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Transactions of the International Astronomical Union: Proceedings of the Fifteenth General Assembly Sydney 1973 and Extraordinary General Assembly Poland 1973 PDF

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TRANSACTIONS OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION VOLUME XVB-PROCEEDINGS BENGT STROMGREN PRESIDENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION 1970-1973 INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION UNION ASTRONOMIQUE INTERNATIONALE TRANSACTIONS OF THE IAU VOLUME XVB PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIFTEENTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY SYDNEY 1973 AND EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL ASSEMBLY POLAND 1973 Edited by G. CONTOPOULOS A. JAPPEL General Secretary 0/ the Union Executive Secretary D. REIDEL PUBLISHING COMPANY DORDRECHT-HOLLAND / BOSTON-U.S.A. 1974 Published on behalf of the International Astronomical Union by D. Reidel Publishing Company Dordrecht-Holland Sold and distributed in the U.S.A .• Canada and Mexico by D. Reidel Publishing Company. Inc. 306 Dartmouth Street. Boston. Mass. 02116. U.S.A. All Rights Reserved Copyright © 1974 by the International Astronomical Union Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 73--81827 Softcover reprint oft he hardcover 1st edition 1974 ISBN-13: 978-94-010-2210-1 c-ISBN-I3: 978-94-010-2208-8 DOl: 10.1007/978-94-010-2208-8 PREFACE The three years since the Brighton General Assembly have been the most active period in the history of the Union. 33 IAU Symposia and Colloquia, the first Regional Meeting under the Auspices of the IAU, several co-sponsored Meetings and many other special projects. All this culminating with two General Assemblies in two opposite parts of the Earth, Australia and Poland. At the same time the membership of the Union rose to 3200, the number of Commissions to 40, the number of adhering countries to 47. The present Volume gives a general picture of the Union's recent activity. It contains the report of the Executive Committee, the report of the General Assembly, including the Commissions, Meetings, a short report on the Extraordinary General Assembly and an Appendix with the Members and Commissions of the IAU and the approved names of Lunar and Martian features. I take this opportunity to thank all our collaborators, members of the Executive Committee, Presidents of Commissions, Chairmen of Specific Projects, IAU Secrt;taries and all the Members of the IA U for their contribution to keep our Union a living body of active scientists and a big inter- national family. G. CoNTOPOULOS General Secretary CONTENTS Page No. Preface v Part 1 Report of the Executive Committee 1970-72 3 Part 2 Welcoming Ceremony - Report of the General Assembly 31 Report of the Welcoming Ceremony, Sydney, 22 August 1973 33 Address by his Excellency, the Minister for Science 33 Address by the Lord Mayor of Sydney 34 Address by the Acting Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sydney 35 Address by the Foreign Secretary of the Australian Academy of Science 37 Address by the President of the !AU 38 Report of the XVth General Assembly (with Resolutions included) 40 Agenda 40 First Session, 21 August 1973 42 List of National Representation 45 Members of the Finance Committee 46 Final Session, 30 August 1973 49 Report of the Finance Committee 49 Budget for 1974-76 50 Report of the Resolutions Committee 51 Resolntions adoptees par l'A ssemblee Generale Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly Nos. Nos. 1. Modification des Statuts 54 1. Change of Statutes 55 2. Intervalle entre deux Assemblees Gene- 2. Interval between two General Assem- rales 54 blies 55 3. Reunions regionales 54 3. Regional meetings 55 4. Jour julien modifie 54 4. Modified Julian Date 55 5. Determination de z dans Ie spectre des 5. Determination of z in the spectrum 55 objets fortement deplaces vers Ie rouge 54 of objects of large redshifts 55 6. Valeur de la vitesse de propagation du 6. Value of the speed of propagation of rayonnement electromagnetique dans electromagnetic radiation in vacuum 55 Ie vide 54 7. Sur les resolutions adoptees par les 7. On the resolutions adopted by Com- Commissions 56 missions 57 New Members of the Union 58 Appointment of the Presidents and Vice-Presidents of Commissions 59 The place and date of the XVlth General Assembly 58 Election of the new Executive Committee 61 Addresses by the retiring and newly elected Officers 61 Closing Ceremonies 63 viii CONTENTS Part3 Page No. Reports of Meetings of Commissions Comptes Rendus des Seances des Commissions Commissions No. 4 Ephemerides (Ephemerides) 69 5 Documentation 73 6 Astronomical Telegrams (Telegrammes Astronomiques) 75 WG on Numerical Data (GT pour des Donnees Numeriques) 77 7 Celestial Mechanics (Mecanique celeste) 80 8 Positional Astronomy (Astronomie de Position) 81 9 Instruments and Techniques (Instruments et Techniques) 85 10 Solar Activity (Activite Solaire) 88 12 Radiation and Structure of the Solar Atmosphere (Radiation et Structure de l'A tmosphere Solaire) 91 14 Fundamental Spectroscopic Data (Donnees Spectroscopiques Fondamentales) 93 15 Physical Study of Comets, Minor Planets and Meteorites (L'Etude Physique des Cometes, des Petites Planetes et des Meteorites) 103 16 Physical Study of Planets and Satellites (Etude Physique des Planetes et des Satellites) 105 17 The Moon (La Lune) 109 19 Rotation of the Earth (Rotation de la Terre) 116 20 Positions and Motions of Minor Planets, Comets and Satellites (Positions et Mouvements des Petites Planetes, des Cometes et des Satellites) 123 21 Light of the Night Sky (Luminescence du Ciel) 127 22 Meteors and Interplanetary Dust (Meteores et la Poussiere Interplanetaire) 128 24 Photographic Astrometry (Astrometrie Photographique) 130 25 Stellar Photometry and Polarimetry (Photometrie et Polarimetrie Stellaires) 133 26 Double Stars (Etoiles Doubles) 134 27 Variable Stars CEtoiles Variables) 139 28 Galaxies 141 29 Stellar Spectra (Spectres Stellaires) 146 30 Radial Velocities (Vitesses Radiales) 148 31 Time (L'Heure) 149 33 Structure and Dynamics of the Galactic System (Structure et Dynamique du Systeme Galactique) 157 34 Interstellar Matter and Planetary Nebulae (Matiere Interstellaire et Nebuleuses Plane- taires 159 35 Stellar Constitution (Constitution des Etoiles) 160 36 The Theory of Stellar Atmospheres (La Theorie des Atmospheres Stellaires) 161 37 Star Clusters and Associations (Amas Stellaires et Associations) 162 38 Exchange of Astronomers (Echange des Astronomes) 164 40 Radio Astronomy (Radio Astronomie) 165 42 Close Binary Stars (Etoiles Binaires Serrees) 168 44 Astronomical Observations from Outside the Terrestrial Atmosphere (Observations Astronomiques au-dehors de I'A tmosphere Terrestre) 171 45 Spectral Classifications and Multiband Colour Indices (Classifications Spectrales et Indices de Couleur it Plusieurs Bandes) 173 46 Teaching of Astronomy (Enseignement de I'Astronomie) 175 47 Cosmology (Cosmologie) 180 48 High Energy Astrophysics (Astrophysique de Grande Energie) 181 CONTENTS ix Part 4 Page No. Astronomer's Handbook I. Short History of the IAU 185 ll. Administration and Finances of the Union 185 Ill. The IAU and the other International Scientific Organizations 186 IV. Services and Functions of the IAU 187 V. Publications of the IAU 191 VI. Symposia of the IAU 191 Executive Committee 1973-76 192 By-laws 192 Working Ru1es 192 Membership of Commissions and Alphabetical List of Members (See Appendix II) List of Countries adhering to the IAU 193 PartS Report of the Extraordinary General Assembly, Poland 1973 Opening Ceremony, Warsaw, 4 September 1973 197 Word of Welcome by the Chairman of the Local Organizing Committee 198 Address by his Excellency, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Polish People's Republic 198 Address by the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences 200 Address by the Chairman of the Warsaw City Council 200 Address by the Chairman of the National Committee for the IAU 201 Address by the President of the IAU 202 Appendix I Lunar and Martian Nomenclature 207 AppendixB Membership of Commissions (Composition des Commissions) 225 Alphabetical List of Members (Liste Alphabetique des Membres) 241 PART 1 REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 1970-1972 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 1970-1973 PRESIDENT Professor B. Stromgren, Observatoriet, 0stervoldgade 3, Copenhagen K, Denmark VICE-PRESIDENTS Professor M. K. V. Bappu, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Kodaikanal, India Professor B. J. Bok, Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721, U.S.A. Professor L. Gratton, Laboratorio di Astrofisica, Casella Postale 67,00044 Frascati (Rome), Italy Sir Bernard Lovell, Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratories, Jodrell Bank, Macclesfield, Ches- hire, U.K. Professor E. R. Mustel, Astronomical Council, USSR Academy of Sciences, Vavilov Str. 34, Moscow V-312, U.S.S.R. Professor J. Sahade, Instituto de Astronomia y Fisica del Espacio, Casilla de Correo 67- Sucursal 28, Buenos Aires, Argentina GENERAL SECRETARY Professor C. de Jager, c/o Space Research Laboratory of the Astronomical Institute, 21 Benelux- laan, Utrecht, The Netherlands ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY Professor G. Contopoulos, Astronomical Department, University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece Introduction The present report covers the period of three years from 1 January 1970 to 31 December 1972. It follows closely the pattern as set by previous reports, especially that for the years 1967-1969, formally approved by the XIVth General Assembly, and published in volume XIVB of the Transac- tions of the IA U. The period under report includes the first eight months of the year 1970 (until 27 August) which fell under the responsibility of the former Executive Committee, but it does not include the first eight months of the year 1973, still within the responsibility of the present Executive Committee. An oral report for the period from 1 January to 20 August 1973 will be presented at the XVth General Assembly. Decisions of the Executive Committee related to the XIVth General Assembly and printed in Transactions volume XIVB or published in the Information Bulletin of the IAU will not be repeated here. Thus, the present report is actually restricted to formal matters and deals with facts necessary for permanent record. The reports on the activity of IAU Commissions, Inter-Union Commissions, Astronomical Services, etc., have been included in the Reports on Astronomy, 1973, to be published as volume XV A of the Transactions. The part called Activities Report deals with the administration of the Union, meetings of the Executive Committee, IAU Membership, adherence of countries, Commission of the IAU, colloquia and symposia organized by the Union, IAU publications, and relations to other organizations. The part called Report on IAU Finances gives a rounded off picture of the receipts and payments of the Union during the period under report, and presents an outline of the Union's financial prob- lems in the years to come.

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