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Train with Lyzabeth Lopez Workout Plan PDF

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TRAIN WITH LYZABETH WWWWWooooorrrrrkkkkkooooouuuuuttttt PPPPPlllllaaaaannnnn BY LYZABETH LOPEZ ACE, CPT, RHN, FIS, OGF3 TRAIN WITH LYZABETH Workout Plan BY LYZABETH LOPEZ ACE, CPT, RHN, FIS, OGF3 Disclaimer No part of this eBook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written per- mission from the author. General Disclainer The information provided within this eBook is for general information- al purposes only. While we try to keep the information up-to-date and correct, there are no representations or warranties, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the information, products, services, or related graphics contained in this eBook for any purpose. Any use of this information is at your own risk. The methods described within this eBook are the author’s personal thoughts. They are not intended to be a definitive set of instructions for any project. You may discover there are other methods and materials to accomplish the same end result. Medical Disclaimer This eBook contains information that is intended to help the readers be better informed consumers of health care. It is presented as general ad- vice on health care. Always consult your doctor for your individual needs. Before beginning any new exercise program it is recommended that you seek medical advice from your personal physician. This book is not intended to be a substitute for the medical advice of a licensed physician. The reader should consult with their doctor in any mat- ters relating to their health. If fitness advice or other professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. The contributors do not accept any responsibility for any liabilities resulting from any decisions made by purchasers and/or readers of this book. ©2016 Hourglass Body Inc. All rights reserved. TRAIN WITH LYZABETH – WORKOUT PLAN Table Of Contents DAY 11 - Welcome - PG 31 PG 4 � � e Hamstrings � ough DAY 1 - PG 5 DAY 12 - Booty Builder PG 33 Tank Top Shoulders & Arms DAY 2 - PG 7 DAY 13 - Brining S� y ‘Back’ PG 36 Full Body Sweat DAY 3 - PG 9 DAY 14 - Hourglass Shoulders PG 39 Strong Legs DAY 4 - PG 12 DAY 15 - Beauti� l Hamstrings PG 42 Upper Body Shape & Tone DAY 5 - PG 14 DAY 16 - Chest, Arms & A� PG 45 Legs – Killer Drop Set DAY 6 - PG 17 DAY 17 - Isolated Glutes & Hams PG 48 Strong & S� y Upper Body DAY 7 - PG 20 DAY 18 - S� y Back & Triceps PG 51 Shoulder, Arms & A� Drop Set DAY 8 - PG 23 DAY 19 - Functional Fun PG 54 6-Pack A� DAY 9 - PG 26 DAY 20 - Bubble Butt Workout PG 57 Legs & Booty Pyramid Set DAY 10 - PG 28 S� y Chest & Shoulders Cardio Options - PG 60 TRAIN WITH LYZABETH – WORKOUT PLAN Welcome! Hey guys, Welcome to the program! I created this guild as an ‘easy printable document’ for those that are unable to use the mobile site at their gym. This guide is only nneecceessssaarryy iiff yyoouu aarree uunnaabbllee ttoo uussee tthhee mmoobbiillee aapppp aatt yyoouurr ggyymm.. YYoouu wwiillll ssttiillll nneeeedd to reference the TrainWithLyzabeth.com wweebbssiittee ttoo uunnddeerrssttaanndd tthhee ffuullll pprrooggrraamm.. Please go through the video tutorials on the website prior to using this guide to ensure you have a grasp of each exercise. The screen caps are provided in the manual simply as a reminder of what the exercises looks like. Where to start • Before you start the program, you must know your goal. Please see the • Hiring a Pilates instructor for 1 or 2 sessions to specifi cally understand the website TrainWithLyzabeth.com to set your goal prior to even reading mind/muscle connection of feeling your abs and how to contract them, through this manual so you know which workouts to do, how to set as well as feeling the difference of neutral spine vs. imprinting your spine, them up, and how many to do. can also be helpful. Again, I will give you a very good idea on how to do this, but working with a Pilates specialist for 1-2 sessions can also be • On the mobile site, you’ll fi nd all the workouts with videos and recom- helpful if you’re having trouble connecting to them and really feeling the mend reps, sets and weights as based on your start level. It is important movements. that you watch the video tutorials on the website before starting the program. • If you use a trainer to learn and really feel these very specifi c movements, it will make your training more effective for the rest of your life. Again, I • There is a full video in the ‘Tips From Lyzabeth’ video section of the will do my very best to help you with this virtually, but if you can afford website that will also walk you through the workout section on how to it, I would make this small investment to your training know how. Just be use it for your goals for further clarifi cation. sure that the trainer understands what it is you want to learn in those few sessions. • Decide on how many days a week you’ll be working out and plan the TWL cardio & TWL gym workouts into your schedule a week in advance. • You can start out with 1–2 rounds of the supersets and work your way up to 3 sets as you get stronger. • Use either the mobile site and or the workout PDF to follow your work- outs at the gym. • Good form and proper breathing are always more important than the amount of weight you use. • Be sure that you are progressively upping your weights. If you can com- plete all sets with good form at a weight, then it is time to increase your Note for Beginners to Fi tness weights for that exercise. • Be sure to schedule all workouts into your planner like you would a Welcome to my beginners and congrats on taking this step! Since this is meeting, and stick to it. If you can get through the fi rst month without an on-line program and I can’t actually be there with you in person, I’d like missing a workout, you will start to crave the feeling of a good workout. to give you a few tips that are important for your life-long fi tness journey. Also, make your meals each Sunday and place them in Tupperware. Being • Take some time before you hit the gym to read the instructions of the prepared is your number one tool in staying on track and meeting your exercises and watch the videos to familiarize yourself with the move- goals. ments. • There is a glossary on the website if there are any terms that you don’t Note for Advanced understand. • There are a few more advanced moves in the program including dead- • The three-month layout of calories in MyFitnessPal (MFP), along with the lifts and heavy squats. When you’re ready to try them, it’s a good idea to HIIT slowly increasing each month, is done specifi cally. The goal is that hire an in-person trainer (with a specialty as a strength coach) for about month one is focused on high calories, less cardio and more weight to two sessions. Here’s why: It is very important to learn the feeling and build your muscles. form of a proper deadlift and squat. While I can give you tips along the • Each month you slowly decrease your calories, but not unless you hit way, it may not compare to someone placing you in the exact posture a plateau. Pay close attention to how you are reacting daily, weekly via and talking you through feeling the mind/muscle connection specifi cally daily weigh in’s and monthly photos and measurements. I know this may for these two movements. I will give you a good idea via on-line, but seem obsessive, but it’s just for the three months so you are aware if your these two moves are so important that, if you’re able, having a personal calories, macros, cardio and weights are working, or if you’re plateaued. coach there the fi rst time will make a difference. Without tracking, you’re just guessing. You can still get great results, but tracking helps you to stay motivated and to really see if and how you are reacting on a week-to-week and month-to-month basis. This will help teach you what your body responds to. This information can help you understand the style of training and eating that works best for you. This is how you truly dial in and start working smarter and not harder. 4 - TRAIN WITH LYZABETH – WORKOUT PLAN DAY 1 Supplements Legs–Booty Builder • 10g BCAA throughout workout, 2L water • 5g Glutamine post workout Warm up Booty Band Clam Shells • Elliptical – 5 min • Lying on your side with roughly a 90 • Foam roller – 2 minutes per leg degree bend at the hips and knees. • Booty band clam shells (Glute activation) • Hips are stacked, booty band – 20 reps per leg (2 sets) wrapped just below the knees. • Hip Swings – 10-15 per leg • Drive the top foot (toes and heels into the bottom foot) as you drive your knee open contracting the glute. • Do not lean back, if anything, lean Workout slightly forward. Super Set #1 Hip Swings EXERCISE SETS REPS • Hold something to stabilize yourself. Weighted step ups 3 10 per leg Swing leg forward and backwards, Deadlifts 3 15 starting slow and getting deeper as it feels comfortable. Walking lunge 3 10 per leg • Foam roll fi rst, then hip swing. If you sit a lot during the day, these are Super Set #2 especially important. EXERCISE SETS REPS Reverse abductor machine 3 15-20 Weighted Step Ups Hamstring curl machine 3 15-20 • Only go as high as is safe for you! I like to go quite high (ie 9-10 risers per side – I am 5’5 tall). The higher you go, Super Set #3 the more glute engagement • Ensure you place your entire foot on EXERCISE SETS REPS the step and press through your heel. Face to the wall squats 3 15-20 Ensure your standing leg – knee stays in line with your second toe. Single leg stability ball 3 10 per leg hamstring curl • Slowly adding height and weight as your form and strength improve. Lying single leg hip bridge 3 15 per leg (no weight) SUGGESTED WEIGHTS Beginner: Intermediate: Advanced: Lyzabeth: 0-15 lbs per 15-20 lbs per 20-40 lbs per 20-40 lbs per hand & 4-5 step hand & 5-7 step hand & 7-10 hand & 8-10 risers height risers height step risers step risers Ex ercise Ti ps height height Foam Roller – Lower Body Deadlifts • Roll out the hamstrings, quadriceps, This is an advanced move. If you have IT band area, glutes & hips. not done it before you must learn for a personal trainer. Otherwise substitute • It is especially important to roll out hamstring curl on the ball in it’s place. the hip fl exor area if you sit a lot throughout the day. This will assist with better glute activation during SUGGESTED WEIGHTS your training. Beginner: Intermediate: Advanced: Lyzabeth: • You can also use small acupres- 0-50lbs 60-80lbs 80lbs + 110-155lbs sure-balls to reach smaller more specifi c areas 5 - TRAIN WITH LYZABETH – WORKOUT PLAN DAY 1 Supplements Legs–Booty Builder • 10g BCAA throughout workout, 2L water • 5g Glutamine post workout Walking Lunges Single Leg Elevated Hip Bridge • Be sure you can do a quality stationary lunge before attempting • When doing this exercise, be sure to walking lunges. lift your hips to the point of fl exing your glutes! Hold the contraction • Bring back knee roughly 1 inch from before slowly lowering back to the the ground keeping your weight in ground. Roughly a 3 count on the way the heel of your front leg. down will do and do not rest on the • Goal is to feel the intensity of the ground at the bottom of the move- exercise in the hamstring/glute of ment, hover, then go back up to full your front leg. glute contraction. Take your time and feel the movement. • Ensure your front knee tracks in line with the second toe of your front leg. • Dip the middle of your foot into the middle of the bench (be sure the • Walking lunges are excellent for glu- bench is secure before starting). te/ham/quad development. SUGGESTED WEIGHTS SUGGESTED WEIGHTS Beginner: Intermediate: Advanced: Lyzabeth: Beginner: Intermediate: Advanced: Lyzabeth: 80lbs 100lbs 200+lbs the whole stack! 0-10lbs per 10-20lb/hand 20+lbs per 20-35lb per hand or 20 lbs or 20-40lb hand or 40lb hand Barbell barbell +barbell Single Leg Hamstring Curl on Stability Ball Hamstring Curls • This is an advanced move. If you haven’t done this before, start with • Be sure that you have set up the both legs on the ball and your hands machine properly. There are generally at your side. height settings, if you don’t know how to set this, ask someone before you • For the single leg, be sure to stay start. steady, if you are not comfortable or your knees are unstable, go to the • Be sure to press you hips into the pad two leg option. and focus on your hamstrings. Exhale on the way up and inhale on the way • At the top of the movement, fl ex your down. glutes, at the bottom of the move- ment, try not to drop your hips or let • Place emphasis on controlling the way them touch the ground unless you down for at least 3 seconds. This is really need to rest. called the negative/eccentric and is an important part of the exercise. SUGGESTED WEIGHTS Beginner: Intermediate/Advanced: 20 reps with both feet on the ball 10 reps/ leg Reverse Abductor Machine • As you open your knees, be sure to fl ex your glutes in a squatted position, Face to the Wall Squats then slowly control your way back to start position. • Go as close to the wall as you can with • Try not to ‘rack’ the weights until you good form. You don’t need to start with have fi nished your set. your toes right against the wall espe- cially if you are very tall. The taller you • Be sure to pivot on your toes and are, generally the further away from the keep your knees and toes tracking in wall you will need to be. the same direction (knee in line with second toe). • The goal in the face to the wall squat is to assist you with driving your glu- • Note, this is not the way the machine tes back, keeping your weight in your was intended to be used, so If you’re heels, holding your abs in and keeping not comfortable using the machine your chest lifted. reversed, sit in the seat as intended. • If you want to add weight to this SUGGESTED WEIGHTS exercise, the ideal way would be with a weighed vest, otherwise, just body- Beginner: Intermediate: Advanced: Lyzabeth: weight is fi ne for this since it for form 20- 30lbs 30- 60lbs 60- 100lbs+ 60- 120lbs rather than building. 6 - TRAIN WITH LYZABETH – WORKOUT PLAN DAY 2 Supplements Bringing S� y ‘Back’ • 10g BCAA throughout workout, 2L water • 5g Glutamine post workout Warm up Narrow Grip Cable Lat Pull Downs • Elliptical – 5 min • Foam roller upper body – 2 min • When doing max weight work, I like to use straps. These can assist with • Upper body joint mobility – 2 min feeling the work in your back rather than your hands or forearms. • Be sure to keep your neck and spine in neutral and focus on feeling the Workout muscles. Super Set #1 WEIGHTS & REPS Set 1 – Chose a weight you can perform EXERCISE SETS REPS 20 reps of (2 sec up/ 3 sec down) Narrow-grip cable •See 3 Set 2 – 4-8 reps (max weight) – drop lat pull downs exercise tips weight approx. 60% - perform 10 more Bosu crunches 3 15 reps. Set 3 - 4-8 reps (max weight) – drop weight approx. 60% - perform 10 more Super Set #2 reps. EXERCISE SETS REPS SUGGESTED WEIGHTS •See Straight arm pull-overs 3 Beginner: Intermediate: Advanced: Lyzabeth: exercise tips Start weight Start weight Start weight Start weight •See 50lbs + 90lbs + 130lbs 135lbs Cable rows 3 exercise tips Super Set #3 Bosu Crunches EXERCISE SETS REPS • Lying on the bosu, lift the straight or Dumbbell rows 3 15 per arm bent opposite leg, opposite hand. Pull Rear delt/back 3 15 your belly button to spine and fl ex your abs as you – perform 20 reps per side – 3 sets total. Tabata SUGGESTED WEIGHTS Inverted Rows — 8 sets/ 20 seconds work/10 seconds Bodyweight only rest •See exercise tips Straight Arm Pullovers • First set is a warm up set. Choose a Ex ercise Ti ps light-weight where you can perform 20 reps slowly and controlled focusing on engaging your core on the way down Foam Roller – Lower Body while driving your shoulders back and lifting your chest. At the bottom of the • Work on the upper back, lower back, movement, fl ex your lats and hold (this shoulders and arms as necessary. is a very important part of the move- • Focus on the areas that are tight. ment). Hold the fl ex for roughly 1.5-2 seconds. Control the weight back up • You can do short rolls, you can also and inhale to prepare for the next rep. hold the roller on an area that feels tight until it relaxes. • The next 2 sets will be heavier drop sets. The goal is to get 4-8 reps out with a heavy weight that you can do with good form, then drop your Upper Body Joint Mobility weight and do an additional 10 reps a • Use a light bar or a towel and go bit faster with no rest at the top of the overhead and back. movement. • If you don’t have any of these, you • Note – if this hurts your lower back, can do arm circles in place of this. either go lighter with weights or con- tract your abs harder, either or both should help. If not, stop. 7 - TRAIN WITH LYZABETH – WORKOUT PLAN DAY 2 Supplements Bringing S� y ‘Back’ • 10g BCAA throughout workout, 2L water • 5g Glutamine post workout WEIGHTS & REPS Dumbbell Row Set 1 – Choose a weight you can per- form 20 reps of (2 sec up/ 3 sec down) • Choose a weight that you can do 10- 15 reps with good form. If you can do Set 2 – 4-8 reps (max weight) – drop more than 15 reps, it’s time to go up weight approx. 60% - perform 10 more in weight. reps. • Keep your spine in neutral and your Set 3 - 4-8 reps (max weight) – drop abs contracted and pulled in. weight approx. 60% - perform 10 more reps. Drop Set (set 2 & 3): Choose a weight SUGGESTED WEIGHTS that you can do 4-8 reps max. Do your best to get to 8 reps, then drop your Beginner: Intermediate: Advanced: Lyzabeth: weight and complete 10-12 reps without 10-15lbs 15-30lbs 30+lbs 40-60lbs resting. SUGGESTED WEIGHTS Beginner: Intermediate: Advanced: Lyzabeth: Rear Delt/Back Start weight Start weight Start weight Start weight 30lbs 35lbs 45-50lbs 50lbs • Keep your chest up, shoulders back and fl ex at the top of the movement as you exhale. Inhale as you return to start without racking the weights. Cable Rows • If you do not have this machine, you • Start your fi rst set with a warm up set can do seated bent over rear delt roughly 20 reps slow, and controlled. raises in it’s place. Contract your scapulas together at the fl ex part of the movement and exhale. SUGGESTED WEIGHTS Inhale as you return to start position. Beginner: Intermediate: Advanced: Lyzabeth: WEIGHTS & REPS 7-10lbs 10-25lbs 25-55lbs 45+lbs Set 1 – Choose a weight you can per- form 20 reps of (2 sec up/ 3 sec down) Set 2 – 4-8 reps (max weight) – drop TABATA – Inverted Row weight approx. 60% - perform 10 more reps. • Use a Smith Machine or a Lebert Set 3 - 4-8 reps (max weight) – drop Equalizer if a smith machine is not weight approx. 60% - perform 10 more available. reps. • If using a Smith Machine, set the Drop Set (set 2 & 3): Choose a weight height to roughly upper thigh height that you can do 4-8 reps max. Do your and add weight to the bar to weigh best to get to 8 reps, then drop your it down. weight and complete 10-12 reps without • Get under the bar as shown in the resting. *Example I start with 130lbs video, feet are fl at, knees at 90 de- and drop to 85lbs and sometimes drop grees, fl ex your glutes so your body is again to 65 to complete the set without straight from knees to shoulders. rest. *Average weight would be to do roughly 70-90lbs max and drop down • For the work phase, go as fast as you to 40-60lbs. can for 20 seconds attempting to get your chest to the bar on every rep, SUGGESTED WEIGHTS take 10 seconds full rest, and repeat for 8 rounds. Beginner: Intermediate: Advanced: Lyzabeth: 30- 60lbs 60- 80lbs 80- 135lbs 80- 135lbs SUGGESTED WEIGHTS Bodyweight only Set up your timer as follows: Prepare: Work: Rest: Cycles: 0:00sec 00:20sec 00:10sec 8 8 - TRAIN WITH LYZABETH – WORKOUT PLAN DAY 3 Supplements Hourglass Shoulders • 10g BCAA throughout workout, 2L water • 5g Glutamine post workout Warm up Halo • Rowing machine – 5 min • It’s very important to get your shoul- • Foam roller upper body – 2 min ders ready for the workout prior to starting. Halo’s are great for strength- • Upper body joint mobility – 2 min ening while increasing mobility and • Halo – 5 times each side getting your muscles ready for the workout ahead. • This is usually done with a kettle Workout bell, but it can also be done with a dumbbell. Super Set #1 • When doing this, aim for full range of motion in each direction. EXERCISE SETS REPS Cable external shoulder rotation 2 10 per arm WEIGHTS & REPS Side lying external shoulder Reps – 5-8 Halo’s in each direction 2 10 per arm rotation Weight – 12-20lbs dumbbell or kettle bell 20 fast Bench v-ups 2 10 slow Cable External Shoulder Rotation Super Set #2 • Set the cable attachment to elbow EXERCISE SETS REPS height. Use the handle attachment. (If you don’t have cables, you can use a Bent arm (90 degree angle) 3 10-15 strength band in it’s place (long thick side lateral raises stretchy elastic band). Shoulder Pres 3 10-15 • Form checks: keep your elbow close Stability Ball Prone V-Ups 10-15 to the body and fl ex your shoulder and back at the contraction part of Push ups 15 the movement. Please note that these are very small muscles and this should be done slow and controlled feeling Super Set #3 every part of the movement! EXERCISE SETS REPS SUGGESTED WEIGHTS Upright barbell rows 3 15 Beginner: Intermediate: Advanced: Lyzabeth: I.Y.T’s 5 - 5-7 lbs per arm 7-12 lbs per arm 10-17.5 lbs per 10 – 20 lbs per arm arm Weighted ab crunch on the ball 3 20 Tabata Side Lying External Clean & Press — 8 sets/ 20 seconds work/10 seconds Rotation of the Shoulder rest •See exercise tips • Lie on your side in a comfortable sta- Push Up Drill - 1 Set ble position, I like to bring one knee 30 wide grip/ 30 medium grip/ 30 narrow grip far forward for stability. • Form check, it is important to tuck your elbow into your side, keep your elbow at a 90 degree angle and focus into the fl ex. Be sure to go heavy Ex ercise Ti ps enough to feel it. • Control the eccentric down phase as Foam Roller – Lower Body well taking 2-3 seconds to return to start position • Work on the upper back, lower back, shoulders and arms as necessary. SUGGESTED WEIGHTS • Focus on the areas that are tight. Beginner: Intermediate: Advanced: Lyzabeth: • You can do short rolls, you can also 2 lbs per arm 3-5 lbs per arm 5-10 lbs per 5-10 lbs per hold the roller on an area that feels arm arm tight until it relaxes. 9 - TRAIN WITH LYZABETH – WORKOUT PLAN DAY 3 Supplements Hourglass Shoulders • 10g BCAA throughout workout, 2L water • 5g Glutamine post workout Bench V-Ups Push Ups • Ensure that you are fl exing your abs • Try to bring your chest right to the on each rep. fl oor on each rep • You may need to go slower to fi nd the • Keep your neck and spine in neutral. fl ex at fi rst (you DON’T want to focus on the hip fl exors). SUGGESTED WEIGHTS Bodyweight SUGGESTED WEIGHTS Bodyweight Bent Arm (90 Degree Angle) Upright Barbell Rows Side Lateral Raises • This exercise can be done with a • his is a different version of the typical barbell (as I show), kettle bells, on the side – lateral raise where the elbows cable machine or with dumbbells. stay at a 90 degree angle. • Work to get your elbows up high and • Ensure you keep your chest lifted and fl ex and then control your way back your shoulders rolled back through- down inhaling. out the movement . • The fi rst time you try this, please try it with a trainer so they can show SUGGESTED WEIGHTS you how to angle your shoulders and elbows for safety. Beginner: Intermediate: Advanced: Lyzabeth: 5 lbs per arm 8- 10 lb per arm 10- 15 lb per 10- 15 lbs per SUGGESTED WEIGHTS arm arm Beginner: Intermediate: Advanced: Lyzabeth: 10 - 20 lbs 20-30 lbs 30-50 lbs 40-50 lbs Shoulder Press (Military Press) • This is a seated over-head shoulder I.Y.T press. • The IYT is named for the how the • Weights should stay in line with the move looks in the top of the move- side of your cheeks ment, kind of like in cheerleading… • Chest should stay lifted and shoulders your arms for an I, Y, and T formation are rolled back, abs are pulled in. at different points of the movement (see video for visual of this). SUGGESTED WEIGHTS • The 15 required reps will equal 5 - I, Y, Beginner: Intermediate: Advanced: Lyzabeth: T’s (NOT 15 of each type). This exer- 8-12 lbs per arm 12-20 lbs per 20-40 lbs per 25-40 lbs per cise is best done either on an incline arm arm arm bench or if you have to, you can do it kneeling over a stability ball. The bench is much preferred if possible. • On the bench, (you can’t see my feet Stability Ball Prone V-Up + in the video), but you can either put Push Ups your knees on the bench which has • This is an advanced exercise. If you’re more lower back engagement, or not ready for the full movement, you what I do – straddle the bench plac- can take out the push up and just do ing feet fi rmly on the ground. the v-up (then you can do the push • 1 rep is equal to: one I, one Y & one T ups separately on a mat). SUGGESTED WEIGHTS • Be sure to engage your abs and fl ex them at the top of the movement. Beginner: Intermediate: Advanced: Lyzabeth: 0-2 lbs per 2-5 lbs per 5-8 lbs per 5-8 lbs per SUGGESTED WEIGHTS hand hand hand hand Bodyweight 10 - TRAIN WITH LYZABETH – WORKOUT PLAN

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