grantnr. 307774/2014-7). and (6), one can see that the nonlocality is more affected by losses than the performance of CT protocol. In other words, evenafter|S |startsassumingvaluescompatiblewithaclas- v sical local and realist theory, the CT protocol still produces APPENDIX results compatible only with quantum theory. In this sense, forthephysicalsettingdescribedinFig.1,theCTprotocolis 1. TeleportationFidelity morerobustagainstdissipationthanthenonlocalityalaBell- Svetlichny. LetussupposethatAliceandBobshareageneralbipartite statedescribedbythedensityoperatorρ,andtheywanttouse this state as a channel for teleportation [4]. Assuming that IV. FINALREMARKS Alicesucceedsinprojectingthelocalstateofhertwoqubits inaBellstate,andthatBobcanperformarbitraryrotationson his own qubit, it can be shown that the maximal fidelity for Inthiswork,wepresentedacarefulstudyofthecontrolled thestandardteleportationprotocolcanbewrittenas[46] teleportationprotocolwithtwoofthemostusedopticalqubits in the single rail logic: superpositions of vacuum and single photon (VSP) states and superposition of coherent states of 2f +1 F(ρ)= , (26) oppositephases. 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