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Transgression forms in dimension 4 6 by 0 Isabel M.C. Salavessa1 and Ana Pereira do Vale2 ∗ ∗∗ 0 2 Dedicated to Dmitri Alekseevsky on his 65th birthday n a J 0 1 Centro de F´ısica das Interac¸c˜oes Fundamentais, InstitutoSuperior T´ecnico, Edif´ıcio Ciˆencia, 3 Piso 3, 1049-001 LISBOA,Portugal; e-mail: [email protected] 2 Centro de Matem´atica, UniversidadedoMinho, Campus deGualtar ] 4710-057 BRAGA,Portugal; e-mail: [email protected] G D Abstract: WecomputeexplicittransgressionformsfortheEulerandPontrjaginclassesofaRiemannian . h manifold M of dimension 4 under a conformal change of the metric, or a change to a Riemannian t a connectionwithtorsion. Theseformulaedescribethesingularsetofsomeconnectionswithsingularitieson m compactmanifoldsasaresidueformulaintermsofapolynomialofinvariants. Wegivesomeapplications [ for minimal submanifolds of K¨ahler manifolds. We also express the difference of the first Chern class of 2 two almost complex structures, and in particular an obstruction to the existence of a homotopy between v them, by a residue formula along the set of anti-complex points. Finally we take the first steps in the 9 study of obstructions for two almost quaternionic-Hermitian structures on a manifold of dimension 8 to 8 3 have homotopic fundamental forms or isomorphic twistor spaces. 2 1 4 1 Introduction 0 / h Somek-characteristic classes Ch(E)of avector bundleE over amanifold M, can berepresented t a in thecohomology classes of M interms of thecurvaturetensor definedwith respecttoa certain m type of connections on E. If , are such connections with curvature tensors R and R, ′ ′ : ∇ ∇ v respectively, then Chern-Weil theory states that i X Ch(R) = Ch(R)+dT ′ r a whereT is a (k 1)-form on M. Away to specify such aT is by pullingback each connection by − ˜ the projection π : M [0,1] M, π(p,t) = p, and then take the connection = t +(1 t) ′ × → ∇ ∇ − ∇ defined on π 1E. Denoting by R˜ its curvature tensor, the Chern-Simons transgression (k 1)- − − form on M, obtained by integration along [0,1] of the closed k-form Ch(R˜) on M [0,1], × 1 T( , )(X ,...,X )= Ch(R˜)(d,X ,...,X )dt ∇ ∇′ 1 k−1 Z0 dt 1 k−1 MSC 2000: Primary: 53C42, 53C55, 53C25, 53C38; Secondary: 57R20, 57R45. Key Words: Characteristic classes, Transgression forms, Curvature tensors, almost complex structures, almost quaternionic K¨ahler, Singular connections, dimension 4 and 8. ∗Partially supported by Funda¸c˜ao Ciˆencia e Tecnologia through POCTI/MAT/60671/2004 and Plurianual of CFIF. ∗∗Partially supported by Funda¸c˜aoCiˆencia e Tecnologia through POCTI/MAT/60671/2004. 1 Salavessa–Pereira do Vale 2 satisfies dT( , ) = Ch(R) Ch(R). To specify such Ts is interesting by itself, but also ′ ′ ∇ ∇ − when is a connection with singularities. This is the case when (M,g) is a Riemannian m- ′ ∇ E manifold with its Levi-Civita connection, and (E,g , ) is a Riemannian vector bundle of E ∇ rank m such that there exists a conformal bundle map Φ : TM E which vanishes along a → singular set Σ. This bundle map induces on M Σ a connection ′= Φ−1∗ E, that makes Φ ∼ ∇ ∇ a parallel bundle map. This connection can be seen as a singular Riemannian connection (with torsion)on M with respecttoadegenerated metricgˆonM, butR andCh(R)canbesmoothly ′ ′ extended to Σ by the identities R(X,Y,Z,W) = g (RE(X,Y)Φ(Z),Φ(W)), Ch(R)=Ch(RE). ′ E ′ If M is closed, and Ch gives a top rank form and an integral cohomology class, then Ch(R) M and Ch(R) are finite integers, representing invariants. Moreover, if the singular set Σ is M ′ R sufficiently small and regular, the Stokes theorem reads dT = T, where V (Σ) R M Vǫ(Σ) − ∂Vǫ(Σ) ǫ ∼ is a tubular neighbourhood of Σ of radius ǫ, and letting ǫ 0 may describe Ch(E) Ch(R) R → R − as a residue of T along Σ and expressed in terms of the zeros of Φ. This type of problem is studied in [15],[16],[17] , using currents. We provide explicit formulae of transgression forms for the cases of the Euler and Pontrjagin classes. In section 10 we give some applications to minimal 4-submanifolds in Ka¨hler-Einstein manifolds. In section 9 we describe an obstruction for two almost complex structures on M to be homotopic, measured by the difference between their Chern classes, translated to a residue formula on the set of anti-complex points. In section 11 we introduce the study of obstructions for two almost quaternionic-Hermitian structures on a Riemannian 8-manifold to have isomorphic twistor spaces or homotopic fundamental forms. Let (M,g) be an oriented Riemannian manifold of dimension 4 with its Levi-Civita connection, curvature tensor RM, Ricci tensor RicciM and scalar curvature sM. Our formulae are: Proposition 1.1 Let f :M R be a smooth map, and gˆ= efg. Set → P( f)= (2∆f + f 2 2sM) f +4(RicciM)♯( f) ( f 2). (1.1) ∇ k∇ k − ∇ ∇ −∇ k∇ k Then (RˆM) = (RM)+ 1 div (P( f))Vol , (1.2) X X 32π2 g ∇ M p (RˆM) = p (RM). 1 1 Theinvariance of the Pontrjagin class undera conformal change of the metric is well known (see [6] or remark 3). We thank Sergiu Moroianu for drawing our attention to this. The authors do not recall to have seen formula (1.2) in the literature: div (P( f)) is a 2nd-order differential g ∇ operator on f. If f = logh where h > 0 except at a finite set of zeros p and poles p of α i ∇ homogeneuos order 2k and 2k respectively (k ,k > 0), then: α i α i 1 div (P( logh))Vol = 1k2(k +3)+ 1k2( k +3). 32π2 g ∇ M α− 2 α α i− 2 i − i M Z P P Theorem 1.1 Let Φ:TM E be a conformal bundle map into a Riemannian vector bundle → E (E,g , ) of rank 4 over M, with coefficient of conformality given by a non-negative function E ∇ h:M R with zero set Σ. Let gˆ= hg, and S C ( 2T M TM) defined away from Σ: ′ ∞ ∗ → ∈ ⊗ N Salavessa–Pereira do Vale 3 S (X,Y)= Φ 1( Φ(Y)) 1dlogh(X)Y 1dlogh(Y)X + 1g(X,Y) logh. ′ − ∇X − 2 − 2 2 ∇ Then: (RE) = (RM) 1 d( (RˆM 1d 1( )2) )+ 1 div (P( logh))Vol X X − 4π2 hS′∧∗ − 2 S′− 3 S′ igˆ 32π2 g ∇ M p (RE) = p (RM) 1 d( (RˆM 1d 1( )2) ) 1 1 − 2π2 hS′∧ − 2 S′− 3 S′ igˆ where RˆM is the curvature tensor of (M,gˆ), and : TM 2TM, ( )2 : 2TM 2TM, ′ ′ S → S → are defined by V V V (X),Y Z = gˆ(S (X,Y),Z) ′ gˆ ′ hS ∧ i ( )2(X Y),Z W = gˆ(S (X,Z),S (Y,W)) gˆ(S (X,W),S (Y,Z)) ′ gˆ ′ ′ ′ ′ h S ∧ ∧ i − RˆM(X Y),Z W = h RM(X Y)+φ g(X Y),Z W gˆ g h ∧φ = 1(∧ k∇iloghk2g+h1dlogh∧ dlogh• Hes∧s(logh))∧. i 2 − 4 2 ⊗ − Moreover, if dΦ = 0, then (RE)= (RM)+ 1 div (P( logh))Vol andp (RE) = p (RM). X X 32π2 g ∇ M 1 1 The angle θ [0,π] between two positive g-orthogonal almost complex structures J and 0 ∈ J on M is defined by cosθ = 1 J ,J , and Σ = p M : J (p)= J (p) = cosθ 1( 1) 1 4h 0 1i { ∈ 1 − 0 } − − is the set of anti-complex points. If J is generic, Σ is a surface of M and an orientation 1 can be given. Under the usual identification of J with its Ka¨hler form ω , the orthogonal 0 0 complement E of RJ in 2 TM, is a complex line bundle over M with complex structure J0 0 + ”J ”. We denote by H˜(p) the orthogonal projection of J (p) into E . Let N1Σ be the total 0 V 1 J0 set of the unit normal bundle of Σ and d its Lebesgue measure. For each (p,u) N1Σ N1Σ ∈ define κ(p,u) 1 the order of the zero of φ (r) = (1 + cosθ)(exp (ru)) at r = 0. We (p,u) p ≥ say that (1 + cosθ) has a controlled zero set if there exist a non-negative integrable function f :N1Σ [0,+ ] and r > 0 s.t. sup r d log(φ (r)) f(p,u) a.e. (p,u) N1Σ. → ∞ 0 0<r<r0| dr (p,u) | ≤ ∈ For example, this holds if for all (p,u), φ (r) is a polynomial function on r with coefficient (p,u) of lowest order uniformly bounded away from zero. Some weaker conditions can be given on dk φ (0), dk+1 φ (r) and dk+2 φ (r), where k = κ(p,u), to guarantee controlled zero drk (p,u) drk+1 (p,u) drk+2 (p,u) set (see Prop. 9.4). For each p Σ, S(p,1) denotes the unit sphere of T Σ and σ its volume. p ⊥ d′ ∈ The function κ˜(p) = 1 κ(p,u)d u is the average order of the zero p of (1+cosθ), in σd′ S(p,1) S(p,1) the normal direction. Assume M is compact. R Theorem 1.2 If J is almost Ka¨hler then for any almost complex structure J = cosθJ +H˜ 0 1 0 1 (c (M,J ) c (M,J )) ω = div((T˜J )♯)Vol (1.3) 1 1 1 0 0 0 M M − ∧ 4π M Z Z where T˜ is the 1-form on M Σ, T˜(X) = 1 H˜,J H˜ . In the particular case that ∼ (1+cosθ)h∇X 0 i EJ0H˜ is J0-anti-complex we have ∇ 1 (1.3) = ∆log(1+cosθ)Vol . (1.4) M −4π M Z In this case, assume Σ is a finite disjoint union of closed oriented submanifolds Σi of dimension d 2. Let k be the range set of κ on N1Σi and let N1Σi = κ 1(k ). If κ is bounded a.e. i γ iγ γ − iγ ≤ S Salavessa–Pereira do Vale 4 and (1+cosθ) has a controlled zero set then a residue formula along Σ is obtained: (1.3) = 1 κ˜(p)Vol = 1 k d (N1Σi). (1.5) 2 Σi 2 iγ N1Σi γ i:Xdi=2ZΣi i:Xdi=2Xγ 1 and so c (M,J ),ω Vol c (M,J ),ω Vol = (sM + 1 ω 2)Vol , h 1 1 0i M ≥ h 1 0 0i M 4π 2k∇ 0k M M M M Z Z Z with equality iff d 1 i. Thus, if c (M,J )= c (M,J ) (in H2(M,R)) Σ = for d = 2. i 1 1 1 0 i i ≤ ∀ ∅ Remark 1. Pairs of almost complex structures with or without the same properties may exist on a manifold. Alekseevsky [1] discovered examples of simply-connected non-compact Riemannian manifoldsadmittinganon-integrable almost-K¨ahler structureandalso anintegrable non-K¨ahler complex structure, namely some solvable groups of dimension 4(4+p+q) (q = 0). 6 We also prove in section 9: Proposition 1.2 If M is compact, J is Ka¨hler and J is almost Ka¨hler then θ is constant. 0 1 Thus, if cosθ = 1, J and J are homotopic and define a hyper-Ka¨hler structure on M. 0 1 6 ± If (M8,g) is an oriented 8-dimensional manifold and Q and Q are two almost quaternionic 0 1 Hermitian structures (see [2] for definitions) we define an angle θ [0,π], by cosθ = 3 Ω ,Ω , ∈ 10h 0 1i whereΩ arethe correspondingfundamental4-forms. Let E bethecorrespondingrank3 vector i i bundle generated by the twistor space of Q . In section 11 we prove: i Proposition 1.3 If Q is quaternionic Ka¨hler and Q is almost quaternionic Ka¨hler and M is 0 1 compact, then θ is constant. If cosθ = 1 then Ω and Ω are homotopic 4-forms in H4(M;R), 6 − 0 1 + and if Q is also quaternionic Ka¨hler, p (E ) = p (E ). Furthermore, in the later case, (a),(b) 1 1 0 1 1 or (c) must hold: (a) E = E ; (b) E E has rank one, M is Ka¨hler and both Q ,Q are 0 1 0 1 0 1 ∩ locally hyper-Ka¨hler structures; (c) E E = 0 . 0 1 ∩ { } We observe that the problem on a compact 4-manifold ”almost Ka¨hler + Einstein implies Ka¨hler”, also called the Goldberg-conjecture, is not completely solved. Salamon in [22] gives an example of a compact 8-dimensional almost quaternionic Ka¨hler manifold that is not quater- nionic Ka¨hler. We thank the referee for drawing our attention to this reference. 2 Curvature tensors in dimension 4 LetV beavector spaceof dimension4andwithainnerproductg. We identify 2 := 2V with Skew(V) (the space of skew-symmetric endomorphisms of V) and with 2V in the standard ∗V V way, considering Skew(V) as a subset of V V with half of its usual Hilbert-Schmidt inner ∗ ⊗ V product. Consider the vector subspaces and of the symmetric and skew-symmetric linear ⊥ R R endomorphisms of 2, respectively. , or more generally L( 2;L(V,V)), is defined as the space R of curvature tensors of V (see [7], [8], or [25] for details). We recall some definitions. V V If R L( 2;L(V,V)) let R L(V;L( 2;V)) given by R(Z)(X Y) := R(X Y)Z. ∈ ∈ ∧ ∧ We also use the following notation: R(X,Y,Z,W) = g(R(X Y)Z,W) = R(Z,W,X,Y). If V V ∧ R L( 2; 2), R = RT (transposed). We assume that V is with a given orientation, and ∈ so the star operator L( 2; 2) splits 2 into its eigenspaces 2, corresponding to the V V ∗ ∈ ± eigenvalues 1, defining respectively the space of selfdual and of anti-self-dual two forms. Then ± V V V V Salavessa–Pereira do Vale 5 R L( 2; 2) splits as R = R+ R+ R R with R+ L( 2; 2), R L( 2; 2). Th∈e Ricci tensor Ricci :L( 2; +2)⊕ L−(V⊕,V+−) a⊕nd t−−he scalar±cu∈rvatur±e are+given±−re∈specti±vely−by V V → V V V V g(Ricci(R)(X),Y) = Ricci (X,Y) = tr Z R(X,Z)(Y) and s = tr(Ricci ) = 2 R,Id = VR V { → } R R h i 2tr(R). Thesectional curvatureof R L( 2; 2)isdenoted byσ (P)= R(X,Y,X,Y)foreach R ∈ 2-plane P spanned by an o.n.b. X,Y , and the Bianchi map b : L( 2;L(V;V)) 3V { } V V → ∗ ⊗ V L( 2;L(V;V)) is defined by b(R)(X ,X )(X ) = R(X ,X )(X ) + R(X ,X )(X ) + ⊂ 1 2 3 1 2 V 3 3 1V 2 R(X ,X )(X ).Thenb : , . IfR ,b(R)= 1tr( R) .Lett(R)= 1 b(R), . 2 V3 1 R→ R R⊥ → R⊥ ∈ R 2 ∗ ∗ 6h ∗i WedenotebySym(V)thespaceofsymmetricendomorphismsofV andbySym (V)itssubspace 0 of trace-free endomorphisms. A complex 2-plane τ of Vc is said to be totally isotropic (t.i.) if g(v,v) = 0 v τ. If (e ) is an i ∀ ∈ o.n. basis and α= e1+ie2, β = e3+ie4, then τ = spanC α,β defines a t.i. complex plane. Set { } R(ijkl) = R(e ,e ,e ,e ). The isotropic sectional curvature w.r.t R at τ is given by (see i j k l ∈ R [21]) R(α β,α¯ β¯) 1( ) K (R)(τ) = ∧ ∧ = R(1313)+R(1414)+R(2323)+R(2424) 2R(1234) . (2.1) isot α β 2 4 − k ∧ k The Kulkarni-Nomizu product of ξ,φ 2V is a symmetric product defined by ∗ ∈ ξ φ(X,Y,Z,W) = ξ(X,Z)φ(Y,W)+Nξ(Y,W)φ(X,Z) ξ(Y,Z)φ(X,W) ξ(X,W)φ(Y,Z). • − − We have Id = Id = 1g g. If R L( 2;L(V;V)) it is definedthe Weitzenbo¨ck operator A(R) 2 2 • ∈ V A(R)(X,YV),Z W := Ricci g(X,Y,Z,W)+2R(Z,X,Y,W) 2R(W,X,Y,Z). R h ∧ i • − If R then A(R) and A(R) = Ricci g 2R+2b(R). In this case, Ricci = s g, R A(R) R ∈ R ∈ R • − b(A(R)) = 4b(R). Furthermore, if b(R) = 0, A(R) : . Note that , and if R , ± ± → ∗ ∈ R ∈ R then R+R , R still lie in and R R . Straightforward computations shows: ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ R ∗ − ∗∈ R⊥V V Proposition 2.1 Let R and τ = spanC e1 +ie2,e3 +ie4 with e1,...,e4 an o.n. basis ∈ R { } with orientation ǫ. K is computed at τ. Then isot Ricci =3g s =12 b(Id)=0 K (Id)=1 Id Id isot Ricci =0 s =0 b( )=3 K ( )= 1ǫ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ isot ∗ −2 Ricci = 1s g Ricci s =s b( R )=b(R) K ( R )=K (R) ∗R∗ 2 R − R ∗R∗ R ∗ ∗ isot ∗ ∗ isot Ricci =Ricci =t(R)g s =s =4t(R) b( R R )=0 K ( R R )=2(σ (34) σ (12)). R∗ ∗R ∗R R∗ isot R R ∗ − ∗ ∗ − ∗ − ForR,Q L( 2; 2),andX,Y,Z,W V weusethefollowingnotation: R(X Y) Q(Z W)= ∈ ∈ ∧ ∧ ∧ R(X Y),( Q)(Z W) Vol 4V h ∧ ∗V V∧ i V ∈ ∗ Definition 2.1 The Euler form V(R) and the Pontrjagin form p (R) of R L( 2; 2) are the 1 X ∈ 4-forms: V V 4π2 (R) = R(e e ) R(e e ) R(e e ) R(e e )+R(e e ) R(e e ) 1 2 3 4 1 3 2 4 1 4 2 3 X ∧ ∧ ∧ − ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ = 1 R, R Vol = 1 R,R Vol (2.2) 2h ∗ ∗i V 2h∗ ∗i V 4π2p (R) = R(e e ) R(e e )+R(e e ) R(e e )+R(e e ) R(e e ) 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 4 1 4 ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ +R(e e ) R(e e )+R(e e ) R(e e )+R(e e ) R(e e ) 2 3 2 3 2 4 2 4 3 4 3 4 ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ = RT, RT Vol = R,R Vol (2.3) V V h ∗ i h ∗i Salavessa–Pereira do Vale 6 Note that R,Q = RT,QT . Thus (RT) = (R), and p (RT) p (R) = R, R R . 1 1 h i h i X X − h ∗ − ∗i A positive g-orthogonal complex structure J on V is a complex structure that induces the orientation of V and it is a linear isometry. Such structures are in 1-1 correspondence with the elements ω of 2 V of norm √2, by ω (X,Y) = g(JX,Y). The condition of orthogonality J + J between two of such J is equivalent to the anti-commuting condition, for the multiplication of V complex structures corresponds to the quaternionic multiplication of two unit pure imaginary vectors of R4. For each J and R L( 2; 2) we define the 2-forms on V ∈ V V Ricci (X,Y) := R(X Y),ω = R(ω )(X,Y) (2.4) J,R J J h ∧ i Ψ (R)(X,Y) := 1Ricci (X,JY)+ 1Ricci (Y,JX) (2.5) J −2 R 2 R If R , then Ψ (R)(X,Y)=Ricci(1,1)(JX,Y). Usually Ricci is denoted by Ricci and J J,R ∈ R ∗ named by star-Ricci but we do not use that notation to avoid confusion with the Ricci of the curvature tensor . The star-scalar curvature is s = 2 Ricci ,ω , and b (R) 2V is J,R J,R J J ∗ ∗ h i ∈ defined by b (R)(X,Y) = 1tr(Z Jb(R)(X,Y)(Z)). If P L (V;V), that is P J = J P J −2 → ∈ J ◦ V ◦ then both the complex trace tr (P) and the complex determinant det (P) are well defined. J J If X ,Y = JX ,X ,Y = JX is a real basis of V and for α = 1,2 denote ”α” := W = 1 1 1 2 2 2 α 21(Xα −iYα), α¯ := Wα¯ = Wα, then trJ(P) = αW∗αPc(Wα), detJ(P) = det[W∗αPc(Wβ)] where (Wα,Wα = Wα) is the complex dual basis of W ,W , and Pc denotes the complex linear ext∗ensio∗n of P ∗to Vc. If P L (V;V) 2, Pth{enα P,ωα¯} = tr (P). If R L( 2;L (V;V)), J J J J ∈ ∩ h i ∈ then R is said to be J-invariant. V V Definition 2.2 If(V,J,g) isHermitian, thefirstandsecondChernformofR L( 2;L (V;V)) J ∈ w.r.t. J, are respectively V i 1 c (R,J) = Tr (R) c (R,J) = det (R). (2.6) 1 −2π J 2 −4π2 J It follows that, if R L( 2;L (V;V) 2) then c (R,J) = 1 Ricci , c (R,J) = (R), ∈ J ∩ 1 2π J,R 2 X p (R) = c (R,J) c (R,J) 2c (R,J), and b (R) = Ricci Ψ . If R and is J- 1 1 ∧ 1 V − 2 V J J,R − J ∈ R invariant, then Ricci (JX,JY) = Ricci (X,Y), and Ψ (R)(X,Y) = Ricci (JX,Y). R R J R We denote by E the rank 2 subspace of 2 V defined by the orthogonal complement of R ω J + { J} 2V = R ω E , whereVE = ω 2V : ω(JX,JY) = ω(X,Y) + { J}⊕ J J { ∈ + − } andacanVoniccomplexstructurecanbegiventoE : J˜ωV(X,Y) = ω(JX,Y). Let e ,e ,e ,e J 1 2 3 4 − { } be a d.o.n.b. of V, giving a corresponding o.n.b. √2ω of 2 V, ω = e e +e e , ω = σ + 1 1 ∧ 2 3 ∧ 4 2 e e e e , ω = e e +e e , and let J be defined by ω = g(J (), ). The 2-forms 1 ∧ 3− 2∧ 4 3 1 ∧ 4 2∧ 3 σ V σ σ · · ω ,ω span E , and J˜ω = ω corresponds to J J = J . Any such o.n. (of norm √2) basis 2 3 J 2 3 1 2 3 (ω ,ω ,ω ), where ω = ”ω ω ” defines a canonic orientation on 2 V. 1 2 3 3 1 2 + V 3 Almost Hermitian 4-manifolds Assume (M,J,g) is an almost Hermitian 4-manifold with its Levi-Civita connection , and we ∇ use the above notation taking V = T M. (M,J,g) is said to be almost Ka¨hler if the Ka¨hler p Salavessa–Pereira do Vale 7 form ω (X,Y) = g(JX,Y) is closed, and Ka¨hler if ω is parallel. The latter is equivalent to J J J to be almost Ka¨hler and integrable. Since J2 = Id and J is g-orthogonal, X,Y,Z T M p − ∀ ∈ J(JX) = J J(X), g( J(X),Y)= g(X, J(Y)). (3.1) Z Z Z Z ∇ − ∇ ∇ − ∇ We use the following sign for curvature tensors R(X,Y)= + + , X,Y X Y Y X [X,Y] −∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∀ ∈ T M, and denote by RM the curvature tensor of M, RicciM = Ricci , sM = s , and p J J,RM J J,RM by , the Hilbert Schmidt inner product on kTM . The Weitzenbo¨ck formulae for ω read ∗ J h· ·i (see e.g. [8]) V ∆ω = tr 2ω +A(RM)(w ) (3.2) J J J − ∇ 0= 1∆+ ω 2 = ∆ω ,ω + ω 2+ A(RM)ω ,ω . (3.3) 2 k Jk −h J Ji k∇ Jk h J Ji Since ω is a self-dual form, dω = δω . Thus J is almost Ka¨hler iff δω = 0. In this case J J J J k k k k ω is harmonic. If J is not Ka¨hler we may use the canonical Hermitian connection (see [13]) J ˜ Y = Y 1J( J(Y)). ∇X ∇X − 2 ∇X This connection satisfies ˜g = ˜J = 0, but has torsion T˜(X,Y) = 1JdJ(X,Y). This is a ∇ ∇ −2 U(2)-connection on M, and so its curvature tensor R˜ is J-invariant. The Chern classes of M using R˜ satisfy 2πc (M,J) = Ricci , and a direct computation shows that 1 J,R˜ Ricci (X,Y)= RicciM(X,Y)+η (X,Y), s = sM +2 η ,ω J,R˜ J J J,R˜ J h J Ji where η is the 2-form on M J η (X,Y) = 1 J J, J , (3.4) J 4h ∇X ∇Y i andtheinnerproductistheHilbert-SchmidtinnerproductonTM TM. If(M,J,g) isalmost ∗ ⊗ Ka¨hler then (see [5] for a survey) J = J( J). (3.5) JX X ∇ − ∇ In this case T˜(1,1) = 0, and η ,ω = 1 J 2. Furthermore, for almost Ka¨hler J (see [9]) h J Ji −8k∇ k sM sM = ω 2 (3.6) J J − k∇ k 4π c (M,J),ω = 2 R˜(ω ),ω = sM + 1 ω 2 = 1(sM +sM). (3.7) h 1 Ji h J Ji 2k∇ Jk 2 J We consider on E the induced connection EJ from the connection + of 2. J ∇ ∇ + Proposition 3.1 If (M,J,g) is almost Hermitian V 2πc (E )(X,Y) = RicciM(X,Y)+η (X,Y)= 2πc (M,J) 1 J J J 1 p ( 2T M) = c (E ) c (E ). 1 + p 1 J ∧ 1 J Proof. Let √ω22, √ω32 be aVlocal d.o.n. frame of EJ, and (·)EJ denote the orthogonal projection onto E . Since ω = √2 is constant, +ω is a section of E . Now, J k Jk ∇Y J J EJ EJs = ( + EJs)EJ = ( + +s 1 +s,ω +ω )EJ ∇Y ∇X ∇Y ∇X ∇Y ∇X − 2h∇X Ji∇Y J = ( + +s)EJ + 1 s, +ω +ω . ∇Y ∇X 2h ∇X Ji∇Y J Salavessa–Pereira do Vale 8 Thus REJ(X,Y)s = (R+(X,Y)s)E + 1 s, +ω +ω 1 s, +ω +ω . (3.8) 2h ∇X Ji∇Y J − 2h ∇Y Ji∇X J The curvature tensor of 2 satisfies R+(X,Y)ω ,ω = 2RM(X,Y)ω . E is a complex line + h 2 3i J J bundle over M and so it has a (real) volume element Vol . Using (3.1) we easily see that V EJ another way to express η is η (X,Y) = 1Vol ( +ω , +ω ). Then J J 2 EJ ∇X J ∇Y J ω ω 2πc (E )(X,Y):= REJ(X,Y) 2 , 3 = RM(X,Y)ω +η (X,Y). (3.9) 1 J J J h √2 √2i Since c (C ω Ec) = c (C ω ) c (Ec) c (Ec) and c (Ec) = 0 we have p ( 2 TM) = 2 { J}⊕ J 1 { J} ∧ 1 J − 2 J 1 J 1 + c (( 2 TM)c) = c (C ω Ec) = c (E ) c (E ). QED − 2 + − 2 { J}⊕ J 1 J ∧ 1 J V RemaVrk 2. The canonical line bundle w.r.t J is the bundle = 2(TM(1,0)) = (2,0) of the J ∗ K complex 2-forms of type(2,0), andonehas( 2 TM)c = C(ω ) (2,0) (0,2). ThebundleE + J ⊕ V ⊕ V J is isomorphic to the realification of the anti-canonical bundle 1 = (0,2). As a complex line V KJ−V V bundle,ω (ω )(0,2) isthecomplexisomorphism. Therefore, c (E )= c ( 1) = c ( ). An → c 1 J V1 KJ− − 1 KJ almostcomplex structuredefinesacanonicspin-cstructures= PSpincM onM withcanonicline bundle (2,0) and complex spinor bundle S= (0, )=S+ S , S+= (0,0)+ (0,2), S = (0,1), ∗ − − ⊕ where TM acts by Clifford multiplication. The Chern class of s is also given by c ( ). V V V V 1 KJ V Finally we observe the following: Lemma 3.1 If J and J are two anti-commuting g-orthogonal almost Ka¨hler complex struc- 1 2 tures on M, then J = J J is also almost Ka¨hler iff g( J (X),J X) = 0 X T M. That is 3 1 2 Z 2 1 p ∇ ∀ ∈ the case if either J or J is Ka¨hler. In that case (J ,J ,J ) is in fact an hyper-Ka¨hler structure. 1 2 1 2 3 Proof. It is sufficient to find an equivalent condition for δω =0. Using (3.1), (3.5), X T M, 3 p ∀ ∈ J (J X)+ J (X) = (J J )(J X)+ (J J )(X) = ∇J3X 3 3 ∇X 3 ∇J1J2X 1 2 3 ∇X 1 2 = J (J J X)+J ( J (J X))+ J (J X)+J ( J (X)) ∇J1J2X 1 2 3 1 ∇J1J2X 2 3 ∇X 1 2 1 ∇X 2 = J ( J (J J X)) J ( J (J X))+ J (J X)+J ( J (X)) − 1 ∇J2X 1 2 3 − 1 ∇J2J1X 2 3 ∇X 1 2 1 ∇X 2 = J (J J J X)+J J ( J (J X))+ J (J X)+J ( J (X)) ∇J2X 1 1 2 3 1 2 ∇J1X 2 3 ∇X 1 2 1 ∇X 2 = J (X)+ J (J X) J J (J J X)+J ( J (X)) −∇J2X 1 ∇X 1 2 − 1∇J1X 2 2 3 1 ∇X 2 ( ) ( ) = J (X)+ J (J X) +J J (J X)+ J (X) −∇J2X 1 ∇X 1 2 1 −∇J1X 2 1 ∇X 2 Using (3.5) from dω (X,J X,Z) = 0 X,Z, we have g( J (X) + J (J X),Z) = 1 2 ∀ −∇J2X 1 ∇X 1 2 g( J (X),J X). If X is a unit vector of T M then X,J X,J X,J X is an o.n.b. Hence Z 1 2 p 1 2 3 − ∇ g(δJ ,Z) = g( J (X)+ J (J X)+ J (J X)+ J (J J X),Z) = − 3 ∇X 3 ∇J3X 3 3 ∇J1X 3 1 ∇J3J1X 3 3 1 = g( J (X),J X) g( J (J X)+ J (X),J Z) − ∇Z 1 2 − −∇J1X 2 1 ∇X 2 1 g( J (J X),J J X) g( J (X)+ J (J X),J Z) − ∇Z 1 1 2 1 − −∇X 2 ∇J1X 2 1 1 = g( J (X),J X) g(J J (X),J J X) = 2g( J (X),J X). Z 1 2 1 Z 1 1 2 Z 1 2 − ∇ − ∇ − ∇ Assume that at a given point X(p ) = 0. Thus at p , g( J (X),J X) = g( (J (X)),J X) 0 0 Z 1 2 Z 1 2 ∇ ∇ ∇ = g(J X, (J (X)) = g(J X, J (X)). Hitchin ([18], lemma (6.8)) proved that hyper- 1 Z 2 1 Z 2 − ∇ − ∇ almost-K¨ahler structures are in fact hyper-Ka¨hler. QED Salavessa–Pereira do Vale 9 4 The irreducible components of R ∈ R has an orthogonal decomposition = 4 into O(V)-invariants subspaces ([25]), where R R ⊕i=1Ri = (Ker b) = R : σ = 0 = R :R = λ Ker Ricci Ker tr 1 ⊥ R R { } { ∗} ⊂ ⊂ = (Ker tr) = R = λId 2 ⊥ R { } = (Ker b) (Ker Ricci) = R : R = R ,tr R = tr R = 0 3 R ∩ { ∗ ∗ ∗ } = (Ker b) (Ker Ricci) = R : R = R 4 ⊥ R ∩ { ∗ − ∗} and they can be characterized in terms of the sectional and Ricci curvature. Set := Ker b = B . We also have the following characterization using K : 2 3 4 isot R ⊕R ⊕R Proposition 4.1 If R and b(R)= 0 then K = 0 iff σ (P) = σ (P ) P. Hence, isot R R ⊥ ∈ R − ∀ = R :b(R) = 0, σ (P) = σ (P ) P = R :K = 0 = Sym (V) g 4 R R ⊥ isot 0 R { − ∀ } { ∈ B } • and φ φ g is an isomorphism from Sym (V) onto . 0 4 → • R Proof. In [25] it is proved the first equality of , and that the elements of this set satisfy 4 R R(P,P ) = 0. Now it turns out that this condition and σ (P) = σ (P ) is equivalent ⊥ R R ⊥ − to K = 0. We prove the less obvious implication. K = 0 means that for any o.n.b. isot isot X,Y,Z,W, 2R(X,Y,Z,W) = R(X,Z,X,Z)+R(X,W,X,W)+R(Y,Z,Y,Z)+R(Y,W,Y,W). Setting P = span X,Y and replacing X by X we conclude { } − 0=R(X,Y,Z,W)=R(P,P⊥) 0=R(X,Z,X,Z)+R(X,W,X,W)+R(Y,Z,Y,Z)+R(Y,W,Y,W)=:Ψ(X,Y,Z,W). From 0=Ψ(X,Y,Z,W)=Ψ(Z,Y,X,W)=Ψ(Z,X,W,Y) we have 0=Ψ(Z,Y,X,W) Ψ(X,Y,Z,W) − +Ψ(Z,X,W,Y) =2R(Z,W,Z,W) +2R(X,Y,X,Y) =2σ (P⊥)+2σ (P). For a proof that φ φ g R R → • defines an isomorphism see e.g. [25]. QED Let φ Sym(V), and e a d.o.n.b. of eigenvectors of φ, with corresponding eigenvalues i ∈ λ . Then e e with i < j are the eigenvectors of φ g (φ φ resp.) corresponding to the i i j ∧ • • respective eigenvalues λ +λ (2λ λ resp.). Let Λ = e e e e , Λ = e e e e , i j i j ±1 1∧ 2± 3∧ 4 ±2 1∧ 3∓ 2∧ 4 Λ = e e e e . We have: ±3 1∧ 4± 2∧ 3 φ g(Λ ),Λ = δ tr(φ) φ g(Λ+),Λ = δ (λ +λ λ λ ) h • ±α ±βi αβ h • 1 −βi 1β 1 2− 3− 4 φ g(Λ+),Λ = δ (λ +λ λ λ ) φ g(Λ+),Λ = δ (λ +λ λ λ ) h • 2 −βi 2β 1 3− 2− 4 h • 3 −βi 3β 1 4− 2− 3 φ φ(Λ ),Λ = 2δ (λ λ +λ λ ) φ φ(Λ ),Λ = 2δ (λ λ λ λ ) h • ±1 ±βi 1β 1 2 3 4 h • ±1 ∓βi 1β 1 2− 3 4 φ φ(Λ ),Λ = 2δ (λ λ +λ λ ) φ φ(Λ ),Λ = 2δ (λ λ λ λ ) h • ±2 ±βi 2β 1 3 2 4 h • ±2 ∓βi 2β 1 3− 2 4 φ φ(Λ ),Λ = 2δ (λ λ +λ λ ) φ φ(Λ ),Λ = 2δ (λ λ λ λ ). h • ±3 ±βi 3β 1 4 2 3 h • ±3 ∓βi 3β 1 4− 2 3 Lemma 4.1 (φ g) = 1tr(φ)Id , and tr(φ φ)= 2λ λ = 2σ (φ). • ±± 2 ±2 • i<j i j 2 P Lemma 4.2 Let φ,ξ Sym(V)Vand φ,ξ = φ(e ,e )ξ(e ,e ) where e is an o.n.b. of V. ij i j i j i ∈ h i Then P ξ φ tr(φ g) = Id,φ g = 3tr(φ) • ∈ B • h • i φ g,ξ g = 2 φ,ξ +tr(φ)tr(ξ) (φ g) = 1tr(φ)g g φ g h • • i h i ∗ • ∗ 2 • − • Ricci = Tr(φ)g+2φ s = 6trφ φ g φ g • • φ g, ξ g = 0 φ g = ξ g iff φ= ξ. h • ∗ • i • • Salavessa–Pereira do Vale 10 Proof. The equalities are proved using the eigenvalues λ and eigenvectors e of φ. Since both i i P = e e and P are eigenvectors of R = φ g, then R has the same eigenvalues λ +λ as i∧ j ⊥ • ∗ ∗ ′i ′j R. Namely, if (ijkl) is a permutation of 1234, λ +λ = λ (λ +λ )= tr(φ) (λ +λ ) = ′i ′j s s− i j − i j λ +λ . QED k l P If R , then R = 1t(R) = 1tr( R) . For R we have the decomposition: ∈ R 1 3 ∗ 6 ∗ ∗ ∈ B R = 1 tr(R)g g = 1 s g g = 1 s Id (4.1) 2 12 • 24 R • 12 R R = 1(R+ R ) 1 tr(R)g g = = ++ (4.2) 3 2 ∗ ∗ − 12 • W W W− R = 1(R R ) = 1(Ricci 1s g) g. (4.3) 4 2 −∗ ∗ 2 R − 4 R • is the Weyl tensor. It applies 2 V into 2 V, with + and the self-dual and the − W ± ± W W anti-selfdual part respectively, i.e, they satisfy: = = . Furthermore R = + sRId , R++R = 1(RicVci sRg) Vg. F∗rWom±preWvio±u∗s lem±mWas±we have: ±± W± 12 ± − +− 2 − 4 • PropositioVn 4.2 = Sym(V) g, and φ Sym(V) (φ g) = tr(φ)g g, (φ g) = R4 ⊕R2 • ∀ ∈ • 2 4 • • 4 tr(φ) (φ g) g. − 4 • Lemma 4.3 Let R and φ,ξ Sym(V). Then R,φ g = Ricci ,φ , R ,φ g = R ∈ B ∈ h • i h i h∗ ∗ • i 1s tr(φ) Ricci ,φ , and φ g ,φ g = 2(trφ)2 2 φ 2 = 2tr(φ φ). 2 R −h R i h∗ • ∗ • i − k k • Proof. Using the decomposition (4.1)-(4.3), lemma 4.2 and proposition 4.2 we have R,φ g = 1 s g g,φ g + 1 (Ricci 1s g) g,φ g h • i 24 Rh • • i 2h R − 4 R • • i = 1 s (2 g,φ +tr(g)tr(φ))+ (Ricci 1s g),φ = Ricci ,φ . 24 R h i h R − 4 R i h R i R ,φ g = Ricci ,φ = 1s g Ricci ,φ = 1s tr(φ) Ricci ,φ . QED. h∗ ∗ • i h ∗R∗ i h2 R − R i 2 R −h R i Proposition 4.3 If Q = R+φ g, where R and φ Sym(V), then • ∈ B ∈ 4π2 (Q) = 4π2 (R)+(sRtr(φ) Ricci ,φ +(tr(φ))2 φ 2)Vol (4.4) R V X X 2 −h i −k k 4π2p (Q) = 4π2p (R). (4.5) 1 1 Proof. From lemma 4.3 4π2 (Q),Vol = 1 Q ,Q = 1 R ,R + R ,φ g + 1 (φ g) ,φ g hX Vi 2h∗ ∗ i 2h∗ ∗ i h∗ ∗ · i 2h∗ • ∗ • i = 4π2 (R),Vol + sRtr(φ) Ricci ,φ +(tr(φ))2 φ 2. hX Vi 2 −h R i −k k Note that R = RT, Q = QT. Using decomposition (4.1)(4.2)(4.3) and lemmas 4.2, 4.1, we have 4π2 p (Q),Vol = Q, Q = R, R +2 R, φ g + φ g, φ g 1 V h i h ∗ i h ∗ i h ∗ • i h • ∗ • i = 4π2 p (R),Vol +2 , φ g = 4π2p (R)+2 ,φ g 1 V 1 h i hW ∗ • i h∗W • i = 4π2 p (R),Vol +2 +,φ g 2 ,φ g 1 V − h i hW • i− hW • i = 4π2 p (R),Vol +2 +,(φ g)+ 2 ,(φ g) h 1 Vi hW • +i− hW− • −−i = 4π2 p (R),Vol +tr(φ)( +,Id ,Id ) h 1 Vi hW Λ+2 i−hW− Λ−2 i = 4π2 p (R),Vol +tr(φ)(tr( +) tr( )). 1 V − h i W − W

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