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Traditions of the Bible: A Guide to the Bible As It Was at the Start of the Common Era PDF

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Preview Traditions of the Bible: A Guide to the Bible As It Was at the Start of the Common Era

TRADITIONS OF THE BIBLE TRADITIONS OF THE BIBLE A Guide to the Bible As It Was at the Start ofthe Common Era JAMES L. KUGEL HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS LONDON,ENGLAND Copyright©1997,1998byJamesL.Kugel Allrightsreserved PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Kugel,JamesL. TraditionsoftheBible:aguidetotheBibleasitwas atthestartofthecommonera/ JamesL.Kugel. p. cm. Rev.ed.of:TheBibleasitwas.1997. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN0-674-79151-7(alk.paper) 1. Bible.a.T.Pentateuch-Criticism,interpretation,etc.-History. I.Kugel,JamesL. Bibleasitwas. II. Title. BS1225·2.K85 1998 222'.106'09-dc21 98-26763 Once again, to R. Contents Preface XVll 1. TheWorld ofAncient Biblical Interpreters 1 2. The Creation ofthe World 43 WisdomCameFirst • The"Beginning"DidIt • ASpecialLight TheAngelsWereAlsoCreated • GodandSomeoneElse CompletedonFriday OTHER READINGS CreatedLongBefore • TheHeavenlyThronePreceded • EdenandGehennaCreated • ThePreexistentTemple • NamedBeforetheSun • TwoThousandYearsBefore • CreationoutofNothingness • GodandWisdomWereParents • PlatoandScripture Agree • TheLogosParticipated • TheWickedDemiurge • BuiltbytheBook • ADay ofGod's • CreatedinaSingleAct • SpecialLightofCreation • TheAngelsWereAlso Created • WindyandFieryAngels • TirelessAngels • ShrinktheMoon • TheSun StandsAlone • GodandSomeoneElse • IntheImageofGod? • ImmensePrimordial Adam • AndrogynousHumanity • OneMalewithOneFemale • AdamandHisRib • YouMustBeFruitful • TheWorldforIsrael • CompletedonFriday • TheFirst Sabbath(ButNottheLast) • God'sFirstborn,Israel 3. Adam and Eve 93 DeathinaDay • ThePunishmentWasMortality SinfulnessIsHereditary • TheSerpentWasSatan BlameItontheWoman • AnExtraProviso TheEarthlyParadise • TheGardeninHeaven OTHER READINGS TheEarthlyAdam • PurifiedbeforeEden • EdentheSanctuary • TheGardenof Delight • EdenWasWisdom • EveandtheAnimals • Adam'sEx • Glorious Clothing • WorkingandGuardingtheTorah • TheDevil'sEnvy • Diabolical Ventriloquism • WhatKindofTree? • TheTreeofLifeandWisdom • GoodtoEat andSee • ThePunishmentWasMortality • HowAreYouNow,Really? • BlameIton theWoman • AnExtraProviso • StrippedofTheirFormerVirtues • SinfulnessIs Hereditary • FreeWillNevertheless • GarmentsofLight • Adam'sRestoredGlory • VIII·:· CONTENTS CursesReversed • GarmentsSaved • TheTreeIstheReward • TheRighteousArethe Trees • TotheEast,orNorth,orSomewhere • NeitherHeavenNorEarth • Penitent AdamandEve • Seth'sSnakebite 4. Cain andAbel 145 SonoftheDevil • Cain'sSisters • ProfessionsDecided DefectiveSacrifices • TheProblemWastheSacrificer TheGoodandtheBad • KilledwithaStone GodKnewWhereAbelWas • Cain'sSevenfoldPunishment Cain'sRepentance OTHER READINGS SonoftheDevil • Cain'sLustrousFace • Cain'sSisters • DifferentProfessionson Purpose • ImproperDivision • FirefromHeaven • Abel's"Bloods" • WhatYou Say? • GodKnewWhereAbelWas • EarthCursed • LandofTrembling • Cain's SevenfoldPunishment • TheSignWasaLetter • CainDiedintheFlood • TheHouse FellIn • CainKilledbyLamech • CainandtheJews • TheGnosticCain 5. Noah and the Flood CainWastheWorst • TheImmortalEnoch TheHeavenlyScribe • EnochtheSage • EnochthePenitent ABadMatch • TheWickedGiants OneHundredandTwentyuntilPunishment NoahWarnedoftheFlood • NoahtheRighteous OnlyinHisGeneration • TheAnimalsAlsoSinned ThePurifyingFlood OTHER READINGS TheImmortalEnoch • EnochtheHeavenlyScribe • EnochtheAngel • Enochthe Penitent • AntediluvianSaintsandSinners • TheFloodHadManyCauses • FornicationorUncleannessCausedtheFlood • ViolationsoftheNaturalOrder • CorruptionSpread • WickedGiantsSpreadViolence • APurifyingBath • Humanity HadBeenCorrupted • AngelsPassedOnForbiddenKnowledge • Separate PunishmentforAngels • AngelsFell • AngelsImprisoned • GiantsKilledOff • NoDivineSpiritinFlesh • The"SonsofGod"WereHuman • TheWomenAllured • OneHundredandTwentyYearsuntilPunishment • ALifespanofOneHundredand TwentyYears • TheHumanLifespanShrankTwice • Noah'sNameMeantWhat? • Noah'sMiraculousAppearance • DoubtsaboutPaternity • OnlyinHisGeneration • NoahWasYounger • ShemWasNoah'sOldestSon-orWasItJaphet? • HowLonga Flood? • TheySawtheRainbow • HamWasGuiltyofMore • Noah's Granddaughters • TheLawsofNoah'sSons(NoahideLaws) CONTENTS .:. IX 6. The Tower ofBabel 227 TheyTriedtoStormHeaven • AWaragainstGod NimrodBuiltIt • TheBuildersWereGiants TheTowerLiesinRuins OTHER READINGS The"OneLanguage"WasHebrew • OneLanguageandOnePlan • ChangedFacesof Babel • TheyTriedtoStormHeaven • AWaragainstGod • TheyMadeanIdol • WickedTaskmastersofBabel • TheBuildersWereGiants • GodandtheAngels 7. Abraham Journeys from Chaldea 243 AbrahamtheMonotheist • Terah,PriestofIdolatry AbrahamtheAstronomer • TippedOffbytheStars AbrahamRescuedfrom Chaldea • AbrahamSavedfrom Fire AbrahamWasUpset • Abraham'sDream OTHER READINGS Abraham,FriendofGod • AbrahamandtheTower • BrokenGods • Abrahamthe Astronomer • HierarchyofFalseGods • Abraham'sHeavenlyJourney • Outof Astrology • AbrahamWasinDr-orWasItHaran? • AbrahamtheMonotheist • HaranPerishedintheFurnace • WhatHappenedtoTerah? • Abraham'sDream • Sarah'sVirtueIntact • Hagar,GiftofPharaoh 8. Melchizedek 275 AGenerousHost • RighteousKingandPriest DivinelyAppointedHighPriest • TheHeavenlyMelchizedek TheChristian"OrderofMelchizedek" AnUncircumcisedPriest? • MelchizedekinSamaria MelchizedekWasShem • ServicesNoLongerNeeded OTHER READINGS Abraham'sJourney • ThirteenorThirteenth? • Abraham's318WereOne • The GnosticMelchizedek • MelchizedekWasShem • TheHeavenlyMelchizedek • MelchizedekinSamaria • MelchizedekMissing 9. The Trials ofAbraham 295 AbrahamtheTested • AbrahamSawaDireFuture ChallengedbyAngels • GodMadeItKnown IsaacWasaWillingVictim • TogetherinMind OfferingForeshadowedCrucifixion OTHER READINGS TenTests • ManofFaith • JustifiedbyFaith • SarahSmiledwithPleasure • AbrahamSawaDireFuture • Abraham'sVisionofHell • TheSinoftheAmorites •

James Kugel's The Bible As It Was (1997) has been welcomed with universal praise. Here now is the full scholarly edition of this wonderfully rich and illuminating work, expanding the author's findings into an incomparable reference work. Focusing on two dozen core stories in the Pentateuch--from the
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