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Transmission eigenvalues and the bare conductance in the crossover to Anderson localization Zhou Shi and Azriel Z. Genack Department of Physics, Queens College of The City University of New York, Flushing, NY 11367, USA (Dated: January 10, 2012) Wemeasurethefieldtransmissionmatrixtformicrowaveradiationpropagatingthroughrandom waveguides in the crossover to Anderson localization. From these measurements, we determine the dimensionlessconductanceg andtheindividualeigenvaluesτ ofthetransmissionmatrixtt† whose n sum equals g. In diffusive samples, the highest eigenvalue, τ , is close to unity corresponding to a 1 transmission of nearly 100%, while for localized waves, the average of τ , is nearly equal to g. We 1 findthatthespacingbetweenaveragevaluesoflnτ isconstantanddemonstratethatwhensurface n 2 interactions are taken into account it is equal to the inverse of the bare conductance. 1 0 PACSnumbers: 42.25.Dd,42.25.Bs,05.40.-a,73.23.-b 2 n More than 50 years ago, Anderson [1] showed that be- Subsequently,Stoneet al. [11]appliedamaximumen- a J yond a certain threshold in disorder the electron wave- tropy hypothesis to random transfer matrices and found 9 functionwithinamaterialbecomesexponentiallypeaked an expression for τn in terms of eigenparameter λn of and diffusion ceases. In the intervening years, local- the transfer matrix or equivalent parameters ν , τ = n n ] ization and its precursors in diffusive samples of en- 1/(1+λ )=1/cosh2(ν /2). ACoulombgasmodel,orig- n n n n hanced fluctuations and suppressed transmission have inally introduced by Dyson [13] to visualize the logarith- - beenshowntoaffecteveryaspectoftransport[2–4]. Re- mic repulsion between the eigenvalues of random Hamil- s i latingtransmissionindisorderedsystemstorandomma- tonian, was extended to describe the repulsion between d trices [5–12] has provided a powerful approach to calcu- “charges” at positions ν . The approximately uniform . n t lating the scaling and fluctuations of conductance. In densityofchargesatν [10,11]suggestedabimodaldis- a n m this approach, the flow of electrical current through a tributionforthedensityoftransmissioneigenvaluesofτn disordered conductor is assumed to proceed via a set for diffusive waves with peaks near τ =0 and 1 [12, 14]. - d of orthogonal channels on the input and output sides of This is confirmed in microscopic calculations made by n the sample which are coupled via the field transmission Nazarovfornon-absorbingdiffusivesampleswithperfect o matrix t. Each channel is a superposition of the N or- leads [15]. c [ thogonal transverse momentum channels supported by Recent optical measurements by Vellekoop and Mosk the sample leads. Alternatively, t gives the coupling of haveshownthatitispossibletoenhancetransmissionby 5 the field between different points on opposite surfaces manipulating an incident optical wavefront to preferen- v 6 of the sample. The focus of random matrix theory has tiallyexcitehigh-transmissionchannels[16]. Totaltrans- 0 beenthecalculationofthedimensionlessconductance,g, mission was enhanced by 44% and focused intensity by 7 which is the conductance in units of (e2/h), and equals three orders of magnitude by adjusting the phase of the 1 the sum of the eigenvalues τn of the transmission ma- incident optical wavefront reflected from a spatial light 1. trix tt†, g=(cid:80)Nn=1τn. However, direct comparisons with modulator(SLM)inresponsetofeedbackoftransmitted 1 measurements of the individual transmission eigenvalues intensity. Popoff and co-workers [17] used an interfer- 1 have not been made. ence technique to measure a portion of the optical field 1 : Dorokhov [6] showed that even in conducting sam- transmission matrix t using an SLM and CCD camera. v ples,thecurrentinmostchannelswouldbeexponentially They found that the probability density of the singular i X small so that the conductance is dominated by “active” values of t corresponded to a quarter-circle law [18, 19]. r or “open” channels with τ ≥ 1/e. The number of such The quarter-circle law arises when the elements of the n a channels is close to g, N ∼ g [6, 7]. Transmission t are distributed as independent Gaussian random vari- eff eigenvaluesmaybeexpressedintermsofassociatedlocal- ablesandoccurswheneverthedimensionofmeasuredtis ization lengths, ξ , τ = exp(−L/ξ ) with active chan- smallerthang [20]. Thusthesemeasurementsdonotre- n n n nels corresponding to the condition L ≤ ξ . Dorokhov flect correlation in the medium and can not differentiate n found that the average spacing between inverse localiza- transmission in samples with different values of g. tion lengths of adjacent eigenchannels in a sample made In this Letter, we present measurements of the trans- up of N parallel chains with weak transverse coupling to missionmatrixinthecrossovertoAndersonlocalization. neighboringchainswasconstantandequaltotheinverse The transmission matrix is measured for collections of ofthelocalizationlength, 1/ξ. Here, ξ =N(cid:96)isthelocal- randomly positioned dielectric spheres in a copper tube ization length and (cid:96) is the localization length in a single for which values of g range from 6.9 to 0.17. The dimen- chain and corresponds to the mean free path [5,6]. sionality of the measured matrix matched the number 2 of propagation modes of the empty waveguide. For the most diffusive sample studied, the average value of τ is 1 0.93, corresponding to an enhancement of transmission by 900% over the ensemble average value. The number of open eigenchannels with τ /τ ≥ 1/e with localiza- n 1 tion lengths greater than the effective sample length is equal to g for diffusive waves. For the most strongly localized waves studied, the average energy transmitted in the highest channel is more than 96% of the conduc- tance. We find constant spacing between the averages of lnτ inadjacentchannels,(cid:104)lnτ (cid:105)−(cid:104)lnτ (cid:105)≡1/g(cid:48)(cid:48),and n n n+1 identical distributions of lnτ for n>1 in both diffusive n and localized regimes. We demonstrate that once inter- actionsattheinterfacearetakenintoaccountintermsof FIG. 1. (Color online) (a) Schematic experiment setup. effectivesamplelengthandlocalizationlength, L and Source and detector wire antennas are mounted on a two- eff ξ, respectively, the constant spacing of values of (cid:104)lnτ (cid:105) dimensional translation stage, so they could move freely on n a two- dimensional grid. Measurements are made for two or- is equal to the inverse of the bare conductance, giving thogonal linear polarizations by rotating the wire antennas. g(cid:48)(cid:48) =g =ξ/L . 0 eff (b)Specklepatternsfromtwodifferentsourcepositionsaand Because the phenomena we seek to explore depend a(cid:48) at a single frequency in one random realization for diffu- only upon g, the particular sample studied is immate- sivewaveswithg=6.9,(upperrow)andlocalizedwaveswith rial. Measurements were carried out on well character- g=0.37, (lower row). ized samples [21] for which we could access values of g through the localization transition. The experiment setup is sketched in Fig. 1a. The samples are com- patterns for diffusive waves are quite different, while posed of alumina spheres with a diameter of 0.95 cm the patterns for localized waves are nearly the same. and refractive index 3.14 embedded in Styrofoam shells The speckle patterns are different for diffusive waves be- and contained within a copper tube of diameter 7.3 cm. cause the transmitted field is a random admixture of The field transmission matrix was measured in samples many transmission eigenchannels. In contrast, the ra- with lengths L = 23, 40 and 61 cm over the frequency tio of successive transmission eigenvalues for localized ranges 10-10.24 GHz and 14.70-14.94 GHz with use of waves is large and a single channel typically dominates a vector network analyzer. The wave is localized in the transmission. This is confirmed in the spectra of the lowerfrequencyrangeanddiffusiveinhigherfrequencies. first few transmission eigenvalues for diffusive and lo- The numbers of transverse waveguide modes supported calized waves shown in Fig. 2. Also shown in Fig. 2 in the lower and upper frequency ranges are N ∼30 and is the transmittance, which is the sum of the flux be- N ∼ 66, respectively. Measurements are made for two tween all N2 pairs of incident and outgoing channels, linearlypolarizedcomponentsofradiationalongthehor- T = (cid:80)N |t |2. Approximately 7 highly transmitting a,b=1 ab izontal and vertical orientations of the source and detec- channelswithvaluesofτ /τ ≥1/eareseentocontribute n 1 tor antennas between N/2 points on a grid on the input to the transmittance T with average dimensionless con- andoutputsurfacesofthesampletubeineachfrequency ductance g=(cid:104)T(cid:105)=6.9. In contrast, in the sample with range. Newstatisticallyequivalentsamplesareproduced g = 0.37, (cid:104)τ (cid:105)/(cid:104)τ (cid:105) ∼ 0.088, and transmission is domi- 2 1 by momentarily rotating and vibrating the copper tube nated by the first eigenchannel for most positions of the afterthefullmatrixtisrecordedinbothfrequencyranges source. Theaveragevalueofτ of0.93fordiffusivewaves 1 overaperiodoftwodays. Theimpactofabsorptionupon is nearly a factor of 10 greater than the average value of the statistics of t is removed by compensating the field thetotaltransmissionforanincidentwavefromasource transformedintothetimedomainfortheexponentialde- at point a, (cid:104)T (cid:105) = (cid:104)T(cid:105)/N = g/N ∼ 0.1. For localized a cay due to absorption and then transforming back into waves, τ ∼T, so transmission is enhanced over (cid:104)T (cid:105) by 1 a the frequency domain. For the shortest sample studied a factor nearly equal to N =30. for which g = 6.9, the transmittance is reduced by 25% Therelativevaluesofconductanceforsamplesofdiffer- due to absorption. Measurements were made in a total ent length and waves at different frequency are given by of 23 sample configurations for L = 23 cm and 6 config- the ratio of the ensemble average of the sum of intensity urations for L=40 and 61 cm. for all pairs of incident and output points and the same Speckle patterns for two different positions a and a(cid:48) of measurement in a tube emptied of scatterers. The ab- the source antenna in a random realization at a single solute transmittance is found using a normalizing factor frequency are shown for a diffusive sample with L = 23 obtainedbyequating(cid:104)T(cid:105)=gwiththebareconductance cm, g = 6.9 and for a localized sample with L = 40 g =g(cid:48)(cid:48) =6.9 in the most diffusive sample. This sample 0 cm, g = 0.37 in Fig. 1b. Characteristically, the speckle is far from the localization threshold and corrections to 3 FIG. 2. (Color online) Spectra of the transmittance T and transmission eigenvalues τ for (a) diffusive sample of L=23 n cm with g = 6.9 and (b) localized sample of L=40 cm with g = 0.37. The black dashed line gives T = (cid:80)N |t |2 = a,b=1 ab (cid:80)N τ and the solid lines are spectra of τ . n=1 n n g due to renormalization are expected to be negligible. We show below that the scaling g(cid:48)(cid:48) provides an accurate determination of g . 0 The statistics of lnτ are presented in Fig. 3 for en- n FIG. 3. (Color online) “Crystallization” of transmission sembles with different values of g. The probability den- eigenvalues. (a)Probabilitydensityoflnτ (lowercurves)and n sity of individual lnτn of the first few eigenchannels and the density of lnτ (top dash curve), P(lnτ) = (cid:80)nP(lnτn) their contribution to the overall probability density of for diffusive sample with g = 6.9. (b) Probability density of P(lnτ)=(cid:80)Nn=1P(lnτn)forthemostdiffusivesampleof u=un ≡lnτn−(cid:104)lnτn(cid:105)fornbetween2and10,forthesame g=6.9ispresentedinFig. 3a. Asidefromthefallofthe sample as in (a) compared with a Gaussian distribution. (c) Variation of (cid:104)lnτ (cid:105) with channel index n for sample lengths probability density P(lnτ) near lnτ ∼ 0, which reflects n L=23(circle),40(square)and61(triangle)cmforbothdif- the restriction τ ≤ 1, P(lnτ) is nearly constant with 1 fusive(green open symbols) and localized(red solid symbols) ripples spaced by 1/g(cid:48)(cid:48) [22, 23]. We find that the density waves fitted, respectively, with black dash lines. oflnτ forn>1isaGaussianfunctionpeakedat(cid:104)lnτ (cid:105) n n with width independent of the index n [24]. The density of u = u ≡ lnτ −(cid:104)lnτ (cid:105) for n between 2 and 10 is sive samples, for which there are several channels with n n n shown in Fig. 3b and compared with a Gaussian distri- τ /τ ≥1/e, the number of such channels is equal to g(cid:48)(cid:48). n 1 bution. The regular spacing of (cid:104)lnτ (cid:105) seen in Fig. 3c Dorokhov [6] predicted that g(cid:48)(cid:48) is equal to the bare con- n and the nearly identical distribution of lnτ for n>1 is ductance,g(cid:48)(cid:48) =g =N(cid:96)/L. Butthebareconductanceg n 0 0 reminiscent of a crystalline lattice arrangement of atoms should be influenced by wave interactions at the sample at a finite temperature. interface, as is the case for transmission for a single inci- The slope of the curve in Fig. 3c, is the spacing dent channel [25–27]. The impact of the interface upon between successive values of (cid:104)lnτ (cid:105), 1/g(cid:48)(cid:48). For diffu- transmissioncanbefoundbyconsideringtheangularde- n 4 FIG. 4. (Color online) Illustration of the photon diffusion model for the spatial variation of intensity, I(z). FIG. 5. Identification of g(cid:48)(cid:48) with the bare conductance g . 0 The constant products of g(cid:48)(cid:48)L for three different lengths pendence of transmission. eff for both diffusive and localized samples give the localization Measurements of total transmission in diffusive sam- length ξ in the two frequency ranges. ples are well described by the expression, T(θ) = (z cosθ+z )/(L+2z ) = (z cosθ+z )/L , where θ p b b p b eff is the angle between the normal and the wave as it pen- apartfromasmallmodulationduetothepeakingofthis etrates into the sample [27]. This expression is obtained density at lnτ = (cid:104)lnτ (cid:105). This leads to the probabil- from a model in which the incident wave is replaced by n ity density, P(τ) = P(lnτ)dlnτ = g/τ. This distribu- an isotropic source at a distance of travel from the in- dτ tion has a single peak at low values of τ in contrast to terface, z , at a depth, z cosθ as illustrated in Fig. 4. p p later prediction of a bimodal distribution for τ for dif- fusive waves which has a second peak near unity. This Diffusion within the sample gives a constant gradient difference may be a consequence of differences in the cir- of intensity to the right and left of the effective random- cumstances of our measurements as compared to the as- ization depth z cosθ, which extrapolates to zero at a p sumptions made in many analytical calculations. In our length z beyond the sample boundary. The gradients b measurements, the wave is a vector, the sample is not in of intensity at the input and output surfaces give the the extreme diffusive limit of g (cid:29) 1, t couples measure- reflection and transmission coefficients, which together ments on a grid of points, and surface interactions are with the condition, T +R = 1, gives the expression for included. Anotherdifferencebetweenmeasurementsand T(θ) above. The linear falloff of intensity near the sur- calculations is that flux is not conserved in our sample faceboundariesshouldholdevenforlocalizedwavessince so that the measured transmission matrix is not Hermi- the diffusion coefficient varies with depth into the sam- tian. However, the spacing of transmission eigenvalues ple but is hardly renormalized near the sample bound- does not appear to be affected appreciably by moderate aries [28]. Since z and z are proportional to the mean p b absorption. In the most diffusive sample studied with free path, (cid:96), averaging over all incident angles gives, g=6.9, the spacing between adjacent values of (cid:104)lnτ (cid:105) is g = ηN(cid:96)/(L+2z ) = ηN(cid:96)/L = ξ/L . Here η is n 0 b eff eff uniform and remains so when the field spectra are com- independent of L and includes the effects of reduced flux pensated for absorption. Although transmission is sup- into the sample due to external reflection of the incident pressed by 25% by absorption, the average spacing is wave at the interface, and enhanced internal reflection. only reduced by ∼ 2%. The insensitivity of the statis- Theseeffectstendtocancelintransmissionsothatη ∼1. tics of transmission eigenvalues to absorption parallels The values of z of 13 and 6 cm for the diffusive and lo- b the insensitivity to absorption of the variance of total calized samples, respectively, are obtained by fitting the transmission normalized by its ensemble average, which diffusion model to the measured time of flight distribu- tion [29, 30]. Hypothesizing that g(cid:48)(cid:48) = g , the product is suppressed by ∼1.6% [21]. 0 g(cid:48)(cid:48)L shouldgiveaconstantlength,whichwecaniden- Inconclusion,wefoundthetransmissioneigenvaluesτ eff n tify as ξ. We find this product to be essentially constant and the optical transmittance T for microwave radiation formeasurementscarriedoutinthethreesamplelengths propagatingthroughrandomwaveguidesfordiffusiveand in each of the two frequency ranges as shown in Fig. 5. localizedwaves. Weshowthatthescalingof(cid:104)τ (cid:105)andgis n ThenearlyuniformdensityofP(lnτ), seeninFig. 3a, determinedbythebareconductance,g =ξ/L ,which 0 eff which is associated with the equal spacing between suc- is strongly affected by surface interactions. These mea- cessive values of (cid:104)lnτ (cid:105) is consistent with calculations of surements make it possible to directly test random ma- n Dorokhov[5,6]. Theseresultscorrespondtoanearlyuni- trix theories based on different assumptions and provide form probability density P(lnτ) = g for diffusive waves, a systematic basis for controlling the transmitted field 5 for applications in communications, imaging and lasing shuler, P. A. Lee, and R. A. Webb (North-Holland, Am- in complex systems. sterdam,1991). [12] C. W. J. Beenakker, Rev. Mod. Phys. 69, 731 (1997). We thank Jing Wang, Matthieu Davy and Chushun [13] F. J. Dyson, J. Math. Phys. 3, 140 (1962). [14] J. B. Pendry, A. MacKinnon, and A. B. 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