Traffic properties for stochastic routings on scale-free networks Yukio Hayashi∗ and Yasumasa Ono Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Ishikawa, 923-1292, Japan 1 (Dated: January 19, 2011) 1 0 Forrealisticscale-freenetworks,weinvestigatethetrafficpropertiesofstochasticroutinginspired 2 by a zero-range process known in statistical physics. By parameters α and δ, this model controls degree-dependent hopping of packets and forwarding of packets with higher performance at more n busy nodes. Through a theoretical analysis and numerical simulations, we derive the condition for a the concentration of packets at a few hubs. In particular, we show that the optimal α and δ are J involved in the trade-off between a detour path for α <0 and long wait at hubs for α> 0; In the 8 low-performance regime at a small δ, the wandering path for α<0 better reduces the mean travel 1 time of a packet with high reachability. Although, in the high-performance regime at a large δ, the difference between α >0 and α<0 is small, neither the wandering long path with short wait ] h trapped at nodes (α=−1), nor the short hopping path with long wait trapped at hubs(α=1) is p advisable. Auniformlyrandomwalk(α=0)yieldsslightlybetterperformance. Wealsodiscussthe - congestion phenomenain a more complicated situation with packet generation at each time step. c o PACSnumbers: 89.75.Hc,02.50.Ga,89.20.Ff,89.40.-a s . s c I. INTRODUCTION Inother words,the networkconsists ofmany nodes with i s lowdegreesandafewhubswithhighdegrees. Moreover, y a SF network naturally emerges in social acquaintance h In daily socio-economic network systems, many com- relationshipsor peer-to-peer communications,and it has p modities, passengers, or information fragments (ab- [ short paths compared with large network size (the total stractly referred to as packets in this paper) are deliv- number of nodes). 1 ered from one place to another place. In general, it is v expected to send and receivepacketsas quickly as possi- In a realistic SF network, a routing path is shortened 3 ble without encountering traffic congestion which would by passing through hubs for the forwarding of a packet. 9 force packets to wait at nodes. Even if packets are con- However,manypacketsmaybeconcentratedatthehubs 3 centrated(orcondensed intermofstatisticalphysics)on 3 [2], in whose queues the packets are cumulatively stored justafewnodesinsomepartsofanetwork,thissituation . if they arrive in a quantity larger than the processing 1 maycausecongestionoverthenetwork. Thus,oneofthe limit for forwarding. In such a situation, there exists a 0 importantissuesisaroutingstrategy: howtoselectafor- 1 trade-offbetween delivering packets on a short path and warding node in the neighbors of the resident node of a 1 avoiding traffic congestion. To improve communication : packet. Since the efficiency of transportationor commu- efficiencyeveninadynamicenvironmentforawirelessor v nication depends on not only routing strategy, but also adhocnetwork,variousroutingschemesarebeingdevel- i X onnetworktopology,weshouldconsiderarealisticprob- oped. Because, in an ad hoc network, many nodes (such lemsettingfortheroutingandthetopology. Inaddition, r asbasestationsorcommunicationsites)andconnections a considering the interaction of accumulated packets in a betweenthem arelikely to change overtime, then global buffer (called queue) at each node is necessary, since it information, e.g., a routing table in the Internet, cannot cruciallyaffectsthetrafficflowonanetwork. Thispaper beapplied. Inearlywork,somedecentralizedroutingde- discussestrafficpropertiesthatdependonroutingstrate- velopedtoreduceenergyconsumptioninsensorormobile gies in the interaction of packets on a realistic network networks,however they lead to the failure of guaranteed topology. delivery [3]; in the flooding algorithm, multiple redun- During this decade, a new research field, complex net- dant copies of a message are sent and cause congestion, work science,hasbeencreated[1],sinceacommontopo- while greedy and compass routing may occasionally fall logicalstructure calledscale-free (SF) was foundto exist into infinite loops or into a dead end. Thus, we focus in many real networks such as the Internet, the World- on stochastic routing methods using only local informa- Wide-Web, power grids, airline networks, social collab- tion with respect to the resident node of a packet and oration networks, human sexual contacts, and biological to the connected neighbors on a path, due to their sim- metabolic pathways, etc. The SF structure is character- plicity and power. If the terminal node of a packet is ized by the property that the distribution of degree (the included in the neighbors of the resident node, then the number of connections to a node) follows a power-law. packet is deterministically sent to the terminal in order to guarantee reachability unless the connectivity is bro- ken. We call this neighbor search (or n-search) only at the laststepto the terminal. Note thatthe development ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] ofstochastic routing methods is still in progressdepend- 2 ing on device and information processing technologies. packets in the node capacity. In these models (including Although we suppose a mixture of wireless and wired our model discussed later), a significant issue commonly communications in future networks, first of all, we aim arises from the trade-off between delivering packets on tounderstandtherelationsfortrafficpropertiesbetween a shorter path and avoiding the congestion caused by a fixed network topology and routing methods. Here, it concentration of packets on a few nodes such as hubs. is usually assumed for simplicity that each node has the In the typical models, a forwarding node k is cho- same performance in the forwarding of packets. sen with probability either Kα/ Kα [9–11] or k j∈Ni j The enhancementof performanceinforwardingis also (m +1)−β/ (m +1)−β [1P2]. Here,αandβ are reasonable [4, 5]. For example, in the Internet or airline rea(lkp)arameterPs,jK∈Nkiand(jm) (k) denote the degree and the networks, an important facility with many connections dynamically-occupiedqueue lengthby packetsat node k has high performance; more packets or flights are pro- in the connected neighbors to the resident node i of i cessed as the incoming flux of communication requests the packet. These methodsNare not based on a random or of passengers increases. Such higher performance at walk (selecting a forwarding node uniformly at random more busy nodes is effectively applied in a zero-range among the neighbors), but on the extensions (including process (ZRP) [6, 7], which tends to distribute packets the uniformly random one at α,β = 0) called preferen- throughoutthe whole network,insteadofavoidingpaths tial and congestion-aware walks, respectively. Note that through hubs. α > 0 leads to a short path passing through hubs, and Inthispaper,fromtherandomwalkversion,weextend that α<0 and β >0 lead to the avoidance of hubs and the ZRP on a SF network to the degree-dependent hop- congested nodes with large m . In stochastic routing (k) ping rule, which parametrically controls routing strate- methods, instead of using the shortest path, the optimal giesinthe trade-offbetweentheselectionofashortpath values α= 1 and β =1 for maximizing the generation passingthroughhubs,andtheavoidanceofhubsatwhich rate of pack−ets in a free-flow regime have been obtained manypacketsarecondensedandwaitinqueuesforalong by numericalsimulations [10, 11]. A correlationbetween time. The above models in statistical physics are useful thecongestionatnodelevelandabetweennesscentrality for the analysis of complex phenomena involved in tran- measure was suggested [12]. sition form a free-flow phase to a congestion phase, or Other routing schemes [8, 13, 14] have also been con- the opposite transition. Most research on traffic conges- sidered, taking into account lengths of both the routing tionrelyonnumericalsimulations. Althoughafewother path and of the queue. In a deterministic model [14], theoretical analyses based on the mean-field approxima- a forwarding node k is chosen among neighbors by i tion[8]havebeendone,wecannotcomparethemtothe N minimizing the quantity hd +(1 h)m witha weight k (k) ZRP,simplybecauseofdifferentproblemsettings. Thus, − 0 h 1, d denoting the distance from k to the ter- k we consider a combination of settings as modified traffic ≤ ≤ minal node. Since we must solve the optimization prob- models, and numerically investigate them. lems,thesemodels[11,14]arenotsuitableforwirelessor Theorganizationofthispaperisasfollows. InSec. II, ad hoc communication networks. Thus, stochastic rout- webrieflyreviewthe relatedmodels inrecentstudies. In ing methods using only local information are potentially Sec. III, we introduce a stochastic packettransfermodel promising. In a stochastic model [8], k is chosen i defined by the ZRP, in which all packets persist without at random, and a packet at the top of it∈s qNueue is sent any generation and removals. Then, in terms of funda- with probability 1 η(m ) or refused with probability (k) mentalproperties,weapproximatelyanalyzethestation- η(m ) as a nonde−creasing function of the queue length (k) ary probability of incoming packets at each node on SF m . This model is simplified by the assumption of a (k) networks, and derive the phase transition for condensa- constantarrivalrateofpackets,foranalyzingthe critical tion of packets at hubs in the degree-dependent hopping point of traffic congestion in a mean-field equation [8]. rule. In Sec. IV, we numerically confirm the phase tran- With a different processingpowerateachnode [10], it sition, and as a new result, show the trade-offbetween a hasalsobeenconsideredthatthenodecapacityc ispro- i detourwanderingpathandlongwaitathubs. Moreover, portional to its degree K , therefore more packets jump i we discuss the congestion phenomenon in the modified out from a node as the degree becomes larger. On the traffic models with packet generation. In Sec. V, we other hand, in the ZRP [6, 7, 15], the forwarding capac- summarizetheseresultsanddescribesomeissuesforfur- ity at a node depends on the number of m defined as (i) ther research. a queue length occupied by packets at node i. The ZRP is a solvable theoretical model for traffic dynamics. In particular, in the ZRP with a random walk at α = 0, II. RELATED WORK the phase transition between condensation of packets at hubs and uncondensation on SF networks has been de- Many traffic models have been proposed in various rived [6, 7]. For α > 0, a similar phase transition has problem settings for routing, node capacity, and packet been analyzed in the mean-field approximation[16]. generation. They are summarized in Table I. The basic In the next two sections, based on a straightforward processes for packet transfer consist of the selection of approach introduced in Refs. [6, 7], we derive the phase a forwarding (coming-in) node and the jumping-out of transition in the ZRP on SF networks with the degree- 3 dependent hopping rule for both α > 0 and α < 0, in- Inthis routing rule relatedto the ZRP,the totalnum- spiredbypreferential[9–11]andcongestion-awarewalks. ber M of packets is constant atany time, and eachnode Althoughtheruleisnotidenticaltothecongestion-aware performsastochasticlocalsearchasfollows: ateachtime routingscheme[12]basedonoccupiedqueuelengthm , step, a packet jumps out of a node i stochastically at a (k) α < 0 corresponds to avoiding hubs with large degrees, givenrate q (m ) as a function of m , andthen comes i (i) (i) where many packets tend to be concentrated. Further- into one of the neighboring nodes k chosen with i more, we study the traffic properties in the case with probability Kα/ Kα. When ∈a pNacket is trans- k k′∈Ni k′ neighbor search into a terminal node at the last step. ferred from i toPk, the queue length m(k) is increased by one unit, and m is simultaneously decreased. The (i) above processes are conceptual, the relaxation dynam- TABLEI:Recenttrafficmodelsforcomplexnetworks. When ics for the simulationof packettransfer is necessary,and a packet is forwarded from a current node i to k ∈ N , the i described in Sec. IV. The effect of the deterministic neighboring node k is chosen with probability Π or by min- k neighborsearchintoa terminalnode atthe laststepwill imizing an objective function on a routing path. The node also be discussed later. capacity c isdefinedbythenumberofsimultaneously trans- i ferable packets from each node i. Here, K(x) denotes the l degree of node x, Θ(x) is the step function, and m∗ is a l threshold, β ≥0, and 0≤η¯<1. B. Stationary probability in α-random walks Ref. selectionof node packet Before investigating the influence of dynamic queue forwardingnode capacity generation lengths on traffic properties, we consider the stationary [10] Πk ∝Kkα ci=10or Yes probability of incoming packets at each node. As men- −1≤α≤1 ci=Ki tioned in the previous subsection, we extend a random [11] min PlK(xl)β ci=1 Yes walk routing [15, 20], in which a walker(packet) chooses onapath{x0,...,xn} a node uniformly at randomamong the neighbors of the [12] Πk ∝(m(k)+1)−β ci=1 Yes current node on a path, to a degree-dependent routing. We call it α-random walk. [13] Πk ∝Kk(m(k)+1)−β ci=5 Yes As in Ref. [20], for the probability P of finding the ij [14] min hdk+(1−h)m(k) ci=1 Yes walker at node j ∈ Nk from node i through the inter- 0≤h≤1 mediate nodes k at time t, the master equation i ∈ N [8] randomwalk is wiη¯thΘ(amr(ekfu)s−almp∗ro)b. ci=1 Yes P (t+1)= Kjα P (t). (1) [6,[716,]15] Πkα∝>K0kα jumpminδgrate No ij Xk j′∈NkKjα′ ik (i) P ByiteratingEq. (1),anexplicitexpressionforthetransi- tionprobabilityP togofromnodeithroughj ,...,j ij 1 t−1 to j in t steps follows as Kα Kα III. PACKET TRANSFER MODEL Pij(t)=j1,.X..,jt−1 j1′∈Nj1iKjα1′ ×...× j′∈Njtj−1 Kjα′, (2) P P A. Routing rule where the sum is taken over the connected j1,...,jt−1 paths between nPodes i and j, as shown in Fig. 1. In Consider a system of M interacting packets on a net- the opposite directions of the same paths, the transition work of N nodes with a density ρ = M/N, M = probability P follows as ji N m , where m 0 denotes the occupation num- i=1 (i) (i) ≥ Kα Kα bPer of packets in the queue at each node 1 i N. For P (t)= jt−1 ... i . simplicity, we assume that the queue lengt≤h is≤not lim- ji jt−X1,...,j1 jt′−1∈NjKjαt′−1 × × i′∈Nj1 Kiα′ ited, and that the order of stored packets is ignored. If P P (3) there is a limitation on the queue length, it may become We assume the network to be uncorrelated: there is no necessary to discuss a cascading problem [17–19] whose correlationbetween two degrees of any connected nodes, dynamics are very complicated. sothat Kα =K Kα and Kα =K Kα To investigate the predicted properties from the the- j1′ j1′ i·h i jt′−1 jt′−1 j·h i hold byPusing the mean value PKα of the α-power of oretical analysis in the ZRP [6, 7, 15], we use the same h i degree. By comparing the expression of P in Eq. (2) problem setting, such that all packets persist on paths ij with that of P in Eq. (3), we obtain the equivalent in the network without generation or removals of pack- ji relation ets. Formorecomplexsituationswithpacketgeneration, some models modified by adding different routing rules Ki Kj P = P . will be investigated in subsection 4.2. Kα ij Kα ji j i 4 Thus, for any source i and step t, P is proportional to ij 0 10 K1+α, while P is proportionalto K1+α. Consequently, j ji i the stationary solution P∞ of the incoming probability j Pij is proportional to Kj1+α. This form, related only to ng 10-1 the degree of the forwarding node j, is suitable for the mi theoreticalanalysisoftheZRPpresentedinthenextsub- o c sectionandintheAppendix. Theapproximativesolution n 10-2 iesqualastoioonb[t1a0in]eudndfreormthaesdaiffmeereanstsuamppprtoioanchoftountchoerrmelaastteedr ob.of I -3 αα == 01..50 networks. Pr 10 α = 0.0 α = -0.5 α = -1.0 k’ -4 10 : 100 101 102 103 i k j K : k" FIG. 2: Probability of incoming at a node with degree K in theα-randomwalkofM =1000independentpackets(equiva- lenttothecaseofδ =1)through1000rounds. Thelinesguide theestimated slopes in theleft column (without n-search) in TableII,andtheplottedmarksshowtheprobabilityobtained ..... in a BA network with N =1000 and hKi=10. : : ..... i j1 jt-1 j : : TABLEII:Numericallyestimatedexponentβ ≈1+αforthe ..... lines from the plotted marks in Fig. 2 by using the mean- square-error method for the independent walks of M =1000 packets. These valuesgive theaveraged slopes for P∞ ∝Kβ j j FIG. 1: Combination of consecutive nodes on the routefrom in 100 BA networkswith N =1000 and hKi=10. node i to j. The dashed rectangles correspond to the sum of Eqs. (1)-(3). without withn-search α β β 1.0 2.245 2.143 Figure 2 shows the stationary solution P∞ Kβ and 0.5 1.611 1.576 j ∝ j the exponent β 1+α 0 for the SF networks (gen- 0.0 1.039 1.027 ≈ ≥ -0.5 0.524 0.519 erated by the BA: Baraba´si-Albert model [1]). Table II -1.0 0.022 0.019 alsoshowsthatthe estimatedexponentsβ areconsistent in the cases both with and without neighbor search into a terminal node at the last step. Here, the terminal is chosen from all nodes uniformly at random. After ar- where Z is a normalization factor and riving at the terminal, the packet is restarted (resent) from the node to a new terminal, in order to maintain f (m )d=ef Πm(i) Pi∞ , (5) the persistency of packets in the ZRP. i (i) ω=1(cid:18)q (ω)(cid:19) i for an integer m > 0 and f (0) = 1. We consider a (i) i function q (ω) = ωδ with a parameter 0 δ 1 for C. Phase transition in the ZRP i ≤ ≤ forwarding performance. This means that a node works harder for transfer, as it has more packets in the queue We discuss the phase transition between condensation with larger ω and δ. and uncondensation in the ZRP with degree-dependent Using the probability distribution in Eq. (4) and hopping rule of packets. For the configuration the stationary probability P∞ Kβ, we can calculate i ∝ i def m(1),...,m(i),...,m(N) the∞meωaPn(vmalue=hmω(i))iisadteefiancehdnboydeu.sinHgerteh,ehpmro(ib)iab=il- ω=0 i (i) of occupation at each node, the stationary solution of a Pity distribution Pi(m(i)) = ω) of the number of packets single packet is given by the factorized form occupying node i. 1 1 P (m =ω)= f (ω)Π f (m ), (6) P(m(1),...,m(i),...,m(N))= ZΠNi=1fi(m(i)), (4) i (i) Zi X∗ i j6=i j (j) 5 where the sum is taken in combination m = omega: ∗ (i) {m(1),...,m(i−1),m(iP+1),...,m(N)} on the constraint ao ff ioxcecdu lpeinegdt hqueue m = M ω as shown in Fig. 3, and Z is j6=i (j) − i Pa normalization factor. It is difficult to directly solve .... .... the normalization factor Z or Z. Thus, introducing a i fugacity variable z [21], the mean value is given by a generating function m(1) + ... + m(i-1) + m(i+1)+ ... + m(N)= M - omega ωzωf (ω) ∂lnF (z) m = ω i =z i , (7) h (i)i P zωf (ω) ∂z FIG. 3: Illustration of the queue length occupied by packets ω i at each node. For the sum P in Eq. (6), there are many P ∗ combinations of {m ,...,m ,m ,...,m } satisfy- (1) (i−1) (i+1) (N) where the second term in the right-hand side of Eq. (7) ing P m =M −ω. j6=i (j) is due to the definition ∞ F (z)d=ef zωf (ω). i i TABLE III: Scaling of the crossover degree K , the mean c ωX=0 occupation number m at a node with degree K and m K hub atthehubwiththemaximumdegreeK forthecases: (A) max Fharovme the definition (5), qi(ω) = ωδ, and Pi∞ ∝ Kiβ, we dδe>noδtce,s(nBo)cδor=resδpc,on(Cde)n0ce<. δ < δc, and (D) δ = 0. A blank ∞ (zKβ)ω Kc mK<Kc mK>Kc mhub Fi(z)=ωX=0 (ω i!)δ , (8) (((CAB))) (lnKKmm1−aaδxx/)δδcc/β ((KK//KKcc))ββ ((KK//KKKβcc/))βδβ//δδc OO((NON/(δNlcn/)Nδ)) (D) Kmax Kβ/(Kmβax−Kβ) ρN because fi(ω) = Πωm=1 Kmiβδ = ((Kωiβ!))δω in Eq. (5). The (cid:16) (cid:17) fugacityzshouldbedeterminedfromtheself-consistency equation ρ = N m /N as a function of z. Note i=1h (i)i A. Traffic properties for α-random walks in the that M = NPm is the total number of packets in i=1h (i)i ZRP anetworkoPfN nodes, andthat the density ρis constant at N,M . →∞ We have performed simulations for M =1000 packets In this paper, we consider a SF network whose degree onSFnetworksgeneratedbytheBAmodel[1]withasize distribution follows a power-law P(K) K−γ. Accord- ∼ N =1000,anaveragedegree K =10,andanexponent ing to the performances of jumping-out, we classify the γ = 3 of P(K) K−γ. Fromh thie initial state in which following cases (A) δ > δc d=ef β/(γ 1), (B) δ = δc, (C) one packet is se∼t on each node, the following processes − δ <δc, and (D) δ =0 for a critical value δc of the phase are repeatedas the relaxationof the ZRP [7] fromnode- transitionfromuncondensationto condensationof pack- baseddynamicstoparticle-baseddynamics[21]. Ateach ets,ortheoppositetransition. Sincethederivationisthe time step, a packet is selected at random. With prob- sameasinRefs. [6,7]atα=0,exceptwithaslightmod- ability q (m )/m = mδ−1, the packet jumps out of i (i) (i) (i) ification for a general value of α (and the corresponding its resident node i, and hops to one of the neighboring β 1+α), we briefly review it in the Appendix. We nodes j with probability Kα/ Kα. Other- sum≈marize the generalized results for 0 α 1 in Ta- ∈ Ni j j′∈Ni j′ ≤| |≤ wise, the selected packet does not moPve with probability ble III (from that for α = 0). In the cases (B) and (C), 1 q (m )/m . The time is measuredas a unit of one i (i) (i) many packets condensate at nodes with degree K > K − c round (Monte Carlo sweep) consisting of M trials of the because of the larger exponent β/δ > β. Note that the random selection of a packet. queue length occupied by packets is rewritten as m Ki Figure 4 shows the mean occupation number mK taking into account the dependence on the degree K . h i i of packets at a node with degree K in the cases both with/without neighbor search (n-search), while the top of Fig. 4 shows the predicted piecewise linear behav- ior [16] for the crossover degree K shown in Table IV; c IV. SIMULATION the steeperlineindicatescondensationatthe nodeswith high degrees, and the bottom of Fig. 4 shows that con- In subsection 4.1, we numerically investigatethe basic densation is suppressed by a more gentle line. As shown properties of packet transfer in the ZRP. In subsection in the insets, the marks slightly deviate from a line, es- 4.2,wefurtherdiscusscongestionphenomenawithpacket pecially in the head and the tail, because of the effect of generation. n-search into a terminal node at the last step. In these 6 103 TABLE IV: Classification of the cases in Table III for the combinations of α and δ. The values in themid-columns are 103 102 Kc =Km1−aδx/δc,forδc =β/2inthecase(C),correspondingto 101 themaximum,average,andminimumofKmax =189,132,98 102 100 in each vertical triplet from the top to the bottom. These results are obtained in 100 realizations of BA networks with 10-1 1 N =1000 and hKi=10. > 10 10-2 K 100 101 102 m δ 0.0 0.2 0.5 0.8 δc < 100 α -1 10 74.26 18.29 4.504 1.0 (D) 55.29 14.98 4.063 1.122 43.28 12.71 3.731 10-2 0 1 2 10 10 10 51.44 7.304 1.037 0.5 (D) 39.27 6.374 1.034 0.805 K 31.39 5.693 1.032 Case(C): α=0.5, δ=0.2 25.15 1.221 103 0.0 (D) 20.16 1.204 (A) 0.519 16.79 1.191 103 102 101 3.478 -0.5 (D) 3.193 (A) (A) 0.262 102 100 2.975 10-1 1 -1.0 (D) (A) (A) (A) 0.011 > 10 10-2 K 100 101 102 m < 100 cases at the top and the bottom of Fig. 4, the critical 10-1 values of δ (1+α)/(γ 1) are 0.75>δ and 0.25<δ, c ≈ − respectively. Thus, condensation of packets at hubs can 10-2 be avoidedas the performance of transferis enhanced at 100 101 102 a large δ, although the transition depends on the prob- K ability of incoming packets according to the value of α; Case(A): α=−0.5, δ=0.8 a negative α induces a nearly homogeneous visiting of nodes, while a positive α induces a heterogeneously bi- FIG.4: Typicalresultsforthemeanoccupationnumberhm i K asedvisitingofthenodeswithhighdegrees. Wenotethat ofpacketsat anodewith degreeK in theroutingwithout n- the uncondensed phase is maintained in a wide range of search. Inset: the cases with n-search. The circle and cross δ >δ (1+α)/(γ 1) for α<0, as shown in the case marks correspond to the results in 1000 and 100 rounds, re- c (A) of≈Table IV. − spectively. The dashed lines show the slopes β and β/δ in Table III. Note that condensation of packets at the nodes Next, in order to study the traffic properties, such as with high degrees occurs in Case(C). These results are ob- the travel time on the routing path, we consider packet tainedfrom theaveragesof100samplesofpackettransferon dynamicsinarealisticsituationwithn-searchintoater- a BA network whose maximum degree is the closest to the minal node at the last step. If the terminal is included average value K =132 in the 100 realizations. max amongtheneighborsoftheresidentnodeforarandomly selected packet, then it is deterministically forwarded to the terminal node, taking into account the reach- stochastic forwarding, because a terminal node is highly able chance, otherwise it is stochastically forwarded to a neighboring node j with probability Kα/ Kα. likely to be connected to some hubs. At the same time, The n-search is practically effective and njecePssja′r∈yNiin ojr′- this leads to congestion at hubs. However, in the case der to reach a terminal node. Remember that the esti- without n-search, a packet may wander for a very long mated values of β are similar to both with/without n- time, which is not bounded a priorifor the simulationof search, as shown in Table II. Therefore, the behavior the packettransfer. It is intractable due to huge compu- of the mean occupation number m is similar to that tations. Thus, we focus on the case with n-search. K h i shown in Fig. 4 and the inset. In the following discus- We investigatethe traffic propertiesfor reachabilityof sions,if we leaveout n-search,then the optimal parame- packets,thenumberofhops,thetraveltimeT including a ter valuesofα andδ maybe changedforlow-latencyde- thewaittimeofatrappedpacketinqueues,andthesum livery,althoughthe difference isprobablysmallfromthe T of wait times on a path until arrival at the terminal. w above similarity. By selecting hubs for α > 0, a packet Note that the travel time is T = T + (time to one a w is terminated with higher probability even in only the hop) (thenumberofhops). Wealsodefinetheaveraged × 7 1 4000 3500 0.8 3000 2500 hability 0.6 0 .18 <T>a 2000 Reac 0.4 Reachability 00..46 α = 1.0 11050000 0.2 0.2 αα == 00..50 500 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 α = −0.5 0 Observed Interval α = −1.0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0 δ 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 Observed Interval 160 10 140 α = 1.0 3 per Round 68 αααα ==== --0001..50..50 Num. of Restarts per Round 012 ...12555 m. of Hops 11 802000 arts 0 0 5000 10O00b0ser 1ve5d0 0In0te r2v0a0l00 25000 30000 Nu 60 st e 4 R 40 of um. 2 20 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 N δ 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 FIG.6: Themean traveltime(top)andthemean numberof Observed Interval hops(bottom). The △, +,∗, ×, and ▽ marks correspond to α=1.0,0.5,0.0,−0.5,and−1.0,respectively. Thesimulation 500 334050000000 αα == 01..50 conditions are the same as in Fig. 5. 2500 α = 0.0 400 <T>a 112050000000 αα == --01..50 500 300 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 atδ =0.0. Forothermeasures,similarconvergenceprop- > Observed Interval a T ertiesareobtained. Wecomparethesecurvesintermsof < 200 thevaluesofα;theyshiftupfromα= 1.0toα=0.5in − the case (A) δ >δ , while down from α=0.5 to α=1.0 c 100 in the case (C) δ < δ . This non-monotonic dependence c on α is related to the condensation transition, since the 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 change between δ > δc and δ < δc occurs at the critical Observed Interval value α = 0.6 for the equivalence δc (1+α)/(γ 1) ≈ − δ = 0.8. Thus, it appears when α is greater or less FIG. 5: Convergence properties in the high-performance ⇔ than 0.5 in Fig. 5. In the following, we briefly explain regime at δ = 0.8 in the observed interval [rounds] after the each property: reachability, the number of restarts, and transientstateofhm i. Inset: resultsinthelow-performance K T . The reachabilityof the restartedpackets is around regime at δ = 0.0. These results are obtained from the av- h ai 0.99 on similar curves for all values of α at δ = 0.8, erages of 100 samples of packet transfers on a BA network while these curves separate in increasing order of α at whose maximum degree is the closest to the average value K =132 in the100 realizations. δ = 0.0 (see the inset at the top of Fig. 5). Note that max the number of restarted packets cumulatively increases as the observed interval is longer, although the rate per wait time T /N per node, where N is the number round is constantly around 3 5 in the ordering from w w w ∼ of trappings in queues at the nodes on a routing path. α = 0, α = 0.5, to α = 1 for δ = 0.8, and less than ± ± Thesemeasuresarecumulativelycountedintheobserved 1 in the ordering from α = 1.0 to α = 1.0 for δ = 0.0, − intervalafter1000rounds,andaveragedover100samples as shown in the middle of Fig. 5 and in the inset. The of this simulation. Here, we discarded the initial 1000 maximum and the minimum lines for the mean travel rounds as a transient before the stationary state of m(i) time hTai are obtained at α = −1 and α = 0, respec- is reached. tively, for δ = 0.8. However, all of the curves shift up for δ = 0.0 (see the inset at the bottom of Fig. 5), and Figure 5 shows, from the top to the bottom, the con- T is longer as the value of α increases, because of the vergence of reachability, the mean number of restarted a h i waiting at high-degree nodes. packetsperround,andthe meantraveltime inthe high- performance regime at δ = 0.8. The inset shows a We further investigate the above traffic properties, es- slightly slow convergence in the low-performance regime pecially for the forwardingofpacketswith moredetailed 8 valuesofδfor30000roundsinthequasi-convergentstate. 120 As shown in Fig. 6, the mean travel time Ta decreases 110 h i as the value of δ increases with higher forwarding per- 100 formance, because the wait time trapped in a queue de- 90 creases on average. In particular, packets tend to be 80 > trapped at hubs for a long time when α > 0, and then Nw 70 Ta is longer. In contrast,the number of hops increases < 60 h i on average as the value of δ increases, because some 50 longerpathsareincludedinhigherreachability. Thepath 40 length counted by hops tends to be short through hubs 30 when α>0, however it tends to be long on a wandering 20 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 pathwhenα<0. Thereforethenumberofhopsincreases δ in decreasing order of α. Note that the number of hops 160 is very small compared to T , which is dominated by a h i the mean wait time T T on a path. 140 w a h i≈h i As shown in Fig. 7, the mean number Nw of trap- 120 h i pings at nodes on a path increases when α > 0 and de- >w 100 creaseswhenα<0asthevalueofδincreaseswithhigher N forwarding performance. This up-down phenomenon >/< 80 w may be caused by a trade-off between the avoidance <T 60 of trapping through sufficiently high forwarding perfor- 40 mance at a node and the inclusion of longer paths with 20 highreachability. Themeanwaittime T /N pernode h w wi 0 decreases as the value of δ increases, and is longer in in- 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 creasingorderofαbecauseofthelongwaittimeathubs. δ In summary, the wandering path for α < 0 better re- FIG. 7: The mean number of trappings at nodes (top) and duces the meantraveltime ofapacketwithhighreacha- the mean wait time per node (bottom). The △, +, ∗, ×, bilityinthelow-performanceregimeatasmallδ,whilein and ▽ marks correspond to α=1.0,0.5,0.0,−0.5, and −1.0, the high-performance regime at a large δ, the difference respectively. The simulation conditions are the same as in betweenα>0andα<0issmall,neitherthe wandering Fig. 5. long path with short wait trapped at nodes (α = 1), − nor the short hopping path with long wait trapped at hubs (α = 1) is advisable. Thus, a uniformly random Here,nodej ischosendeterministicallybyn-search walk (α=0) yields slightly better performance. ifj istheterminalnode,otherwiseitischosenwith a probability proportional to Kα. j Mod 2: Moreover, instead of n-search, the selected B. Congestion phenomenon packet is removed with probability µ, or it enters the queue with probability 1 µ. This subsection discusses the congestion phenomenon − when packets are randomly generated at each node at a Mod 3: In Mod 2 , there is no refusal process (η¯=0). constant rate p, and removedat the terminal nodes (not In Mod 1, the randomly-selected packet from the queue restarted within the persistency). In order to reduce the does not leave node i with a constant probability η¯ if computationalload,thepacketdynamicsstartsfromthe the occupation number m of packets is greater than a initial state: there are no other packets than the ones (j) threshold m∗, while in Mod 2, after passing this refusal that are generated. We compare the phenomenon in our check, it is removed with a constant probability µ. Note trafficmodelbasedontheZRPwiththatinthefollowing thatconstantarrivalwasassumedtotheoreticallypredict modifications related to the traffic-aware routing [14] at the critical point of traffic congestion in the mean-field α=0[8]. TableVsummarizesacombinationofthebasic approximation as N [8]. With packet generation, processes: withorwithout(Yes orNo)the refusaloffor- → ∞ we canperformthe ZRP as anextensionofthe model in warding,n-search,andaconstantarrivalwithprobability Ref. [8]. In particular, the case of δ = 0 corresponds to µ. The other processes for choosing a forwarding node j with probability Kα and for jumping-out a packet node capacity ci = 1 for all nodes i; only one packet is ∝ j transferable from a node at each time. from its resident node i at the rate mδ are common. (i) For a variable generation rate p, we investigate the appearance of congestion by using the order parameter Mod 1: With probabilityη(m )=η¯Θ(m m∗), the (j) (j) [8, 14] − selected packet is not transfered to j , but is i ∈ N refused at node i, where Θ(x) is the step function, M(t+τ) M(t) op= lim − , m∗ is a threshold, and a parameter 0<η¯ 1. t→∞ τpN ≤ 9 1 TABLE V: Modified traffic models. 0.8 p Refusal n-search const. arrival er o et 0.6 Noη¯=0 ZRP Mod 3 am Yesη¯>0 Mod 1 Mod 2 Par 0.4 er d Or 0.2 0 whereM(t)denotesthesumofexistingpacketsinqueues 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 Generation Rate p over network (practically for a large t), and τ is the ob- 1 served interval. The value of op represents level of con- gestion, e.g. op 0 indicates a free-flow regime, while 0.8 opI≈n t1hienfdoilclaowteisnga≈,cwoengseesttηe¯d=re0g.7imaen.d m∗ =5 for the re- meter op 0.6 a fusalprocess. AsshowninFig. 8,inthecasesinwhichn- ar P 0.4 searchtakesplace,thevalueofoprapidlygrowswiththe der increasing of the generation rate p, since the removal of Or 0.2 a packet arriving at the terminal node is rare, especially 0 for a small δ. Here, the marks and color lines indicates 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 differentvaluesofδandα. Bycomparingthecorrespond- Generation Rate p ing curves of the same color and marks in the top and FIG. 8: The valuesof op for the ZRP(top) and Mod 1 (bot- the bottom figures, we notice that the ZRP suppresses tom)usingn-search. Theopen△,∗,and▽markscorrespond congestion in smaller ops than Mod 1, in particular, for to α=1.0,0.0, and −1.0, respectively. The red, green, blue, δ =0.5,0.8 (blue and magenta lines). At the top of Fig. and magenta lines correspond to δ = 0.0,0.2,0.5, and 0.8, 8, the magenta lines indicate the existence of a free-flow respectively. regime around a small p for δ = 0.8 as high forwarding performance. Thus, the refusal process does not work effectivelyinthe caseswithn-search,atleastforthis pa- where β = 3 yields the maximum generation rate in a rameter set. At both the top and the bottom of Fig. 8, free-flowregime[13]. AsshowninFig. 10,inthisoptimal the difference for the same color lines with three marks case,thebehaviorissimilartothatinMod3withoutthe corresponding to α = 1,0 is small, except for δ = 0.8 refusal process at the top of Fig. 9, although it has bet- ± in Mod 1 (magenta lines at the bottom). However, the ter performance thanMod 3. There is a free-flowregime curves shift down as δ becomes larger; in other words, in the case when δ = 0.8 (the magenta line with filled the congestion is suppressed by higher forwarding per- upward-pointingtrianglemarks)ataconstantarrival. In formance. Note that a uniformly random walk at α = 0 thismethod,aforwardingnodeisdynamicallyselectedin (asteriskmarks)yieldsbetterperformanceforeachvalue a balance between reducing distance by passing through of δ. large degree nodes, and avoiding congestion. Thus, a When a constant arrival with probability µ is applied further improvement may be potentially expected in the instead of the realistic n-search, the behavior changes. tuningofthebalanceforα-randomwalksandothermod- Figure 9 showsthat the refusalprocess workseffectively, ifications. sinceMod2withthe refusalprocess(atthebottom)has smalleropthanMod3withouttherefusalprocess(atthe top). The gap between three marks for the lines of each V. CONCLUSION colorforMod2atthebottomofFig. 9resemblestothat atthetopofFig. 8,howeverthegapappearsremarkably For a SF network, whose topology is found in many atδ =0.8(magentalines)forMod3inthetopofFig. 9. real systems, we have studied extensions of the ZRP [6, Althoughn-searchleadstoa lowarrivalrate(lowerthan 7,15,20]whichcontrolsboththeroutingstrategiesinthe µ=0.01)asshowninFig. 5,andreachabilityisnot100% preferential [9–11] and congestion-aware [12] walks, and even in the case of persistent packets after restarting, in the node performance for packet transfers. Under the the meaning of smaller op, the ZRP is better than other assumptionofpersistentpackets,wehaveapproximately models, by comparisonwith the corresponding curves in analyzed the phase transition between condensation of Figs. 8 and 9. packets at hubs and uncondensation on SF networks by We consider the other stochastic routing method in another straightforward approach [6, 7] instead of the whicha forwardingnode k i is chosenwith probabil- mean-fieldapproximationinthepreferentialwalkforα> ∈N ity 0 [16]. In particular,we have foundthat uncondensation is maintained in a wide rage of δ >δ (1+α)/(γ 1) c Π K (m +1)−β, (9) for α<0. ≈ − k k (k) ∝ 10 1 TABLE VI:Qualitative summary of thetraffic properties. 0.8 p er o MeanValue α>0 α<0 forlargerδ et 0.6 m Reachability low high increasedր a ar Num. ofHops small large increasedր Order P 00..24 ONnTuermaWv.eaoliftTWhiTmawietih/hThNNawiwii sllmoonnaggll sshhoorrtt ddineecccrrreeeaaassseeedddրցց large decreasedց 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 Characteristics condensation uniformly ofaPath athubs wandering Generation Rate p 1 0.8 p o er et 0.6 m er Para 0.4 awtanitotdreasp(pαed=a−t1h)u,bnsor(αth=es1h)oirstahdovpipsianbglep.aAthuwniitfhorlmonlyg d Or 0.2 random walk (α=0) yields slightly better performance. Thisoptimalityatα=0inahigh-performanceregimeis 0 consistent with the results obtained for the critical gen- 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 eration rate in other traffic model [10] on a SF network Generation Rate p withnodecapacity(correspondingtotheforwardingper- FIG.9: ThevaluesofopforMod3(top)andMod2(bottom) formance) proportional to its degree. However, in the at a constant arrival with probability µ = 0.01, instead of details for our traffic model, the optimal case depends using n-search. The filled △, ×, and ▽ marks correspond to on a combination of the values of α and δ related to the α = 1.0,0.0, and −1.0, respectively. The red, green, blue, condensation transition at δ . We emphasize that, for and magenta lines correspond to δ = 0.0,0.2,0.5, and 0.8, c highreachability,smallnumber ofhops,andshorttravel respectively. orwaittime,suchtrafficpropertiessummarizedinTable VIasthetrade-offbetweenadetourwanderingpathand 1 longwaitathubscannotbeobtainedfromonlythetheo- reticallypredictedphasetransitionbetweencondensation p 0.8 and uncondensation in Ref. [6, 7, 15, 16]. Concerning o er the fundamental traffic properties, we have investigated et 0.6 am thecongestionphenomenonwithpacketgeneration,com- ar P 0.4 paredwithothermodelsrelatedtothetraffic-awarerout- er d ing [8, 13, 14]. We suggestthat the high-forwardingper- Or 0.2 formance at a large δ is more dominant than the refusal processinordertosuppresscongestioninasmallop,and 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 thatthedifferenceofopissmallwhenthevaluesofαare Generation Rate p varied (the case of α= 0 is slightly better for n-search). The above results only show qualitative tendencies. In FIG. 10: The values of op for a traffic-aware routing [13] in further research,more complex and quantitative proper- which a forwarding node k is chosen by applying Eq.(9) in ties shouldbe carefully discussedfor manycombinations the cases of n-search (open marks), and of a constant arrival of parameters α, δ, µ, η¯, m∗, etc., although such simula- with probability µ = 0.01 (filled marks). The red, green, tions may be intractable due to huge computation load blue, and magenta lines correspond to δ = 0.0,0.2,0.5, and and memory consumption for the processing of millions 0.8, respectively. of packets in very long iterations. Thisdirectionofresearchonstochasticroutingmaybe Moreover, we have numerically investigated the traf- the first step to reveal complex traffic dynamics such as fic properties when the practical n-search into a termi- the trade-off between the selection of a short path and nal node at the last step takes place. The phase tran- longwait(delay)atsome particularnodes relatedto the sition has been consistently observed in the cases both underlying network structure. We will investigate this with/withoutn-search. Theobtainedresultsaresumma- problem,including the effects of more realistic selections rized in Table VI. We conclude that the wandering path of the source and the terminal nodes which depend on for α < 0 better reduces mean travel time of a packet geographical positions or population density, the queue withhighreachabilityinthelow-performanceregimeata discipline such as FIFO or LIFO, and other topologies smallδ,whileinthehigh-performanceregimeatalargeδ, todeveloptheoptimalroutingschemes[22]foradvanced neither the wanderinglongpathwithshortwaittrapped sensor or ad hoc networks.