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TranslationinEnglishofthedocumentoriginallyissuedinItalian.Intheeventofany discrepancytheItalianlanguageversionshallprevail Fileno.35,516 Folderno.16,422 MinutesoftheOrdinaryand ExtraordinaryShareholders'Meeting REPUBLICOFITALY On Tuesdaythetwenty-sixth dayofApriloftheyeartwothousandand sixteen (April26,2016) in Milan (MI),ViaSantaMariaFulcorinano.2, before me Angelo Busani, a notary in Milan, a registered member of the Board of the Milan NotaryDistrict, thefollowing person waspresent: ENRICOCOTTARAMUSINO,born in Sant'Alessiocon Vialone(PV)on May 22,1959,domiciled fortheofficeattheregistered officeoftheCompanyasspecifiedlateron; of whose personal identity I, a notary public, am certain, who requested me to read out the minutesoftheordinaryand extraordinaryshareholders’meeting ofthecompany "FinecoBankBancaFinecoS.p.A." a Bank registered in the Register of Banks and belonging to the UniCredit Banking Group (Register of Banking Groups no. 02008.1), with Registered Office in Milan, Piazza F. Durante no. 11, share capital € 200,245,793.88 fully paid up, tax code and registration number with the Milan Register of Companies: 01392970404 - VAT 12962340159 (R.E.A. MI-1598155), underthemanagementand coordination of"UniCreditS.p.A.",whichmeton April,12(twelve) 2016(two thousand sixteen),asfurtherspecified. Such meeting washeld according tothefollowing minutesdrawn upbymenotaryboth during themeeting and afterthemeetingwasclosed. Adhering to the request made to me, I then read out the minutes to the appearing party as setforth below. === On TuesdaythetwelfthdayofAprilOftheyeartwothousand and sixteen, (April12,2016) in Milan (MI),PiazzaDuranteno.11, atfiveminutespastten am(10:05am) attherequestoftheChairman ofthemanagementbodyofthecompany: "FinecoBankBancaFinecoS.p.A." a Bank registered in the Register of Banks and belonging to the UniCredit Banking Group (Register of Banking Groups no. 02008.1), with Registered Office in Milan, Piazza F. Durante no. 11, share capital € 200,245,793.88 fully paid up, tax code and registration number with the Milan Register of Companies: 01392970404 - VAT 12962340159 (R.E.A. MI-1598155), under themanagement and coordination by "UniCreditS.p.A." (hereinafteralso referred to as “Company” or“Bank” or“FinecoBank”); I, Mr Angelo BUSANI, Notary Public resident in Milan, a registered member of the Notary BoardsofMilan,amin attendanceand responsiblefordrawing up theminutesoftheOrdinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting (hereinafter “Meeting”) of the above-indicated Company, convened in a single call at the aforesaid premises, day and time, in order to discussand resolveon thefollowing AGENDA OrdinaryPart 1.ApprovaloftheFinecoBankS.p.A.financialstatementsatDecember31,2015,accompanied bytheReportsoftheBoard ofDirectors and theIndependentAuditors,and theReportofthe Board ofStatutoryAuditors. 2.Allocation ofFinecoBankS.p.A.2015netprofitoftheyear. 3.2016Compensation Policy. 4.2016IncentiveSystem. TranslationinEnglishofthedocumentoriginallyissuedinItalian.Intheeventofany discrepancytheItalianlanguageversionshallprevail 5.2016IncentiveSystemforFinancialAdvisors(PFA)identified staff. 6. Authorization to purchase and dispose of treasury shares. Consequent and inherent resolutions. 7. Determination of the remuneration to be paid to the Chairman of the Board of Statutory AuditorsasexternalmemberoftheSupervisoryBody. ExtraordinaryPart 1.Delegation totheBoard ofDirectors,undertheprovisionsofsection 2443oftheItalian Civil Code, of the authority to resolve in 2021 to carry out a free capital increase, as allowed by section 2349of theItalian CivilCode,foramaximumamountof€32,789.79corresponding to up to 99,363 FinecoBank ordinary shares with a nominal value of €0.33 each, with the same characteristics as those in circulation and with regulardividend entitlement, to be granted to the Personnel of FinecoBank in execution of the 2015 Incentive System; corresponding updatesoftheArticlesofAssociation. 2.Delegation totheBoard ofDirectors,undertheprovisionsofsection 2443oftheItalian Civil Code, of the authority to resolve, on one or more occasions for a maximum period of five years starting from the date of the Shareholders' resolution, to carry out a free capital increase, as allowed by section 2349 of the Italian Civil Code, for a maximum amount of € 88,440.00 (to be allocated in full to share capital at € 0.33 per share, corresponding to the nominal value per share), corresponding to up to 268,000 FinecoBank ordinary shares with a nominal value of € 0.33 each, with the same characteristics as those in circulation and with regulardividend entitlement,tobegranted tothePersonnelofFinecoBankin execution ofthe 2016IncentiveSystem; correspondingupdatesoftheArticlesofAssociation. AttendingtheMeeting is Mr ENRICO COTTA RAMUSINO, born in Sant’Alessio con Vialone (PV), on 22 May 1959, domiciled for the purpose of his office at the Registered Office of the Company (hereinafter also “Chairman of the Meeting” or “Chairman”), Chairman of the Board of Directors of the aforesaid company; of whose personal identity, I, a Notary Public, am certain and who, after assuming chairmanshipfunctions,pursuanttoarticle10oftheArticlesofAssociation in force: a) informs that, in relation to art. 7 of the Articles of Association, the notice of meeting containing the Agenda thereof, was published on March 11, 2016 on FinecoBank website, at the registered office and the Head Office of the Company, as well as on the storage mechanism managed by BIt Market Services; that copy of the Agenda was inserted into the folderprovided to theattendees at themeeting; and that an excerpt of thenotice of meeting waspublished on March 12,2015in thenewspapers"IlSole24Ore" and"MF"; b) calls the undersigned Notary Public to draft the minutes of the ordinary and extraordinary sessionsoftheMeeting,in theformofapublicdeed; c)pointsoutthat,ifnecessary,simultaneousinterpretation isavailableforEnglish and Italian; and thatallspeechescan onlybemadefromthespeaker'sstand; d) states that the following people are in attendance, fromthe Board of Directors, in addition to himself: Alessandro Foti (CEO and General Manager), as well as the directors: Francesco Saita, Mariangela Grosoli, Laura Stefania Penna, Marina Natale, Girolamo Ielo and Gianluigi Bertolli (the director Pietro Angelo Guindani apologised for his absence); and, from the Board ofStatutoryAuditors: Gian CarloNorisGaccioli(Chairman),BarbaraAloisiand MarzianoViozzi; and that Head Office Senior Managers and other bank and holding personnel involved in organizing theMeeting,pursuanttoArticle2oftheMeeting Regulations,arealsopresent; e) states also that, pursuant to Article 2 of the same Meeting Regulations, experts, financial analystsand accredited tradejournalistsareallowed toaccesstheMeeting in aseparateroom connected viaaclosed-circuitaudio-visualsystem; TranslationinEnglishofthedocumentoriginallyissuedinItalian.Intheeventofany discrepancytheItalianlanguageversionshallprevail f) announces that also in attendance is Mr. Paolo Gibello Ribatto on behalf of the accounting firm "Deloitte & Touche S.p.A.", which has been appointed to certify the Company's financial statements; g) advises that, pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 2, of the Meeting Regulations, the meeting willbefilmed andrecorded; h) announces that the share capital subscribed and paid up as of today amounts to €200,245,793.88(twohundredmillion twohundred forty-fivethousand seven hundred ninety- three point eighty-eight cents), divided into 606,805,436 (six hundred and six million eight hundred and five thousand four hundred and thirty six) ordinary shares with a par value of €0.33(thirty-threecents)each. i)announcesthatthecomplianceofproxieswith theprovisions ofArt.2372of theItalian Civil Codeand Article135-noviesoftheLegislativeDecreeno.58/1998hasbeen verified; j) notes that there are currently 521,172,207 (five hundred twenty-one million one hundred seventy-two thousand two hundred and seven) ordinary shares represented at the Meeting, equalto85.887(eighty-five,eighthundred eighty-seven thousandths)percentoftheordinary share capital, corresponding to 422 (four hundred and twenty-two) rights holders voting on their own behalf or by proxy (a list of shareholders in attendance or represented at the Shareholders’Meeting isattached as“A”); k) points out that no proxies have been given to “Computershare S.p.A.”, with Registered Office in Milan (Company chosen by FinecoBank pursuant to Art. 135-undecies of Legislative Decreeno.58/1998as“Appointed Representative”). The Chairman thus declares the Meeting to be duly established and able to pass valid resolutions on the items on the Agenda in accordance with the law and the Articles of Association. He then indicates that,based on thecontents of theRegister ofShareholders, asupdated for notices received pursuant to thelaw and for checks carried out forthepurposes of admission to voting, the Register of Shareholders currently reports a total of approximately 15,000 shareholders; and that the shareholder "UniCredit S.p.A." directly holds more than 3 (three) per cent of the share capital represented by shares with voting rights (namely 397,108,033 - three hundred ninety-seven million one hundred and eight thousand thirty-three) - ordinary shares, equal to 65.442 - sixty-five, four hundred forty-two thousandths - per cent of the sharecapital). The Chairman states that pursuant to Article 8 of the Meeting Regulations, the persons intending to take the floor shall request permission at the secretary’s desk and then they will maketheircontribution fromthespeaker'sstandonly(avoiding speaking fromtheirseat). PursuanttoArticle17oftheMeetingRegulations,theChairman statesthat: a) the voting will take place through a computerized system using the voting terminals (or “radiovoters”)provided toeachparticipant; b) the folder received on admission contains instructions on how to use the voting terminal (radiovoter); c) upon each voting, each participant will be required to cast his/her vote by pressing the correspondingbutton on theradiovoterand toconfirmthechoiceusing the"OK" button; d) proxy holders and the representatives of fiduciary companies needing to cast different votes for each resolution, must point out this need and cast their votes at the specific “assisted voting stations” setup forthispurpose; e) the electronic vote detection system produces the following documents which shall be attached to the minutes of the Meeting: the lists of shareholders present in person and by proxywhen themeeting opened,thelists ofanyonewhoarrivesat alater timeorwho leaves themeeting; andseparatelistsforthedifferentcasted votes. The Chairman informs that the Report on Corporate Governance and Ownership Structure pursuant to art. 123-bisof Legislative Decree 58/1998 (which is attached to these minutes as TranslationinEnglishofthedocumentoriginallyissuedinItalian.Intheeventofany discrepancytheItalianlanguageversionshallprevail Annex"C") wasmadeavailable to thepublic in themannerand within thedeadlines provided by law (the above-mentioned Report is also included in the printed file inside the folder handed out to each participant); and that no shareholder exercised his/her right to raise questions on the topics on the Agenda of theShareholders' Meeting pursuant to art. 127-ter ofLegislativeDecree58/1998. TheChairman then turnstotheAgendaoftheordinarysession. === Given thecloseconnectionbetween item1(“Approval oftheFinecoBankS.p.A.financial statements at December 31, 2015, accompanied by the Report of the Board of Directors and the Independent Auditors’ Report; Report of the Boardof Statutory Auditors ") and item 2 (" Allocation of the profit for the year 2015 of FinecoBank S.p.A..") on the Agenda, the Chairman proposes dealing with them together, however, the two resolutions will be submitted separately for approval; the Chairman invites the CEO and General Manager,Mr. Alessandro Foti, to provide an overview of the topics at hand, omitting (therebeing noobjections on this point) the full reading of therelevantdocumentation,since the draft financial statements and the associated Reports have been made available to all participants and also to the public in the manner and within the deadlines provided by law (theDirectors’ReportforFY2015,thefinancialstatementsfor2015,theNotes,theStatement pursuant to art. 81-ter of Consob Regulation 11971/1999, the schedules for the reclassified financial statements, the Auditors' Report and the Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors areattached totheseminutes,asasinglefileunderletter"B"). TheCEOandGeneralManagertakesthefloorand summarizestheresultsfortheyear2015. At the end of his presentation, the CEO and General Manager reads out the following proposed resolutionson items1and 2oftheOrdinarysession’sAgenda: - On item 1: "DearShareholders,withregardtoitem1oftheAgenda,youareaskedto approvetheAnnualReportandAccountsofFinecoBankSpAfortheyearended31/12/2015as setoutbytheBoardofDirectorsasawholeandinitsindividualentries.TheAnnualReport and Accounts comprise the Balance Sheet, the Income Statement, the Statement of ComprehensiveIncome,theStatementofChangesinShareholders'Equity,theCashFlow Statement, theNotestothe Accounts, and isaccompaniedbythe Directors'Reporton Operations,ontheBank'seconomicresultsandfinancialposition.Inaddition,theAnnual Reportfoldercontains: - the Certification of Annual Financial Statements pursuant to Article 81-ter of Consob Regulationno.11971ofMay14,1999andsubsequentamendments; -theReportoftheBoardofStatutoryAuditors,pursuanttoart.153ofLegislativeDecreeno. 58ofFebruary24,1998; -TheIndependentAuditors'Reportpursuanttoart.14and16ofLegislativeDecreeno.39of January27,2010; - On item 2: “DearShareholders,withregardtoitem2oftheAgenda,youareaskedto approvethefollowingproposal: -toincreasetheLegalreserveby€19,120.40(nineteenthousandonehundredtwentyand fortycents),correspondingto0.01%(onecentpercent)oftheprofitsoftheyear,having reachedthelimitofonefifthofthesharecapital; -toincreasetheExtraordinaryReserveby€35,657,537.24(thirty-fivemillionsixhundredfifty- seventhousandfivehundredthirty-sevenandtwenty-fourcents); - todistribute €154,376,133.51(one hundred fifty-four million threehundred seventy-six thousandonehundredthirty-threeandfifty-onecents)toShareholders,correspondingtoa dividend of€0.255 (zeropointtwohundred fifty-five)for each ofthe 605,396,602 (six hundredfivemillionthreehundredninety-sixthousandsixhundredtwo)ordinaryshareswith aparvalueof€0.33(thirty-threecents)euro,constitutingthesharecapitalnetof1,408,834 (onemillionfourhundredeightthousandeighthundredthirty-four)treasurysharesheldby TranslationinEnglishofthedocumentoriginallyissuedinItalian.Intheeventofany discrepancytheItalianlanguageversionshallprevail theBankandincluding289,703(twohundredeighty-ninethousandsevenhundredandthree) sharesrelatingtothecapitalincreaseapprovedbytheBoardofDirectorsonFebruary8, 2016; -toallocate€1,000,000.00(onemillion)tosocial,charityandculturalprojects,pursuantto art.26,para.5,oftheArticlesofAssociation”. The Chief Executive Officer and General Manager then provides the disclosure required by Consob Communication no. 3558 of April 18, 1996: “The Shareholders’ Meeting of April 16, 2013 approved thereasoned proposal of theBoard ofStatutory Auditors, for the appointment of “Deloitte & ToucheS.p.A.”, for theperiod 2013-2021, to audit thefinancial statements and to verify the accounting records and the correct reporting of accounting entries over the financialyear; thelimited auditing ofthehalfyearfinancialstatementsand thechecksforthe purpose of signing the tax reports of the Bank and the associated fees, on the basis of the hourlyratessetatthetimeoftheappointment,inclusiveoftheIstatcostof living adjustment, with an annual outlay for the year 2015 (net of out-of-pocket expenses, supervisory fee and VAT) of €154,285 (one hundred fifty-four thousand two hundred eighty-five) for 2,575 employedhours”. TheChairman takestheflooragain and invitesMrPaoloGibelloRibatto,apartneroftheaudit firm “Deloitte & Touche S.p.A.”, to read out the Audit Report drafted in compliance with the law. MrPaoloGibelloRibattoreadsouttheReport. The Chairman takes the floor again and invites the Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors, Mr Gian Carlo Noris Gaccioli, to read aloud the content and conclusions of the Statutory Auditors' Report, and, (therebeing no objections on this point), to omit reading the full report, since it is available to all those in attendance and has been published in the mannerandwithin thedeadlinesrequiredbylaw. MrGian CarloNorisGacciolireadsouttheconclusionsoftheStatutoryAuditors’Report. The Chairman takes the floor again and declares the opening of discussion on items no. 1 (one)and 2(two)on theordinarysession’sAgenda. The shareholder Mario Croce, who has asked to speak and is given the floor, makes the following questions: what are the relations with the parent company UniCredit (i.e.: whether the senior managers are functionally reporting to the parent, for example, whether the Head of HR functionally reports to the Head of HR of UniCredit; whether Fineco business plan is prepared together with UniCredit managers); whether, given that Fineco customers use UniCredit branches, Fineco pays a commission to UniCredit for this service; what kind of competition is there between UniCredit and Fineco; whether Fineco is considering opening other branches; whether there is a cost accounting for each of these branches (i.e.: whether there is evidence of the fact that theopening of branches, taking into account the associated costs, is a positive element); what is the meaning of the negative 1.9 million result of “net commission incomeon securitieslending” atpage52oftheAnnualReport; whatistheweight of the Advice service compared to asset management; whether Fineco carries out activities abroad; why Fineco’ financial statements show an item for non-performing loans given that Finecodoesnotprovideloans; whetherFinecomakesdirectinvestmentsin securities. TheCEOandGeneralManagertakesthefloorand statesthat: - Fineco senior managers (e.g. Staff, IT) do not report to the Parent Company and, accordingly,Finecoactsindependentlyalbeitin overallcoordination with theParentCompany; therefore, also the business plan is drawn up independently (but in coordination and shared with theParentCompany),and,asaresult,thestrategiesandcommercialdecisionsareunder theexclusiveresponsibilityofFineco; - as regards competition with UniCredit, since Fineco entered the UniCredit Group’s, a strategicdecisionhasbeen takenbytheGroup tohaveFinecocompetewith UniCredit,exactly as it competes with other banks in the system; this also considering that the Group's overall TranslationinEnglishofthedocumentoriginallyissuedinItalian.Intheeventofany discrepancytheItalianlanguageversionshallprevail market share is around 15 per cent and, therefore, there are significant opportunities to acquire additional market share; there are no special trade agreements that favour the channelling ofcustomersfromoneorganization toanother; - with regard to the issue of the use by Fineco customers of UniCredit branches,Finecopays UniCreditforthisservice,atmarketprice; - as regards Fineco’ s geographical presence, this cannot be compared to that of a bank branchnetwork,asFinecooperatesthrough financialshopsthatdonotprovideroutinebranch transactions (e.g., cash services); - a Fineco branch is mainly a place where Fineco financial advisers meet with clients to discuss investment strategies, portfolio management,opening of current accounts; for this reason, Fineco financial shop has a much lower operating cost structure than that of an ordinary branch (costs associated with the physical management of cash,interlocking doors,armed guards,vaults); asFinecoacquiresmarketshareandbecomes an increasinglyrelevantreferencepointforcustomersofacertain geographicalarea,Fineco’s physicalpresenceincreasesaccordingly,toalsotakeintoaccounttheinherentgrowth trend of thenetwork; - as to Fineco’ s operations abroad, a few weeks ago the English Central Bank issued an authorization to Fineco for the provision of services in England on a cross border basis; it should be noted that as a bank established in the European Union, Fineco can rely on the “European passport” to provide its services directly from Italy in favour of UK residents, with no need for aphysical presence there; accordingly, the Fineco model envisages theprovision of banking, brokerage and investment services without branches and without a network of financial advisors to support the activity; services will be provided remotely from Italy, including customer care which will be provided by dedicated native speakers working directly fromItaly; - with regard to loans granted by Fineco, it should be specified that Fineco has a rather modest lending activity: this involves (i) credit lines granted to customers (against collateral consisting of securities and other customer’s assets) with a cost risk profile nearly close to zero; (ii) loansrelated tomargin lending andbrokerageactivity(although alsotheseloansare backed by securities and their costofriskis almost close to zero); (iii) personal loans (i.e. unsecured loans to private customers which, while they are characterized a very low risk profile, nevertheless result in a modest amount of non-performing loans), and then (iv) the activity related to payment systems (credit cards,current account overdrafts,): again, forthis typeoftransactions,despiteaverylowcostofrisk, theremaybeasmallcomponentof“non- performingloans”; -with regard toitsproprietaryportfolio,Finecohasinvestmentsofaround fifteenbillion euros, of which a nominal amount of about 11 billion euros is invested in UniCredit senior floating ratenotes,anominalamountofabout2billion is invested in European governmentbonds(of which 1.5 billion euros in Italian government bonds and 500 million euros in Spanish bonos) and theresidualamountof1.2billion eurosisdeposited on currentaccounts(i.e.immediately availableliquidity)atUniCredit; - with regard to “securities lending”, it refers to commissions that Fineco pays to customers, against the generation of net interest income, so that, the transaction is profitable overall; more specifically, the portion of interest income that offsets the commissions paid to customers, is 5.2 million euros (therefore, 5.2 million euros of net interest income compared with 1.9 million euros of commissions paid to clients: this is the positive margin for the bank generatedbythisbusiness); - as regards Advice, which is the exclusive, fee-only, consulting service that Fineco launched before the end of 2007, it accounts for about 4.5billion euros out ofa total of 26 billion euro in assetsundermanagement. As no one else asks to take the floor, the Chairman puts to vote (using the radiovoter) the proposed resolution previously read by the CEOand GeneralManagerregarding item 1of the TranslationinEnglishofthedocumentoriginallyissuedinItalian.Intheeventofany discrepancytheItalianlanguageversionshallprevail ordinary session’s Agenda ( "Approval of FinecoBank S.p.A. financial statements at December 31, 2015, accompanied by the Board of Directors' Report and the Independent Auditors’ Report; Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors”), after having asked those in attendance to declare any exclusions from the right to vote, or restrictions thereon, pursuant to articles 120, 121 and 122 of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998 and the associated Consob Regulations, and articles 19, 20, 24 and 25 of Legislative Decree no. 385/1993, and after having checked that none of the participants states that they are prevented fromexercising theirrighttovote. The resolution proposal (as 427 shareholders entitled to vote take part in the voting on own behalf or by proxy, representing 521,181,707 - five hundred twenty-one million one hundred eighty-one thousand seven hundred seven- shares, each entitling the bearer to one vote) received (asdetailed in thedocumentattachedas“F”): -votesin favour: 521,120,734(fivehundred twenty-onemillion onehundred twentythousand seven hundred thirty-four),corresponding toapproximately99.988(ninety-nine,ninehundred andeighty-eightthousandths)percentofvoting shares; - votes against: 60,940 (sixty thousand nine hundred forty), corresponding to approximately 0.011(eleven thousandths)percentofvoting shares; - abstentions: 33 (thirty-three), corresponding to approximately 0.000 (zero) per cent of voting shares. The Chairman thus announces that the resolution on item 1 (one) of the Ordinary session’s Agenda concerning the approval of FinecoBank's Financial Statements as at December 31, 2015hasbeen approvedbyamajority. === the Chairman moves on to the vote (using the radiovoter) on the proposed resolution previously read by the CEO and General Manager regarding item 2 of the ordinary session’s Agenda (“Allocation of the profits of FinecoBank S.p.A. for the year 2015”), after having asked those in attendance to declare any exclusions from the right to vote, or restrictions thereon, pursuant to articles 120, 121 and 122 of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998 and the associated Consob Regulations, and articles 19, 20, 24 and 25 of Legislative Decree no. 385/1993, and after having checked that none of the participants states that they are prevented fromexercising theirrighttovote. The resolution proposal (as 427 shareholders entitled to vote take part in the voting on own behalf or by proxy, representing 521,181,707 - five hundred twenty-one million one hundred eighty-one thousand seven hundred seven- shares, each entitling the bearer to one vote) received (asdetailed in thedocumentattachedas“F”): - votes in favour: 521,181,174 ( five hundred twenty-one million one hundred eighty-one thousand one hundred seventy-four), corresponding to approximately 99.999 (ninety-nine, ninehundredninety-ninethousandths)percentofvoting shares; -votesagainst: zero; - abstentions: 533 (five hundred thirty-three), corresponding to approximately 0.000 (zero) percentofvoting shares. The Chairman thus announces that the resolution on item 2 (two) of the ordinary session’s Agenda concerning the approval of the allocation of profits for the year 2015 has been approvedbyamajority. === The Chairman moves on to items no. 3 (“2016 Compensation Policy”), no. 4 (“2016 Incentive System”), no.5 (“2016 Incentive System for Personal Financial Advisors Identified Staff”) and no. 6 (“Authorization to purchase and dispose of treasury shares.Consequentandinherentresolutions")oftheordinarysession’sAgenda,dealing with them together, although separate proposed resolutions will be tabled. There being no objections on this item, the Chairman says that, with regard to the authorization to purchase TranslationinEnglishofthedocumentoriginallyissuedinItalian.Intheeventofany discrepancytheItalianlanguageversionshallprevail and dispose of treasury shares to back the 2016 Incentive System for Personal Financial Advisors Identified Staff, the process for obtaining the authorization from the Supervisory Authorityhasbeen started with theEuropean CentralBank. The Chairman then calls on the Chief Executive Officer and General Manager to briefly illustrate the key elements of the proposed resolutions, without reading the relevant documentation, given that the folders containing the relevant Directors’ reports (attached hereto as “D” as a single file) and the “2016 Compensation Policy” (attached hereto as “E”), have been distributed to all those in attendance and have been published pursuant to the conditions and deadlines established by law. In this respect,he notes that the Compensation Policy includes the informative document on the “2016 Incentive System” and on the “Incentive System for Personal Financial Advisors Identified Staff”, submitted forthe approval oftoday’sShareholders’Meeting,aswellastheAnnualCompensation Report. The Chief Executive Officer and General Manager takes the floor and presents the Directors’ Reportson items3,4,5and6oftheordinarysession’sAgenda. In conclusion, the ChiefExecutive Officer and GeneralManagerreads the following resolution proposals (included in the abovementioned Reports) on items 3, 4, 5, and 6 of the ordinary session’sAgenda: -On item3: “DearShareholders,withregardtoitem3oftheAgenda,youareasked: - toapprove the “2016FinecoBankCompensation Policy”, ascontained in the attached documentwhichformsanintegralpartofthisReport,inordertodefinetheprinciplesand standards that FinecoBank shall apply in designing, implementing and monitoring the compensationpolicyandtheremunerationplans throughouttheorganization; -toconfertotheChairmanandtotheChiefExecutiveOfficerandGeneralManager,also separately,everyopportunepowerofattorneytomakeanyadditionsand/ormodificationsto theabovePolicythatmaybenecessaryfortheimplementationoftheresolution,resulting fromchangeswhichare: a.legislativeand/orregulatory b.requiredbytheregulators c.whichmightbeappropriateinlightoffurtherclarificationsandrecommendationsthatmay besubsequentlyissued,orotherwisecommunicatedbytheregulators d.madebytheShareholders’MeetingofUniCreditonApril14,2016tothe2016Group CompensationPolicy,whichwouldrenderthe2016PolicyofFinecoBanknolongerconsistent withthatoftheGroup.”; - On items 4and 5: “DearShareholders,withregardtoitems4and5oftheAgenda,youare askedtoapprovethefollowingproposal: -toadoptthe2016IncentiveSystemwhichprovidesfortheallocationofanincentive,incash and/orFinecofreeordinaryshares,tobeperformedbyApril2022,toselectedFinecoBank beneficiariesinthemannerandwithinthedeadlinesdescribedabove; -toconfertotheChairmanandtotheChiefExecutiveOfficerandGeneralManager,also separately,allnecessarypowerofattorneytoimplementthisresolutionandthedocuments whichareanintegralpartofit,also renderinganyamendmentsand/oradditionsthatmaybe necessarytoimplementthedecisionsoftoday’sShareholders’Meeting(withoutsubstantially changingthecontentoftheresolution). -toadoptthe2016IncentiveSystemforPersonalFinancialAdvisors(PFA)IdentifiedStaff whichprovidesfortheallocationofanincentiveincashand/orFinecoBankordinaryshares,to beperformedbyJuly2021,toselectedFinecoBankPFAbeneficiariesinthemannerandterms describedabove; -toconfertotheChairmanandtotheChiefExecutiveOfficerandGeneralManager,also separately, every opportune power of attorney to implement this resolution and the documentswhichareanintegralpartofit,alsorenderinganyamendmentsand/oradditions thatmaybenecessarytoimplementthedecisionsoftoday’sShareholders’Meeting(without TranslationinEnglishofthedocumentoriginallyissuedinItalian.Intheeventofany discrepancytheItalianlanguageversionshallprevail substantiallychangingthecontentoftheresolution”); - On item 6: “DearShareholders,withregardtoitem6oftheAgenda,youareaskedto approvethefollowingproposal: -toauthorizethepurchaseandthedisposalofamaximumof250,000(twohundredfifty thousand)treasuryshares,correspondingtoanominalvalueof€0.33(thirty-threecents) each,underthetermsandconditionsdescribedabove,providedthatthebuybackofthe treasurysharesmayonlybeperformedafterreceivingthenecessaryauthorizationfromthe Regulator,pursuanttoarticles77-78Reg.EUno.575/2013(CRR)datedJune26,2013. -ToconfertotheBoardofDirectorsandconsequentlytotheChairmanandtotheChief ExecutiveOfficerandGeneralManager,alsoseparately,everyopportunepowerofattorneyto implementthisresolution and make therequired marketdisclosures, inaccordance with applicableregulations." The Chairman takes thefloor again and declares the opening ofdiscussion on items no. 3, 4, 5and 6oftheordinarysession’sAgenda. As nobody asks to take the floor, the Chairman puts to vote (using the radiovoter) the proposed resolution previously read by the CEOand GeneralManagerregarding item 3of the ordinary session’s Agenda (“2016 Compensation Policy”), after having asked those in attendance to declare any exclusions from the right to vote, or restrictions thereon, pursuant to articles 120, 121 and 122 of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998 and the associated Consob Regulations, and articles 19, 20, 24 and 25 of Legislative Decree no. 385/1993, and after having checked that none of the participants states that they are prevented from exercising theirrighttovote. The resolution proposal (as 427 shareholders entitled to vote take part in the voting on own behalf or by proxy, representing 521,181,707 - five hundred twenty-one million one hundred eighty-one thousand seven hundred seven- shares, each entitling the bearer to one vote) received (asdetailed in thedocumentattachedas“F”): - votes in favour: 515,824,590 (five hundred fifteen million eight hundred twenty-four thousand five hundred ninety), corresponding to approximately 98.972 (ninety-eight, nine hundred seventy-twothousandths)percentofvoting shares; -votesagainst: 4,544,421 (fourmillion fivehundred forty-fourthousand fourhundred twenty- one), corresponding to approximately 0.871 (eight hundred seventy-one thousandths) per centofvoting shares; -abstentions: 812,696(eighthundred twelvethousand sixhundred ninety-six),corresponding toapproximately0.155(onehundred fifty-fivethousandths)percentofvoting shares; The Chairman thus announces that the resolution on item no. 3 (three) of the ordinary session’sAgendaconcerning the2016Compensation Policyhasbeenapprovedbyamajority. === The Chairman puts to vote (using theradiovoter) the proposed resolution previously read by the CEO and General Manager regarding item 4 of the ordinary session’s Agenda (“2016 Incentive System”), afterhaving asked those in attendance to declare any exclusions from the right to vote, or restrictions thereon, pursuant to articles 120, 121 and 122 of Legislative Decreeno.58/1998 and the associated Consob Regulations, and articles 19, 20,24 and 25 of LegislativeDecreeno.385/1993,and afterhaving checked thatnoneoftheparticipantsstates thattheyareprevented fromexercising theirrighttovote. The resolution proposal (as 427 shareholders entitled to vote take part in the voting on own behalf or by proxy, representing 521,181,707 - five hundred twenty-one million one hundred eighty-one thousand seven hundred seven- shares, each entitling the bearer to one vote) received (asdetailed in thedocumentattachedas“F”): - votes in favour: 520,843,734 (five hundred twenty million eight hundred forty-three thousand seven hundred thirty-four), corresponding to approximately 99.935 (ninety-nine, ninehundredand thirty-fivethousandths)percentofvoting shares; TranslationinEnglishofthedocumentoriginallyissuedinItalian.Intheeventofany discrepancytheItalianlanguageversionshallprevail - votes against: 334,940 (three hundred thirty-four thousand nine hundred forty), corresponding toapproximately0.064(sixty-fourthousandths)percentofvoting shares; - abstentions: 3,033 (three thousand thirty-three), corresponding to approximately 0.000 (zero)percentofvoting shares. TheChairman thusannouncesthattheresolution on itemno.4(five)oftheordinarysession’s Agendaconcerning the2016IncentiveSystemhasbeen approved byamajority. === The Chairman puts to vote (using theradiovoter) the proposed resolution previously read by the CEO and General Manager regarding item 5 of the ordinary session’s Agenda (“2016 Incentive System for Personal Financial Advisors Identified Staff”), after having asked those in attendance to declare any exclusions from the right to vote, or restrictions thereon, pursuant to articles 120, 121 and 122 of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998 and the associated Consob Regulations, and articles 19, 20, 24 and 25 of Legislative Decree no. 385/1993, and after having checked that none of the participants states that they are prevented fromexercising theirrighttovote. The resolution proposal (as 427 shareholders entitled to vote take part in the voting on own behalf or by proxy, representing 521,181,707 - five hundred twenty-one million one hundred eighty-one thousand seven hundred seven- shares, each entitling the bearer to one vote) received (asdetailed in thedocumentattachedas“F”): - votes in favour: 457,569,352 (four hundred fifty-seven million five hundred sixty-nine thousand three hundred fifty-two), corresponding to approximately 87.794 (eighty-seven, seven hundredandninety-fourthousandths)percentofvoting shares; - votes against: 62,799,659 (sixty-two million seven hundred ninety-nine thousand six hundred fifty-nine), corresponding to approximately 12.049 (twelve, forty-nine thousandths) percentofvoting shares; -abstentions: 812,696(eighthundred twelvethousand sixhundred ninety-six),corresponding toapproximately0.155(onehundred fifty-fivethousandths)percentofvoting shares; TheChairman thusannouncesthattheresolution on itemno.5(five)oftheordinarysession’s Agenda concerning the 2016 Incentive System for Personal Financial Advisors Identified Staff hasbeen approvedbyamajority. === The Chairman puts to vote (using theradiovoter) the proposed resolution previously read by the CEO and General Manager regarding item 6 of the ordinary session’s Agenda ("Authorization to purchase and dispose of treasury shares. Consequent and inherent resolutions”), after having asked those in attendance to declare any exclusions from the right to vote, or restrictions thereon, pursuant to articles 120, 121 and 122 of LegislativeDecreeno.58/1998and theassociated Consob Regulations,and articles19,20,24 and 25 of Legislative Decree no. 385/1993, and after having checked that none of the participantsstatesthattheyarepreventedfromexercising theirrighttovote. The resolution proposal (as 427 shareholders entitled to vote take part in the voting on own behalf or by proxy, representing 521,181,707 - five hundred twenty-one million one hundred eighty-one thousand seven hundred seven- shares, each entitling the bearer to one vote) received (asdetailed in thedocumentattachedas“F”): - votes in favour: 520,019,853 (five hundred twenty million nineteen thousand eight hundred fifty-three), corresponding to approximately 99.777 (ninety-nine, seven hundred seventy- seven thousandths)percentofvoting shares; - votes against: 1,161,321 (one million one hundred sixty-one thousand three hundred twenty-one), corresponding to approximately 0.222 (two hundred twenty-two thousandths) percentofvoting shares; - abstentions: 533 (five hundred thirty-three), corresponding to approximately 0.000 (zero) percentofvoting shares.

under the management and coordination of "UniCredit S.p.A.", which met on April, 12 (twelve). 2016 (two Approval of the FinecoBank S.p.A. financial statements at December 31, 2015, accompanied firm "Deloitte & Touche S.p.A.", which has been appointed to certify the Company's financial.
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