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Draftversion February2,2008 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.6/22/04 TRANSITION FROM POPULATION III TO POPULATION II STARS Taotao Fang1 and Renyue Cen2 (Received;Revised; Accepted) Draft versionFebruary 2, 2008 ABSTRACT ThetransitionfromPopulationIIItoPopulationIIstarsisdeterminedbythepresenceofasufficient amountofmetals,inparticular,oxygenandcarbon. Thevastlydifferentyieldsoftheserelevantmetals betweendifferentinitialstellarmassfunctionswouldthencausesuchatransitiontooccuratdifferent times. We show that the transition from Pop III to Pop II stars is likely to occur before the universe 5 can be reionized, if the IMF is entirely very massive stars (M ≥140M⊙). A factor of about 10 more 0 ionizingphotonswouldbeproducedinthecasewithnormaltop-heavyIMF(e.g.,M ∼10−100M⊙), 0 when such a transition occurs. Thus, a high Thomson optical depth (τ ≥ 0.11− 0.14) may be 2 e indication that the Population III stars possess a more conventionaltop-heavy IMF. n Subject headings: stars: abundances — supernovae: general — galaxies: formation — intergalactic a medium — cosmology: theory — early universe J 1 3 1. INTRODUCTION 2003; Mackey, Bromm, & Hernquist 2003). How- ever, how massive Pop III stars are remains un- Recentobservationsofthehighredshift(z >6)quasar 2 clear. While simulations have suggested that Pop spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and v the cosmic microwave background fluctuations from III stars may be more massive than 100M⊙ (“vary 5 the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) massive star”, VMS; Abel, Bryan, & Norman 2000; 6 Bromm, Ferrara,Coppi, & Larson 2001), Tan & McKee 5 combine to paint a complicated reionization picture (2004)arguethattakingintoaccountfeedbackprocesses 5 (Fan et al. 2001; Kogut et al. 2003). While it seems rel- would likely limit the mass of the Pop III stars to the 0 atively secure to claim that the reionization process has 4 begunatz ≥10andends atz ∼6 (e.g., Fan et al.2001; range 30−100M⊙. Observationally, the VMS picture is advocated by Oh, Nollett, Madau, & Wasserburg 0 Becker et al. 2001; Barkana 2002; Cen & McDonald / 2002), exactly when it starts and how it evolves are (2001) and Qian & Wasserburg (2002), based on h the argument that the metal yield patterns from yet unclear, although the overall picture is consistent p pair-instability supernova (PISN) explosion of VMS - with a physically motivated double reionization model o (Cen 2003; Wyithe & Loeb 2003) that was proposed progenitors (Heger & Woosley 2002) are consistent with r before WMAP released its reionization measurement. observations (see also Wasserburg & Qian 2000; 2001). t On the other hand, Tumlinson, Venkatesan,& Shull s The conventional wisdom is that stars are primarily a (2004)arguethatthe generalpatterninmetal-poorhalo responsible for producing most of the ionizing pho- : stars, especially the Fe-peak and r-process elements, v tons. Unavoidably, there is a transition epoch from favors the yield pattern of Type II supernovae (SNII) i metal-free Population III (Pop III) to metal-poor X Population II (Pop II) stars at some high redshift (see, with an initial mass function (IMF) above 10 M⊙ and r e.g., Omukai 2000; Bromm, Ferrara,Coppi, & Larson without VMS (see also Daigne et al. 2004). Other a arguments based on observations such as metallicities of 2001; Schneider, Ferrara, Natarajan,& Omukai 2002; the intergalactic (IGM) at z ∼ 3−4 in the Lyα forest Mackey, Bromm, & Hernquist 2003; Schneider et al. (Venkatesan & Truran 2003) and cosmic star formation 2003; Bromm & Loeb 2003). history (Daigne et al. 2004) also favor a SNII type It is thought that Pop III stars may be much more IMF. Umeda & Nomoto (2003) and Umeda & Nomoto massive than Pop II stars. This expectation is based (2003)arguethattheobservedmetalabundancepattern on the physics of metal cooling. Lack of metals in are better matched by core-collapsed supernova with the gas at early times results in an absolute floor temperature of gas at ∼ 100K, whereas a small but M⋆ = 10 − 50M⊙ through pair-instability supernova explosion (Heger & Woosley 2002). significant amount of metals would enable gas to cool down to ∼ 10K. Consequently, Pop III stars It thus seems beneficial to explore possible differences between different IMFs. In this Letter, we investigate are expected to be much more massive than Pop theissueofthetransitionfromPopIII toPopII.Specif- II stars (Carr, Bond, & Arnett 1984; Larson 1998; ically,followingBromm & Loeb(2003),wenotethatthe Abel, Bryan, & Norman 2000; Hernandez & Ferrara transitionfromPopIIItoPopIIisdictatedbyefficiency 2001; Bromm, Ferrara,Coppi, & Larson of cooling by a limited number of species, in particu- 2001; Bromm, Kudritzki, & Loeb lar, C and O. Thus, it is the amount of C and O, not 2001; Nakamura & Umemura 2001; necessarily the total amount of “metals”, that deter- Bromm, Coppi, & Larson 2002; Omukai & Palla mines the transition. While the ionizing photon produc- 1 Department of Astronomy, UniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley, tion efficiency turns out to be quite comparable in both CA94720; ChandraFellow cases, either with a VMS IMF or a more normal top- 2 Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University, heavy IMF (e.g., Tumlinson, Venkatesan,& Shull 2004), PeytonHall,IvyLane,Princeton,NJ08544 2 Fang & Cen they have very different metal patterns in the exploded final products. In PISN case the supernova ejecta is en- riched by α-elements, whereas the major products of SNII are hydrogen and helium with a small amount of heavy elements (see, e.g., Woosley & Weaver 1995; Heger & Woosley 2002). Consequently, the transition from Pop III to Pop II stars should occur at different times. We show that a normal top-heavy IMF is pre- ferred to VMS and probably required if Pop III stars were to reionize the universe at high enough redshift. 2. TRANSITIONFROMPOPIIITOPOPII We firstdefine f asthe baryonfractionthathas been ⋆ processed through Pop III stars, f ≡ M /M , where ⋆ III b M and M are total baryonic mass and the baryonic b III massinPopIIIstars,respectively. Wealsodefinetheto- tal ionization photons (hν ≥ 13.6eV) produced per unit mass of Pop III stars as < N > photonsM−1. For ph ⊙ completeness we show in Figure 1 the time-integrated ionization photons per solar mass emitted during the lifetime of a Pop III star vs. its initial mass M , ⋆ adoptedfromSchaerer(2002). Theverticaldottedlineat Fig. 1.— Ionization photons produced during the lifetime of a zero-metallicity Pop III star as a function of its initial mass M⋆ =140M⊙ is to distinguish between PISN and SNII. M⋆, adopted from Schaerer (2002). The dotted vertical line in- Clearly,formostofthemassrange(80.M⋆ <260M⊙), dicatesM⋆=140M⊙. Evidently,theproducedionizationphotons the ionizing photons produced during the lifetime of the isnearlyaconstant forbothPISNandSNIIcases. star is ∼ 1062photonsM−1. This lifetime-integrated ⊙ number of ionizing photons varies only about a factor of less than 2 when the initial mass is ∼ 20M⊙. It is metallicity of element i, Zi : IGM because the total ionizing photon production of a short- µy lifetime VMS is boosted by its higher production rate. Zi = i N . (2) However, we should keep in mind that photon produc- IGM <Nph >mH ion tionratecouldbeimportantifthetypicalrecombination Zero-metallicity Pop III stars with different initial time scale is shorter than the lifetime of Pop III stars. masseshavedistinctivepatternoffinalmetalproductions The typical lifetimes of a 200 and 25 M⊙ Pop III stars (see, e.g., Heger & Woosley 2002). For stars with initial caorem∼bin2a.2t×ion10t6imanedsc6a.l5e×is1r0o6uygrhsly(Stcrhecae∼re1r0270(C02H).IIT/1h0e)r−e1- mtharsosuegsh1t0yp.e IMI⋆su.per4n0oMva⊙e,xnpeloustiroonn. sTtahres maraejofroirtmyeodf yrs at redshift z ∼ 17, where CHII is the clumping fac- the ejecta are hydrogen and helium, with small amount tor of H II regions (Ricotti & Ostriker 2004). While in of heavy metals. Between 40 . M⋆ . 100M⊙, black generaltrec islongerthanthelifetimeofPopIIIstars,at holes form through direct collapse of the star. At M⋆ ∼ some overdense regions when CHII > 20 the lifetime of 100M⊙, the electron-positron pair instability starts to a small mass star could be longer than trec, and in this dominate, but if M⋆ .140M⊙, an iron core will still be case more than 1 ionizing photon are necessary to ion- formed and eventually collapse to a black hole without ize the entire IGM. Having this caution in mind, in the any metal productions. When 140.M⋆ . 260M⊙, the following we assume that all the Pop III stars produce pulsationinducedbythepairinstabilityissoviolentthat about the same amount of ionizing photons in their life- one single pulse disrupts the entire star and eject abun- time and roughly 1 ionizing photon per atom is needed dant α-elements. At above 260M⊙ again black holes to reionize the universe. Using relevantnumbers andas- will form. An upper limit of 500M⊙ of a Pop III star suming a mean atom weight of µ = 0.76, we find that that can be formed from accretion into primordial pro- the number of the ionizing photons per hydrogen atom tostar was recently found by Bromm & Loeb (2004) via produced, denoted as Nion, is three-dimensional numerical simulation. It is important to note that essentially all metals are produced for mass N =11 µ −1 f⋆ <Nph > . ranges of 10 – 40 M⊙ and/or 140 – 260 M⊙. Pop III ion (cid:16)0.76(cid:17) (cid:18)10−4(cid:19) 1062photonsM−⊙1! sptaatrtserwnitohfinmethtaelsse, twwhoicmhawsisllrhanavgeesgpreraotduimcepadcisttionncttihvee (1) Letus define y as the yield ofelement i,y ≡M /M , important metal cooling agents, namely, C and O. i i i ⋆ We study four types of IMFs: two types for PISN and where M is the mass of element i produced by the ini- i twotypes forType II SN.AnIMFisdefinedasΨ(M)≡ tial stellar mass M . Assuming metals produced by su- pernova explosion c⋆an be effectively transported out of Ψ0M−Γ with Ψ0 the host halos and uniformly pollute the intergalactic m2 medium (IGM), then the IGM metallicity of element i, Ψ0M−ΓdM =1. (3) Zi = f y , where f is the baryon fraction defined Zm1 IGM ⋆ i ⋆ above. Substituting f from Eq. 1, we can then relate Thefour typesare: (1)PISNmodel1,with140.M . ⋆ ⋆ the ionization photon per H atom, Nion, to the IGM 260M⊙; (2) PISN model 2, 100 . M⋆ . 260M⊙; (3) Transtition from Pop III to Pop II 3 Type II Supernova model 1, with 10 . M⋆ . 140M⊙; and (4) Type II Supernova model 2, with 30 . M . ⋆ 140M⊙. Model (2) is introduced to see how sensitive the metal yield of PISN model depends on various mass limits. Model (4) is motivated by the suggestion of Tan & McKee (2004) that the first stars should have masses between 30−100M⊙. To avoid the degeneracy between the IMF index and mass limits we adopted a consistentIMFindexofΓ=1.5amongallthefourmod- els. ForeachIMFwe compute the metalyield. As pointed out by Bromm & Loeb (2003) metal cooling at low tem- perature (T ≤100K) is dominated by fine-structure line coolingofCIIandOI,weconcentrateonthemetalyield of C and O. The yield can be calculated through m2 y = Ψ(M)Y (M)dM, (4) i i Zm1 where the subscript i represents C or O, and Y (M) is i defined as the ratio of the mass fraction of the element i in solar units, in this way Y (M) is one half of the i production factors defined in Heger & Woosley (2002). For the PISN type IMF we use the production factors of Heger & Woosley (2002). For SNII type IMF model 1 and 2 we adoptthe production factorscalculated from Woosley & Weaver (1995) model Z12A, Z15A, ... and Z30B, Z35B, .... series, respectively. With metal yield y and ionizing photon produc- i tion rate < N >, we can now compute the ele- ph ment metallicity Zi as a function of ionizing pho- Fig. 2.—Oxygen(toppanel)andCarbon(bottompanel)metal- tons per hydrogenIaGtMom through Eq. 2. The results licities as a function of the ionizing photons per H atom. The solidand dotted lines represent PISN model 1 and 2, dashed and are shown in Figure 2. The top and bottom pan- dot-dashed lines are for SNII model 1 and 2, respectively. The els show the oxygen and carbon metallicities, respec- horizontalshadowedareasshowthecriticaltransitionmetallicities tively. The metal abundance in this definition is rel- andtheirerrorsfromBromm&Loeb(2003). ative to the solar value, i.e., [O/H] = log (n /n ) − 10 O H log10(nO/nH)⊙. The solid and dotted lines represent PISN model 1 and 2, dashed and dot-dashed lines are for SNII model 1 and 2, respectively. The horizontal shadowed areas show the critical transition metallici- Pop III stars will be able to ionize the universe alone, ties Zcrit and their errors from Bromm & Loeb (2003), unless ionizing photon escape fraction is ≥ 20% and/or [C/H]crit ≃ −3.5 ± 0.1 and [O/H]crit ≃ −3.05 ± 0.2, metal enrichment is very inefficient. respectively. The free-fall time scale for gas clump is t ≈ 5 × 105(n /104cm−3)−1/2yrs, and the crit- 3. CONCLUSIONS ff H ical transition metallicities are obtained by equating Based on the consideration of cooling due to C and O the cooling time at temperature T = 100K (below atlowtemperatures(T <100K),wenotethatitmaybe which metal cooling dominates) to tff for a gas den- expectedthatthe transitionfromPopIII toPopII stars sity of n = 104cm−3 (Abel, Bryan, & Norman 2000; should occur when ∼ 1 ionizing photon per H atom is H Bromm, Coppi, & Larson 2002). produced, if the IMF is entirely VMS. A factor of about Immediately, we see that the transition from Pop III 10 more ionizing photons would be produced in the case to Pop II occurs much earlier in Model 1 and 2 than with normal top-heavy IMF (e.g., M ∼ 10−100M⊙), in Models 3 and 4. We see that about 1.0−3.1 ioniz- when such a transition occurs. Thus, it will be much ing photons per H atom are produced in PISN Model 1, more difficult, if not impossible, to achieve an earlier 3−6 photons in PISN model 2, whereas 8.6−14 ion- (z ≫ 10) reionization in the former case. Therefore, if izing photons per H atom is produced in SN II Model future WMAP data firm up the Thomson optical depth 1 and 2. Not all ionizing photons can escape into the to τ ≥ 0.11−0.14, one may be forced to adopt a more IGM, nor do the metals. Metal enrichment of the IGM conventional top-heavy IMF. If minihalos were largely may be expected to be inhomogeneous, which perhaps responsible for producing ionizing photons at high red- would yield a higher effective metal enrichment in star shift, then an IMF with VMS may be still viable, as formationregionsifgalaxyformationisbiased. The fact the ionizing photon escape fraction from minihalos may supernovaexplosionsinthePISN(Model1)maybemore well exceed 50%, shown by the recent radiation hydro- energeticthaninthe othertwomodels maysuggestthat dynamic simulations (Whalen, Abel, & Norman 2004; perhaps more metals could be transported to the IGM Kitayama,Yoshida, Susa, & Umemura 2004). in the former case. It thus seems improbable that PISN We assume that metals can efficiently get mixed 4 Fang & Cen with the general IGM and adopted a simplified Yoshida, Bromm, & Hernquist 2004). The exact picture that metals produced by Pop III stars are effect is, however, unclear, when coupled with spatially uniformly distributed in the IGM. In the PISN case non-uniform galaxy and star formation. Bromm, Yoshida, & Hernquist (2003) found for a WeemphasizethataconventionalIMFmaynotbethe supernova explosion with an energy of ∼ 1053 ergs, onlywaytoalleviatetheconflictbetweenthemetalyield at least 90% of metals can be effectively transported ofthePopIIIstarsandthenumberofionizationphotons into surrounding IGM. Yoshida, Bromm, & Hernquist they produced. Ricotti & Ostriker (2004) argued that (2004) discussed a simplified VMS IMF (all Pop III most Pop III stars should collapse into black holes to stars have mass of 200 M⊙ and explode as PISN): avoidproducing too much metals with added benefits of they trace the star formation history and calculate additional accretion produced energy. the mean number of ionization photons per atom and the mean metalicity of the IGM. Their results are consistent with results from our PISN model 1 and We thanks the anonymous referee for many helpful 2. The derived τ falls short of WMAP result when comments. We gratefully acknowledge financial support e constrained by a critical metalicity of [Z/H] = −3.3, bygrantsAST-0206299,AST-0407176andNAG5-13381. this is consistent with our conclusion that a VMS T. Fang was supported by the NASA through Chandra IMF may not be favored by recent WMAP result. Postdoctoral Fellowship Award Number PF3-40030 is- However, metal mixing is most likely inhomogeneous, suedbytheChandraX-rayObservatoryCenter,whichis that could affect the transition from Pop III to Pop II operatedby the Smithsonian AstrophysicalObservatory stars (see, e.g., Scannapieco, Schneider, & Ferrara for and on behalf of the NASA under contract NAS8- 2003; Mackey, Bromm, & Hernquist 2003; 39073. 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