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Traffic Control and Accidents at Rural, High-Speed Intersections PDF

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Preview Traffic Control and Accidents at Rural, High-Speed Intersections

ResearRcehp ort UKTPR-87-6 TRAFFICCO NTROANLD A CCIDENATTS . �U)l,ALH,I IJG-S�PED INTER�SI'1'EON'� ..................... .............................. by KennetRh.A gent TransportaRteiesoanrc Ehn gineer Kentuyc Tkransportation PRregosreaamr ch Collee ogfE ngineering Unievrsiyt of Kecnktyu inc oopetriaowni th TranpsortatiCoabni net Commonawletho fK entucky andt he FederHailg hwaAyd minitsration USD epatrmenotf T ransportation Thec ontenotfst hirse porrte fletchte v iewosf t he authowrh oi sr esopnsibfloer tfhaec ts aacncdu racy oft hed atap resentheedr einT.h ec ontendtosn ot necessarrielfyl etchte o fficivaile wosr p olicioefs theU nivresitoyf K entuc,k tyheK entucTkrya nsportation Cabitne,o rt heF ederHailg whay AidnmistratiTohni.sr eport doesn otc onstitau sttean darsdp, ecificatoirro eng,u lation. Marc1h9 87 TABLOEF CONTENTS Page Inrtodutcion 1 Procduere . 1 --------------------------------------- ------------------------ Results 2 LitaetrurRee veiw 2 SitCeh artaecrisst aincdT raffCiocn traotl StudyI ntersections 2 • AccideAnnta lsyisb y TypeM aojfoT rr affCiocn trol 5 AccideCnhta arcteristics 6 Recmomendationast S tudyL ocations 8 Summray 9 Impelmentation 11 Tables 12 • Figures 32 AppendAi.x AnnotateBdi bliroagpyh 35 AppendBi.x DataS ummray atS tudyI ntersencst io 63 COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY C.L ESLIED AWSON TRANSPORTATICOANB INET MARTHA LAYNE COLLINS SECRETARY FRANKFORT,K ENTUCKY 40622 GOVERNOR AND COMMISSIOOFNH EIRG HWAYS August1 8,1 987 Mr. RobertE . Johnson DivisionA dministrator FederalH ighwayA dministration 330W est Broadway FrankfortK,e ntucky4 0602-0536 SUBJECT:I mplementatiSotna tement ResearchP rojectK YHPR8 6-114 TrafficC ontrola t RuralH ighS peedI ntersections DearM r. Johnson: The Departmento f Highways'D ivisiono f Trafficw ill take the followings teps to implementr ecommendationosu tlinedi n the subject study. It was found that, at a number of intersectionsst udied,t he yellow clearancei ntervala nd all red clearancet imes were improper. The Divisionw ill evaluatee ach intersectiona nd make appropriate yellowa nd all red clearanicnet ervalc hangesw herea ppropriate. It was also recommendedt hat backplateasn d left-turnp hasingb e installeda t a number of intersections.T hese recommendationsa lso will be evaluateda t each intersection aanpdp ropriataec tiont akena s required. The objectiveo f this study was met in that the TrafficE ngineer may decidea ppropriataec tiont o be takena t eachi ntersectiosnt udied. Sincerely, ,_;:>:��·- 'E:;f:.e<�� R. K. Capito,P . E. StateH ighway Engineer ANE QUALO PPORTUNIETMYP LOYEMR/ F/H TechniRceaplo Drotc umentPaatgei on 1.R eporNto . 2.G overnmeAnctc essiNoon. 3.R ecipienCta'tsa loNgo . UKTPR-87-6 4.T itlaen dS ubtitle 5,R eporDto te TrafficC ontraonld A ccidenattsR ura,l Marc1h9 87 6.P erformOirngga nizatCioodne High-SpeeIdn tersections 8.P erformOirngga nizatRieopno rNto . 7.A uthosr}l ------ ------K.--R •.. Age.tn------ -- -- -------- --- -- ---- - --- ------------------- -- --UT-RP-K-8-7------6--- --- 9.P erformOirngga nizatNiaomne a ndA ddress 10.W orkU nitN o.{ TRAIS) KentcukyT ranspaotritoRne searPcrho gram CollegoefE ngineering 11.C ontraocrtG ranNto . Unievrsitoyf Ke ntucky KYHP-RR61-1t. Lexignto,n KY 40506-0043 13.T ypeo fR eporatn dP erioCdo vered 12.S ponsoriAngge ncyNa mea ndA ddress KentcukyT ranspaotritoCna binet Final StatOef ifceB uilding Fraknfor,t KY 40622 14.S ponsoriAngge ncCyo de 15.S upplementNaortye s StudTyi tl:e TraffCiocn traonld A ccidenattsR ura,l HighS-peeIdn tersections Prepariendc ooperatwiiotnht heu .s.D epartmoenfTt r anspotrito,an FederHailg hwaAyd minsitrtaion 16.A bstract Thes itceh arcatericsst,i traifcfc ontruosle d,a nda ccidenotcsc urring at6 5r ura,l high-spienetde rsectwieorness u mmazreid.T hed ifferenrceessu lt- ingw hent her ighotf w ayi sc ontrolblyes dt ospi gnvse rsuas t raifcf signal ared iscsuesd.T hef actocrosn tributtiont gh ea ccdientass w ella st he characteriosftt ihcesa ccdientwse rea nlayze. d Thdea tao btianeda te ach intercsteiowne res ummarizaendd r ecommendoant,si which cobuelu ds eda sa guidfeo ri mplementcihnagn geasto thesri milairn tersencst,iw oerem adef or thes tudlyo cationTsh.ea ccideanntla ysissh owtsh atp roviditnhged river adequawtaern ingo ft hei ntercsteioins o fp rimariymp orntcaef ort hist ypeo f intersieocnt.A t signaliiznetde rsencst,it ohen eedt op roviad ep ropecrh ange intrevala ndm axiimzet hev isibiloiftty h es ingalh eadasr ee ssnetialT.h e needt oc onsidseerp aralteef t-rtnup hasinagl soi ss hown. 17.K eyW ords 18.D istribuSttiaotne ment TraffCiocn trol Accidents Unlimtiedw itha pprovoaflK entcuky Intersections TransportaCtaiboinn et Rural HighS-peed 19.S ecuriCtlyo ssi(fo.ft hirse port) 20. SecuriCtlya ssi{fo.ft hipsa g)e 21N.o .o fP ages 22.P rice Unlcassified Unlcassified 131 ForDmO TF 1700.187- 72) Reproducotfic oonm pleptaegde a uthorized INTRODUCTION Inm anyi ntsancesw,h enr uralh,i gh-spheiegdh wsa,ys uch baysp asseasr,e constructtehde,ra er ea numbero fa t-graidnet ersectailoongn st her oadway. Theser uralh,i gh-speiendt ersieocntsc reataec cidepnott entiadlu et o the conflicg ttirnafcf imoveenmst. Variuos typeosf t raffciocn trmoela surheasv e beenu sed. Fore xmaple,'obnaes idce cisiiosn whetheri nttehres ecsthioounl d bec ontrloeldb y stpo sings,u sualloyn lyf ort hem inosr treetosr,w hether ������-���anf T:-Lsct�g-a�n-:I:-cssho-:uld-be-uesd-.--0�oh�re--��Ca--ff�ie--e,e�rnet-Jm.eas-eurs,�-such_as_an_ intersecctoinotnr boela c,o wnarninsgig ns,c hannelizatiaonndr, u mblset rips, haveb eenu sed. Therhea sb eenn os ytsematainca lsyiso ft her eslutso fu sintgh ev arious typeosf t raffciocn rtol.T herwea sa needt oa nalyzteh ea ccidentthsa hta d occurraetds everianlt ersieocntso ft hist ypea ndr elate the actcoit dheen ts traffciocn traonld o theirn terseccthiaorna citsetrsi ctod etreminweh att ypes of trafficco ntromla y be usedt o reducaec cidenpto tentiaatl such intersections. Theo bjecvteiso f thsitusd yw ere to 1. determinteh e tyopfe tsr affciocn tromela sureuss eda tr uralh,i gh­ speeidn tersecst,i on 2. detmeirnet he typeo f accidentthsa to ccura t ruralh,i ghs-peed interseocnst,i 3. deetrminteh ef actotrhsa tc ontribtuott eh esaec cidenatnsd, 4. recmomendt rafficco ntromle asuretsh at coumlods te ffecvteily decreaascec idepnott entiaatsl u chl ocations. PROCEDURE A sampleo f ruralh,i gh-speaetd-,g raidnet ersencst wiaoss electferdo m acrosKse ntuckyT.h ei ntersectwieorness elecdt teo providae v ariye tof 65 traffviocl um,e roadwayo metgreiesa,n dt rafficocn trolA. l isto f the studyl ocationsp reisse dn tienT abl1e. Thel ocatsi oonf thinet ersections alogn witht het raffviocl umse arei ncleudd. A visiwta sm adet o thes iteof eachi ntersectiTohne .t daac ollection sheesth owinn Figure1 wasu sedt o collecfti eldda ta. Datac onisstde of infmoartiorne lantgi tot hei ntersecgteiooemnt rieasn dt ot het raffciocn trol att hei ntersecatnidoi nt sa pprohaecs. Thed atetsh att raffic c,o nsutcrhoa lst raffsiicg naalnsd i ntersection controble aconwse,r ei nstadl lweered etmeirned.S everayle arosf a ccident data wceorlel edc taete achi ntersecutniloens tsh ei ntersecwtaison ne ww hich limtiedt het imep erioodf a vailabalcecd ientd ata.W herea ppropriadtaet,a werec omparbeedf oraen d afttehrei nstallatoifo an amjort raffciocn trol devicseu cha sa traffsiicg nal. Infomartionc oncernienagc hi ntersectwiaosn s ummraizedu ndert he following nghse:a cji 1. IntersecNtuimoebnr , 2. Locat,i on 1 3. IntersecTtyipo,en 4. SpeedL iimt, 5. ADT, 6. Right-of-CWoanryto ,l 7. Lighti,n g 8. Raisde Chanenlization, 9. PavemenMta rkngis, 10.N ubmero fL aens, ________ __________________ LL�S ig_th_ Uis_tanc_e_,__ _____ ---- _____________ 12.S ingin,g 13.T raffSiicg naIln fmoartion, 14. OtheTrr afficC onrtol,a nd 15. AccideHnits tory. " " A headgi nof IntersectCioonnt roBle aconalsow asu sedw herea ppropriate. Dataf rmo thei ndividuianlt ersectwieornest henc odeidn toa computfeirl e and summraizedt o showt he typicaclh aracrtiesticosf thist ypeo f intersection. Accidernatt ewse rec alculatfeord eacihn tersecttioo dne termitnhee efefcto f anyc hangeisn t raffciocn traoslw ella s tod etermianne a ccident ratef ore achi ntersectiIonnt.e rsecthiaovnisns gi milcahra rarctiestiwcesr e combinteod d etemirneh owf atcors,s ucha st hep resneceo f a traffsiicg ni,a inlfuenctehde a ccidernatt e. Dataf rome ahc accidernetp ort awlesroec odedi ntoa computferi le. Thisi nfmoartionw as thens umamrizetdo obtaitnh e chartaecristiocfs accidentthsa to ccuart e ahc typel ocatioInn.a ddition tion ftmohartei on inculdedo n thep olicree porat ,"d iretcionaaln aliyss"c odew asa ssniegdt o " each accitdoe fnutr thedre scritbhee t ypeo f accideanntd a "commnets or " "accdientd escripticoondew asa ssniegdt o addi nfmoartiocno ncergn tinhe " contribgu tfianctortso thaec cidesn.t The" accitd ednescriptcioodnew as geenralloyb tainaedf terr eviewitnhge c ommentariy ncludedo n thea cciendt repo.r t RESULTS LITERTAURER EVIEW Literaturien the areao f trafficco ntroalt rura,l high-speed intersecst wiaosnr eveiwed( 55r efereesn.)c An annotatbeidb liograopfh y thoser eferenciess g iveni n AppendiAx. Thsoe referencceosn taeidn discussioofnr se sulutss ign varioutsy peosf c ontrdoelv iceastr ura,l high­ speeidn tersecst.i Soenveroaflt hem orer ecenrte porctosn taindeids cussions oft he uosfea ctivaed vanwcea rngi nsigns. SITECH ARACRTIESTIACNSD T RAFFICC ONTROALT STUDIYN TERSECTIONS Thei nfmoartioonb tainferdo mt hes itev isiatn dt hea ccidehnits tory analsyisf or ,eacsht udyi ntersectwiaostn a butlead a s previousnoltye .d A summray for eaicnht ertsieocni sp reesnteidn A ppendBi.x 2

At signalized intersections, the need to provide a proper change . in Table 5 . Sixty percent of the major roadways had a separate left-turn phase
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