Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing Volume II No. 3 2018 Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing Editors-in-Chief ShanbenChen YumingZhang ZhiliFeng ShanghaiJiaoTongUniversity UniversityofKentucky OakRidgeNationalLaboratory PRC USA USA HonoraryEditors G.Cook,USA S.A.David,USA Y.Hirata,JAP T.Lienert,USA K.L.Moore,USA S.J.Na,KOR J.Norrish,AUS T.J.Tarn,USA Ji-LuanPan,PRC LinWu,PRC GuestEditors H.P.Chen,USA X.Q.Chen,NZL D.Du,PRC D.Fan,PRC J.C.Feng,PRC D.Hong,USA X.D.Jiao,PRC I.Lopez-Juarez,MEX H.J.Li,AUS W.Zhou,SGP RegionalEditors Asia:L.X.Zhang,PRC Australia:Z.X.Pan,AUS America:Y.K.Liu,USA Europe:S.Konovalov,RUS AssociateEditors Q.X.Cao,PRC Y.Huang,USA PedroNeto,PRT S.Wang,PRC B.H.Chang,PRC S.Konovalov,RUS G.Panoutsos,UK X.W.Wang,PRC J.Chen,USA W.H.Li,PRC Z.X.Pan,AUS Z.Z.Wang,PRC H.B.Chen,PRC X.R.Li,USA X.D.Peng,NL G.J.Zhang,PRC S.J.Chen,PRC Y.K.Liu,USA Y.Shi,PRC H.Zhang,B,PRC X.Z.Chen,PRC L.M.Liu,PRC J.Wu,USA H.Zhang,N,PRC A.-K.Christiansson,SWE H.Lu,PRC J.X.Xue,PRC L.X.Zhang,PRC Z.G.Li,PRC Z.Luo,PRC L.J.Yang,PRC W.J.Zhang,USA X.M.Hua,PRC G.H.Ma,PRC M.Wang,PRC AcademicAssistantEditors J.Cao,PRC S.B.Lin,PRC S.L.Wang,PRC H.W.Yu,PRC B.Chen,PRC Y.Shao,USA J.Xiao,PRC K.Zhang,PRC Y.Luo,PRC Y.Tao,PRC J.J.Xu,PRC W.Z.Zhang,PRC N.Lv,PRC J.J.Wang,PRC Y.L.Xu,PRC Z.F.Zhang,PRC F.Li,PRC H.Y.Wang,PRC C.Yu,PRC EditorialStaff ExecutiveEditor(ManuscriptandPublication): Dr.YanZhang,PRC ResponsibleEditors(AcademicandTechnical): Dr.NaLv,PRC Dr.JingWu,USA More information about this series at Shanben Chen Yuming Zhang Zhili Feng (cid:129) (cid:129) Editors Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing Volume II No. 3 2018 123 Editors Shanben Chen YumingZhang ShanghaiJiao Tong University Department ofElectrical Shanghai, China andComputer Engineering University of Kentucky Zhili Feng Lexington, KY,USA Oak RidgeNational Laboratory Oak Ridge,TN, USA ISSN 2520-8519 ISSN 2520-8527 (electronic) Transactions onIntelligent Welding Manufacturing ISBN978-981-13-7417-3 ISBN978-981-13-7418-0 (eBook) LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2019936002 ©SpringerNatureSingaporePteLtd.2019 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpart of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission orinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilar methodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. 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The registered company address is: 152 Beach Road, #21-01/04 Gateway East, Singapore 189721, Singapore Editorial This issue of the Transactions on Intelligent Welding Manufacturing (TIWM) is a collection of high-quality papers selected from “2018 International Conference on Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation (RWIA’2018),” December 7–10, 2018, Guangzhou, China. They include two Feature Articles, eight full Research Papers, and one Short Papers and Technical Notes contributing to intelligent welding manufacturing through understanding, sensing, and control of welding manufacturing processes. The first Feature Article entitled “Modeling and Optimization of Adjustment of Human Welder on Weld Pool Dynamics for Intelligent Robot Welding” is con- tributed by a joint research team from Lanzhou University of Technology and UniversityofKentucky.Animproved machine–human cooperative control system was developed in this article to obtain sufficient data pairs for modeling welder’s adjustment on weld pool dynamics by the data-driven approach. The effect of welding torch orientation on weld pool dynamics was numerically studied for understandingthemechanismofhumanwelder’sadjustmentandprovidingthekey data to optimize the control system. A gray multiple linear regression model (GMLRM)wasemployedtoanalyzethecontributionandinteractivecompensation of each adjusted parameter on the weld widths as the welding current randomly changes in a given range. A nonlinear adaptive kernel radial basis function neural network (AK-RBFNN) was also proposed to improve the model accuracy. The second Feature Article entitled “Progress and Trend in Intelligent Sensing and Control of Weld Pool in Arc Welding Process” is contributed by researchers from Lanzhou University of Technology. In this article, the current progress in sensing of arc welding pool is detailed and challenges in measuring the weld pool are analyzed. The key factor that hinders the development of intelligent robotic welding is identified, and approaches that realize intelligent welding are also dis- cussed. Lastly, the trend of intelligent welding manufacturing is predicted. The first Research Paper “Spectral Analysis of the Plasma Emission During Laser WeldingofGalvanizedSteel with Fiber Laser”iscontributedby researchers fromHarbinInstituteofTechnology.Spectralinformationduringthelaserwelding ofgalvanizedsteelwasobtained.Theplasmaspectrawereanalyzedunderdifferent v vi Editorial laser powers and sheet gaps. Signal filter and statistical method were used to processtheobtainedspectralinformation.Itwasfoundthattheplasmatemperature increases with the laser power, and plasma temperature and spectral intensity demonstrate aminimumwiththesheet gap.Statistical processcontrol methodwas used to analyze the relationship between the welding quality and the spectral information. It was found that the welding defects, in laser welding of galvanized steel, are detectible from the spectra. The second Research Paper “A Method for Detecting Central Coordinates of GirthWeldsBasedonInverseCompositionalAAMinTube-TubeSheetWelding” studiesdetectingcentralcoordinatesofgirthweldsbasedoninversecompositional AAM by using a triaxial flaw detection device for the tubular heat exchanger. It is contributed by researchers from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and involves the design of software, calibration algorithm, center detection algorithm, etc. The accuracy of the developed algorithm was experimentally verified. ResearchPaper“SpectralSignalAnalysisUsingVMDinPulsedGTAWProcess of 5A06 Al Alloy” is also contributed by researchers from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. It proposes an automatic discriminant criterion based on correlation coefficienttoeliminateredundantwavelengthsignalsinspectraldomain(200–1100 nm), resulting in only a few spectral lines for further subsequent processing. To overcomethelimitofEMD,thevariationalmodedecomposition(VMD)algorithm is used to decompose the spectral signal into the determined number of intrinsic signals with fewer modal aliasing in the time domain. FollowingResearchPaper“NonlinearIdentificationofWeldPenetrationControl System in Pulsed Gas Metal Arc Welding” is a contribution from researchers at TianjinUniversity.Thepaperestablishedasingle-input,single-output(SISO)weld penetrationcontrolsysteminpulsedgasmetalarcwelding(GMAW-P).According to the nonlinear relationship between base current and arc voltage difference, a Hammerstein model with residual, composed of the nonlinear static model and linear dynamic model, was proposed to describe the nonlinear control system. ResearchPaper“EffectofTransverseUltrasonicVibrationonMIGWeldedJoint Microstructure and Microhardness of Galvanized Steel Sheet” is contributed by joint researchers from School of Mechanical Engineering and School of Environment and Chemical Engineering, Nanchang University. A comparison test of conventional MIG welding and ultrasonic-MIG hybrid welding was carried out inthispaper.Theeffectsoftransverseultrasonicvibrationonweldformation,weld microhardness, andweldmicrostructures duringultrasonic-MIGhybridweldingof 1-mm-thick galvanized steel sheet were discussed. FollowingResearchisentitled“EffectofScanningModeonMicrostructureand Physical Property of Copper Joint Fabricated by Electron Beam Welding” con- tributed by authors from Nanchang Hangkong University. Copper T2 thin sheet with a thickness of 2 mm was vacuum electron beam welded. Scanning electron microscopy, optical microscopy, microhardness tester, and tensile testing machine were used to facilitate the investigation. The formation of the weld surface by different scanning methods was also studied. Editorial vii The seventh Research entitled “Research on Virtual Reality Monitoring Technology of Tele-operation Welding Robot” is contributed by researchers from BeijingInstituteofPetrochemicalTechnology.Inthispaper,variousaspectsofthe tele-operation of welding robot were discussed, such as robot construction, 3D model building and application in Unity, network communication between the virtual robot and the physical robot, and tele-operation welding test trial. ThelastResearchPaperis“TheInfluenceofPowderLayersInterventiononthe Microstructure and Property in Brazing Joints of Titanium/Steel,” by researchers from Lanzhou University of Technology. In this paper, comparison tests, where different types of metal powder layers were used in the brazing joints of titanium/steel, were carried out. Mechanical properties and microstructures of the joints were also analyzed against processing parameters and different powders. The Short Paper “Process Research on Diode Laser-TIG Hybrid Overlaying Welding Process” is a contribution from researchers at Lanzhou University of Technology. A laser-TIG overlaying welding method is proposed to improve forming quality and reduce equipment cost. An experiment system was set up to study the influence of welding parameters on forming characteristics. IamconfidentthattheabovepapersinthisTIWMissuesignificantlycontribute tothe frontier ofintelligent welding manufacturing, aswellas thetopicsrelatedto the conference RWIA’2018. Yuming Zhang, Ph.D. TIWM Editor-in-Chief [email protected] James R. Boyd Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of Kentucky Fellow, American Welding Society (AWS) Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Fellow, Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) Contents Feature Articles ModelingandOptimizationofAdjustmentofHumanWelderonWeld Pool Dynamics for Intelligent Robot Welding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Gang Zhang, Yukang Liu, Yu Shi, Ding Fan and Yuming Zhang Progress and Trend in Intelligent Sensing and Control of Weld Pool in Arc Welding Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Ding Fan, Gang Zhang, Yu Shi and Ming Zhu Research Papers Spectral Analysis of the Plasma Emission During Laser Welding of Galvanized Steel with Fiber Laser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Bo Chen, Zhiwei Chen, Han Cheng, Caiwang Tan and Jicai Feng A Method for Detecting Central Coordinates of Girth Welds Based on Inverse Compositional AAM in Tube-Tube Sheet Welding. . . . . . . . 65 Yu Ge, Yanling Xu, Huanwei Yu, Chao Chen and Shanben Chen Spectral Signal Analysis Using VMD in Pulsed GTAW Process of 5A06 Al Alloy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Haiping Chen, Gang Li, Na Lv and Shanben Chen NonlinearIdentificationofWeldPenetrationControlSysteminPulsed Gas Metal Arc Welding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Wandong Wang, Zhijiang Wang, Shengsun Hu, Yue Cao and Shuangyang Zou Effect of Transverse Ultrasonic Vibration on MIG Welded Joint Microstructure and Microhardness of Galvanized Steel Sheet . . . . . . . . 109 Guohong Ma, Xiaokang Yu, Jian Li and Yinshui He ix x Contents Effect of Scanning Mode on Microstructure and Physical Property of Copper Joint Fabricated by Electron Beam Welding. . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 ZiyangZhang,ShanlinWang,JijunXin,YuhuaChenandYongdeHuang ResearchonVirtualRealityMonitoringTechnologyofTele-operation Welding Robot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Canfeng Zhou, Long Wang, Yu Luo, Hui Gao, Juan Li and Guoxue Gao The Influence of Powder Layers Intervention on the Microstructure and Property in Brazing Joints of Titanium/Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Pengxian Zhang, Yibin Pang and Shilong Li Short Papers and Technical Notes Process Research on Diode Laser-TIG Hybrid Overlaying Welding Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Ming Zhu, Buyun Yan, Xubin Li, Yu Shi and Ding Fan Information for Authors. .... ..... .... .... .... .... .... ..... .... 169 Author Index.. .... .... .... ..... .... .... .... .... .... ..... .... 171