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This material has been provided by Asbury Theological Seminary in good faith of following ethical procedures in its production and end use. The Copyright law of the united States (title 17, United States code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyright material. Under certain condition specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to finish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specific conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be “used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research.” If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of “fair use,” that user may be liable for copyright infringement. This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of copyright law. By using this material, you are consenting to abide by this copyright policy. Any duplication, reproduction, or modification of this material without express written consent from Asbury Theological Seminary and/or the original publisher is prohibited. Contact B.L. Fisher Library Asbury Theological Seminary 204 N. Lexington Ave. Wilmore, KY 40390 B.L. Fisher Library’s Digital Content place.asburyseminary.edu Asbury Theological Seminary 205 North Lexington Avenue 800.2ASBURY Wilmore, Kentucky 40390 asburyseminary.edu ABSTRACT TRANSFORMATIONAL AND STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP: ITS IMPACT ON THE CAPACITY FOR ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS by Barbara Dobson Angela The context in which the church has to do ministry can be described as a society with a consumerism mentality and an appetite for speedy action, quick fixes, and fast results, a world of complexities and uncertainties. Traditional leadership of the past is now seen as insufficient and mundane to effectively respond to the fast pace nature of change that is taking place. These unwarranted pressures have impacted organizational effectiveness as pastors and leaders seemingly lack the skills and capacity necessary to respond to those changes. The ability of pastors and leaders to see beyond the now and to develop the capacity to strategize and plan for the future is a growing concern. The purpose of this research therefore was to measure the changes in the knowledge and skills in order to increase capacity for organizational effectiveness among the leadership in the Western Jamaica District of the Wesleyan Holiness Church through a four-month Strategic Planning Intervention emphasizing the missional, transformational, and spiritual imperatives. Despite the heightened awareness and the interest of strategic leadership throughout the centuries, it was found that within the context of the church, there was not much literature to work with. This lack therefore also served as a motivation to this research topic "Transformational and Strategic Leadership: Its Impact on the Capacity for Organizational Effectiveness." An was executed and three research this empirical study questions guided study: ( 1 ) What knowledge and skills about the importance and effectiveness of strategic leadership emphasizing missional, transformational, and spiritual imperatives characterized the leaders of the Western Jamaica District to the seminar? prior leadership (2) what changes occurred in the leaders' knowledge and skills after the leadership seminar? and, (3) what are the elements of the strategic planning process that demonstrate the capacity for organizational effectiveness for the future? The research was pivoted on the mixed-method The for this a wide explanatory, design. participants study represented cross-section of the leadership of the church and District stratified in terms of gender, age, leadership position, and number of years in service represented on demographic charts. Four instruments were used to collect data: pre/postLIS questionnaires, a focus group, and a rubric. The major findings from the study revealed that leaders need to be provided general knowledge, understanding, and purpose of strategic planning and leadership; leaders need to be guided specifically through the components of strategic planning; leaders need to be guided in the development and implementation of strategic planning for churches; and, Jamaica is in need of strategic leadership and planning with Wesleyan Churches as noted by the favorable response and appropriate development of plans. Overall, the proposed ministry intervention model, the strategic and transformational leadership alignment model, represented the alignment of ministry strategy within the tripolar framework of missional, transformational, and spiritual imperatives, promulgated on strategic leadership practices was tested and the findings � proved that this model has the potential for organizational effectiveness the practical outcome of the Great Commission: resiliency, relevancy, and sustainability. DISSERTATION APPROVAL This is to certify that the dissertation entitled TRANSFORMATIONAL AND STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP: ITS IMPACT ON THE CAPACITY FOR ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS Presented by Barbara Dobson Angela Has been accepted towards fulfillment of the for the requirements DOCTOR OF MINISTRY at degree Asbury Theological Seminary May 12, 2014 Date May 12, 2014 Date May 12. 2014 Date May 12, 2014 Dean of the Beeson Center Date TRANSFORMATIONAL AND STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP: nS IMPACT ON THE CAPACITY FOR ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS A Dissertation Presented to the of Faculty Asbury Theological Seminary In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Ministry by Barbara Dobson Angela 2014 May �2014 Barbara Dobson Angela ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES ix LIST OF FIGURES x ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS xii CHAPTER 1 PROBLEM 1 Introduction 1 Purpose 3 Research Questions 3 Research Question #1 3 Research Question #2 3 Research Question #3 4 Definition of Terms 4 4 Strategic Leadership Effectiveness 4 Organizational Missional 4 Imperative Transformational 5 Imperative 5 Spiritual Imperative Intervention 5 Ministry Context 7 8 Methodology 10 Participants Instrumentation 10 iii Variables 11 Data Collection 11 Data Analysis 12 Generalizability 12 Theological Foundation 13 Strategic Leadership and the Old Testament 14 Strategic and Transformational Leadership and the New Testament 17 Strategic Leadership and the Doctrine of the Church 18 Overview 19 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE 20 Introduction 20 of Transformational and 21 Theological Underpinnings Strategic Leadership and the Old Testament 22 Strategic Leadership Strategic and Transformational Leadership in the New Testament 37 Transformational Le adership�The Response for a Changing Context....48 Processes Involved in Effecting Organizational Change 53 60 Strategic Leadership The History, Nature, and Function of Strategic Leadership 62 Strategic Leadership and Environmental Change 67 Strategic Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness 71 The Church as a Changing Entity 74 The Church�Its Nature, Function/Tasks and Purpose 74 Strategic and Transformational Leadership within the Context of the Church 79 iv

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