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T.C. ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ YAYINI NO: 2972 AÇIKÖĞRETİM FAKÜLTESİ YAYINI NO: 1926 ANADOLU UNIVERSITY OPEN EDUCATION FACULTY DISTANCE BA PROGRAM IN ELT TRANSLATION: Turkish-English Çeviri: Türkçe-‹ngilizce (Student’s Book) Author Units 1, 2 Yrd.Doç.Dr. Ali MERÇ Editör Prof.Dr. Handan KOPKALLI YAVUZ ANADOLU ÜN‹VERS‹TES‹ Bu kitab›n bas›m, yay›m ve sat›fl haklar› Anadolu Üniversitesine aittir. “Uzaktan Ö¤retim” tekni¤ine uygun olarak haz›rlanan bu kitab›n bütün haklar› sakl›d›r. ‹lgili kurulufltan izin almadan kitab›n tümü ya da bölümleri mekanik, elektronik, fotokopi, manyetik kay›t veya baflka flekillerde ço¤alt›lamaz, bas›lamaz ve da¤›t›lamaz. Copyright © 2013 by Anadolu University All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means mechanical, electronic, photocopy, magnetic tape or otherwise, without permission in writing from the University. UZAKTAN Ö⁄RET‹M TASARIM B‹R‹M‹ Genel Koordinatör Doç.Dr. Müjgan Bozkaya Genel Koordinatör Yard›mc›s› Arfl.Gör.Dr. ‹rem Erdem Ayd›n Grafik Tasar›m Yönetmenleri Prof. Tevfik Fikret Uçar Ö¤r.Gör. Cemalettin Y›ld›z Ö¤r.Gör. Nilgün Salur Kitap Koordinasyon Birimi Uzm. Nermin Özgür Kapak Düzeni Prof. Tevfik Fikret Uçar Ö¤r.Gör. Cemalettin Y›ld›z Dizgi Aç›kö¤retim Fakültesi Dizgi Ekibi Translation: English-Turkish Çeviri: ‹ngilizce-Türkçe (Student’s Book) ISBN 978-975-06-1636-5 1. Bask› Bu kitap ANADOLU ÜN‹VERS‹TES‹ Web-Ofset Tesislerinde 3.000 adet bas›lm›flt›r. ESK‹fiEH‹R, Ocak 2013 İÇİNDEKİLER Unit 1 Avoiding Chicken Translation .......................................................................... 1 Unit 2 Translating Scientific Texts .............................................................................. 5 Unit 3 Translating Newspaper and Magazine Articles ................................................ 23 Unit 4 Translating Laws and Regulations ................................................................... 29 Unit 5 Translating Recipes .......................................................................................... 39 Unit 6 Translating Short Stories .................................................................................. 43 Unit 7 Translating Novels ........................................................................................... 53 Unit 8 Translating Poems ............................................................................................ 69 -III- Önsöz Sevgili Öğrenciler, Ana dilden hedef dile çeviri yapmak birçok kişi için hedef dilden ana dile çeviri yapmaktan daha zordur. Bunun en önemli nedeni hedef dile hâkim olmamaktır. Çeviri becerisini bir dil- den diğer dile anlam aktarabilmek olarak tanımlarsak iki dili de çok iyi bilmenin gerektiği gerçeğini yadsıyamayız. Bu nedenle hem İngilizcenizi hem de Türkçenizi çok iyi kullanıyor olmanız gerekmekte. Her iki dilde de çok okumanız sizin dil ve anlatım becerilerinizi gelişti- recektir. Bu kitap ile amacımız Türkçeden İngilizceye çeviri yaparken dikkat etmeniz gereken unsur- lar konusunda farkındalık yaratmak ve farklı yazın türlerinde çeviri örnekleri ve alıştırmala- rıyla çeviri becerilerinizi geliştirmektir. İlk ünite ile eğlenceli bir başlangıç yaptık ki “chicken translation” olarak bilinen kelime kelime çeviri yapınca ortaya nasıl komik anlatımların çıktı- ğını göstermek istedik. Çeviri yaparken dikkat etmemiz gereken en önemli unsurlardan biri sözcüklerin tek anlamı olmaması ve geçtiği bağlama uygun olan anlamı bulmak olduğunu unutmamaktır. 2-8. üniteler farklı yazın türlerini örneklemektedir. Bilimsel çeviriden edebi çeviriye kadar farklı yazın türlerinde çeviri alıştırmaları ile hangi yazın türünde hangi unsurlar öne çıktığını ve iyi çeviri ne demek olduğunu göstermeye çalıştık. Bu çevirileri yaparken İngilizcenin ya- pısını daha iyi öğreneceğinize, kelime hazinenizi daha geliştireceğinize inanıyoruz. Umarız bu kitabı yararlı bulursunuz. Başarılar dileğiyle, Editör Prof.Dr. Handan KOPKALLIYAVUZ - IV - UNIT 1 AVOIDING CHICKEN TRANSLATION Most student translators admit that translating texts from their native language into the foreign language (in this case, from Turkish to English) is more difficult, time- and energy- consuming, and has a higher possibility of resulting in ‘undesired’translations. Some student translations may even turn into funny stories, which may cause embarrassing moments for the student translators. One reason for this is that students as translators, are naturally, more competent in their mother tongue,and they might have difficulties in discovering the details of the foreign language. In an EFLsetting,students acquire most of the information about the target language from books, videos, and classroom materials to which students are exposed throughout their language learning process. It is sometimes fun to ‘play’with the two languages and produce funny translations. Many of us have heard about the following funny translations from social media or stories told by friends: Piliç çevirme: Chicken Translation/Don’t translate chicken Pazarlama Müdürü: Sundaying Manager İçli Köfte: Sensitive Meatball Sıraya gir: Enter the desk Boşver: Give it empty etc. You can add more to the list above to have more fun. Sometimes it is impossible to translate certain sayings or idioms into English. For example, there is a popular Turkish phrase nowadays, especially used in the speech balloons of some cartoon characters, ‘Hayırlısı be gülüm!’, to depict a person who is nonchalant, indifferent to even very important issues as illustrated in the conversation below. Hacı: Hey, Ali! İflas etmişsin diyorlar. (Hey, Ali! They say you are bankrupt!) Ali: Hayırlısı be gülüm! - 1 - In this conversation, it would be almost impossible to translate the second sentence into English because of the cultural aspects it includes. The phrase ‘hayırlısı begülüm’would only make sense for someone who knows Turkish culture. Therefore, we should not force ourselves to translate these kinds of cultural phrases in order not to produce funny translations. These are good when they are only for fun; however, when they are present in real translated versions of English statements, they are not only embarrassing butmore importantly ‘wrong’ translations. These problems arise mostly because dictionaries are used in an inappropriate way. Doing ‘word for word’ or ‘direct’ translation usually results in meaningless and incorrect translations. To create the same effect in the target text as in the original one, we should try to find equivalent idiomatic expressions, if not available, then we could provide an explanation for the idiomatic expressions. Task 1. Try to translate the following statements into English. First, do word-for-word translation thentranslate the intended meaning.Find out how many of them can be translated easily without losing its original meaning. 1. Acele işe şeytan karışır: 2. Adam katıla katıla gülüyordu: 3. Nalları dikti: 4. Onun elinden az çekmedik: 5. Senden adam olmaz: 6. Usta ordan bi pilav üstü kuru versene: 7. Boğazıma patlamış mısır kaçtı: 8. Her işte bir hayır vardır: 9. Topla gel abi topla gel: 10. Kapıyı aralık bırak: - 2 - Task 2. To have more fun, read the following translation. Do you think it is funny? If yes, what makes it funny? What would be the correct translation be like? Hasan was a very heavy headed boy. His father was a middle-situationed man. To make his son read in good schools he did everything coming from his hand. He took everything to eye. His mother was a house woman. Every job used to come from her hand. In making food there was no one on top of her. You eat your fingers from the taste of the observations she makes. This woman made her hair a brush for her son. When Hasan became sick, she cried her two eyes two fountains. When Hasan finished lycee he wanted to be a tooth doctor, and he entered the university exams and won Tootherness School. In the school he met Jale. Hasan was hit to Jale in first look but Jale was not hit to him in the first look. However her blood boiled to him. A few weeks later they cooked the job. Jale’s father was a money-father. He turned the corner many years ago by making dreamy export. But Jale was not like her father. She was a very low hearted girl. Her father wanted to make her marry to his soldierness friend’s son Abdurrahim. Abdurrahim finished first school and didn’t read later. He became a rough uncle. He started to turn dirty jobs when he was a crazy blooded man. He was his mother’s eye. He said, “HIK” and he fell from his father’s nose. So three under, five up he was like his father. When he saw Jale, he put eye to her. His inside went. His mouth got watered. His eyes opened like a fortune stone. To be able to see Jale, Hasan’s inside was eating his inside. Finally,together they went to a park. When they were wrinkling in the park, Abdurrahim saw them. First he pulled a deep inside. And then his eyes turned. He couldn’t control himself. He decided to leave them head to head. At that moment the devil poked him. He fit to the devil, pulled his gun and fired. However, a man passing stayed under lead rain and poor man went to who hit. He planted the horseshoes. Then the mirrorlesses came. They took all of them under eye. Jale’s inside was blood crying. The man died eye seeing seeing. And so, this job finished in the black arm. (Adapted from http://www.ingilish.com/ingilishcomics.htm) Another consideration related to funny and wrong translations is about the translation of proverbs. As we all know, Turkish is very rich in terms of proverbs and they are used quite frequently by people in daily life, in newspapers, even in scientific documents. Therefore, student translators must be careful about the translation of Turkish proverbs. For example, take the following famous proverb in Turkish: Ak akçe kara gün içindir. How can this proverb be translated into English? Would it be possible to say: ‘White money is for a black day.’ It is not possible because this is a direct translation and would not make any sense. Instead, the translator needs to look for an equivalent proverb which would give a similar meaning. If an equivalent proverb is not available, then the translator needs to explain the meaning of theproverb. The above Turkish proverb can be expressed by the following equivalent English proverb: Keep something for a rainy day. - 3 - Task 3. Try to translate the following Turkish proverbs into English. Be careful about producing funny or nonsense translations. 1. Acı patlıcanı kırağı çalmaz. ————————————————————————————————————— 2. Aç it fırını deler. ————————————————————————————————————— 3. Aç tavuk arpa sandığını sayıklar. ————————————————————————————————————— 4. Ağaç yaş iken eğilir. ————————————————————————————————————— 5. Ağlamayan çocuğa meme verilmez. ————————————————————————————————————— 6. Altın çamura düşmekle değer yitirmez. ————————————————————————————————————— 7. Araba devrildikten sonra yol gösteren çok olur. ————————————————————————————————————— 8. Armut ağacın dibine düşer. ————————————————————————————————————— 9. Aslanın ölüsünden tilkinin dirisi yeğdir. ————————————————————————————————————— 10. Ayağını yorganına göre uzat. ————————————————————————————————————— 11. Ayinesi iştir kişinin lafa bakılmaz. ————————————————————————————————————— 12. Adamın adı çıkacağına canı çıksın. ————————————————————————————————————— - 4 - UNIT 2 TRANSLATING SCIENTIFIC TEXTS Scientific texts are usually in the form of journal articles, paper presentations, and dissertations. As the text type itself offers, the language used in these texts are sometimes different from other types of texts. These differences are apparent in the choice of vocabularyand grammar. In scientific texts, vocabulary is rather formal. For example, ‘children’would be preferred instead of ‘kids’; or the verb ‘mention’is preferred to ‘say’or ‘tell’. Grammar also reflects a formal point of view in scientific texts. Complex sentences are preferred to simple and compound sentences; passive voice is used more frequently than in any other text type. Translation of scientific texts is also special. In these types of texts, the translators have a lessened degree of freedom in translation, especially in comparison with the translation of literary texts or non-scientific articles or essays. In a panel organized in the United States to discuss the expediency and difficulties of scientific translation, some issues were mentioned by scientists, editors, and translators (Gregoline, Conti Morcos, Howard, Thivierge & Ransome, 2002). According to Bethany Thivierge (in Gregoline et al., 2012), a biomedical translator, the primary job of a scientific text translator is to write the information in the scientific text in a correct, concise, and clear way.Therefore, we cannot talk about the ‘sense’of the translator inserted in the translation of a scientific text. Another important consideration related to the translation of the scientific texts is the knowledge of the translator about the subject matter of the text to be translated. For example, if a translator, who has no or very little information about medical sciences, is asked to translate a medical research report to be published in a scientific medical journal may have difficulties using the appropriate language in the translation. Here, it would be best to work with someone (probably the owner of the original text) who is competent in the subject matter; if not possible, to work with a dictionary of medical terms and concepts. In short, scientific translators are in need of being knowledgeable and competent in the subject matter not only in the source language but also in the target language. In conclusion, Bethany Thivierge indicates that the following nine items are desired in scientific translations (Gregoline et al., 2002: 188): • working for the intended audience • respecting choices made by the author • respecting preferences • understanding of sciences - 5 - • understanding of languages • constructive queries • working for publication • familiarity with current practices • timely exchange of work Language of Scientific Texts As mentioned above, translators need to be conversant with the subject matter and the language of the subject matter in both the source and the target languages. Moreover, the language of the scientific texts has certain characteristics shared by texts regardless of subject matter. In this section, we will look closer at the specific language use in scientific texts. The scientific texts (especially dissertations or books) usually open with a ‘contents’page, which lists the chapters or other items in the text. The following list will give you an understanding of the possible translation of the contents page found in a dissertation or book: (Adapted from http://tr.bab.la/cumle-kaliplari/bilimsel/icindekiler/turkce-ingilizce/) Contents (İçindekiler): Content and Indexing (İçerik ve Endeksleme) Information/Explanation Turkish English (Bilgi/Açıklama) Metnin bölümlerinin kronolojik olarak İçindekiler / Fihrist Table of Contents sıralı bir listesi Rakamlar / Şekiller / Metindeki şekillerin kronolojik olarak List of Figures Figürler Listesi hazırlanmış bir listesi Metindeki tabloların kronolojik olarak Tablolar Listesi List of Tables hazırlanmış bir listesi Metnin sonuna eklenen tamamlayıcı (ek) Ek / İlave Appendix materyal Teknik terimlerin ve açıklamalarının Terimler Sözlüğü Glossary alfabetik listesi Yararlanılan kaynakların ve eserlerin Kaynakça Bibliography sistematik bir listesi Bir dökümandaki ilgili materyalin nerede İndeks / Endeks / bulunabileceğini gösteren işaretçilerle bir Index Katalog tezin sonundaki kelimeler ve kalıpların listesi - 6 -

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