Transfer of Four Peruvian Altamiranoa Species to Sedum (Crassulaceae) Joachim Thiede Botanical Institute, University of Cologne, GyrhofstraBe 15, D-50931 Cologne, Germany. [email protected] Henk V Hart Department of Plant Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Utrecht University, Padualaan 8, NL- 3584 CH Utrecht, The Netherlands. [email protected] Absthact. Recently Altamiranoa Rose ( = VUIadia Mexican Villadia (sensu lato) species. Here we com¬ sect. Altamiranoa (Rose) R. T. Clausen) was merged plete the transfer ol Altamiranoa to Sedum with three with Sedum L. For four Peruvian Altamiranoa species new combinations and one new name for four Pe¬ without valid names in Sedum we propose three new ruvian species. combinations: Sedum decipiens (Baker) Thiede & 't Hart, Sedum reniforme (H. Jacobsen) Thiede & 't Sedum decipiens (Baker) Thiede &'t Hart, comb, Hart, and Sedum weberbaueri (Diels) Thiede & 't Hart, nov. Basionym: Cotyledon decipiens Baker, Re¬ and one new name, Sedum plicatum Thiede &’t Hart. fug. Bot. 3, t. 200. 1870. Echeveria decipiens A lectotype is designated for Cotyledon decipiens Bak¬ (Baker) E. Morren, Belgique Hort. 24: 159. er, the basionym of Sedum decipiens. 1874. Altamiranoa decipiens (Baker) Froder¬ strom, Acta Horti Gothob. 10, App.: 145. Rose (in Britton & Rose, 1903: 3) described the 1936. Villadia decipiens (Baker) H. Jacobsen, genera Altamiranoa Rose and Villadia Rose to ac¬ Natl. Cact. Succ. .1. 13: 76. 1958. TYPE: Peru. commodate some Mexican Crassulaceae with sym¬ Sine loco, sine datum, Farris s.n. (holotype, petalous flowers. Previously these species had mostly not extant); Refug. Bot. 3, tab. 200. 1870 (lec¬ been classified in Cotyledon L., the hold-all of sym¬ totype, designated here). petalous Crassulaceae. Berger (1930) included both The species is known only from the type collec¬ genera in subfamily Echeverioideae A. Berger, but tion and is as yet not validated by additional col¬ noted that several Altamiranoa species are very sim¬ lections (Brunner, 1993: 376). No type material is ilar to Sedum. Berger (1930) considered Altamiranoa extant at Kew (where J. G. Baker worked), at the and Villadia to be closely related though they differ British Museum (Baker described many species in the structure of the inflorescences. Altamiranoa from specimens deposited at BM), or at Oxford (ac¬ has predominantly eymose inflorescences, whereas cording to a note in the protologue Baker appar¬ those of Villadia are usually spicate, racemose, or, ently obtained living specimens of Farris’s collec¬ most frequently, thyrsoid. Froderstrom (1936) more tion via W. W. Saunders, whose herbarium is now or less accepted Rose’s concept, but transferred sev¬ kept at OXF). Therefore, we designate the excellent eral Altamiranoa species to Sedum. Baehni and figure (tab. 200) accompanying the diagnosis as the Macbride (in Baehni, 1937), on the other hand, unit¬ lectotype of Cotyledon decipiens Baker. ed Altamiranoa and Villadia, and Clausen (1940) distinguished Altamiranoa as a section of Villadia. Sedum plicatuni Thiede & *t Hart, nom. nov. Re¬ Baehni s and Clausen’s classifications have been placed name: Cotyledon stricta Diels, Bot. Jahrb. widely accepted until recently, when Moran (1996) Syst. 37: 410. 1906. Altamiranoa stricta (Diels) merged Villadia seel. Altamiranoa (Rose) R. T. Clau¬ A. Berger, in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. sen (= Altamiranoa) with Sedum. In particular the ed. 2, 18a: 470. 1930. Villadia dielsii Baehni & occurrence of intermediate forms bridging the gap .1. F. Macbride, Candollea 7: 285. 1937 (nom. between Altamiranoa and Sedum, and his doubts nov. pro Cotyledon stricta Diels due to Villadia about the monophyly of Villadia in the sense of stricta Rose, 1905). TYPE: Peru. Dep. Ancahs Baehni and Macbride and Clausen, prompted Mor¬ (Ancachs): pr. Caraz in rupestribus eamporum, an's decision. Moran (1996) already made the nec¬ 2200-2500 m s.m., flor. m. Maj. 1903, Weber- essary new combinations under Sedum for three bauer 3(XX) (holotype, B). Novon 9: 124—125. 1999. Volume 9, Number 1 Thiede &’t Hart 125 1999 Peruvian Altamiranoa When Cotyledon stricta is transferred to Sedum 470. 1930. Villadia weberbaueri (Diels) Baehni neither the name Sedum strictum nor Sedum dielsii & J. F. Maebride, Candollea 7: 286. 1937. can be used, because of the earlier homonyms Se¬ TYPE: Peru. Dep. Amazonas: Prov. Chacha- dum strictum K. Koch (1847) and Sedum dielsii Ha- poyas ad altera orientalia vallis fluminis Mar- met (1913). The new name refers to the costately anon supra Balsas in graminosis siccis 2300 plicate petals mentioned by Diels in the original m s.m., Hor. m.. Jim. 1904, Weberbauer 4282 description of Cotyledon stricta. (holotype, B). Acknowledgments. The authors are indebted to Sedum reniforme (H. Jacobsen) Thiede & 't Urs Eggli (Zurich, Switzerland) and Reid Moran (San¬ Hart, comb. nov. Basionym: Villadia renifor- ta Rosa, U.S.A.) lor their comments, to Susan Carter- mis H. Jacobsen, Natl. Caet. Succ. J. 13: 76. Holmes (Kew, U.K.), Roy Vickery (London, U.K.), and 1958 (nom. nov. pro Cotyledon imbricata Susan Mamer (Oxford, U.K.) for checking specimens Diels due to Villadia imbricata Rose, 1903). at K, BM, and OXF, and to Paul Hiepko and Manfred Cotyledon imbricata Diels, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. Bassler for providing access to specimens at B. 37: 411. 1906. Altamiranoa imbricata (Diels) A. Berger, in Engler X Prantl, Nat. Literature Cited Pflanzenfam. ed. 2, 18a: 470. 1930. Villadia Baehni, Ch. 1937. Vdladia et Altamiranoa. Etude sur la imbricata (Diels) Baehni & J. F. Maebride, fusion de deux genres de Crassulacees. Candollea 7: Candollea 7: 286. 1937. Nom. illeg. (Art. 283-286. 53.1 Tokyo Code, non Villadia imbricata Berger. A. 1930. Crassulaceae. Pp. 352-483 in A. Engler Rose, Bull. New York Bot. Card. 3: 3. 1903). & K. Prantl (editors). Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien ed. 2, 18a. W. Engelmann, Leipzig. TYPE: Peru. Dep. Cajamarca: pr. Hualgay- Britton. IN. I.. & .1. N. Rose. 1903. New and noteworthy oc, juxta praedim La Tahona in rupibus North American Crassulaceae. Bull. New York Bot. 2600 in s.m., flor. m. Maj. 1904, Weberbauer Card. 3: 1—45. 4053 (holotype, B). Brunner. I). R. 1993. Crassulaceae. Pp. 375—377 in E. Brako X J. L. Zarucchi (editors). Catalogue of the f low¬ When Cotyledon imbricata is transferred to Se¬ ering Plants and Gymnosperms of Peru. Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Card. 45: 1—1286. dum the epithet of the second oldest name of this Clausen. R. T. 1940. Studies in the Crassulaceae: Vdla¬ taxon, the synonym Villadia reniformis H. Jacobsen, dia. Altamiranoa anil Thompsonella. Bull. Torrey Bot. must be used because of the earlier homonym Se¬ Club 67: 195-198. dum imbricatum (Edgeworth) Walpers (1848— Eroderstrom, II. 1936. The genus Sedum. A systematic 1849). essay. Part IV. Acta Horti Gothob. 10: 2-262. Hamet, R. 1913. Sur deux Sedum nouveaux de l'herbier Royal <le Firenze. Malpighia 29: 57—63. Sedum weberbaueri (Diels) Thiede & t Hart, Koch, K. 1847. Beitrage zur Flora des nordliehen Kiisten- comb. nov. Basionym: Cotyledon weberbaueri landes von Kleinasien. Linnaea 19: 1—67. Moran, R. 1996. Altamiranoa into Sedum. Haseltonia 4: 46. Diels, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 37: 411. 1906. Alta¬ Walpers. G. G. 1848—1849. Crassulaceae. Pp. 322—326 in miranoa weberbaueri (Diels) A. Berger, in En¬ Annales Botanices Systematical1. I. Er. Hofmeister, Lip- gler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. ed. 2, 18a: siaea | = Leipzig],