Scale Ella F o ld No! Not Scaleo! H e re View the animation at It’s Scaleo! He’s escaping! Halt! 1 Math Snacks Scale Ella Comic Book Transcript 2 F o ld Oh! Oh! Oh! H Leaping e re lizards! Janice texted me that Matt says that Eli says that Gerritt says that Pamela says that James said he likes me, and wants to know if I like him! Scaleo has increased the size of my walkie- No way! What are you going to do? talkie by a factor of two. It is now too large to remove from the holster! Um... Um... I’m going to text her to tell him to tell her to tell him to tell her to This is a job for... tell him that I like him too. Oh, how I despise text messaging! Scale Ella! I’ll show them. 3 Math Snacks Scale Ella Comic Book Transcript 4 F o ld Oh, no! It looks like H e re your thumbs have been scaled up. This looks like a job for Scale Ella. Ssssssssssss-caleo! Scale Ella, we need you! Holy cow! Look at my thumbs! I – I – I – I can’t text! This is impossible! Janice is waiting for me to text her back. I can’t press the buttons. Oh, James! 5 Math Snacks Scale Ella Comic Book Transcript 6 F o ld H e re Your thumbs were Now, they are 2 inches tall. 10 inches tall. Don’t panic, ladies. I can solve your problem using scale factor. 2 times what is 10? Five! Five is the scale factor! 7 Math Snacks Scale Ella Comic Book Transcript 8 F o Now, to set things right. I can change the width... ld How’s that, honey? My giant thumbs fit H e re perfectly on the keys again. Thank you, Scale Ella! I really like that Depth... nail polish. And height... Don’t thank me! Thank ... My scaling power is... Mathematics. 9 Math Snacks Scale Ella Comic Book Transcript 10 F o Drat! Foiled again. ld I hate fancy cars with screechy tires! I’ll fix that. H e re I hate everything and everyone annoys me. Rrr! That Scale Ella! She’s always ruining my fun. Now that is annoying. Zounds! 11 Math Snacks Scale Ella Comic Book Transcript 12 F o Look at what that horrible creature has ld H e Her tires were Now, they are 7 inches done to my ultra-cool tires. Scale Ella! re 21 inches tall. tall. 21 times what is 7? I need you! What seems to be the Divide both sides by 21. problem, young lady? What equals 7 That horrible creature has over 21? Reduce scaled my tires down. My 7 over 21 to 1/3. car is all out of proportion! 1/3 is my... Let’s use... 13 Math Snacks Scale Ella Comic Book Transcript 14 F o Now, to set I can change ld H Jeepers Creepers! That interfering Thank you, things right. the width... ere do-gooder gives me a headache! Scale Ella! Depth... Scaleo?! And height... My scaling power is... Stop, you scoundrel! How’s that? Nice ride! 15 Math Snacks Scale Ella Comic Book Transcript 16 F o ld H e re 17 Math Snacks Scale Ella Comic Book Transcript 18 F o ld H e re 19 Math Snacks Scale Ella Comic Book Transcript 20