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Transformer Protection and Control RET620 Product Guide PDF

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Relion® 620 series Transformer Protection and Control RET620 Product Guide Transformer Protection and Control 1MRS757846 E RET620 Product version: 2.0 FP1 Contents 1. Description..................................................................... 3 17. Access control............................................................ 13 2. Default configurations..................................................... 3 18. Inputs and outputs...................................................... 13 3. Protection functions........................................................8 19. Station communication................................................14 4. Application..................................................................... 9 20. Technical data.............................................................19 5. Supported ABB solutions............................................. 10 21. Local HMI....................................................................56 6. Control......................................................................... 11 22. Mounting methods...................................................... 56 7. Measurement............................................................... 12 23. Relay case and plug-in unit......................................... 57 8. Power quality................................................................12 24. Selection and ordering data.........................................58 9. Disturbance recorder....................................................12 25. Accessories and ordering data.................................... 61 10. Event log..................................................................... 13 26. Tools........................................................................... 61 11. Recorded data............................................................ 13 27. Cyber security............................................................. 62 12. Condition monitoring .................................................. 13 28. Connection diagrams.................................................. 63 13. Trip-circuit supervision.................................................13 29. Certificates.................................................................. 65 14. Self-supervision........................................................... 13 30. References.................................................................. 65 15. Fuse failure supervision............................................... 13 31. Functions, codes and symbols.................................... 66 16. Current circuit supervision........................................... 13 32. Document revision history........................................... 71 Disclaimer The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. © Copyright 2015 ABB. All rights reserved. Trademarks ABB and Relion are registered trademarks of the ABB Group. All other brand or product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. 2 ABB Transformer Protection and Control 1MRS757846 E RET620 Product version: 2.0 FP1 Issued: 2015-12-11 Revision: E 1. Description 2. Default configurations RET620 is a dedicated two-winding power transformer The 620 series relays are configured with default management relay perfectly aligned for the protection, control, configurations, which can be used as examples of the 620 measurement and supervision of both power and step-up series engineering with different function blocks. The default transformers, including power generator-transformer blocks, in configurations are not aimed to be used as real end-user utility and industrial power distribution systems. RET620 is a applications. The end-users always need to create their own member of ABB’s Relion® protection and control product family application configuration with the configuration tool. However, and its 620 series. The 620 series relays are characterized by the default configuration can be used as a starting point by their functional scalability and withdrawable-unit design. modifying it according to the requirements. The 620 series has been designed to unleash the full potential RET620 is available with one default configuration. The default of the IEC 61850 standard for communication and signal configuration can be altered by means of the graphical interoperability of substation automation devices. signal matrix or the graphical application functionality of the Protection and Control IED Manager PCM600. Furthermore, The 620 series relays support a range of communication the application configuration functionality of PCM600 supports protocols including IEC 61850 with Edition 2 support, process the creation of multi-layer logic functions utilizing various logical bus according to IEC 61850-9-2 LE, IEC 60870-5-103, elements including timers and flip-flops. By combining ® Modbus and DNP3. Profibus DPV1 communication protocol is protection functions with logic function blocks the relay supported by using the protocol converter SPA-ZC 302. configuration can be adapted to user specific application requirements. ABB 3 Transformer Protection and Control 1MRS757846 E RET620 Product version: 2.0 FP1 RET620 TRANSFORMER PROTECTION AND CONTROL RELAY Version 2.0 FP1 PROTECTION LOCAL HMI ALSO AVAILABLE ´SURJSXVKEXWWRQVRQ/+0, - Disturbance and fault recorders A - Event log and recorded data UP Q 1 020. .0 0. k0kW VkAVr +LJK6SHHG2XWSXWPRGXOHRSWLRQDO IL2 0 A /RFDO5HPRWHSXVKEXWWRQRQ/+0, - Self-supervision 3I (HV) I ESC Clear 7LPHV\QFKURQL]DWLRQ,((( SNTP, IRIG-B Io (HV) O LR - User management :HE+0, ACNODN DSIUTPIOENR VMISOINOINTORING COMMUNICATION Uo Protocols: Io (HV) ,(&/( 0RGEXV‹ ,(& 3I (HV) '13 Io Interfaces: (WKHUQHW 7;5-);/& U12 (ILoV ) 6HULDO 6HULDOJODVVƄEHU67 5656 Redundant protocols: Io HSR Io PRP (HV) RSTP Io MEASUREMENT CONTROL AND INDICATION 1) - HV: I, U, Io, Uo Object Ctrl 2) Ind 3) - LV: I, Io - P, Q, E, pf, f CB - - Limit value supervision /RDGSURƄOH DC 3RZHU4XDOLW\IXQFWLRQV ES - RTD/mA measurements &KHFNDYDLODELOLW\ RIELQDU6\\PLPQSHXWWUVLFRDXWOSXFWRVPSRQHQWV IURPWHFKQLFDOGRFXPHQWDWLRQ Io Io CoSnUtroLl aPndD inUdi\catioRn fEunMctHionF foWr Analog interface types 1) (LV) Status indication function for Current transformer SULPDU\REMHFW Voltage transformer 6 3I (LV) Conventional transformer inputs U12 OTHER FUNCTIONALITY GUID-BFA69E71-CDBB-4333-A91F-001F2A8A1E6B V2 EN Io U12b Figure 1. Functionality overview of default configuration with conventional instrument transformer inputs (3HI V) U12b UL1UL2UL3 Uo REMARKS 4 Optional No. of vCalulceulated Alternative ABB function instances function to be Io/Uo GHƄQHGZKHQ 62××RmTADMCS 3OI,R I2 ordering AND MCS 3I, I2 S5O3082FL13R 1T/236428/5/×32U×O021NRO/5L0 945/18B6F5/85O05658484dT615C948P717P76262524Cf7LNP9097NPV/NUNTO8405976A-Sd5GMVT>B3-P-P21HM+LR1-t212H21212/F×S<QPCO>F Lockou3t IrM>Ce/8lBCIUa3CdFo4Id3SO3oIf3CyS37FI3IUMTIUo>3U3O>IdIoIoYI3I>IotIP >LMIo2CU>B2/hS/3o12>ILIL>N>HfST>→f>ITS><><F<>E>o>→>CiS>T/TC>,F>R TMCPBC3OICS<S M3MI Master Trip Uo UL1UL2UL3 UL1UL2UL3 UL1UL2UL3 Transformer Protection and Control 1MRS757846 E RET620 Product version: 2.0 FP1 Table 1. Supported functions Function A IEC 61850 (CTs/VTs) Protection Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection, low stage PHLPTOC1 1 HV LV PHLPTOC2 1 Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection, high stage PHHPTOC1 1 HV LV PHHPTOC2 1 Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection, instantaneous stage PHIPTOC1 1 HV LV PHIPTOC2 1 Three-phase directional overcurrent protection, low stage DPHLPDOC 1 HV Three-phase directional overcurrent protection, high stage DPHHPDOC 1 HV Non-directional earth-fault protection, low stage EFLPTOC1 1 HV1) LV1) EFLPTOC2 1 Non-directional earth-fault protection, high stage EFHPTOC1 1 HV1) LV1) EFHPTOC2 1 Directional earth-fault protection, low stage DEFLPDEF 2 HV1) Directional earth-fault protection, high stage DEFHPDEF 1 HV1) Negative-sequence overcurrent protection NSPTOC1 1 HV LV NSPTOC2 1 Residual overvoltage protection ROVPTOV 3 HV Three-phase undervoltage protection PHPTUV 4 HV Three-phase overvoltage protection PHPTOV 3 HV Positive-sequence undervoltage protection PSPTUV 2 HV Negative-sequence overvoltage protection NSPTOV 2 HV Frequency protection FRPFRQ 3 HV Overexcitation protection OEPVPH 2 HV Three-phase thermal overload protection, two time constants T2PTTR 1 HV Loss of phase (undercurrent) PHPTUC1 1 HV LV PHPTUC2 1 Stabilized and instantaneous differential protection for two-winding transformers TR2PTDF 1 Numerical stabilized low-impedance restricted earth-fault protection LREFPNDF1 1 HV LV LREFPNDF2 1 High-impedance based restricted earth-fault protection HREFPDIF1 1 HV LV HREFPDIF2 1 ABB 5 Transformer Protection and Control 1MRS757846 E RET620 Product version: 2.0 FP1 Table 1. Supported functions, continued Function A IEC 61850 (CTs/VTs) Circuit breaker failure protection CCBRBRF1 1 HV LV CCBRBRF2 1 HV CCBRBRF3 1 Three-phase inrush detector INRPHAR 1 HV Master trip TRPPTRC 4 Arc protection ARCSARC (3)2) Load-shedding and restoration LSHDPFRQ 6 HV Multipurpose protection MAPGAPC 18 Automatic switch-onto-fault logic (SOF) CVPSOF 1 HV Underpower protection DUPPDPR 2 HV Reverse power/directional overpower protection DOPPDPR 3 HV Control Circuit-breaker control CBXCBR1 1 HV LV CBXCBR2 1 HV CBXCBR3 1 Disconnector control DCXSWI1 1 HV HV DCXSWI2 1 LV DCXSWI3 1 LV DCXSWI4 1 Earthing switch control ESXSWI1 1 HV LV ESXSWI2 1 HV ESXSWI3 1 Disconnector position indication DCSXSWI1 1 HV HV DCSXSWI2 1 LV DCSXSWI3 1 LV DCSXSWI4 1 Earthing switch indication ESSXSWI1 1 HV LV ESSXSWI2 1 HV ESSXSWI3 1 Synchronism and energizing check SECRSYN 1 HV Tap changer position indication TPOSYLTC 1 Tap changer control with voltage regulator OLATCC (1) LV Condition monitoring and supervision 6 ABB Transformer Protection and Control 1MRS757846 E RET620 Product version: 2.0 FP1 Table 1. Supported functions, continued Function A IEC 61850 (CTs/VTs) Circuit-breaker condition monitoring SSCBR1 1 HV LV SSCBR2 1 HV SSCBR3 1 Trip circuit supervision TCSSCBR1 1 HV LV TCSSCBR2 1 Current circuit supervision CCSPVC1 1 HV LV CCSPVC2 1 Advanced current circuit supervision for transformers CTSRCTF 1 Fuse failure supervision SEQSPVC 1 HV Runtime counter for machines and devices MDSOPT 2 Measurement Three-phase current measurement CMMXU1 1 HV LV CMMXU2 1 Sequence current measurement CSMSQI1 1 HV LV CSMSQI2 1 Residual current measurement RESCMMXU1 1 HV LV RESCMMXU2 1 Three-phase voltage measurement VMMXU 1 HV Single-phase voltage measurement VAMMXU2 1 LV HV VAMMXU3 1 Residual voltage measurement RESVMMXU 1 HV Sequence voltage measurement VSMSQI 1 HV Three-phase power and energy measurement PEMMXU 1 HV Load profile record LDPRLRC 1 HV Frequency measurement FMMXU 1 HV Power quality Current total demand distortion CMHAI 1 HV Voltage total harmonic distortion VMHAI 1 HV Voltage variation PHQVVR 1 HV Voltage unbalance VSQVUB 1 HV Other Minimum pulse timer (2 pcs) TPGAPC 4 Minimum pulse timer (2 pcs, second resolution) TPSGAPC 2 Minimum pulse timer (2 pcs, minute resolution) TPMGAPC 2 Pulse timer (8 pcs) PTGAPC 2 ABB 7 Transformer Protection and Control 1MRS757846 E RET620 Product version: 2.0 FP1 Table 1. Supported functions, continued Function A IEC 61850 (CTs/VTs) Time delay off (8 pcs) TOFGAPC 4 Time delay on (8 pcs) TONGAPC 4 Set-reset (8 pcs) SRGAPC 4 Move (8 pcs) MVGAPC 4 Integer value move MVI4GAPC 4 Analog value scaling SCA4GAPC 4 Generic control point (16 pcs) SPCGAPC 3 Remote generic control points SPCRGAPC 1 Local generic control points SPCLGAPC 1 Generic up-down counters UDFCNT 12 Programmable buttons (16 buttons) FKEYGGIO 1 Logging functions Disturbance recorder RDRE 1 Fault recorder FLTRFRC 1 Sequence event recorder SER 1 1, 2, ... = Number of included instances. The instances of a protection function represent the number of identical protection function blocks available in the standard configuration. () = optional HV = The function block is to be used on the high-voltage side in the application. LV = The function block is to be used on the low-voltage side in the application. 1) Function uses calculated value when the high-impedance based restricted earth-fault protection is used 2) Io is calculated from the measured phase currents 3. Protection functions protection schemes, and therefore a high-speed fault clearance RET620 features a three-phase, multi-slope stabilized (biased) can be achieved. stage transformer differential protection and an instantaneous The relay also incorporates a thermal overload protection stage to provide fast and selective protection for phase-to- function that supervises the thermal stress of the transformer phase short circuit, winding interturn fault and bushing flash- windings to prevent the premature aging of the insulation of the over protection. Besides the second harmonic restraint, an windings. Multiple stages of short circuit, phase-overcurrent, advanced waveform-based blocking algorithm ensures stability negative-sequence and earth-fault backup protection are at transformer energization and the fifth harmonic restraint separately available for both sides of the power transformer. An function ensures good protection stability at moderate earth-fault protection based on the measured or calculated overexcitation of power transformers. The restricted earth-fault residual voltage is also available. The relay also features three- protection (REF) completes the overall differential protection phase overvoltage protection, three-phase undervoltage providing detection of even single phase-to-earth faults close to protection and residual overvoltage protection. Furthermore, the neutral earthing point of the transformer. Either the the relay also offers circuit breaker failure protection and conventional high-impedance scheme or the numerical low- directional overpower protection and directional underpower impedance scheme can be selected for the protection of the protection. transformer windings. When the low-impedance REF protection is used, neither stabilizing resistors nor varistors are Enhanced with optional hardware and software, the relay also needed and, as a further benefit, the transforming ratio of the features three light detection point-to-point lens sensors for arc neutral earthing CTs can differ from that of the phase current fault protection of the circuit breaker, busbar and cable transformers. Due to its unit protection character and absolute compartment of metal-enclosed indoor switchgear. selectivity, REF does not need to be time-graded with other 8 ABB Transformer Protection and Control 1MRS757846 E RET620 Product version: 2.0 FP1 The arc-fault protection sensor interface is available on the The relay offers extensive possibilities to tailor the optional communication module. Fast tripping increases staff configurations to end application requirements. The tool suite safety and security and limits material damage in an arc fault for all Relion relays is Protection and Control IED Manager situation. A binary input and output module can be selected as PCM600, which contains all the necessary tools for configuring an option - having three high speed binary outputs (HSO) it the device, including functionality, parameterization, the HMI further decreases the total operate time with typically 4...6 ms and communication. compared to the normal power outputs. RET620 provides both transformer protection and control and voltage regulator control at the same time. The voltage 4. Application regulation capability is targeted for the automatic and manual RET620 has been designed to be the main protection for two- voltage regulation of power transformers equipped with a winding power transformers and power generator-transformer motor-driven on-load tap changer. The automatic voltage blocks. The relay also includes an optional voltage regulation regulation can be applied both with a single transformer as well function. as with up to four transformers running in parallel. The relay also supports both traditional resistor connection-based and RET620 can be used with either single- or double-busbar numerically calculated high-impedance earth-fault protection. configurations with one or two breakers, and with numerous To further improve the arc protection and minimize the effects switching device configurations. The relay supports a of an arc fault, the 620 series relays ordered with the arc substantial number of both manually and motor-operated protection option can be equipped with an I/O card featuring disconnectors and earthing switches, and it is capable of high-speed outputs. running large configurations. The number of controllable devices depends on the number of inputs and outputs left free from other application needs. The number of available I/Os can be increased with the RIO600 Remote I/O device. GUID-A758C254-7907-4965-9389-113BCBD77B75 V2 EN Figure 2. Th3eU pUrotection of HV/MV, or an MV/MV transformer with low-impedance earth-fault protection on both sides of the transformer 3I HV 25 SYNC U12 50L/50NL ARC 50P/51P 3I>>> 51P/51N 3I/Io 67/67N 3I→/Io→ Io HV 84M TPOSM 87T 3dI>T Io LV 90V COLTC MAP MAP RTD HV 32R/32O P>/Q> side 49T 3Ith>T 87NH dIoHi> U12b 87NL dIoLo> LV 87NH dIoHi> 3I LV side 87NL dIoLo> ABB 9 ANSI IEC Default conf. + Option A RET620 Transformer Protection and Control 1MRS757846 E RET620 Product version: 2.0 FP1 GUID-510B91B4-88A8-4A57-8789-C38683DC2A92 V2 EN Figure 3. Protection of HV/MV transformer with restricted earth-fault protection on the upper side of the transformer 5. Supported ABB solutions protection relay series is able to optimally utilize interoperability ABB’s 620 series protection and control relays together with provided by the IEC 61850 Edition 2 features. the Substation Management Unit COM600 constitute a genuine At substation level, COM600 uses the data content of the bay- IEC 61850 solution for reliable power distribution in utility and level devices to enhance substation level functionality. COM600 industrial power systems. To facilitate and streamline the features a Web browser-based HMI, which provides a system engineering, ABB's relays are supplied with customizable graphical display for visualizing single-line mimic connectivity packages. The connectivity packages include a diagrams for switchgear bay solutions. The Web HMI of compilation of software and relay-specific information, COM600 also provides an overview of the whole substation, including single-line diagram templates and a full relay data including relay-specific single-line diagrams, which makes model. The data model also includes event and parameter lists. information easily accessible. Substation devices and With the connectivity packages, the relays can be readily processes can also be remotely accessed through the Web configured using PCM600 and integrated with the Substation HMI, which improves personnel safety. Management Unit COM600 or the network control and management system MicroSCADA Pro. In addition, COM600 can be used as a local data warehouse for the substation's technical documentation and for the network The 620 series relays offer native support for IEC 61850 Edition data collected by the devices. The collected network data 2 also including binary and analog horizontal GOOSE facilitates extensive reporting and analyzing of network fault messaging. In addition, process bus with the sending of situations, by using the data historian and event handling sampled values of analog currents and voltages and the 3I HV features of COM600. The history data can be used for accurate receiving of sampled values of voltages is supported. 25 SYNC monitoring of process and equipment performance, using Compared to traditional hard-wired, inte5r0-Ld/50eNvL ice AsRCignaling, 50P/51P 3I>>> calculations based on both real-time and history values. A peer-to-peer communication over a switched Ethernet LAN Io HV 51P/51N 3I/Io better understanding of the process dynamics is achieved by offers an advanced and versatile platform84M for powTPeOSrM system 87T 3dI>T combining time-based process measurements with production protection. Among the distinctive features of the protection RTD 90V COLTC and maintenance events. system approach, enabled by the full impMleAPmentatMiAoPn of the IEC 61850 substatiUo1n2/U a12butomation standaHrVd, 4a9Tre fast 3Ith>T side 87NH dIoHi> COM600 can also function as a gateway and provide seamless communication capability, continuous supervision of the 3I LV 87NL dIoLo> connectivity between the substation devices and network-level integrity of the protection and communication system, and an control and management systems, such as MicroSCADA Pro inherent flexibility regarding reconfiguration and upgrades. This and System 800xA. 10 ABB ANSI IEC Default conf. + Option A 3U Uo RET620

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