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Transforming your life through living plant-based whole foods Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN PDF

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Preview Transforming your life through living plant-based whole foods Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN

Transforming your life through living plant-based whole foods • Increase your Energy • Lose Weight • Improve your Productvity and Athletc Performance • Prevent Disease and Live Longer Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN Disclaimer Copyright & Disclaimer Copyright © Elkaim Health Fitness Solutons, Inc. (operatng as Total Wellness Consultng). All rights reserved. No part of this publicaton may be reproduced or transmited in any form or by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informaton storage and retrieval system. Disclaimer The informaton presented in this work is by no way intended as medical ad- vice or as a substtute for medical counseling. The informaton should be used in conjuncton with the guidance and care of your physician. Consult your physician before beginning this program as you would with any exercise and nutriton program. If you choose not to obtain the consent of your physician and/or work with your physician throughout the duraton of your tme using the recommendatons in the program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your actons. By contnuing with the program you recognize that despite all precautons on the part of Yuri Elkaim and Elkaim Health Fitness Solutons, Inc., there are risks of injury or illness which can occur because of your use of the aforementoned informaton and you expressly assume such risks and waive, relinquish and release any claim which you may have against Yuri Elkaim or Elkaim Health Fitness Solutons, Inc, or its afliates as a result of any future physical injury or illness incurred in connecton with, or as a result of, the use or misuse of the program. 1 What people say about this book What Other Eatng for Energy Clients and Industry Experts Are Saying… Dear Yuri, I wanted to take a moment to let you know how much I appreciate “Eatng For Energy. As ftness professional, I was always looking for the next big thing. It was only afer reading and implementng the strategies in your program that I realized the error in my ways! Rather than trying to fnd out ways to work out harder or squeeze in enough calories for dessert, I dis- covered that returning to my roots…to the way that our ancestors ate long ago….is really the only opton if you are serious about your health. With all of the diet crazes and commercializaton of food, it is easy to get caught up in all of the hype. Even with my background, I can speak from experience that I fell prey to many of these so-called “health” foods. You see, for years, I was in great shape. Even afer having two children, I was basically able to eat whatever I liked. How- ever, I worked out feverishly for hours a day. Slaving away at the gym so that I could enjoy pizza at night without feeling guilty. It was only afer my 30th birthday that things started to change. I felt tred all the tme. I was moody and irritable. I snapped at my children. I didn’t feel like myself. My workouts became less intense and less frequent. Finally, all of my bad eatng habits had caught up with me. Within a mater of a year, I had gained nearly 20 pounds. I looked and felt horrible. I started to explore optons for weight loss through food. I can’t tell you how many diets I started and failed. And the more I failed, the more driven I became that the next diet was the real soluton to my problem. Weight watchers, calorie countng, low carb….none of them gave me any long-term re- sults. Finally, I decided to start eliminatng meat from my diet. Afer much research, I learned the ramifcatons of eatng meat. Morally and physically, I was opposed to what meat did to me. Afer 6 months of taking meat out of my diet, I took the plunge and went vegan. And although I was feeling beter – more energy, happier, lighter in my step – I stll had not lost the weight. Frustrated but determined that I had made the right decision, I kept on reading and researching. That’s where I found you. While browsing Facebook one day, I saw a link to your site. I had read about going raw but friends and family had discour- aged it because they thought it was too hard (the same friends and family who discouraged me from going vegan!) Afer reading your philosophy and the success stories on your site, I felt a deep connecton and grabbed “Eatng For Energy”. I lit- erally devoured it – reading it every chance that I had a free moment. Sometmes I would go back and read a secton three tmes. It all became so clear to me. Something I was making so complex, so difcult, couldn’t have been easier. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Don’t eat if you aren’t hungry. Start your day of with a glass of warm lemon water. Simple mantras I could easily incorporate into my life. I proclaimed it the “Summer of Raw” and strong in my belief that this was the answer, I took my “before” pictures. They were awful for me to look at. It made me realize that I was getng as bad as some of my clients who came to me for advice and training. The very next day, I started following your meal plan. It was easy to follow and the recipes didn’t take long to prepare at all. As a busy mom, I could grab them on the go and prepare them ahead of tme. No crazy dehydrators. No juicers. Just simple instructons for recipes that all of my family enjoyed. It didn’t take long before I started to see a change. The pounds fell of with very litle efort on my part. I stll ate out once a week but found that I didn’t crave the pasta dishes that I once looked forward to. Instead, I looked for restaurants that catered towards unique salads or customizable dishes. I stll worked out everyday but only spent a maximum of an hour exercising. Now, I am proud to say that I have lost 18 pounds. I have lost 6% body fat. I have lost 4 inches from my waist and two inch- es from my hips. I am almost back down to the weight I was two years ago. Best of all, I look as healthy as I feel. My skin is clear. My eyes are bright. I am happy to look in the mirror again. My “summer of raw” has turned my life around and I plan to contnue down the raw path (and encourage those around me to as well!) for a very long tme. Thank you Yuri for your tme, dedicaton, and efort on this subject. I know I am not alone when I say that you have helped me to save myself. Laura Lesack 2 What people say about this book Before “I’m sure you’ve heard the idea at some point that you never know how unhealthy you were untl you become really healthy. I have always considered myself ‘healthy’; eatng what I thought was right, exercising and enjoying a balanced lifestyle. What Yuri’s book, Eatng for Energy helped me to understand is by making some simple adjustments to my current lifestyle and eatng habits, I could feel Great! Afer reading his book I have more much energy and I look and feel lighter. Thanks Yuri!” TL Bonnar General Manager, Avalon Woods – Health Club for Mature Adults 3 1 year later “Yuri, I’d like to just let you know how you and Eatng for Energy have changed my life...” “I live in Melbourne Australia and I don’t expect you to remember but a few months ago I wrote to you out my ear and hearing problem which I have been sufering from for the past 8 months and all of winter here in Australia. Well, I bought you “Eatng for Energy” afer much hesitaton, read it from cover to cover (I was glued to it and stll am) so I’d like to share with you the diference it made to my life. Needless to say, the medical profession has let me down great- ly. Afer extensive examinatons, MRI and CT scans, visits to ENT specialists and even a Neurologist. I was told nothing can be done about my conditon and I would have to be fted with a hearing aide and just live with the fact that my hearing loss would not get beter and put up with the tnnitus for the rest of my life. Well, I may be getng old (I’m 55 now in a few months I will be 56) and I don’t feel this old and I’m certainly not ready to be fted with a hearing aide yet. To cut along story short I decided to take maters into my own hands. I started your raw food diet plan, went on a detox for 4 weeks, and added certain vitamins and minerals to my daily dietary intake and WOW! The results are amazing, see for your self (atached are photos). Exactly one year ago, in October, my husband and I went to Japan for 3 week holiday and I weighed 172 pounds, the second pictures is of me earlier this month on a trip with my girlfriends in Sydney. I have lost 22 lbs, have more energy now then I ever did in my life before, and I feel happier and healthier then on my 50th birthday almost six years ago. Yuri, I just want to say there is so much informaton and so many web sites on the internet on health and ftness but you are by far THE BEST! Thanks ever so much for changing my life, but not just mine…because I cannot stop talking about you and your dietary advice to my friends, who see the results and queston me how I achieved this in such a sort tme. I am proud to direct them to your web site to check it out for them selves without hesitaton. I know they will get the right advice and wealth of informaton. Keep up the good work, may God bless you.” Irene Marinkovic Melbourne, Australia What people say about this book “I just fnished reading "Eatng for Energy", and wanted to let you know how blown away I am! I've searched the world (World Wide Web, anyway) over, searching for an understandable, do-able nutriton plan that would support my athletc lifestyle, my post-menopausal conditon, AND give me the best health of my life...and I've found it! I also appreci- ate your forum and the personalized tps you shared with me. You're the nutritonal/ftness guru I've been searching for, and I'm forever grateful”! Kathy Roberts "I found Yuri Elkaim's book Eatng For Energy surprisingly in- novatve. The entre book is framed positvely and contains a wealth of soluton-oriented acton steps for readers. The rec- ipes are quite extensive as well. Enjoy Eatng For Energy and Have The Best Day Ever!" David Wolfe Founder of www.sunfood.com, www.fpf.org, thebestdayever. com, and author of The Sunfood Diet Success System, Naked Chocolate, Amazing Grace, and Eatng For Beauty. This book is dedicated to YOU May you enjoy the health and happiness that you deserve! “How you heal anything is how you heal everything.” Yuri Elkaim 4 “I've been living a vegan lifestyle for the past 2 years, but "Eatng for Energy" has catapulted my commit- ment to nutriton, my health, and my energy to an entrely new, amaz- ing, & excitng level! It is the most down-to-earth, concise, and simple approach to living a life of vibrancy. I have never felt beter in my life!!!! And the simple recipes included are DELICIOUS. The entre world should read Yuri's book”! Amy Miller "In a world flled with dubious diet books, Eatng for Energy identfes the proven steps that will lead to abundant health, a ft body, and radiant energy. I can't think of a beter book on healthy eatng to help you get from where you are to where you want to be. It is easy, understandable, inspiring, and applicable. It's the best tool to come along in years." Raymond Aaron New York Times Top Ten Best Selling Author Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul “In this book, “Eatng for Energy”, Yuri has a natural way of explain- ing nutritonal concepts in a way that makes them easy to grasp. His enthusiasm and passion for nutriton is matched only by his passion for ftness, and it truly shows through his writng style - this makes “Eatng for Energy” not only educatonal, but also a fun and excitng read! As a naturopathic doctor, I see a wide range of health concerns in my practce ranging from severe skin conditons to digestve disorders to chronic infammatory diseases that are aggravated or even caused by unhealthy eatng. The “Eatng for Energy” 12-Week Meal Plan and huge compendium of healthy and tasty recipes provides a complete and efectve program to transiton people to a lifestyle of healthy eatng that will lead to many positve health ramifcatons. I highly recommend “Eatng for Energy” to anyone who is interested in betering their health through diet and has not found a resource that provides them with the motvaton and educaton to do so.” Makoto Troter, B.Sc., N.D. Naturopathic Doctor Clinic Director, Zen-tai Wellness Centre Contents Contents Foreword 7 12-Week Meal Plan 110 Understanding the nutritonal lifestyle 8 Week 1 111 1: My Reason Why 10 Week 2 112 2: Plantng the Seeds of Foundaton 17 Week 3 113 3: We’re No Longer in Kansas 20 Week 4 114 4: The Germ is Nothing, the Environment is Everything 25 Week 5 115 5: Enzymes... Your Life Depends on Them 36 Week 6 116 6: Creatng an Alkaline Internal Environment 46 Week 7 117 The Eatng for Energy Food Spectrum 48 Week 8 118 7: 12 Eatng for Energy Super Foods 57 Week 9 119 8: 4 Essental Supplements 65 Week 10 120 9: Making the Transiton 70 Week 11 121 Healthy Eatng on the Run 73 Week 12 122 What You Need to Get Started 76 Healthy Recipe 123 The 10 Success Habits 77 5 Recipe Quick Start Tips 124 10: pH Balance and Allergies 79 The Grocery List 125 11: The 5 Essental Pillars 84 Breakfasts 128 1. Alkalize Your Body 85 Soups 136 2. Nourish Your Body with Enzyme-Rich, Living, Sandwiches & Wraps 148 Plant-Based Whole Foods 88 Salads 155 3. Improve Digeston and Absorpton 89 Pasta & Noodle Dishes 188 4.Reduce Your Stress 93 Desserts 201 5. Exercise Daily 97 Smoothies & Juices 215 Nutriton for Athletes 100 Vitamins and Minerals 216 Eatng before Exercise 101 Nut Milks 218 Fuel during Exercise 103 Fresh Pressed Juices 248 Sport Gels and Puddings 104 About the Author 267 Post-Exercise Nutriton 105 Become an Eatng for Energy Afliate and Help Others! 268 Hydraton and Exercise 106 Other Nutriton Programs by Yuri Elkaim 269 Natural Sport Drinks 107 Workout Programs by Yuri Elkaim 270 Hydraton Protocols 108 References 271 5 Foreword Foreword Foreword 66 Foreword Foreword Foreword Welcome to the beginning of a new YOU. This very program has already transformed the lives of tens But I should menton that I’m not a 100% raw foodist. I’m of thousands of people all around the world from busy moms not fanatcal nor am I dogmatc. I believe that eatng more desperately seeking more energy to corporate executves in raw food (in the way I show you in this program) is the most search of greater productvity and focus, and everywhere in signifcant thing you can do increase your energy and overall between. vitality, but by now means do you need to be a hardcore raw vegan to beneft from what you’re about to learn. The nutriton principles you’re about to discover have in- creased our clients’ energy levels by an average of 70% If you contnue to eat meat and cooked food occasionally, (based on self-reported improvements). For many, it has that’s fne – you’ll learn how to balance that out and fnd been the golden tcket to losing weight and preventng/re- what works best for your body. We’re all at diferent stages versing sickness and disease. Most notably, Eatng for Ener- on this journey called life and I hope that this informaton gy has given our clients an unparalleled level of knowledge will help you evolve to where you need to be to live your on how to eat well for ultmate health. Afer all, knowledge best life ever! is power – if acton is taken. You’ll get both as you move through this program. And since Eatng for Energy was originally my rebutal to a Let’s get started! world of complicated raw and health-related diets, this pro- gram has been a welcome relief for anyone looking to get into raw foods – without all the headaches and complicated recipes. 7 Part 1: Understanding the nutritonal lifestyle Part 1: Understanding the nutritonal lifestyle 88 1: My Reason Why 1: My Reason Why 1: My Reason Why A powerful reason WHY is more important than a thousand HOW TOs 99

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