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Transaction Support over Redis: An Overview YuqingZhu,JianxunLiu,MengyingGuo,WenlongMa, YungangBao Instituteof ComputingTechnology,ChineseAcademyofSciences 7 1 0 2 n a This document serves as an overview for describing we propose to implement concurrency control through J how to support cross-node transactions over a Redis consensus reduction [3]; or, if the read-committed 9 cluster. isolationlevelisallowed,wecansimplyadoptthewrite- 2 Redis is a key-value in-memory store. It supports on-commit mechanism. To guarantee high availability, ] the common interface for data access. Besides, it many replica control methods [2, 5] can be employed C supportsthetransaction-likeinterfacesofMGET/MSET while the master-slave replication of Redis is also a D and MULTI/EXEC locally on a Redis node. The feasible choice given an optimistic assumption on the s. two transaction-like interfaces enable useful and handy deployment. The consistency property is generally c implementationsofapplications. Butunfortunatelythey specified through legal rules. We leave the support of [ arenotsupportedintheclustermodeofRedis. legalrule specificationsand consistencychoicesfor the 1 futureversionofACIAtransactionsystems. v 1 1 3 0 0 . 2 0 Figure2:Thearchitectureforthecross-nodetransaction 7 implementation. 1 : With the above implementation choices, the overall v system architecture is depicted in Figure 2. The i Figure1:Asix-nodeRediscluster. X communication protocol between transaction managers r The cluster mode of Redis guarantees scalability are the atomic commit protocol HACommit. The a through data partition and high availability through the storageengineistheRedissystem.Thecommunications master-slave replication. A typical minimum Redis betweenstorageenginesfollowthepatternimplemented cluster setup is to have a three Master Redis nodes by the cluster-mode Redis. In our architecture, the with each master node replicated with a single Redis storage engine is one guaranteeing high availability, as slave instance node, as illustrated in Figure 1. The demonstrated in Figure 3. Replication is an inevitable keys stored in a Redis cluster are typically partitioned componentinthehighly-availablestorageengine,while into orthogonal segments, each of which is stored giventhe master-slavereplicationof Redis, HACommit by a Mater node. To support the transaction-like isthefastestatomiccommitprotocoltochoose. accessesonarbitrarykeys,cross-nodetransactionsmust besupportedoveraRedisCluster. As high availability is widely demanded by online applications,wethereforeproposetoimplementtransac- tionswith ACIA (Atomicity,Consistency, Isolationand Availability)properties[1]inthecurrentRedisdistribu- tion. To guarantee atomicity, we adopt the HACommit Figure 3: The typical architecture of a highly-available atomic commit protocol [4]. To guarantee isolation, storageengine. Notethatthehighly-availablestorageenginecanalso Researchof China(GrantNo. 2014CB340402)andthe bereplacedbythedurablestorageenginein Figure4if National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant needed. In implementations, we need only to remove No. 61303054). thecommunicationswithreplicasandassumethewrite- ahead logging in the critical path of writes involved in References thetransactionprocessing. [1] ZHU,Y.,LIU,J.,MA,W.,GUO,M.,YI,G.,ANDBAO,Y.Acia, not acid: Conditions, properties and challenges. arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.07512(2017). [2] ZHU, Y., PHILIP, S. Y., AND WANG, J. Recods: replica consistency-on-demandstore. InDataEngineering(ICDE),2013 IEEE29thInternationalConferenceon(2013),IEEE,pp.1360– 1363. Figure 4: The typical architecture of a durable storage [3] ZHU, Y., AND WANG, Y. Improving transaction processing performancebyconsensusreduction.InBigData(BigData),2015 engine. IEEEInternationalConferenceon(2015),IEEE,pp.531–538. Now,wehavedescribedhowtransactionscanbesup- [4] ZHU, Y., YU, P. S., BAO, Y., YI, G., MA, W., GUO, M., portedoverastorageenginelikeRedis. Giventhattran- AND LIU, J. To vote before decide: A logless one-phase sactionsareimplementedoverRedis,thetransaction-like commit protocol for highly-available datastores. arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.02408(2017). interfacesofMGET/MSETandMULTI/EXECcanboth be supported. Further information can be found on the [5] ZHU,Y.,YU,P.S.,ANDWANG,J.Latencyboundingbytrading WebPage1. offconsistencyinnosqlstore: Astagingandstepwiseapproach. arXivpreprintarXiv:1212.1046(2012). Acknowledgments This work is supported in part by the State Key Development Program for Basic 1https://sites.google.com/site/zhuyuqing/acia 2

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