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Principal Transcriptional Programs Regulating Plant Amino Acid Metabolism in Response to Abiotic Stresses1[W][OA] Hadar Less and Gad Galili* Department of Plant Sciences, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel UsingabioinformaticsanalysisofpublicArabidopsis(Arabidopsisthaliana)microarraydata,weproposehereanovelregulatory program, combining transcriptional and posttranslational controls, which participate in modulating fluxes of amino acid metabolisminresponsetoabioticstresses.Theprogramincludesthefollowingtwocomponents:(1)theterminalenzymeofthe module,responsibleforthefirstcatabolicstepoftheaminoacid,whoselevelisstimulatedorrepressedinresponsetostresscues, just-in-timewhenthecuesarrive,principallyviatranscriptionalregulationofitsgene;and(2)theinitiatorenzymeofthemodule, whoseactivityisprincipallymodulatedviaposttranslationalallostericfeedbackinhibitioninresponsetochangesinthelevelof theaminoacid,just-in-casewhenitoccursinresponsetoalterationinitscatabolismorsequestrationintodifferentintracellular compartments.Ourproposedregulatoryprogramisbasedonbioinformaticsdissectionoftheresponseofallbiosyntheticand catabolicgenesofsevendifferentpathways,involvedinthemetabolismof11aminoacids,toeightdifferentabioticstresses,as judgedfrommodulationsoftheirmRNAlevels.Ourresultsimplythatthetranscriptionofthecatabolicgenesisprincipallymore sensitivethanthatofthebiosyntheticgenestofluctuationsinstress-associatedsignals.Notably,theonlyexceptiontothisprogram isthemetabolicpathwayofPro,anaminoacidthatdistinctivelyaccumulatestosignificantlyhighlevelsunderabioticstresses. Examplesofthebiologicalsignificanceofourproposedregulatoryprogramarediscussed. Plant cells possess multiple highly regulated meta- synthesis,cellwallbiosynthesis,andtoalargenumber bolicnetworksthatplaycentralregulatoryrolesintheir of secondary metabolites (Amir et al., 2002; Wittstock growth.Amongthevariousmetabolicnetworks,those and Halkier, 2002; Rebeille et al., 2006; Goyer et al., leading to the synthesis of amino acids have gained 2007); Thr conversion into Gly is important for seed considerableinterestnotonlybecausetheaminoacids development(Janderetal.,2004;Joshietal.,2006);Ile arevitalforthesynthesis ofproteinsbutalsobecause catabolism leads to the production of cellular energy amino acids serve as precursors for a large array of (Mooneyetal.,2002);andProcatabolismisimportant metabolites with multiple functions in plant growth fortherecoveryofplantsfromvariousabioticstresses andresponsetovariousstresses.Justtomentionafew (Ronteinetal.,2002). examples, the aromatic amino acids are used as pre- Biochemicalstudiesofplantaminoacidmetabolism cursors for numerous metabolites, such as hormones, havesofarbeenmostlydevotedtothebiosynthesisof cell wall components, and a large group of multiple theaminoacids.Thesestudiesshowedthatthebiosyn- functional secondary metabolites (Radwanski and thesisofplantaminoacidsislargelyregulatedbyend Last, 1995; Wittstock and Halkier, 2002; Pichersky product feedback inhibition loops in which specific et al., 2006; Tempone et al., 2007); Met is a precursor enzymes in a given amino acid biosynthesis pathway forthesynthesisofthehormoneethylene,polyamines, (called allosteric enzymes) are feedback inhibited by cellular energy glucosinolates, and also provides a the amino acids that they synthesize (Galili, 1995; methyl group to DNA methylation, chlorophyll bio- Radwanski and Last, 1995). Eliminations of feedback inhibition traits in specific allosteric/biosynthetic en- zymesgenerallyresultedinincreasedlevelsofthecor- 1This work was supported by grants from the United States– responding amino acids (Widholm, 1972; Galili, 1995, Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund 2002; Radwanski and Last, 1995; Li and Last, 1996), (grantno.IS–3331–02)andbytheIsraelScienceFoundation(grant leading to the notion that the biosynthetic/allosteric no.764/07). enzymesrepresentmajorregulatoryfactorsdetermin- *Correspondingauthor;[email protected]. ing the rate of the fluxes in metabolic pathways of Theauthorresponsiblefordistributionofmaterialsintegraltothe aminoacids.Consequently,thepotentialrolesofdown- findings presented in this article in accordance with the policy stream enzymes that convert amino acids into other describedintheInstructionsforAuthors(www.plantphysiol.org)is: metabolites(definedascatabolicenzymesoftheamino GadGalili([email protected]). [W]TheonlineversionofthisarticlecontainsWeb-onlydata. acids)intheregulationoffluxesofaminoacidmetab- [OA]Open Access articles can be viewed online without a sub- olism under specific physiological conditions have scription. been largely ignored.Nevertheless, directexperimen- www.plantphysiol.org/cgi/doi/10.1104/pp.108.115733 talevidence(DixonandPaiva,1995;Moulinetal.,2000; 316 Plant Physiology, May 2008, Vol. 147, pp. 316–330, www.plantphysiol.org (cid:2) 2008 American Society of Plant Biologists Downloaded from on December 5, 2018 - Published by www.plantphysiol.org Copyright © 2008 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. Transcriptional Programs of Plant Amino Acid Metabolism Galili et al., 2001; Galili, 2002; Mikkelsen et al., 2003; was subjectively defined as a biosynthetic enzyme Stepansky and Galili, 2003; Jander et al., 2004) and because it is an allosteric enzyme that is feedback resultsofpubliclyavailablemicroarrayresults(H.Less inhibitedbyIle(seebelow).Sinceaminoacidmetabo- andG.Galili,unpublisheddata)supportsuchregula- lism is largely regulated by feedback inhibition of toryrolesbyshowingthatthetranscriptlevelofmany biosynthetic/allostericenzymesaswellasbyenzymes of the catabolic enzymes of the amino acids is highly responsible for the first catabolic steps of the amino regulated by developmental, metabolic, and environ- acids,wefocusedonlyonaminoacidmetabolicpath- mentalcues. waysinwhichthegenesencodingtheseenzymeshave In this report, we used a bioinformatics approach, beenidentified.Hence,ourresearchcovered11ofthe based on publicly available microarray data from the 20aminoacids.Wedidnotincludeinthisanalysisthe model plant Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), to dis- following amino acids: (1) Gln, Glu, Asp, and Asn, sect the potential function of catabolic enzymes of which are the central regulators of carbon/nitrogen aminoacidsinregulatingfluxesofaminoacidmetab- metabolism, interacting with multiple metabolic net- olism upon the exposure of plants to various abiotic works;(2)Ala,whichissynthesizedbyoneenzymatic stresses.Ourreasonsforselectingabioticstresseswere stepfrompyruvate;(3)His,forwhichnocatabolicgene as follows: (1) various abiotic stresses stimulate the hasbeenidentified;(4)GlyandSer,whosemetabolism expression of a number of genes encoding catabolic occurs by several different pathways, one of which is enzymes of amino acids; and (2) the experiments em- stronglyassociatedwithphotorespiration;and(5)Cys, ploying abiotic stresses are most detailed in the pub- whichisusedasamainsulfurdonorinplantsandas licly available microarray results by having multiple suchisusedformultiplecatabolicprocessescatalyzed timepointsduringthestresses,enablingefficientdata by multiple catabolic enzymes (see The Arabidopsis mining. Our results show that genes encoding cata- Information Resource [TAIR] and ARACYC). The 11 bolic enzymes of amino acids are principally much selected amino acids were grouped into four distinct more sensitive and respond faster to abiotic stresses metabolic networks (Fig. 1) whose enzymes and the than genes encoding biosynthetic (allosteric and non- genesencodingthemaredetailedinTableI. allosteric) enzymes and hence play major regulatory Thefirstnetwork,calledtheAspfamilynetwork(Fig. roles in amino acid metabolism upon exposure to 1A),includestheaminoacidsLys,Thr,andMet,whose these stresses. Yet, the spatial and temporal response synthesisinitiatesfromAsp,andinwhichonepathway patterns of genes encoding catabolic and biosynthetic leadstoLysmetabolism(enzymaticsteps1–8),asecond enzymesaredistinctfordifferentmetabolicpathways pathwayleadstoThrsynthesisanditsfurthercatabo- in response to different stress conditions. Our results lismintoGly(enzymaticsteps,2,9,10,18,and19),and also propose that catabolic enzymes contribute to thethirdpathwayleadstoMetmetabolism(enzymatic changes of fluxes via different branches of amino acid steps2and9–17).ThralsoleadstoIlebiosynthesisand metabolicpathwaysuponexposuretostressconditions, therefore could also be included in this network, but apparentlytoallowtimelymetabolicadjustments. becauseIlebiosynthesisisalsohighlycoordinatedwith Leu and Val biosynthesis, we subjectively decided to include Ile in the second network that leads to the metabolismofthesethreeaminoacids,whicharealso RESULTS called branched-chain amino acids. This second net- work(Fig.1B)includesthreepathways:(1)fromThrto Selection of Metabolic Pathways of Amino Acids and Ile (enzymatic steps 20–23); (2) from pyruvate to Val Their Associated Genes (enzymaticsteps21–23);and(3)frompyruvatetoLeu To discover regulatory principles of amino acid (enzymatic steps 21–25), but in this study we treated metabolism, we focused on genes encoding biosyn- this network as one pathway, since most of its enzy- theticenzymesaswellasenzymescatalyzingthefirst maticsteps(steps21–23)arecommontoeithertwoor catabolic steps of the amino acids. Our definition of three of these pathways. Another enzyme that could catabolismincludedthebreakdownoftheaminoacid belong to both the Asp family and branched-chain into carbon, nitrogen, and energy-associated mole- amino acid networks (Fig. 1, A and B) is Met g-lyase, cules and the utilization of the amino acids for the which catabolizes Met into a number of products, synthesisofotherspecialmetabolites,suchassecond- including Ile (Rebeille et al., 2006). However, we sub- arymetabolites. jectivelylocalizedittotheAspfamilynetwork(Fig.1A, Infewspecialcases,agivenaminoacidisconverted step15)becauseitsothercatabolicproducts,methane- intoanotheraminoacidbyasecondpathway,andthe thiolandS-methyl-Cys,aregenerallyconsideredtobe first enzyme of this second pathway can be defined catabolic products of Met (Rebeille et al., 2006; Goyer eitherasacatabolicenzymeofthefirstpathwayorasa et al., 2007). The third network (Fig. 1C) includes the biosynthetic enzyme of the second pathway (see be- aromatic amino acids, whose synthesis initiates from low). For simplicity, we defined such an enzyme as a chorismate.Thisnetworkincludesthreepathways:one catabolic enzyme because it uses an amino acid as a leadingtoTrpmetabolism(enzymaticsteps26–33),and substrate with only one exception of Thr deaminase, the second and third leading to Phe and Tyr metabo- thefirstenzymeconvertingThrintoIle.Thrdeaminase lism.SincethePheandTyrpathwaystogethercontain Plant Physiol. Vol. 147, 2008 317 Downloaded from on December 5, 2018 - Published by www.plantphysiol.org Copyright © 2008 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. Less and Galili only a few enzymatic steps (enzymes 34–38), one of whichiscommontobothpathways,wetreatedthemas asinglepathway.Thefourthnetwork(Fig.1D)includes the amino acids Pro and Arg, whose metabolic path- ways are linked to each other and therefore were considered a single pathway in this study (enzymatic steps 39–48). In all of the metabolic pathways, we included genes whosefunctional annotationhas been identified, based on a combinatorial analysis of infor- mation from TAIR (http://www.arabidopsis.org/), ARACYC(http://www.arabidopsis.org/biocyc/index. jsp),andliteraturereview. Selection of Abiotic Stresses as Desirable Cues to Elucidate Regulatory Principles of Amino Acid Metabolism Ourselectionofabiotic stressesascuestoelucidate regulatoryprinciplesofaminoacidmetabolismwasfor twomajorreasons.First,adaptationofplantstostress conditions requires an extensive shift in metabolism, including metabolic networks associated with amino acids (Dixon and Paiva, 1995; Zhao and Last, 1996; Ouwerkerketal.,1999;Moulinetal.,2000;Galilietal., 2001; Amir et al., 2002; Galili, 2002; Mikkelsen et al., 2003; Stepansky and Galili, 2003). Second, our bioinformatics approach was based on publicly avail- able Arabidopsis microarray results (Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre [NASC]; http://affymetrix. arabidopsis.info/),andhencethequalityofdatamin- ingwasdependentonthequalityandreliabilityofthe data.ThepubliclyavailableNASCdatabasecontainsa group of eight detailed microarray experiments, ana- lyzing the early response of Arabidopsis roots and shootstovariousabioticstresses(Kilianetal.,2007).In contrast to other microarray studies, this study used Arabidopsis plants of an identical genotype grown side-by-side under identical conditions, which were subjectedtovariousstressesandwhichweremeasured athighresolution. Figure 1. Schematic representation of the four different metabolite General Responses of Genes Encoding Biosynthetic and networksanalyzedinthisreport.Thepositionsofthedifferentamino Catabolic Enzymes of Amino Acids to Abiotic Stresses acids in the different networks are markedwith boxes. Biosynthetic/ allosteric, biosynthetic/nonallosteric, and catabolic enzymatic steps In order to elucidate the general behavior of the are indicated by double-headed, black, and white-headed arrows, biosynthetic and catabolic genes belonging to all of respectively,whileenzymaticstepswithnoknowngenesareindicated themetabolicpathwaysshowninFigure1,wedivided by gray arrows. Numbers near each arrow refer to enzyme names theentiresetofthesegenesintothreegroups:(1)genes providedinTableI.A,ThenetworkofLys,Met,andThrmetabolism, composedofthreepathways(fromAsptoLys,fromAsptoMet,and encoding biosynthetic/allosteric enzymes, which are from Asp to Thr). B, The network of Ile, Leu, and Val metabolism, feedback inhibited by the amino acids; (2) genes en- composedofthreepathways(fromThrtoIle,frompyruvatetoVal,and coding biosynthetic/nonallosteric enzymes; and (3) frompyruvatetoLeu),whichwereanalyzedtogether(asonepathway). genesencodingenzymesresponsibleforthefirstcata- C, The network of Trp, Phe, and Tyr metabolism, composed of tree bolic steps of the amino acids (Table I). Our choice of pathways(fromchorismatetoTrp,fromchorismatetoPhe,andfrom placing the amino acids in a central position (biosyn- chorismatetoTyr),fromwhichthepathwaysleadingtoPheandTyr thesisbeforeandcatabolismafter)wasforthefollow- wereanalyzedtogether(asonepathway).D,ThenetworkofProand ingreasons:(1)theaminoacidsarethemetabolitesthat Argmetabolism,composedoftwopathways(fromGluandOrntoPro feedback inhibit the allosteric/biosynthetic enzymes; andfromGluandOrntoArg),whichwereanalyzedtogether(asone and (2) the amino acids are in the junction between pathway). The reasons for the definition and joining of the different pathwaysareexplainedinthetext.Dottedlinesendingwithabarsign metabolic pathways and protein synthesis and turn- representfeedbackinhibitionloops. over.Incasesinwhichagivenenzymaticstepiscata- 318 Plant Physiol. Vol. 147, 2008 Downloaded from on December 5, 2018 - Published by www.plantphysiol.org Copyright © 2008 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. Transcriptional Programs of Plant Amino Acid Metabolism TableI. Alistandadditionalrelevantinformationofallgenesanalyzedinthepresentstudy Pathway Enzyme Stepa Symbol ATGb Probesetc Biosyntheticd Catabolice Lysmetabolism MonofunctionalAspkinase 1 AK AT3G02020 258977_s_at Yes(Lys) – AK AT5G14060 258977_s_at Yes(Lys) – AK1 AT5G13280 250291_at Yes(Lys) – Asp-semialdehydedehydrogenase 2 ASD AT1G14810 262841_at Yes – Dihydrodipicolinatesynthase 3 DHDPS1 AT3G60880 251392_at Yes(Lys) – DHDPS2 AT2G45440 245145_at Yes(Lys) – Dihydrodipicolinatereductase 4 DHDPR AT2G44040 267237_s_at Yes – DHDPR AT3G59890 267237_s_at Yes – DHDPR AT5G52100 248402_at Yes – L,L-Diaminopimelateaminotransferase 5 AGD2 AT4G33680 253308_at Yes – Diaminopimelateepimerase 6 DAPE AT3G53580 251948_at Yes – Diaminopimelatedecarboxylase 7 DAPD AT3G14390 258365_s_at Yes – DAPD AT5G11880 258365_s_at Yes – Lys-ketoglutaratereductase/saccharopine 8 LKR/SDH AT4G33150 253373_at – Lys dehydrogenase Metmetabolism Aspkinase/homo-Serdehydrogenase 9 AK/HSDH1 AT1G31230 263696_at Yes(Thr) – AK/HSDH2 AT4G19710 254535_at Yes(Thr) – Asp-semialdehydedehydrogenase 2 ASD AT1G14810 262841_at Yes – Homo-Serkinase 10 HSK AT2G17265 264855_at Yes – Cystathionineg-synthase 11 CGS1 AT3G01120 259279_at Yes – CGS AT1G33320 256531_at Yes – Cystathionineb-lyase 12 CBL AT3G57050 251666_at Yes – Metsynthase 13 MS1 AT5G17920 259343_s_at Yes – MS2 AT3G03780 259343_s_at Yes – MS3 AT5G20980 246185_at Yes – S-Adenosyl-Metsynthetase 14 SAMS1 AT1G02500 260913_at – Met SAMS4 AT2G36880 263838_at – Met SAMS3 AT3G17390 258415_at – Met SAMS2 AT4G01850 255552_at – Met Metg-lyase 15 MGL AT1G64660 261957_at – Met Methylthioalkylmalatesynthase 16 MAM1 AT5G23010 249866_at – Met MAM-L AT5G23020 249867_at – Met Met-oxo-acidtransaminase 17 BCAT4 AT3G19710 257021_at – Met Thrmetabolism Aspkinase/homo-Serdehydrogenase 9 AK/HSDH1 AT1G31230 263696_at Yes(Thr) – AK/HSDH2 AT4G19710 254535_at Yes(Thr) – Asp-semialdehydedehydrogenase 2 ASD AT1G14810 262841_at Yes – Homo-Serkinase 10 HSK AT2G17265 264855_at Yes – Thrsynthase 18 TS AT1G72810 262380_at Yes – TS AT4G29840 253700_at Yes – Thraldolase 19 THA1 AT1G08630 264777_at – Thr THA2 AT3G04520 258599_at – Thr Ile,Leu,and Thrdeaminase 20 TD AT3G10050 258884_at Yes(Ile) Thr Valmetabolism Acetolactatesynthase 21 AHASS1 AT2G31810 263460_at Yes(Ile,Leu,Val) – AHASS2 AT5G16290 250111_at Yes(Ile,Leu,Val) – AHAS AT3G48560 252325_at Yes(Ile,Leu,Val) – Ketolacidreductoisomerase 22 KARI AT3G58610 251536_at Yes – Branched-chainaminoacid 23 BCAT1 AT1G10060 264525_at – Ile,Leu,Val aminotransferase BCAT2 AT1G10070 264524_at – Ile,Leu,Val BCAT3 AT3G49680 252274_at – Ile,Leu,Val BCAT5 AT5G65780 247158_at – Ile,Leu,Val BCAT6 AT1G50110 261636_at – Ile,Leu,Val BCAT7 AT1G50090 261690_at – Ile,Leu,Val Isopropylmalatesynthase 24 IPMS1 AT1G18500 261668_at Yes(Leu) – IPMS2 AT1G74040 260384_at Yes(Leu) – 3-Isopropylmalatedehydrogenase 25 IMD1 AT5G14200 263706_s_at Yes – IMD2 AT1G80560 260285_at Yes – IMD3 AT1G31180 263706_s_at Yes – (Tablecontinuesonfollowingpage.) Plant Physiol. Vol. 147, 2008 319 Downloaded from on December 5, 2018 - Published by www.plantphysiol.org Copyright © 2008 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. Less and Galili TableI. (Continuedfrompreviouspage.) Pathway Enzyme Stepa Symbol ATGb Probesetc Biosyntheticd Catabolice Trpmetabolism Anthranilatesynthaseb 26 ASB AT1G24807 247864_s_at Yes(Trp) – ASB AT1G24909 247864_s_at Yes(Trp) – ASB AT1G25083 247864_s_at Yes(Trp) – ASB AT1G25155 247864_s_at Yes(Trp) – ASB AT1G25220 247864_s_at Yes(Trp) – ASB AT5G57890 247864_s_at Yes(Trp) – Anthranilatesynthasea 27 ASA1 AT5G05730 250738_at Yes(Trp) – ASA2 AT2G29690 266671_at Yes(Trp) – ASA AT3G55870 251716_at Yes(Trp) – Anthranilatephosphoribosyltransferase 28 TRP AT1G70570 260311_at Yes – TRP1 AT5G17990 250014_at Yes – Phosphoribosylanthranilateisomerase 29 PAI1 AT1G07780 259770_s_at Yes – PAI2 AT5G05590 259770_s_at Yes – PAI3 AT1G29410 259770_s_at Yes – Indole-3-glycerolphosphatesynthase 30 IGPS AT2G04400 263807_at Yes – IGPS AT5G48220 248688_at Yes – Trpsynthasea 31 TSA2 AT3G54640 251847_at Yes – TSA AT4G02610 255487_at Yes – Trpsynthaseb 32 TSB1 AT5G54810 253898_s_at Yes – TSB2 AT4G27070 253898_s_at Yes – TSB AT5G38530 249515_at Yes – CytochromeP450 33 CYP79B3 AT2G22330 264052_at – Trp CYP79B2 AT4G39950 252827_at – Trp PheandTyrmetabolism Chorismatemutase 34 CM1 AT3G29200 257746_at Yes(Tyr,Phe) – CM2 AT5G10870 250407_at Yes – CM3 AT1G69370 260360_at Yes(Tyr,Phe) – Arogenatedehydrogenase 35 AAT1 AT5G34930 255859_at Yes(Tyr) – AAT2 AT1G15710 259486_at Yes(Tyr) – Tyraminotransferase 36 TAT3 AT2G24850 263539_at – Tyr TAT AT5G53970 248207_at – Tyr Arogenatedehydratase 37 PD1 AT2G27820 266257_at Yes – PD AT1G08250 261758_at Yes – PD AT1G11790 262825_at Yes – PD AT3G07630 259254_at Yes – PD AT3G44720 252652_at Yes – PD AT5G22630 249910_at Yes – Phe-Alaammonialyase 38 PAL1 AT2G37040 263845_at – Phe PAL2 AT3G53260 251984_at – Phe PAL3 AT5G04230 245690_at – Phe ProandArgmetabolism D-1-Pyrroline-5-carboxylatesynthetase 39 P5CS1 AT2G39800 251775_s_at Yes(Pro) – P5CS2 AT3G55610 251775_s_at Yes(Pro) – Pyrroline-5-carboxylatereductase 40 P5CR AT5G14800 246594_at Yes – Prodehydrogenase 41 ERD5 AT3G30775 257315_at – Pro PRODH AT5G38710 249527_at – Pro 1-Pyrroline-5-carboxylatedehydrogenase 42 P5CDH AT5G62530 247436_at Yes – Ornd-aminotransferase 43 d-OAT AT5G46180 248879_at Yes – Orncarbamoyltransferasecomplex 44 OCT AT1G75330 261122_at Yes – Arginosuccinatesynthase 45 ARS AT4G24830 254134_at Yes – Argininosuccinatelyase 46 ARL AT5G10920 250403_at Yes – Argdecarboxylase 47 ADC1 AT2G16500 263241_at – Arg ADC2 AT4G34710 253203_at – Arg Arg 48 ARGAH1 AT4G08900 255065_s_at – Arg ARGAH2 AT4G08870 255065_s_at – Arg aStepnumbersrepresentenzymaticstepsdescribedinFigure1. bATGrepresentsthecommonlocusnumberusingTAIRnomenclature. cProbeset represents specific identifiers according to Affymetrix AtH1 microarray. dBiosynthetic enzymes. For biosynthetic/allosteric enzymes, the inhibiting aminoacidisindicated. eCatabolicenzymes.Theaminoacidsubstrateofeachcatabolicenzymeisindicated. lyzedbyanumberofisozymes(TableI),theexpression responsetotheentiresetoftheabioticstressconditions level of each isozymic gene was analyzed separately. in both shoots and roots, by measuring their SD of We then elucidated the relative fluctuation of mRNA expression (log ratios of treatments versus controls). 2 levels of individual genes belonging to each group in AsshowninFigure2,thefluctuationofexpressionof 320 Plant Physiol. Vol. 147, 2008 Downloaded from on December 5, 2018 - Published by www.plantphysiol.org Copyright © 2008 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. Transcriptional Programs of Plant Amino Acid Metabolism waysofLys,Pro,andArg,whichpossessrespectively only a single catabolic or biosynthetic/allosteric gene (red and blue histograms, respectively). The biosyn- thetic/nonallosteric enzymes of the different path- ways were generally, but not entirely, encoded by single genes. Notably, the gene with the highest fluc- tuation of expression in each of the metabolic path- ways encodes a catabolic enzyme (Supplemental Fig. S2, red histograms), while the fluctuation of expres- sionoftheentiresetofgenesshowedpathway-specific patterns.ThemetabolicpathwaysofIleandValandof Leu,Met,andLyshadsignificantlyhigherfluctuations of expression of the catabolic genes (red histograms) comparedwiththebiosyntheticgenes(blueandblack histograms).ThemetabolicpathwaysofProandArg, Phe and Tyr, and Trp and Thr also had some biosyn- theticgeneswithrelativelyhighfluctuationofexpres- sion,butthesewereasawholelowerthanthoseofthe catabolic genes (compare the black plus blue histo- grams with the red histograms). It was also interesting to examine the molecular basisresponsibleforthehigherSDofexpressionofthe catabolic compared with the biosynthetic genes. To Figure2. DistributionofthedegreeoffluctuationsofmRNAlevelsof address this, we selected the catabolic genes and the theentiresetsofbiosynthetic/nonallosteric(invertedtriangles),biosyn- biosynthetic/allosteric genes (as representatives of thetic/allosteric(triangles),andenzymescatalyzingthefirstcatabolic genes with high and low SD of expression, respec- stepoftheaminoacids(circles)genesofthefourmetabolicnetworks tively)belongingtosixrepresentativemetabolicpath- describedinFigure1inresponsetoeightdifferentabioticstresses(both ways and analyzed their actual expression (log ratio inshootsandroots).ThedegreeoffluctuationofthemRNAlevelswas 2 oftreatmentsversuscontrols)inresponsetotheeight estimated using SD of expression (log2 ratio of treatments versus different abiotic stresses both in shoots and in roots. controls),andthevaluesineachgroupweresortedalongthexaxis. Differentletters(aandbattherightofeachcurve)representstatistically The entire results are presented in Supplemental Fig- significantlydifferentgroups(P,3.131025). uresS3(forshoots)andS4(forroots).ThehigherSDof the mRNA levels of the catabolic genes, compared with thebiosynthetic genes(Fig.2;Supplemental Fig. theentiresetofcatabolicgenesinresponsetotheentire S2), generally reflected two important characteristics: setofabioticstressesexhibitedaconsiderablydifferent (1)ahigherfluctuationofmRNAlevelsofthecatabolic distribution of values compared with those of the thanthebiosynthetic/allostericgenesaroundthezero combined sets of the biosynthetic/allosteric and the expression level, either in pathways that do not re- biosynthetic/nonallosteric genes, which showed no spondtothestressorinpathwaysthatrespondtothe significant difference between them. This difference stress,butatearliertimepointsbeforethestresseffects washighlysignificantusingtheKolmogorov-Smirnov occurred (Supplemental Figs. S3 and S4). This indi- statisticaltest(P,3.131025).Thedifferentbehavior cates that the catabolic genes are generally more between the catabolic and biosynthetic genes was not sensitivetovaryinggrowthconditionsthatcontribute duetodifferencesinthemeanexpressionlevels(abso- to the ‘‘noise’’ of the experiments; and (2) in cases in lute intensity) of the genes, which were statistically which a given pathway responded to a given stress, indistinguishable in the three groups (Supplemental the mRNA levels of the catabolic genes seemed to be Fig.S1). stimulated much more frequently than the biosyn- We next wished to test whether the higher fluctua- thetic/allostericgenes(SupplementalFigs.S3andS4). tion of expression of the catabolic genes, compared Next,wewishedtotestmoreaccuratelywhetherthe withthebiosynthetic/allostericandbiosynthetic/non- catabolic genes generally respond more frequently allosteric genes, is a general characteristic of all met- than the biosynthetic/allosteric and the biosynthetic/ abolic pathways or is specific to individual metabolic nonallostericgenestotheentiresetofabioticstresses. pathways. To address this, we compared the SD of To address this question, we examined the actual expressionoftheindividualgenesbelongingtoeachof numbers of genes from each of the three groups that the three enzyme groups, in each of the different hadasignificantresponse(2-foldincreaseordecrease metabolicpathways(Fig.1),acrosstheentiresetofthe in mRNA level; P , 0.01) at any time point in any abiotic stress conditions. As shown in Supplemental stressconditionandcomparedthesenumberswiththe FigureS2,thebiosynthetic/allostericenzymesandthe expectednumbersassumingnopreferentialresponses catabolic enzymes in the metabolic pathways are ofgenesfromeachofthethreegroupstothedifferent encoded by several isozymic genes, besides the path- stresses(see‘‘MaterialsandMethods’’formoredetails Plant Physiol. Vol. 147, 2008 321 Downloaded from on December 5, 2018 - Published by www.plantphysiol.org Copyright © 2008 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. Less and Galili and justification of the calculation). As shown in isozymic mRNA signals’’ below). Despite its obvious Figure 3, in both roots and shoots, the proportion of limitations, this is the only available way to estimate cases with a significant response was higher than total mRNA levels contributing to individual enzy- expected (above 100%) in the group of the catabolic matic steps based on mRNA microarray results. The genes and lower then expected (below 100%) in both entire results are provided separately for shoots and groups of the biosynthetic/allosteric and biosyn- rootsinSupplementalFiguresS5andS6,respectively. thetic/nonallosteric genes. This deviation from the To minimize the impact of experimental errors, we expectedvalueswashighlysignificant(P,8310216) defined in this analysis that a reliable response of a using a x2test. given metabolic pathway to a given stress condition requires a minimum of a statistically significant (P , 0.05)2-foldincreaseor2-folddecreaseinthecombined SpecializedResponsePatternsoftheDifferentMetabolic isozymic mRNA signals of at least one of the biosyn- Pathways to the Eight Different Stress Conditions thetic or catabolic enzymatic steps of this pathway in Since different metabolic pathways of amino acids at least two consecutive time points of the stress fulfill different functions in plants, we tested further treatment, compared with the control. This statistical how the general principals described above (Figs. 2 threshold fits our analysis better than false discovery and3)areimplementedwithrespecttotheresponseof rate controlling methods, because our aim was to specific metabolic pathways to specific stress condi- elucidate general behaviors of amino acid metabolic tions.Toaddressthis,weanalyzedtheresponsesofthe modulesundervariousabioticstressconditionsrather genesencodingeachofthebiosynthetic andcatabolic thanelucidatingspecificbehaviorsofindividualmod- stepsineachofthemetabolicpathwayslocatedwithin ules under particular stress conditions. The specific thefourdifferentmetabolicnetworks(Fig.1)toeachof cases obeying this rule are marked by asterisks in theeightdifferentabioticstresses.Inordertoviewthe SupplementalFiguresS5andS6.Intotal,45ofthe112 results in a metabolic perspective rather than in an cases (shoots plus roots) satisfied our rule, while the individualgeneperspective,ineachofthemicroarray restwereconsideredcasesinwhichagivenmetabolic chips we combined the mRNA signals of all genes pathway does not respond to a given stress cue. encoding isozymes that catalyze the same enzymatic Notably, while based on our requirements none of step in a given metabolic pathway (called ‘‘combined themetabolicpathwaysrespondedtooxidativestress, neither in shoots nor in roots, at least one or more metabolic pathway responded to all other stresses, either in shoots and/or in roots. In addition, the differentmetabolicpathwaysrespondeddifferentially to the various stresses, as expected from the fact that they serve different physiological functions. Notably, the metabolic pathway of Pro and Arg generally behaved quite differently from the other metabolic pathways, apparently because Pro is a special amino acid accumulating to very high levels under various abioticstresses(Ronteinetal.,2002).Therefore,wewill describe the Proand Arg module separately from the other pathways. Analyzing the data for all metabolic pathways be- sidestheProandArgpathway(SupplementalFigs.S5 and S6), we could identify two principally different patterns, which accounted for the majority of the re- sponses.Themostfrequentpatternsignifiesasituation in which the entire pathway, namely, the combined isozymic mRNA signals of all of the biosynthetic and catabolic enzymatic steps of the pathway, does not respond to a given stress cue (Fig. 4A, depicting the Figure3. ComparisonoftherelativenumberofcasesinwhichmRNA responseofshootThrmetabolismtooxidativestress). levels of genes belonging to each of the groups of the biosynthetic/ Thesecondmostfrequentpatternsignifiespathwaysin nonallosteric enzymes, biosynthetic/allosteric enzymes, and the en- which only the combined isozymic mRNA signals of zymescatalyzingthe first catabolicstep of theaminoacids,derived the catabolic steps (one or more catabolic steps) re- fromthefourmetabolicnetworksdescribedinFigure1,inresponseto spondextensivelytothestresscue,whilethecombined theeightdifferentabioticstresses.Resultsarepresentedforrootsand isozymicmRNAsignalsoftheentirebiosyntheticsteps shootsseparately.Eachhistogramrepresentstheactualnumberofcases eitherdonotrespondorareonlyslightlydown-regulated inwhichastatisticallysignificantresponsewasobservedrelativetothe by the stress cue. This pattern could be divided into expectednumberofcasesassumingnopreferentialresponseofeachof thegroups(see‘‘MaterialsandMethods’’fordetails).Thehypothesisof three main subpatterns. The first subpattern includes nopreferentialresponsewasrejectedusingax2test(P,8310216). pathways in which the combined isozymic mRNA 322 Plant Physiol. Vol. 147, 2008 Downloaded from on December 5, 2018 - Published by www.plantphysiol.org Copyright © 2008 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. Transcriptional Programs of Plant Amino Acid Metabolism bolic step by the stress cue (Fig. 4D, depicting the responseoftheTrppathwaytocold stress).Thethird subpatternincludesbothup-regulationandrepression of the combined isozymic mRNA signals of different typesofcatabolicsteps(Fig.5,AandB,depictingthe response of Met metabolism in roots and shoots to osmotic stress).In this specific case of theresponseof the Met pathway to osmotic stress, the combined iso- zymic mRNA signals of one of its biosynthetic steps Figure4. TheresponsesofcombinedisozymicmRNAlevelsofgenes encodingisozymesofexemplarymetabolicpathwaystorepresentative stress conditions in shoots. The combined isozymic mRNA levels of genes encoding biosynthetic/allosteric enzymes, biosynthetic/nonal- lostericenzymes,andenzymescatalyzingthefirstcatabolicstepsofthe aminoacidsareindicatedbyblue,black,andredlines,respectively. Thenamesoftheenzymesencodedbythedifferentisozymicgenes,as providedinTableI,aregivenintheboxesofeachpanel.A,Responseof theThrpathwaytooxidativestress.B,ResponseoftheMetpathwayto saltstress.C,ResponseofthePheandTyrpathwaytocoldstress.D, ResponseoftheTrppathwaytocoldstress.ThechangesinmRNAlevels aregiveninlog ratiosoftreatmentsversuscontrols(yaxesontheleft). 2 Onlyvaluesgreaterthan2-foldincreasedor2-folddecreasedinmRNA levels (broken horizontal lines) were considered to be significant Figure 5. Comparative responses between shoots and roots of com- changes. binedisozymicmRNAlevelsofgenesencodingisozymesofexemplary metabolicpathwaystorepresentativestressconditions.Thecombined isozymic mRNA levels of genes encoding biosynthetic/allosteric en- signals of one or more of the catabolic steps (each zymes, biosynthetic/nonallosteric enzymes, and enzymes catalyzing catabolic step leads to a different metabolic direction) thefirstcatabolicstepsoftheaminoacidsareindicatedbyblue,black, are stimulated by the stress cue. This subpattern is andredlines,respectively.Thenamesoftheenzymesencodedbythe depictedbytheresponseoftheMetpathwayinshoots differentisozymicgenes,asprovidedinTableI,aregivenintheboxes in B (for A and B) and in D (for C and D). A and B, Comparative to salt stress via up-regulating only one of its four responsesoftheMetpathwaytoosmoticstressinshootsandroots.C differentcatabolicenzymaticsteps(Fig.4B)andbythe and D, Comparative responses of the Trp pathway to UV-B stress in responseofthePheandTyrpathwayinshootstocold shootsandroots.ThechangesinmRNAlevelsaregiveninlog ratiosof stressviaup-regulatingitstwodifferentcatabolicsteps 2 treatmentsversuscontrols(yaxesontheleft).Onlyvaluesgreaterthan (Fig.4C).Thesecondsubpatternincludesarepression 2-foldincreasedor2-folddecreasedinmRNAlevels(brokenhorizontal of the combined isozymic mRNA signals of the cata- lines)wereconsideredtobesignificantchanges. Plant Physiol. Vol. 147, 2008 323 Downloaded from on December 5, 2018 - Published by www.plantphysiol.org Copyright © 2008 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. Less and Galili (cystathionine g-synthase) were also repressed in the roots, but the extent of their repression was signifi- cantlylowerthanthatofthecatabolicsteps(Fig.5B). Although the combined isozymic mRNA signals of the biosynthetic steps (allosteric and nonallosteric) of allofthemetabolicpathwaysgenerallyshowedeither no effect or slight down-regulation in response to the various stresses (Supplemental Figs. S5 and S6), the response of the Trp pathway to UV-B stress in shoots exhibited an exceptional situation in which the com- binedisozymicmRNAsignalsofboththecatabolicstep andmanyofthebiosyntheticstepswerestimulatedby this stress cue (Fig. 5C). This expression pattern is in general agreement with previous reports using wet experimentalresearch(ZhaoandLast,1996;Ouwerkerk etal.,1999;Glawischnigetal.,2004). Our study also exposed several distinct spatial ex- pression patterns of specific metabolic pathways in shootsandrootsaswellasdistincttemporalexpression patterns of closely associated metabolic pathways in either the shoots or the roots. In many cases, the behaviorofagivenmetabolicpathwaytoagivenstress cuewassimilarintherootsandshoots,eventhoughit seemedthatthegeneralresponsewasslightlylowerin rootsthaninshoots(SupplementalFigs.S5andS6).In somecases,theresponseofagivenmetabolicpathway toagivenstresswasobservedonlyinshoots(Fig.5,C and D, depicting the response of the Trp pathway to UV-Bstressinshootsandroots,respectively).Inother cases,theoppositewasobserved.Therepressionofthe combined isozymic mRNA signals of the catabolic stepsoftheMetpathwayinresponsetoosmoticstress, andthestimulationofthecombinedisozymicmRNA signalsofoneofthecatabolicstepsofthePheandTyr pathwayinresponsetosaltstress,weremuchstronger intherootsthanintheshoots(Fig.5,AwithB,forthe Metpathway;SupplementalFigs.S5andS6forthePhe andTyrpathway). We also observed interesting interactions between thecloselyassociatedpathwaysofTrpandPheandTyr metabolism,whicharesynthesizedfromthecommon metabolite chorismate (Fig. 1). Exposure to drought Figure 6. Comparative responses of the combined isozymic mRNA stressstimulatedthecatabolismofTrp,butnotPheand levelsofgenesencodingisozymesofthecloselyrelatedTrp(A,C,and Tyr, in the shoots (Fig. 6, A and B), while exposure to E)andPheandTyr(B,D,andF)pathwaystovariousstressconditions.A cold stress stimulated the catabolism of Phe and Tyr, andB,Droughtstress.CandD,Coldstress.EandF,Woundingstress. andTrpcatabolismwasrepressedintheshoots(Fig.6, ThecombinedisozymicmRNAlevelsofgenesencodingbiosynthetic/ C and D). Finally, as shown in Figure 6, E and F, allostericenzymes,biosynthetic/nonallostericenzymes,andenzymes wounding stimulated the catabolism of both Trp and catalyzingthefirstcatabolicstepsoftheaminoacidsareindicatedby Tyrintheshoots,butthestimulationofTrpcatabolism blue, black, and red lines, respectively. The names of the enzymes occurredearlier(between0.5and1hafterwounding) encodedbythedifferentisozymicgenes,asprovidedinTableI, are givenintheboxesinA(forA,C,andE)andinB(forB,D,andF).The thanTyrcatabolism(between6and12hafterwound- changesinmRNAlevelsaregiveninlog ratiosoftreatmentsversus ing). A similar response of these two metabolic path- 2 controls(yaxesontheleft).Onlyvaluesgreaterthan2-foldincreased wayswasalsoobserveduponexposureoftheshootsto or 2-fold decreased in mRNA levels (broken horizontal lines) were UV-B(SupplementalFig.S5). consideredtobesignificantchanges. Notonlythemajorityoftheresponsesofthevarious metabolic pathways to the various stress cues were principallyassociatedwithstimulationorrepressionof pressions of the catabolic genes were observed in the their catabolic genes, but also the catabolic genes rangeof0.5to3hfollowingtheinitiationofthestress, responded relatively fast to the stress cues. In the whileinonlyafewcasesdidtheresponsesoccurafter6 majority of the cases, pronounced stimulations or re- to12h(Figs.4–6;SupplementalFigs.S5andS6). 324 Plant Physiol. Vol. 147, 2008 Downloaded from on December 5, 2018 - Published by www.plantphysiol.org Copyright © 2008 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved. Transcriptional Programs of Plant Amino Acid Metabolism Differential Response of the Pro and Arg Pathway to Osmotic, Drought, and Salt Stresses OuranalysisrevealedthattheProandArgpathway hasadistinctprincipalresponsetothedifferentstress cues than the other metabolic pathways, which was particularlymanifestedinshootsandtoalesserextent inroots,exposedtoosmotic,salt,andtoalesserextent alsodroughtstresses.Thisresponsewasmanifestedby anincreaseinthecombinedisozymicmRNAsignalsof the biosynthetic/allosteric step of Pro biosynthesis, namely, D-1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase (Sup- plemental Fig. S5). These results support published research showing significant accumulation of the os- molite amino acid Pro during drought, osmotic, and saltstressesasapartoftheadaptationmachineriesof plantstothesestresses(Ronteinetal.,2002). The Relative Contribution of Protein Breakdown to the Pool of Amino Acids during Abiotic Stresses Thepoolsofaminoacidsduringabioticstressesmay be derived not only from their de novo synthesis but alsofromproteinbreakdown.Totesttherelativecon- tribution of protein degradation to the pool of amino acids during abiotic stresses, we grouped all Arabi- dopsisgenesannotatedasproteasesbyTAIR(http:// www.arabidopsis.org; Supplemental Table S2). Then, the mean mRNA levels (presented as log ratio of 2 treatment versus control) of all of these genes were calculatedforeachtimepointineachoftheeightstress Figure 7. Thedistributionofthemeanexpressionlevels(log ratioof conditions. Due to the relatively low number of total 2 treatmentversuscontrol)ofgenesencodingtotalannotatedproteases(A) time points (104 time points), the distribution of the andthesubsetofproteasesthatareinducedinsenescenceandPCD(B)in meanmRNAlevelswasestimatedusing10binsrang- individualtimepointsoftheentiresetofabioticstresses.Thedistribution ing from lowest to highest mean mRNA levels. As ofthemeanmRNAlevelswasestimatedusing10binsrangingfromlowest shown in Figure 7A, the majority of the time points tohighestmeanmRNAlevels.ArrowsinBshowthemeanexpression possessed mean expression levels around zero. De- levelsofthegenesencodingthesenescence/PCDsubsetofproteasesin tailedinspection(datanotshown)indicatedthatthisis responsetosenescenceandPCD(Buchanan-Wollastonetal.,2005). becauseonlyaverysmallsubsetofthetotalannotated ent time points of each of the eight different abiotic proteases operate during abiotic stresses. Thus, we stresses individually, both in shoots and in roots. As decidednexttofocusonlyonannotatedproteasesthat shown in Supplemental Figure S7, the mean mRNA areup-regulated(log oftreatmentversuscontrol.1) 2 levelsoftheseproteaseswerehardlychanged,eitherin duringsenescenceorprogrammedcelldeath(PCD)in rootsorinshoots,underallstressconditions,besidesthe which there is massive protein degradation. Only ap- latestagesofosmoticstress,inwhichthesemeanmRNA proximately 18% of the total annotated proteases levelsincreasedtocomparablelevelstothoseobserved showed pronounced stimulation of mRNA levels duringsenescence.Sincesomeofthestressesalsostim- under these conditions (data not shown) and were ulate the conversion of aromatic amino acids into sec- grouped as ‘‘senescence/PCD annotated proteases.’’ ondarymetabolites(SupplementalFigs.S5andS6),itis ThissubsetofannotatedproteasesisindicatedinSup- likelythatproteinbreakdownisnotabsolutelyrequired plemental Table S2. The mean mRNA levels of these togeneratethepoolsofaromaticaminoacidsneededfor proteases were approximately 0.8 and approximately thesesecondarymetabolites. 1.8(log ratiooftreatmentversuscontrol)inthesenes- 2 cenceandPCDtreatments,respectively(Fig.7B,values indicated by arrows). In contrast, the mean mRNA levelsoftheseproteasesatalltimepointsofallabiotic DISCUSSION stresses were distributed around zero, with only a Regulatory Transcriptional Principles of Amino Acid minor proportion reaching the level observed during Metabolism in Response to Abiotic Stresses senescence(histograminFig.7B). ItwasalsointerestingtotestthemeanmRNAlevelsof Inthisreport,weusedabioinformaticsapproachto thesenescence/PCD annotated proteases in the differ- analyze the response of genes encoding enzymes in Plant Physiol. Vol. 147, 2008 325 Downloaded from on December 5, 2018 - Published by www.plantphysiol.org Copyright © 2008 American Society of Plant Biologists. All rights reserved.

Transcriptional Programs of Plant Amino Acid Metabolism. Plant Physiol. Distribution of the degree of fluctuations of mRNA levels of the entire sets
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